标签归档 南京哪里有找女孩的地方2021

Media reveals the environmental cost of takeaway: Plastic bags can cover West Lake in 15 days

  China News Service, Beijing, April 19 (reporter, Li Jinlei) Nowadays, the online takeaway market is becoming more and more popular. Behind the huge order volume, there are problems of waste of resources and environmental pollution that cannot be ignored. A reporter from China News Service found that the current takeaway waste is basically in a state of no one recycling.

  While enjoying the convenience of life brought by O2O industries such as online takeout, how much environmental cost people will pay, and how to achieve a win-win situation of convenience and pollution reduction, this urgently needs the attention and consideration of the society.

  Little attention has been paid to the problem of takeaway waste

  In recent years, online food ordering has gradually entered people’s lives, and more and more people have become accustomed to ordering takeout through mobile APP or phone to solve the problem of eating.

  The China News Service reporter found that the takeaway market is becoming increasingly popular, and a large amount of catering packaging waste is also generated. Plastic or foam lunch boxes, plastic bags, disposable chopsticks, etc., constitute the main part of takeaway waste.

  Wang Yan, a white-collar worker working in an Internet company in Beijing, told China News Service that the time cost of bringing meals is too high, office workers do not have so much energy to prepare, and it is too expensive to eat in restaurants outside. Now takeaway merchants have many discounts, which are generally cheaper than going to restaurants. Under such circumstances, even if you know that ordering takeout will cause some "white pollution", it is difficult to resist the temptation of cheap, convenient and fast takeout.

  The large amount of takeaway garbage has caused the cleaners to complain. Yang Lan, a nearly 50-year-old cleaner, has a deep understanding of this. She told reporters that after lunch every day, the trash cans in the unit are almost full of takeaway garbage such as lunch boxes, plastic bags, and disposable chopsticks. Some lunch boxes still have leftover food and soup. It is really a headache to deal with this garbage.

  "Before, there was not so much takeaway waste, but now it has increased significantly." Yang Lan told reporters from China News Service that these takeaway waste are basically not recycled and can only be disposed of as domestic waste.

  "Nowadays, people’s life is very fast, and ordering takeout is for convenience, but few people may be aware of the problem of takeout waste." Mr. Shen, the deliveryman of Meituan takeaway, told China News Service that even if some customers can use chopsticks at home, they will complain because there are no chopsticks in the takeaway. "It may be that they are too lazy to wash, which also shows that people’s environmental awareness still needs to be improved."

  "White pollution" is inevitable

  While enjoying the convenience of ordering food online, people also have to pay for the environmental pollution problems that come with it. So, how serious is the environmental pollution caused by takeaway garbage?

  Boss Zhao, who runs a Liangpi restaurant in Tiantongyuan, told reporters that his store has just opened for less than two months, and takeaway is the main source of business income. At present, 20 or 30 takeaway orders can be received every day. The cost of packaging a takeaway (1 transparent lunch box + 1 pair of chopsticks + 1 plastic bag) is about 1 yuan.

  China News Service reporter noticed that the store of Boss Zhao is not large, with only four tables in the store, but the operating performance of Meituan takeaway has reached more than 500 orders per month.

  In fact, the order volume of various takeaway platforms is growing rapidly, which also means that takeaway waste is also increasing. For the amount of takeaway waste, although there is no authoritative statistics at present, it can be seen from the order volume of takeaway platforms.

  According to the data released by Meituan takeaway, Ele.me, Baidu takeaway, etc., the daily order volume of these three takeaway platforms is about 7 million orders, according to which a rough calculation can be made. According to the calculation of 1 plastic bag for each takeaway, each plastic bag is 0.06 square meters. The plastic bag used every day can cover 420,000 square meters, which is equivalent to about 59 football fields, and can cover a West Lake in about 15 days.

  China News Service reporter noticed that, based on factors such as reducing garbage and "white pollution" and ensuring campus safety, some colleges and universities in China have introduced bans to ban takeout from entering campuses.

  Data map. On April 6, 2015, in Chongqing, this is a cleaner transferring large bags of garbage to the sorting point at the stacking yard to facilitate unpacking. Jiangshang Gull, photo credit: Dongfang IC

  Takeaway waste is basically not recycled

  "Every time I order takeout recently, or pack it outside, I always feel guilty. It’s like creating white pollution." Ms. Jin, who works in Shenzhen, orders takeout once a week on average. She told reporters that the takeaway lunch boxes she calls are almost always packed in plastic boxes. With plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, where does all the takeaway garbage end up?

  China News Service reporter found that at present, takeaway waste is generally difficult to recycle. Disposable chopsticks, plastic bags, and foam lunch boxes are basically unrecycled. Although transparent plastic lunch boxes can be recycled, the amount of recycling is also very small.

  China News Service reporter consulted a number of personnel responsible for waste recycling. Master Li, who is engaged in waste recycling in Beijing Fangzhuang area, told reporters that transparent pure polypropylene (PP) plastic lunch boxes can be recycled, and the purchase price is 3 yuan/kg. Foam lunch boxes and other types of takeaway lunch boxes are basically not recycled because they are too cheap, difficult to clean and difficult to sell.

  Master Liu, who is engaged in second-hand recycling in Chaoyang, Beijing, told reporters that foam lunch boxes are generally not accepted. The recycling price of transparent PP plastic lunch boxes is 2 yuan/kg, and they must be clean, not unclean. "Transparent PP plastic lunch boxes are recycled and sold to plastic processing plants, which will crush them into particles and make other plastic products."

  "White foam lunch boxes are still very common in some construction sites." Zhai Qiuping, a plastics analyst at Zhuochuang Information, told China News Service that such foam lunch boxes are very cheap, a few cents each, and few people recycle them. Because cleaning is very troublesome, the recycling value is not large, and they are generally treated as landfills or incineration.

  Mr. Luo, a takeaway deliveryman who has worked in the Tiantongyuan area for more than two years, told reporters that most regular restaurants currently use transparent lunch boxes, and occasionally you can see rice in foam lunch boxes. Although I have heard that transparent lunch boxes can be recycled, I have never seen anyone recycle them. Usually, no one picks up waste.

  Reducing takeaway waste requires multiple efforts

  Under the background that takeaway has gradually become a living habit, how to reduce takeaway waste is an issue that needs to be paid attention to by the whole society. Takeaway platforms, merchants, consumers and even the whole society should pay attention and make efforts.

  "Many people around me now order takeout, and they never thought about pollution before, but now they do cause pollution." Wang Yan, a white-collar worker, suggested that efforts should be made to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection and reduce the use of disposable tableware, calling on everyone to bring their own tableware.

