Look at the "vitality" in the holiday market | Policy "combination boxing" to boost the automobile consumption market

Look at the "vitality" in the holiday market | Policy "combination boxing" to boost the automobile consumption market

CCTV News:During the "Eleventh" holiday, the reporter visited various places and learned that both the new car sales market of new energy vehicles and the second-hand car trading market showed a rising trend. In addition, with the support of a number of favorable policies, consumer enthusiasm continues to rise.

This holiday, Mr. Zhou, who lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, bought a new energy vehicle worth 330,000 yuan, according to "the price of a single vehicle is 300,000 yuan — Mr. Zhou can get a subsidy of 6,000 yuan for the standard of subsidizing 6,000 yuan below 400,000 yuan.

During the "Eleventh" holiday, consumers in Dezhou, Shandong Province can enjoy a one-time subsidy ranging from 3,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan when purchasing new energy passenger cars. In addition, they are exempted from the purchase tax of 4.5% of the car price, the travel tax in 360 yuan, and the replacement subsidy of up to 6,000 yuan and the cash benefit of up to 20,000 yuan given by manufacturers, which makes many consumers feel excited.

Not only the new car market, this holiday, the second-hand car trading market is also stimulated by the policy, and the trading volume has risen linearly. The reporter visited the used car trading market in Huaxiang, Beijing, and learned that the transaction volume of car inspection and transfer has increased by 30%. On October 1 this year, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments issued a policy that when a registered automobile sales enterprise applies for the transfer registration of a small non-operating used car, the public security organ will implement separate endorsement management and issue a temporary license plate. For cities where automobile purchases are restricted, it is clear that used cars purchased by automobile sales enterprises and used for sales do not occupy the number plate index. At the same time, all regions strictly implement the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars, and cancel the restrictions on the movement of small non-operating used cars that meet the national five emission standards nationwide (including the national key areas for air pollution prevention and control) to promote the free circulation of used cars and cross-regional operation of enterprises.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles will reach 3.97 million and 3.86 million respectively in the first eight months, up by 120% and 110% respectively.


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