标签归档 杭州夜生活

The famous singer’s concert broke out unexpectedly, and netizens angered

On the evening of April 22

Singer Joker Xue during the performance

Was shot in the face by an unknown person with a laser pointer

It caused a heated discussion among netizens for a while

Related topics are trending

On April 23, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security department was responsible for a third-party company. The police of Honggutan Public Security Bureau said that they are currently verifying and will deal with the matter as soon as possible.

The video shows a beam of green dots constantly swimming around Xue Zhiqian’s face during the concert. Xue Zhiqian covered his eyes with his hands on the stage and said: "See this green dot? He keeps shaking my eyes, ah, blind, blind, catch him, good or bad!"

In response, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security is the responsibility of a third-party company. The staff member said: "The security is not from our side, the security is a third-party company."

The police said: "We have relevant staff to understand this situation, it is under verification, and will deal with this matter. You can pay attention to the latest notice."

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the concert organizers will strengthen the inspection of the items carried by the audience to ensure that dangerous items such as laser pointers are not allowed to enter the venue. At the same time, they also call on the majority of fans to watch the performance in a civilized manner, respect the artists, and do not take actions that endanger others.

The netizens have commented one after another: disrupting order in public places and intentionally injuring, this kind of behavior is really hateful!

So, what kind of damage can a high-power laser pointer cause to the human body?

According to Yang Yong, a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the current GB7247 standard in our country divides the risk of laser to the human body into four levels, and the measurement standard is to observe the MPE of the laser on the eye in the beam of light (the maximum possible impact).

In the standard:

The output power of a first-class standard laser is less than 0.4 milliwatts, because this energy laser will not cause damage to the eyes and skin under any conditions, and will not cause harm to the human body even after focusing through the optical system. Therefore, such laser products are of a type that does not require special management.

The second-level standard laser has an output power between 0.4 milliwatts and 1 milliwatt. The reaction time for people to close their eyes is 0.25 seconds, and the exposure amount calculated during this time cannot exceed the MPE value. Usually, lasers below 1 milliwatt will cause people to experience dizziness, so such lasers cannot be used to directly irradiate the eyes, let alone observe this laser with far-sighting equipment.

Three standard laser, if the beam of light directly into the eye, will cause damage to the eye, its output power is between 1 and 500 milliwatts.

The four-stage standard laser is a high-output continuous laser with an output power greater than 500 milliwatts, which may pose a fire hazard.

Yin Yue, an attending ophthalmologist at China-Japan Friendship Hospital, told reporters that high-intensity laser light can cause some irreversible damage to the eyes. If it is irradiated on the surface of the eye, it may damage the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids and other soft tissues, causing corneal edema of the eyelid. If it is irradiated into the eye and then focused on the retina, it may damage the photoreceptor cells and pigment epithelium of the retina, causing cell death, which cannot be restored after cell death. If it is irradiated to the macula, which is very sensitive to light, it will cause permanent damage to the macula.

China Daily comprehensive news morning report, time video, netizens’ comments, etc

Jackie Chan invites Lin Fengjiao to create a new song "Youth Story" and sing "Crying into a Family Class"

1905 movie network news Those who are familiar with Jackie Chan know that this international superstar is famous all over the world for his good Chinese kung fu; behind him, there is a Jackie Chan international stunt team known for "not afraid of death" – Chengjiaban. On May 31, 2018, Jackie Chan launched his new song "Youth Story". The lyrics of this song are Jackie Chan’s inner monologue, describing his excitement and inevitable emotions on the eve of the 40th anniversary celebration of Chengjiaban. The lyrics are straight to the heart, and the feelings are delicate and full of true feelings. In order to sing their true feelings, Jackie Chan and his wife Lin Fengjiao personally participated in the composition, composed by the famous Chinese lyricist Wang Pingjiu and the famous Chinese musician Zhao Jialin. Jackie Chan said, "What should be said and what should be understood is all in the song."

On the last day of May, the song that has been written for many years finally stepped on the tail of spring and went online. Jackie Chan, who is 64 years old this year, also stood on the tail of his youth and told his fans the story of his youth. The netizens commented, "I dare not listen to this song. When I listen to it, I think of my best friend in college, but she is no longer there." "If there was a person who worked hard together in your youth, you will understand this song."


Jackie Chan invited Lin Fengjiao to participate in the creation, self-destructed, and lost sleep all night for the brothers’ party

The reason why a song is moving is not only because of the beautiful singing, but also because of the singer’s own life story. The original intention of "Youth Story" was not to make a music album, but a song specially produced by Jackie Chan for the 40th anniversary celebration of the family class. The song has a simple melody and simple lyrics, but it touches people’s hearts because it is full of true feelings.

When Jackie Chan started writing this song, he first thought of inviting his wife Lin Fengjiao to participate. It is not difficult to guess why: one is because Lin Fengjiao knows Jackie Chan best; the other is because she has the same deep feelings for these brothers as Jackie Chan. In fact, from the beginning of the establishment of the family class, Lin Fengjiao has taken care of all the brothers in the family class for forty years. After the song "Youth Story" was completed, Jackie Chan sang a cappella to his wife in person, and Lin Fengjiao once heard tears collapse.


