The latest ranking of the Basketball World Cup was released: the French men’s basketball team topped the list, and the China men’s basketball team rose to 16th place.

The latest ranking of the Basketball World Cup was released: the French men’s basketball team topped the list, and the China men’s basketball team rose to 16th place.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after each team played in the warm-up match, the strength ranking of the World Cup teams changed. The French men’s basketball team rose to the first place, the American men’s basketball team ranked second, the Australian men’s basketball team ranked third, and the China men’s basketball team rose to the sixteenth place, which was recognized.

As we all know, Li Kaier officially joined the China Men’s Basketball Team and has been training with the team. Although the performance of the China men’s basketball team in the first three warm-up matches was very poor, after the adjustment, the China men’s basketball team won two consecutive victories, beating the Egyptian men’s basketball team and the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team successively, with excellent performance. Although Li Kaier didn’t play, his performance in training was excellent, and he was praised by China men’s basketball coach Jorjevich, which is expected to help China men’s basketball team get Olympic tickets.

In addition, this year’s American men’s basketball team has no big-name stars to join, which also gives other teams a chance to win the championship. At present, the French men’s basketball team, the Australian men’s basketball team, the Spanish men’s basketball team, the Slovenian men’s basketball team, the Canadian men’s basketball team, the German men’s basketball team and the Lithuanian men’s basketball team are all the main players, and they are expected to challenge the American men’s basketball team. In addition, Jokic, the core player of China’s opponent Serbia’s men’s basketball team in the group match, decided not to play in the World Cup, so the strength of Serbia’s men’s basketball team declined obviously and missed the championship.

In addition, from the current situation, the gap between the teams in this World Cup is not big, so the game is bound to be very exciting and worth looking forward to by all fans! ! !


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