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Suddenly! Wang Jianlin, sold again

China Fund Journal, Taylor

Wang Jianlin is still selling.

Wang Jianlin continues to sell assets

Data show that Xiamen Dianqian Wanda Plaza Commercial Management Co., Ltd. changed its shareholding on January 16, and the company’s shareholders were changed from the joint stock company of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group to Xiamen Jinliyang Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the legal representative was changed from Gao Qian to Jinyi.

The acquisition of Xiamen Jinliyang Real Estate Co., Ltd. was established on April 13, 2011. The legal representative is Wu Chengkun. Its business scope includes commercial circulation facilities and commercial building operation and management, leasing, and property management.

Previously, there have been shareholder changes in several Wanda plazas across the country.

On January 8, Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza Business Management Co., Ltd. changed its shareholding. Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group’s joint stock company withdrew from the company’s shareholders, and Foshan Yueshang Maojing Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. held 100% of the shares. After equity penetration, Foshan Yueshang Maojing Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. was ultimately controlled by Meizhi Service Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Midea Real Estate.

Midea Real Estate responded that the assets of Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza have always been held by companies in the United States. Previously, Wanda Commercial Management was entrusted to conduct light asset management and use the Wanda brand. Wanda did not hold the assets of Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza. This transaction does not involve the transfer of assets of the square, but only the equity of the commercial management company of the square. The subsequent business operations of Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza will be handled by Midea Real Estate.

On December 27, 2023, it was reported that the equity change had recently occurred in Shanghai Jinshan Wanda Investment Plaza. Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company withdrew from the list of shareholders of the company. The new shareholder was Suzhou Lianshang No. 2 Commercial Management Co., Ltd., and the legal representative of the company was changed from Gao Qian to Guan Zhaoyu.

On December 25 and 26, 2023, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management withdrew from the list of shareholders of Taicang Wanda Plaza Investment Co., Ltd. and Huzhou Wanda Investment Co., Ltd. The two companies added Suzhou Lianshang No. 3 Commercial Management Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Lianshang Wuhao Commercial Management Co., Ltd. as full shareholders respectively.

On December 29, 2023, the equity of Guangzhou Luogang Wanda Plaza Co., Ltd. changed, and the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group withdrew from the company’s shareholders, and Suzhou Lianshangsi Commercial Management Co., Ltd. held 100% of the shares.

According to statistics, since 2023, Wanda has gradually transferred 10 Wanda plazas. According to industry sources, according to Wang Jianlin’s previous plan, Wanda Group will sell some of its Wanda plazas nationwide in exchange for liquidity.

Wanda has sold its assets several times

In order to ease the liquidity crisis, assets such as Wanda Hotels and Wanda Film have also been sold recently.

On December 12, 2023, Wanda Film announced that the company indirectly controlled Wanda Culture Group and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Hengrun, the actual controller Wang Jianlin and Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd. signed the Equity Transfer Agreement, intending to transfer 51% of the company’s controlling shareholder Wanda Investment to Ruyi Investment, with a total transfer price of 2.155 billion yuan.

On December 22, the ownership of Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management, changed from Dalian Wanda Commercial Management to Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

On December 12, 2023, the Wanda gambling crisis was lifted. PAG and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group jointly announced the signing of a new investment agreement. PAG will work with other investors to reinvest in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management after its investment redemption period expires in 2021 and is redeemed by Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group. Existing investors invested about 38 billion RMB in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management in August 2021, of which PAG’s investment is about 2.80 billion US dollars (about 18 billion RMB). Existing investors enjoy redemption rights in the original investment arrangement.

According to the new agreement, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management holds 40% of the shares, making it the single largest shareholder. Several existing and new investors such as Pacific Alliance will participate in the investment, with a total stake of 60%. Wanda will work with Pacific Alliance and other important shareholders to further optimize the corporate governance of the company, maintain the stability of the management team, and jointly support the long-term development of the company.

The market believes that the signing of the new agreement may mean that Wanda’s huge share repurchase crisis has been temporarily lifted. However, comparing the equity data, it will be found that the shareholding ratio of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has dropped significantly, and it has "lost weight" a lot.

