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iQIYI produces comedy movie "The Future is Massive" on May 16, cloud cinema alone

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What would you do if you met a rival in a desperate situation and only had a truckload of beer to satisfy your hunger?

On May 16, produced by iQIYI, directed by Jiang Xiaotong, starring Bao Bell, starring Mingdao, Han Yunyun, and Bardo, Yin Ziwei’s disaster comedy movie "The Future of Massive" was officially broadcast in iQIYI Cloud Cinema. The film is priced at 18 yuan, and iQIYI VIP members can enjoy a half-price discount. The film is a key literary and artistic boutique project of "Beijing Audiovisual". The Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau has given follow-up guidance and support in project filing, film review, publicity and promotion, and promotion.

The protagonist of the film, Ma Shang (Bao Bell, played), is middle-aged, hit by divorce, burdened with heavy debts, and almost reached a desperate situation in life. The trick of fate is far from over. An unexpected tunnel collapse traps him with his ex-wife’s current excellent husband (Ming Dao, played), and the only food is a truckload of beer. In this crazy adventure, they join hands with Shirley (Han Yunyun, played) and Lao Wang (Bardo), who are in this difficult situation, to fight crocodiles, outsmart bandits, and survive.

Previously, as soon as the news of the "Future Massive" was released, it aroused the attention and discussion of the whole network. The related trailer quickly ranked 8th on the iQIYI in-app hot search list and 1st on the movie list. The related topic #Future Massive Mingdao is beyond blunt feeling #It has entered the top 16 of the Douyin hot list and the top 5 of the entertainment list. After going online, netizens left messages in the iQIYI in-app comment area saying: "The effect of tunnel collapse and crocodile war is so real" "I didn’t expect Ba Zongming to be so terrifying in his comedy, which amazed me" "It’s the first time I’ve seen a disaster escape movie so funny, the director is very creative" "Under the absurdity, I also got the persistence and relief of the character Bao Bell, and the ending is very touching".

Among them, the style collision of Bao Bell and Mingdao "one north and one south" added a lot of surprises to the film, and the audience was most enthusiastic about it. Talking about the mix and match considerations of the main creative team of the film, director Jiang Xiaotong shared at the premiere of the film: "Northeast humor style is direct and external, while desktop humor is more restrained. We believe that these two styles can collide with different sparks and bring the audience a richer comedy experience." The star Mingdao also admitted that he has been trying different scripts and themes, and this participation in this innovative comedy work with disaster elements is a new breakthrough and challenge.

The high-energy scenes are constantly reversed, and there are many wonderful and exciting jokes. "Future Massive" presents the audience with the most crazy tunnel survival in history, which not only makes people laugh, but also contains profound human nature discussion. Director Jiang Xiaotong also said: "Through the tunnel, we will all move towards the light and usher in a new stage of life. I hope everyone will not only feel very happy during the viewing, but also have the courage to face difficulties and not give up easily."

How to face challenges and hold fast to your beliefs in difficult situations? Is the seemingly inescapable "tunnel valley" the final light or the direction to lead the way? Come to iQIYI Cloud Cinema on May 16th, "The Future of Massive" invites you to embark on this desperate escape journey to restart your life!

Responsible editor:

The 2023 Meizu Autumn Unbounded Ecological Conference was held in Wuhan

       Li Xiaohong, China Economic Times reporter

       On November 30, Xingji Meizu Group held the "2023 Meizu Autumn Boundless Ecology Conference" in Wuhan. At the meeting, Meizu 21 series flagship smartphones, MYVU smart AR glasses, Boundless ecosystem FlymeOS, the new "handcar integration" solution Flyme Link, PANDAER trend new products and many other blockbuster products were released.

