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Guo Fucheng’s new work was shortlisted for the Tokyo International Film Festival 10.29 world premiere

1905 movie network news byZheng BaoruiProducer,Huang QingxunDirector, Guo Fucheng andMiriam YeungTogether with a number of powerful actorsWan Ziliang,Bao Qijing,Zhang DamingAnd so on to perform social hot talk realistic moviesSince the filming, because the subject matter is true and touching, it has been attracting the attention of the industry. The film is inspired by the general tragic situation of the current society, depicting a group of little people at the bottom of society who meet in a 24-hour restaurant by chance.

Recently, "Mai Passerby" was invited to participate in the 32nd "Tokyo International Film Festival" (TIFF), shortlisted for the" Asia Future "section, which focuses on encouraging new Asian directors. This project focuses on innovative and diverse shooting themes, and features the" Best Asian Future Film Award ".

It is reported that "Mai Passerby" has received high praise in the film festival selection committee, because the shooting topic is highly exploratory, and all the actors have outstanding performances, especially the poor financial talent played by the male protagonist Guo Fucheng in the film, which is more "amazing" and "washed away the lead". Therefore, Guo Fucheng, together with the director and crew, will appear at the film festival, and "Mai Passerby" will be scheduled to have its world premiere on October 29 at the film festival.

"Being able to participate in the grand film festival before the film’s release and receiving encouragement from the industry is also a affirmation," said Mr. Kwok. "I’m looking forward to walking the red carpet with the film crew and sharing with you at the world premiere the little bits and pieces between each actor and character in this drama and the mental journey in front of the stage and behind the scenes."

When director Huang Qingxun learned that he was invited to attend the film festival and was shortlisted for the "Asian Future" section, he expressed his excitement and encouragement: "I am very honored to be able to participate in this prestigious film festival for the first time. In addition to thanking Zheng Baorui for the escort of the producers, I also want to thank the strong actors for supporting my new director, so that I have a very beautiful shooting journey."

The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) is one of the largest and highest-profile film festivals in the Japanese-speaking region and the only category A competition-type international film festival event in Japan recognized by the International Association of Film Producers (FIAPF). The 32nd edition of the "Tokyo International Film Festival" will be held in Roppongi, Tokyo from October 28 to November 5 this year.

The Ministry of Transport has consulted on online car-hailing: passengers should not be picked up at airports and railway stations

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "Exposure Draft". The exposure draft proposes that the facilities configuration and vehicle performance indicators in the online taxi-hailing car should be significantly higher than that of the local mainstream cruise taxi. Drivers should wait for orders at permitted parking places, and should not cruise around to pick up customers. They should not set up unified cruise car dispatching service stations or places that implement queuing. Riders or passengers can settle by cash or non-cash payment methods; after arriving at the destination, they will take the initiative to provide passengers with the corresponding local taxi invoice.

  The public comment period is one month and ends on August 31.

  The success rate of booking a car should reach more than 80%

  On July 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to officially release the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", announcing the legalization of online car-hailing and making it clear that the new regulations will be implemented on November 1.

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "exposure draft" (hereinafter referred to as the "exposure draft"), soliciting written comments from the public for a period of one month until August 31.

  It is understood that the preparation of the specification is led by the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, and the preparation team is composed of relevant experts and personnel from industry management departments, taxi operators, and platform enterprises.

  According to Cheng Guohua, an associate researcher at the Development Center of the Institute of Highway Sciences, this specification is a recommended industry standard accompanied by two documents.

  The so-called recommended standards, also known as non-mandatory standards or voluntary standards, are not mandatory.

  The exposure draft standardizes the terms and definitions related to the operation of online booking taxis, clarifies the basic requirements of online booking taxi operators, transportation vehicles, drivers, etc., defines the service processes of online booking taxi operators and drivers respectively, and regulates the handling of special circumstances, service evaluation and complaint handling.

  The exposure draft lists five 100% indicators for online car-hailing services, including reservation response rate, vehicle compliance rate, driver compliance rate, qualified rate of operating vehicle insurance purchase, and passenger complaint handling rate.

  In addition, the success rate of ride-hailing and the passenger satisfaction rate of third-party surveys are required to be greater than or equal to 80%. For the unsatisfactory rate of passenger service evaluation, it is required to be less than 20%. The effective complaint rate of passengers is less than 20 parts per million.

  Ride-hailing drivers should not parade to pick up customers

  The State Office’s "Guiding Opinions" make it clear that taxi services mainly include cruising and online booking. According to the definition of the "Interim Measures for Administration", online car-hailing provides "non-cruising booking taxi services". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarifies that online car-hailing "In the operation of services, drivers should not cruise around to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations and other places that implement queuing to pick up customers".

  What should the driver do if the passenger does not arrive at the boarding location as agreed?

  According to the draft, the driver should contact the passenger or operator to confirm that the waiting time can be agreed upon by both parties, generally not less than 10 minutes. If the passenger has not arrived beyond the agreed waiting time, he should contact the operator and leave after approval.

  For online taxi operators, the exposure draft makes it clear that they "shall bear the liability for advance compensation for safety liability accidents that occur during the service process, and shall not transfer the risk of transportation services to passengers and drivers in any form".

  It is recommended to equip the online car with free WiFi.

  The exposure draft makes it clear that the in-car facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should be significantly higher than the local mainstream cruise taxis, and Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. should be provided for passengers to use. The "Reservation Taxi Transportation Certificate" and "Reservation Taxi Driver’s License" should be carried with the car.

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for Management" stipulate that online car-hailing should be developed in an orderly manner in accordance with the principles of high-quality service and differentiated operation. Compared with traditional cruise taxis, how to reflect "high-quality" and "differentiation"? Vehicle grade is an important aspect.

  The reporter learned that some special cars can currently meet the standards set by the regulations, but the price of express cars is significantly lower than that of cruise taxis, and cannot meet this standard. Some express drivers told reporters that charging can be provided with little effort, but providing mobile networks, bottled water, etc. will increase costs, making it difficult to provide income.

  Cheng Guohua admits that there is a clear difference between special cars and express cars at present. The "Interim Measures for Management" clearly state that online car-hailing should reflect "high quality", and the specific standards should be determined by the local area. As a whole, it should reflect the difference between new and old business formats and reflect different business ideas.

  The order should be consistent with the service vehicle personnel.

