标签归档 上海后花园私人会所

China Hengda has been notified of the court lawsuit and has been recovered 2.15 billion

On the evening of December 5, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the Company and three related subsidiaries have received a notice of litigation issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, and Jinbi Property has proposed to recover approximately RMB 1.9963125 billion and approximately RMB 152.0628 million from the Company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

Apple iPhone 12 mini battery evaluation: discharge efficiency is far ahead

Apple introduced the iPhone 12 mini in October 2020. IPhone 12 mini is one of our high-end models (US$ 600-799). Despite its small size, it is equipped with a high-resolution Super Retina XDR screen and dual cameras. Our battery benchmark engineer recently tested the Apple iPhone 12 mini;; The following are the main conclusions of the test.

Main specifications:

Battery capacity: 2227 mAh

20W charger

Chipset: A14 Bionic

5.4- inch, 2340 x 1080 (476 ppi), 60 Hz OLED screen

Test storage/memory combination: 4 GB/128 GB

Support wireless charging (12W)

About DXOMARK battery test: This paper aims to highlight the most important test results. (For more details about our smartphone battery benchmark, please read our battery benchmark.


Thanks to excellent software optimization, battery discharge is extremely efficient.

Support wireless charging, comparable to wired charging.


Small capacitance (2227 mA), which seriously affects the battery life.

Although there is a 20W charger, the charging speed is slow.

IPhone 12 mini has an appropriate name, small overall size and small battery capacity, which is only 2227 mA. At the time of writing, it has the smallest capacitance in our entire battery database. However, although its capacity has a significant impact on battery life, it always scores 59, ahead of several other devices with larger batteries.

We compare the performance of iPhone 12 mini in several key categories with another high-end device, Google Pixel 5, and one plus 8T in our mid-to high-end models (400-599 USD). The battery capacity, chargers, screen types and resolutions, and processor specifications of all three devices are shown in the following table.

How long the battery can run continuously depends not only on the battery capacity, but also on other aspects such as mobile phone hardware and software. The battery life score of DXOMARK consists of three performance test scores: (1) indoor static, (2) outdoor movement, and (3) calibration mode. The score of each test item contains a series of comprehensive test results to measure the battery life in various real-life scenarios.

At the time of writing, the overall battery life score of Apple iPhone 12 mini is 41, which is very close to the last one in our database. Its battery capacity (2227 mA) is obviously different from that of Google Pixel 5(4080 mA) and one plus 8T (4500 mA), so it is difficult to compete with them.

However, it is worth noting that when the power of the iPhone 12 mini is displayed as 10%, the remaining power is indeed 10%, so the user will not suddenly reduce the remaining usage time because the power is about to run out. This is an advantage that many other mobile phones don’t have. )

Now let’s take a closer look at the performance of the mini battery in the endurance test.

The robot in faraday cage simulates a series of touch-screen actions of users, which we call "typical usage scenarios", including making phone calls and watching online videos, which often lasts for 16 hours, of which 4 hours are active and 8 hours are dormant. The robot repeats the same action every day until the battery power runs out.

Although there is a big gap in battery capacity, the iPhone 12 mini is not inferior to competing products, and its battery life is only four hours less than that of Google and One Plus. The following chart shows the performance of iPhone 12 mini and competing products in typical usage scenarios driven by robots:

When using a smart phone when moving outdoors, the battery life will be reduced because of additional "hidden" requirements, such as continuously transmitting signals to select a cellular network. DXOMARK battery experts take the mobile phone outdoors to perform a set of precisely preset activities, and each device follows the same three-hour moving route.

The outdoor mobile score of iPhone 12 mini is 51 points, which is consistent with the score of Pixel 5, but obviously lags behind the score of 61. According to the analysis of a single usage scenario, Yijia is far superior to Apple and Google’s devices in 3G calling, and Apple and Google are slightly close to Yijia in camera and GPS (Google is almost consistent with Yijia in the use of social media apps).

In order to complete this kind of test, the mobile phone will return to faraday cage, and our robot will repeat a set of specified activities (usage scenarios), such as games and streaming media. Starting from 80% power, all devices should be tested until they run out of at least 5% battery power.

If the iPhone 12 mini is not in the default automatic mode, but in the calibration mode (the screen brightness is 200 nits and the speaker volume is 60 decibels), it will not be comparable to the competing products and fall behind in all tests. However, it is worth noting that Apple claims that the mini can provide 10 hours of video streaming, and on average, the iPhone exceeds this number in calibration mode, with 13 hours of play online time in WiFi and 8 hours and 30 minutes in 4G.

The charging score of DXOMARK battery consists of two sub-scores: charging speed and fast charging. Full charge test to evaluate the reliability of battery icon; Evaluate how long it takes for the battery to charge from 0% to 80% and from 80% to 100%; At the same time, measure how long and how much power it takes for the battery to be fully charged from the icon display 100%. Under different power levels (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%), the fast charging test can measure the power received by the battery after five minutes of power connection.

The charging performance of iPhone 12 mini is slightly below average. In view of its small battery capacity and 20W charger, we expected the iPhone to charge faster. On the contrary, its charging performance is similar to that of Google Pixel 5 with 4080 mAh capacity and 18W charger.

Although it takes twice as long for the iPhone 12 mini to run out of power and charge to 80% (the former is close to 52 minutes and the latter is 25 minutes), the Apple device is better than Google, which takes 1 hour and 14 minutes to reach 80%. In addition, it takes longer for iPhone to display from 80% to 100% than Google and One Plus, and it takes longer to display from 100% to fully charge than I, but shorter than Google.

In terms of wireless charging, it takes 1 hour and 36 minutes for the iPhone 12 Mini to reach 80% at 12W (52 minutes for wired charging)-but it is not bad in a word.

The remaining power when the user charges the iPhone 12 mini will affect the endurance obtained after plugging in for 5 minutes. When connected to the power supply when the remaining 20%, the battery life of Apple devices is more than twice as long as when the remaining power is 80%. Although these results are similar to those of Google Pixel 5, after five minutes of charging, one plus 8T provides about twice the extra battery life as the other two devices.

The battery efficiency score of DXOMARK consists of two sub-scores, charging and discharging. The data used are from the typical usage scene test of robot, outdoor mobile test, charging evaluation and power measurement, and the battery capacity of equipment is also considered.

Although the measured battery life can’t compete with most devices with larger battery capacity, the battery life of the iPhone 12 mini is still good (here, it shows excellent discharge efficiency) if considering its small capacitance.

Although the charging efficiency of Apple iPhone 12 Mini is 68% higher than that of Google Pixel 5 (66%), it is far from one plus 8T (81%). Similarly, its low score here is also attributed to an unexpectedly inefficient charger.

Apple iPhone 12 mini has what our engineers call "amazing performance" in all discharge tests except 3G calls. In the default mode, it discharges only half the current of competing products, which proves that it is a well-designed smart phone and has obtained the highest score of this sub-attribute in our database so far.