Picture 1

       Shen Ziyu, chairperson and CEO of Xingji Meizu Group, said at the press conference that Xingji Meizu Group has established a business development curve of "mobile phone + XR + smart car" since its establishment. The launch of Meizu’s series of new products, the appearance of MYV brands and products, and the establishment of the FlymeOS software and hardware ecosystem interconnection system all mean that the company has entered the fast lane of development. In the future, Xingji Meizu Group will continue to promote the deep integration and super synergy of consumer electronics and automotive industries, and bring consumers technology products that integrate cutting-edge technology and extreme design to create a multi-end point, full-scene, and immersive integration experience.

Figure 22

Shen Ziyu, Chairperson and CEO of Xingji Meizu Group

       The release of Meizu 21Series of flagship smartphonesIn appearance, it has newly upgraded the Boundless Aesthetic Design 2.0, innovatively creating "Boundless Balance", creating a Meizu mobile phone with a very balanced beauty. At the same time, the 6.55-inch extremely narrow four-sided straight screen adopts the front extremely narrow border design, challenging the world’s narrowest physical four-sided Samsung flagship straight screen with 1.74mm. With the excellent feel brought by the 50:50 weight balance design and 198g/7.9mm light and thin body, it creates extraordinary beauty to the extreme and brings users an unprecedented visual and sensory new experience. In addition, Meizu 21 also has the only pure white panel design in the industry, creating "the most beautiful straight screen king of Meizu" with the unique Meizu aesthetic.

Figure 42

       In terms of interactive experience, Meizu 21 has innovatively upgraded the ring flash, fusing smart AI assistants with common scenes to create the Aicy Smart Ring. The Aicy Smart Ring has a multi-scene interactive ring light system, whether it is notification, incoming calls, charging, volume adjustment, games and other scenes, it can show the detailed care of the Aicy smart assistant to the user through colorful changes with temperature. At the same time, as a hardware extension of the Aicy smart assistant, the Aicy Smart Ring is not only a carrier of emotional value, but also an emotional link between the mobile phone and life.

Figure 132

       At the same time, in addition to the new flagship third-generation Snapdragon 8 computing power center, Meizu 21 also has an excellent 120Hz high-refresh rate Samsung flagship AMOLED screen and interactive experience Iron Triangle, which together create a comprehensive advantage experience of Meizu 21. In addition, the latest true 200 million instantaneous flagship imaging system equipped with Meizu 21, together with Samsung to jointly optimize the star flow imaging algorithm, support P3 full-link color, and use the new intelligent ISO Pro technology and multi-focal lossless zoom technology, so that the shooting experience has a qualitative leap.

1 Picture 2

       At the press conference, Xingji Meizu Group officially released the AR smart glasses brand MYVU, and launched two new all-weather fashionable AR smart glasses, MYVU Exploration Edition and MYVU. The Flyme system also ushered in a major update, officially upgraded to FlymeOS, Chinese name "Unbounded OS".

       In addition, after Xiaomi Auto, Meizu also announced its official entry into the automotive market and will "create an exclusive DreamCar for Meizu friends". Meizu announced that its first car is called "MEIZU DreamCar MX", based on the SEA architecture and Geely Industry 4.0 manufacturing capabilities, and will start the DreamCar co-creation plan in the first quarter of 2024.

       In the future, Xingji Meizu Group will continue to move forward based on the business development curve of "mobile phone + XR + smart car", Meizu will also create the ultimate technology products around FlymeOS under the concept of "love without boundaries", promote the deep integration and super synergy of consumer electronics and automotive industries, explore different directions for the development of the industry, and bring users a multi-end point, full-scene, and immersive integration experience.

Do you want to catch the "last bus" of the countdown policy for the exit of new energy vehicles?

  Beijing, China, December 3 (Reporter Li Yang) According to the Notice on Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Finance and other four departments, the national subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated on December 31 this year, after which the licensed vehicles will no longer be subsidized.

  At the time when the subsidy is only one month away, various car companies are also trying to hit the peak of sales or orders. Judging from the sales of new energy vehicles in November, many car companies have achieved new heights. What impact will the exit of the new energy state compensation have on the market? Are consumers going to catch the last bus of this policy?

  Recently, the most talked about by new energy car companies is: "You can still enjoy state subsidies if you place an order now."