"I woke up several times the night before we met/I have been grasping the past in my hand/I am afraid of missing the appointed time/A ticket takes my youth to wander/Back to the past", this is a lyric of Jackie Chan’s "Youth Story". Such a kung fu superstar who has traveled all over the world with his bare hands, such a screen hero who jumps down from a high-rise building without blinking his eyes, at that moment, he was sleepless because of a party. Many people who have been away from home for many years will have the feeling of timidity in their hometown, and Jackie Chan is the same. Since its establishment in 1976, Chengjia Class has been following Jackie Chan in the wind and rain, and today it is the eighth generation. For more than 40 years, the members of the older generation of Chengjia Class have had their own careers and have traveled all over the world.


Uneasy because of deep feelings, afraid of change because of missing. On the night before the reunion, Jackie Chan was very tormented. He couldn’t wait to see all his brothers, but he was also afraid that he would be estranged because of being separated for too long. "It’s been 40 years of traces/40 years of heart/How eager to meet you/See if it changes". Fortunately, at the 40th anniversary celebration of the family class the next day, all but five members of the family class from all over the world arrived, and these five members did not show up because they were no longer alive. As long as the heart is still there, neither time nor distance can change anything.


As June graduation season approaches, sing your youth story with Jackie Chan

"A goodbye won’t go far/Keep your eyes in your heart/Take another long-lost photo." Many people who heard this song at the 40th anniversary celebration of the Chengjia class said: "The Story of Youth, when I listen to it, I think of my youth, I think of my best friends in high school and college." Just as the graduation season in June, Jackie Chan’s "Story of Youth" is also very suitable for the theme of graduation parting. College students and high school students who are about to leave campus will definitely have a special feeling when they listen to this song. Indeed, just like the Chengjia class, after graduation, the classmates all go their separate ways, busy in the world, and many close friends never have the opportunity to see each other again. Jackie Chan chose to release his new song in the graduation season, and also wanted to use his life experience of more than 60 years to give a piece of advice to the newly graduated students: cherish your youth, cherish those who have worked hard and worked hard with you, because "no matter how wonderful life is/it is only a moment/having you is forever".


It is reported that after the launch of "Youth Story", Jackie Chan and his team will launch a series of online and offline activities with the theme of "Youth Story" in June. Jackie Chan hopes that by singing the song "Youth Story", more people can share their youth stories together and cherish the people around them more.

Many ministries and commissions voiced several times in 10 days, and the entertainment circle ushered in seven major changes!

  Beijing, September 14 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Recently, the entertainment circle has experienced many shocks, following "Qinglang & lsquo; Fanquan ’ After the special action of "chaos rectification", the relevant departments have also made new moves against the chaos in the industry.

  Since September 2, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television have voiced several times, putting forward more specific new requirements for the performing arts industry and employees. What phenomena are mentioned in these vocalizations? What changes will the entertainment industry usher in?

  Change 1: Bad artists are punished and upgraded.

  Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China recently issued the "Notice on Carrying out Comprehensive Management in the Entertainment Field", which put forward specific requirements from the aspects of standardizing market order, compacting platform responsibilities and strict content supervision. Among them, it is mentioned that the punishment for artists who violate the law and lose their morality should be increased, and it is forbidden for inferior artists to transfer their positions and return.

  The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television held a forum for radio, television and online audio-visual literary and art workers, emphasizing that literary and art workers should be virtuous, establish virtue, and love the party and patriotism; Abide by public morality, be strict with private morality, and establish a good social image with noble conduct; Keep the original heart, cast ingenuity, and unswervingly pursue artistic ideals.

  Change 2: This kind of program can’t be broadcast.

  On September 2, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued a notice on further strengthening the management of cultural programs and their personnel, making it clear that those who have incorrect political positions, violate laws and regulations, and violate public order and good customs are resolutely not used, and idol-cultivating programs, variety entertainment and reality shows attended by star children are not allowed to be broadcast.

  For talent show programs, it is necessary to strictly control the setting of voting links, and it is not allowed to set up off-site voting, list playing, help and other links and channels. It is strictly forbidden to guide and encourage fans to spend money to vote in disguise by materialistic means such as shopping and membership, and resolutely resist the bad "rice circle" culture.

  Change 3: Payment contracts must be compliant.

  Relevant departments have repeatedly mentioned the problems of "sky-high pay" and "yin-yang contract" in the performing arts industry in the notice. Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China issued the "Notice", which called for curbing bad profits of capital, resisting sky-high pay, rationally allocating the cost ratio, severely punishing tax evasion, and effectively maintaining market order.

  The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also emphasizes resolutely resisting high-priced film remuneration, strictly implementing the provisions on film remuneration for actors and guests, and strictly implementing the notification and commitment system for film remuneration management. Advocate and encourage actors and guests to take social responsibility and participate in public welfare programs.

  Source: WeChat official account, State Administration of Radio and Television.

  Change 4: Resist only the value of flow.

