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Whether the merger of Didi and Uber is a monopoly needs to pass "two thresholds"

  Xinhua News Agency Beijing August 2 New Media Special Telegram Question: Whether the merger of Didi and Uber is a monopoly needs to pass "two thresholds"

  Xinhua News Agency "China Network" reporters Yang Yishen and Ding Jing

  Shen Danyang, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, said on August 2 that he had not received a declaration on the concentration of operators of Didi and Uber China-related transactions. This statement continues to raise great concerns about the potential monopoly problems caused by the merger of Didi and Uber.

  Industry experts say that even if Didi and Uber China do not declare the merger, they may still face active review by regulatory authorities before the merger. And even if the merger goes smoothly, if there is a monopolistic behavior later, they will also face regulatory enforcement. A major problem currently facing all parties is the embarrassment caused by data statistics and judgment standards in the supervision of new business models.

  Threshold 1: If you don’t declare yourself, you won’t be able to evade antitrust scrutiny

  On August 1, Didi Chuxing announced that it would merge with Uber China, mainly through the acquisition of Uber China’s brand, business, data and other assets by Didi. After the deal is reached, Didi Chuxing and Uber Global will hold shares in each other and become minority shareholders of each other.

  Giants must pass an anti-monopoly review if they want to merge. However, at a press conference on August 2, Shen Danyang said: "The Ministry of Commerce has not yet received the declaration of concentration of undertakings related to Didi and Uber China. According to regulations, all operators who meet the declaration conditions stipulated in the Antimonopoly Act and the declaration standards stipulated in the" Regulations of the State Council on the Declaration Standards of Concentration of Operators "should report to the Ministry of Commerce in advance. If they do not declare, they cannot implement concentration."

  According to Didi’s statement: "At present, neither Didi nor Uber China has achieved profitability, and Uber China’s turnover in the last fiscal year did not meet the reporting standards. Therefore, in accordance with the Antimonopoly Act and the" Regulations of the State Council on the Reporting Standards of Concentration of Underwriters ", it is not necessary to report to the relevant departments in advance. We will also maintain active and smooth communication with the relevant departments."

  In this regard, Su Hua, an associate researcher at the American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who has participated in many anti-monopoly investigations, told reporters that according to China’s "Antimonopoly Act" and the declaration standards for concentration of undertakings, in terms of procedures, merger transactions need to be submitted to the Anti-Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce for review, or the Anti-Monopoly Bureau may initiate an investigation on its own initiative.

  Many industry experts said that whether companies declare themselves is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also important for regulators to take the initiative in advance.

  "Mergers and acquisitions that have substantial evidence that will lead to significant restrictions and exclude competitive effects may be prohibited," Mr. Su said. "The significance of the Antimonopoly Act censorship is that the entity assesses whether the transaction is likely to lead to monopolistic behavior, and can make a pre-judgment and evaluation."

  Threshold 2: If there is a monopoly, it can be supervised at any time during and after the event

  The reporter learned that although the previous merger of Didi Kuaidi did not independently declare for anti-monopoly review, if there is a monopolistic behavior after the successful merger of Didi and Uber, it will also face regulatory enforcement.

  Although the overall industry price of online car-hailing has not changed much in the short term, issues such as "whether subsidies will be reduced", "whether red envelopes will be cancelled" and "whether prices will be increased" are still the most concerned issues for ordinary consumers. Many experts believe that even if Didi and Uber successfully merge, they will still face great regulatory pressure and public opinion pressure.

  Cheng Shidong, director of the Urban Transportation Office of the Comprehensive Transportation Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that industry supervision needs to focus on identifying the business practices of market players in a dominant position and preventing market behaviors of unfair competition.

  In this regard, industry insiders combined with a series of previous anti-monopoly cases to analyze the monopolistic behavior that may occur if Didi and Uber merge: "The post-merger entity (Didi + Uber) implements restrictions on competition, which may include but are not limited to fixing prices, restricting supply, dividing the market, refusing to trade, ultra-high pricing, predatory pricing, discriminatory pricing, bundling and tying, etc."

  For monopolistic behavior that consumers are concerned about, there will still be supervision in the interim and post-event stages. In this regard, Su Hua said that the difference between the Antimonopoly Act, which is in charge of the Anti-Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, and the prohibition of monopoly agreements and the prohibition of abuse of dominance (the Price Supervision Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Competition Enforcement Bureau of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce), is that the former is a pre-evaluation and judgment of transactions, and the latter is a post-evaluation and judgment of behavior.

  The lack of new business judgment standards has caused regulatory embarrassment

  The above two thresholds are both difficult problems that Didi and Uber need to face before and after the merger. In this regard, industry insiders believe that from the observation of the governance concept of strengthening in-process and ex-post supervision, the anti-monopoly review of concentration of undertakings in the new economy has more variables and greater difficulty. One of the important factors is that there are still differences in the judgment standards and data statistics of the new business model of online car-hailing.