  Indeed, for consumers, buying new energy vehicles (including pure electric, plug-in hybrid and extended range) before December 31 can enjoy subsidies ranging from 4,800 yuan to 12,600 yuan for bicycles. However, the purchase of new energy vehicles in 2023 will no longer enjoy the "state subsidy". Therefore, the countdown to "national compensation" has also become the killer of new energy car companies to grab orders.

  Sales of a new energy vehicle: There is still one month to go, which should be good for our sales. It is the last bus for consumers to subsidize and support new energy in this country, which should be a great benefit. We just try our best to keep communication and exchange with customers, and then convey this favorable policy to customers and promote it again.

  In fact, since October, many new energy car companies have introduced a series of measures to encourage consumers to buy cars years ago, such as locking single subsidies, price increase reminders, and time-limited insured prices. It is basically a foregone conclusion that consumers will spend more on new energy vehicles after the subsidy is cancelled. Many consumers intend to buy a new energy vehicle before the subsidy policy ends.

  Consumer 1: I learned from the news that the purchase subsidy for new energy will end on December 31st this year. Considering that the current oil price is rising, the electricity consumption of new energy vehicles is cheap and environmentally friendly, I want to take the time to buy one at the 4S shop before the end of the policy welfare.

  Consumer 2: I originally thought that I would change it next year, but the sales in the past two days have always reminded me that the car repair is running out. I won’t hurry up and buy it this year. I don’t know what will happen next year. According to the current subsidy amount, I can save more than 10,000 yuan before the end of the year.

  At the end of November, BYD officially announced the price increase for the third time during the year. Recently, enterprises and brands including GAC Ai ‘an, Geely, Tucki, Wenjie and Euler have successively announced the price increase or introduced the policy of "time-limited price protection". After the withdrawal of the "state subsidy", will the price of new energy vehicles "rise" next year? This is a problem that many consumers are concerned about.

  According to Zhang Xiang, dean of the New Energy Automobile Technology Research Institute of Jiangxi New Energy Technology Vocational College, not all car companies will follow BYD to raise prices, and car companies will adjust prices according to the market supply and demand relationship of products.

  Zhang Xiang analyzed: "From the market performance, BYD cars are particularly popular in the market now. Many consumers are willing to pay a deposit for six months, but other brands are not necessarily like BYD. At present, we have observed that only a few top brands in the market adopt the strategy of following, and most car companies have not followed. The price is mainly adjusted by the relationship between supply and demand. Some niche brands and brands with poor sales can’t raise prices even if they lose money selling cars. As soon as the price increases, their market competitiveness will be reduced, and it will be more difficult to sell. Sales will decline. "

  Zhang Xiang said that the consumption habits of domestic consumers for new energy vehicles have been developed. After the "national subsidy" promoted for 13 years stops at the end of this year, new energy vehicle enterprises will enter the stage of survival of the fittest.

  "We have too many brands now, and it is difficult for enterprises to achieve economies of scale. For second-tier and third-tier brands, if its annual sales volume is less than 10,000 vehicles, the withdrawal of this subsidy will increase the operating costs of its enterprises, and the sales cost can be said to be worse. Especially for some brands at the end, after the subsidy retreats, big brands dare to raise prices and have the confidence to raise prices, but small brands dare not raise prices, which aggravates their losses and shortens the time node when these brands are called bankruptcy or withdrawal. " Zhang Xiang said.

  Regarding whether it is necessary for consumers to catch up with this wave of subsidy preferential policies, Zhang Xiang believes that there is a demand for cars in the short term. Now the replacement of new energy vehicles is very fast. If there is no car purchase plan within half a year, it can wait.

  "If you want to buy a car at the end of the year or before the Spring Festival, I suggest catching the last chance. Now the subsidy for the highest new energy vehicles is still relatively large. If the consumer is not in a hurry to use the car, he can wait and see. Although there will be no subsidy of more than 10,000 yuan next year, this car has more functions and more advanced technology. Now the new energy car is like a mobile phone. If you buy it half a year later, its technical level and platform will be a higher level. It is recommended that consumers make a plan from their own car purchase time. " Zhang Xiang said.