  In response to the different issues between vehicles and drivers, the exposure draft makes it clear that real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service processes should be carried out by installing on-board end points and other means to ensure that the service vehicles provided by the network service platform (also known as online) are consistent with the actual (also known as offline) service vehicles. During operation, personal biometric data such as driver portraits should be collected in real time and compared with the driver’s uploaded identity information to ensure that the online service drivers are consistent with the offline service drivers.

  Cheng Guohua introduced that online and offline inconsistencies are currently a more prominent problem in online car-hailing. For example, in May this year, a female teacher in Shenzhen was killed while riding an online car-hailing; a national electronic sports runner-up in Changsha was cut off. In reality, there are cases of defaulting vehicles receiving orders, and there are also cases where drivers take friends’ mobile phones to receive orders. The Interim Measures for Management make it clear that the platform must ensure online and offline consistency, and the registered drivers are consistent with the drivers who provide services. How to ensure this consistency? Through technological means. Cameras and other devices must be installed on the car, which are guaranteed through biometric technology.

  The reporter learned that there are some full-time online car-hailing drivers who rent cars in two shifts to engage in service. In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the norms only stipulate the consistency between online and offline, and do not limit a car to only one platform, or only one driver per car.

  Instant ride-hailing shielding destination anti-pickup

  The exposure draft defines terms related to online ride-hailing. For example, an instant ride-hailing service is "a service with a time interval of not more than 30 minutes between the appointment time and the arrival of the vehicle at the agreed pick-up location".

  The exposure draft requires that online ride-hailing platforms "should not refuse the request of the driver to reserve a car within 3 days".

  In order to ensure the information security and personal safety of passengers, the exposure draft makes it clear that the client side application should have the following functions: personal phone encryption function, communication between passengers and drivers through technical means; "one-click call" function, when passengers are used in emergency situations, real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and driver information can be automatically sent to the network about the car operator; the evaluation results of passengers’ single service behavior should not be directly fed back to the driver.

  The reporter learned that Uber, Didi and other online car-hailing software have encrypted personal phone calls. According to Cheng Guohua, most mainstream online car-hailing software already has a "one-click call" function.

  Exposure draft proposed that for instant car service, platform push information should block the location of passengers getting off.

  Why block passengers’ destinations? Cheng Guohua explained that in traditional cruise cars, some passengers will encounter such a situation: that is, after telling the driver where to go, the driver says he can’t go, that is, the situation of refusing to pick up passengers and picking up passengers. In online ride-hailing services, if the platform lets the driver know the passenger’s destination, it provides conditions for him to pick up passengers and refuse to pick up passengers. Based on this, the platform is required to block passengers’ destinations.

  Passengers can choose to settle the fare in cash

  While almost all ride-hailing apps currently settle online, the exposure draft proposes that "upon arrival at the drop-off location, the platform should inform the ride-hailing service fee via mobile phone text message or client side app, and the ride-hailing person or passenger can settle by cash or non-cash payment."

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua explained that the regulation is made from the perspective of protecting the rights and interests of passengers. Although most online ride-hailing users accept online settlement, it is not ruled out that some passengers pay cash for the security of their bank accounts or because WeChat does not have enough money.

  Regarding invoicing, the exposure draft makes it clear that "after arriving at the destination, take the initiative to provide the corresponding local taxi invoice to the passenger, unless the group user issues it uniformly or the driver and passenger request otherwise".

  Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi-hailing" implement clear pricing, and provide passengers with corresponding taxi invoices ". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarified that the invoice should be a local taxi invoice. Generally speaking, taxis have to give invoices in person, that is," issue ", but there are some special circumstances in online taxi-hailing that cannot be issued on the spot, which requires" providing "invoices. These special circumstances include: for example, group users, who have charged a lot of money at one time, and the invoice has already been issued; for example, if the passenger has a request, take a taxi and save up for a period of time, and then send it at one time.

  > > Related News

  All localities should formulate detailed implementation rules for online car-hailing within 3 months

  Beijing Times News (Reporter Sha Xueliang) A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice on the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (referred to as the two documents), requiring local transportation authorities to complete the formulation of the implementation details within three months under the leadership of the city people’s government, based on the two documents and combined with local conditions.

  The notice pointed out that the two documents give the local full autonomy and policy space, local authorities to develop detailed implementation rules, not only to respond to the general concerns of the people’s personalized travel, but also to take into account the reasonable interests of taxi industry operators and employees, coordinate the demands of all parties, to ensure that the reform policy to achieve the greatest common denominator, feasible measures, strong operability. For major decisions such as the reform of the right to operate, the launch of the policy to standardize the management of online car-hailing and the transition plan, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessment, improve the emergency plan, and ensure the steady and smooth progress of various reforms.

  It is reported that the Ministry of Transport will soon convene the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), as well as the provincial capitals, cities with separate plans and some urban transportation departments with heavier reform tasks, to comprehensively interpret the two documents and supporting systems, and focus on explaining key issues. On this basis, the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) will conduct publicity and implementation training for the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the cities (counties and districts) under their jurisdiction to ensure a comprehensive, accurate and in-depth understanding of the two documents.

  Beijing Times reporter Sha Xueliang

Pioneer evolution, intelligent driving and pushing! BYD Song L will launch a smart driving model, which will be officially listed in June.

BYD Song L Smart Driver debuted in auto china in 2024, equipped with DiPilot 100 "Eye of God" advanced intelligent driver assistance system, which is expected to be added in June. It is reported that the price of a new car may be around 250,000 yuan.

Since its listing, Song L has made great strides. In just four months, its sales volume has broken 34,000 vehicles, and its performance in the 200,000-level market is quite bright. It can achieve such a good result because Song L meets the comprehensive needs of users for face value, control, intelligence and space, and it is called the most worthwhile B-class pure electric SUV with a class of 200,000.

Avant-garde aesthetics, appearance must be the focus

Since its debut, Song L has gained the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV". The appearance adopts the aesthetic design of "Pioneer Dragon Face", the body posture is vigorous, the tail shape is wide and full, and the hunting temperament is very recognizable. The adaptive electric tail and frameless door are both aesthetic and functional, and they are also matched with narrow front tires and wide rear tires that are only available in luxury cars. The interior is inspired by the "Chinese knot" and builds a layered, light and surrounding spatial order, which not only shows the oriental charm, but also integrates modern trends and scientific and technological elements. Song L’s design is pioneering but not curious, and his personality is not niche, which has been widely favored by the intellectuals and middle class.