  Resolutely opposing the flow-only theory and pan-entertainment is also one of the key points of this round of rectification. The Notice issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television requires that the correct aesthetic orientation of the program be established, the selection of actors and guests, the performance style, the makeup of costumes, etc. should be strictly controlled, and the deformed aesthetics such as "Nianpao" should be resolutely put an end to. Resolutely resist the pan-entertainment tendency such as hype to show off wealth and enjoyment, gossip and privacy, negative hot spots, vulgar "online celebrity" and bottomless ugliness.

  On the 9th, the Network Audio-visual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television held a forum, stressing once again that network audio-visual program service organizations should insist on putting social benefits first, resolutely resist such wrong practices as poking fun at scandals, speculating hot spots and creating confrontation, and resist the abnormal culture of "only flow" and "only value".

  Change 5: The rice circle is completely turned off

  At the same time, the rectification of the "rice circle" chaos is still in progress. In early September, Weibo issued "Guidelines on Community Behavior of Star Brokerage Companies and Official Fan Groups (Trial)", opposing all bad value-oriented phenomena such as bottomless idolize, consumption comparison and tearing of rice circles, and calling on stars and their brokerage companies to take positive guidance responsibility for fan groups.

  Not long ago, Park Ji Min, a member of the Korean Men’s Team, showed a "exclusive plane" in Weibo to celebrate the idol’s birthday. Subsequently, the fan support club account was banned for 60 days, and many fan accounts were also banned for spreading irrational idolize’s aid content.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Change 6: rumors will be banned.

  In addition to irrational support, some rumors have also been dealt with. On the 10th, Weibo Platform claimed that some accounts deliberately misinterpreted artists’ travel videos, pieced together screenshots to make rumors and broke the news, forcibly linked recent hot social issues, and banned more than 600 self-media accounts.

  Recently, China Performance Industry Association, together with 14 platforms, said that it would strengthen the management of related accounts, comments and barrage in the entertainment field, and restrict, ban and clean up the accounts that publish celebrity gossip without evidence, create antagonistic emotions, announce the personal privacy of entertainers, incite fund-raising and abuse reporting channels.

  Change 7: Industry Self-discipline Convention goes online.

  The symposium held by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also mentioned that industry associations should further strengthen industry self-discipline and employee training, educate and guide the whole industry to abide by the law, respect morality and respect art, and jointly build a good network ecology.

  On the 11th, China Performance Industry Association and multi-platforms jointly launched the Convention on Building Clear and Clear Network Culture Ecological Self-discipline, which made it clear that entertainers or their brokerage companies and studios violated laws and regulations, lost their morality and lost their norms on the network platform, and the platform should actively report to the professional ethics self-discipline organizations of entertainers and actively promote online and offline joint self-discipline.

  It is not an overnight task to control the entertainment industry. Only when the whole industry forms a joint force can we create a clear atmosphere for the entertainment field. (End)

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi to Yuanxiao.

The first month is the New Year. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the number of tourists received by various tourist attractions in Hangzhou has exceeded 1.5 million, and the line of boats by the West Lake is 200-300 meters! This Spring Festival, there are too many annual activities in Hangzhou. Let’s start the New Year with a sense of ceremony, such as Spring Festival Market, Lantern Festival and Dragon and Lion Dance.

Where did you play on New Year’s Day?

The parking lot in Lingyin Scenic Area was saturated early in the morning.

The roads in the scenic spot are blocked in crimson.

The scenic area is packed with people.

Photography/Jiang Zhiqing

Sailing around the West Lake by boat is also a big hit.

The team waiting for the boat also meandered for two or three hundred meters

The first day of the Spring Festival Golden Week

Hangzhou tourist attractions (spots) received a total of 1.502 million tourists.

The passenger flow in major scenic spots is generally stable and orderly.

The passenger flow in the West Lake Scenic Area is relatively large.

Photography/Qiu Xiaohua

in fact

There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor.

Various Chinese New Year activities have been launched in various places.

Can be high until the Lantern Festival.

Hurry up and market.

shangcheng district

Hefang street welcomes the new year’s custom of the god of wealth

A glimpse of past activities

Qinghefang Historical and Cultural District will hold a New Year’s custom activity to welcome the God of Wealth, continue the "New Year’s memory" of Hangzhou people, carry out block parades, send blessings in the New Year, welcome wealth and send treasures, etc., and cook a new year’s custom cultural feast for everyone.

Activity time: February 14th (the fifth day of the first month)

Venue: Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Block in Shangcheng District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in uptown, please click [here].

gongshu district

Theme new year activities in historical and cultural blocks

This Spring Festival, Dadou Road historical and cultural blocks, Xiaohe historical and cultural blocks and Qiaoxi historical and cultural blocks in Gongshu District are coming with a big wave of Spring Festival activities! There are not only the Spring Festival market, the Lantern Festival, but also the dragon dance performance … to accompany you to the Lantern Festival.

For example, the theme of the Spring Festival activities in Dadou Road Historical and Cultural District is to have a round trip, to welcome the Spring Festival market, to have a round trip, to have a Lantern Festival and other activities, and to reproduce the grand occasion of the traditional festivals in old Hangzhou.

For more details, please click [here].

Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat

This new year, there are 18 "Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat" unveiled at the Grand Canal.

These lucky boats are decorated with hand-made fishing lanterns, and the cabins are also combined with dragon elements, adding the atmosphere of the year with dragon window stickers, ornaments and other elements.