Football News: In the past, the national football team was brave after being ashamed in the preliminaries, but now they can’t even play the battle of honor.

In the last two rounds of the Top 12, the national football team failed to win with 1 draw and 1 loss in the battle of honor. "Football News" wrote an article commenting that although the national football team was eliminated early in the past few preliminaries, it rarely lost the battle of honor after being eliminated. In this preliminaries, the national football team even kicked out the last "hero".

Looking back on the experience of the national football team in the preliminaries, the national football team can often perform well in the final stage of the group stage. Eighteen years ago, the national football team beat China and Hongkong 7-0 in the final round of the preliminaries, but lost to Kuwait by goal difference and missed the top ten. Four years later, the national football team, led by Dewey and Folado, was eliminated one round ahead of schedule, but it saved face by beating Australia in the final round away. In the 2011 preliminaries, China’s men’s soccer team led by Camacho beat Jordan 3-1 in the final round. Although it still failed to advance to the top 10, its performance can be regarded as "brave after shame".

Football News commented that in the past five preliminaries, the national football team rarely lost in the games after being eliminated, but now, the national football team has even kicked out the last hero.

Exercise may accelerate your aging! I advise you to give up these five kinds of exercise.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. People who exercise regularly not only look well-proportioned, but also have relatively stronger immunity.

However, exercise can not only preserve one’s health, but also hurt one’s health. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be harmful to one’s health, but will be counterproductive.

Regular and proper exercise can improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance immunity and delay aging.

Although sports bring many benefits,But we must pay attention to the way and moderate amount, and it is more important to choose the sports that suit you according to your age and physical condition.

In addition, we should pay attention to gradual exercise, increase or decrease the amount of exercise in a planned way, and warm up well before each activity to give the body an adaptive process.

Because improper exercise may endanger health and accelerate aging. Excessive exercise may lead to physical fatigue, damaged immune system, poor blood circulation, etc., and may even induce neurosis, leading to the destruction of the body’s own harmony.

The correct and suitable exercise method may enhance immunity and have the effect of keeping in good health, but if the exercise method is wrong, it will not be good for the body.

Do morning exercises at dawn.

Many people will choose to do morning exercises at dawn, thinking that the air quality is good at this time, but in fact, not only the light is dark in the morning, but also the temperature is relatively low, so it is easy to trip, or have a cold, upset stomach, or even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to do morning exercises at dawn.

2. Exercise blindly on an empty stomach

It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach.Especially diabetics, heart patients, people with poor gastrointestinal function, the elderly and so on.It is not suitable for exercise on an empty stomach.

It is best to eat some digestible food properly before exercise to avoid fainting from hunger. Of course, it is not recommended to eat too much before morning exercise, as long as you feel no longer hungry after eating.

3. Start without warm-up.

No matter when you exercise, proper warm-up preparation is necessary. If you start to exercise without sufficient warm-up, it is likely to induce sports injuries and lead to excessive cardiopulmonary burden.

It is suggested that the speed of warm-up should be slow to fast, the strength should be gradually increased, sweating slightly, and there is a slight sense of shortness of breath. The time is about 15 minutes.

4. Running is omnipotent

Although running is a highly respected sport, it is not a panacea. It can’t replace other sports and can’t meet all the needs of exercise. It is best to cross-train with other sports.

5, sweating is effective

Exercise is about persistence, not intensity or speed. If you don’t consider your own situation, in order to exercise for exercise 2, when the intensity of exercise is too high, it may make people tired, have too fast heart rate and raise blood pressure, which will hurt the body.

Academician Wang Longde of China Academy of EngineeringIt is suggested that adults must pay attention to some matters when exercising, and it is recommended to keep the exercise frequency.More than three times a weekDon’t stay still and exercise too much at once.

