标签归档 2021魔都新茶论坛

The original "Hua Qiangu" aesthetic collapse, Xiaogu Baizi’s painting face is yellow and thin, and when he sees the killing of Qianmo, his eyes are black

In 2015, "Hua Qiangu" opened the curtain of fairy tale drama. Received a very high audience rating and became the most indelible existence in the hearts of every TV drama enthusiast.

Since then, capitalists have filmed several fairy tales one after another, but most of them are imitations of others, and it is difficult for others to achieve the same effect.

Just a few years ago, the movie version of "Hua Qiangu" began filming, and the configuration of the protagonist was also released.

But with the exception of Chen Turin and Mao Zijun, who are famous, the rest of the actors are 18 star actors selected out of thin air.

On August 11, the movie version of "Hua Qiangu" released a new trailer to warm up for the film’s release.

But it was ridiculed by netizens as a cheap version of "Hua Qiangu".

In this movie, the actor who plays Master Leng is named Li Chengbin. Compared with Huo Jianhua at the time, he still has a certain age advantage.

Unexpectedly, his charm is not half that of Huo Jianhua in the movie.

His forehead was broad and his face was serious. He did not have the generosity of an immortal cultivator, nor the compassion and love for his disciple Hua Qiangu.

Although I told a lot of truth

But in front of the audience, it becomes a long string of messy things that go in one ear and out the other.

Compared with Huo Jianhua at that time,

Li Chengbin is only a million miles away.

Huo Jianhua has always been known as a handsome man in ancient costumes. In his early years, he reached out to grab branches in the snow, while Xu Changqing used his own body to fight monsters. They were all as beautiful as immortals.

Although he was not in good condition when filming "Hua Qiangu"

This makes Bai Zi Hua look a bit pudgy.

Fortunately, his acting skills were passable, and he could still see the immortal energy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have set off such a high ratings wave back then.

Li Chengbin is as thin as

A poor-looking refugee who can lift a hand.

I really can’t imagine how he can kill demons and how he can have a sadistic relationship with the blackened Hua Qiangu.

As for Ms. Chen, who plays the heroine, there is also a lack of vibe in this film. Her face is smaller and her body is slender, which makes her more suitable for roles like Tian Huan in "Ming of the Long Moon." She has a unique feeling of an earth fairy.

But just like poor little white flower Qiangu

A little strange

Hua Qiangu was a child of an ordinary family, pure and kind, a little eccentric, and single-minded towards his master. When he turned black, he was extremely evil

Chen Turin’s face was too noble, more suitable for a role like a talented fairy. He couldn’t imagine Hua Qiangu’s charming and innocent feeling.

In addition, the costumes in this film are very poor. The clothes wrapped around the body are like layers of white screens, without texture, which does not highlight the beauty of Chen Turin.

The actor who performed the most beautiful killing Qianmo was Mao Zijun. Several years after her debut, she was still lukewarm in the film and television industry. But at least with the blessing of her acting skills, many audiences were still eagerly awaiting him.

Until all the times when I saw Sha Qianmo in front of me wearing a shoddy wig,

Everyone realized that their expectations were too high. This type of Mao Zijun did not have the same top beauty between men and women.

Instead, he looked scruffy, with a green straw in his mouth. Would anyone really call her sister?

Although the film has not yet been released, it is clear from the trailer how chaotic it is.

The adorable sugar baby in the TV show has become a weird elf here.

I look very evil when I laugh.

The set has a strong plastic texture and looks like it was filmed in a poorly built film studio.

Would you choose to dedicate a movie ticket to such a movie?

Responsible editor:

The Ministry of Transport has consulted on online car-hailing: passengers should not be picked up at airports and railway stations

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "Exposure Draft". The exposure draft proposes that the facilities configuration and vehicle performance indicators in the online taxi-hailing car should be significantly higher than that of the local mainstream cruise taxi. Drivers should wait for orders at permitted parking places, and should not cruise around to pick up customers. They should not set up unified cruise car dispatching service stations or places that implement queuing. Riders or passengers can settle by cash or non-cash payment methods; after arriving at the destination, they will take the initiative to provide passengers with the corresponding local taxi invoice.

  The public comment period is one month and ends on August 31.

  The success rate of booking a car should reach more than 80%

  On July 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to officially release the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", announcing the legalization of online car-hailing and making it clear that the new regulations will be implemented on November 1.

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "exposure draft" (hereinafter referred to as the "exposure draft"), soliciting written comments from the public for a period of one month until August 31.

  It is understood that the preparation of the specification is led by the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, and the preparation team is composed of relevant experts and personnel from industry management departments, taxi operators, and platform enterprises.

  According to Cheng Guohua, an associate researcher at the Development Center of the Institute of Highway Sciences, this specification is a recommended industry standard accompanied by two documents.

  The so-called recommended standards, also known as non-mandatory standards or voluntary standards, are not mandatory.

