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The original "Hua Qiangu" aesthetic collapse, Xiaogu Baizi’s painting face is yellow and thin, and when he sees the killing of Qianmo, his eyes are black

In 2015, "Hua Qiangu" opened the curtain of fairy tale drama. Received a very high audience rating and became the most indelible existence in the hearts of every TV drama enthusiast.

Since then, capitalists have filmed several fairy tales one after another, but most of them are imitations of others, and it is difficult for others to achieve the same effect.

Just a few years ago, the movie version of "Hua Qiangu" began filming, and the configuration of the protagonist was also released.

But with the exception of Chen Turin and Mao Zijun, who are famous, the rest of the actors are 18 star actors selected out of thin air.

On August 11, the movie version of "Hua Qiangu" released a new trailer to warm up for the film’s release.

But it was ridiculed by netizens as a cheap version of "Hua Qiangu".

In this movie, the actor who plays Master Leng is named Li Chengbin. Compared with Huo Jianhua at the time, he still has a certain age advantage.

Unexpectedly, his charm is not half that of Huo Jianhua in the movie.

His forehead was broad and his face was serious. He did not have the generosity of an immortal cultivator, nor the compassion and love for his disciple Hua Qiangu.

Although I told a lot of truth

But in front of the audience, it becomes a long string of messy things that go in one ear and out the other.

Compared with Huo Jianhua at that time,

Li Chengbin is only a million miles away.

Huo Jianhua has always been known as a handsome man in ancient costumes. In his early years, he reached out to grab branches in the snow, while Xu Changqing used his own body to fight monsters. They were all as beautiful as immortals.

Although he was not in good condition when filming "Hua Qiangu"

This makes Bai Zi Hua look a bit pudgy.

Fortunately, his acting skills were passable, and he could still see the immortal energy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have set off such a high ratings wave back then.

Li Chengbin is as thin as

A poor-looking refugee who can lift a hand.

I really can’t imagine how he can kill demons and how he can have a sadistic relationship with the blackened Hua Qiangu.

As for Ms. Chen, who plays the heroine, there is also a lack of vibe in this film. Her face is smaller and her body is slender, which makes her more suitable for roles like Tian Huan in "Ming of the Long Moon." She has a unique feeling of an earth fairy.

But just like poor little white flower Qiangu

A little strange

Hua Qiangu was a child of an ordinary family, pure and kind, a little eccentric, and single-minded towards his master. When he turned black, he was extremely evil

Chen Turin’s face was too noble, more suitable for a role like a talented fairy. He couldn’t imagine Hua Qiangu’s charming and innocent feeling.

In addition, the costumes in this film are very poor. The clothes wrapped around the body are like layers of white screens, without texture, which does not highlight the beauty of Chen Turin.

The actor who performed the most beautiful killing Qianmo was Mao Zijun. Several years after her debut, she was still lukewarm in the film and television industry. But at least with the blessing of her acting skills, many audiences were still eagerly awaiting him.

Until all the times when I saw Sha Qianmo in front of me wearing a shoddy wig,

Everyone realized that their expectations were too high. This type of Mao Zijun did not have the same top beauty between men and women.

Instead, he looked scruffy, with a green straw in his mouth. Would anyone really call her sister?

Although the film has not yet been released, it is clear from the trailer how chaotic it is.

The adorable sugar baby in the TV show has become a weird elf here.

I look very evil when I laugh.

The set has a strong plastic texture and looks like it was filmed in a poorly built film studio.

Would you choose to dedicate a movie ticket to such a movie?

Responsible editor:

Many ministries and commissions voiced several times in 10 days, and the entertainment circle ushered in seven major changes!

  Beijing, September 14 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Recently, the entertainment circle has experienced many shocks, following "Qinglang & lsquo; Fanquan ’ After the special action of "chaos rectification", the relevant departments have also made new moves against the chaos in the industry.

  Since September 2, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television have voiced several times, putting forward more specific new requirements for the performing arts industry and employees. What phenomena are mentioned in these vocalizations? What changes will the entertainment industry usher in?