Some people don’t exercise at ordinary times, but exercise for several hours at a time on weekends, which is not right. Good exercise should insist on regular exercise.

Suggestion on exercise timeExercise for about half an hour every day on average.. Exercise intensity as far as possible.Ensure that the heart rate can reach the value of 170- age..

Proper exercise can enhance immunity, delay aging, prevent diseases, etc., but you must pay attention to choosing the exercise mode that suits you. After all, the wrong exercise mode is not good. Adults had better exercise more than three times a week, and the average exercise time per day should be controlled at about half an hour.


[1] Exercise may hurt your health? ! I advise you to give up these eight ways. CCTV life circle.2022-05-10

[2] How should adults exercise? Academician Wang Longde gave the following three suggestions. Medical Microvision.2021-06-24.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

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Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

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Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

"The first time I ran half a horse on the Suzhou River, the track was so beautiful!"

Liu Min, a female special guest.

Cross the finish line in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds.

Become the champion of the women’s team in this competition.

But compared with the bright results that I ran out of.

Liu Min’s greatest feeling is the beautiful scenery on both sides of the track.

At 7 o’clock on April 22,

The morning sun shines on Jin Hui.

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon, which was held for the first time, started with the gun fired.

There are 4,000 participants in the competition.

Different from other events, it mainly uses municipal roads to plan the track.

The track of the first "Suhe Half Horse" was two thirds.

Located along the Suzhou River.

Mary crossed the finish line first.

Won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds.

Liu Min became the first in the women’s group.

The race completion rate reached 98.78%

"Leave the best resources to the people"

A hundred years ago, Suzhou Riverside was the birthplace of modern national industry.

With the opening of Suzhou waterfront at the end of 2020,

"Semi-Masuhe" has become the golden business card of Putuo District in Shanghai.

A "semi-Masuhe" vitality show belt that is livable, suitable for business, suitable for travel and suitable for music was born.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters.

"Semi-Masuhe" 18 Bay

Penetration of space along Suzhou Creek

Let both sides of the beautiful river turn into cultural and sports venues for citizens.

Ran past Shanghai Textile Museum and Gu Zhenghong Memorial Hall …

Human landscape and natural landscape complement each other.

A brand-new track

Connected in series along the Suzhou River, the "mother river" in Shanghai.

Ruins of industrial civilization sites

And modern creative buildings.

Thick industrial civilization, colorful mass life and pleasant ecological base.

Many runners are intoxicated and linger.

Liu Min said: "Especially when running through the half Masuhe Park.

I can’t help looking around.

I almost forgot that I was here to compete.

I’m going to visit the park after running. "

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is a unique experience of marathon.

Shanghai has focused on people’s needs in recent years.

Reasonable arrangement of production, living and ecological space

Let the city become a paradise where people can live and work.

It also brings more surprises to marathon runners around the world.

In Putuo District, Shanghai, the venue of this "Su River Half Horse"

The 21km coastline of Putuo section of Suzhou Creek has been fully connected in recent years.

We are building a world-class waterfront on this basis.

21 kilometers is close to the distance of a half marathon.

This has also become the origin of "Su River Half Horse"

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is becoming a new expectation for more runners.

On the same day, Daning Functional Zone 2023 Shanghai Jing ‘an Women’s Half Marathon fired the gun and started.

Players cross the international film and television circle around the "DreamWorks" in the central city of Shanghai.

Passing Lingshi Road, which is known as the "Cosmic E-sports Center"

Passing through commercial landmarks such as Daning Music Square …

"Both sides of the Pujiang River are already running resorts.

More good places are still emerging.

Where to run?

Now it is a happy worry. "

Runner Jia Li said.

In the future, a series of mass sports events

It will also focus on the "semi-Masu River"

Paddle boards, frisbees, football, drones …

Colorful series of mass sports events of "about fighting Su River"

Will last from April to December.

Reporter: Wu Zhendong, Xu Dongyuan, Fang Zhe, Xin Mengchen

Reporter: Liu Yang

Editor: Ji Jiadong, Zheng Zhi