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Song Kai visited Qatar, and the China Football Association restarted "football diplomacy"

Reporter Jin Cuo reports On October 31st, local time, Song Kai, the new president of China Football Association, appeared at the AFC Annual Awards Ceremony, which was his first visit since he took office. Song Kai’s move hoped to restart China’s football diplomacy and open up the situation.

In January this year, Du Zhaocai, then vice-chairman and secretary of the Party Committee of the Football Association, was elected as a director of FIFA, with 18 votes at the bottom, and was unable to be re-elected. Due to the special regulations of the AFC (only one election was allowed), China Football was "aphasia" in the executive committee of the highest institution of the AFC for the first time.

Subsequently, the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the 16 committees under the AFC were adjusted, and no one in the China Football Association was elected.

However, according to the current "status" of China football, whether it is elected as a director or not has little influence, because even when Zhang Jian and Du Zhaocai were directors, it didn’t bring much help to China football. Even when Du Zhaocai was the chairman of the arbitration committee, China football didn’t even benefit from it, and even suffered a lot when facing the West Asian teams.

In fact, after Zhang Jilong, China’s football diplomacy or "foreign affairs" has been "aphasia". Since then, neither Zhang Jian nor Du Zhaocai has done it, especially Du Zhaocai.

That is to say, after Zhang Jilong’s retirement, China’s football diplomacy has been broken, and the "advantages" of Chen Chengda, Xu Fang and Zhang Jilong, which come down in one continuous strain, are gone.

For Song Kai, there are many things to do after taking over the mess of China Football Association. Youth training and league matches are very important. Judging from his trip to Doha, football diplomacy has not been neglected, or an open attitude.

In the past, some leaders of the Football Association actually did not attach importance to football diplomacy, and some were jealous and some were disdainful of Zhang Jilong’s contribution. Despite Zhang Jilong’s persuasion, Nan Yong "formed an alliance" with Haman, then president of the Asian Football Association, and got a temporary "pleasure" for a football player in China. At that time, he was full of pride. "What football diplomacy is, it’s just interests."

Nan Yong’s words have some truth. "Interests" are indeed fundamental, but connections are also indispensable. Otherwise, there is no channel for "mutual benefit", or why do people believe you? Haman took over at that time, mainly because he was under siege and needed an "exit".

At present, the situation in the AFC is that "the west wind overwhelms the east wind", and for many years, it is very difficult for China football to regain its voice, which Song Kai should be aware of.

In 2013, with the support of Blatter, Salman ascended the presidency of the AFC, and was re-elected for three times since then. The latest term is in 2027. From the current point of view, he has completely controlled the AFC, with no opponents, and his power is better than that of Haman. His secretariat manages almost everything.

Over the years, China’s football diplomacy has been guided by the principle of "following the establishment", which has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can sometimes have a sip of soup, but the disadvantage is that you can only have soup.

Previously, China football could not speak because it could not bring "benefits". At that time, many sponsors of the AFC were Japanese and Korean companies, while there were almost no in China; Later, China enterprises participated extensively, but did not express their due "interest demands". They only paid money and did nothing.

For China football, a good opportunity is that an enterprise in China won the business development right of AFC for 8 years (from 2021 to 2028) for 2.4 billion US dollars in 2018. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, the company lost money for years and was unable to pay the relevant funds, so it had to re-sign the contract and give up most of the benefits. Among them, AFC suffered heavy losses, and China football was also negatively affected.

Since then, China Football Association gave up the right to host the Asian Cup, which also caused dissatisfaction with the Asian Football Association. Among them, Du Zhaocai’s "inaction" was involved.

Therefore, in a certain period of time in the future, China football must regain its "trust" and establish new "contacts" with the world football. Song Kai revealed that the China Football Association is discussing matters related to hosting the World Youth Championship and the World Youth Championship.

In addition, China enterprises that sponsor FIFA and AFC must form a joint force and work closely with the Football Association to maximize the interests of all parties.

During his stay in Doha, Song Kai first met with AFC President Salman and talked with some AFC leaders. Accompanied by Song Kai, Luo Zhao, who has worked in the Foreign Affairs Department of the Football Association for many years, is very familiar with many things about the AFC.

Later on October 30th, local time, Song Kai met Salman on the day he arrived in Doha. Salman congratulated Song Kai on his election as president of China Football Association and reiterated that AFC will continue to cooperate with China Football Association. "I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Song Kai, China football will be promoted to a higher level." Salman said that he was concerned about Song Kai’s remarks. "We have seen the determination of the leadership of the new China Football Association." Song Kai expressed his appreciation and welcome for Salman’s commitment. Salman revealed that the AFC will have a series of concrete development plans to help China’s football continue to develop.