In the New Year, I picked up the dragon lantern and sailed on the Grand Canal by the Aoyu lantern boat, which started the year smoothly and made Long Xing Universiade.

Please click [here] for the timetable of the Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat.

Xihu district

Xixi New Year Plum Exploration Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival

The 2024 Xixi Spring Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival in Hangzhou revolved around the two themes of Spring Festival Lantern Festival and Qushui Xun Mei, combining the minimalist elegance of China traditional culture and Song Dynasty aesthetics with modern art.

More than 40 meters of "Baizhang Dragon Lantern"

The activity will arrange large-scale year of the loong-themed lanterns and lanterns with wetland characteristics in the North Gate Square of the Park, Jiangcun Market Slow Life Block, Hezhu Street, Wujiawan and other areas, and arrange interactive scenery of plum exploration and Spring Festival theme in Zhou Jiacun Square and Zhou Jiacun Wharf to create a festive atmosphere for the Spring Festival.

Aoshan lamp shed about 5m from Hezhu Street.

Plum blossom aerial photography/Qu Xinyu (in previous years)

During the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, the activities will also explore the traditional folk customs, and carry out various interactive activities such as dragon dancing, lantern parade, water town wedding, God of Wealth parade, lantern parade and NPC interaction, so that tourists can enjoy the charm of traditional folk customs while winding water in Xun Mei.

Activity time: February 10th-March 17th.

Venue: Zhou Jiacun entrance of Xixi Wetland, No.518 Tianmushan Road.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Binjiang District

"Xinxin Going to the Dragon for the Spring Festival" Spring Festival activities in Changhe Old Street

This Spring Festival, Changhe Old Street in Binjiang District will launch a series of activities of "Song Fu Hangzhou Year" with the theme of "Xinxin Going to the Spring Festival with Dragons".

With the pursuit of "the flavor of the year" as the main line, we will awaken people’s memories of the Chinese New Year and celebrate the festive season through year of the loong Grand Collection, non-legacy craftsmen, interactive performances, and New Year’s punch cards.

Activity time: February 10 -25

Venue: Historical and Cultural Block of Changhe Old Street, Binjiang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Xiaoshan district

The 6th Annual Custom Cultural Activities in Louta Town

This new year, the sixth annual custom cultural activity in Louta Town, Xiaoshan District arrived as scheduled. There are six stations in the activity, namely, catching up with the market with the national tide, appealing to the ancient charm and elegance, experiencing the ingenuity, searching for impressions through the Millennium, exhibiting the beauty of literature and art and the resident photography exhibition in rural areas.

You can purchase mountain products specialties at the National Tide Annual Taste Market, cruise in Hanfu, immerse yourself in the elegance of ancient style, appreciate, experience and understand the intangible cultural heritage, and walk into the rural image museum (Meichuang Space) to feel the long years like water.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Louta Town, Xiaoshan District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Yuhang district

Pingyao Laojie Folk Lantern Festival

During the Spring Festival, the 2024 Pingyao Old Street Folk Lantern Festival was in full swing. The theme of this year’s Lantern Festival is "Bigger than year of the loong", and year of the loong-themed lanterns are on the scene. There are also various dragon-themed lanterns hanging in the old street, which completely fills the atmosphere of the New Year!

During the Spring Festival, there will be activities such as Youlong stepping on the street, Ishigaki lanterns, Liyuan opera, free movies and so on.

Activity time: February 11th-16th.

Venue: Pingyao Old Street, Pingyao Town, Yuhang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Linping district

Tangqi ancient town celebrates the New Year.

On the second day of the first month, Tangqi Ancient Town will prepare dragon lanterns, DIY lanterns made by year of the loong in the Spring Festival, and the opera performance of Dragon and Phoenix.

Open the hand-made lantern block in front of the ancient stage, and you can receive a limited number of lanterns in year of the loong; At Yubei Wharf, you can experience the activities of Longteng Cake Raising (playing New Year Cake) and New Year Pictures on wooden boards. There is also a shadow play experience activity in the Shadow Play Theatre, which includes three parts: shadow play, parent-child production and interactive display, so that friends of all ages can find the fun of the New Year in Tangqi ancient town.

Activity time: February 11th-15th.

Venue: Canal Tangqi Ancient Town Scenic Area

Super Mountain Plum Blossom Festival

At the beginning of the new year, the 16th Hangzhou Chaoshan Plum Blossom Festival was grandly opened. During the Plum Blossom Festival, Chaoshan Scenic Area will also launch three rich series of experience activities, namely, thinking of "plum blossoms", searching for "plum blossoms" and camping season in the countryside.

You can also go to Meili Chaoshan Hanfu Life Museum to buy clothes and punch out Meihua Road in Hanfu. In addition, in March, the first country holiday camping season in Linping will be held in Chaoshan Scenic Area, mainly including activities such as country holiday experience tour and camping experience exhibition.

Activity time: February 6-the end of March

Venue: Hangzhou Chaoshan Scenic Area

★ For more details of activities in Linping District, please click [here].

fuyang district

Sun Quan welcomes guests to Longmen Ancient Town for Spring Festival activities.

