标签归档 广州阡陌同城

Fan Ziming+80 million yuan transfer stagnation! Qi zhou insists on not giving in, and the transfer will eventually be difficult to achieve.

Recently, Fan Ziming accepted an interview with the media and said that he had been informed by the club that he did not need to go to Xinjiang for the time being. This also means that qi zhou’s transfer has stalled again. As the transfer came to an end, the media also exposed the details of the transfer between Beijing Shougang Team and Xinjiang Team. It is reported that after the initial mediation of the Basketball Association, Xinjiang Team and Beijing Team conducted communication and negotiations for several months. Finally, Beijing Team was willing to hand over Fan Ziming and pay Xinjiang Team and qi zhou 40 million yuan respectively, but it was stopped because the payment cycle fee violated the regulations of the Basketball Association. According to the regulations of the Basketball Association, clubs and players can’t have transactions other than salary, and this 40 million yuan violates the regulations.

As a state-owned enterprise, Beijing Shougang Team is relatively standardized in accounting transactions, and cannot pay the transfer fee to qi zhou privately. Therefore, it is hoped that the Basketball Association will come forward as a guarantee. However, it is the biggest concession that the Basketball Association can "turn a blind eye" to this matter. Now, the guarantee put forward by Beijing Shougang Team obviously makes the Basketball Association violate its own rules, which obviously will not be approved by the Basketball Association. In addition, the stagnation of qi zhou’s transfer also shows that qi zhou’s brokerage team is not willing to give up this 40 million yuan worth of fees. Earlier, when the Shanghai team and Xinjiang team negotiated the transfer of qi zhou, the Shanghai team offered Yuan Tangwen+70 million yuan (35 million yuan each) as a bargaining chip, but it didn’t succeed in the end.

Judging from the stagnation of this transfer, the focus is that the 40 million yuan paid by Beijing Shougang Team to qi zhou violates the regulations of the Basketball Association. Therefore, if qi zhou gives up this 40 million yuan, the transfer will proceed smoothly. But from the current point of view, it is obvious that qi zhou’s brokerage team would rather stop the transfer than give up this 40 million yuan. However, the result of unwilling to give up 40 million yuan is that qi zhou can’t leave the Xinjiang team, and qi zhou won’t play for the Xinjiang team again. As a result, he can only continue to play in overseas leagues, and his income drops sharply, his appearance is limited, and his ability declines … Because the regulations of the Basketball Association come first, if other clubs pay the transfer fee to qi zhou through other means, it is equivalent to leaving a hidden danger. Once it is reported or traced, the result can be imagined.

Therefore, under the premise of not violating the regulations, qi zhou must give up the transfer fee, which is equivalent to "leaving home clean". Although qi zhou gave up the high transfer fee, I think the club is not only very willing to pay the top salary, but also try to give qi zhou more subsidies from winning bonuses and other aspects, so that qi zhou can return to the domestic league. By contrast, it seems that this result is better, but I don’t know why qi zhou and the brokerage team are unwilling to make concessions.

News Calendar | April 23rd World Book Day

April 23 rd

World Book Day

I am full of life, and I am full of poetry and books.

The full name of "World Book Day" is "World Book and Copyright Day", also known as "World Book Day". The original idea came from the International Publishers Association. In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23rd as "World Reading Day", which was also the anniversary of the death of the famous Spanish writer Cervantes and the famous British writer Shakespeare.

The keynote declaration of World Reading Day is: "I hope that people scattered around the world, whether old or young, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, can enjoy reading, respect and thank the masters of literature, culture and scientific thought who have made great contributions to human civilization, and can protect intellectual property rights."

As the window of China’s reform and opening-up, Shenzhen has been unswervingly promoting reading for all. In Shenzhen, block bookstores and specialty bookstores can be seen everywhere, and the mega-bookstore is the first to lead the trend; The library is always packed, and citizens line up to study; The annual Shenzhen Reading Month is a common "cultural carnival" for the citizens … Scenes of warm and comfortable reading witness the development of Shenzhen’s urban spirit.

In 2013, UNESCO awarded Shenzhen the title of "Global Model City for Reading for All", which is the highest honor that the organization awarded to global cities on reading for all.

Today in those days Shenzhen News

In 2021, Shenzhen was awarded the title of "City of Great Beauty" and "City of Comfort"

On April 23rd, 2021, the 2020-2021 "China Good Life City Release Ceremony" was held in Chengdu, and Shenzhen was awarded "Great Beauty City" and "Comfortable City". "China Good Life City Launch Ceremony" relies on the data of the largest survey of people’s livelihood feelings in the world-"China Good Life Survey", and the evaluation results are obtained by model calculation.