On the 31st, on the day of the AFC Awards Ceremony, Song Kai also had a talk with relevant people of AFC. Although he didn’t have a thorough understanding, he at least laid a foundation. In fact, Zhang Jilong once said that China’s football diplomacy is nothing more than four words: making friends.

Of course, it is whimsical to expect Song Kai to restart football diplomacy at once and even achieve results. After all, he is only a "newcomer", but at least, he has taken the first step. In the future, under the guidance of the policy of "making friends", he will be down-to-earth and may recover lost ground.

China men’s basketball team won by 20 points, Cui Yongxi and Wang Zhelin played well, and they will play against strong European teams.

Li Kaier definitely won’t play in the China men’s basketball match against Cape Verde. Cape Verde’s strength is not bad, and it is a positive team in the World Cup. Zeng Fanbo, Yu Jiahao and Sun Minghui had a truce, Zhao Jiwei was put on the bench, and Zhao Rui took the place in the starting lineup.

Four teams from Italy, China, Cape Verde and Turkey participated in the Trentino Cup. The competition lasted for two days, and the winner of the first day will play the final the next day.

Qi zhou scored the first goal in the basket, Zhou Peng fouled twice in a row, and tavares, the first center in the Champions League basketball game, played. His height reached 221cm, and qi zhou had no advantage over him. The opposite three points are very stable, and the difference is opened to ten. He Xining, Zhang Zhenlin and Zhu Junlong successively hit three points and scored a wave of 11-0 lead!

Hu Jinqiu and Wang Zhelin played at the same time, Wang Zhelin scored 2+1 at the basket, and then made four consecutive fouls and made one penalty. In the first quarter, China led by 4 points.

Hu Jinqiu hit a 3-pointer from the bottom corner, Zhao Jiwei was knocked down by Correa for a layup, and Zhang Zhenlin directly plugged Zhao Rui into the inside and scored easily. The opponent’s defensive strength has improved, and the score difference is shrinking. Qi zhou stepped out in time to beat tavares to the basket. A bunch of walking players in Cape Verde made a lot of mistakes.

Zhao Jiwei was blocked by his opponent, Fang Shuo hit a three-pointer on the buzzer, and China led by seven points at half-time.

Cui Yongxi’s soft touch hit the first goal in the second half, and Zhao Jiwei once again helped Cui Yongxi to smash in the air! Very hot! The opponent also hit three three-pointers. After playing, Wang Zhelin succeeded in continuous attack, and Fang Shuo scored 2+1. Both teams were efficient in attack. Zhu Junlong and Fang Shuo hit three points successively, among which Fang Shuo scored another three points! China has led by 17 points after three quarters.

Zhang Zhenlin made an empty layup, Cui Yongxi made a wonderful breakthrough on the pull rod and made a counter-layup. The opponent hit three points in a row and the momentum of chasing points was very strong. Cui Yongxi hit a key three-pointer, and he and Zhang Zhenlin were really surprises for the men’s basketball team. Cui Yongxi dunked again and became the last thigh. Hu Mingxuan also ushered in the opportunity to play, and Cui Yongxi scored three points again. There are too many differences. qi zhou and Wang Zhe are not even on the team. We use substitute players such as He Xining, Hu Mingxuan and Fu Hao. Fu Hao also hit a three-pointer, and the game was decided.

In the end, China won a big victory 86-66!Among them, the third section has great advantages. In this game, both Wang Zhelin and Cui Yongxi played well, and Cui Yongxi alone could cut out five excellent goals. This game also basically laid a place in Cui Yongxi’s 12-person list! The next game is likely to be against Italy, a strong European team. It is also possible that Li Kaier stayed against Italy, so he didn’t play in this game.

As there is no technical statistics released for the time being, it will take some time to have more specific information.

China team starting: Zhao Rui, Cui Yongxi, Zhou Peng, Zhang Zhenlin and qi zhou.

Shooting is always stuck to the face? Learn to retreat in 4 minutes, and Harden has to call you Master.

Everyone is on the wild court.

There will always be guys who are tough on defense.

As soon as you get the ball, he sticks to his face and fights.

Don’t give me any room to shoot.

Bring a set of teaching today.

Harden’s step-back shot

Everyone knows that Harden is the most powerful master in active duty.

Moreover, this trick is becoming more and more popular in wild courts and NBA.

At this time, someone will ask.

How can I get Harden to call you Master?

I’m sorry

I’m talking about this harden.

Get down to business

Harden’s retreating steps are various.

Retreat after routine and spying.

Step back after the ball is dropped, and step back after the emergency stop.

They are all moves worth learning.

As for the double retreat.

Just like the video said.

As long as you have courage, you can use it

Video source: BENCHPLAYER51

Sneijder on the Champions League final: Facing Barcelona in 10 years, people also think that we are doomed to failure.