Apple iPhone 12 mini is a well-designed smart phone with very effective software optimization, and its battery has become the leader in discharge efficiency in our database so far. However, compared with almost all other devices we have tested, its small battery capacity makes the battery life too short.

Employees use computers to read novels at work, and the dismissed labor department intervened in the investigation.

The personnel documents of the company seen by the reporter.

  The labor department of a large enterprise in Shunde intervened in the investigation and asked the company to "advocate humanized management"

  Recently, a mysterious informant sent an internal report from a large electronics company in Shunde to the email address of this newspaper, saying that two workers were "immediately dismissed" because they found that they were reading novels on computers at work and sleeping at their posts.

  In the email, the informant mentioned the strict personnel management regulations recently promulgated by a large company, saying that "some trivial matters in the regulations can lead to the dismissal of employees; The real implementation of the results is stricter than the promulgated regulations! "

  The reporter then contacted the relevant departments in Shunde and received the investigation report yesterday afternoon. The Shunde district government attached great importance to this matter, sent people to conduct a special investigation on the dismissal of the enterprise, and has urged the company to pay economic compensation and notice in lieu to the dismissed employees in accordance with the Labor Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations. In view of the fact that it is still in the shadow of the financial crisis, the relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to "advocate humanized management". "It is very unreasonable to dismiss people just because of a small fault." A staff member of the district government told reporters.

  Report: Being fired for chatting while sleeping was punished.

  The personnel management regulations recently formulated by a large company in Shunde set many harsh conditions, such as "no snacks during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice", "Playing mobile phones and chatting during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice …" Recently, a mysterious e-mail was sent to our newspaper’s email address, and the attachment stated the whole story of a large company in Shunde dismissing two employees. Among them, Tan was immediately dismissed for reading novels with a computer during office hours. Other employees were punished by 300 yuan’s "education fund" for chatting, playing mobile phones and listening to music.

  The mysterious informant said that the previously promulgated regulations stipulated that two violations would be found before dismissal; But now, just because an employee is found reading a novel on a computer, he is fired immediately. "The result of his actions is even more shocking!"

  Investigation: Sleeping employees are compensated

  After receiving the relevant email, the reporter immediately reported it to the relevant departments in Shunde District and attached relevant information. Yesterday afternoon, after an investigation by the Shunde district government, it was proved that this was the case. A staff member who participated in the investigation said that the enterprise’s practices were not satisfactory. "Although the current economic environment is not optimistic, such harsh dismissal regulations are unreasonable in managing workers."

  After investigation, it was found that Qin, who was fired from reading novels at work, had applied to the company for resignation in mid-February this year and was approved by the company before being found out of the so-called "violation of discipline"; Under the supervision of the labor department, Xu, who was fired because of a sleepiness, has reached a consensus and signed an agreement to terminate the labor relationship. At the same time, the labor department requires the company to pay economic compensation and notice in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  Relevant departments: advocate humanized management

  The staff of relevant departments in Shunde told reporters that this incident has attracted considerable attention from the district government. "Although it is only an individual incident, in the immediate environment, the welfare of workers and all aspects of protection should be well supervised, and large-scale vicious layoffs should not be allowed in enterprises."

  The material of the mysterious whistleblower was completely true after investigation by relevant departments in Shunde. The relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to strengthen communication with employees, advocate humanized management, and try to give priority to criticism and education in dealing with individual employees’ violations and listen to employees’ demands. (Reporter Ceng Yi’s photo report)

Editor: Fan Jing

Press conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents

Recently, the Press Office of Rushan Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on the adjustment of the basic pension for retirees. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Social Insurance Center introduced the relevant situation and answered questions from reporters.

In 2021, Rushan City raised the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents in the city according to the unified arrangements of the higher authorities. Among them, the standard of basic pension for urban residents has been raised from 154 yuan per person per month to 162 yuan. The adjustment of enterprise basic pension adopts the method of combining quota adjustment, hook adjustment and appropriate tilt.

Quota adjustment

65 yuan’s pension will be increased every month.

Hook adjustment

Increase the pension according to the following two parts:

1. Determine the monthly increase according to 1.2% of my basic pension in December 2020.

2, enterprise retirees adjusted according to the payment period. According to my payment period, determine the monthly increase, among which, for the part below 15 years (inclusive), 1 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 16 years to 25 years, the 1.3 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 26 years to 35 years, the 1.6 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 36 years to 45 years, the 1.9 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part that has been over 46 years, 2.2 yuan will be added every month for every full year. The payment period includes the deemed payment period, excluding the additional years converted from special types of work; If the payment period is less than 1 year, it shall be calculated as 1 year.

Appropriate inclination

1. Before December 31, 2020, for retirees who have reached the age of 70 and under 75 (calculated by the date of birth confirmed by the regulations when going through retirement procedures, the same below), who have reached the age of 75 and under 80, and who have reached the age of 80, the pensions of 15 yuan, 30 yuan and 60 yuan will be increased respectively per person per month.

2. During the period from January 1 to December 31, 2020, the number of enterprise retirees who reach the age of 70, 75 and 80 (excluding the one-time payment of the insured by the enterprise) will increase in 290 yuan, 190 yuan and 360 yuan respectively per person per month, and the one-time payment of the insured by the enterprise will increase in 70 yuan, 60 yuan and 120 yuan respectively per person per month.

In 2021, there were more than 80,000 enterprise retirees who adjusted the basic pension in Rushan City, and the monthly average pension was increased by 129 yuan, and the basic pension for enterprise retirees was reissued by 63.06 million yuan; The basic old-age pension for urban residents has been raised by 5%, and the average treatment level has reached 198 yuan per person per month, with a replacement amount of 890,000 yuan. At present, all of them have been paid in place.

ask a question






In recent years, the treatment of retirees is improving every year, and many flexible employees also want to participate in the endowment insurance for enterprise employees. How do flexible employees pay for insurance? How is the base and proportion of paying endowment insurance premium stipulated?

Flexible employees can voluntarily apply for insurance payment. Flexible employees who are under 60 years of age and under 50 years of age can apply for insurance registration at Windows 2 and 3 of Area C on the second floor of Rushan Citizen Service Center with their ID cards or temporary residence permits, and can pay after registration.

Individual industrial and commercial households and flexible employees who participate in enterprise endowment insurance in their personal capacity, the amount of their pension insurance premiums shall be determined by multiplying the payment base stipulated by the state and the province by the payment ratio.

The current regulations are as follows: the payment base can be selected between 60% and 300% of the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units in this province, and the payment ratio is 20%; Among them, 8% is credited to personal account and 12% to overall fund. For example, the payment in 2021 can be selected in the range of 3746 yuan to 18726 yuan. If the base of 3746 yuan is selected, the insurance premium to be paid in 2021 is 3746×20%×12=8990.40 yuan. There is 3746×8%×12=3596.16 yuan in personal account, which can be inherited.