  The exposure draft standardizes the terms and definitions related to the operation of online booking taxis, clarifies the basic requirements of online booking taxi operators, transportation vehicles, drivers, etc., defines the service processes of online booking taxi operators and drivers respectively, and regulates the handling of special circumstances, service evaluation and complaint handling.

  The exposure draft lists five 100% indicators for online car-hailing services, including reservation response rate, vehicle compliance rate, driver compliance rate, qualified rate of operating vehicle insurance purchase, and passenger complaint handling rate.

  In addition, the success rate of ride-hailing and the passenger satisfaction rate of third-party surveys are required to be greater than or equal to 80%. For the unsatisfactory rate of passenger service evaluation, it is required to be less than 20%. The effective complaint rate of passengers is less than 20 parts per million.

  Ride-hailing drivers should not parade to pick up customers

  The State Office’s "Guiding Opinions" make it clear that taxi services mainly include cruising and online booking. According to the definition of the "Interim Measures for Administration", online car-hailing provides "non-cruising booking taxi services". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarifies that online car-hailing "In the operation of services, drivers should not cruise around to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations and other places that implement queuing to pick up customers".

  What should the driver do if the passenger does not arrive at the boarding location as agreed?

  According to the draft, the driver should contact the passenger or operator to confirm that the waiting time can be agreed upon by both parties, generally not less than 10 minutes. If the passenger has not arrived beyond the agreed waiting time, he should contact the operator and leave after approval.

  For online taxi operators, the exposure draft makes it clear that they "shall bear the liability for advance compensation for safety liability accidents that occur during the service process, and shall not transfer the risk of transportation services to passengers and drivers in any form".

  It is recommended to equip the online car with free WiFi.

  The exposure draft makes it clear that the in-car facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should be significantly higher than the local mainstream cruise taxis, and Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. should be provided for passengers to use. The "Reservation Taxi Transportation Certificate" and "Reservation Taxi Driver’s License" should be carried with the car.

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for Management" stipulate that online car-hailing should be developed in an orderly manner in accordance with the principles of high-quality service and differentiated operation. Compared with traditional cruise taxis, how to reflect "high-quality" and "differentiation"? Vehicle grade is an important aspect.

  The reporter learned that some special cars can currently meet the standards set by the regulations, but the price of express cars is significantly lower than that of cruise taxis, and cannot meet this standard. Some express drivers told reporters that charging can be provided with little effort, but providing mobile networks, bottled water, etc. will increase costs, making it difficult to provide income.

  Cheng Guohua admits that there is a clear difference between special cars and express cars at present. The "Interim Measures for Management" clearly state that online car-hailing should reflect "high quality", and the specific standards should be determined by the local area. As a whole, it should reflect the difference between new and old business formats and reflect different business ideas.

  The order should be consistent with the service vehicle personnel.

  In response to the different issues between vehicles and drivers, the exposure draft makes it clear that real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service processes should be carried out by installing on-board end points and other means to ensure that the service vehicles provided by the network service platform (also known as online) are consistent with the actual (also known as offline) service vehicles. During operation, personal biometric data such as driver portraits should be collected in real time and compared with the driver’s uploaded identity information to ensure that the online service drivers are consistent with the offline service drivers.

  Cheng Guohua introduced that online and offline inconsistencies are currently a more prominent problem in online car-hailing. For example, in May this year, a female teacher in Shenzhen was killed while riding an online car-hailing; a national electronic sports runner-up in Changsha was cut off. In reality, there are cases of defaulting vehicles receiving orders, and there are also cases where drivers take friends’ mobile phones to receive orders. The Interim Measures for Management make it clear that the platform must ensure online and offline consistency, and the registered drivers are consistent with the drivers who provide services. How to ensure this consistency? Through technological means. Cameras and other devices must be installed on the car, which are guaranteed through biometric technology.

  The reporter learned that there are some full-time online car-hailing drivers who rent cars in two shifts to engage in service. In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the norms only stipulate the consistency between online and offline, and do not limit a car to only one platform, or only one driver per car.

  Instant ride-hailing shielding destination anti-pickup

  The exposure draft defines terms related to online ride-hailing. For example, an instant ride-hailing service is "a service with a time interval of not more than 30 minutes between the appointment time and the arrival of the vehicle at the agreed pick-up location".

  The exposure draft requires that online ride-hailing platforms "should not refuse the request of the driver to reserve a car within 3 days".

  In order to ensure the information security and personal safety of passengers, the exposure draft makes it clear that the client side application should have the following functions: personal phone encryption function, communication between passengers and drivers through technical means; "one-click call" function, when passengers are used in emergency situations, real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and driver information can be automatically sent to the network about the car operator; the evaluation results of passengers’ single service behavior should not be directly fed back to the driver.

  The reporter learned that Uber, Didi and other online car-hailing software have encrypted personal phone calls. According to Cheng Guohua, most mainstream online car-hailing software already has a "one-click call" function.

  Exposure draft proposed that for instant car service, platform push information should block the location of passengers getting off.