Live on May 21st, when interviewed by Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter Milan star Sneijder talked about the 2010 Champions League semi-final and the upcoming Champions League final between Inter Milan and Manchester City.

Do you still remember the stadium atmosphere when you faced Barcelona in the semi-final of the Champions League in 2010?

"Of course, the scene is like a fairy tale, and I will never forget it. The San Siro will be unique on some nights. The scene against Milan the other day reminds me of the stadium atmosphere when I played against Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final 13 years ago. Accompanied by Materazzi, the’ crazy’ brother, it is even more interesting. "

Do you think Inter Milan have a chance to win the championship against Manchester City this time?

"There is no impossible game. Of course, there are difficult games, but in a single round, anything can happen and Inter can achieve anything. In addition, when facing Barcelona in 2010, people also felt that we were doomed to fail, but on the contrary, we proved that we could compete with Barcelona and win the game. "

In 2010, you won the semi-final against Guardiola’s almost perfect team. This time Inter Milan will face Guardiola again. Do you think Inter Milan can win in the same way?

"The team is different, the player structure is different, and football has also changed. Guardiola has been making tactical innovations, and he has an extraordinary team. Although Guardiola’s frontcourt is gorgeous, the defense line is not airtight, and there may always be some gaps. Then in terms of physical confrontation, Inter Milan is great, Inter Milan is very organized and disciplined, and can give feedback when facing Manchester City. "

But Manchester City has Harland. He is like a monster. How will you stop Harland?

"Harland may be the most destructive center player in European football at present, but no team can win by one player alone. In this case, Inter must work together with Qi Xin, and the whole team will participate in the defense. However, there are too many threatening players in Manchester City, so it is useless to just pay attention to and defend Harland. They also have De Braune and Mahrez, who have defended Harland. Maybe De Braune will seek shooting opportunities and defend De Braune. Maybe Mahrez is empty again. Inter Milan must unite as one, not afraid of strong enemies, and hold their heads high. "

Can lautaro be a key Mr Milito?

"That’s what I think, lautaro and Milito are Argentine fighters. Lautaro can follow Zanetti’s example. In the derby, lautaro wore the captain’s armband of Inter Milan. I think lautaro has the appearance of Zanetti and Milito, and he can be a beautiful fairy tale of the Nerazzurri. "

Lautaro is on the shortlist for the Golden Globe Award. If he can play a key role in the Champions League final, do you think lautaro deserves the Golden Globe Award?

"lautaro must think that winning the Champions League with Inter Milan is the best thing. Moreover, lautaro has won the World Cup, which is a very heavy trophy. In general, I think lautaro is very strong, he is still growing, and now he is at the peak. "

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies 2-1 at home 111-101, Morant scored 45 points and James was severely hit.

Dillon Brooks, This Is For You!

When the first quarter of Lakers Vs Grizzlies ended today, the score of 35-9 was matched with Dillon Brooks’ stiff expression on the bench. There is no better way to "speak with the game".

After winning the second game, he made a mockery of lebron james with a big mouth, and his face was too ugly.

Then today’s Grizzlies came up and were beaten by the Lakers with a single-quarter difference record (26 points) in playoff history.

People can’t help but think of the famous line in "Bright Sword":

"Xie Baoqing, Xie Baoqing, why do you say you provoke Li Yunlong?"

This game is the first time for the Lakers to welcome the audience to participate in the playoffs in Staples since 2013 (the 20-21 season was partially allowed), and the momentum shown by the Lakers after the opening not only stunned the Grizzlies, but also made the home fans high.

Of course, Morant, the Grizzlies’ main player, came back with an injury today, and the team didn’t want to give up easily. From the second quarter, the grizzly bear began a long journey to fill the pit.

In this section, Morant scored 12 points, 3 rebounds and 4 assists in a single quarter, gradually bringing the Grizzlies back to the game. However, when the Grizzlies hit 28-18 in a single quarter and narrowed the difference by 37-53 at the end of the half-time, Tommy Tam was alive again.

At the beginning of the second half, he violently hit LeBron’s "Little James" between his legs when he returned to the defense. As tough as LeBron, he fell to the ground.

Recently, it was the outlet for the League to crack down on the "fork". Harden was just punished two days ago, and Tommy Tam dared to hit the gun at this time, which is worthy of the title of "brain-dead".

The referee also satisfied him and directly left the game for a second-class malicious foul.

In this case, the Lakers played a slightly conservative way, and did not respond resolutely to the attack of the Grizzlies. Fortunately, Thick Eyebrows scored 15 points and 4 rebounds in this section to hold the opponent’s onslaught. The Lakers still lead 88-68 after three quarters.