  Change 1: Bad artists are punished and upgraded.

  Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China recently issued the "Notice on Carrying out Comprehensive Management in the Entertainment Field", which put forward specific requirements from the aspects of standardizing market order, compacting platform responsibilities and strict content supervision. Among them, it is mentioned that the punishment for artists who violate the law and lose their morality should be increased, and it is forbidden for inferior artists to transfer their positions and return.

  The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television held a forum for radio, television and online audio-visual literary and art workers, emphasizing that literary and art workers should be virtuous, establish virtue, and love the party and patriotism; Abide by public morality, be strict with private morality, and establish a good social image with noble conduct; Keep the original heart, cast ingenuity, and unswervingly pursue artistic ideals.

  Change 2: This kind of program can’t be broadcast.

  On September 2, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued a notice on further strengthening the management of cultural programs and their personnel, making it clear that those who have incorrect political positions, violate laws and regulations, and violate public order and good customs are resolutely not used, and idol-cultivating programs, variety entertainment and reality shows attended by star children are not allowed to be broadcast.

  For talent show programs, it is necessary to strictly control the setting of voting links, and it is not allowed to set up off-site voting, list playing, help and other links and channels. It is strictly forbidden to guide and encourage fans to spend money to vote in disguise by materialistic means such as shopping and membership, and resolutely resist the bad "rice circle" culture.

  Change 3: Payment contracts must be compliant.

  Relevant departments have repeatedly mentioned the problems of "sky-high pay" and "yin-yang contract" in the performing arts industry in the notice. Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China issued the "Notice", which called for curbing bad profits of capital, resisting sky-high pay, rationally allocating the cost ratio, severely punishing tax evasion, and effectively maintaining market order.

  The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also emphasizes resolutely resisting high-priced film remuneration, strictly implementing the provisions on film remuneration for actors and guests, and strictly implementing the notification and commitment system for film remuneration management. Advocate and encourage actors and guests to take social responsibility and participate in public welfare programs.

  Source: WeChat official account, State Administration of Radio and Television.

  Change 4: Resist only the value of flow.

  Resolutely opposing the flow-only theory and pan-entertainment is also one of the key points of this round of rectification. The Notice issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television requires that the correct aesthetic orientation of the program be established, the selection of actors and guests, the performance style, the makeup of costumes, etc. should be strictly controlled, and the deformed aesthetics such as "Nianpao" should be resolutely put an end to. Resolutely resist the pan-entertainment tendency such as hype to show off wealth and enjoyment, gossip and privacy, negative hot spots, vulgar "online celebrity" and bottomless ugliness.

  On the 9th, the Network Audio-visual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television held a forum, stressing once again that network audio-visual program service organizations should insist on putting social benefits first, resolutely resist such wrong practices as poking fun at scandals, speculating hot spots and creating confrontation, and resist the abnormal culture of "only flow" and "only value".

  Change 5: The rice circle is completely turned off

  At the same time, the rectification of the "rice circle" chaos is still in progress. In early September, Weibo issued "Guidelines on Community Behavior of Star Brokerage Companies and Official Fan Groups (Trial)", opposing all bad value-oriented phenomena such as bottomless idolize, consumption comparison and tearing of rice circles, and calling on stars and their brokerage companies to take positive guidance responsibility for fan groups.

  Not long ago, Park Ji Min, a member of the Korean Men’s Team, showed a "exclusive plane" in Weibo to celebrate the idol’s birthday. Subsequently, the fan support club account was banned for 60 days, and many fan accounts were also banned for spreading irrational idolize’s aid content.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Change 6: rumors will be banned.

  In addition to irrational support, some rumors have also been dealt with. On the 10th, Weibo Platform claimed that some accounts deliberately misinterpreted artists’ travel videos, pieced together screenshots to make rumors and broke the news, forcibly linked recent hot social issues, and banned more than 600 self-media accounts.