Star technology blessing, strength breaks through the upper limit

"E-platform 3.0, CTB, Yunqi -C" three star technical blessings, so that Song L is not only more attractive, but also a powerful faction with the ultimate control.

Based on E-platform 3.0, Song L has four characteristics of "safety, high efficiency, intelligence and aesthetics", which not only achieves the maximum output power of 380kW and zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds, but also has the longest cruising range of 662 kilometers. Under the blessing of CTB battery body integration technology, the torsional stiffness of Song L’s body is 40,400 Nm/kWh, comparable to that of millions of luxury cars; "Space utilization rate" and "energy density" have also been greatly improved, and you can have both low-lying modeling and spacious space. Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system has millisecond damping adjustment speed, accelerates sudden braking and has no obvious pitching. High-speed cornering, stable handling, perfect balance of comfort and handling.

The appearance of Song L broke the inherent impression that "cars under 200,000 are not worthy of manipulation" in the automobile circle.

Pioneers continue to evolve and push higher-level intellectual driving.

At this year’s Beijing Auto Show, BYD Dynasty announced that Song L’s smart driving model will be promoted in June, and the pioneer will continue to evolve to build a smarter travel life for users.

Song L Smart Driving will be equipped with DiPilot 100 "Eye of God" advanced intelligent driving assistance system, with up to 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 11 cameras, providing high-speed navigation (high-speed navigation-assisted driving), automatic parking assistance (APA), mobile phone remote parking (RPA), short-range parking service (AVP), lever change (ILCA) and automatic emergency braking (automatic emergency braking). Provide users with a safer, more comfortable and more efficient intelligent travel experience.

Since its listing, Song L has brought enough surprises to the market, and the subsequent promotion of smart driving is bound to be even more powerful, once again breaking through the upper limit of performance and experience and reshaping the new benchmark of B-class pure electric SUV value.

Source: Correspondent Feng Wei

Editor: Ding Yi

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Audit: Cang Shujun

How to build a beautiful China in the next five years? Listen to what the Minister of Ecology and Environment said at the press conference of the State Council Office.

Beijing, July 27 (Reporter Jing Wong) On the morning of July 27, the State Council Press Office held a series of news conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and invited Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" and answer reporters’ questions.

Huang Runqiu introduced at the meeting that, after a lapse of five years, the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference was held in July this year, which was another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction.

Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China.

The State Council Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening the Authority Department" to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" (photo by Jing Wong, a reporter from the Central Broadcasting Network)

"4561" opens a new milestone in the construction of ecological civilization

In May 2018, the CPC Central Committee held a national ecological environmental protection conference. From July 17 to 18 this year, after a lapse of five years, the national ecological environmental protection conference was held again. Huang Runqiu said that this is another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction, which can be summarized by "4561": "4" is "four major changes", "5" is "five major relationships", "6" is "six major tasks" and "1" is "a major requirement".

Huang Runqiu introduced that the "four major changes" are a comprehensive summary of the remarkable achievements made in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s ecological civilization construction has achieved a major transformation from key rectification to systematic governance, from passive response to active action, from global environmental governance participants to leaders, from practical exploration to scientific theory guidance, and has made great achievements, which has also become a remarkable symbol of historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the state in the new era.

"Five Major Relationships" indicates that the Party’s understanding of the regularity of ecological civilization construction has been further deepened and developed. Huang Runqiu said, in the new stage, new situation and new tasks, in order to continuously promote the construction of ecological civilization, we must properly handle the five relationships: high-quality development and high-level protection, key attack and coordinated governance, natural restoration and artificial restoration, external constraints and endogenous motivation, and "double carbon" commitment and independent action.

The "six major tasks" are the overall strategic deployment for the construction of ecological civilization and beautiful China. Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be a crucial period for the construction of beautiful China. It is necessary to continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode, strive to enhance the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem, actively and steadily promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, keep the safety bottom line for the construction of beautiful China, and improve the security system for the construction of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu introduced that these "six major tasks" are major strategic arrangements made to implement the Party’s 20 major strategic arrangements and aim at the goal of building a beautiful China in the next five years and by 2035.

"A major requirement" is to emphasize upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization. "Past practice shows that the party’s leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the ecological environment protection and ecological civilization construction to make great progress. Facing the new situation, new problems and new challenges of ecological civilization construction on the new journey, we must continue to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over ecological civilization construction and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection. " Huang Runqiu said.

Data map: Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the special protection area for the restoration of blue bay in Ximen Island, Yandang Town, Yueqing City.

In the next five years, we will promote the global coverage of beautiful China construction according to local conditions and steps.

At present, "Beautiful China" is a hot word with high frequency. At present, how to effectively promote the good construction experience in various places and take more measures to make the rivers and mountains of Wan Li in the motherland more colorful has attracted the attention of all sectors of society.

At the press conference held by the State Council today (27th), Huang Runqiu said that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will make great efforts to create beautiful blue sky, beautiful rivers and lakes, beautiful bays and beautiful mountains and rivers, speed up the construction of beautiful China pioneer areas, beautiful provinces, this beautiful city and beautiful countryside, promote the construction of beautiful China in a step-by-step manner according to local conditions, create a vivid picture of building and sharing beautiful China, and draw an updated picture of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu said that in terms of research and deployment, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment should strengthen strategic planning and top-level design, continue to study the index system for the construction of beautiful China, anchor the goal of basically building beautiful China by 2035, and study the phased strategic arrangement, which is the overall path for the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "10th Five-Year Plan" to be continuously consolidated, and the "16th Five-Year Plan" to be comprehensively improved.

In the aspect of typical promotion, we should emphasize "beauty" as the core orientation, organically combine the systematic solution of ecological environment problems with meeting the people’s needs for a beautiful ecological environment and promoting the realization of the value of ecological products, and publicize and promote good experiences, good practices and good cases from all over the world with the guidance of realizing beautiful rivers and lakes with "clear water and green shores and shallow fish" and beautiful bays with "clean water and clean beaches, fish gulls gathering together and harmonious people".

In terms of local practice, we have issued special guidance on promoting the construction of beautiful China, and Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei and other provinces have made efforts to explore the practical model of the construction of beautiful China. For example, Fujian put forward a five-beauty system of "this beautiful city-beautiful countryside-beautiful rivers and lakes-beautiful bay-beautiful countryside"; Sichuan regards beautiful space and culture as important contents. Cities such as Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Qingdao have put forward more ambitious requirements and targets for the construction of this beautiful city.