  According to a set of data released by Didi’s official website this year, many people may think that the monopoly position after the merger is very obvious:

  "Didi Hitch is a mutual-assistance C2C ride-sharing platform owned by Didi Chuxing. According to a report by Trustdata, a third-party research organization, Didi Hitch accounts for 76.8% of the ride-sharing market."

  "According to CNNIC data, Didi Chuxing has occupied 87.2% of the market share in China’s private car industry. Data from several authoritative research institutions also show that Didi Chuxing is also in a market leadership position in verticals such as hitchhiking, chauffeur driving, and test driving."

  Of course, the actual situation is not only that the number can prove the monopoly, but also the attitude of competitors in the industry is worth referring to. Regarding the merger of Didi and Uber, Shouqi Car-hailing and others do not think it will form a monopoly. Wei Dong, CEO of Shouqi Car-hailing, believes: "Because of the existence of platforms such as Shouqi Car-hailing and Shenzhou Car-hailing, they also have traffic advantages, and it is difficult to achieve monopoly [of Didi and Uber merger]."

  Cheng Shidong believes that online car-hailing has not yet been fully integrated with industry supervision, and there is no authoritative and accurate data on the statistics. "More supervision should be carried out from the perspective of monopoly, rather than the supervision of daily market competition behavior."

  "To give a simple example, how much is the price of online car-hailing reasonable?" One industry insider said that this kind of question illustrates the current difficulty in judging how the online car-hailing industry can be regarded as a monopoly.

Want wisdom? Want omnipotence? Ask the world M7 to open the era of intelligent new energy 3.0

The newly launched luxury smart large-scale electric SUV, which takes into account both home and business use, is dedicated to creating a warm and loving home, whether it is a driver or a rider. It can feel comfortable, safe and intelligent at home.

The overall design continues Huawei’s ultimate, simple and pure design. Simple and generous lines, clean and tidy.

Equipped with a star-shifting beam of light daytime running lights, the brand logo in the middle will automatically light up when it is close, and extend to the left and right headlights on both sides. This design makes the M7 highly recognizable.

Equipped with intelligent Hongmeng car machine, empowering the soul, forward-looking design and matching, center console, simplicity is not simple.

With a watch, you can unlock the vehicle, drive the car, and even remotely control the car to turn on the air conditioner to adjust the temperature. You can also connect the car and the machine, and a mobile phone can handle everything when you go out, making our way of travel more and more simple. Now not only do you not need to bring your wallet, you don’t need to bring your car keys, and the car machine can even replace your mobile phone.

There is also the interconnection of cars and homes. Cars can also control home appliances, support smart air conditioners, purifiers, desk lamps, and other smart homes. Set the air conditioner temperature in advance before going home from get off work, and it will always be warm in winter and cool in summer when you arrive home. Smart cars connected to everything can not only change cars, but also change lives.

Realize the seamless flow of the mobile phone, and the navigation and music will be automatically transferred to the car when getting on the bus. Before departure, plan everything on the mobile phone to the car, and the car and machine will automatically match, which is convenient and convenient, allowing you to drive more focused.

Smart car machine, continuous conversation, visible can be said, Xiaoyi is your smart and intimate car machine housekeeper, music/navigation/schedule/anniversary tips, important life events, timely reminders after setting, to add convenience to your journey or life.

Equipped with a super desktop, the industry’s unique super desktop function, automatically connects without feeling when getting on the car. At this time, the mobile phone becomes a part of the car, and all mobile applications such as WeChat and WeChat can be used in the car. There is no need to look at the road in the car and switch back and forth.

Equipped with the world’s first zero-gravity seat, the zero-gravity one-button switch, with the backrest reclined, the leg support is lifted, and the seat cushion is lifted to work at the same time, achieving a zero-gravity lying position, allowing the body to achieve the most uniform pressure distribution, the whole body is relaxed, and when the knee and heart are close in height, it is especially conducive to blood circulation. You can also experience the feeling of lying at home in the car. Come again, fast!

Selix has in-depth cooperation with Huawei to jointly empower the smart car 3.0 era and give smart cars a variety of possibilities.

Monopoly desktop starts from the input method Tencent QQ is about to join the competition

    This title may be more like a slogan, but it is the truth. After the turmoil of Google’s "Thesaurus Gate" at the beginning of the year, another new input method is about to be widely promoted among Internet users. Last week, Tencent confirmed that its "QQ input method" has entered the invitation beta stage (bete version). Although the function is slightly simple, don’t forget the huge number of users of QQ.

    From Wangma Wubi and Microsoft Pinyin, to the later flourishing Ziguang Pinyin and Pinyin Plus, to Sohu’s Sogou input method, Google’s Google input method, and now QQ and Baidu have to launch their own input methods. The reason why these IT industry bosses are eyeing this threshold level of input programs is that the purpose is very simple – to occupy the user’s desktop, and ultimately through the input method, which is a highly sticky product, to transfer users to other product lines of their own as much as possible.