  Mr. Shen, the deliveryman, suggested that to reduce the use of disposable lunch boxes, we can vigorously promote the use of transparent and environmentally friendly lunch boxes that can be recycled.

  Some netizens have also suggested that takeaway platforms can provide some options, such as whether to bring your own chopsticks and whether bags can be recycled.

  "Nowadays, when people eat takeout, the lunch box is often thrown away directly, and few people keep it for cleaning and recycling." Zhai Qiuping said that to reduce takeout waste, on the one hand, we should encourage people to order less takeout and go out to eat more. On the other hand, we should also strengthen the establishment of garbage sorting and recycling systems to turn waste into treasure. There is still a lot of work to be done in China in terms of garbage sorting and recycling.

  The reporter from China News Service noticed that the outline of the "13th Five-Year Plan" announced this year has clearly stated that the use of disposable products should be restricted. Improve the recycling network of renewable resources, and strengthen the connection between the classification and recycling of domestic waste and the recycling of renewable resources.

The Ministry of Public Security has cracked a number of illegal and criminal cases of obscenity and pornography on mobile phones.

Special topic: encirclement and suppression of mobile phone network pornography

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 24 th On December 8 th, since nine ministries and commissions, including the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, deployed a special campaign to further rectify obscene pornography and vulgar information on the Internet and mobile phone media, the Ministry of Public Security has made a heavy blow to the illegal and criminal activities of obscene pornography on mobile phones. In just half a month, the national cyber security department has closed 2,361 WAP websites of obscene and pornographic mobile phones, cracked 28 criminal cases of obscene and pornographic mobile phone websites, and arrested 34 suspects. The crackdown and rectification work was successful in the first battle.

  Beijing cracked the case of "3gsem.cn" mobile phone wap website spreading obscenity and pornography. Recently, the work of Beijing Public Security Bureau found that a mobile WAP website named "Abusive Naked Campus" provides a large number of obscene and pornographic information links, through which you can browse obscene and pornographic videos, pictures, novels, etc. on other obscene and pornographic websites. The website server is hosted in IDC computer room of Yizhuang, Beijing Unicom. The public security organs in Beijing immediately set up a task force to carry out investigations and arrested the suspect Zhao. After the trial, Zhao confessed that he applied for virtual space and domain name through Beijing Tuofeng Weiye Company around October 2008, purchased wap mobile phone program code from the Internet, and successively searched more than 50 pornographic websites from the Internet, which increased the number of clicks with each other, and applied for advertising alliance of "Beijing Posture Wireless Company" and "Beijing Business Opportunity Unlimited Company". These two companies put advertisements on 3gsem.cn website, and the company will pay Zhao 0 according to the number of clicks of advertisements.

  Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles. Recently, the public security organs in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province successfully cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles, arrested a suspect, seized a computer involved and seized illegal income of more than 60,000 yuan. On November 16, 2009, the network supervision detachment of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi Province found that a wap website of mobile phone was suspected of spreading obscene articles, and the server of the website was located in IDC room of Jiujiang Telecom. After investigation, it was found that the criminal suspect was forced by the strong public opinion pressure to crack down on the spread of obscenity and pornography on mobile phone wap websites recently, and set up jumping links to nearly 20 overseas obscene mobile phone wap websites, such as "Wolf Friends Home", "The Complete Collection of Sexy and Cool Stations", "Mao Mao Hand Mao Mao Foot" and "Jibazi Best Prostitute Station", in order to escape the crackdown by the public security organs. There are a lot of obscene pictures and novels in these obscene mobile phone wap websites. On December 7, the police handling the case of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi, with the strong cooperation of Maoming Public Security Bureau in Guangdong, arrested the suspect Zhang in Maoming City. After the trial, the suspect Zhang confessed to the fact that he started to spread obscene and pornographic information on his mobile WAP website in April 2008, and put advertisements on his mobile WAP website for illegal profit by joining the network advertising alliance.

  Shenzhen, Guangdong, cracked a case of using mobile media to spread obscene pornographic videos for profit. On December 2, 2009, the network police detachment of shenzhen public City, Guangdong Province found that a mobile WAP website was suspected of engaging in online viewing service of obscene pornographic videos. After the investigation, it was found that the suspect also maintained six other obscene and pornographic websites. The network police detachment of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau immediately assigned a special person to collect evidence and inspect the website, fixed the criminal evidence, and arrested three suspects, Liu’s brother and sister. After investigation, the three suspects set up seven pornographic websites, uploaded a large number of pornographic videos, and some websites had more than 1,000 pornographic movies. It takes advantage of the characteristics of high click-through rate and large traffic of pornographic websites, promotes advertisements by inserting online advertisements into obscene pornographic videos and movies, and makes profits by charging commissions according to clicks. Since the website was launched in October 2009, three suspects have made a profit of nearly 6,000 yuan.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

The original novel "She and Her Islands" of the hit drama "Fireworks Family" was published.

Reporter Qu Peng
Recently, the group drama "Fireworks Family" of urban women has been broadcasted simultaneously on CCTV-1, Tencent Video and other platforms, involving hot topics such as family of origin, mother-daughter relationship, women’s independence, old and new views on marriage and so on. The original novel "She and Her Islands" is jointly published by Youfeng Culture and Beijing United Publishing Company, which tells the story of an atypical "matriarchal clan" living in modern society. The three generations of women are entangled like vines, tight and supportive, and symbiotic.
She and her islands
Easy and difficult
Youfeng Culture | Beijing United Publishing Company
"She and Her Islands" is a female narrative work with a novel angle. It doesn’t focus the contradiction on a certain character through the background setting to express the suffering of women, such as "Fan Shengmei", which has gradually become faceless, but it is ingenious. By describing the lives and difficulties of several female characters of different ages in an atypical "matriarchal clan" family, it extends a proposition that is more likely to resonate with us: "There are no vampire parents, no Prince Charming and no golden finger.
In the novel, Li Yijin, a cowardly daughter, was controlled by her mother for 30 years, and every time she tried to break free, she fell into the abyss of being kidnapped by her family. Inferiority and stubbornness of the mother, all her hopes are pinned on her children, but she doesn’t know where she will go once her home, which has been numb for half a lifetime, is broken; The majestic grandmother, who has been uncompromising all her life and escorted the whole family on her own, suddenly wants to arrange everything and leave smartly in her octogenarian years. In the author’s view, the three generations of women in the novel are the protagonists of their own lives. "They have their own shortcomings and limitations, they will be jealous, they will quarrel, they will be unable to understand each other because of the generation gap, they will openly hurt the closest people around them, they will also seek help and companionship from their families when they are in despair, they will begin to reflect after half of their lives, they will begin to learn to express their love, and they will begin to find themselves, and they will stand side by side with each other unconditionally to fight against their fate.
Yi Nan graduated from China Renmin University and Stanford University, and is now a screenwriter and part-time writer. She is good at describing the exploration of women’s inner world, focusing on the anxiety and breakthrough, confusion and choice of new urban women, and trying to give these new women more profound significance of the times. He has won awards such as the best serial and the best author of Douban Reading Xiaoya Award. He has published the work Xian Yuan, a collection of novels, Time will heal, be a good girl with a strong heart, and you are on the back of life. The film and television rights have sold many works, including Xian Yuan, She and Her Islands, Conspiracy, Safety Period and Zebra, Do you love me or not?