Data map: Southeast Guizhou, the rural ecological environment is excellent, and irises are flying.

Four aspects of work promote high-quality development and high-level protection

Huang Runqiu also mentioned "five major relationships", that is, "handling high-quality development and high-level protection". Huang Runqiu said, first of all, high-level protection is an important support for high-quality development, and it is also the proper meaning. Leaving the development of environmental protection is not in line with the new development concept, let alone high quality.

Secondly, high-level protection can ensure the high-quality development and keep the bottom line by means of ecological environment zoning control and environmental impact assessment. Furthermore, high-level protection can promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure through the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and the improvement of environmental standards, thus forcing high-quality development.

On the other hand, the achievements of high-quality development can promote the construction of eco-environmental protection projects and the development of environmental protection industries by increasing financial input, developing green finance, ecological compensation mechanisms and other policy tools, thus contributing to high-level protection.

Huang Runqiu also introduced four tasks carried out by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in promoting high-quality development and high-level protection in recent years.

The first is to strengthen the prevention of the source of ecological environment.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has comprehensively promoted the zoning control of the ecological environment, and about 40,000 environmental control units have been designated throughout the country, thus setting a clear bottom line and drawing a border for high-quality development. By the end of last year, about 300 million tons of backward and surplus steel, 400 million tons of cement and 150 million weight boxes of flat glass had been eliminated nationwide.

The second is to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment strengthens the coordinated management of environmental quality improvement and carbon emission, and promotes the implementation of structural emission reduction. The number of coal-fired boilers and kilns nationwide has been reduced from nearly 500,000 to less than 100,000 at present, reducing the use of coal by more than 400 million tons. In the northern region, about 37 million rural loose coal households have been treated, reducing the consumption of loose coal by more than 70 million tons. 1.03 billion kilowatts of coal-fired power units have completed ultra-low emission transformation, and 680 million tons of steel production capacity has completed or is completing ultra-low emission transformation. More than 30 million old and high-emission motor vehicles were eliminated.

The third is to implement major ecological and environmental protection projects.Vigorously promote the construction of environmental infrastructure, carry out innovative pilot projects of eco-environment oriented project development (EOD), and vigorously develop eco-environmental protection industries. In 2022, the operating income of the national environmental protection industry reached 2.22 trillion yuan, which has become an important force in the green economy. We have promoted the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies, restored urban water ecosystems, and basically eliminated black and odorous water bodies in cities at prefecture level and above, which not only improved the ecological environment, but also improved the quality of cities and achieved high-quality development.

The fourth is to build a green development highland.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has further promoted the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and other major strategic ecological environmental protection work in national regions, improved and optimized the regional joint prevention and control mechanism, and formed a good pattern of joint protection and joint governance. We deepened the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration, named six batches of 468 ecological civilization demonstration zones and 187 "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation bases, and guided all localities to actively explore new ways of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

520, this movie is for everyone who loves movies.

Today is May 20th.
On this special day, I want to recommend a movie about "love" to everyone.
In other words, a love letter written to the movie and also to every audience.
This film tells "the sincere confession of a great director".

He has an engineer father, who taught him how to think rationally and how to turn modern technology into his best creative tool.
He also has a pianist’s mother, who taught him the perception of art and a natural desire for expression as an artist.
The growing environment laid the foundation for him to dream.
However, how to turn a hobby of "wasting money" into a career that can "make money" and how to face the tear between the two are still issues throughout his adolescence.
He was bullied on campus because of his Jewish identity, or was traumatized by his parents’ divorce.
But all these eventually became his creative nourishment, the motif of his life’s creation.
Every great director will have his own autobiographical story.
Now, it’s finally Spielberg’s turn to tell this story.
The Dreammaker directed by Steven Allan Spielberg was the winner of last year’s Oscar hit, the Golden Globe Award for Best Drama and the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival.
So far, the freshness of rotten tomatoes is still as high as 92%.
I am also glad to see that this film will be released in China on May 25th. This is a rare film that we must see on the big screen.
This film is the best of the year in many people’s minds, and it is also praised by many people as "the most touching film of the year".
It’s really hard not to be moved by it.
Because it’s so sincere.
Unlike many films with the same nostalgic theme, in Dreammaker, you will not see a narcissism of successful people looking back on the past, nor will you see a bubble gum-style self-beautification.
On the contrary, director Spielberg, who was 76 years old, still had a childlike heart.
He told a story about growth and family in a very plain and restrained tone.
He also used such a plain and restrained tone to reveal some of the most "tearing" moments in his childhood.
So, is this movie about pain?
On the contrary, it tells—
Still "love."
The A side of the story is how a teenager who loves movies grows up with the encouragement of his parents.
In the winter of 1952, Sammy watched the first film in his life accompanied by his parents.
Before the film was shown, he was crying in the car and didn’t dare to go into the cinema, as if it were the maw of a wild animal, which would devour him young.
But after the film was shown, he looked at the shiny screen and lost his words in an instant.
For the first time, he understood that the movie was a dazzling dream.
Because there was a train in the movie, his parents bought him a train toy as a gift.
But what really attracted him was not the train itself, but how to record the picture of the train collision with a camera.
He became addicted to recording everything with a camera.

At first, it was a family video, with sisters playing together and family camping together.
Later, it became a movie at school, a gun battle and a drama.
He taught himself by himself and learned the most important thing:
The existence of the camera is not only to record the truth.
You can also edit, splice and reconstruct the truth in your own way to create your own truth.
But the most important thing is always "seeing".
Because movies are about seeing.
On the b side of the story, it is about the family of teenagers.
You will find that, coincidentally, every time he succeeds in film creation, it always seems to be accompanied by some kind of life tear.
When his father encouraged him to shoot a camping documentary for his mother, he stumbled across another truth about his mother in this documentary.
However, when the campus documentary he made was broadcast at the graduation party and everyone was cheering for his work, he had to bear the pain of his parents’ divorce and breaking up with his first love alone.
Under the seemingly bright and warm tone of the whole movie, there always seems to be a faint and melancholy background.
Although it is cruel, it is very real. It shows us that movies are not reality, and movies are not a good medicine for reality.