When the insured persons who participate in the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees as flexible employees reach retirement age (men over 60 years old and women over 55 years old), if the accumulated payment period is over 15 years, the pension will be paid according to the regulations. Among them: female flexible employees who have been employed in a flexible way and continue to pay endowment insurance premiums after the termination or termination of labor relations with the original enterprise after the enterprise has paid the insurance premium for 10 years, their retirement age is still 50 years old. If the female flexible employment insured payer has been employed in the enterprise for 10 years, his retirement age will still be 50 years old.


What should I do if employees reach the statutory retirement age and the payment period is less than 15 years?

According to the regulations, if the employees of an enterprise have paid the fees at the statutory retirement age for less than 15 years, they can extend the payment to 15 years. "Social Insurance Law" before the implementation of the insured, extended payment after 5 years is still less than 15 years, you can pay a one-time payment to 15 years.


Excuse me, under what circumstances can I repay the endowment insurance for enterprise employees? How to pay back?

If the employer and the employee have not insured or paid the old-age insurance premium during the labor (personnel) relationship, they can pay the old-age insurance premium for the period that they have not insured or paid. The specific policies shall be implemented in accordance with the Notice of Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security on Improving the Payment Policy for Employees’ Basic Endowment Insurance (Lu Ren She Gui [2019] No.13).

To pay back as an employee of the unit, the unit shall submit a written application and go through the formalities of paying back in the social insurance agency where the unit is insured; When applying for overdue payment, the following materials should be provided: ID card and original file of the payer, salary income credentials and other original materials corresponding to the reasons for overdue payment. Among them, if the one-time payment exceeds three years, legal documents issued by administrative departments such as people’s courts, auditing departments, labor inspection or labor and personnel dispute arbitration committees shall be provided.

The state clearly stipulates that people who are over the retirement age and do not meet the requirements shall not be included in the basic old-age insurance for employees by means of one-time payment. At the same time, it is stipulated that individual industrial and commercial households without employees and all kinds of flexible employees are not allowed to increase the payment period by making up the payment afterwards.


Recently, Shandong Province announced the upper and lower limits of the social security payment base. According to the requirements, who needs to pay the base difference and how to pay it?

According to the relevant data calculated by the provincial statistics department, the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units in the province in 2020 was 74,906 yuan, with an average of 6,242 yuan per month. In 2021, the upper limit of employee social security payment base was 18,726 yuan, and the lower limit was 3,746 yuan. According to the regulations of the province, if the monthly payment base of employees at the beginning of the year was less than 3,746 yuan, it should be repaid according to 3,746 yuan.

Among them, the individual make-up part of the employees who are on-the-job and change their work units is withheld and remitted by the current unit to complete the make-up business, and the individual does not pay the make-up fee; The social security relationship has been transferred to the new insured place, died for some reason, went abroad and other accounts have been settled, and individuals do not make up the difference.

Individuals who need to make up the difference mainly include those who have stopped paying after leaving the company and flexible employees (including those who have gone through retirement procedures). The amount and data of personal makeup are automatically generated by the social security system, and the time for personal makeup payment is until December 2021.

Those who pay fees when the enterprise leaves the company need to bring their ID cards to the tax window in Zone D on the second floor of the Citizen Service Center to pay the fees.

Flexible employees can make up the difference through the WeChat applet "Shandong Tax and Social Security Payment" and Alipay "Citizen Center-Social Security-Social Security Payment-Flexible Employment-Special Payment", or they can take their ID cards to the tax window in Zone D on the second floor of the Citizen Service Center for payment.

Original title: "Press Conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents"

Read the original text

Tongnan Cauliflower Festival and Beach Music Festival are new hot spots in March!

Drunk spring begins in Tongnan, Chongqing. Recently, Tongnan has been out of the circle again! More than 30,000 mu of rape blossoms are competing to bloom, and the gilded flower sea attracts tourists from all directions to enjoy the magnificent scenery of flowers. The countryside is full of beautiful scenery and fires all over the circle of friends. Since March this year, the cauliflower festival in Tongnan has been upgraded and kicked off, and there is also a beach music festival held by Sunshine Beach in Fujiang Tourism Resort, which is a popular tourist destination in March! Further activate the weekend cultural tourism market in the jurisdiction.

Tongnan city scenery

Weekend leisure tour in rural areas with economic fire

Tongnan District is located in the heart of Bashu and the core plate of the economic circle of Chengdu and Chongqing, and is the "bridgehead" city of Chongqing’s main metropolitan area. High-speed, high-speed rail criss-crossing, with the traffic advantages of 1 hour in Chongqing and 2 hours in Chengdu, 120 kilometers away from Chongqing Airport, has become an important node of Chengdu-Chongqing tourism loop of China Unicom and a rising tourist destination on the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor. It is convenient and quick for tourists from Sichuan and Chongqing to travel to Tongnan. It only takes a weekend to visit the beautiful Tongnan. Enjoy the most beautiful sea of flowers, visit famous historical towns, see the Millennium Golden Buddha and visit the green vegetable capital.

▲ Chen Yu’s hometown Chongqin Huahai Scenic Area China’s most beautiful Huahai National AAAA Tourist Scenic Area

▲ Shuangjiang Ancient Town The first batch of top ten historical and cultural towns in China are national AAAA-level tourist attractions.

This year’s Tongnan Cauliflower Festival has created many famous scenes of "flowers" around the theme of "Bashu Blessed Land Flowering in Tongnan". In order to enhance tourists’ travel experience, the scenic spot has added a number of wonderful cultural and travel activities, and upgraded in catering and accommodation, which has made up for the shortcomings of the previous night economy and made sufficient impetus to promote the city marketing brand of "going to Tongnan on weekends".

In addition, in March, you can also enjoy 10,000 mu of pear flowers in Huayan Pear Flower Scenic Area, and enjoy colorful peach blossoms in Baolong Taobo Garden, Guilin Taohua Mountain and Baizi Guifei Taoyuan, enjoying the beauty and romance brought by this spring. Tongnan is like the "world of flowers and flowers" in spring, romantic at the right time, and it is a good place to punch in on weekends!

Enjoy the beach at night. The new IP shows the night power value.

Tongnan, the more wonderful the night is. The 2nd Beach Music Festival started at the same time as this cauliflower festival. Focusing on the three themes of "night eating, night playing and night tide", it explored night consumption, enhanced the value of "night" in Tongnan, and realized multi-time and all-weather expansion and upgrading from day to night and from point to surface, which once again won the favor of the general public and tourists.