  Why block passengers’ destinations? Cheng Guohua explained that in traditional cruise cars, some passengers will encounter such a situation: that is, after telling the driver where to go, the driver says he can’t go, that is, the situation of refusing to pick up passengers and picking up passengers. In online ride-hailing services, if the platform lets the driver know the passenger’s destination, it provides conditions for him to pick up passengers and refuse to pick up passengers. Based on this, the platform is required to block passengers’ destinations.

  Passengers can choose to settle the fare in cash

  While almost all ride-hailing apps currently settle online, the exposure draft proposes that "upon arrival at the drop-off location, the platform should inform the ride-hailing service fee via mobile phone text message or client side app, and the ride-hailing person or passenger can settle by cash or non-cash payment."

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua explained that the regulation is made from the perspective of protecting the rights and interests of passengers. Although most online ride-hailing users accept online settlement, it is not ruled out that some passengers pay cash for the security of their bank accounts or because WeChat does not have enough money.

  Regarding invoicing, the exposure draft makes it clear that "after arriving at the destination, take the initiative to provide the corresponding local taxi invoice to the passenger, unless the group user issues it uniformly or the driver and passenger request otherwise".

  Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi-hailing" implement clear pricing, and provide passengers with corresponding taxi invoices ". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarified that the invoice should be a local taxi invoice. Generally speaking, taxis have to give invoices in person, that is," issue ", but there are some special circumstances in online taxi-hailing that cannot be issued on the spot, which requires" providing "invoices. These special circumstances include: for example, group users, who have charged a lot of money at one time, and the invoice has already been issued; for example, if the passenger has a request, take a taxi and save up for a period of time, and then send it at one time.

  > > Related News

  All localities should formulate detailed implementation rules for online car-hailing within 3 months

  Beijing Times News (Reporter Sha Xueliang) A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice on the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (referred to as the two documents), requiring local transportation authorities to complete the formulation of the implementation details within three months under the leadership of the city people’s government, based on the two documents and combined with local conditions.

  The notice pointed out that the two documents give the local full autonomy and policy space, local authorities to develop detailed implementation rules, not only to respond to the general concerns of the people’s personalized travel, but also to take into account the reasonable interests of taxi industry operators and employees, coordinate the demands of all parties, to ensure that the reform policy to achieve the greatest common denominator, feasible measures, strong operability. For major decisions such as the reform of the right to operate, the launch of the policy to standardize the management of online car-hailing and the transition plan, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessment, improve the emergency plan, and ensure the steady and smooth progress of various reforms.

  It is reported that the Ministry of Transport will soon convene the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), as well as the provincial capitals, cities with separate plans and some urban transportation departments with heavier reform tasks, to comprehensively interpret the two documents and supporting systems, and focus on explaining key issues. On this basis, the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) will conduct publicity and implementation training for the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the cities (counties and districts) under their jurisdiction to ensure a comprehensive, accurate and in-depth understanding of the two documents.

  Beijing Times reporter Sha Xueliang

Nongfu Spring and the media’s "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Nongfu ****** quarreled with the ******* Times, ******* News and other media over the issue ** bottled water standards. Nongfu ****** has published full-page advertisements in major media since April, insisting that the water quality ** its products is fine. The media, on the other hand, took the water quality standard loophole ** Nongfu ****** as a breakthrough and continuously reported heavily.

Drinking water, tap water, natural spring water, mineral water… The two sides were at odds, but consumers were confused.

Nongfu Spring and the media currently disagree.

The media criticized the "water quality standards" – the internal production standards ** Nongfu ******, and the local drinking water standards in Zhejiang Province, where the company is located, which are lower than the national standards. On May 3, the ******* News published an article titled "How many secrets are there in bottled water that are not known to the public?". The article said that the local standards (landmarks) in Zhejiang Province that Nongfu ****** refers to are obviously inferior to the national standard for tap water, which has been criticized by public opinion. The article asked: "Zhejiang landmarks that should have been’abolished by themselves’ five years ago have been used by enterprises for many years. Have the relevant enterprises and departments committed negligence or even illegal acts?"

So far, a number ** provinces, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong and Hebei, have issued local standards for "mountain ****** water," some called "natural ****** water" and some called "natural mountain ****** water." In fact, the country has already formulated national standards for "natural mineral water," but localities have established "mountain ****** water" landmarks. Some mountain ****** water landmarks have looser requirements for mineral content, The ******* News said.

Nongfu Spring insists that the "actual water quality" of its products meets the standards. The company published a full-page statement in the Oriental Morning Post and Jiefang Daily on May 3 with the sad headline – "People are doing it, the sky is watching".

Nongfu Spring stressed in the statement that the quality of its products is not only better than GB5749 (National Drinking Water Standard), but also better than the US FDA Bottled Drinking Water Quality Standard.

The two sides seem to be "the donkey’s head is not right," and they are not talking about the same thing: one talks about low standards, and the other says that the actual production quality is no problem.