    The Forgotten Ultimate Weapon

    Wang Yongmin, the inventor of the Wubi font, may have been the first to realize the value of the input method, but at the beginning, the charm or power of the input method was far from being accepted by the world.

    Even Wang Yongmin himself did not realize the terrible commercial value behind "share". After occupying more than 50% of the national market – even as high as 90% in southern cities where Mandarin pinyin is not yet standard and popular – Wang Yongmin poured all his energy into the improvement and development of the input method itself, but failed to achieve greater breakthroughs.

    In the beginning, Wubi Font hoped to make a small profit by charging licensing fees, but the hard-core target of Windows Chinese OEMs was smart ABC. In 1998, with the popularity of the Internet, input methods could be easily implanted in the operating system. In that "new economy" era, new input methods such as Pinyin Star, Universal Code and Smart Wubi appeared, but in the end, none of them achieved great success for similar reasons.

    In fact, when the Internet was just starting, there were five-stroke input method training in various computer introductory courses. So many people mistakenly think that five-stroke is the only input method for Chinese characters, and if you want to type with a computer, you must memorize the root. But today it is no longer a simple software product, but has become a multi-purpose Internet client side tool through close integration with internet companies.

    Wang Yongmin began to awaken on June 26, 2004, when he replaced the original complex root with 5 numbers from 1 to 5, and directly proposed the concept of "letting Chinese people’s mobile phones use Chinese people’s own input method". Only then is he believed to have realized the commercial value behind the input method for the first time.

    Input method becomes the "pioneer officer" of desktop competition

    The dispute between Sohu and Google over the input method also stems from the commercial value behind it. Because according to Sohu’s idea, the input results are integrated with the search engine, and the most popular words are dynamically transferred from the commonly used search thesaurus to improve the user experience. For example, by entering "laptop" and clicking "search", all pages about laptops will appear, which can increase page traffic on the one hand, and on the other hand is one of the origins of the media value in the eyes of advertisers.

    The internet has given input methods the opportunity to knock on users’ desktops, but the intervention of portals has instantly changed the rules of the game. In June 2006, Sohu launched the Sogou input method as a representative of Zhang Chaoyang’s "return to technology-driven" philosophy.

    But the question ****** the relationship between occupying the table and generating revenue really that simple?

    One of the most commonly used examples is that Microsoft has occupied more than 90% of the world’s computer monitor desktops, so Microsoft has become the world’s largest software company by market value; Tencent’s QQ has occupied more than 90% of the desktops of Internet users in China, so Tencent is one of the largest internet companies in China by market value. In this IT2.0 era, "desktop" has become the frontier battlefield of these IT giants, and the input law has assumed the role of "pioneer officer".

    In fact, in less than a year, the Sogou input method was rapidly popularized by the influence of the portal, and Sohu began to be handy in this field, and even began to develop input methods in different application environments. At this moment, the input method has been considered a new type of client side, used to stick users, and on this basis derived new value-added services.

    The competition moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

    According to the principle of traditional newspaper editing, the position in the upper left corner is the first to be noticed, so it is often referred to as the headline position.

    By the same token, icons on the desktop to the left of the display were originally the first choice for "occupying the desktop". Almost 99% of commercial software now prompts when installed that a software launch icon called a shortcut will be created on the desktop. Even when Kingsoft announced its entry into Japan last year, its CEO Lei Jun said with pride that Kingsoft’s software "provides three shortcuts on the Japanese version of the desktop, which is very important for the success of the entry into Japan".

    But it’s not easy to "occupy the left side" – ordinary users often don’t even know the random software that comes with it. If there is no real need, how many people will try to buy new software? If not for this reason, why should rogue software make themselves so difficult to delete?

    The intense competition in the upper left corner may reflect to some extent the preciousness of the location where the input method icon is located – in the "lower right corner", a field that is not obvious and can record user behavior at the same time, providing free input method downloads is undoubtedly the best way.

    Of course, the most important problem is that the input method itself is needed by the vast majority of users. After the function is perfected, it is one of the sufficient conditions to improve the user experience to continuously enhance the convenience and accuracy of user information interaction; while the value that the rogue software can provide to the user itself is almost zero, and it will also seriously cause users’ disgust and dissatisfaction. This is why the rogue software will have "everyone shouting" today, and even if the input method is designed to jump out of advertisements in the future, it may not be as annoying as the rogue software.

    Sohu CEO Zhang Chaoyang said that the key to the problem is that whether the input method is good or the client side, a certain product must be designed from the user’s needs first, rather than from the company’s needs.