As night falls and the lights are on, the sunny beach in Little Sanya is crowded. Go-karting, online celebrity suspension bridge, VR interactive and other amusement projects bring different cultural experiences to tourists and citizens. There are 41 trendy shops and more than 100 kinds of special snacks for citizens and tourists to "feast on". At the same time, live performances by bands, self-help karaoke songs, cooking tea around the stove and other themed activities compete to appear, which not only completely lights up the night in Fujiang, but also well explains the current beach music festival as.

▲ Weinan Beach Music Festival site

▲ Chen Qifan Singing-Tongnan Beach Music Festival Live

Tongnan takes "festivals" as the media and "flowers" as friends to promote tourism popularity, taking this opportunity to make the "first spring" of the strong recovery of cultural tourism activities in 2023. According to the city marketing brand "Weekend to Tongnan", a number of tourism highlights products are being launched, and efforts are being made to build Tongnan into a well-known tourist destination in the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor, so that "Weekend to Tongnan" is well known.

Recommended boutique routes for spring flower viewing in Tongnan "

One-day flower viewing tour in Tongnan;

Get off at the intersection of Tongnan Chongkan Expressway and go to the scenic spot of Chen Tuan’s hometown to enjoy the most beautiful sea of rape flowers. After lunch, visit and pray at the Great Buddha Temple scenic spot. If you have enough time, you can visit Shuangjiang Ancient Town and Yang Angong’s hometown, and then return.

Two-day leisure tour in Tongnan:

Day 1: In the morning, go to the scenic spot of Chen Tuan’s hometown to enjoy the most beautiful sea of rape flowers, and in the afternoon, go to Shuangjiang Ancient Town to enjoy the best-preserved and largest Qing Dynasty residential buildings in southwest China. Feel the revolutionary spirit of "life is like a horse’s paw, and you can’t rest until it is wiped out" in Yang Angong’s hometown scenic spot. Take a cruise on Fujiang River in the evening and feel the beautiful scenery of Fujiang tourist resort.

The next day: In the morning, visit the world’s first indoor golden Buddha, the "sound of a stone piano" which is one of the four echoing buildings in China, and the largest carved "Buddha" on the rock in China. At noon, we will go to Tai ‘an Leisure Agriculture Tourism Resort, where we will have a feast of intangible food Tai ‘an fish and unique organic vegetables. Then visit the Vegetable Expo Park and the Agricultural Exhibition Hall.

(The picture in this article is provided by Tongnan Travel Investment Group)

Editor: Wei Jiexin

Editor: Zhang Jie

Audit: Chen Qian

From the trend actor to the popularity of beans, the star is red or not, just look at this ~

In addition to beautiful little brothers and sisters in Korean dramas, there are scenes that will appear in almost all Korean dramas, that is, whether it is barbecue or fried chicken, whether it is a happy event or trouble, wine alone or dinner (just look at underage relatives and friends, hahahahahaha) ▼


If you drink too much, you can not only express your feelings through alcohol ▼


Sister Yu becomes smaller and cuter ▼


Courage becomes fat ▼


Can also assist love, ▼


Successfully counterattack and win friends who have been embarrassed for many years ▼


However, Korean dramas are Korean dramas after all, and people who drink too much know the pain of getting drunk, so they still have to do what they can ~

In South Korea, the most direct criterion to test whether a star is red or not is advertising endorsement, especially the national fried chicken and alcohol advertisements. Among female stars, besides cosmetics, being able to endorse another product is a symbol of high popularity, and that is the indispensable thing for Koreans on the wine table-shochu. ▼


Part1: the debate of soju model, from tough guy to love beans,

The competition in the Korean shochu industry is extremely fierce, and the spokesperson has become an important part, which directly determines the sales volume. Just walk into a restaurant and there are either beer advertisements or shochu advertisements on the wall.

It is said that because men love soju more, most of the advertisements for soju are female stars; Women prefer beer, so beer advertisements are mostly male stars. The criterion for the president to choose cass and hite is to see which one speaks for it, and suddenly it makes sense. ▼


In the early years, male stars were also used in the advertisements of shochu. Just like the original shochu, the entrance was rich, like a middle-aged man who was still in Do not forget your initiative mind after experiencing the world. At that time, the wine bottle was not green. ▼


After that, I experienced a period of actor endorsement and popular actress endorsement, and the Korean drama was in its heyday ~

It is said that when using an actor, the sales volume of soju is low. ▼


Later, I had to rely on actresses to save it, and the merchants’ research on users’ psychology was also very thorough, and they kept embracing changes ~▼


The spokespersons are almost all actresses, and the advertising pictures are also very cool. Can you recognize all these young ladies? ▼


I saw Park Min Young ▼ who had not yet become a gold secretary.


And Anglenala, who is still a bright girl ▼


Part2: From the trend actress to the popular woman who loves beans, it depends on whether it is red or not.

(* The following brand endorsements are incomplete statistics, excluding sub-brand line endorsements and short-term joint endorsements)

When it comes to shochu, we have to talk about the brand of shochu. As a traditional brand with a long history in Korea, Zhenlu has a very high advantage among Koreans in terms of market share and brand image.

1. True dew

Korean traditional brands are true, and the previous spokespersons are also very well-known national artists.

Li Yingai (1998 ~1999), Park Zhumin (2001), Jin Zhenen (2002), Ji-yeon Choi (2003), Jin Taixi (2004), sung yuri (2005), Sang-mi Nam (2006), Jin Yazhong (2007) and Jin Minzhen (2007).


Li Yingai, whose "Dae Jang Geum" was popular all over Asia, became the first female star to endorse shochu in 1999, and chose Zhenlu Company in Li Yingai, and the sales volume of alcohol quadrupled in one year. ▼


A closer look shows that these spokespersons are the most popular Korean drama actresses in those years, which is simply a chronicle of Korean drama ~

I especially like Miss Jin Taixi ▼


During the period, there were also various attempts to join male spokesmen and men and women to speak together. ▼


Until 2014, the national sister IU began to be the spokesperson ~

IU(2014 -2018)


In 2014, the old brand shochu Zhenlu made a change, targeting young people, and the spokesperson was replaced by a lively and fresh national sister, IU.


In 2018, in order to strengthen female consumers aged 20-30, Park Seo Jun, a man of great trend, was added as the co-spokesperson.


IU is the longest-lived brand spokesperson of Zhenlu. At the end of the endorsement, I was also given a gold dress with the name of IU to thank Zhenlu.

Irene (2019-present) ▼


In December 2018, Irene, the captain of SM women’s group Red Velvet, became the new spokesperson of Zhenlu. At that time, the popular candidates judged by netizens included Zheng Caiyan, who was born in proudce101, Yuner and singer Xuanmei.

Brand means Irene is very suitable for the brand image of "pure as dew", and I hope her image will attract more young consumers.

The advertisement is also really beautiful ~ ▼


About Irene’s drinking capacity, there was once.Completely inedible and particularly inedible.In two ways, she once revealed her drinking capacity in the program. In her heyday, she could drink three bottles of soju, but she could not drink beer and red wine.