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

March 5, Zhongshan, Guangdong. How outrageous is Guangdong going back to Nantian? The ceiling of the room is full of water droplets, and the children in bed are calm and sleep with umbrellas. The party, Ms. Li, said that it was raining just these days and the walls were soaked, fearing that the children would get wet and catch a cold.

User comments:

Give northerners a little shock.

Everywhere is wet.

You have to wear a raincoat for this quilt, right

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

How should parents give reasonable guidance to children who use new media to become younger?

Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University, pointed out that parents should balance the opportunities and risks of the Internet when guiding their children to surf the Internet. Photo courtesy of respondents

A chart based on interview data of Chen Qingwen’s team. Photo courtesy of respondents

  I believe many people have had this experience: in some public places, "Xiong Haizi" played games or watched videos with electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets, and the volume was so loud that parents turned a blind eye. Relevant research reports show that in China, children’s use of new media tends to be younger and more entertaining.

  On the one hand, new media devices that can be networked, such as mobile phones and tablets, have grown up with a new generation of children and once became a "part" of their bodies; On the other hand, the powerful educational function and interpersonal communication use of new media also make it a sharp weapon for learning and communication.

  As the mother of a post-00 generation child, Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University’s College of Art and Media, faces the same problem: How and how often do children use new media? How should parents guide their children to use new media reasonably?

  With these questions, Chen Qingwen and his team randomly interviewed 30 families of children aged 3-10 in Shanghai to learn about children’s use of new media, parents’ attitude and involvement in children’s use of new media, and children’s views on parental involvement. On this basis, suggestions are given, and the research results are published in the core journal "Journalist" in August 2019.

  From "TV Children" to "New Media Children"

  As a post-1970s generation, Chen Qingwen admitted that he "grew up watching TV". When he was a graduate student at Fudan University 15 years ago, he studied the newly-emerging children’s channel in China. She said that the transition from "TV children" to "new media children" was even faster than the growth of a generation. And this change has brought a kind of trouble to parents: it is difficult to guide children to use new media reasonably with reference to their own experience.

  Some people may ask, how can they bring up the next generation when there was no TV in the older generation?

  "Because the new media is more interactive, participatory and creative than the traditional media, but without learning and guidance, children may just regard the new media as TV or game consoles." Chen Qingwen explained that, at the same time, new media are everywhere, and the content is all-encompassing, which is very different from traditional TV and other media. You can leave TV at home, but you can’t live without the Internet and mobile phones. In modern cities, "portable" and "always online" have become the common points for people to use new media.

  Chen Qingwen felt that "new media children" were born from the moment parents provided their children with new media equipment.

  Among the 30 families interviewed, one-third of the children have their own new media equipment, and the other two-thirds share it with their parents, many of whom will leave their unused new media equipment for their children to use. In terms of use, most children play games, followed by watching videos, and the third is the homework assigned by the school.

  According to statistics, more than half of the children use it for a long time, especially on weekends, almost for more than two hours a day. In the trend, many children in the kindergarten group have used new media for a long time, and the use time tends to lengthen with age. In addition, compared with the primary school group, the kindergarten group has a higher proportion of its own new media equipment, which shows that the use of new media is younger.

  In March this year, the Research Report on the Internet Use of Minors in China in 2018 jointly issued by the Youth Rights Protection Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Information Center showed that as of July 31, 2018, the number of underage netizens in China reached 169 million, and the Internet penetration rate of minors reached 93.7%, which was significantly higher than that of the national population (57.7%) in the same period. According to the report, this is a direct manifestation of the expansion of Internet coverage and the decline of mobile traffic charges in China in recent years, and it is also closely related to minors’ strong interest in the Internet, strong learning ability and great application demand.

  Don’t let machines take the place of parents’ company

  In the interview, the research team found that children’s use of new media is mostly due to lack of companionship, especially preschool children. Because parents are busy and have no friends to play with, children have to turn to mobile phones and tablets; With the increase of age, more and more children choose new media.

  Some parents even choose to use new media instead of themselves to accompany their children. In public places such as restaurants, children are often seen watching videos while eating, perhaps just to let their parents "have a good meal". "She is good with this and doesn’t make any noise, as long as she doesn’t make any noise." A mother said.

  The interview also found that with the increase of age, more and more children are more willing to choose new media than playing with friends; And the older children are, the less satisfied they seem to be with their new media use time. Most of the respondents in the primary school group felt that their use time was insufficient, and one girl felt that two hours a day was not enough.

  "When parents use new media instead of accompanying their children, the actual price paid is likely to be huge." Chen Qingwen pointed out in the research report, "As they get older, they are more likely to rely on new media. At this time, even if their parents want to accompany them, they may continue to immerse themselves in communication with machines. When machines replace humans to accompany children, even if people come back, the relationship between children and machines is unbreakable. "

  Chen Qingwen combined expert opinions and personal experience to give some suggestions to parents. "If you want to control underage children’s use of new media, try not to let them own their own equipment, just lend it to him, that is to say, give children the right to use it, while parents retain the right to control it. As for the balance between control and privacy, you need wisdom."

  She also said that although the current academic research is inconclusive about when to start controlling children’s use of new media, she feels that parents who are determined to control their children should take action as soon as possible. "It would be much better to let him know that parents should take care of it early than suddenly."

  Why can other children play computer games, but I can’t?

  In this "equipment battle", "children crying and parents yelling" is a common scene. The research team found that most children’s tricks are crying and "lai", and they can play as long as they can until their parents take away the equipment.

  Interestingly, on the question of whether parents are worried about their children’s use of new media, parents’ attitudes are polarized: 17 are worried, and 13 are not worried, either very supportive or very opposed.

