Employees use computers to read novels at work, and the dismissed labor department intervened in the investigation.

Employees use computers to read novels at work, and the dismissed labor department intervened in the investigation.

The personnel documents of the company seen by the reporter.

  The labor department of a large enterprise in Shunde intervened in the investigation and asked the company to "advocate humanized management"

  Recently, a mysterious informant sent an internal report from a large electronics company in Shunde to the email address of this newspaper, saying that two workers were "immediately dismissed" because they found that they were reading novels on computers at work and sleeping at their posts.

  In the email, the informant mentioned the strict personnel management regulations recently promulgated by a large company, saying that "some trivial matters in the regulations can lead to the dismissal of employees; The real implementation of the results is stricter than the promulgated regulations! "

  The reporter then contacted the relevant departments in Shunde and received the investigation report yesterday afternoon. The Shunde district government attached great importance to this matter, sent people to conduct a special investigation on the dismissal of the enterprise, and has urged the company to pay economic compensation and notice in lieu to the dismissed employees in accordance with the Labor Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations. In view of the fact that it is still in the shadow of the financial crisis, the relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to "advocate humanized management". "It is very unreasonable to dismiss people just because of a small fault." A staff member of the district government told reporters.

  Report: Being fired for chatting while sleeping was punished.

  The personnel management regulations recently formulated by a large company in Shunde set many harsh conditions, such as "no snacks during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice", "Playing mobile phones and chatting during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice …" Recently, a mysterious e-mail was sent to our newspaper’s email address, and the attachment stated the whole story of a large company in Shunde dismissing two employees. Among them, Tan was immediately dismissed for reading novels with a computer during office hours. Other employees were punished by 300 yuan’s "education fund" for chatting, playing mobile phones and listening to music.

  The mysterious informant said that the previously promulgated regulations stipulated that two violations would be found before dismissal; But now, just because an employee is found reading a novel on a computer, he is fired immediately. "The result of his actions is even more shocking!"

  Investigation: Sleeping employees are compensated

  After receiving the relevant email, the reporter immediately reported it to the relevant departments in Shunde District and attached relevant information. Yesterday afternoon, after an investigation by the Shunde district government, it was proved that this was the case. A staff member who participated in the investigation said that the enterprise’s practices were not satisfactory. "Although the current economic environment is not optimistic, such harsh dismissal regulations are unreasonable in managing workers."

  After investigation, it was found that Qin, who was fired from reading novels at work, had applied to the company for resignation in mid-February this year and was approved by the company before being found out of the so-called "violation of discipline"; Under the supervision of the labor department, Xu, who was fired because of a sleepiness, has reached a consensus and signed an agreement to terminate the labor relationship. At the same time, the labor department requires the company to pay economic compensation and notice in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  Relevant departments: advocate humanized management

  The staff of relevant departments in Shunde told reporters that this incident has attracted considerable attention from the district government. "Although it is only an individual incident, in the immediate environment, the welfare of workers and all aspects of protection should be well supervised, and large-scale vicious layoffs should not be allowed in enterprises."

  The material of the mysterious whistleblower was completely true after investigation by relevant departments in Shunde. The relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to strengthen communication with employees, advocate humanized management, and try to give priority to criticism and education in dealing with individual employees’ violations and listen to employees’ demands. (Reporter Ceng Yi’s photo report)

Editor: Fan Jing


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