Step on thunder! 120 million yuan, only 4.37 million! Continue to slide to see the next one

Suddenly! Wang Jianlin, sold again, China Fund News, light touch to read the original text

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The opening of MWC is imminent, and Meizu’s big moves are frequent! Flyme dual system attention is full

  There are still 2 days left! This year’s annual event in the technology industry, the MWC Shanghai Mobile World Congress in 2023, is about to open. As an annual blockbuster conference in the technology industry, although it only lasts for three days from June 28 to 30, it can make the world’s technology enthusiasts focus on it in just three days. Therefore, the annual MWC is also a good opportunity for major technology companies to do their best to show their technologies and products to the world.

  As the most high-profile Meizu in the first half of this year, it is not surprising to announce its participation in the exhibition. But it is worth noting that Meizu is not participating in the exhibition under the name of "Meizu Mobile Phone", but under the name of "Xingji Meizu Group". That is, at this exhibition, Meizu 20 series will be exhibited together with Flyme Auto.

  The re-participation of Flyme Auto has also greatly aroused the attention of many professional car critics. After all, Flyme Auto has won praise from many netizens and fans since its debut at the Shanghai Auto Show at the beginning of the year. The user-friendly desktop selection, the highly intelligent option of air conditioning, the logic of car-machine interaction and the UI animation of one mirror to the end have all had an impact on the entire smart car field. Therefore, how much Flyme Auto can be upgraded and optimized at this MWC has also become the most concerned point in the entire new energy vehicle field.

  In terms of smart end points, the Meizu 20 series, which continues to slaughter the list on the 618, will also become another highlight on MWC! The perfect combination of boundless aesthetics, powerful performance and Flyme10 can be called the embryonic form of future mobile phones.

  In terms of appearance, the Meizu 20 series is adhering to the unbounded aesthetics and building the appearance. The screen uses extremely thin four-level narrow edges to minimize the boundaries of the screen, and uses narrow borders to further set off the visual perception of the screen. Let the narrow borders and high-quality screens complement each other to build a stronger visual impact.

  And the back of the phone is also completely different from the dazzling lens group currently on the market. Meizu uses extreme simplicity to present an unbounded beauty, and cancels all the designs that affect the beauty of the back cover! Only the basic lens camera components are retained, and the simplest arrangement is used to build the most refreshing and refined unbounded beauty.

  In terms of performance, the Meizu 20 series is equipped with a Snapdragon 8Gen2 processor. This chip is also the top flagship processor in the industry. Its performance is excellent, and it is TSMC’s 4-nanometer process. The advantages of low power consumption make the temperature control of the overall mobile phone particularly good. At the same time, the Meizu 20 series also uses a combination of LPDDR5X and UFS 4.0 storage, which greatly enhances the reading and writing speed of the mobile phone, making software and files open and run faster. After Meizu’s careful polishing of this set of performance configurations, it also easily ran out of a high score of 1.3 + million.

  On the system, the Meizu 20 series comes standard with the Flyme10 operating system. As a software sector that Meizu has always been proud of, this time Flyme10 did not disappoint Meizu. This generation has upgraded the small window mode, Aicy screen recognition and OneMind, and the overall system convenience and smoothness are more convenient. And it can also achieve the background survival of 21 APPs at the same time, completely saying goodbye to killing the background! And it has also passed the test of the Thiel laboratory, which is certified to last for 48 months.

  The simultaneous demise of the Meizu 20 series and Flyme Auto has filled many people’s expectations for Meizu’s MWC tour!

Two days after New Year’s Day holiday, rainfall in the south increased, and cold air continued to affect the central and eastern regions.