Year of the loong Qi Fu went to Longmen, and fortune prospered to Fuchun. This new year, let’s go to Longmen Ancient Town to start a year of Long Xing’s prosperity and future.

The dragon-shaped device in Longmen ancient town has been lit up, and the dragon-shaped device with its head held high and its tail wagged is entrenched in the sky. When night comes, it is colorful and beautiful.

In the arched square with blue bricks and black tiles, the "Dongwu Emperor" came to welcome guests from all over the world with soldiers and soldiers, and there were performances such as the parade of the Emperor and the immersive flash show, which made people feel as if they were in the "Three Kingdoms" period.

Activity time: February 11-16, Lunar New Year’s Day-Seventh Day (10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m.)

Venue: Longmen Ancient Town, Fuyang District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in Fuyang District, please click here.

Lin ‘an District

Celebrate the New Year in Lin ‘an Museum

Lin ‘an Museum will not close this Spring Festival! From New Year’s Eve to the eighth day of the first month, spend the New Year with everyone.

During the Spring Festival, Lin ‘an Museum planned a special exhibition of Tianmu Kiln cultural relics, a photo exhibition of "loong Cultural Hundred Museums Joint Exhibition" and other activities, such as Xinxin punching in the "Dragon" New Year atmosphere device and writing Spring Festival couplets to give a hundred blessings.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

jiande city

Yanzhou Ancient City year of the loong Lantern Festival

Yanzhou lights are as bright as day, and the dragon takes off to make the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, the ancient city of Yanzhou, jiande city invited you to an appointment to enjoy lanterns and receive blessings.

In the ancient city of Yanzhou, there will be a Song Rhyme Lantern Festival in the Wengcheng of Longshan Academy, Fuyunmen City Wall and Yanzhou Ancient Street. At that time, lanterns will be all over the city, taking you back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In addition, everyone can change into Song costumes, stroll through the old city wall, visit Song Yun Wenchuang, taste national cuisine, taste creative drinks, and immerse themselves in the Song Yun National Wind Market to experience a different "tidal" life in Song Dynasty.

Activity time: from now until the end of February.

Venue: Yanzhou Ancient City, jiande city

Shou Chang Ancient Town "Looking for the Year of China"

During the Spring Festival, the ancient town of Shou Chang launched the Spring Festival market, dragon-seeking and blessing, majestic gongs and drums, dragon dance in Shou Chang, fireworks feast, dragon lantern festival and other special welcome activities, which continued the spirit of dragon culture in the Millennium ancient town.

Visitors can experience six groups of interactive punch-in points, namely, Universiade dzi, Najifu Molongxu, Happy New Year Pinlongtu, Career Xing yue longmen, Release Vitality Qilongwu, and Pray for Xinfu Dianlongdeng. They can also experience traditional folk-custom intangible items such as tanghua, non-legacy people and ancient-style sachets.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Ancient Town, Shou Chang, jiande city

★ For more details of jiande city activities, please click [here].

Hangzhou’s New Year activities don’t stop there.

Scan the QR code below

You can enter the "Song" Fu Hangzhou Annual Activity Page.

Opening the Lunar New Year with a full ceremony

Information/Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism, Shangcheng Publishing, Gongshu Publishing, Beautiful West Lake, Binjiang Publishing, Xiaoshan Publishing, Yuhang Publishing, Linping Publishing, Fuyang Publishing and Jiande Publishing.

Editor/Shen Ruyi

Layout/Shen Ruyi

Keep sliding to see the next one.

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi, go to Yuanxiao Hangzhou to post a touch to read the original text.

Hangzhou posted likes to share, reading and writing messages, sliding up to see the next one.

Original title: "Everyone! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor, hi to Yuanxiao.

The secretary of the county magistrate accompanied the workers to the construction site to celebrate the year.

Pay attention to

January 31st.

Lunar new year’s eve

Thousands of families welcome the new year, celebrate and reunite.

Li zegang, secretary of the county party Committee

Tang Zuhong, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate.

Run a line

Kindly visit and express condolences

The broad masses of workers who still stick to the front line of work during the Spring Festival

Thank them

In order to ensure the safety, happiness and peace of the people in the county.

And accelerate the construction of "people-rich county, strong city, beautiful new Changyang"

The selfless dedication made.

And through them to the workers on all fronts in the county

Extend New Year greetings and cordial greetings.

On New Year’s Eve, the construction site of Qingjiang Pumped Storage Project is still in full swing. The project builders actively obey the call of the state and the need of epidemic prevention and control, voluntarily give up the opportunity to return home to reunite with their families during the Spring Festival, stick to the front line of the project in obscurity, race against time to speed up the construction progress, and promote the early completion of the project and strengthen the county and benefit the people.

Accompanied by Wang Xiaojun, general manager of Hubei Qingjiang Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., Li Zegang and his party went deep into the adit, listened carefully to the introduction of the project leader on the progress of the project construction, and looked at the daily implementation of the safety production work on the site in detail.

Li Zegang affirmed the progress of the project construction, demanding that the concept of safe development should be firmly established, the bottom line thinking should be strengthened, and the awareness of safety precautions should be constantly raised. On the fundamental premise of ensuring construction safety and project quality, the project construction progress should be accelerated in a scientific and overall way, and the 20th Party Congress should be celebrated with first-class performance.