2, the first drink and the first music ()

In 2006, the first drink, the first music () and the good drink () came out and joined the brand war of shochu ~

The young first drink and music became the competitors who kept catching up with the real dew, behind which was Lotte Group, the fifth largest consortium in Korea at that time. As the biggest competitor of Zhenlu, the first drink and the first music successfully reversed the company’s situation by relying on advertising stars, completely breaking the situation that the Korean drama hostess occupied the shochu advertising market, and the sexy and bold style was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In 2006-2007, the main spokespersons were actors such as Li Yingya and Hye-seon Ku, and later joined Lee Hyo Ri.


"The Queen of Soju" Lee Hyo Ri (November 2007 ~ April 2012) ▼


After renewing the contract for 8 times, the market share of Chuyin Chule rose to 15% in five years. In five years, Chuyin Chule Company sold 2 billion bottles of shochu. So far, whenever it comes to shochu, it will definitely think of Lee Hyo Ri, a veritable "queen of shochu with goods".

Merchants even put a photo of Lee Hyo Ri on the bottom of the glass, so that men can meet their goddess after drinking.


Hyolyn, Koo Hara and Hyun-a Kim (2013) ▼


Gao Junxi (2013) ▼


Shin Min A (2014 -2016) ▼


Xiuzhi (2016-present)

In recent years, Xiuzhi, the first love of the people, has been chosen as the spokesperson, hoping to win a broader consumer group. ▼


But I really didn’t understand the recent "dadada dadada" advertisement ~


Hao Tian Hao Yin ()

Early spokespersons included actresses such as Han-byeol Park, Zhao Yunxi and Su-jin Park. ▼


My favorite is Park BoYoung (2016-2017), cute and playful ▼


Advertising is also very playful, always thinking of the classic image of a little cook ~ ▼


In 2018, the speaker was Son Na Eun, a member of Apink ▼


Teacher Bai Zhongyuan, the food king, has also endorsed it. In 2019, the latest spokesperson was changed to proudce101, and Se Jeong, a member of gu9udan, ▼


It seems that the spokesperson of shochu has begun to enter the era of women’s groups and love beans.


Most other brands also choose female stars as spokespersons.

I saw "Please Answer 1988", Miss Deshan Huili (Maple Leaf Soju) ▼


In 2018, someone made a map of Korean shochu brand. Which spokesperson do you prefer?

Ps: Mom Wood is really red in 2018 ~ ▼


Part3: users first, consumers decide the change of taste.

The taste of shochu is similar. In order to compete in sales volume and attract more users, shochu company constantly ponders its sales strategy. In addition to changing advertising models according to the market, it also makes many changes to the degree and taste.

Wit merchants and drinkers have also carried out various transformations on shochu, such as steamed dumplings (bomb liquor = shochu+beer) ▼


If you can perform a stunt at dinner, you are definitely the most beautiful boy in the team ▼


However, friendly reminder, although steamed dumplings can neutralize the tastes of two kinds of wine and give birth to new tastes, no matter where the wine is mixed, it is easier to get drunk, so don’t try it easily ~


Mix fruit, red vinegar, drinks, etc., reduce the degree in disguise and update the taste ▼


Lotte conducted a survey on 4,400 drinkers from October 2013 to October 2014. Consumers expressed dissatisfaction with the taste and aroma of shochu, and many people expected it.Low-alcohol liquor with reduced alcohol smell and bitterness.Fruit wine is ready to come out ~

Therefore, in 2014, Chuyin Chule introduced grapefruit shochu with grapefruit juice, which became the pioneer of fruit shochu.

In May 2015, a series of fruit wines were produced, which reduced the original 16.6-degree wine to 3.3~13.5 degrees. After that, various companies began to challenge fruit wines in a fancy way, and the latest one was the oldest true dew (September 2016).


Although the real dew is late, there are still many directions to try. For example, for people who like soft and sweet taste, the peach soda wine dew is tooting (), and the alcohol content is only 3%. The image of IU in the advertisement is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. ▼


Like the president, who is not used to the bitter taste of shochu, and who wants a drink because of watching a Korean drama by Amway, the fruit wine is perfect, but the taste of the goose is more like a soda drink. After drinking it several times, she gave up.


I wonder what everyone likes to drink?

Game recommendation in June: After "Tears of the King", another batch of masterpieces came strongly.

Text/a bowl of gourd

In the past May, I believe that many players’ time has been rounded up by the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Perhaps in order to avoid the limelight of Tears of the Kingdom, many masterpieces have chosen to be released in the following June.

Of course, in addition to these masterpieces, there are also many excellent new works and domestic games released this month, and the types and contents of the games are so rich that they will never let any player electronic sheep tail.

If you are tired of staying in mainland Heraru, it’s time to welcome these new games.

The first thing to introduce, of course, is the blockbuster that will be released on June 22nd in PS5-Final fantasy 16.

As a classic IP that has lasted for more than 30 years, after 7 years, the Final Fantasy (FF) series finally ushered in a brand-new series.

In fact, in recent years, FF series has been working for a long time and has not released excellent works.

Except for the online game FF14 and the old game remake FF7, the performances of the previously released FF13 and FF15 are actually unsatisfactory.

Therefore, this "FF16" is also shouldering the heavy responsibility of "reviving the glory" in addition to the expectations of players.

At the moment when the turn-based system is gradually declining, this time "FF16" changed the traditional gameplay and chose to move closer to the real-time combat mode.

Saying goodbye to the turn-based battle may be a little uncomfortable for some old players. But in the long run, it is also an appropriate decision to attract a bigger market.

In terms of plot, FF16 is still a familiar fantasy world style.

The story is set in a fantasy world inspired by medieval Europe and inspired by Game of Thrones, and revolves around a continent called Wallis Zea.

According to the news, the duration of the performance in the game alone is as high as 11 hours, and this time does not include the contents of the side tasks. It seems that players who like to watch the plot can relax.

Although the game has not been released yet, "FF16" seems to have been on the cusp of public opinion.

Firstly, FF16 was banned in some areas because it contained some adult content.

Secondly, because of the lack of "diversity" in the game, many European and American media and netizens attacked it.

The first trailer of FF16 was temporarily rated as 18 by PEGI.

For these questions, Yoshida always insists on his own decision.

He said that "players all over the world should have a consistent experience" and that "because Wallis Zeya, as the stage of FF16, is isolated from the world, there are bound to be some shortcomings in the diversity of characters", insisting on refusing to modify adult content and denying the existence of blacks in the game.

Being able to ignore the pressure of public opinion from the outside world and insist on telling your own story well, I think it is also worth letting the players who have been severely criticized recently for The Little Mermaid buy one to wash their eyes (music).

In addition to the highly anticipated FF16, Diablo IV, which will be officially released on June 6th, also has a high degree of topic.