  Recently, China Performance Industry Association, together with 14 platforms, said that it would strengthen the management of related accounts, comments and barrage in the entertainment field, and restrict, ban and clean up the accounts that publish celebrity gossip without evidence, create antagonistic emotions, announce the personal privacy of entertainers, incite fund-raising and abuse reporting channels.

  Change 7: Industry Self-discipline Convention goes online.

  The symposium held by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also mentioned that industry associations should further strengthen industry self-discipline and employee training, educate and guide the whole industry to abide by the law, respect morality and respect art, and jointly build a good network ecology.

  On the 11th, China Performance Industry Association and multi-platforms jointly launched the Convention on Building Clear and Clear Network Culture Ecological Self-discipline, which made it clear that entertainers or their brokerage companies and studios violated laws and regulations, lost their morality and lost their norms on the network platform, and the platform should actively report to the professional ethics self-discipline organizations of entertainers and actively promote online and offline joint self-discipline.

  It is not an overnight task to control the entertainment industry. Only when the whole industry forms a joint force can we create a clear atmosphere for the entertainment field. (End)

Do not set off physical fireworks! Here is the correct way to open the "fireworks" at the opening ceremony of Hangzhou Asian Games.

The highly anticipated opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will be held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium ("Big Lotus") on the evening of September 23rd. With regard to the highlights of the opening ceremony, the reception desk has "spoiled" a thing or two through an interview with Sha Xiaolan, the general director and producer of the opening ceremony, and the 16-second trailer released on September 16th. So what kind of surprise will the opening ceremony of Hangzhou Asian Games present? The answer will be revealed on September 23rd. One thing is certain, and the difference between the opening ceremony of this Asian Games and previous large-scale events is that no fireworks are set off throughout.

In the impression of many viewers, for the opening ceremony of large-scale sports events, the grand fireworks show is always the finale of the repertoire. Without fireworks, how will the lively "atmosphere" of the opening ceremony of Hangzhou Asian Games be reflected? In this regard, Sha Xiaolan said frankly in an exclusive interview with the media on September 17, "We have made great determination to cancel the fireworks display."

"As we all know, as long as fireworks are set off, there will be smoke and dust in the air and there will be pollution. No fireworks is to express our environmental protection concept to the whole world. " Sha Xiaolan said that canceling the physical fireworks display is adhering to the green, intelligent, thrifty and civilized concept of hosting the Asian Games, and passing on the concept of environmental protection at the most concerned moment like the opening ceremony.

Sha Xiaolan emphasized that not setting off physical fireworks does not mean that the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games will be less exciting, and the team will innovate and present better audio-visual effects with the power of science and technology. "We use digital technology, 3D animation, AR technology, etc. to show fireworks in front of TV viewers and live audiences."

Fireworks made by virtual technology are even brighter and more beautiful than the real fireworks. "Let me give you an example. Watching fireworks at ordinary times must be looking up, but watching fireworks on TV can see fireworks overlooking the angle of view, that is, fireworks blooming in the bustling scenes on both sides of Qianjiang River. Looking down, what kind of effect will the fireworks look from top to bottom? "

At the same time, Sha Xiaolan also gave a viewing guide: everyone watched the opening ceremony electronic fireworks display through TV, mobile phones and other ports, and the overall viewing effect was better than the scene. The creative team will display the grand occasion of the electronic fireworks display on the banks of Qianjiang River, the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center and the "Big Lotus" in a 360-degree panoramic view from the angles of leaning, leaning and side view through digital technology, which will be a highlight moment of the opening ceremony.

Previously, the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games had successfully completed the fourth rehearsal. Next, the creative team will re-adjust the video, costumes, props and some equipment, and will choose the opportunity to rehearse again before the official performance.