Every time Sammy tries to do it allImmersed in the movie, reality will give him a hard whip, which will make him pull away from it, and he will have to taste the tearing feeling between reality and the movie alone.
So, when did Sammy make up his mind to pursue film art?
Perhaps it was at the moment when he understood what a "movie" really was.
At the beginning of the film, the camera was really just a toy, and making movies was just an escapist hobby.
But the most crucial and turning point happened to be that Sammy discovered the secret of his mother’s infidelity through the lens of the camera.
He repeatedly confirmed his mother’s movements and eyes from the seemingly unimportant lens edge, and confirmed that she really admired another man.
At this moment, the film is no longer an escape from reality, but helps Sami "see" the reality.
In other words, he helped Sammy open another realistic perspective.
Originally, for him, family meant unconditional tolerance, understanding and support; But now he understands that there is another person’s sacrifice behind it.
It was the mother who made the sacrifice: she gave up her career as a pianist and suppressed her feelings.
In the scene that struck him like lightning, what he saw was not betrayal, but sacrifice.
It was his mother’s sacrifice that fulfilled his dream-maker.
Family is like a balance, and someone has to make sacrifices.
Mothers will make sacrifices for their husbands and children.
Children also have to make sacrifices for their father’s work.
In the second half of the film, their family moved to California, and Sammy had to face the new campus environment and the bullying from his classmates.
However, in their family history, there always seems to be a "crazy" gene that is desperate to pursue what they love.
Maybe when he comes back at midnight, Sammy often thinks of what his uncle who works in the circus said.
"Family, art, will tear you apart"
"We are addicts, and art is our antidote"
"Family is our love."
"But we will be crazy about art."

Mothers also need to make choices.
And at this moment, the "dreamer" once again played the magic:
It is precisely because everyone in the film, no matter what choice he makes, starts from his own heart. So they also got the tolerance and understanding of their families.
Through these choices, what the film tries to convey to us is a life attitude about "love": "Love what I love and dream as much as I can".
You never have to be sorry to be yourself. You can be anyone you want to be.
Only by finding your own love and creating your own life dreams can you meet all the splendor in life.

Because I am very sure that this is a movie that we must watch on the big screen.
From the first shot, it was born for the cinema.
It is also about the "love" of filmmakers.
In the film, you will see many historical eggs, The Train Comes into the Station, The King of the Opera, and john ford, the guest role of director david lynch himself …
You will also see many classic films in the film, including many prototypes of Spielberg’s own future films.
For example, all the films shown in the film that the protagonist shot in his early days are really the works of Spielberg himself when he was young. He re-filmed these materials with great interest, as if he had relived his childhood with the audience.
For many years, Spielberg himself was a Hollywood "myth".
In this film, he re-examined this myth and told us all that "myth is only human".
The director tries to explore some contradictory and contradictory motifs in the film-technology and art, family and self, film and reality. The tear between them runs through the whole movie.
And in the end, perhaps the answer we want to know most as an audience is-
What is a movie?
Maybe the movie is a dream.
We hope to use movies to dream and make up for the dissatisfaction in life.
But dreams will "betray" you: every time Sammy is happy because of the movie, reality will bring him pain.
Perhaps the film is a perspective, a kind of cognition.
The eyes of the camera can capture what the human eye can’t see and what the human heart can’t capture.
It can jump the horizon and take you to another level of reality.
It broke your dreams, your fantasies.
It is a reality in itself.
After that, the film seems to have "surpassed" the reality.
In the second half of the film, the director filmed a plot that many people thought was worth pondering.
Sammy was bullied in his new school.
But when he had the opportunity to pick up the camera, he not only didn’t make a fool of the bully in the camera, but filmed the other side as handsome, tall and shining like Apollo.
Why would he do that?
Even the school bully doesn’t understand himself.
And Sammy said, "I just want to make my movie better."
As a director, he sacrificed his feelings and his pain before restoring the "truth" of a film.
For him, the film is neither a mirror of reality, nor a dream, nor a playground, but an imagination to make up for regret.
A movie is a movie, his art and his creation.
He can give everything for creation.
Therefore, when the screen lights up, he will see his own beam of light.
The existence of movies is not used to escape from reality, nor to reconstruct reality.
Movies are another reality.
This is his love for movies.
In other words, "film" itself is also a metaphor.
Throughout life, people are torn between reality and dreams, between responsibility and love.
Each of us has our own "movie", but how much are you willing to pay for your love?
Movies are Spielberg’s "choice".
And each of us has our own choices.
I believe that almost everyone has been accompanied by at least one Spielberg movie in their childhood.
Schindler’s List, E.T., Jurassic World, Artificial Intelligence Ready Player One …
These movies not only carry Spielberg’s dreams, but also our memories and our reality.
Movies are dreams, Spielberg is a dreamer, and we have all seen ourselves in his world and the reality of another dimension.
This time, what he said is his "dream maker".
Anyway, on May 25th, I will go to see The Dreamer again. Because this is not only a movie, but also the true meaning of his childhood, family, life and dreams. It’s a meeting between each of us and Spielberg.

Over-packaging in fruit shops is too rampant, and it is really not advisable to dress fruits layer by layer.

  There are too many fruit packages, so there should be reliable and effective recycling channels. Photo courtesy of North Night New Vision

  Some fruits that ordinary people are used to picking are also packed into boxes. Cao zhengshe

  "Not only can’t you choose, you can only buy a few in the box!" Ms. Chen, a citizen who wants to buy two pounds of apples, is very puzzled. Several fruit shops at home have been "upgraded", but it is more troublesome to buy fruits than before: many kinds of fruits are packed in plastic boxes, so you can only buy them by the box.

  The reporter visited and found that this is not a case. Many fruit shops have begun to "dress" the fruits that were sold in the past: sealing them with plastic wrap, putting them in plastic boxes and putting them on plastic bags. At the same time of excessive packaging, it is inconvenient for ordinary people to shop. Why is the trend of fruit packing set off? What’s the logic behind it? For this phenomenon, what means are there to crack it? The reporter conducted an investigation into this.


  Scattered fruits are packed in boxes.

  In the "Baiguoxiang" fruit shop in Sanyuanli, the salesman picked up a bunch of grapes in his left hand, cut off the withered grapes one by one with scissors in his right hand, and finally put them into a disposable plastic box. Around him, layers of packed kumquat, apples and so on have been packed.