At present, the global media rating of Diablo IV has been lifted, with IGN 9, GS 8 and MC rating websites all scoring 88, which is still very high overall.

Although the game has not yet been officially launched, from the situation of sealing and testing and media evaluation, most players are still satisfied with Diablo 4.

Judging from the gameplay, Diablo 4 is still a classic brush game.

Rich equipment and entries, different professional characteristics, although it is inevitable that there will be some torture and boredom in the process of liver, but the moment you brush out the equipment you want, it is absolutely full of sense of accomplishment.

Compared with the cartoon style of Diablo III, Diablo IV has a darker overall tone and a sharper style.

At the same time, the screen, scene and sound effects of the game have been improved a lot, and it has even been called "one of the best ARPG in history" by IGN editor.

Although Blizzard is no longer the glorious appearance of that year, it has now withdrawn from the mainland market because of short-sightedness.

But I have to admit that the Diablo series is still an emotional destination that many players can’t give up.

With the release of Diablo IV, it may once again set a new benchmark in the game industry and bring more shocking and exciting game experiences to players.

In addition to the two masterpieces mentioned above, the new work of Street Fighter series-Street fighter 6, will also meet with you on June 2.

At present, the media rating of Street Fighter 6 has been lifted.The average MC score reached an unexpected 92 points., ranked fourth in the year.

As the benchmark of 2D fighting games, Street Fighter 6 stands out among all the Street Fighter series.

The main reason for this is that the game provides players with an open world to explore freely.

In the "Travel Around the World" mode, players can not only customize their appearance, but also explore in the general "metropolis" of the open world, learn from their teachers and learn new moves to fight against their opponents.

Street Fighter 6 creates a role interface

Of course, in addition to the refreshing open-world gameplay, the game also adds some new gameplay in the fighting system-the pissing system.

The quarrelling bar is located under the blood bar, which is the first system added in Street Fighter 6.

Compared with the traditional energy bar, the quarrelling bar is full at the beginning, and players can use quarrelling to punch, giving ordinary attacks more effect and strength. However, it should be noted that the character will enter a weak state when the quarrelling is exhausted, so it is also a place to consider in the game to control the consumption of quarrelling reasonably.

Compared with traditional fighting, the pace of the game will be faster and smoother after adding quarrelling, which is a good design.

Generally speaking, Street Fighter 6 is a classic but refreshing game. On the basis of retaining the classics, it adds a lot of fresh gameplay and gives new vitality to the traditional fighting game.

I think, whether you are a fan of fighting games or not, you can try this new work.

The game that attracts the most attention of racing enthusiasts this month is, I think, the F1 23, which will be launched by EA on June 16th.

EA’s F1 series is a very popular racing game.

As an officially authorized game of Formula One World Championship, F1 has a group of loyal fans because it is closest to the real F1 competition.

Compared with the previous work, the performance of F1 23 has really improved a lot.

The handling of the vehicle has been upgraded, and the performance of the vehicle is more predictable. At the same time, the new vehicle physical system also makes the friction of the vehicle stronger when braking, accelerating and turning.

In addition, by adopting the situation of the real F1 team, the game has a better balance between aerodynamics and tire grip, the improvement of engine torque and inertia is more realistic, and the connection between players and vehicles is closer.

In addition to the improvement in vehicle performance, the story mode "braking point" of F1 has made a heavy return in this book.

The plot mode of this work mainly focuses on a fictional team "Konnersport Racing Team", in which two new drivers will face and overcome various difficulties and turning points to accomplish their ambition-to defeat F1 teams and drivers in today’s reality.

This game also returns to the "Red Flag Rule", which adds more drama and strategy to the event;

At the same time, in order to respond to the requirements of the player group, this game has also added an additional 35% distance, which is relatively balanced and more applicable than long sentences and short sentences.

On the whole, as a "new year’s goods" game, although there are not many changes in "F1 23", the new content is quite sincere this time, and I think it is worth the experience of racing enthusiasts.

Next is a real-time strategy game "Alien: Falling into the Dark" with a relatively small game type and a bird’s eye view.

Based on the classic movie Alien seriesAlien: Falling into the Dark, will be launched on June 20th.

As a real-time strategy game overlooking the corner, in Alien: Falling into the Darkness, the player will play the commander of the colonial marine corps and lead the soldiers in the squad to stop the explosion of alien creatures on the Forgotten Moon.

In the game, players command and give orders to four colonial marines to fight against all kinds of aliens in the game, rogue agents of Welland-Utani, and even creatures that have never appeared in the movie.

There are many large levels in the game, and players need to make tactical arrangements for the terrain.

More importantly, the enemy will change his attack strategy according to the player’s actions, which means that the player needs to make decisions at any time to deal with unexpected situations.

Therefore, the game is highly strategic and challenging, which requires players to have certain tactical thinking and reaction ability.

Of course, it is also an important part of the strategy game to make full preparations before the war and further improve the strength of the team.

In the game, players can freely arrange soldiers’ abilities, weapons, equipment and stunts, and at the same time, they can also study new technologies and develop their own bases.

I think this is the charm of RTS to deal with the difficulties to be faced and the unknown dangers.

Since Star of Roller Coaster and Star of Zoo, few other simulated construction games have been widely recognized and loved as these two games.

However, it was released on June 16th, and the game "Fantasy Paradise" released by Bandai Nanmeng Palace was produced by the team of "Island Tycoon", which still made me feel bright after experiencing many simulated business games.

Like similar games, in "Fantasy Paradise", players can customize the amusement facilities and landscape of the park and create their own dream amusement park.

But in addition to the custom content, this work also has a strong story, and has the main characters and a complete plot.

In the plot, the player plays the role of the founder of this amusement park, and builds an unprecedented amusement park step by step by accumulating experience.

Some of them are mainly facilities, props, etc. in amusement parks, while others focus more on business, management and revenue.

At the same time, the way to achieve the goal of the game is more tolerant, and it will not set very demanding difficulty requirements. Different players can have fun in the game.

It is worth noting that this work has a unique concept of "Impossification".

For example, in the game, you can not only make the roller coaster run on the track, but also install wings to make it fly in the air.

This also means that "Fantasy Paradise" can help you realize crazy ideas and ideas, give full play to your imagination, and build more whimsical amusement facilities.

This brand-new gameplay that jumps out of traditional thinking is undoubtedly one of the highlights that attract the old players who simulate business.

existThe maze of world trees Ⅰ·Ⅱ·Ⅲ HD REMASTERWhen it was announced that it would be released on NS and Steam platforms on June 1st, I believe many old players shouted "Yeqing Hui".

Labyrinth of the World Tree 3HD

Yes, as a game first launched on NDS, the series "The Labyrinth of the World Tree" produced by Atlus has a history of 16 years.

The maze of the world tree by NDS

Whether at that time or now, the gameplay of the game has to be said to be "unique".