In front of the headquarters of Qingjiang Pumped Storage Project, Li Zegang and his party posted Spring Festival couplets and hung the word "Fu" with the builders, and took a group photo as a souvenir. In order to make the workers feel at ease and have a good Spring Festival, the project department prepared a rich reunion dinner for the workers, and everyone got together to send each other blessings and drink together.

On behalf of the county party committee and government, Li Zegang presented the workers with a "red envelope" for the Spring Festival. The scene was full of laughter, warm atmosphere and rich flavor of the year.

During the dinner, Li Zegang sent a happy New Year greeting to the family of Wu Jiao, the project leader, via video link. "Happy New Year to the old man, your son is still in Changyang first-line construction site and can’t come back to accompany you for the New Year. You must take good care of yourself. Please rest assured that he will come back to see you here just like at home." He wished send warm well, caring for the warm heart and pushing the atmosphere to a climax again.


Li Zegang and Tang Zuhong

Visited condolences successively.

Sanitation workers and relocated households

County epidemic prevention and control headquarters

Huaxin cement Changyang company

Huaxin (Changyang) New Building Materials Industrial Park Project Headquarters

State grid Changyang power supply company

Shenran natural gas company

They sent the cordial care and good wishes of the Party and the government to the broad masses of workers who stuck to their posts and insisted on production during the Spring Festival. At the same time, they asked everyone not only to have a good year, but also to live a safe, peaceful, civilized and clean Spring Festival.

Reporter Yan Junze

Editor Tian Jian Li Jingwen Wang Meng

Final appeal: Tian Niandong

Original title: "The secretary and the county magistrate accompany the laborers in the construction site to keep their tongues warm and their hearts sweet"

High-end smart watches are played by Huawei, understand? Professional micro-physical examination, but also can change golf plug-ins in seconds (video)

Whether it is daily exercise or professional sports, more and more people wear watches and bracelets.

In the gym, if you want to measure heart rate, watch calorie consumption and record exercise data, you really can’t do without a smart watch.

However, although there are many smart watches on the market, few can really jump out of the "big pot" functional planning and design. The "high-end smart watch" with advanced appearance, comprehensive and professional health monitoring and comprehensive sports assistance is still vacant.

Recently, Huawei’s new Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has targeted this position. In order to show you this watch, we even moved the studio directly to a professional golf course. How cool is its "sports plug-in"? Let’s take a look at the video first.


Let’s taste this appearance first:

Does it smell like a traditional watch, especially this strap and crown!

The white one on the left is a ceramic model, which looks smaller and the traditional watch tastes stronger. This face value can be called "smart watch face value ceiling". The workmanship and material selection of the case, the outer ring, the strap, the crown and the mirror are all comparable to those of high-end watches. It can be said that this small porcelain watch is completely made according to high-end watches except for the lack of hands.

Looking at the materials used in the case and strap, you can feel that nano-microcrystalline ceramics take 7 days to fire, and there are 13 subsequent grinding and polishing processes, and it takes 10 days to debut.

The benefits brought by this kind of seiko are not only the warm texture on the face, but also the durability and comfort on the lining.

The sparkling gold, silver and shell bezel makes the white body less monotonous, and the color scheme is elegant and versatile, which can withstand being worn in formal occasions and will not be exaggerated in daily wear.

The one on the right is made of titanium, which loOKs tougher. The leather strap in elephant gray has a strong business atmosphere, but it is completely ok to change the dial into the sports ground.

The back shell, like the ceramic model, is made of ceramic material, which realizes the wearing comfort of fitting with the wrist. The fitting experience of friends with different wrist thicknesses in the office is fit but not too tight.

There is nothing to say about the watch mirror. As always, it is not afraid of scratches and wear, and it uses sapphire glass mirrors that are used by top watches.

This gray and white, both business and leisure temperament are grasped, and the texture is completely different from silicone and plastic, and the shell design closer to the traditional mechanical watch makes its appearance comparable to that of high-end watches.

After talking about the appearance, it is the turn of the core functions of smart watches-sports, health and wisdom.

Among these three pieces, Ji Guojun is most concerned about sports. Think about it, where is the high-end place that can reflect a smart watch? In addition to appearance, isn’t it necessary to support high-end sports first?

However, the smart watches currently on the market are somewhat biased. Although most of them can support hundreds of sports, they are basically around the routine sports such as running, swimming and mountain climbing.

It’s not that there are no watches that support professional and high-end sports at all, but their shapes and other functions are too general.

In contrast, Huawei’s watch is very "other people’s children", and the regular sports subjects are excellent, and people also have sports specialties.

This specialty is golf and free diving. These two sports have a key thing in common-it is difficult for you to learn it by yourself, and you basically have to take a coach. Huawei’s watch can be said to have an excellent "use" effect with the coach.

We played with professional golfers all afternoon. To tell you the truth, the feeling is that it really wants to teach you to play golf.

For a newcomer like Guo Xiaojiu who can only swing in the driving range, it will record the data of the time of getting on the pole, the time of getting off the pole and the speed of swinging, not only telling you where there is something wrong with your movements, but also giving you a solution.