  Many fruits that ordinary people are used to picking are also packaged and put into boxes. Nanguo pear, though marked with a catty of 7.5 yuan, has been wrapped in plastic wrap and repackaged in plastic boxes. Several customers picked it up one by one, studied it and put it down again, but no one bought it for a long time. "It’s all in the box, and you can’t pick it. I don’t know if it’s fresh!" A customer said. In the past, almost all fruits such as pears and apples were in bulk. After customers finished weighing and calculating money, the quantity and quality could be controlled by customers themselves. Now, the choice is much smaller. Take Nanguo pear as an example, one serving of seven or eight pears can’t be eaten at a time, and it’s no good to buy less; Want to buy more, can only buy two, a total of 16.

  A similar situation is more common in many chain fruit shops. The reporter visited Guoduomeibei Taipingqiao Store and Huayuan Road Store one after another and found that most fruits, such as apples, pears, oranges and kiwis, were packaged, some were covered with plastic wrap, some were packed in hard plastic boxes, and there were relatively few bulk fruits. The reporter counted that there are about four or five hundred boxes of all kinds of fruits sold in boxes in each fruit shop.

  Some consumers said that in the past, this kind of fruit packed in boxes was often sold online and other channels. "I went to the fruit shop to buy some fresh fruits, but I found that many fruits in the store were also wrapped and I couldn’t choose at all."

  Explore the cause

  Merchants for the convenience of stop loss chart

  Why is the trend of fruit boxed sales getting worse?

  A salesperson at a fresh supermarket named "Good Fruits and Vegetables" in Chaoyang Beiyuan said that these fruits are scattered when they are purchased, and then they are packed into plastic boxes after being transported to the store. "The packaged fruits are beautiful and clean, and fruits like oranges and pears are also bad in bulk."

  "Those who sell fruit are afraid of bad fruit, which is the most crucial reason!" Zhou Zheng (pseudonym), the owner of a fruit shop, told reporters that the main reason for packing fruits is that merchants want to stop losses: First, when packing fruits, customers will not touch them back and forth like picking bulk fruits; Secondly, boxing is one of the measures to keep fruits fresh, which can extend the sales time.

  The reporter noticed that the sales methods of fruit boxed are mainly concentrated in the newly upgraded fresh fruit supermarkets and high-end supermarkets. In traditional vegetable markets and cheap supermarkets, a large number of fruits are often sold in bulk.

  Zhou Zheng explained: "There are also some boxed fruits. Because the packaging is exquisite and the price can be raised, merchants prefer to box them." The increase of packaging cost will inevitably be included in the price of fruit; However, some boxed fruits have extended the sales time, and the freshness will inevitably be "discounted".


  Reduce the amount at the source

  The convenience of merchants also brings greater negative impact on the environment: in the past, ordinary people bought fruit and at most bought a plastic bag; Nowadays, the fruit is first covered with plastic wrap, then put into a plastic box, and finally put into a plastic bag, resulting in a "three-piece set" of packaging waste.

  "About eight or nine thousand disposable plastic boxes can be used in a month." The person in charge of a fruit shop with an area of more than 100 square meters admits that the cost of these disposable plastic boxes ranges from a few cents to a few cents, and they are basically online shopping.

  The reporter searched for "fruit disposable plastic boxes" on Taobao. There are countless kinds of goods. In the top three stores, a strawberry packaging box is selling well, each box contains 600 boxes, and the price is 215 yuan. The monthly sales volume of this product reached 1,387 boxes, and this packaging box sold 830,000 boxes in one month. "The materials of these plastic boxes are similar to mineral water bottles, and they are all non-degradable." The person in charge of this store bluntly said that a large part of these plastic boxes were sold to many well-known fruit fresh supermarkets.

  "White pollution" has become a world problem. "Like disposable lunch boxes, fruit plastic packaging is mostly thrown away by ordinary people." Sheng Min, secretary-general of China Renewable Resources Recycling Association Recycling Plastics Branch, said that besides reducing the amount at the source, there should be reliable and effective recycling channels. If there is a sound garbage sorting system, plastic packaging will be used more effectively through recycling channels. For example, Europe mainly subsidizes the recycling of renewable resources through compulsory policies adopted by the government; Japan, on the other hand, does a good job of sorting garbage from the source by cultivating national quality.

  Our reporter Cao Zheng

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi to Yuanxiao.

The first month is the New Year. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the number of tourists received by various tourist attractions in Hangzhou has exceeded 1.5 million, and the line of boats by the West Lake is 200-300 meters! This Spring Festival, there are too many annual activities in Hangzhou. Let’s start the New Year with a sense of ceremony, such as Spring Festival Market, Lantern Festival and Dragon and Lion Dance.

Where did you play on New Year’s Day?

The parking lot in Lingyin Scenic Area was saturated early in the morning.

The roads in the scenic spot are blocked in crimson.

The scenic area is packed with people.

Photography/Jiang Zhiqing

Sailing around the West Lake by boat is also a big hit.

The team waiting for the boat also meandered for two or three hundred meters

The first day of the Spring Festival Golden Week

Hangzhou tourist attractions (spots) received a total of 1.502 million tourists.

The passenger flow in major scenic spots is generally stable and orderly.

The passenger flow in the West Lake Scenic Area is relatively large.

Photography/Qiu Xiaohua

in fact

There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor.

Various Chinese New Year activities have been launched in various places.

Can be high until the Lantern Festival.

Hurry up and market.

shangcheng district

Hefang street welcomes the new year’s custom of the god of wealth

A glimpse of past activities

Qinghefang Historical and Cultural District will hold a New Year’s custom activity to welcome the God of Wealth, continue the "New Year’s memory" of Hangzhou people, carry out block parades, send blessings in the New Year, welcome wealth and send treasures, etc., and cook a new year’s custom cultural feast for everyone.

Activity time: February 14th (the fifth day of the first month)

Venue: Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Block in Shangcheng District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in uptown, please click [here].

gongshu district

Theme new year activities in historical and cultural blocks

This Spring Festival, Dadou Road historical and cultural blocks, Xiaohe historical and cultural blocks and Qiaoxi historical and cultural blocks in Gongshu District are coming with a big wave of Spring Festival activities! There are not only the Spring Festival market, the Lantern Festival, but also the dragon dance performance … to accompany you to the Lantern Festival.