In the game, players need to control five teams of adventurers with different occupations, face the sudden huge maze, and enter the powerful enemy regardless of danger.

Compared with the traditional JRPG, the plot of The Labyrinth of the World Tree is actually relatively weak.

But the game pays more attention to its unique gameplay-exploring the huge underground Jyukai maze by fighting again and again, and then drawing the map by yourself, looking for shortcuts and fighting against more powerful monsters.

In this HD remake, the game has made many improvements in view of the players’ opinions on the original works.

The remastered version provides three difficulty options on the basis of the past, so that different players can play with their most suitable difficulty.

At the same time, for NS players, especially PC players, who can’t draw a map with dual screens, the game also adds an automatic drawing mode to automatically record their positions in the map. To some extent, this also improves the game experience of some players.

Although the maze of the world tree series is not a particularly famous old game, for those players who have been deeply obsessed with this game, the high-definition screen and improved gameplay of this remastered version are enough to satisfy the nostalgic feelings of these players.

After a lapse of 12 years, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective released in NDS also ushered in a high-definition reproduction.

The game will be released on the whole platform on June 30th, and simplified Chinese has been added in this remastered version.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a puzzle-solving game made by Qiaozhou, the producer of Reversing the Referee series.

Ghost trick: phantom detective by NDS

Although the game sold only 380,000 copies after its release, and its popularity was far less than that of the producer’s Reverse Referee series, in fact, the reputation of Ghost Trick among players is comparable to that of the Reverse Referee series.

In 18 years, Hideki Kamiya voted for "Ghost Trick 2" in the vote of "Which new work do you look forward to most?"

One of the most interesting is the unique gameplay of the game.

Unlike other games, the protagonist of the game is "dead" from the beginning.

The player needs to "possess" the soul of the protagonist to various objects (which must be dead) and move along one by one.

In addition to possession, the protagonist also has the ability to go back in time, which can go back four minutes, and repeat it indefinitely like extracting testimony in Reversing the Referee to solve the problem.

On the basis of the original gameplay of the game, this remastered version optimizes the screen, and at the same time, it also adds a collection function. You can use various illustrations and BGM in the "Illustration Collection" of the game.

It is worth mentioning that the game also invited Beichuan Baochang, a popular composer in charge of BGM, to arrange the original music at the same time.

I think for players who have played Ghost Trick or not, this remastered version can get a good game experience.

The game, which will also be remade this month, will be launched on June 15th.Layers of fear remake.

If you are a fan of horror games, or a player who is interested in horror games but is afraid to contact them, then you have definitely heard of the classic horror game "Layers of Fear".

Compared with "Resident Evil", a game that directly spreads flesh and blood in the picture, the picture performance of "Layers of Fear" is more restrained.

Canvas is the most in the game.

The unique visual and artistic style of the game makes players feel as if they are in a huge oil painting.

And the plot that is pressing step by step and the characters that are stripped of their cocoons are also very good for driving a frightening and insane psychological terror atmosphere, which is not only an environmental horror, but also a kind of fear in the heart, which makes people unable to calm down for a long time after customs clearance.

High praise of Steam community

This time, "Layer upon layer fear remake" uses Unreal 5 engine technology, and supports ray tracing, HDR and 4K resolution at the same time, making amazing visual effects and nightmare experiences as immersive and realistic as possible.

The remastered version includes Layers of Fear 1, Layers of Fear 2 and DLC. At the same time, it will also launch a brand-new DLC to tell the stories of writers who have never been told, and connect all the plots of the game together.

I believe that under the Unreal 5 engine, the thrill of the game will definitely be by going up one flight of stairs.

But if, like me, you still dare not continue playing the game for five minutes, you should carefully consider whether you can withstand a more realistic atmosphere of terror (sad).

Believe in Netease"Against the Cold" Mobile Games, is definitely one of the games that many players are very concerned about this month.

The first beta was started in August, 2001, and it has been brewing for so many years. Finally, the game will be officially released on June 30th.

As a martial arts MMO enthusiast, I have also played many similar games on the PC platform.

However, when I first saw the picture of the mobile game against the water, I still had a trance-like feeling of "Is this really played on the mobile phone platform?"

The screen of the game can be said to be absolutely superior to similar mobile games, and both the scenery on the road and the appearance details of the characters are particularly exquisite.

In addition to the images that fascinate countless appearance parties and scenery parties, there are various ways to play in the game. In addition to the main story and copy of the traditional martial arts MMORPG, there are also unique ways to play in the open world, such as adventure, solving puzzles and stealing teachers, which breaks the traditional MMO concept.

What is even more eye-catching is that the anti-cold mobile game also combines the recent hot AI technology, injecting "soul" into the NPCs in the game. In the game, you will find that these NPCs seem to have their own emotions like real people, and even whisper.

Judging from the internal test, the mobile game "Against the Water" is still very worth looking forward to.

If you are looking for an excellent martial arts mobile game, or want to experience a game world full of rivers and lakes, then the mobile game "Against the Water" is definitely a recommended choice.

Ok, that’s my June game recommendation.

Compared with May, which was covered by light, June can be said to be a month of small blowout of various games. There are not only the continuation of classic IP after many years, but also the sale of different types of games such as RTS and racing.

In the hot June, when you are tired of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I think there is always a game that can give you a coolness.

After divorcing Pippen, Larsa has changed multiple boyfriends. Jordan’s son is the best, and his brother and sister are excited.

The NBA star continued to take a vacation, and time passed so quickly that it came to August in a blink of an eye.

In the past 2-3 months, Pippen’s ex-wife Larsa Pippen has become one of the most concerned celebrities in the league. Her popularity once surpassed Booker’s ex-girlfriend Jenna, as well as former NBA champion khloe kardashian and the famous kim kardashian.

When it comes to Kardashian, many fans will think of it as "the best defensive team in the NBA". Once upon a time, Larsa and Kardashian sisters were close friends, especially kim kardashian and khloe kardashian. They used to go out on vacation, attend parties, fashion activities and be models together. Two years ago, Larsa took a fancy to tristan thompson, who was dating khloe kardashian at that time. Larsa and Thompson went out for a room date many times. Khloe kardashian didn’t know all this, but Larsa told Thompson about dating directly in an interview with TV station to show off. khloe kardashian was very angry, and the Kardashian sisters broke up with Larsa.

Larsa and Pippen, a famous NBA player, had a long and wonderful time after they got married. Larsa gave birth to four children for Pippen, and their marriage lasted for 23 years. Two months ago, when Larsa was interviewed, he recalled his married life. Larsa said: "I am actually very happy after 23 years of marriage. I have to exercise with Pippen four times a day. During the 23 years of marriage, I almost never stopped." Hearing Larsa’s words, many fans gave Pippen a thumbs-up in succession. It seems that Pippen was also "gifted" in those days.

