标签归档 广州葵花蒲典

Feasibility study report on the construction project of intelligent agricultural machinery research and development center and agricultural machinery cloud platform

1. Project overview

This project plans to build an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and an agricultural machinery cloud platform by leasing R&D office space, purchasing advanced R&D and testing software and hardware equipment, and introducing high-level R&D personnel. The main research and development directions of intelligent application system of agricultural machinery include: machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precise) operation control system (automatic alignment operation system, precision sowing control system, automatic film cutting and spreading system, adaptive intelligent variable spraying control system), online monitoring system of agricultural machinery subsoiling precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual identification system and automatic driving system based on Beidou.

In terms of agricultural machinery cloud platform, advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will be used to develop and build agricultural machinery cloud platform. The agricultural machinery cloud platform of this project includes five layers: perception layer, transport layer, platform layer, application layer and presentation layer, in which the big data platform of the platform layer and the application subsystem/module of the agricultural machinery cloud platform of the application layer are the focus of research and development. As an application support platform, big data platform has the functions of massive data collection, storage, analysis, visualization and so on, which provides support for various system functions and services in the application layer.

The application layer has two major functional systems, namely "intelligent IOT management" and "comprehensive transaction service". The specific application subsystems/modules of agricultural machinery cloud platform include intelligent agricultural machinery information management system, intelligent online monitoring system of agricultural machinery precision operation, remote intelligent early warning system, intelligent agricultural machinery monitoring and dispatching system, intelligent farmland information system, expert decision support system, government subsidy auxiliary decision-making system, comprehensive transaction system, etc., which are used as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises and agricultural machinery enterprises.

2. Necessity of project implementation

(1) Respond to the national smart agriculture development strategy and seize development opportunities.

In 2014, China put forward the concept of "smart agriculture". In 2016, smart agriculture was written into the "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" for the first time, which indicates that the development of smart agriculture in China has risen to the height of national economic strategy. According to the concept of industrial development, smart agriculture takes information and knowledge as production factors, and through the deep cross-border integration of information technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with agriculture, it realizes information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise investment and personalized service in the whole process of agricultural production. It is an advanced stage of agricultural informatization development from digitalization to networking to intelligence, and it is an important trend of modern agriculture. It is also an inevitable choice for China to realize agricultural modernization and accelerate the transformation from an agricultural power to an agricultural power.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an important strategic opportunity to promote the digital and intelligent all-round development of agriculture and rural areas. As a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, Bo Shiran is committed to becoming a practitioner of the development of smart agricultural machinery and smart agriculture in China. In order to conform to the trend of the times and seize the development opportunities, the company needs to increase the investment in R&D and innovation of intelligent agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery cloud platform with the help of this project. Through the implementation of this project, the company will form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, which will help to realize the intelligentization of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole process of cotton planting, and will build an agricultural machinery cloud platform, which will greatly improve the company’s platform service ability.

(2) Improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery of the company and the country, and enhance the value of agricultural machinery.

Intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment is an advanced type of agricultural machinery and equipment that integrates high and new technologies such as machinery, electronics, hydraulics and information, and realizes automation, informationization and intelligence. It has the characteristics of strong function, high working efficiency, safety, comfort and reliability, reducing agricultural materials and labor consumption, energy saving and environmental protection, and is an important development direction of agricultural machinery and equipment industry in the future.

In recent years, the state has issued a number of policies to strongly support the application of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite navigation in agricultural machinery equipment and agricultural machinery operations; This project will develop a series of advanced intelligent application systems for agricultural machinery control and monitoring, including machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precision) operation control system, online monitoring system for agricultural machinery subsoiling and precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual recognition system and automatic driving system based on Beidou, which will greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, realize the all-round transition from "mechanization" to "intelligence", and greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness.

(3) Build the ecological information center of intelligent agricultural machinery and realize the platform service ability of the company.