    Of course, for Sohu, the Sogou Pinyin input method is an effective way to occupy the user’s desktop. But there is a premise that "provides value to users" rather than uninvited like rogue software. In addition, there is not only one way to occupy the user’s desktop, but how to provide users with more valuable services after occupying the desktop, and ultimately convert users into valuable users of the entire website, is the root of the problem. (Reporter, Peng Wu)

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

"South Station" Hu Ge couldn’t hide his excitement: I believe the audience can believe it

Hu Ge, Gui Lunmei


Hu Ge

Hu Ge

Guilun magnesium

Diao Yinan

       On December 6, the movie "The Wild Goose Lake" held a special premiere in Shanghai, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei, and director Diao Yinan appeared in the studio to interact with fans. Hu Ge expressed excitement on stage that because his father was also present, he was very nervous, and said that he often came to Shanghai Studios to watch movies since he was a child. He once hoped that one day his poster could be hung in the cinema. "Today, I have my family to witness this dream come true. I am very happy." When talking about the hardships of filming, Hu Ge said bluntly, "During the escape process, I suffered so many sins and suffered so much. If I don’t experience these things, even I don’t believe that I am him. How can the audience believe it?"

??This time the film came to Shanghai, and the star Hu Ge, who returned to the "home", was very excited, because this was not only his dream come true, but also the first time his family participated in his post-screening activities. "To be honest, this is the first time my father and my family have gone to the cinema to meet after the screening, and I am very excited, because I have made relatively few movies (laughs). Yesterday and today, I have been running movie theaters in Shanghai, and Shanghai Cinema is also a place where I would come to watch movies since I was a child. I used to hope that one day my poster could be hung in the cinema. Today, I brought this movie back to my home, which can be said to be a dream come true, and I can witness this moment with my family."

??Talking about the deeper meaning of the characters in the film, Hu Ge said: "From these little characters on the edge, I see that every individual is equal, has the instinct to survive, and struggles with fate. At the same time, we can also see the warmth of them and the brilliance of humanity in this process. Although it is such a character who is very far away from me and unfamiliar, I can still be deeply moved by them." When asked about the hardships of filming, Hu Ge believes that it is necessary to go through these to convince the characters. "For every actor, to create a realistic character, we must go through these processes. During the escape process, I suffered so much sin and suffered so much. If I don’t experience this, even I don’t believe that I am him, how can the audience believe it?"

??Gui Lunmei also shared her own understanding: "The most fascinating thing about Liu Aiai’s character to me is that it is a little different from the style of the swimming escort and the special industry in everyone’s impression. She still maintains a very simple part. In the end, her moral choice comes from the simplicity of her nature and her belief in everything."

??Faced with the audience’s conjectures about the meaning of doves, airplanes and other images in the film, the director Diao Yinan personally interpreted: "Zhou Zenong has his own special things in his heart, and may also yearn for freedom, but he is unwilling to release these things on the surface, deep in the inner feeling. And when he holds a gun in the hallucination and looks at the dark blue in the sky, it seems to suck him deeply in, which may also be his deep yearning for the blue." Diao Yinan also encouraged everyone: "You must interact with this film through images to speculate on the information given to you by each image."

China Hengda has been notified of the court lawsuit and has been recovered 2.15 billion

On the evening of December 5, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the Company and three related subsidiaries have received a notice of litigation issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, and Jinbi Property has proposed to recover approximately RMB 1.9963125 billion and approximately RMB 152.0628 million from the Company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

The local little seafood concentrated on landing and attracted a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh"

Cast three large nets a day and a night.

Harvesting tens of thousands of Jin octopus,

Qi Xin, a dozen fishermen, joined forces

Catch thousands of pounds of oyster shrimp,

There are many boats.

Catch a lot of small fish and shrimp ashore,

Give the citizens a small holiday "the first fresh" …

On the first day of the Qingming small holiday,

The reporter is in Laoshan District

Shazikou National Center Fishing Port and Nanjiang Wharf

And Qigou, Aoshan Bay, Jimo District,

Taking advantage of the small holiday,

Fishermen go fishing at sea,

For citizens and tourists

Brought back a wave of "spring fresh".

The fisherman said,

All kinds of ashore this season

There are more and more varieties in little seafood.

And many of them are cheap.

A delicious seasonal seafood variety.

All kinds of seafood just caught ashore.

"The name of these seafood is’ Long Octopus’, which is a variety of Eight Zones. This boat has fully harvested more than 12,000 kilograms." This morning, at Shazikou Fishing Port, with a large fishing boat docked, more than a dozen fishermen began to perform their duties and were busy unloading octopus to the shore.

Fishing boats catch a lot of octopus.

Mr. Jiang, a fisherman, said that they went out to sea in the early hours of the morning. After a day and a night of fishing, they cast three nets and harvested a lot of octopus. Today, they landed at Shazikou early in the morning, and about 12,000 kilograms of octopus were transported to major markets for sale that day.

According to fishermen’s custom, it is a good time for fishermen to go fishing around Qingming every year. With the rise of water temperature in offshore waters, a large number of fish begin to swim to offshore waters. At this time, most fishermen will go fishing. Therefore, April is the time when a large number of local little seafood people come ashore, so citizens can indulge in seafood during the Qingming holiday.