(Headquarters reporter Sun Rui Chen Menghao)

Shandong International Trade and Investment Innovation Case Exhibition and Exchange Meeting Held in Jinan

Reporter Ren Leilei
On December 19th, the "Exhibition and Exchange Meeting of International Trade and Investment Innovation Cases in Shandong Province in 2023" was held in Jinan, sponsored by Shandong Provincial Committee of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Popular Newspaper Group and undertaken by Qilu Yidian. The purpose of the conference is to discover and promote a number of replicable and referential international trade and investment innovation cases, sum up experience, build consensus, help enterprises to explore and innovate, strengthen their confidence, and jointly discover, cultivate and store business opportunities.
At present, the world’s century-old changes are accelerating, economic globalization is facing a countercurrent, international trade and investment are under pressure in both directions, and the global innovation map and economic structure are being profoundly adjusted. Enterprises in our province face difficulties, dare to try, keep innovation, forge ahead, and try their best to grab orders, expand markets and stabilize exports. From January to October this year, the total import and export volume of the province increased by 2.8% year-on-year, exports increased by 2.4%, and imports increased by 3.4%.
Meng Xiangdong, Party Secretary and President of Shandong CCPIT, delivered a speech.
Meng Xiangdong, Party Secretary and President of Shandong CCPIT, said that standing at a new historical starting point and shouldering new historical tasks, the CCPIT will base itself on its functional orientation, connect government and enterprises, integrate inside and outside, smooth supply and demand, continue to work hand in hand with the industrial and commercial circles, focus on the two major tasks of "weaving the enterprise network and expanding the circle of international friends", and strive to become the first choice for overseas industrial and commercial circles to enter Shandong and the first channel for Shandong industrial and commercial circles to "go global".
Speech by Bi Sidong, Party Secretary, Chairman and President of Popular Newspaper Group
Bi Sidong, Party Secretary, Chairman and President of Popular Newspaper Group, reviewed the founding history of Qilu Evening News, and said that Popular Newspaper Group will focus on its main business, aim at building a platform with national influence commensurate with the status of Shandong Province, and drive the group’s new round of reform and innovation with scientific and technological innovation, so as to accelerate the reshaping of the influence of party media in the all-media era. Constantly strengthen reform and innovation, constantly strengthen the strength of the media, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for Shandong’s economic and social development.
Wu Changqi, Professor of Shandong University and Dean of School of Management, delivered a keynote speech.
At the meeting, Wu Changqi, Professor of Shandong University, Dean of School of Management and Executive Deputy Director of Peking University Institute of International Management, gave a keynote speech entitled "Internationalization Development Strategy of China Enterprises in a Multipolar World". He profoundly expounded the challenge of "distance cage" faced by China enterprises to go global from the aspects of cultural distance, institutional distance, geographical distance and economic distance, and put forward his own suggestions on the internationalization development strategy of China enterprises.
It is reported that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of Shandong CCPIT. On December 19th, 1978, the provincial party committee and government approved the establishment of Shandong Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Qingdao. Over the past 45 years, the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade has worked hand in hand with enterprises, actively seized the opportunity of economic globalization, effectively responded to the impact of the international financial crisis, and jointly wrote and witnessed one innovation case after another and business legends in the history of opening up in our province.
Representatives from four enterprises, including Lushang Group Freda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shandong National Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd., Jinan Pate Machinery Co., Ltd. and Shandong Longteng Wood Industry Co., Ltd., shared innovative cases of international trade and investment.
At the meeting, 16 innovative cases of international trade and investment in the province were released. These innovative cases were recommended by the Council for the Promotion of International Trade in 16 cities in Shandong Province and collected by Qilu Yidian. After initial evaluation, re-evaluation, comprehensive expert evaluation opinions and online popularity voting, they were produced. Innovative cases cover traditional manufacturing, high-tech fields, service industries, investment institutions and other fields, and have made progress in international trade and investment innovation, which has a leading role in demonstration.

Curry revealed the outlook for next season: Paul joined, and the lineup adjustment is highly anticipated.

Curry mentioned next season, and his outlook for the team is exciting!

1. Regarding the joining of Paul, this experienced point guard will bring more depth to the team and make the lineup more reasonable and balanced. Paul’s leadership and organizational skills will add a lot of color to the team.