  In the interview, some parents thought that "this is a trend" and "this thing will be accepted sooner or later", so they were not worried at all. A mother said: "everyone has it, but they just can’t fall behind." If she doesn’t understand, she feels like she is behind others and can’t keep up. "

  The attitude of parents who hold opposite opinions is also very clear, and their concerns are mainly reflected in three points: First, they are afraid of their children’s addiction; The second is to worry about the harm to vision; The third is to worry about the negative impact of inappropriate content such as violence.

  Chen Qingwen believes that such "two extremes" attitude makes parents’ work of disciplining their children in trouble. "Why he can I can’t, this is a child’s question. For example, children will say that classmates can use computers when they go home. Why can’t I? "

  Another reason is the change of family education style in China. “‘ Authoritative education ’ It is not easy to work. In the past, parents could answer no, but now they are likely to get a crying and keep asking. After all, children’s energy is much better than ours. "

  The research team also found that, as in the TV era, the way parents intervene in their children’s use of new media is mainly "restriction", and the time limit is more than the content limit.

  Most parents in the interview only know that their children are playing games or watching videos, but they don’t know what games or videos their children are playing. Some academic studies believe that restrictive guidance strategies can not only effectively help solve the problems that children may encounter on the Internet, but also easily lead to the decline of the quality of parent-child relationship or frequent conflicts.

  For children who are out of control, whether they cry, lose their temper or cheat, the parents interviewed said: "Let her cry", "Ignore her" or "yell at him", and some parents will be patient and reasonable, but children will still enter the cycle of yelling if they don’t listen.

  The mother of a 9-year-old boy said that she usually talks reason first and scolds him if she doesn’t listen. If she scolds him, she will have to yell at him at him at a higher volume. If she doesn’t, she will have to be punished, such as not using new media for a few days or increasing the number of homework. Most parents can insist on not using their children’s noise, but the children’s crying or losing their temper will continue.

  Academic research proves that parents’ positive intervention is more effective.

  "We just did a small-scale interview in Shanghai." Chen Qingwen said, "If you want to give scientific advice, you need to do extensive and long-term investigation and research in different cities and rural areas across the country."

  But before that, some countries encountered these problems earlier than China, and their academic research may provide reference.

  Chen Qingwen introduced that since the 1980s, the research on parents’ involvement in children’s media use has been popular in the United States. After 1990, the American government emphasized the role of parents in family policy, and related research received more attention. The research points out that the two main intervention methods adopted by parents are "making rules" and "restricting"; The actual behavior of parents can be divided into positive intervention methods such as parent-child discussion and negative intervention methods such as prohibiting or restricting use, and parents adopt the mode of sharing viewing between parents and children.

  In another paper on the use of new media by minors by British scholars in 2007, the author divided the intervention strategies of parents for their children to use new media into four categories. In addition to joint use and restricted use, parents will also adopt "technology restrictions", that is, use technology software or set restrictions on their children to prevent them from using unauthorized digital media content; And monitor children’s use of websites, letters and games in different ways. Their conclusion is that when parents take active measures to intervene their children’s use of new media, such as sharing or discussion, the negative influence of their children’s use of new media can be effectively reduced.

  Domestic research on the media also believes that parents’ intervention can bring positive results.

  For example, in the psychological aspect, the correct intervention of parents and families can reduce teenagers’ psychological anxiety, help build self-confidence and self-esteem and affect teenagers’ mental health; In terms of learning and risk reduction, parents’ active intervention in media use can improve teenagers’ learning effect, reduce the possible negative impact of violent content in the media, affect the formation of children’s gender role attitude, reduce children’s fear response to media content, and reduce some network risks that children may encounter.

  At the same time, parents’ ideas and the motivation and methods of intervention are extremely important.

  Foreign studies have found that the more parents want the Internet to have a positive effect on their children and think that the Internet will have a negative impact on their children, the more they will get involved in their children’s use of new media. Domestic research also points out that the more time online is strictly restricted by parents, the more recreational motivation teenagers tend to use the Internet.

  "The key point may not be whether children should use new media or how to use new media at all, but where the parents are and where the children’s minds are. Studies in different fields have pointed out that modern society is busier than before, and how parents create a happy parent-child environment will become an increasingly important issue. Quality companionship between parents and children is one of the necessary conditions for shaping parents. " Chen Qingwen’s interview report wrote.

  Communicate with your child with your heart

  What do children think of their parents’ control? The interview results show that on the whole, half of the children think that their parents are reasonable; At the same time, with the growth of children’s age, the proportion of recognition of parents’ intervention control has increased. And "making rules together" and "keeping your word" have become the common standards for children to measure the rationality of parental discipline.

  Taking nine children in the kindergarten group in the interview report as an example, Min Min, a 4-year-old (all minors below are pseudonyms), feels that his parents are much more in charge; Tingting, 5, feels that her parents don’t care much because they are reasonable. Zhu Zhu, a 5-year-old, said that she was afraid of her father because he was very fierce when he was angry and would say, "I’m telling you! I’m telling you! No matter how, I will kick you downstairs "; Kiki, Doll and Lingling, both 6 years old, are afraid of their mother and think her mother is too fierce.

  Among the 21 children in the primary school group, 13 children feel that parental control is reasonable, 5 children feel unreasonable, and 3 children are uncertain. Xiao Han, a third-grade student, told the interviewer that she felt that the parental control was sometimes reasonable and sometimes unreasonable. The unreasonable reason was that the mobile phone was forcibly taken away before the agreed time. "My mother said several times that she would play for me for 10 minutes. I didn’t expect that when it was almost two minutes, she said that it was 10 minutes. I didn’t want to, so my mother dragged me away. She said that it was evening and I couldn’t play any more."

  The interview report suggests that from the perspective of social environment, there are two urgent things: first, timely education courses related to new media literacy should be provided at different stages of children’s growth; The second is to improve parents’ ability to master new media and new technologies.

  "Not all parents have time and energy to participate or study independently. I think we can start with school education and issue some principles and suggestions for children to take back to their parents." Chen Qingwen explained.

  In addition to improving their understanding of new media and technologies, parents should also attach importance to communication between parents and children and accompany their children to use new media by guiding participation. Especially in the method of making rules, parents need to talk to their children often. "In fact, kindergarten children have a very clear concept, this is good, how long should it take. If the rules are made by the children themselves, or if the parents discuss with him, the children will be more willing to abide by them. "

  When attending international academic conferences, Chen Qingwen often discusses these issues with foreign scholars: when to give children new media equipment, how long the screen time should be in a day, and when to let children have their own social media accounts. "Although some organizations will give suggestions, for example, the screen time is no more than one hour or two hours a day, and general social software suggests that people are over 14 years old, but parents have different ideas, different social situations, different family situations, and different children, so you can refer to some research-based suggestions, but in the end you have to find a way that suits you. I don’t think there is an absolute standard."