With the popularization and application of intelligent agricultural machinery in China, intelligent agricultural machinery will produce a large number of agricultural machinery operation data in the process of operation, and with the help of intelligent sensing terminals, a large number of farmland, soil and crop information data can be sensed and collected. The data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are of great value, but at this stage, because China’s smart agriculture as a whole is still in its infancy, the overall development level is low, and the data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are still in a relatively isolated and scattered state, which makes it difficult to exert their value.

Agricultural machinery cloud platform is the foundation and important tool for the collection and utilization of massive agricultural data resources. Through the application of big data mining analysis, virtualization technology, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the agricultural machinery cloud platform can provide a series of platform-based functional services such as intelligent agricultural machinery operation status monitoring, fault diagnosis, maintenance monitoring, precision operation online monitoring, remote intelligent early warning, remote intelligent monitoring and scheduling. At the same time, it can also realize the digital docking and information sharing of supply and demand resources of agricultural machinery ecological resources circle participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises, agricultural machinery enterprises, financial and insurance institutions, and provide them with a series of platform-based functional services such as customized business push, subsidy-assisted decision-making, supply and demand docking of farmland agricultural machinery operations, and agricultural materials trading.

The establishment of agricultural machinery cloud platform will help to promote the digitalization, intelligent connection and effective integration of data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural materials and other whole industrial chains, break the phenomenon of information islands in various fields of intelligent agricultural machinery ecology, thus building an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center and further enhancing the company’s platform service capability.

(4) an important carrier to realize the company’s leap-forward development and long-term sustainable development.

At present, the company has formed a series of cotton planting machinery products. In the core product cotton harvester, it has realized intelligence with the application of intelligent technologies and systems such as electronic monitoring system, integrated operating system, remote start-stop control and satellite navigation. However, there is still much room for intelligent improvement in the aspects of intelligent monitoring of machine state, intelligent operation control, intelligent early warning, intelligent visual recognition and automatic driving. In addition, the company’s current business is mainly to provide complete machine products and after-sales service, and it needs to further increase investment in the overall solution and platform service capability of intelligent agricultural machinery industry.

This project will introduce a series of high-end R&D talents by taking advantage of talents in Shanghai, which will effectively break through the bottleneck of the company’s high-end technical talents, significantly improve the company’s independent R&D ability and high-tech achievements transformation ability, and help the company greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment products and the platform comprehensive service ability during the whole cotton planting process.

Through the implementation of this project, the company will become the leader and enabler of digital, intelligent and intelligent changes in agricultural machinery ecology, and effectively enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence. It will help the company to change from an agricultural machinery manufacturer to an intelligent agricultural machinery integrated solution service provider, realize the company’s progress to a technology-based and platform-based enterprise, and be conducive to the company’s long-term sustainable development.

3. Feasibility analysis of the project

(1) A good policy environment provides favorable conditions for project implementation.

In recent years, the state attaches great importance to the development of intelligent agriculture and intelligent agricultural machinery, including rural revitalization strategy, rural industrial development planning, agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery and equipment development guidance, the No.1 document of the Central Committee, the national 14 th Five-Year Development Plan and other related policies, which clearly encourage and support the development of intelligent agricultural machinery and intelligent agriculture.

It is clearly stated in relevant policies such as Digital Agriculture and Rural Development Plan (2019-2025), National Rural Industry Development Plan (2020-2025), Implementation Plan for Industrialization of Key Technologies of Modern Agricultural Machinery, Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Industry, Fourteenth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035. Encourage research and development of key equipment technologies and intelligent control systems such as autonomous navigation of agricultural machinery, intelligent precision operation, intelligent operation monitoring and remote intelligent operation and maintenance management of agricultural machinery, promote the integrated application of intelligent sensing, intelligent analysis and intelligent control technologies and equipment, accelerate the research and development and industrialization of core components such as intelligent systems, and improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Support the deep integration of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite positioning with agricultural machinery equipment manufacturing technology and agricultural production and operation, support the construction of intelligent agricultural machinery Internet of Things platform and agricultural machinery operation and maintenance big data platform, accelerate the popularization and application of agricultural machinery operation monitoring, maintenance diagnosis, remote dispatching and other information service platforms, improve the informationization, mechanization and intelligence level of agricultural production process, and accelerate the development and construction of smart agriculture.