So far, there has been no test report on the actual water quality of Nongfu Spring. Things have become a bit absurd: if the water quality of Nongfu Spring is indeed better than the national standard and "landmark", why not directly modify the company’s production standards? But on the other hand, if the water of Nongfu Spring is indeed substandard, isn’t it the most direct response for the media to buy a bottle of water and send it to the testing agency to get a report?

This war of words has been quarreling for more than a month, but the two sides did not show a fatal "trump card", which really confused ordinary consumers.

The dispute over the "standard door" of Nongfu Spring originated from a press conference.

On April 9, China Resources Yibao Pure Water took the lead in launching the "China Bottled Water corporate social responsibility proposal" in the sunshine hall of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. At this meeting, Chen Yue, general manager of China Resources Yibao’s public relations department, read the "proposal" as a corporate representative, and called on industry colleagues to take the initiative to take responsibility for the environment, society and people’s drinking water safety.

The next day, an article in the ******* Times "Nongfu ****** is accused ** being inferior to tap water" pushed Nongfu ****** to the forefront ** public opinion. In response, Nongfu ****** issued a statement saying that the quality ** Nongfu ******’s drinking natural water products has always been higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country; Nongfu ****** has reason to believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is China Resources Yibao.

According to Nongfu Spring, as early as March 22, China Resources Yibao launched a text advertisement to chronicle all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The slogan pointed directly at Nongfu Spring.

"This is Nongfu Spring taking the right seat, and it has nothing to do with China Resources Yibao," Chen Yue said in an interview with China Times on April 16. "If you are right, you will not be afraid of others saying it. They always take the right seat, and there is nothing we can do." Chen Yue said that China Resources Yibao has officially sued Nongfu Spring in the Nanshan District Court of Shenzhen, and it only costs 1 yuan in terms of economic claims, mainly to restore reputation.

Nongfu Spring and the media's "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Market competition? Media marketing?

The New Financial Observer quoted data provided by China Investment Consulting on April 21, saying that the top three brands in the drinking water industry are Master Kong, Nongfu Spring, and Wahaha, with a market share of 23%, 22%, and 18%.

"In recent years, the domestic bottled water market has been relatively stable. Due to the strong grasp of channels by major companies and the lack of major moves in products, its market share has not changed significantly," Jian Aihua, a food industry researcher at CIC Consulting, told New Finance.

"Nongfu Spring has developed very rapidly in the past two years, and problems will only occur because of the rapid development." The above observers believe.

In the fiercely competitive bottled water market, Nongfu Spring has always been a master marketer. The slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet" is well known. Unfortunately, this advertising slogan, which has brought many benefits to Nongfu Spring, was also brought to court by a consumer in Yangzhou in 2002. According to media reports, the consumer believed that Nongfu Spring did not have the "sweet" taste as the advertising slogan said, so he demanded compensation of 1 yuan. The court held that Nongfu Spring Company did not give a clear answer to the "sweet" in the advertisement, so it should compensate the plaintiff for the loss of postage and transportation costs due to rights protection. Because of the loss of the lawsuit, Nongfu Spring had to give up the use of this advertising slogan.

Nongfu Spring has also benefited from the media marketing wars.

On April 24, 2000, Yangshengtang, the parent company of Nongfu Spring, announced that it had stopped producing purified water that year because "experiments have shown that purified water is not good for health". Nongfu Spring’s advertisement also demonstrated the comparison of purified water and natural water, and concluded that purified water is not good for health. The move caused a strong reaction in China’s drinking water industry and opened the war over the source (species) of packaged drinking water in China.

At that time, the Chinese bottled water market was still dominated by companies such as Wahaha and Robust.

On August 6, 2008, the "Daily Economic News" took the lead in publishing an unconfirmed online article reporting that "Master Kong’s mineral water source is actually tap water", revealing the whole incident.

The relevant person in charge of the public relations department of Master Kong said that the mineral water produced by Master Kong’s Hangzhou production base is indeed filtered by the urban tap water through the water filtration system. The Master Kong water source incident immediately attracted widespread attention from Beijing, Shanghai and other media, and the media report escalated.

On August 8, 2008, Master Kong Holdings Co., Ltd. published the "Instructions for Master Kong Drinking Mineral Water" for the first time on its official website: "The’drinking mineral water ‘produced by the company is based on pure water and adds mineral raw materials that meet the national standard of’food additives and nutritional additives’, which fully meets the definition of the category of’drinking mineral water ‘in the national standard GB10789 Beverage General Rules. At the same time, considering product safety and hygiene, the company uses water sources, whether using tap water, groundwater or other natural water, in line with the national standard GB5749’Drinking Water Hygiene Standard’."

On September 2, 2008, a month after the "Water Source" scandal lasted, the top executives of water industry giant Tingyi attended a press conference for the first time, and publicly apologized to the invited media in Beijing and Tianjin for the cognitive difference caused by the "selection of high-quality water" in the advertisement of mineral water products. But the Daily Economic News immediately commented on the incident with the theme of insincere apology.