  "According to the needs" is Chen Qingwen’s main basis. Her son rarely contacted new media when he was in kindergarten, but when he saw that other children had their own mobile phones, he said that he also wanted to have their own mobile phones. But this wish has not been realized until now that his son is going to middle school, because his son has no need to carry a mobile phone. When she entered middle school, her son needed a computer for some of his homework. The school asked for a laptop for her child, so she bought the laptop she wanted, but only if it was used for study and could not be loaded with games. "At present, the school has just started, and there are still any problems in the future. I am also walking and watching."

  "In our research, we found that intentional is better than unintentional. As long as you are intentional, children can feel it. My suggestions are: teach students in accordance with their aptitude, learn from each other, and communicate with your heart. From the perspective of communication, intentional communication can enhance feelings and reduce misunderstandings, which is actually the most effective method. " Chen Qingwen said. (China Youth Daily China Youth Network Trainee reporter Wei Qimeng)

"After 00" vs. Zhao Ruliang won the first Chinese billiards world championship.

Original title: "After 00" vs. Zhao Ruliang wins the first Chinese billiards world championship.

The 6th China Billiards Association Chinese Billiards World Championship ended on 16th in Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. In the men’s final held on the same day, Zhao Ruliang beat Shen Shenyi 41:28 in the dialogue between two "post-00" players and won the first Chinese billiards world championship.

The men’s final is 41 wins in 81 games, which is divided into four stages. Zhao Ruliang ended the first stage with 11:7, and once expanded the number of leading games to 8 in the second stage; Shen Shenyi launched a counterattack at the end of this stage, and the two sides entered a state of seesaw in the third stage; Zhao Ruliang, who is more experienced in the competition, entered the fourth stage with a 32:24 lead by a small high tide at the last minute.

At the beginning of the fourth stage, Zhao Ruliang quickly entered the state, and further expanded its advantage at 36:24. After a wave of scoring climax, he got the match point early at 40:26, and won the third match point with a clear shot, winning the championship and taking away the 3 million yuan championship prize. The runner-up Shen Shenyi received 1.2 million yuan.

The men’s team of the Chinese Billiards World Championships is strong, and none of the top 16 professional men of the Chinese Billiards Association is absent. All the four former champions, Elton, Shi Hanqing, john young and Zheng Yubo, appeared. Zhao Ruliang studied under john young, and eliminated Master in the semi-final and entered the final. Shen Shenyi defeated the dark horse Xu Tianwei in the semi-final. In the third and fourth finals, Xu Tianwei broke out in the second stage, and defeated john young to win the third place at 21:15.

This World Championships is divided into men’s and women’s groups. In the women’s final that ended before, Tang Chunxiao defeated Liu Xiazhi 19:9 and also won the championship for the first time.

Guests from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gather in Qingdao, Shandong Province to talk about economic and trade exchanges and industrial cooperation.

  Zhongxin. com Qingdao, November 25 (Hu Yaojie and Zhang Xiaopeng) The cross-strait (Qingdao) economic and trade exchange and cooperation conference was held in Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province on the 25th. The conference attracted more than 200 guests from the political and business circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to talk about cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and industrial cooperation.

  At the meeting, Zhou Ning, vice president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, said in his speech that Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises are supporters, participants and beneficiaries of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. He believes that with the all-round advancement of Chinese modernization, it will be more favorable for Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises to rely on the strong development support of the motherland and the development stage will be broader. The Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits will continue to improve policies and measures that benefit Taiwan compatriots and enterprises, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen and enterprises in accordance with the law, and help them integrate into the new development pattern and participate in high-quality development.

  Li Zhenghong, president of the All-China Association of Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprises, said that the steady and rapid growth of the mainland economy has injected a shot in the arm for Taiwan-funded enterprises to take root in the development of the mainland. Taking Qingdao, the venue of the conference, as an example, he said that accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development have provided new impetus for Qingdao’s development and expanded a broader space for Taiwanese businessmen to share new opportunities for Qingdao’s development. In the future, the National Friendship Association of Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprises will continue to play a bridge role, leading more Taiwanese businessmen to pay attention to, invest in and take root in Qingdao, and continue to write a new chapter for economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Qingdao and Taiwan.

  Zhang Liansan, director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shandong Province, said that Shandong and Taiwan Province have always had frequent exchanges, close cooperation and fruitful results. Taiwan-funded enterprises have made positive contributions to promoting high-quality economic and social development in Shandong. In the future, the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shandong Province will continue to promote cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation, deepen cross-strait integration and development in various fields, and improve the systems and policies for promoting the well-being of Taiwan Province compatriots.

  At the conference, a centralized signing ceremony was held, and a number of cooperations were carried out and theme exchanges were carried out. An exhibition on the achievements of economic and trade integration between Qingdao and Taiwan was held at the conference site, which showed the elegance and development achievements of some Taiwan-funded enterprises in Qingdao. It is reported that this conference, with the theme of "integrating development and creating a win-win situation", is jointly sponsored by Qingdao Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and Qingdao Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprise Association, aiming at promoting cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. (End)

Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, and Chen Jiawei, a rope skipping teenager, helped China’s sports development with 361 during the Asian Games torch relay.

Flames jump in the sun, cheers spread in the crowd, and the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games is in full swing. In this grand ceremony, the torchbearers holding the flame high are undoubtedly the focus of the camera. They are outstanding representatives from all walks of life, but also important messengers of the Asian Games spirit.

As professional athletes in their respective fields, Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, and Chen Jiawei, a jumping rope star, are also among the torchbearers of the Hangzhou Asian Games. With vigorous posture, they hand in hand with 361 to pass on "China Love" to the next stick.

Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, loves never to leave.

"As long as you get to the stadium, you are very passionate, that is, love! Basketball is very important in my life. " Lv Xiaoming used to be a famous defender in China Men’s Basketball Professional League, and became the assists king in CBA League for three consecutive seasons, and was also selected for the China Men’s Basketball Team. Because of his love for basketball, he still paid attention to the future and development of basketball in China after retiring, and took root in basic basketball training. Over the years, he trained a large number of young players and became one of their first mentors. He also opened the basketball camp-"Lv Xiaoming basketball camp" in his own name, and now the training camp has become a resounding signboard in the field of domestic basketball youth training, which has been recognized by both inside and outside the industry.

Lv Xiaoming’s love for sports and his support for youth sports coincide with 361. For a long time, 361 has invested a lot of resources and energy in the field of youth sports, and its own IP "Touching the ground and burning" has been established as a professional basketball event, which has specially added junior group events. On May 13th, Lv Xiaoming and 361 jointly launched the # Assisting Future # program, and jointly launched the "Touching the Ground and Burning Young basketball camp" in Chengdu, and served as the head coach of 361 Junior Basketball, personally guiding the younger generation of basketball fans and igniting their basketball enthusiasm and dreams.