This project will focus on the research and development of intelligent agricultural machinery application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform, and the above policies have pointed out the direction for the construction of this project. The construction of this project meets the requirements of national rural revitalization, rural industrial development, agricultural machinery and equipment development and national economy, and a good national policy environment provides favorable conditions for the implementation of this project.

(2) Good application and implementation environment creates conditions for the development of the project.

This project mainly includes the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and the construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform. The main goal of the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system is to form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, realize the intelligence of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness of the company’s own products, and increase the promotion and application of the industry on this basis; The construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform is to effectively collect agricultural machinery and other agricultural machinery ecological related data resources, build an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center, and provide a series of platform-based functional services for agricultural machinery ecological participants with the help of technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

This project has a good application and implementation environment. Mainly as follows:

First, at the company level, as a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, the company has formed rich accumulation in the field of cotton planting machinery with cotton harvester as its core product, and has good manufacturing capacity and market stock base, which has created good implementation conditions for the application of the intelligent application system of the project in the whole machine.

Secondly, at present, the overall intelligent development degree of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole cotton planting process in China is low, and the intelligent application system of agricultural machinery has a good application prospect in this field.

Thirdly, at the level of agricultural machinery ecology, there are massive data resources in agricultural machinery, farmland and other links in the agricultural machinery ecology, which need to be effectively integrated and brought into play. Agricultural machinery ecological participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural machinery enterprises and agricultural enterprises have a large number of demand and supply services such as agricultural machinery intelligent control, mechanized crop harvesting services, agricultural machinery and agricultural resources supply, which need to be fully and effectively connected digitally to realize online resource docking and trading, which has laid a good foundation for the construction and implementation of agricultural machinery cloud platform.

Therefore, this project has a good application and implementation environment, which creates conditions for the development of the project.

(3) Perfect technical innovation mechanism and quality control experience provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

The company attaches great importance to technological research and innovation, and insists on relying on technological innovation to improve product quality and enhance enterprise competitiveness. After years of development, the company has formed a relatively perfect technological innovation mechanism such as R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism.

The company has formulated the Control Procedure for New Product Design and Development, which regulates the whole process of design and development of new products and technologies from market research, project review, project establishment and project execution, ensuring the smooth development of products and technologies and realizing the scientific and standardized management of R&D projects. At the same time, the company has adopted necessary incentive systems and measures for R&D personnel, process technicians, production management personnel and other employees in various departments.

Reward the achievements of technology R&D innovation, production process optimization and benefit transformation of new products in different degrees, and actively guide research and development personnel, skilled workers and production management personnel to keep up with technology development trends and be close to market demand in R&D, so as to improve the success rate and market benefit of R&D, thus forming an effective incentive mechanism for R&D innovation and improving the enthusiasm and initiative of R&D personnel.

Perfect R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism can effectively guarantee the smooth implementation of the company’s R&D projects, help stabilize the professional talent team, and then improve the development efficiency of the company’s new products, technologies and services. Therefore, the company’s perfect technological innovation mechanism will provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

(4) The rapid development of a new generation of information technology and intelligent control technology provides a guarantee for the implementation of the project.

In terms of next-generation information technology, with the rapid development of next-generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing in China and the increasing demand for new-generation information technologies in all walks of life, the technologies of Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing have penetrated into all walks of life. The application and popularization of new generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing are also accelerating. In terms of intelligent control technology, after years of development in China, the development of related disciplines, basic theoretical research and industrial machinery applications is also improving. With the gradual maturity of the application of related technologies, China’s new generation of technical personnel in the field of information and intelligent control has become more and more abundant, which has provided a guarantee for the implementation of this project.

4. Project investment estimate

(1) investment composition

The total investment of this project is 146,616,600 yuan, which includes 75,411,200 yuan for R&D and implementation, 54,199,000 yuan for software and hardware equipment purchase, 8,432,700 yuan for venue lease, 1,592,000 yuan for decoration project and 6,981,700 yuan for basic preparation.