2. The continuous adjustment of the lineup is normal, but every player is showing his important value. This attitude of teamwork and positive contribution of the players will undoubtedly bring hope to the future of the team.

Although the team as a whole is improving, the biggest problem of the current lineup is the lack of big players, which is a fatal problem. This will bring some challenges against teams with strong insiders such as Nuggets, Timberwolves, Lakers, Grizzlies, Celtics and Bucks. Facing these teams, their tactics and defensive strategies need to be adjusted accordingly, such as strengthening perimeter defense, finding rebounding advantages and improving fast break efficiency to make up for the shortage of inside lines.

# Record my 2023#

Radio Cobb: The Vancouver White Hat of the American professional league team is very interested in Azar.

Live on May 21, according to Spanish radio Cobe, the future of Real Madrid winger Azar is uncertain at present, and the American Major League team Vancouver White Hat is very interested in him.

Azar’s contract with Real Madrid expires on June 30, 2024. The player expressed his hope to fulfill the contract when he won the King’s Cup, and some teams are paying attention to his situation, one of which is Vancouver White Hat.

Azar’s performance has not improved this season, and he will miss the league match with Valencia this weekend due to physical discomfort.


Sun Yingsha regrets losing, Liu Guoliang warms her heart and comforts her, and Chen Meng’s return to the state of full blood is completely different.

Chen Meng state regression

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have played twice in the last six months, namely, the finals of Xinxiang World Cup in October 2022 and the semi-finals of Xinxiang Championship in 2023. Sun Yingsha defeated Chen Meng twice. In the Xinxiang Championship a week ago, Sun Yingsha swept Chen Meng in straight sets. During the competition, Sun Yingsha completely suppressed Chen Meng, hardly giving her opponent any breathing space. Sun Yingsha’s state is too good.

Coming to the Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng met again in the semi-final. Before the start of the game, Mi Gu explained that Hou Yingchao said that this game should not present a one-sided situation, and it will definitely be a fierce confrontation. Hou Yingchao was only half right, and the game was fierce enough, but the result was still one-sided. Only the winner this time is Chen Meng.

Sun Yingsha actually took the initiative in the first game, but Chen Meng was in a brave state and could compete with Sun Yingsha for speed and strength. In the first game, Sun Yingsha got the game point at 10-9, but Chen Meng made a determined effort to save the match point quickly and stubbornly. After that, the two sides fought against each other in multiple boards, and it was not until 15-14 that the winner was decided.

Chen Meng’s confidence increased greatly after winning the first game, and he played even better in the next three games. Sun Yingsha is a little worried, and the whole person’s state is not so excited. Sun Yingsha actually thought of many ways, but Chen Meng really showed impeccable performance, which could resolve Sun Yingsha’s changes in serving and attacking. Chen Meng won the next three games with 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9 respectively.

After the game, Chen Meng concluded that I really didn’t expect to win the game with a score of 4-0. Recently, Sasha’s state is very good. Today, I am holding the mentality that I can win one more point. Before the game, I just wanted to win the next game. Sasha may have entered the finals in a row recently, and she is a little tired. I hope I can continue to enjoy such a good stage, show myself more and do my best in the competition.

Chen Meng was right. She put down her posture and attacked her opponent, which really mobilized her to play better. Sun Yingsha may be physically tired and didn’t play her own thing in this game. To tell the truth, Chen Meng really played well in this game. I would also like to congratulate Chen Meng on his qualification to win the championship in the final.

After Sun Yingsha lost the game, Liu Guoliang, chairman of table tennis, found Sasha in particular and said something to her with a smile. It should be some encouragement for Sasha. Sun Yingsha’s progress is obvious to all, and Liu Guoliang also pays special attention to Sasha. No matter who wins the civil war of Guoping Jinhua, it is the pride of Guoping, so Liu Guoliang is in a very good mood. Satisfied with Chen Meng’s performance, and satisfied with Sasha’s performance.