Chen Jiawei, a jumping rope star, insists on making breakthroughs.

Chen Jiawei, who has been selected into the national skipping team for many times, participated in the World Skipping Championships and the Asian Skipping Championships, and is a member of the lecturer group of the Guangzhou Skipping Association. At the age of 17, he has achieved * in various competitions at home and abroad and won numerous awards.

Chen Jiawei’s close friend relationship with 361 was established in sports, and he was a loyal user of 361. In his view, 361 brand is professional, young and energetic, and its sports equipment surprises him in comfort, wear resistance, scientific and technological content and design. Now he wears professional rope skipping equipment provided by 361 in every training and competition, especially the rebound and shock absorption of rope skipping shoes and other scientific and technological applications have greatly helped him.

Chen Jiawei is a representative in the field of youth sports, and 361 continues to empower more teenagers who love sports like him. Not long ago, in the 2023 World Rope Skipping Championship, 361 helped China rope skipping national team to win 20 gold, 11 silver and 5 bronze medals, and broke four world records in succession, contributing to promoting the health of Chinese teenagers.

For ordinary people, skipping is a simple and economical way of exercise, which can be used for entertainment and physical exercise, but for professional skipping athletes, it is a sport that needs repeated practice, and it takes persistence day after day to achieve a breakthrough and achieve good results.

Chen Jiawei once said: "If I encounter difficulties in training, I will practice more myself, such as speed skipping. If I can’t break my best result, I will work harder on speed. Of course, the speed of training may be boring and you need to jump very simply, which requires long-term persistence to break through yourself. "

Chen Jiawei’s love for the sport of skipping rope is also poured behind her persistence. Chen Jiawei said frankly that he was selected by the teacher to join the skipping team at first, and he held the mentality of "giving it a try", but he gradually became fond of this sport in the process of trying, and now skipping has become a career he loves. Not only that, Chen Jiawei said that sports are contagious and influenced by himself. Many students around him also love sports as much as him, and often run and play ball together.

andThree hundred and sixty-oneHand in hand to help "China loves, from generation to generation"

Both Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei are influencing more teenagers with their own personal experiences and practical actions, and vividly interpreting the connotation of "China’s love is passed down from generation to generation".

Nowadays, Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei, as athletes who have made great achievements in their respective fields, have been selected as the torchbearers of the Asian Games to participate in the torch relay, which is also recognition and encouragement for their professional strength in sports. At the same time, 361, as a national sports brand of China *, has been deeply involved in the field of sports specialty for many years, committed to providing sports enthusiasts with high-quality sports equipment and support, and has sponsored many large-scale international sports events such as the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, and has become one of the most important "boosters" for the development of sports in China. The combination of professional athletes and professional sports brands will provide strong support for the development of sports in China.

The torch relay of the Asian Games is connected with the past, symbolizing inheritance and conveying a positive spirit. With the help of this important ceremony, Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei passed on their persistence and love for sports to more people. At the same time, as the official partner of the four consecutive Asian Games, 361 is once again facing the world, so that more people can see the strength and elegance of China’s national sports brand!

Feasibility study report on the construction project of intelligent agricultural machinery research and development center and agricultural machinery cloud platform

1. Project overview

This project plans to build an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and an agricultural machinery cloud platform by leasing R&D office space, purchasing advanced R&D and testing software and hardware equipment, and introducing high-level R&D personnel. The main research and development directions of intelligent application system of agricultural machinery include: machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precise) operation control system (automatic alignment operation system, precision sowing control system, automatic film cutting and spreading system, adaptive intelligent variable spraying control system), online monitoring system of agricultural machinery subsoiling precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual identification system and automatic driving system based on Beidou.

In terms of agricultural machinery cloud platform, advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will be used to develop and build agricultural machinery cloud platform. The agricultural machinery cloud platform of this project includes five layers: perception layer, transport layer, platform layer, application layer and presentation layer, in which the big data platform of the platform layer and the application subsystem/module of the agricultural machinery cloud platform of the application layer are the focus of research and development. As an application support platform, big data platform has the functions of massive data collection, storage, analysis, visualization and so on, which provides support for various system functions and services in the application layer.

The application layer has two major functional systems, namely "intelligent IOT management" and "comprehensive transaction service". The specific application subsystems/modules of agricultural machinery cloud platform include intelligent agricultural machinery information management system, intelligent online monitoring system of agricultural machinery precision operation, remote intelligent early warning system, intelligent agricultural machinery monitoring and dispatching system, intelligent farmland information system, expert decision support system, government subsidy auxiliary decision-making system, comprehensive transaction system, etc., which are used as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises and agricultural machinery enterprises.

2. Necessity of project implementation

(1) Respond to the national smart agriculture development strategy and seize development opportunities.

In 2014, China put forward the concept of "smart agriculture". In 2016, smart agriculture was written into the "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" for the first time, which indicates that the development of smart agriculture in China has risen to the height of national economic strategy. According to the concept of industrial development, smart agriculture takes information and knowledge as production factors, and through the deep cross-border integration of information technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with agriculture, it realizes information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise investment and personalized service in the whole process of agricultural production. It is an advanced stage of agricultural informatization development from digitalization to networking to intelligence, and it is an important trend of modern agriculture. It is also an inevitable choice for China to realize agricultural modernization and accelerate the transformation from an agricultural power to an agricultural power.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an important strategic opportunity to promote the digital and intelligent all-round development of agriculture and rural areas. As a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, Bo Shiran is committed to becoming a practitioner of the development of smart agricultural machinery and smart agriculture in China. In order to conform to the trend of the times and seize the development opportunities, the company needs to increase the investment in R&D and innovation of intelligent agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery cloud platform with the help of this project. Through the implementation of this project, the company will form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, which will help to realize the intelligentization of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole process of cotton planting, and will build an agricultural machinery cloud platform, which will greatly improve the company’s platform service ability.

(2) Improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery of the company and the country, and enhance the value of agricultural machinery.

Intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment is an advanced type of agricultural machinery and equipment that integrates high and new technologies such as machinery, electronics, hydraulics and information, and realizes automation, informationization and intelligence. It has the characteristics of strong function, high working efficiency, safety, comfort and reliability, reducing agricultural materials and labor consumption, energy saving and environmental protection, and is an important development direction of agricultural machinery and equipment industry in the future.