In addition to coaching bronze players, it also has a court model comparable to "plug-in" for advanced players who can leave the stage.

When you play ball on the court, the first question you face is where and how to play.

There are 18 holes in a game, where the green is, where the obstacles are, and how far it is from you, all of which affect the direction and strength of the player’s swing, and are very important. It’s easy to say that the stadium is familiar. If you haven’t played a few times, it’s easy to not play well because you don’t know the situation of the stadium.

In response to this problem, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is equipped with a series of skills:

There are not only maps of more than 300 golf courses in China, but also tips such as the slope of the green, the wind speed and direction of the day. It can be said that wearing the watch will directly open the perspective of God;

You can also estimate the impact point of each shot according to your previous serving distance, and calculate the distance between yourself and the bunker and the green to achieve accurate planning.

After the ball was hit, the second question came. How did you play and how should you improve?

The answer of Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is exactly the same as the mother who took away your lucky money in the New Year when she was a child: Don’t worry, I will remember it for you!

It can automatically perceive and record whether it is the score of strokes per hole, the hit rate of tee-off, the rate of putting on the green, or your hitting position and distance of each stroke.

Big data plays ball, experience winning hemp!

In terms of free diving, its function is as good as golf, and it can accompany you within 30 meters.

When you dive into the water and start to explore the limit, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro will silently start to record your real-time dive speed, real-time depth, maximum depth and other professional data.

When I go back to the shore, I can see how many points the "exam" is clear, and I will know where to work hard next time. It is also useful on land. Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro clearly knows that if you want to perform well in the water, you can’t lack the function of land breath-holding training. It can record the duration of breath-holding, real-time heart rate data, and make a breath-holding training table.

To this point, it can be said that Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has already got a glimpse of the high-end sports assistance, and the function development related to golf and free diving is quite in-depth and easy to use.

Before the mid-19th century, few people wore watches, and everyone’s portable watches were basically pocket watches. The reason why watches can catch up and kill pocket watches is mainly based on two words: convenience, which can be seen when worn on your wrist and lifted.

This convenience is not only reflected in timing, but also in health examination. After all, there is no wearable smart device that can stay in the human body for such a long time.

Compared with most smart watches, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has enough health services: both professional health detection system and professional health management functions.

In terms of detection, in order to detect comprehensively, accurately and in time, hardware and algorithms have to be piled up. Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro upgraded sensors, electrodes and data processing technologies, which reduced the loss rate of detection signals and made the accuracy higher.

But! If you have this, you can only measure your heart rate, blood oxygen and sleep, then it’s a good experience at best, and it’s still far from the high end.

To make the health function high-end, it is necessary to make the whole point deeper and more different! Huawei clearly understands this.

Take ECG ECG analysis as an example. In recent years, many smart watches will do this function, but Huawei has gone deeper this time. Not only is the collection speed fast, but the analysis results are also diverse. It can prompt anything that cannot be prompted by the table of ventricular premature beats and atrial premature beats.

Moreover, it also provides paid professional doctors’ interpretation services, and selects doctors from the top three hospitals in China to provide professional ECG interpretation reports, giving more comprehensive ECG interpretation results and health care suggestions.

In addition, it also joined the vascular health research initiated by the China Medical Association, which kept the words "concern about the risk of cardiovascular diseases" in mind.

Don’t ignore this function. According to China Cardiovascular Disease Report 2018, the number of people who died of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China accounts for more than 40% of the deaths of residents.

To assess the risk, a key index is vascular elasticity, and the decrease of elasticity is a major feature of early vascular damage. Frequently testing pulse wave velocity and evaluating vascular elasticity is equivalent to doing a "micro-physical examination" at home.

High-end health functions must not only have data, but also have professional services. Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro not only provides comprehensive monitoring data, but also provides you with professional health advice to help you assess the risk of arteriosclerosis.

Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro’s health has been deepened because it also joined the heart health research and sleep apnea research projects of 301 Hospital, and established a comprehensive and active health management system, which made wearing smart watches truly become wearing health.

Smart watches are not accessories for mobile phones! As a wearable smart device that can accompany you for 24 hours, it has its own unique value and health attributes. At the same time, it is a window to show your taste.

In these respects, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro’s high-end advanced work is quite good, with texture, professional high-end sports and rigorous and scientific health services.

But is that enough? Certainly not, if only these, the utilization rate of resources on this wrist will be slightly insufficient.

Think about it, this thing is directly on your wrist, and it is often faster to call it than to take out your mobile phone. The functions of opening the entrance guard and swiping the payment code are inseparable when used, because it is too convenient.

At this point, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro also got it.

In addition to these surprises, wisdom has experienced this traditional art ability, and it has done a good job. HarmonyOS is increasingly rich in ecology, and the apps such as navigation, vertical and horizontal, map software and daily Alipay that are often used for business trips can be downloaded.

In terms of battery life related to all functions, the performance of Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is still at the level of martial arts, and there is no anxiety about charging: the titanium model can last for eight days after heavy use; The use of general strength can last for two weeks, and the typical scene of ceramic models can last for seven days; Heavy scenes also have a battery life of 4 days.