The national table tennis women’s team is very strong, almost every competition will win the semi-finals and never let the champion fall behind. It doesn’t matter if Sun Yingsha loses. The Durban World Table Tennis Championships will be a stage for you to show your strength. The women’s singles final of the Macau Championship will start at 18: 00 pm on April 23rd. I look forward to the wonderful performance of Chen Meng and Manyu Wang, who will also stage the classic confrontation picture of the final of the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships in Houston. Come on!

Original article, welcome to pay attention to comments.

Premier League: Newcastle VS Wolves. Wolves have an outstanding ability. Is it difficult for Newcastle to play an advantage?

I just wrote a German B game, and everyone should have seen it. Here, let’s talk about another Premier League focus game, Newcastle versus Wolves!

I talked to Wolves several times this season, and each time they were injured at least three or four times in the front line. Last November, it was the most serious. One game was short of five strikers, playing Tottenham Hotspur, and Wolves injured Diego Costa. Jimenez has recently returned. Although he hasn’t scored yet, he has gained an assist by playing Fulham, and his contribution has surpassed that of other Wolves centers by playing the threat made by Tottenham Hotspur.

As we all know, Wolves’ lack of forward power is very prominent this season, and Everton gave them the bottom before, but after these two games, Everton also overtook them, and Wolves finally became the team with the least goals in the Premier League.

They struggled out of the quagmire of the relegation zone, and now they have risen to the 13th place in the standings, mainly relying on the defensive end. Wolves have always been good at defense, and they are even more conservative when they are guests. They won’t let go of the attack when they play Southampton and Everton. Today, they challenge Newcastle in different places, and there is no accident or the main tone of defense. The two flanks of Wolves are the key to their solid defense and threat.

Under the training of winger Loppert Ji, Wolves’ two wingers are very strong, and playing Tottenham Hotspur on the court is a good manifestation of two points. First, they can limit their opponents’ cross, especially in the second half, it is difficult for Kane to get in touch with his teammates; Second, the Wolves’ goal came from Moutinho’s possession of the ball and his assignment to the wing, which effectively opened the defence of Tottenham, and then found an angle to hit the door quickly, which made Tottenham suffer.

Today, Newcastle, which they are going to play, is also a team that relies on a large number of wingers to attack.

In the game, St. Maximin relies on the support of Qiao Lin and Dan Bourne to dominate the left impact, while Almiron draws on the right side, and Trippier takes on the task of crossing the ball from the side or rib part. This combination is Eddie Howe’s most conventional offensive strategy.

However, there is little quick linkage between Newcastle’s two wingers. Usually, they finish on one side, pass the ball back to the middle and split the side again, thus completing the change of attack direction. In this way, the opponent will have enough space and time to complete the defensive position selection and coordination.

Therefore, we can see that Newcastle can only score in the middle of the Premier League in the case of strong impact, which has seriously dragged down their progress. Today, Wolves, with good defense and strong wingers, may not play easily.

What’s more, Newcastle are short of suspended Jorington today, and Scheer may not be able to play. Jolington played like a duck to water after being transformed into a midfielder, and was successfully elected as the MVP player in February. He has both physical fitness and speed, and he has a strong sense of position. He can form an effective strong point in Newcastle midfield and support the impact of St. Maximin, which is the key to Eddie Howe’s tactical implementation. Without him, Newcastle’s left threat will drop a lot.

As for Fabian Schell, the defense is also quite stable this season. His air confrontation ability is the strongest in the team, and he can also serve the ball. His long-range shooting ability is excellent. Without him, the loss may not be limited to the defensive end.

As we all know, Newcastle are the team with the fewest goals conceded in the Premier League, with a strong defense, and goalkeeper Pope is also the goalkeeper with the most goalkeepers in the Premier League. According to the front line of Wolves, it is really too difficult to break their goal.

But as we said earlier, Newcastle’s attack problem is also relatively objective. Under the restriction of Wolves’ flank, it may not be so easy for Newcastle to play an advantage. It is my current opinion that Newcastle will join Wolves or shake hands with both sides. What’s your opinion?