The media has been at the forefront of food safety issues, providing supervision services for ordinary consumers and gaining newspapers a position beyond commercial interests.

However, on May 2, "******* Business Daily" inferred that Nongfu ****** was "a lot ** unsalable" based on the "9.9 yuan/box" exchange promotion information in the supermarket, and the product "few people care about it, and the goods are covered with a layer ** ash." It is a little doubtful that such an inference is too arbitrary.

How will this Nongfu ****** "standard door" end? If the ******* Times can’t catch the actual water quality problem ** Nongfu ******’s products, this battle over "standards" seems to have no direct relationship with ordinary consumers. The only certainty is that this "water battle" between Nongfu ****** and the media will continue tomorrow. If the victory ** the media can be exchanged for the victory ** the people’s interests, it will be the best ending.

Zibo Zhiji LS6 is on sale! The promotion discount is 10 thousand, and the discount waits for no one.

On the [car home Zibo Special Promotion Channel], we found that special promotion activities were going on. The starting price of this model in Zibo is 219,900 yuan, and the maximum discount is 10,000 yuan. If you are interested in this model, you can click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get more information about the discount.


Zhiji LS6 is a stylish and dynamic medium-sized SUV. Its front face is streamlined, and the air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which makes the whole car look more exquisite. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable. The exterior design of Zhiji LS6 is very attractive, showing the highest level of modern automobile design. Its front face design is very unique, with unique lines and smooth curves, giving people a strong visual impact. In addition, Zhiji LS6 is also equipped with fashionable LED headlights and unique air intake grille design, which makes the whole vehicle look very exquisite. The exterior design of Zhiji LS6 is in line with the aesthetic needs of modern people, and it is an excellent medium-sized SUV.


Zhiji LS6 is a medium and large SUV, with a body length, width and height of 4904mm, 1988mm and 1669mm respectively, and a wheelbase of 2,950 mm. It has excellent seating space and comfort. The car side lines are smooth and powerful, showing dynamic lines and modern design. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1698mm and 1707mm, respectively. The front tyre size is 235/50 R20, and the rear tyre size is 255/45 R20, which provides stability and grip for the vehicle. The tire design of Zhiji LS6 is fashionable and the rim style is unique, which adds a sense of movement and technology to the whole vehicle. In a word, the design of Zhiji LS6 is not only impressive, but also brings excellent driving experience to drivers.


The interior design style of Zhiji LS6 is fashionable and simple, using high-quality materials and fine craftsmanship to create a comfortable and luxurious driving experience. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that drivers can find the most comfortable driving posture. The central control screen size reaches 26.3 inches, and the display effect is clear. It supports voice recognition control system and can control multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces, which are convenient for passengers to charge. The front row also has mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather and genuine leather. The main seat supports four-way adjustment of front and rear, backrest, height, leg rest and lumbar support, and the auxiliary seat supports two-way adjustment of front and rear, backrest and height. The driver’s seat also has the memory function of electric seat. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, providing more space and comfort for passengers.


Zhiji LS6 is equipped with a high-performance engine with a maximum power of 231kW and a maximum torque of 450 N m.. This engine adopts advanced technology and provides a strong power output for the vehicle. Whether driving daily or at high speed, Zhiji LS6 can easily cope with all kinds of road conditions, so that drivers can enjoy the ultimate driving pleasure. At the same time, the high efficiency and reliability of the engine also ensure the stability and durability of the vehicle.

In the word-of-mouth of car home car owners, we can see that she speaks highly of Zhiji LS6. She said that when she first drove the Zhiji LS6, she was attracted by its design, performance and technology. Zhiji LS6 looks fashionable and full of sense of science and technology, which makes her feel very modern and avant-garde. This proves once again the uniqueness of Zhiji LS6 in automobile design, which can not only meet the needs of consumers for appearance, but also provide excellent performance and technical support. As a new electric SUV, Zhiji LS6 has attracted much attention in the market, and its excellent performance and reputation have also been recognized by consumers. We believe that in the future development, Zhiji LS6 will continue to bring more surprises and innovations to consumers.

Car purchase benefits Zhenjiang "2023 Eleventh Auto Show" opened.

  During the holidays, besides going out to play and tasting delicious food, everyone is also very enthusiastic about seeing cars and buying cars. Today (9.29) morning, the "2023 Eleventh Large-scale Auto Show" jointly sponsored by Zhenjiang Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Zhenjiang Wenguang Group opened in the Municipal Sports Convention and Exhibition Center, with more than 40 automobile brands and over 1,000 models appearing at the auto show, which was very popular on the first day.

  The 3-day auto show was held in the form of joint exhibition of internal and external venues, with a total exhibition area of over 20,000 square meters. 43 automobile brands, including Audi, Cadillac, Volvo, Lincoln, Tesla, BAIC and Tanks, participated in the exhibition, covering imports, joint ventures and new energy sources, meeting the diverse consumer needs of citizens. Mr. Li, a citizen of Zhenjiang, told reporters: "I want to buy the kind that I go out to play by myself."