In recent years, the state has issued a number of policies to strongly support the application of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite navigation in agricultural machinery equipment and agricultural machinery operations; This project will develop a series of advanced intelligent application systems for agricultural machinery control and monitoring, including machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precision) operation control system, online monitoring system for agricultural machinery subsoiling and precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual recognition system and automatic driving system based on Beidou, which will greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, realize the all-round transition from "mechanization" to "intelligence", and greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness.

(3) Build the ecological information center of intelligent agricultural machinery and realize the platform service ability of the company.

With the popularization and application of intelligent agricultural machinery in China, intelligent agricultural machinery will produce a large number of agricultural machinery operation data in the process of operation, and with the help of intelligent sensing terminals, a large number of farmland, soil and crop information data can be sensed and collected. The data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are of great value, but at this stage, because China’s smart agriculture as a whole is still in its infancy, the overall development level is low, and the data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are still in a relatively isolated and scattered state, which makes it difficult to exert their value.

Agricultural machinery cloud platform is the foundation and important tool for the collection and utilization of massive agricultural data resources. Through the application of big data mining analysis, virtualization technology, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the agricultural machinery cloud platform can provide a series of platform-based functional services such as intelligent agricultural machinery operation status monitoring, fault diagnosis, maintenance monitoring, precision operation online monitoring, remote intelligent early warning, remote intelligent monitoring and scheduling. At the same time, it can also realize the digital docking and information sharing of supply and demand resources of agricultural machinery ecological resources circle participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises, agricultural machinery enterprises, financial and insurance institutions, and provide them with a series of platform-based functional services such as customized business push, subsidy-assisted decision-making, supply and demand docking of farmland agricultural machinery operations, and agricultural materials trading.

The establishment of agricultural machinery cloud platform will help to promote the digitalization, intelligent connection and effective integration of data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural materials and other whole industrial chains, break the phenomenon of information islands in various fields of intelligent agricultural machinery ecology, thus building an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center and further enhancing the company’s platform service capability.

(4) an important carrier to realize the company’s leap-forward development and long-term sustainable development.

At present, the company has formed a series of cotton planting machinery products. In the core product cotton harvester, it has realized intelligence with the application of intelligent technologies and systems such as electronic monitoring system, integrated operating system, remote start-stop control and satellite navigation. However, there is still much room for intelligent improvement in the aspects of intelligent monitoring of machine state, intelligent operation control, intelligent early warning, intelligent visual recognition and automatic driving. In addition, the company’s current business is mainly to provide complete machine products and after-sales service, and it needs to further increase investment in the overall solution and platform service capability of intelligent agricultural machinery industry.

This project will introduce a series of high-end R&D talents by taking advantage of talents in Shanghai, which will effectively break through the bottleneck of the company’s high-end technical talents, significantly improve the company’s independent R&D ability and high-tech achievements transformation ability, and help the company greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment products and the platform comprehensive service ability during the whole cotton planting process.

Through the implementation of this project, the company will become the leader and enabler of digital, intelligent and intelligent changes in agricultural machinery ecology, and effectively enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence. It will help the company to change from an agricultural machinery manufacturer to an intelligent agricultural machinery integrated solution service provider, realize the company’s progress to a technology-based and platform-based enterprise, and be conducive to the company’s long-term sustainable development.

3. Feasibility analysis of the project

(1) A good policy environment provides favorable conditions for project implementation.

In recent years, the state attaches great importance to the development of intelligent agriculture and intelligent agricultural machinery, including rural revitalization strategy, rural industrial development planning, agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery and equipment development guidance, the No.1 document of the Central Committee, the national 14 th Five-Year Development Plan and other related policies, which clearly encourage and support the development of intelligent agricultural machinery and intelligent agriculture.

It is clearly stated in relevant policies such as Digital Agriculture and Rural Development Plan (2019-2025), National Rural Industry Development Plan (2020-2025), Implementation Plan for Industrialization of Key Technologies of Modern Agricultural Machinery, Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Industry, Fourteenth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035. Encourage research and development of key equipment technologies and intelligent control systems such as autonomous navigation of agricultural machinery, intelligent precision operation, intelligent operation monitoring and remote intelligent operation and maintenance management of agricultural machinery, promote the integrated application of intelligent sensing, intelligent analysis and intelligent control technologies and equipment, accelerate the research and development and industrialization of core components such as intelligent systems, and improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Support the deep integration of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite positioning with agricultural machinery equipment manufacturing technology and agricultural production and operation, support the construction of intelligent agricultural machinery Internet of Things platform and agricultural machinery operation and maintenance big data platform, accelerate the popularization and application of agricultural machinery operation monitoring, maintenance diagnosis, remote dispatching and other information service platforms, improve the informationization, mechanization and intelligence level of agricultural production process, and accelerate the development and construction of smart agriculture.

This project will focus on the research and development of intelligent agricultural machinery application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform, and the above policies have pointed out the direction for the construction of this project. The construction of this project meets the requirements of national rural revitalization, rural industrial development, agricultural machinery and equipment development and national economy, and a good national policy environment provides favorable conditions for the implementation of this project.

(2) Good application and implementation environment creates conditions for the development of the project.

This project mainly includes the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and the construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform. The main goal of the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system is to form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, realize the intelligence of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness of the company’s own products, and increase the promotion and application of the industry on this basis; The construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform is to effectively collect agricultural machinery and other agricultural machinery ecological related data resources, build an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center, and provide a series of platform-based functional services for agricultural machinery ecological participants with the help of technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

This project has a good application and implementation environment. Mainly as follows:

First, at the company level, as a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, the company has formed rich accumulation in the field of cotton planting machinery with cotton harvester as its core product, and has good manufacturing capacity and market stock base, which has created good implementation conditions for the application of the intelligent application system of the project in the whole machine.

Secondly, at present, the overall intelligent development degree of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole cotton planting process in China is low, and the intelligent application system of agricultural machinery has a good application prospect in this field.

Thirdly, at the level of agricultural machinery ecology, there are massive data resources in agricultural machinery, farmland and other links in the agricultural machinery ecology, which need to be effectively integrated and brought into play. Agricultural machinery ecological participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural machinery enterprises and agricultural enterprises have a large number of demand and supply services such as agricultural machinery intelligent control, mechanized crop harvesting services, agricultural machinery and agricultural resources supply, which need to be fully and effectively connected digitally to realize online resource docking and trading, which has laid a good foundation for the construction and implementation of agricultural machinery cloud platform.

Therefore, this project has a good application and implementation environment, which creates conditions for the development of the project.