From all aspects, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has really made great efforts for this niche vacancy of smart watches in high-end, not only retaining the genes of Huawei’s "all-round" players, but also seeing the attention of many business users at home, and the key functional attributes have also achieved high-end destruction. For people who want to play these sports and want more accurate and professional health management, it is definitely one of the most worthwhile wearable smart items you can invest in this year.


Price increase against the trend? The dilemma of the beauty market is reversed. Lack of motivation. International big names are the first to shout "improving morale" | Industry dynamics

Cailian News Agency, January 11th (Reporter Luo Yuchen) At the beginning of the new year, the domestic beauty market is still waiting for recovery in a difficult situation, and international brands have taken the lead in starting a new round of price increases. Cailian reporter learned from the offline counter that many international beauty brands plan to raise prices after the Spring Festival, covering all products, with an increase of 5%-10%.

Different from the international big-name "Passion Shouts Up", many flagship stores of domestic brands such as Polaiya, owned by Polaiya (603605.SH), Winona and Mao Geping, owned by Betani (300957.SZ) all reported that they had not received the price increase notice. It is worth noting that although domestic brands have not publicly raised prices on a large scale, it is not uncommon to "quietly" raise the prices of popular items by upgrading and changing packaging.

For the phenomenon of brand price increase in the downward period, Zhang Yang, the founder of Solution Consulting, believes that customer unit price is an important part of brand differentiation. In the downward period, the advantage of low-priced brands is difficult to sustain, and the profit of a single product cannot be supported, so a series of problems arise; A brand with premium power is "selling a single order and earning a single order". After all, "profit space is research and development space" can support the brand to develop better in a difficult situation. She pointed out that the signal released by the downward brand price increase is actually to gain more room for manoeuvre, and more and more domestic brands are gradually realizing this problem.

International big names shout up at the beginning of the year

Near the Spring Festival, there are crowds in the vicinity of Wulin Square in the central business district of Hangzhou. The reporters of Cailian Association visited a number of surrounding shopping malls and learned that there are indeed many brands that are planning to raise prices after the Spring Festival. The sales of Estee Lauder, Dior, Guerlain, Clinique and perfume brand LeLabo all clearly stated that "it will rise after the holiday". However, according to the sales representatives, the new round of price increase is still in the brewing stage, and the range of price increase has not yet been determined, so only a relatively vague range is given.

"It is estimated that it will rise to 620 yuan to 660 yuan, and the increase in perfume will be even greater." Dior brand sales pointed to an air-cushion powder cake with a price of 600 yuan on the shelf. When the reporter questioned whether the 10% increase was too large, she responded: "Many brands have to raise their prices, not only our family, but also perfumes."

For the reasons of price increase, brand sales have different opinions. "We will go up across the board. Maybe every product will go up by 20 yuan -30 yuan. Now nothing will go up, right? All kinds of costs are rising. " Clinique brand sales blamed the price increase on rising costs. Judging from the sales of Guerlain brand and Estee Lauder brand, the price increase is more customary, "every February is the price adjustment period".

It is understood that in 2022, the beauty industry experienced two rounds of price hikes in March and July respectively due to cost pressure, involving different brands. Affected by this, some brands said that due to the price increase in 2022, there is no price adjustment plan in the short term. "This lipstick has risen in 22 years, from 370 yuan to 385 yuan, and there will be no price adjustment for the time being." Gucci brand sales introduction said.

It has been pointed out that since 2021, the costs of raw materials, transportation and warehousing have been rising continuously, and brands are indeed facing certain cost pressures, so they have started to raise prices one after another. With the general decline in the prices of various bulk raw materials in Q3 in 2022, this kind of cost load has been reduced, but the sharp fluctuation of exchange rate has put new pressure on the profits of imported goods.

Beauty cosmetics wait for the dilemma to reverse.

Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the domestic beauty market is still in a difficult period.

Since August, 2022, the domestic retail sales of cosmetics have been declining for four consecutive months year-on-year. Even though it was promoted by the "Double Eleven", the retail sales of cosmetics in November still failed to reverse the trend, falling by 4.6% year-on-year. Considering that the discussion on the "Double Twelve" promotion was not hot, the retail sales of cosmetics in December was hardly optimistic, and "six consecutive declines" might be inevitable.

Under the downward pressure, more and more brands are forced to clear out. Since 2022, CROXX, YES! IC, Fangji and a number of former cutting-edge domestic brands announced the clearance or closure of stores, and overseas brands even withdrew in large numbers, including young brands such as The Oriental and Huda Beauty, as well as old brands such as Shuizhiao, Yidi House and Feishi Shop, which have been deeply cultivated in the China market for many years.

Even if it has not been eliminated, the severe living environment has forced a number of brands to make substantial adjustments, and channel adjustment bears the brunt. Brands such as Yueshi Fengyin, Maybelline and Heyan have reduced their offline channels and started to attack online in an all-round way. However, time has passed, the online channel dividend period has passed, and the traffic cost has risen. An interview with a new domestic brand revealed that the brand began to specialize in online at the end of 2021, but the actual situation is far less than expected, and online competition has become unprecedentedly fierce.

(Editor Liu Yan)

This article comes from Luo Yuchen, a reporter from Cailian Association.