Freshly landed oyster shrimp.

At the Nanjiang Wharf in Laoshan District, the reporter saw that the fishing boats that went out to sea had landed, shrimp and tiger, eight belts, and? ? ? ? Fish, yellow drum fish, blackhead fish, eel scales, crabs … Although the number of little seafood brought back is small, it is rich and fresh, and many citizens rushed to the dock to buy it.

Many seafood are sold on the dock as soon as they land.

In addition, the reporter visited Gangdong Wharf in Laoshan District and Qigou Wharf in Jimo District, and found that many local small fishing boats landed in little seafood. After several hours of offshore operation, each boat can bring back dozens of pounds of different varieties of little seafood on average, attracting a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh".

Many citizens rushed to the dock to buy seafood.

According to the fishermen in Qigou Village, because these two days are small tides, there is no big fishing news in the offshore area, so a large number of fishing boats will only fish in the offshore area and will not run too far. During the Qingming small holiday, there will be fishing news off the coast of Qingdao. At this time, there will be big ships fishing in relatively distant waters. At that time, a large number of little seafood will land, and the citizens will be able to have a seafood addiction before the fishing moratorium.

Source | Qingdao Morning Post reporter Kang Xiaohuan

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

Although the folding screen did not usher in the expected explosion, the layout of various manufacturers also did not fall. Different from traditional mobile phones, there are various forms of folding screens, including vertical folding screen mobile phones mainly based on Samsung Galaxy Z Filp4 and horizontal folding screen products, but the folding screen products mainly based on horizontal folding scheme are the representatives of this category.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

Up to now, mainstream manufacturers in the market have launched their own new folding screen products. At the same time, the unique experience of folding screen has become an important reason why many consumers are willing to start folding screen mobile phones. In terms of software experience, in the face of the 8-inch large internal screen with an aspect ratio of 4:3.55, vivo X Fold+ has also made many deep adaptations. Through this big screen, users can work, entertain and create more efficiently!

The folding screen takes into account both the traditional mobile phone and the tablet experience, and the application gameplay has become more diverse. Take vivo X Fold+ as an example, it can not only support full-screen display of applications, but also support split-screen display, small window form and small window hanging in sidebar.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In applications that support split screen, you can open split screen mode by sliding up with three fingers. In split-screen mode, users can run two tasks at a time. You can chat while bilibili is chasing fans, or video conference while recording work notes, or search while reading …

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In addition, in split-screen mode, we can open two additional applications in the form of small windows, which means that we can do four things on the same big screen at the same time, and we can make full use of the advantages of the big screen. This experience is actually very similar to that of a tablet computer, with higher efficiency than that of a traditional mobile phone. The key folding screen is still relatively portable, and the folding volume is similar to that of a straight board computer.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In addition to a variety of multi-tasking experiences, vivo X Fold+ is also more suitable for the experience of folding screens. For example, in split-screen state, three dots in the middle of the screen provide operation options such as quitting split-screen, exchanging application positions, displaying on the right desktop, and switching to split-screen arrangement.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In addition, we can also save two commonly used split-screen applications to the desktop in the form of shortcut icons, so that we don’t need to open the split-screen separately when we use it next time, and it is very convenient to open it directly with one button.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

For the small window, after opening the application, you can enter the small window mode by sliding inward from the lower left corner of the screen. In addition to supporting multi-opening tasks, the small window can also be stored in the sidebar, which can be called by sliding the sidebar when necessary. The overall operation is very smooth and easy to learn, and even the first-time user can get started quickly.

We know that folding screen phones have a unique function, that is, screen hovering, but not all folding screen phones support screen hovering, which mainly depends on the design of hinges.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

Vivo X Fold+ adopts aerospace-grade floating wing hinge, and the "skeleton" is made of zirconium alloy, which also provides support for the whole hinge structure. The hinge design imitates the wing structure of birds and can be opened and closed smoothly.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In order to achieve hovering of about 60-120, the hinge of vivo X Fold+ is also equipped with NdFeB magnets, which, together with gravity sensors, gyroscopes and Hall sensors on both sides of the fuselage, bring a folding feel with moderate damping.

Hover operation brings more gameplay to vivo X Fold+. For example, when shooting, you can stand your mobile phone on the desktop, and half the screen is used as a "tripod", which is much more stable than hand-held shooting. It is not only suitable for self-timer and video, but also can take some delayed photography and long exposure proofs, which is still highly practical. For people in the workplace, hovering video conferencing will be a good usage. After the mobile phone is placed on the desktop and the screen is folded, the screen will be split in two, and video calls can be displayed at the top, and typing can be performed at the bottom, which is very efficient.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

For myself, I don’t usually use vivo X Fold+ to take photos and work, and I like it best to watch video dramas. Similarly, we can hover the mobile phone on the desktop, watch movies on the upper screen, and do some simple video control on the lower screen, such as fast forward and fast backward, pause playback control, video volume and brightness control, and so on.