2019 Guangdong college entrance examination new plan announced

On April 23, 2019, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province held a press conference to inform that the provincial government issued the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination System in Guangdong Province" after being reviewed and filed by the Ministry of Education, marking the official launch of a new round of comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in Guangdong Province. The examination is divided into summer college entrance examination and spring college entrance examination, and the undergraduate examination subjects adopt the "3+1+2" model.

In 2011, Jingji 100 Building was capped.

On April 23, 2011, Jingji 100 Building, a key city construction project in Shenzhen, was successfully capped at a height of 441.8 meters, which set a new record for the highest building in Shenzhen at that time. In addition, 180,000 dreams from all walks of life were also sealed at the top floor of the building, and Jingji 100 became the first urban landmark building to record the "peak dream" of Chinese people.

Today’s species:gardenia


"Gardenia blossoms, so lovely, is a faint youthful pure love …" Walking on the streets of Pengcheng in early summer, the breeze is mixed with the long fragrance of flowers. It is gardenia.

Gardenia has a long history of cultivation in China, and it was planted artificially in the Han Dynasty. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Well, wine vessels are also. Zi resembles it, hence the name. The common saying is’ 中中’. " In ancient books, gardenia with double petals was called "white toad".

"Gardenia blossoms are as white as silver." The most obvious feature of gardenia is six white petals, which, together with jasmine and Prynne, is called "Three Whites" in the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River.

The fruit of gardenia is a famous dye since ancient times, which is used to smudge yellow. It was even used to dye the emperor’s robes in the Han Dynasty.

Gardenia’s white flowers and rich fragrance have left many good memories for people. In many areas, flower farmers will cut their own flowers and sell them, while girls will buy them back or tie them in their hair or keep them indoors.

Today’s celebrities

[China]Wei Yuan (April 23, 1794—March 26, 1857) was an enlightenment thinker, politician and writer in the Qing Dynasty. He believed that the theory of learning should be based on the principle of "putting the world into practice" and advocated learning advanced western science and technology. He was the first representative of intellectuals who "opened their eyes to see the world" in modern China. His Map of the Sea Country puts forward the central idea of "learning from foreigners to control foreigners", which is an epoch-making masterpiece.

Tesla investors’ day talks about the concept of "three self" products defined by automobile robots

At Tesla’s first investor day, Musk once again made a surprising statement: "Tesla cars are robots on wheels, and no one and no company can approach Tesla’s level in real-world AI." As soon as this was said, the two major topics of AI and robotics once again triggered industry discussions.
At the beginning of 2023, other new forces, such as ideals, also said that they should build systematic capabilities around AI robots. "Intelligent electric vehicles with autonomous driving will also become the earliest artificial intelligence robots."
From the perspective of the whole automobile industry, it is the concentration that first puts forward the advanced concept of "automobile robot". As early as the beginning of its establishment in 2021, Jidu took "automobile robot" as its product positioning, and automobile robot has also become another product masterpiece under the Geely SEA framework.
Objectively speaking, Musk’s statement made the world see the tremendous changes that AI technology has brought to the automobile industry, and also strengthened the development trend of "robot" of automobiles.

"Automobile robot" conforms to the future development trend, and "three self" is the basic attribute.

"No AI, no intelligence" has become the consensus of the automobile industry. In the past, fossil energy was the core power source of automobiles in the era of fuel vehicles 1.0, and electric vehicles 2.0 were driven by electricity. In the current era of smart cars 3.0, the underlying driving force came from AI technology.

Like Musk, Xia Yiping, CEO of Jidu, always emphasizes that AI technology is the "soul" when he mentions "car robot". Xia Yiping once said, "The era of smart car 3.0 is the era of automobile robots. The starting point of the era change is that the’ driving right’ of automobiles is transferred from human beings to AI, and AI drives the evolution of automobiles." Concentration also defines the basic attributes of "automobile robot", that is, "free movement, natural communication and self-growth", which has also become the product concept of concentration automobile robot.
Why do you want to divide it like this? This is actually due to the nature that automobile robots are both cars and robots. When a car has the brain of AI, it is no longer just a simple means of transportation, but a "robot" with self-thinking and powerful ability. Therefore, automobile robots must first be able to "move freely" and rely on high-order intelligent driving to drive to where they need to go; Secondly, we should have enough high-level intelligent interaction ability, constantly understand the new needs of users, and complete effective communication and action execution; Finally, it can continue to grow through the learning of big data, understand users more and more, and improve its ability boundary.
From this point of view, "automobile robot" does not have to look like a human body, but whether it has the "three-self" ability. Even if it becomes human, it still can’t escape this underlying logic. Just like Tesla’s humanoid robot, it must be able to walk on its own, communicate smoothly, and learn and evolve continuously.

In addition to the standard demonstration of concentration, have car companies gone out of another new path? At present, not yet.