For example, the theme of the Spring Festival activities in Dadou Road Historical and Cultural District is to have a round trip, to welcome the Spring Festival market, to have a round trip, to have a Lantern Festival and other activities, and to reproduce the grand occasion of the traditional festivals in old Hangzhou.

For more details, please click [here].

Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat

This new year, there are 18 "Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat" unveiled at the Grand Canal.

These lucky boats are decorated with hand-made fishing lanterns, and the cabins are also combined with dragon elements, adding the atmosphere of the year with dragon window stickers, ornaments and other elements.

In the New Year, I picked up the dragon lantern and sailed on the Grand Canal by the Aoyu lantern boat, which started the year smoothly and made Long Xing Universiade.

Please click [here] for the timetable of the Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat.

Xihu district

Xixi New Year Plum Exploration Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival

The 2024 Xixi Spring Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival in Hangzhou revolved around the two themes of Spring Festival Lantern Festival and Qushui Xun Mei, combining the minimalist elegance of China traditional culture and Song Dynasty aesthetics with modern art.

More than 40 meters of "Baizhang Dragon Lantern"

The activity will arrange large-scale year of the loong-themed lanterns and lanterns with wetland characteristics in the North Gate Square of the Park, Jiangcun Market Slow Life Block, Hezhu Street, Wujiawan and other areas, and arrange interactive scenery of plum exploration and Spring Festival theme in Zhou Jiacun Square and Zhou Jiacun Wharf to create a festive atmosphere for the Spring Festival.

Aoshan lamp shed about 5m from Hezhu Street.

Plum blossom aerial photography/Qu Xinyu (in previous years)

During the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, the activities will also explore the traditional folk customs, and carry out various interactive activities such as dragon dancing, lantern parade, water town wedding, God of Wealth parade, lantern parade and NPC interaction, so that tourists can enjoy the charm of traditional folk customs while winding water in Xun Mei.

Activity time: February 10th-March 17th.

Venue: Zhou Jiacun entrance of Xixi Wetland, No.518 Tianmushan Road.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Binjiang District

"Xinxin Going to the Dragon for the Spring Festival" Spring Festival activities in Changhe Old Street

This Spring Festival, Changhe Old Street in Binjiang District will launch a series of activities of "Song Fu Hangzhou Year" with the theme of "Xinxin Going to the Spring Festival with Dragons".

With the pursuit of "the flavor of the year" as the main line, we will awaken people’s memories of the Chinese New Year and celebrate the festive season through year of the loong Grand Collection, non-legacy craftsmen, interactive performances, and New Year’s punch cards.

Activity time: February 10 -25

Venue: Historical and Cultural Block of Changhe Old Street, Binjiang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Xiaoshan district

The 6th Annual Custom Cultural Activities in Louta Town

This new year, the sixth annual custom cultural activity in Louta Town, Xiaoshan District arrived as scheduled. There are six stations in the activity, namely, catching up with the market with the national tide, appealing to the ancient charm and elegance, experiencing the ingenuity, searching for impressions through the Millennium, exhibiting the beauty of literature and art and the resident photography exhibition in rural areas.

You can purchase mountain products specialties at the National Tide Annual Taste Market, cruise in Hanfu, immerse yourself in the elegance of ancient style, appreciate, experience and understand the intangible cultural heritage, and walk into the rural image museum (Meichuang Space) to feel the long years like water.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Louta Town, Xiaoshan District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Yuhang district

Pingyao Laojie Folk Lantern Festival

During the Spring Festival, the 2024 Pingyao Old Street Folk Lantern Festival was in full swing. The theme of this year’s Lantern Festival is "Bigger than year of the loong", and year of the loong-themed lanterns are on the scene. There are also various dragon-themed lanterns hanging in the old street, which completely fills the atmosphere of the New Year!

During the Spring Festival, there will be activities such as Youlong stepping on the street, Ishigaki lanterns, Liyuan opera, free movies and so on.

Activity time: February 11th-16th.

Venue: Pingyao Old Street, Pingyao Town, Yuhang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Linping district

Tangqi ancient town celebrates the New Year.

On the second day of the first month, Tangqi Ancient Town will prepare dragon lanterns, DIY lanterns made by year of the loong in the Spring Festival, and the opera performance of Dragon and Phoenix.

Open the hand-made lantern block in front of the ancient stage, and you can receive a limited number of lanterns in year of the loong; At Yubei Wharf, you can experience the activities of Longteng Cake Raising (playing New Year Cake) and New Year Pictures on wooden boards. There is also a shadow play experience activity in the Shadow Play Theatre, which includes three parts: shadow play, parent-child production and interactive display, so that friends of all ages can find the fun of the New Year in Tangqi ancient town.

Activity time: February 11th-15th.

Venue: Canal Tangqi Ancient Town Scenic Area

Super Mountain Plum Blossom Festival

At the beginning of the new year, the 16th Hangzhou Chaoshan Plum Blossom Festival was grandly opened. During the Plum Blossom Festival, Chaoshan Scenic Area will also launch three rich series of experience activities, namely, thinking of "plum blossoms", searching for "plum blossoms" and camping season in the countryside.

You can also go to Meili Chaoshan Hanfu Life Museum to buy clothes and punch out Meihua Road in Hanfu. In addition, in March, the first country holiday camping season in Linping will be held in Chaoshan Scenic Area, mainly including activities such as country holiday experience tour and camping experience exhibition.

Activity time: February 6-the end of March

Venue: Hangzhou Chaoshan Scenic Area

★ For more details of activities in Linping District, please click [here].

fuyang district

Sun Quan welcomes guests to Longmen Ancient Town for Spring Festival activities.

Year of the loong Qi Fu went to Longmen, and fortune prospered to Fuchun. This new year, let’s go to Longmen Ancient Town to start a year of Long Xing’s prosperity and future.

The dragon-shaped device in Longmen ancient town has been lit up, and the dragon-shaped device with its head held high and its tail wagged is entrenched in the sky. When night comes, it is colorful and beautiful.

In the arched square with blue bricks and black tiles, the "Dongwu Emperor" came to welcome guests from all over the world with soldiers and soldiers, and there were performances such as the parade of the Emperor and the immersive flash show, which made people feel as if they were in the "Three Kingdoms" period.

Activity time: February 11-16, Lunar New Year’s Day-Seventh Day (10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m.)

Venue: Longmen Ancient Town, Fuyang District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in Fuyang District, please click here.