  Different from the past, the biggest highlight of this auto show is that the on-site car purchase can enjoy up to 3,000 yuan of government digital RMB subsidy, which also brings full benefits to consumers. In addition, merchants have also introduced multiple surprises to make profits and give consumers preferential benefits.

  The 11th large-scale auto show realized the organic integration of automobile consumption scenes, automobile consumption subsidies and profit-making by merchants, which brought a better consumption experience to the general public. Cheng Feng, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of Zhenjiang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said: "It includes not only cars to promote consumption, but also green household appliances and so on. We will also carry out more forms and themes of consumption promotion activities with our urban areas and our major large shopping malls and complexes, hoping to bring more and better consumption experiences and more benefits to our citizens in Zhenjiang."

  ("Zero Distance" reporter/Hu Yan Zhenjiang TV editor/Guo Zheng)

A basketball training institution in Wuhan suddenly stopped, and the company headquarters said it would send someone to handle the matter in Han. The lawyer reminded me to sign a formal contract when

Motive Sports Door Closed Photography: Wu Han, a journalist of Chutian Metropolis Daily.

□ Chutian Metropolis Daily’s most eye-catching journalist Wu Han

Recently, a number of parents who signed up for classes in Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Motive Sports") called the Jimu News Hotline of Chutian Metropolis Daily, saying that they had been informed by the coach and were told to suspend classes. The head of Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. could not be found, and the door of the company was closed. After many contacts with journalists, Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. ("Motive Sports" headquarters) said that it would send people to Wuhan to handle related matters.

Parental complaints

After paying the money, the class was suddenly suspended.

"I received a sales call in May this year and took an experience class." Mr. Chi said that he received a sales call from Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., and originally planned to give classes to his children. Later, he attended several free basketball experience classes at the training ground in Boyang Badminton Hall in Hongshan Sports Center. He felt that the effect was good and signed up.

Mr. Chi said that as required, he paid the fee in the "Motivation Sports" applet. Mr. Chi told Jimu journalist that when he signed up, the other party told him that there was a discount for signing up for more classes, so he bought 92 basketball classes and sent 12 classes, totaling 8542 yuan. Classes have been held every weekend since August. Sometimes the place of class will change, and it can be adjusted to the teaching place of motivational sports in other areas of Wuhan according to his needs. On September 9, Mr. Chi said that he was going to take his children to a basketball class on September 10, but he didn’t expect to receive a notice from the coach telling him that the company in Wuhan had a situation and could not attend the class.

From the screenshot provided by Mr. Chi, the reporter saw that the coach replied that after being informed by the Beijing headquarters, the Wuhan company was in a state of stagnation and was actively transferring courses, and everyone would be informed when classes resumed. At present, the coach has no way, is on the verge of leaving his job, and his salary has not been paid yet.

There are also a number of parents who took part in the training course in Motivational Sports and received the notice of suspension to call the Chutian Metropolis Daily’s extreme news hotline. Parents often report that they can’t contact Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. and can’t find an explanation. According to the contact information provided by parents, Jimu journalist contacted a coach Huang who was in charge of teaching basketball class. Coach Huang told the reporter that he had been preparing for class normally, and suddenly he received a notice from a supervisor of Motivation Sports, telling him that he needed to suspend classes temporarily because of the operation of Wuhan Branch. He immediately contacted his parents and told them about it.

Coach Huang said that he signed a contract with Motive Sports in April last year, and it has been normal all the time, and no abnormal situation has been found. At present, there are more than 30 students in his basketball class. On September 8, he was also going to contact his parents to send the class time. As a result, some parents told him that he had received the notice of suspension. He then went to ask the motivation sports company, and the supervisor at that time replied that "the company may not do it, so he should not take classes again." Coach Huang said that he was also in arrears with his salary in August.

The reporter checked the "Motivational Sports" applet, which showed that classes were held at seven points in Wu Hanyou. The small program was developed by Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., and the introduction says that Motive Sports is a brand of sports training for young children, focusing on providing sports training services for young children aged 4-17, and serving 1 million+students and parents nationwide.

Site visit

Motivation The door of sports office is closed.

On September 12th, Jimu journalists came to Hongshan Sports Center and found Boyang Badminton Hall. A staff member at the front desk said that many parents had come to consult about motivational sports. Motivation Sports rented the venue for training, and classes were still normal during the summer vacation. There are still some shelves for motivation sports in the venue. At present, Motive Sports has been closed for a period of time, and the rent of the museum is in arrears. The museum can’t contact the relevant person in charge of Motive Sports. On September 11th, the police also came to investigate the matter. The staff advised parents to report to the police.