Whether Tesla said "cars are robots on wheels" or "artificial intelligence robots" that he wanted to build, or even independent brands directly label their products with "car robots", in fact, they are all different expressions of the same logic.

From hardware-led to software-defined, automobile is actually a transfer from automobile attributes to robot attributes. The advancement of intelligence must not be achieved overnight, and it needs a long-term accumulation process. Although everyone is called a "robot", their abilities may differ by a hundred thousand miles.

Compared with Tesla and other followers, Jidu, as the pioneer of new species of automobile robots, has integrated AI genes into the product concept of "three self".

Geely SEA’s vast architecture is fully redundant in terms of space, electricity, intelligence, autonomous driving, safety and performance. Therefore, the centralized automobile robot also has a considerable degree of freedom, which can integrate higher-order intelligent capabilities and further improve the "three-self" level of automobile robots.

Specific to the function, the centralized high-level intelligent driving is empowered by Baidu Apollo’s L4-level automatic driving technology, and one of the core functions, point-to-point navigation assistance PPA, can meet the "free movement" in most daily use scenarios. High-level intelligent interaction is supported by off-line voice, touch, visual recognition and other multi-touch interactions to realize "natural communication" in any scene. Among them, the global off-line voice interaction recognition speed is 500ms, the response speed is within 700ms, and it can be used smoothly even when the network is disconnected. In addition, based on the underlying technical support accumulated by Baidu AI in the past 10 years, Jidu automobile robot can continuously learn and "grow up" according to user behavior habits and driving data.

Although the birth of automobile robot is defined by software, it is equally excellent in mechanical quality. As Jidu automobile robot is another masterpiece of Geely SEA’s vast architecture, it is "of the same ancestry" with Volvo, Polar Star and Lotus in terms of mechanical performance and safety guarantee, and the quality of the whole vehicle is directed at international luxury brands.
In addition, Geely’s manufacturing technology has also reached the international first-class level. For example, Geely Hangzhou Bay Smart Factory integrates advanced manufacturing technologies such as 5G, AI and industrial big data, and the four production workshops are highly automated. As the first batch of "future factories" in Zhejiang Province, Geely Hangzhou Bay Smart Factory has become a "new model" for China’s intellectual creation.

It is conceivable that the product quality of Jidu automobile robot created by Geely’s excellent craftsmanship is worthy of recognition.

In the real version of Iron Man and Jarvis, Jidu automobile robot will take the lead in applying the China version of ChatGPT.

If Jarvis, the smart and reliable AI housekeeper in Iron Man, depicts the ultimate form of artificial intelligence in the future for us. Then, with the gradual maturity of AI empowerment and core technologies, automotive robots are turning Jarvis in the movie into the reality of the automotive industry.
ChatGPT-like application of Baidu Wenxin is a turning point. It can be said that with ChatGPT, AI’s empowerment for the automotive industry has evolved.

As an AI conversation model, ChatGPT has a natural connection with cars, which has the potential imagination to subvert the voice assistant in the intelligent cockpit.

On February 14th this year, Jidu announced that it would integrate the comprehensive capabilities of Baidu Wenxin to create the world’s first large-scale artificial intelligence interactive experience for smart car scenes, so as to support automotive robots to achieve further progress in natural communication. As the first "crab-eating" brand, Jidu’s move has also brought unprecedented changes to smart cars.
The reason why Jiji was able to announce that it was the first to realize the first launch of ChatGPT-like technology is also because the pure-blood automobile robot of Geely SEA has already possessed high-level intelligent capability. A smarter smart car can access more powerful AI capabilities, which is a condition that traditional cars do not have. Simply put, a tractor can’t match a Boeing engine.

As we all know, Jidu is the first car company to introduce Qualcomm 8295 into the cockpit, and it is also the first to localize the AI algorithm, which can ensure the efficient response speed of cockpit interaction even in the scene of poor network environment or even disconnection.

At present, the voice interaction of most car companies can not be separated from the dependence on the network, and there is still a distance from "natural communication".

At present, the pre-embedding of hardware by Jidu automobile robot in advance, coupled with the empowerment of Wen Xin in a word, means that the product concept of "natural communication" will be pushed to a new height.

In the face of new technology, both traditional car companies and new forces are struggling to seize the opportunity to seize the commanding heights of the industry. With the continuous empowerment of AI technology, the application of intelligent interaction not only enhances the brand image and experience, but also accelerates the digital transformation process of the automotive industry, laying the foundation for the advanced automotive robots.
With all parties in the industrial chain, including car companies and Internet giants, the pace from technology research and development to commercialization is unprecedented. Geely SEA’s vast architecture of integrated "automobile robots" is also being imitated by more and more industry partners and gradually "integrated".