Compared with ordinary mobile phones, folding screens with different shapes are still unfamiliar to most consumers. On the one hand, the price is really not cheap, and the price of 10,000 yuan has discouraged many users. On the other hand, in addition to hardware, software also has a great influence on folding screen mobile phones, which also tests the ability and determination of manufacturers to adapt to the application ecology. Due to the constraints of many conditions, it is a popular trend for folding screens to replace traditional mobile phones. In fact, there is still a long way to go.

Of course, if you are looking for a more novel experience, then vivo X Fold+ is perfect. Vivo X Fold+ has a mature software system, good hardware specifications, and exquisite business design, which is worthy of early adopters.


Although the folding screen did not usher in the expected explosion, the layout of various mobile phone manufacturers also did not fall. Different from traditional mobile phones, there are various forms of folding screens, including vertical folding screen mobile phones based on Samsung Galaxy Z Filp4 and horizontal folding screen products represented by Huawei Mate Xs 2, but the largest number of them are folding screens based on horizontal folding scheme. …

Lanzhou subjects two and three suspended exams.

The reporter learned from the traffic police detachment of Lanzhou Public Security Bureau that on February 2, due to the snowfall, the examination business of Lanzhou drivers’ subjects 2 and 3 was suspended, and the examination appointment was automatically cancelled in the background. The cancellation of this examination did not affect the original examination order and frequency. Whether Sunday’s exam returns to normal depends on the weather on that day. (Reporter Zhang Xiuyun)

Recommended reading in the past

Original title: "Lanzhou subjects 2 and 3 are suspended"

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ChatGPT is hot out of the circle? Wait, the pig farm also has black technology.

Recently, ChatGPT has been popular. Before that, Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, released the AI ? ? hero list, announced that he would pay for himself, and set up Beijing Lightyear Technology Co., Ltd. to confirm his entry. Later, there was an extreme dialogue between programmers from big factories and ChatGPT. From emotional consultation, project management to novel creation, ChatGPT was almost omnipotent and omnipotent (PS, Xiaobian was trembling with fear).

Behind the explosion of ChatGPT is everyone’s embarrassment and concern for the field of artificial intelligence. So is there any application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of pig breeding? How do they combine?


The Origin and Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial intelligence technology is a branch of computer science. The original intention of its creation is that scientists hope that computers can imitate human intelligence, so that machines can handle complex things.

Artificial intelligence can be traced back to 1950, and Allen Matheson Turing put forward the famous "Turing Test" [which refers to asking questions to the testee through some devices (such as keyboards) when the testee is separated from the testee (a person and a machine). After many tests, if the machine makes the average participant make more than 30% misjudgment, then the machine has passed the test and is considered to have human intelligence.

In the same year, he published the paper "Computing Machine and Intelligence", and put forward and tried to answer the question "Can a machine think?". After the paper was published, it received extensive attention and discussion, and Turing was later called "the father of artificial intelligence".

In 1956, John McCarthy (computer scientist and cognitive scientist), an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Dartmouth College, located in the small town of Hannos in the eastern United States, invited a group of big coffee scholars including Marvin Minsky (winner of Turing Prize in 1969) and Claude Shannon (founder of information theory) to hold an academic conference. The conference mainly discussed topics such as machine imitating human intelligence, including: how to program computers, neural networks, calculation scale theory, mechanical theory (referring to self-learning), randomness and creativity.

Dartmouth Conference has been held for more than two months. Although the participants did not reach an agreement, they agreed on a word for the discussion: Artificial Intelligence (AI). At this point, the word artificial intelligence began to appear in people’s field of vision, and 1956 was also called the first year of artificial intelligence. After that, the theoretical research and practical application in the field of artificial intelligence continued to break through (see the development history of AI for details).

(Image from Demeo Consulting Wang Wei)

Before ChatGPT, the last time artificial intelligence was widely concerned was in May 2017, when Alphago defeated Li Shishi, the world Go champion, by a score of 4: 1, and will face Ke Jie, a player from China, at the world internet conference in Wuzhen. You know, after Li’s defeat in artificial intelligence, Ke Jie made a statement in the media: Even if Alpha Dog beats Li Shishi, it can’t beat me.

Before the start of the competition, Ke Jie had high hopes and was once regarded as "the last hope of mankind". However, the reality is cruel. Alphago(Master) beat Ke Jie, a talented teenager in China, with a score of 3: 0.

After the on-site interview, Ke Jie once choked:Playing chess with AlphaGo is too painful, AlphaGo is too calm, it is too perfect, and I can’t see any hope of victory.. So why is "artificial intelligence" technology so powerful?


Analysis of artificial intelligence technology

Artificial intelligence mainly includes five core technologies, namely computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics and biometrics.