According to the registered office of Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., the reporter went to Room 3305, 33rd floor, Wuhan Plaza, Jianghan District, Wuhan, and found the office of Wuhan Motive Sports. The reporter saw that the door was closed and locked. Through the glass door, he could see some tables and chairs inside, but he didn’t see the staff. There is a parent waiting at the entrance of the company’s office. The parent told the reporter that he has been to the office of Motivation Sports for three times, and the door is closed every time. The staff of two surrounding enterprises told reporters that Motivation Sports was closed for about a week, and some people had worked here before.

Subsequently, the reporter came to the property service office of Wuhan Plaza Building. A staff member of the department said that many parents had come to inquire about motivational sports. The staff member said that they could not get in touch with motivational sports either, and no one answered the phone. No staff member of motivational sports has been seen recently. Parents are advised to contact the Market Supervision Administration to reflect this matter.

Company response

The headquarters will send someone to Wuhan to deal with this matter.

According to the contact information provided by parents, Jimu journalist contacted a coach surnamed Yang, who told Jimu journalist that he was mainly responsible for docking the coaching team. According to the coach, according to his contact with the Beijing headquarters of Motivation, Wuhan has operational difficulties due to financial problems, and Beijing Motivation Sports Technology Co., Ltd. is coordinating this matter. The teaching point in Hongshan Sports Center was also suspended because of the financial problems of Wuhan Motive Sports, and the venue fee was not paid to the other party.

Coach Yang said that at the beginning of September this year, he received a notice that there was a problem in the operation of Wuhan Company. At present, the headquarters is also trying to solve it, find a third-party institution to accept the course and resume classes as soon as possible. At present, Beijing Motivation Sports Headquarters is responsible for negotiating this matter with other institutions. The reporter asked the parents about the refund, and coach Yang said that he needed to contact the customer service at the Beijing headquarters.

The reporter called official website of Beijing Motivation Sports Technology Co., Ltd. several times in a row, but no one answered. On September 12, Jimu journalist contacted Babaoshan, the market supervision administration of Shijingshan District, Beijing, and the staff of the institute replied that the institute had contacted Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., which said that there were staff members who went to Wuhan to deal with this matter.

On September 17, many parents said that they still could not contact the person in charge of Wuhan Motive Sports, and they would recover their losses through legal channels.

Gao Lei, a lawyer of Hubei Ronghecheng Law Firm, suggested that consumers can ask merchants to provide the courses they promised according to the factual contract concluded by both parties. If the merchant refuses to perform or fails to perform after being urged, the consumer may ask the merchant to refund the corresponding amount. Both parties can negotiate on this. If negotiation fails, they can bring a lawsuit to the court. In addition, consumers are also reminded that when purchasing courses, it is best to sign a formal contract with the merchants and ask for invoices in time after payment.

Ah, here? British media: Rice and others may be banned for protecting their families, unless "special circumstances" are proved.

Live on May 21st, West Ham United beat Dutch team Alkmar 1-0 away from home in the second leg of the semi-final of the European Cup, and made it to the final. After the game, some extreme fans from Alkmar rushed into the stands of the visiting team and began to attack West Ham fans. Several West Ham players jumped into the stands to protect their families from attacks.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Rice, Ben Rahma, Flynn Downs and Antonio may all be banned by UEFA unless they can convince the UEFA Committee that this is a special case. According to Article 15 of the relevant discipline, UEFA may accuse players of misconduct, including "provoking fans".

So far, UEFA has not made a sound on this matter, and they may deal with this incident after the final on June 7. UEFA doesn’t want these West Ham players to miss the Europa League final, but they believe that discipline must be observed and Alkmar will be charged for this.

Many people think that when this happens, the players have no choice but to intervene in person. The behavior of West Ham players has also been widely sympathized. Former West Ham star Joe Cole wrote in his column: "I don’t want to see UEFA accuse them, they just did what had to be done."

Thank you, Zidane! 115 million nail houses let go, Mourinho is happy, and Real Madrid has no worries for 10 years.

Real Madrid finally found a solution to Azar’s "problem", thank you, Zidane! RMC Sport’s report made Real Madrid fans ecstatic. Although they will lose the legendary coach of the Champions League for three consecutive years, they can finally say goodbye to Azar! In addition, there is good news: Mourinho is the first choice for Real Madrid’s new coach, and the madman is likely to return to the Bernabeu in 2024! Florentino’s big plan is about to take shape, and a new generation of Galaxy warships can accept any challenge.

According to RMC Sport, Zidane is getting closer to Juventus, and the French coach will not consider returning to Real Madrid to replace Ancelotti. In fact, Zidane has always been a popular candidate for Real Madrid’s new coach, but florentino has higher plans. For this reason, together with the fact that Zizu left the stadium for too long, Zidane finally chose Juventus. In addition, the invitation of Paris Saint-Germain has never been in Zidane’s plan.

The current difficulty is that allegri’s contract with Juventus will not expire until 2025. If Zidane goes to Juventus, the Bianconeri will have to fire allegri early. Allegri’s annual salary at Juve is 7 million euros, which means that Juve may have to pay at least 20 million euros to terminate the contract.

