Zhong Nanshan’s speech was connected with two hot search teams to respond.

Zhong Nanshan’s speech was connected with two hot search teams to respond.

"Because there are no patients.

Phase III clinical trials can only be done abroad. "

Recently, Academician Zhong Nanshan.

Invited to attend the 2021 graduation ceremony of University of Science and Technology Shanghai.

One of his "Versailles" speeches

Connect two hot searches

Why does China’s vaccine research and development seem to be slow?

"Because there are no patients."

In a speech

Talking about the development of COVID-19 vaccine in China.

Zhong Nanshan said that 71 vaccines are being developed in China.

Nine of them are in phase III clinical trials.

Two of them were approved by the World Health Organization for emergency use.

It has been included in the emergency use list.

  △ Image source: Shanghai University of Science and Technology

Zhong Nanshan said:

"Because prevention and control are effective in China.

We can’t be in China.

Do the third phase clinical trial.

Because there are no more patients.

Therefore, phase III clinical trials can only be done abroad. "

Many netizens lamented.

"One mouth is old Versailles!"

"This Versailles is super like it!"

Team Zhong Nanshan responded:

Thanks to everyone who supports the fight against the epidemic with practical actions

This morning (July 6)

Academician Zhong Nanshan’s innovative research team

Official account @ Nanshan Breathe

Respond to this matter and rush to the hot search again.

Responded that

This kind of discourse is called Versailles by netizens.

In fact, we need everyone

Support you against the epidemic with practical actions.

Wear a mask and be socially isolated.

No spitting, timely vaccination.

Thank you to all the workers from all walks of life who participated in the fight against the epidemic.

And support you in fighting the epidemic with practical actions.

  Producer Wang Xingdong

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor Wu Siyu Zhao Yuqi


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