Computer vision is a science that studies how to make machines "see", which means that cameras and computers are used to identify, track and measure targets instead of human eyes, and further graphic processing is carried out, so that computers can be processed into images that are more suitable for human eyes to observe or send to instruments for detection.

Machine learning is the core of artificial intelligence technology, which enables intelligent machines to simulate human behavior independently with the support of algorithm complexity theory, convex analysis, statistics and other disciplines. Machine learning refers to how to improve the performance of specific algorithms in empirical learning, that is to say, machine learning is based on massive data or past experience to optimize the performance standards of computer programs.

To put it simply, this process is similar to personal self-reflection, which is to review past experiences and then adjust the optimization behavior so as to do better next time. But different from personal reflection, personal reflection has limited sources of experience, while machine learning is based on a huge database given by developers, with wider sources of experience and data and more timely feedback based on goals.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a variety of theories and methods to study how to achieve effective communication between people and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a science integrating linguistics, computer science and mathematics, which can be mainly applied to machine translation, public opinion monitoring, automatic summarization, viewpoint extraction, text classification, question answering and so on.

Robot refers to performing tasks such as working or moving through programming and automatic control. Robots have the basic characteristics of perception, decision-making, execution, etc., which can assist or even replace human beings to complete dangerous, heavy and complicated work and improve work efficiency and quality. At present, sweeping robots have entered the daily life of the public.

Biometric technology is closely combined with high-tech means such as optics, acoustics, biosensors and biostatistics through computers, and uses the inherent physiological characteristics (such as fingerprints, faces, irises, etc.) and behavioral characteristics (such as handwriting, voice, gait, etc.) of human bodies/creatures to identify their identities, such as "face recognition" and "pig face recognition".

Therefore, artificial intelligence can be understood as imitating human information input (images, words, sounds, etc.), information processing (based on the correct thinking model in the past) and then action execution, and constantly strengthening various abilities in the process to achieve the set goals and continue to improve. The core of artificial intelligence lies in deep learning, that is, continuous feedback and continuous optimization based on strategy.

The mechanism of deep learning is similar to the deliberate practice learning method proposed by Florida psychologist Anders Millard J. Erickson. Anders pointed out that the key factor to distinguish a person’s mediocrity and Excellence in the professional field is the degree of deliberate practice. The longer the deliberate practice, the higher the professional level. Deliberate exercises mainly include four elements:Clear goals, staying away from the comfort zone, concentration and timely feedback.. Different from human deliberate practice, the deliberate practice process of the machine has no emotion, so it is more efficient to execute.

Just a few months after Alphago(Master) defeated Ke Jie, in October of 17, DeepMind team published a new paper in Nature magazine, and launched a new generation of product AlphaGo( Zero). The paper points out that Alphago(Zero) reached the level of Alphago(Master) in only 21 days, and when Alphago(Zero) played the 40th day, it had already defeated all previous programs and won the world Go championship.

Afterwards, the industry put forward three cores for Alphago to quickly reach the top level in the world: first, it adopted a learning algorithm combining machine learning and neuroscience; Second, in Google’s powerful cloud computing system, more than 30 million steps of professional chess player’s chess manual have been learned through a large amount of data analysis; Third, throughThe ever-increasing self-gameFind a better idea than the basic chess manual. Artificial intelligence technology is created by human beings, and the achievements in some aspects are far beyond human beings, which may also be worth thinking and learning.


Application of artificial intelligence technology in pig farm

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and agriculture can be traced back to March 2015. Li Keqiang, then Premier of the State Council, put forward the action plan of "internet plus" for the first time in his government work report; In July of the same year, the State Council issued the Action Plan on Actively Promoting the internet plus (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).

The Action Plan clearly puts forward to actively promote the modern agriculture in internet plus, and points out that it is necessary to establish standardized scale livestock and poultry breeding bases and aquatic healthy breeding demonstration bases,Promote the popularization and interconnection of intelligent devices such as accurate feed delivery, automatic disease diagnosis and automatic waste recycling.. The release of Action Plan opened the historical curtain of agriculture in internet plus.

After that, AI technology, like other emerging Internet technologies, was gradually applied to the practice of agricultural industry. On the one hand, new cutting-edge technology, on the other hand, traditional agriculture, how do they combine? What kind of sparks will break out?

Scenario 1: Pig farm monitoring and pig inventory

Since the outbreak of African swine fever in 2018, biosafety has been crucial for aquaculture enterprises. Under the traditional breeding mode, people and things inside and outside the pig farm are complicated, and materials, vehicles, birds and animals come in and out frequently. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to achieve effective supervision. For example, in the process of dissecting dead pigs, improper wearing of protective clothing by operators may cause the spread of diseases in pig farms. It is difficult to pass the manual on-site review, and it is impossible to supervise all the time. By using technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, employees’ misconduct can be identified and early warning signals can be conveyed to managers in time, which can effectively avoid the risk of disease spread.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be used to count and estimate the number of pigs. In the traditional breeding process, pig dealers need to go to the pigsty for on-site counting and weighing in the pig selling process. By using the camera above the pig farm combined with artificial intelligence technology, the pigs in the pen can be counted in real time, so as to achieve the effect of remote pig watching and real-time weight estimation.