In fact, there is another important reason for Real Madrid to give up Zidane, that is, to get rid of Azar with the help of Zizu. The fact is, this move is very effective. According to the western media "DC" report, Azar has let go, and he accepted the suggestion of following Zidane to Juventus. The transfer fee of 115 million is just a performance, and Real Madrid has spent far more money on Azar. If Zidane hadn’t insisted on bringing Azar to the Bernabeu, Real Madrid wouldn’t have suffered this boring loss.

Like Zidane, Juve can’t afford Azar’s high salary. There are only two feasible options: Azar’s salary is greatly reduced or Real Madrid pays part of it. Theoretically, both schemes are possible, because Azar owes Real Madrid and the players have reason to make concessions. Real Madrid pays part of the salary, which is also beneficial to Real Madrid’s future plans, at least they can reduce some expenses. For Azar, this is also an act to save his career, because he has no playing time at Real Madrid.

Zidane goes to Juve, so who will take over from Ancelotti? Western media gave the answer a long time ago, and florentino’s first choice was Mourinho! Mourinho’s contract with Rome also expires in 2024, and the time is very consistent. In addition, Mourinho has achieved success in Rome, and it is not surprising that they can play in the Champions League next season. In terms of Rome’s strength, it is almost impossible for them to compete in the Champions League, but Mourinho is successful if he can appear in this series. There is no doubt that leaving Rome, Mourinho is worthy of the city.

2024 is a crucial year for Real Madrid! This summer, Real Madrid will focus on Mbappé and Harland, which is a brand-new Galaxy warship. Without an experienced helmsman, the warship is likely to sink. This is also the main reason why Real Madrid chose Mourinho instead of Zidane. Florentino has been paving the way for Real Madrid, and he plans to make Real Madrid almost invincible in the next 10 years. The term of office is about to expire. At that time, 78-year-old Lafayette can only help Real Madrid as a bystander!

The reason of C Ronaldo’s bleak evening scene: mistaking the platform for ability

C Ronaldo has gone far away to the desert, so that the hot sunshine in the desert can cure the injury and pain of the defeated plum ball king!

At the age of c, he has gone to the desert, and his competitive career has been finalized.

Although there is a lot of wealth, it seems to be happy! But its heart is painful!

As we all know, Ronaldo is aloof and arrogant, and I am the only one!

I take the super plum ball king as my responsibility all my life, and pursue honor, glory and data all my life.

C Ronaldo has been a technical career for more than ten years, and his money has been free and his wealth has been satisfactory; It cares more about face, scenery and honor.

During C Ronaldo’s career, during his years in Real Madrid, he won four Golden Globes and four Champions League games, which strengthened his confidence and courage, boasted himself the first, second and third place in the world, was extremely inflated and self-mad.

C Ronaldo’s greatest misfortune is to regard the platform as an ability! It is the real Madrid platform and personal efforts that have made its real Madrid years dazzling!

C Ronaldo left Real Madrid, moved to Juventus and Manchester United, accomplished nothing, and never won the Golden Globe Award, Sir, or the Champions League again! 16 lang in the Champions League every year! Its juventus years are incomplete!

C Ronaldo’s national team was ruined, and fans said that it was lying in the European Cup. Although it was exaggerated, it was not groundless!

C Ronaldo’s World Cup achievement is hands-free, which is a stain on his life! Causing 10 zeros in the World Cup to be bleak. Single-core team leader has the best score in the top 16.

After the dark years after Real Madrid, nothing was achieved after the World Cup.

C Luo Fang understands that it is the Real Madrid platform and Lafayette that have made its brilliant Real Madrid era. I mistook the Real Madrid platform for my ability, woke up like a dream, and wanted to return to Real Madrid and relive the beauty. But the vicissitudes of life, powerless, was rejected by Real Madrid! I have to go to Saudi Arabia to waste the rest of my life!

Life is like this, when you miss the opportunity, it may be a lifetime of regret and regret!

Firmino, a free agent, has become a hot commodity in the transfer market and has received six invitation contracts.

Brazilian striker firmino announced earlier that he will leave Liverpool after his contract expires this summer. According to the news reported by Jorge Nicola, a famous Brazilian journalist, firmino has received offers from six European teams. The 31-year-old Brazilian striker has a good chance to stay in Europe.

After firmino publicly announced that he would leave the team this summer, it was widely rumored that firmino would return to play for Bajia team Corinti An, but Jorge Nicola later broke the news: "Now six European heavyweight teams have offered invitations to firmino, and it can be expected that he will stay in one of the important leagues in Europe and play for an important team next season."

Although Jorge Nicola didn’t disclose the specific names of these six "heavyweight" teams, CBS website indicated that Atletico Madrid, Inter Milan and galata Sharay were three of them who wanted to sign firmino, while Atletico Atletico and Saudi powerhouse Ainas had both been rumored to be interested in firmino.