However, it still gave the Grizzlies, especially Morant, hope to overtake. Morant, who was injured in the fourth quarter, completely started the "Bear King" mode. In this quarter, he made 9 of 12 shots, 6 of 3 shots and 4 of 22 points in a single quarter, and the immortal ball kept on leading the Grizzlies to fight back strongly, once catching up with 99-108 and reducing it to single digits.

However, the pit was dug too big in the early stage and eventually lost to the Lakers 101-111 away.

James scored 25 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists, Thick Eyebrows scored 31 points and 17 rebounds, Russell scored 17 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists, Ba Cun Basement scored 16 points and 5 rebounds, and Reeves scored 13 points and 6 rebounds.

Morant scored 45 points, 9 boards and 13 assists, Bain scored 18 points and 5 boards, and jaren jackson scored 13 points and 5 boards.

The next match between the two teams will be held in Los Angeles in two days (4.25 Beijing time).

ChatGPT is more than just a chat bot.

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I want to write a modern science fiction novel with the theme of predicting the future. Please give me an outline of the article.

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Since the development of artificial intelligence, it has changed from simple data simulation to intelligent driving. ChatGPT is not just a chat robot, it is providing services for us in a brand-new way, and its diversified ability can make this new technology improve efficiency and quality for both individuals and enterprises.

Martin Sr: I was moved by Messi’s America’s Cup speech. The save against Muani was the best in my career.

Live on March 11th, emiliano Martinez recently accepted an exclusive interview with Goal Net. He said that Messi’s speech before the Copa America final almost made him cry, and that the last-minute save in the World Cup final might be the best save of his career.

Martinez said: "Messi’s speech before the America’s Cup final really touched me. I really felt like crying because Messi mentioned my daughter. My wife gave birth to our daughter 10 days before the America’s Cup final, so Messi mentioned’ Martinez hasn’t even met his newborn daughter, just to be with us, so we have to make sure to win this championship for him’. Macy said these words … which really gave you goose bumps. For me, it was a wonderful beginning of that day. "

When talking about saving Muani in the final stage of the World Cup finals, Martinez said: "When I lie in bed and close my eyes, I will think,’ What if that goal is scored? I couldn’t dwell on it during the game because everything happened so fast. After Lori kicked out, we headed back, konate kicked out again, and then suddenly Muani got the chance to face me alone. Under normal circumstances, I would attack, but I was calm at that time, and I chose to wait for Muani. "

"I put a little pressure on it, and you can see my left arm and left foot reaching near the post, because I’m praying that the ball will go there. I didn’t move my face. I closed my eyes and said to myself,’ Please hit me’, and it did. "

"I haven’t moved my face. If the ball hits my nose, it will be better, you know, so as to ensure that it doesn’t fly into the goal. This may be the best save in my football career."

What does offside mean in football match? Will your own team be offside in the half court?

Offside is a professional term in football match, which first appeared in the Rules of Football Match promulgated in 1874. It is defined as: when the ball is passed in front of the attack direction, when the football kicks out, if the teammate of the defensive half is closer to the goal than the penultimate defender of the other side, and wants to use this position to interfere with the game or gain benefits, the player will be sentenced to offside.

There are many technical terms in football matches, such as penalty kick, corner kick, sideline kick, offside, etc. Among them, offside is often heard by many people, but its basic meaning is still ambiguous, and sometimes it is impossible to make an accurate judgment under special circumstances. Let’s explain it in detail below.

When we watch a football match, we often see a sideline referee raise a flag just after a player scores the ball into the opponent’s goal. The player who scored the goal has to shake his head helplessly and throw himself back into the attack. Naturally, the goal just scored will not count. Why? Because he was offside, he was offside at the moment when his teammates passed the ball to him.

Which position on the court is offside? In fact, there is no specific position, depending on the position of the players. First of all, offside can only happen in the opponent’s half court. At the moment when our own players pass the ball, we should observe the positions of all the players. When the player who is ready to catch the ball is at the forefront of all the players (excluding the goalkeeper of the opponent), he is offside. This position is not the position of his feet, but the position of his body, and his shoulders and head are leading.

In the past, offside was judged by the sideline referee with the naked eye, which naturally could not be absolutely accurate. But now, with the introduction of high-tech VAR technology, many offsides between millimeters can’t escape from the "eyes". However, although VAR makes the game fairer, it also reduces the excitement of the game to a certain extent and makes many beautiful goals invalid.

There are some special situations about offside on the court. For example, although the attacking player who receives the ball is ahead of all the defensive players (except the goalkeeper), he is still in his own half, so he is not offside at this time.

If a player on the attacking side is offside at the moment when the player passes the ball, but he doesn’t catch the ball or participate in the next attack, then he is not offside.

The last situation: although a player on the attacking side is in an offside position, he just runs with him, participates in the stall, and creates shooting opportunities for his own players, but he never touches the ball from beginning to end. Is he offside? Real fans, please tell me in the comments section.