Press conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents

Press conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents

Recently, the Press Office of Rushan Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on the adjustment of the basic pension for retirees. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Social Insurance Center introduced the relevant situation and answered questions from reporters.

In 2021, Rushan City raised the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents in the city according to the unified arrangements of the higher authorities. Among them, the standard of basic pension for urban residents has been raised from 154 yuan per person per month to 162 yuan. The adjustment of enterprise basic pension adopts the method of combining quota adjustment, hook adjustment and appropriate tilt.

Quota adjustment

65 yuan’s pension will be increased every month.

Hook adjustment

Increase the pension according to the following two parts:

1. Determine the monthly increase according to 1.2% of my basic pension in December 2020.

2, enterprise retirees adjusted according to the payment period. According to my payment period, determine the monthly increase, among which, for the part below 15 years (inclusive), 1 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 16 years to 25 years, the 1.3 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 26 years to 35 years, the 1.6 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 36 years to 45 years, the 1.9 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part that has been over 46 years, 2.2 yuan will be added every month for every full year. The payment period includes the deemed payment period, excluding the additional years converted from special types of work; If the payment period is less than 1 year, it shall be calculated as 1 year.

Appropriate inclination

1. Before December 31, 2020, for retirees who have reached the age of 70 and under 75 (calculated by the date of birth confirmed by the regulations when going through retirement procedures, the same below), who have reached the age of 75 and under 80, and who have reached the age of 80, the pensions of 15 yuan, 30 yuan and 60 yuan will be increased respectively per person per month.

2. During the period from January 1 to December 31, 2020, the number of enterprise retirees who reach the age of 70, 75 and 80 (excluding the one-time payment of the insured by the enterprise) will increase in 290 yuan, 190 yuan and 360 yuan respectively per person per month, and the one-time payment of the insured by the enterprise will increase in 70 yuan, 60 yuan and 120 yuan respectively per person per month.

In 2021, there were more than 80,000 enterprise retirees who adjusted the basic pension in Rushan City, and the monthly average pension was increased by 129 yuan, and the basic pension for enterprise retirees was reissued by 63.06 million yuan; The basic old-age pension for urban residents has been raised by 5%, and the average treatment level has reached 198 yuan per person per month, with a replacement amount of 890,000 yuan. At present, all of them have been paid in place.

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In recent years, the treatment of retirees is improving every year, and many flexible employees also want to participate in the endowment insurance for enterprise employees. How do flexible employees pay for insurance? How is the base and proportion of paying endowment insurance premium stipulated?

Flexible employees can voluntarily apply for insurance payment. Flexible employees who are under 60 years of age and under 50 years of age can apply for insurance registration at Windows 2 and 3 of Area C on the second floor of Rushan Citizen Service Center with their ID cards or temporary residence permits, and can pay after registration.

Individual industrial and commercial households and flexible employees who participate in enterprise endowment insurance in their personal capacity, the amount of their pension insurance premiums shall be determined by multiplying the payment base stipulated by the state and the province by the payment ratio.

The current regulations are as follows: the payment base can be selected between 60% and 300% of the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units in this province, and the payment ratio is 20%; Among them, 8% is credited to personal account and 12% to overall fund. For example, the payment in 2021 can be selected in the range of 3746 yuan to 18726 yuan. If the base of 3746 yuan is selected, the insurance premium to be paid in 2021 is 3746×20%×12=8990.40 yuan. There is 3746×8%×12=3596.16 yuan in personal account, which can be inherited.

When the insured persons who participate in the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees as flexible employees reach retirement age (men over 60 years old and women over 55 years old), if the accumulated payment period is over 15 years, the pension will be paid according to the regulations. Among them: female flexible employees who have been employed in a flexible way and continue to pay endowment insurance premiums after the termination or termination of labor relations with the original enterprise after the enterprise has paid the insurance premium for 10 years, their retirement age is still 50 years old. If the female flexible employment insured payer has been employed in the enterprise for 10 years, his retirement age will still be 50 years old.


What should I do if employees reach the statutory retirement age and the payment period is less than 15 years?

According to the regulations, if the employees of an enterprise have paid the fees at the statutory retirement age for less than 15 years, they can extend the payment to 15 years. "Social Insurance Law" before the implementation of the insured, extended payment after 5 years is still less than 15 years, you can pay a one-time payment to 15 years.


Excuse me, under what circumstances can I repay the endowment insurance for enterprise employees? How to pay back?

If the employer and the employee have not insured or paid the old-age insurance premium during the labor (personnel) relationship, they can pay the old-age insurance premium for the period that they have not insured or paid. The specific policies shall be implemented in accordance with the Notice of Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security on Improving the Payment Policy for Employees’ Basic Endowment Insurance (Lu Ren She Gui [2019] No.13).

To pay back as an employee of the unit, the unit shall submit a written application and go through the formalities of paying back in the social insurance agency where the unit is insured; When applying for overdue payment, the following materials should be provided: ID card and original file of the payer, salary income credentials and other original materials corresponding to the reasons for overdue payment. Among them, if the one-time payment exceeds three years, legal documents issued by administrative departments such as people’s courts, auditing departments, labor inspection or labor and personnel dispute arbitration committees shall be provided.

The state clearly stipulates that people who are over the retirement age and do not meet the requirements shall not be included in the basic old-age insurance for employees by means of one-time payment. At the same time, it is stipulated that individual industrial and commercial households without employees and all kinds of flexible employees are not allowed to increase the payment period by making up the payment afterwards.


Recently, Shandong Province announced the upper and lower limits of the social security payment base. According to the requirements, who needs to pay the base difference and how to pay it?

According to the relevant data calculated by the provincial statistics department, the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units in the province in 2020 was 74,906 yuan, with an average of 6,242 yuan per month. In 2021, the upper limit of employee social security payment base was 18,726 yuan, and the lower limit was 3,746 yuan. According to the regulations of the province, if the monthly payment base of employees at the beginning of the year was less than 3,746 yuan, it should be repaid according to 3,746 yuan.

Among them, the individual make-up part of the employees who are on-the-job and change their work units is withheld and remitted by the current unit to complete the make-up business, and the individual does not pay the make-up fee; The social security relationship has been transferred to the new insured place, died for some reason, went abroad and other accounts have been settled, and individuals do not make up the difference.

Individuals who need to make up the difference mainly include those who have stopped paying after leaving the company and flexible employees (including those who have gone through retirement procedures). The amount and data of personal makeup are automatically generated by the social security system, and the time for personal makeup payment is until December 2021.

Those who pay fees when the enterprise leaves the company need to bring their ID cards to the tax window in Zone D on the second floor of the Citizen Service Center to pay the fees.

Flexible employees can make up the difference through the WeChat applet "Shandong Tax and Social Security Payment" and Alipay "Citizen Center-Social Security-Social Security Payment-Flexible Employment-Special Payment", or they can take their ID cards to the tax window in Zone D on the second floor of the Citizen Service Center for payment.

Original title: "Press Conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents"

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