Perhaps the 23-year marriage has exhausted all the novelty, and Pippen occasionally goes out to make love, so Larsa divorced Pippen in a rage. After the two sides separated, Larsa began to look for boyfriends. His goal was aimed at the NBA, from Molander to Timberwolves star Beasley, as well as tristan thompson and Larsa.

At the end of last year, Larsa started dating Jordan’s son markus jordan in Miami. They spent Christmas and New Year together, and now they have been dating for more than half a year. A few days ago, Marcus took Larsa to play golf. Three hours ago, Larsa took a photo of himself and his boyfriend Marcus. Although Larsa is 16 years older than Marcus, there is no generation gap between them.

In the past several boyfriends, Marcus is the richest and treats Larsa with the most care. Marcus used to be called Aunt Larsa, but now he is called Baby directly. Some fans said that it was very exciting for Larsa to do this, and her ex-husband Pippen was very angry.

With an annual salary of 16 million, the Hornets officially refused to offer! With an average of 15+5+2 per game, the Lakers may be able to take aim.

According to Rod Boone, a reporter from Charlotte Observer, PJ- Washington and Hornets are deadlocked in contract negotiations. They have not made any progress in reaching a new contract, and neither side seems ready to give in to the other’s demands. What the Hornets mean is that they hope to sign a short-term contract, while the team of PJ- Washington wants a contract with an average price higher than 16 million, but the feasible way in the market at present is to sign it first and then change it. Now, PJ- Washington will accept the qualification offer from the Hornets and become a free agent next summer.

Memoirs of a teenager

PJ- Washington was born in Dallas, Texas on August 23rd, 1998. His father, Paul Washington, is a former professional basketball player who played in the European League. His mother is a college basketball player, who used to work for Nixi State University in Middlefield.

Born in such a sports family, PJ- Washington has developed a strong interest in basketball since childhood. When he was studying in Plenot Road High School, he became a local famous basketball star. In his senior year, he averaged 18.8 points, 9.5 rebounds, 2.9 assists and 2.1 blocks per game, and led the team to win the championship in the 6A District of Texas. He was also selected for the 2016 McDonald’s All-American High School Star Competition, where he scored 10 points and 9 rebounds.

After graduating from high school, PJ- Washington was invited to join the old and powerful university of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky has its own understanding of cultivating inside stars, and Washington has grown rapidly since joining. He has played 72 games in two seasons, and is the core player of the team. He can hand over 12.9 points, 6.6 rebounds, 1.7 assists and 1.2 blocked transcripts per game, of which the shooting percentage is 54.3%.

In my junior year, with an average of 15.2 points, 7.5 rebounds, 1.8 assists and 1.2 blocks, I was selected into the first team of the Southeast Regional League and the third team of the best team in the United States. Lead the University of Kentucky into the top 8 of the NCAA Championship, and lose Auburn University with regret, and stop there.

PJ- Washington’s performance at the University of Kentucky has attracted many professional scouts to watch, and he is considered to have the potential of lottery level. In the 2019 draft, Washington was picked by the Hornets in the 12th overall pick in the first round. At that time, scouts gave him Anthony Randolph as the draft template. They are all power forwards who are 6′ 7 "tall and weigh about 230 pounds. They have excellent physical fitness and technical ability, can score in and out lines, and have certain defense and passing ability.

In the rookie season, PJ- Washington showed his strength in the Hornets, averaging 12.2 points, 5.4 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 0.8 blocks, and shooting percentage reached 45.5%. He also set a historical record, becoming the first player in NBA history to hit at least seven three-pointers in his debut. In addition, he was selected as the first team of the best rookie lineup in the 2019-20 season.

In the second year, Washington continued to maintain its excellent state in the first season, averaging 12.9 points, 6.5 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 1.2 blocks per game. In the game against Thunder in March this year, PJ Washington scored 43 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists in a single game, becoming the first Hornets player to get this data after Kemba Walker and the sixth Hornets player to get 40 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists in a single game. 43 points is also a career high in Washington.

Generally speaking, PJ- Washington has good height and arm span, and he is also a reliable scorer. But after Brandon Miller arrived, he didn’t have many opportunities in the Hornets. After becoming a free agent next year, the Lakers can pay close attention, and the mini middle class may win.

Sneijder on the Champions League final: Facing Barcelona in 10 years, people also think that we are doomed to failure.

Live on May 21st, when interviewed by Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter Milan star Sneijder talked about the 2010 Champions League semi-final and the upcoming Champions League final between Inter Milan and Manchester City.

Do you still remember the stadium atmosphere when you faced Barcelona in the semi-final of the Champions League in 2010?

"Of course, the scene is like a fairy tale, and I will never forget it. The San Siro will be unique on some nights. The scene against Milan the other day reminds me of the stadium atmosphere when I played against Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final 13 years ago. Accompanied by Materazzi, the’ crazy’ brother, it is even more interesting. "

Do you think Inter Milan have a chance to win the championship against Manchester City this time?

"There is no impossible game. Of course, there are difficult games, but in a single round, anything can happen and Inter can achieve anything. In addition, when facing Barcelona in 2010, people also felt that we were doomed to fail, but on the contrary, we proved that we could compete with Barcelona and win the game. "

In 2010, you won the semi-final against Guardiola’s almost perfect team. This time Inter Milan will face Guardiola again. Do you think Inter Milan can win in the same way?

"The team is different, the player structure is different, and football has also changed. Guardiola has been making tactical innovations, and he has an extraordinary team. Although Guardiola’s frontcourt is gorgeous, the defense line is not airtight, and there may always be some gaps. Then in terms of physical confrontation, Inter Milan is great, Inter Milan is very organized and disciplined, and can give feedback when facing Manchester City. "

But Manchester City has Harland. He is like a monster. How will you stop Harland?

"Harland may be the most destructive center player in European football at present, but no team can win by one player alone. In this case, Inter must work together with Qi Xin, and the whole team will participate in the defense. However, there are too many threatening players in Manchester City, so it is useless to just pay attention to and defend Harland. They also have De Braune and Mahrez, who have defended Harland. Maybe De Braune will seek shooting opportunities and defend De Braune. Maybe Mahrez is empty again. Inter Milan must unite as one, not afraid of strong enemies, and hold their heads high. "

Can lautaro be a key Mr Milito?

"That’s what I think, lautaro and Milito are Argentine fighters. Lautaro can follow Zanetti’s example. In the derby, lautaro wore the captain’s armband of Inter Milan. I think lautaro has the appearance of Zanetti and Milito, and he can be a beautiful fairy tale of the Nerazzurri. "

Lautaro is on the shortlist for the Golden Globe Award. If he can play a key role in the Champions League final, do you think lautaro deserves the Golden Globe Award?

"lautaro must think that winning the Champions League with Inter Milan is the best thing. Moreover, lautaro has won the World Cup, which is a very heavy trophy. In general, I think lautaro is very strong, he is still growing, and now he is at the peak. "