Lin ‘an District

Celebrate the New Year in Lin ‘an Museum

Lin ‘an Museum will not close this Spring Festival! From New Year’s Eve to the eighth day of the first month, spend the New Year with everyone.

During the Spring Festival, Lin ‘an Museum planned a special exhibition of Tianmu Kiln cultural relics, a photo exhibition of "loong Cultural Hundred Museums Joint Exhibition" and other activities, such as Xinxin punching in the "Dragon" New Year atmosphere device and writing Spring Festival couplets to give a hundred blessings.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

jiande city

Yanzhou Ancient City year of the loong Lantern Festival

Yanzhou lights are as bright as day, and the dragon takes off to make the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, the ancient city of Yanzhou, jiande city invited you to an appointment to enjoy lanterns and receive blessings.

In the ancient city of Yanzhou, there will be a Song Rhyme Lantern Festival in the Wengcheng of Longshan Academy, Fuyunmen City Wall and Yanzhou Ancient Street. At that time, lanterns will be all over the city, taking you back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In addition, everyone can change into Song costumes, stroll through the old city wall, visit Song Yun Wenchuang, taste national cuisine, taste creative drinks, and immerse themselves in the Song Yun National Wind Market to experience a different "tidal" life in Song Dynasty.

Activity time: from now until the end of February.

Venue: Yanzhou Ancient City, jiande city

Shou Chang Ancient Town "Looking for the Year of China"

During the Spring Festival, the ancient town of Shou Chang launched the Spring Festival market, dragon-seeking and blessing, majestic gongs and drums, dragon dance in Shou Chang, fireworks feast, dragon lantern festival and other special welcome activities, which continued the spirit of dragon culture in the Millennium ancient town.

Visitors can experience six groups of interactive punch-in points, namely, Universiade dzi, Najifu Molongxu, Happy New Year Pinlongtu, Career Xing yue longmen, Release Vitality Qilongwu, and Pray for Xinfu Dianlongdeng. They can also experience traditional folk-custom intangible items such as tanghua, non-legacy people and ancient-style sachets.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Ancient Town, Shou Chang, jiande city

★ For more details of jiande city activities, please click [here].

Hangzhou’s New Year activities don’t stop there.

Scan the QR code below

You can enter the "Song" Fu Hangzhou Annual Activity Page.

Opening the Lunar New Year with a full ceremony

Information/Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism, Shangcheng Publishing, Gongshu Publishing, Beautiful West Lake, Binjiang Publishing, Xiaoshan Publishing, Yuhang Publishing, Linping Publishing, Fuyang Publishing and Jiande Publishing.

Editor/Shen Ruyi

Layout/Shen Ruyi

Keep sliding to see the next one.

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi, go to Yuanxiao Hangzhou to post a touch to read the original text.

Hangzhou posted likes to share, reading and writing messages, sliding up to see the next one.

Original title: "Everyone! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor, hi to Yuanxiao.

Lanzhou subjects two and three suspended exams.

The reporter learned from the traffic police detachment of Lanzhou Public Security Bureau that on February 2, due to the snowfall, the examination business of Lanzhou drivers’ subjects 2 and 3 was suspended, and the examination appointment was automatically cancelled in the background. The cancellation of this examination did not affect the original examination order and frequency. Whether Sunday’s exam returns to normal depends on the weather on that day. (Reporter Zhang Xiuyun)

Recommended reading in the past

Original title: "Lanzhou subjects 2 and 3 are suspended"

Read the original text

1-0,1-1,0-1! The two suspense in the Premier League ended, Manchester City won the championship, and Harland won the golden ball

The 37th round of Premier League continues: Bournemouth VS Manchester United. In the 9th minute, casemiro scored the only goal. In the end, Manchester United beat Bournemouth 1-0.

Liverpool, at home against Aston Villa. In the 22nd minute, Watkins missed the penalty. In the 27th minute, Jacob broke the door; In the 89th minute, firmino was absolutely flat. 1-1, Liverpool and Aston Villa shake hands.

Nottingham Forest, against Arsenal. In the 19th minute, Awoniyi scored. After that, the two teams did not change the score on the field. 0-1, Arsenal lost.

Let’s look at the Premier League standings: Manchester City 85 points, Arsenal 81 points, Newcastle United 69 points, Manchester United 69 points, Liverpool 66 points, Brighton 58 points, Aston Villa 58 points …

Arsenal have only one game to play, four points behind Manchester City. In other words, Manchester City won the league championship three rounds ahead of schedule. At the same time, Liverpool has only one game to play, three points behind Manchester United and Newcastle, and the latter two teams still have two games to play. Liverpool, not only want to get 3 points, at the same time, Manchester United and Newcastle United can’t get a point in the last two rounds. The possibility of satisfying these two situations is very small. Therefore, the suspense of the Premier League for four has also ended.

Manchester City won the first championship this season. Next, they will play Manchester United in the FA Cup final and Inter Milan in the Champions League final. Without analysis, everyone will understand that Manchester City has a great probability of winning the treble this season. What will it be like to add such honor, plus the three honors of Premier League Golden Boot+Champions League Golden Boot+European Golden Boot, and can you win this year’s Golden Globe Award? This man is Harland in Manchester City. Of course, his biggest opponent is Messi, and he has the World Cup champion in hand.

Many Japanese companies such as Softbank and Hitachi restrict the use of ChatGPT to prevent leaks.

According to media reports, Japanese companies such as Softbank and Hitachi have begun to restrict the use of interactive artificial intelligence services such as ChatGPT in commercial operations due to concerns about information leakage and other problems.

Softbank used ChatGPT and other commercial applications to warn employees last month: "Don’t enter company identity information or confidential data." Although Softbank has issued guidelines for using cloud services such as interactive artificial intelligence, these rules have been repeatedly emphasized in view of the recent increasing attention paid to chat bots. Softbank plans to formulate rules that stipulate which businesses can use this technology and which applications can be used.

In addition to Softbank, Hitachi will consider formulating new ethical rules to regulate the use of interactive artificial intelligence and whether the data is used correctly. The company plans to improve the manual of artificial intelligence formulated in 2021.

At present, Mizuho Financial Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and sumitomo mitsui banking corporation have banned the use of ChatGPT and other services in their operations. Mizuho’s restrictions will prevent employees from accessing the website from their work terminals, with the purpose of "preventing important information such as customers and financial transactions from being leaked due to improper use by employees". NEC, an IT company, also prohibits employees from using ChatGPT.