The AI patrol and early warning interface of "Pig Xiao Zhi" of rural credit cooperatives.

Scheme of intelligent pig farm with integrated rural credit, mathematics and intelligence for message or private message consultation

Scene 2: Intelligent dung cleaning robot and inspection robot

Pig farm is a model of large-scale farming. Large-scale farming and high manure output are difficult problems that plague the operation of enterprises. In traditional farming mode, manual cleaning is usually needed, and the labor input cost is high in the process of manual cleaning. Some pig farms use water to clean manure, which consumes a lot of water, and at the same time, it is easy to cause high humidity in pig houses and cause health problems of pigs. By using artificial intelligence technology to develop a dung sweeping robot, it can effectively solve the problems of difficult cleaning, reducing water consumption and saving costs.

Similarly, robots developed by combining intelligent speech recognition and visual recognition technologies can cruise around the pigsty all day, find abnormal pigs (such as fever and shivering) in the pigsty in time, prevent and control diseases in advance, and effectively resolve the risk of disease infection.

Mu Yuan inspection robot

The above are only typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology in pig farms. With the expansion of business scale and the improvement of cost control and biosafety requirements of enterprises, the combination of artificial intelligence technology and pig breeding is becoming closer and closer.



At last year’s Deep Bay Meeting, in view of the application of intelligence in pig farms, Qin Yinglin, chairman of Mu Yuan Co., pointed out: "It takes three years for us to train an excellent employee, and many employees are unqualified for three years, which takes five or even ten years. But we want to make a machine in the assembly line, and gather all our wisdom of raising pigs. We are producing this very quickly now, and producing thousands of units a day is equivalent to producing the corresponding number of laborers. "

It can be seen that artificial intelligence technology has been applied on a large scale in the farms of some enterprises. With the continuous development and mature application of technology, it is certain that "unmanned pig farms" and "unmanned farms" will eventually come true.


Talking about the development of AI from ChatGPT, consulting with Deme.

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Qin Yinglin’s Sharing in Deep Bay Meeting, Wandou Agricultural Science.

Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting "internet plus" Action, the State Council

After 3-0, 1-2, the Serie A champion team became worse, shooting 28 goals, making it the first defeat in history, and Milan had a good chance.

In the 26th round of Serie A, Naples won 2-0, which means that they are back on the right track after the last round of defeat. They scored 68 points and were far ahead in the championship, which also shows that the other four teams can only reach the second place at most. From the point of view of points, originally Inter Milan was most likely to hold the second place in the standings. After all, after the first 25 rounds, their points reached 50 points, temporarily ahead of Lazio, AC Milan and other teams!

However, with the end of the 26th round, Inter Milan, the 19th champion of Serie A, almost ruined its advantage. In this round of competition, the Nerazzurri played against spezia, and in the first round, Inzaghi led a 3-0 victory. In addition, the starting price of Vispe Zia of Inter Milan is 278.1 million euros, which shows that the Nerazzurri have won completely. Even the Nerazzurri are considered to have the strongest lineup in Serie A, and it seems that they deserve to win again. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out, and the "Nerazzurri" finally faced defeat under the frequent waste of opportunities.

From the 5th minute when lautaro got the chance to play, to the end of the first half, Inter Milan launched more than 5 attacks, but all failed, including a penalty. However, lautaro missed the penalty in the first half and became the player who missed the penalty the second time since the 2021-2022 season: 8 penalty kicks and 4 penalties. In the second half, Inter Milan stepped up their offensive. From the 46th minute to the 83rd minute, lautaro and brozovic launched attacks in vain, and finally the score was rewritten with the help of Lu Kaku’s penalty.

However, spezia’s luck was even better. In the 55th minute, Danielle Maldini was unguarded and scored from the front of the restricted area. In the 87th minute, Spezia relied on a penalty to kill the game directly, and Inter Milan lost 1-2. What we need to know is that the possession rate of the "Nerazzurri" in this battle is 38 percentage points higher than that of the opponent, and the number of shots reached 28 times, which is 7 times that of the opponent. However, it is still embarrassing that it is still impossible to win.

Interestingly, the defeat of this game is also the first defeat of Inter Milan against spezia. In the previous nine games, the Nerazzurri won eight games. It seems that the team’s instability has seriously affected a series of records! Of course, the defeat of Inter Milan is undoubtedly a good thing for AC Milan in the same city. After the first 25 rounds, the Rossoneri accumulated 47 points.

In other words, if we win this round, then AC Milan points can also reach 50 points, which is consistent with Inter Milan, and then better compete for the second place. You know, in the first 18 rounds, AC Milan beat Inter Milan and held the second place in the standings. Now it seems that Pioli is expected to lead the team to restore the victory!