5. Project site selection and construction scheme

(1) Project site selection

This project intends to obtain the project R&D office space in caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone by lease. The relevant high-tech enterprises in this area are gathered, the transportation is convenient, the talent supply is sufficient, and it has a good location advantage. The project will be implemented in three years.

(2) Main raw materials and consumption of the project

The main raw materials of this project are all kinds of sensors, controllers, driving motors, display screens, etc., and the market supply is sufficient. The power consumption of this project is mainly electricity, and the infrastructure where the project is located is complete and the power and energy supply is guaranteed.

6. Environmental protection and measures taken

This project is an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and agricultural machinery cloud platform construction project, which mainly carries out the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform. The site used in the project is obtained through lease, and does not involve civil engineering; In the operation stage of the project, no industrial processing and manufacturing links are involved, and there is no industrial pollution discharge. During the operation of the project, a small amount of domestic garbage will be generated, which will be disposed by special cleaning and sanitation, and the generated domestic wastewater will be treated reasonably by sewage pipes, which will not cause pollution to the environment.

7. Economic benefit analysis of the project

The project itself does not directly bring economic income. The implementation of the project will greatly improve the intelligent level of the company’s products and the company’s platform service ability, help to enhance the company’s research and development strength, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence, thus indirectly generating benefits for the company.

This report is a public part, and it is necessary to customize the feasibility study report for government projects, bank loans, investment decisions and other purposes to consult Sihan Industrial Research Institute.

Refuse to make the same mistake as Ronaldo! Messi or "forced" to renew his contract with Paris: 3 reasons for rushing to the Champions League+America’s Cup

On March 11th, Beijing time, according to Ole newspaper, Messi has decided to renew his contract with Grand Paris and continue to play for the French giants next season. So, why is Mei Qiu Wang willing to stay?

Messi’s contract with Greater Paris expired this summer, and the two sides started contract renewal negotiations after the World Cup, but they were once deadlocked. However, according to the Argentine media, he has only negotiated with Grand Paris at present, and Dali is also the only club that offers Messi, so the two sides are expected to continue to work together.

"The only quotation" reminds people of Cristiano Ronaldo. Last summer, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United, and Mendes looked around for a big family, but he was repeatedly rejected. No Champions League team was willing to make an offer for him. Until the break with Manchester United last November, Cristiano Ronaldo’s situation was the same, and he could only leave Europe and go far to Saudi Arabia.

For Messi, it seems that no other team wants him. With his age and high salary, the Premier League may not be able to adapt. Serie A and Bundesliga can’t afford it. In La Liga, the only way is to return to Barcelona, but laporta is only speculating and has not made an offer.

However, unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has at least not fallen out with the club, so he can choose to stay in Paris and continue to play in the five major leagues in Europe. This is the first point.

Secondly, Messi still hopes to play in the Champions League and win the fifth Champions League title to tie the historical record maintained by Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid. The last time he won the championship, it was already in 2015. This is the biggest regret left by Mei Qiuwang’s career, and he will try his best to complete it before leaving Europe.

Although Greater Paris has stopped in the top 16 for two consecutive seasons, Qataris are reluctant to let Mbappé go, and Neymar, who has a longer contract, may stay. If we continue to introduce reinforcements and strengthen the lineup this summer, it will undoubtedly be an important stage for the Champions League, and at least the French champion will be guaranteed, won’t it?

Third, Messi also hopes to participate in the 2024 America’s Cup and strive to lead Argentina to successfully defend its title. Cristiano Ronaldo has become a substitute in the World Cup, and his position and importance in the Portuguese national team have declined. The Five Shield Corps has changed its coach, so he can go to Saudi Arabia to "self-destruct" after winning the 2016 European Cup.

Messi is different. He is still the number one core in Argentina. Without him, the strength of the Pampas Eagle will be greatly reduced, and Scalogni will be there. Therefore, in the last competition of the national team’s career, we must go all out, and only by staying in Europe and staying in the giants can we maintain our current excellent state.

Therefore, in the absence of other better options, Messi is likely to be "forced" to renew his contract with Greater Paris, play at the Prince Park Stadium for at least another year, and then follow Cristiano Ronaldo and go to the United States, Saudi Arabia or other places to support the elderly.