(3) Perfect technical innovation mechanism and quality control experience provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

The company attaches great importance to technological research and innovation, and insists on relying on technological innovation to improve product quality and enhance enterprise competitiveness. After years of development, the company has formed a relatively perfect technological innovation mechanism such as R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism.

The company has formulated the Control Procedure for New Product Design and Development, which regulates the whole process of design and development of new products and technologies from market research, project review, project establishment and project execution, ensuring the smooth development of products and technologies and realizing the scientific and standardized management of R&D projects. At the same time, the company has adopted necessary incentive systems and measures for R&D personnel, process technicians, production management personnel and other employees in various departments.

Reward the achievements of technology R&D innovation, production process optimization and benefit transformation of new products in different degrees, and actively guide research and development personnel, skilled workers and production management personnel to keep up with technology development trends and be close to market demand in R&D, so as to improve the success rate and market benefit of R&D, thus forming an effective incentive mechanism for R&D innovation and improving the enthusiasm and initiative of R&D personnel.

Perfect R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism can effectively guarantee the smooth implementation of the company’s R&D projects, help stabilize the professional talent team, and then improve the development efficiency of the company’s new products, technologies and services. Therefore, the company’s perfect technological innovation mechanism will provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

(4) The rapid development of a new generation of information technology and intelligent control technology provides a guarantee for the implementation of the project.

In terms of next-generation information technology, with the rapid development of next-generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing in China and the increasing demand for new-generation information technologies in all walks of life, the technologies of Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing have penetrated into all walks of life. The application and popularization of new generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing are also accelerating. In terms of intelligent control technology, after years of development in China, the development of related disciplines, basic theoretical research and industrial machinery applications is also improving. With the gradual maturity of the application of related technologies, China’s new generation of technical personnel in the field of information and intelligent control has become more and more abundant, which has provided a guarantee for the implementation of this project.

4. Project investment estimate

(1) investment composition

The total investment of this project is 146,616,600 yuan, which includes 75,411,200 yuan for R&D and implementation, 54,199,000 yuan for software and hardware equipment purchase, 8,432,700 yuan for venue lease, 1,592,000 yuan for decoration project and 6,981,700 yuan for basic preparation.

5. Project site selection and construction scheme

(1) Project site selection

This project intends to obtain the project R&D office space in caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone by lease. The relevant high-tech enterprises in this area are gathered, the transportation is convenient, the talent supply is sufficient, and it has a good location advantage. The project will be implemented in three years.

(2) Main raw materials and consumption of the project

The main raw materials of this project are all kinds of sensors, controllers, driving motors, display screens, etc., and the market supply is sufficient. The power consumption of this project is mainly electricity, and the infrastructure where the project is located is complete and the power and energy supply is guaranteed.

6. Environmental protection and measures taken

This project is an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and agricultural machinery cloud platform construction project, which mainly carries out the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform. The site used in the project is obtained through lease, and does not involve civil engineering; In the operation stage of the project, no industrial processing and manufacturing links are involved, and there is no industrial pollution discharge. During the operation of the project, a small amount of domestic garbage will be generated, which will be disposed by special cleaning and sanitation, and the generated domestic wastewater will be treated reasonably by sewage pipes, which will not cause pollution to the environment.

7. Economic benefit analysis of the project

The project itself does not directly bring economic income. The implementation of the project will greatly improve the intelligent level of the company’s products and the company’s platform service ability, help to enhance the company’s research and development strength, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence, thus indirectly generating benefits for the company.

This report is a public part, and it is necessary to customize the feasibility study report for government projects, bank loans, investment decisions and other purposes to consult Sihan Industrial Research Institute.

The registration of the Society Competition 2008 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Competition was officially launched.

The registration channel for the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Competition was officially opened! The contest was co-sponsored by China Artificial Intelligence Society and Yuhang District People’s Government of Hangzhou, undertaken by Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City (Haichuang Park) Management Committee, and co-organized by Beijing Iron Man Technology Co., Ltd. Based on an international perspective, the competition will focus on cutting-edge technology and application innovation, promote academic exchanges, personnel training, technological development and cross-border application and integration in the field of artificial intelligence, and build a talent exchange platform and industrial ecosystem for artificial intelligence.

Algorithm challenge

Track 1: imaging NLP-medical imaging diagnosis report generation

Track 2: Giga Rendering-A New Perspective Rendering Based on a Billion Pixel Sparse Image

Hardware challenge

Track 1: Service Robot Competition for the Elderly

Track 2: Deep Learning Smart Car Competition

Track 3: unmanned competition

Algorithm challenge

Track 1: It is divided into four stages: registration-team formation, preliminary, semi-final and final.

Sign up & Team up (March 10th–April 20th)

The opening time of the registration system is 10:00 Beijing time on March 10th, 2023, and the deadline is 12:00 noon on April 20th, 2023.

Preliminaries (March 21st–April 21st)

Rematch (April 28th–May 19th)

Final (June 9)

Track 2: It is divided into three stages: registration-team formation, online competition and final competition.

Sign up & Team up (March 10th–May 4th)

The opening time of the registration system is 10:00 Beijing time on March 10th, 2023, and the deadline is 17:00 Beijing time on May 4th, 2023.

Online Competition (March 10th–May 10th)

Final (June 9)

Hardware challenge

Registration & Team Building (March 10th-May 20th, 2023)

Final (June 6-June 9, 2023)

Competition official website: https://gaiic.caai.cn/

Algorithm challenge

Event e-mail:

Track 1 data@tsinghua.edu.cn

Track 2 challenge@gigavision.cn

QQ group for event exchange (choose one):

Track 1 566353409/75834321

Hardware challenge

Event Email: bd@artrobot.com

Event exchange QQ group:

Track 1 558080765

Track 2 558719690

Track 3 480558608

04 tournament award

Algorithm challenge

The total prize money of the competition is 850,000-920,000 RMB, and all prizes are pre-tax.

Hardware challenge

The total prize money of the competition is 400,000 RMB, and all prizes are pre-tax.

Champion: 20,000 yuan/team, and the instructor 10,000 yuan/team.

Runner-up: 15,000 yuan/team and 8,000 yuan/team for the instructor.

Third runner-up: 10,000 yuan/team, and the instructor is 5,000 yuan/team.

First prize: 3,000 yuan for each team and 2,000 yuan for each instructor, a total of 5 teams.

Second prize: 2000 yuan per team, a total of 10 teams.

Third prize: 1000 yuan for each team, a total of 15 teams.

* The above is the award setting of a single event, and there are three events in the hardware event.

Other awards:

Creative Award: 4,000 yuan/team, totally 4 teams.

05 media cooperation