China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (December 31, 2023 to January 1, 2024), the snowfall in northern Xinjiang is still frequent, and the rainfall in the south will gradually increase, with the rainfall being mainly small to moderate. Affected by cold air, there will be a temperature drop of 4~6℃ in parts of the central and eastern regions, accompanied by windy weather.
Snowfall is still frequent in Xinjiang and other places, and rainfall in the south is gradually increasing.
Affected by the eastward movement of the high-altitude trough and the low-level vortex, snowfall occurred in Xinjiang, central and eastern Inner Mongolia and the northeast yesterday, including small to medium snow or sleet in northern Xinjiang, southern Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, and heavy snow in parts of eastern Liaoning.
It is estimated that two days after the New Year’s Day holiday, snowfall in northern Xinjiang and other places is still frequent, and the accumulated snowfall in parts of Tacheng and Altay is relatively large; Rainfall in the south will also gradually increase, with small to moderate rainfall as the main factor.
The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang and northern Xinjiang, among which there will be heavy snow (5 ~ 7 mm) in northern Xinjiang. There are small to moderate rains in parts of the eastern and southern Sichuan Basin, most of Guizhou, southern Yunnan, most of Hunan, and central and northern Guangxi.
Tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern northern Xinjiang, along the Tianshan Mountains and eastern Tibet. There are small to moderate rains in parts of central and western Jianghan, central and western Jiangnan, eastern Southwest and central and western South China. Among them, there are heavy rains (25-40 mm) in southwestern Hunan, southeastern Guizhou and northeastern Guangxi.
At present, there is still deep snow in Xinjiang and Northeast China, and the weather conditions are generally suitable for ice and snow activities. Everyone should pay attention to prevent the adverse effects of slippery roads, snow and ice on traffic.
Cold air continues to affect the central, eastern, northeastern, Jiangnan and other places, and the temperature drop can exceed 8 C.
Yesterday, the fog and haze weather in central and southern North China to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Sichuan Basin continued, and the visibility in Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Jiangsu was poor. In the afternoon, due to the influence of cold air, the strongest fog and haze weather in North China, Huanghuai and other places this winter gradually weakened and dissipated from west to east and from north to south.
In addition to dispelling fog and haze, cold air will also bring temperature fluctuations to the central and eastern regions. Yesterday, the northern and northeastern parts of North China took the lead in cooling down. The monitoring shows that at 5 o’clock today, compared with 5 o’clock yesterday, some areas in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, western Jilin, central and western Liaoning, northwestern Shanxi and other places experienced a temperature drop of 6 ~ 8 C, and the local drop exceeded 10 C.
Today and tomorrow, cold air will continue to affect the central and eastern regions. It is estimated that the temperature in some parts of central and eastern China will drop by 4 ~ 6 C, and in some parts of the eastern part of Northeast China and the eastern part of the south of the Yangtze River will drop by more than 8 C, accompanied by northerly winds of about 4, and gusts in some parts of the north will be 6 ~ 7. There are more travel activities during the New Year holiday, so everyone needs to pay attention to the temperature change and take measures to prevent cold and keep warm.
In addition to this cold air during the New Year’s Day holiday, there will be two weak cold air activities in the northern region from January 2 to 3 and from January 4 to 5, 2024. On the whole, although there will be frequent cold air activities in the coming week, the overall intensity will be weak and the cooling time will be short, and the temperature in most parts of the country will remain at a higher level than normal.
Source: China Weather Network

30 most classic symphonies, cultivate elegant temperament

Johann sebastian bach is one of the outstanding composers in the Baroque period. His representative works include Aria on G String and Brandenburg Concerto. Aria on the G String is one of Bach’s most famous works. Its beautiful melody and complex composition make it one of the representatives of Baroque music. The Brandenburg Concerto is a set of six concertos, which shows Bach’s exquisite use of different instruments and outstanding creative talent.

George frideric handel is a German composer in the Baroque period. His representative works include Royal Fireworks Music and Messiah. Royal Fireworks Music was written for the celebration of King George II of England, and Water Music is one of Handel’s classics. The Messiah is a religious oratorio, especially the Hallelujah Hymn.

Joseph haydn is an Austrian composer in the classical period. His works are rich and colorful, including symphonies and sonatas. Genesis is a masterpiece of his religious music, which contains aria and chorus, and expresses praise for God’s creation of the world. In addition, Haydn’s symphonies and sonatas have also become one of the classics of classical music.

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HIFI classical music famous songs
Author: HIFI music audition
69.9 coins
Eight people have bought it.

Antonio Vivaldi, an Italian composer in Baroque period, is famous for his string concerto The Four Seasons. Among them, the first movement of Spring in Four Seasons is the most well-known, which vividly depicts the scene of spring and is the pinnacle of Vivaldi’s music.

Ludwig van Beethoven is a German composer in the classical period, and his nine symphonies are regarded as the pinnacle of classical music. Among them, the chorus part of the Ninth Symphony creatively introduced chorus, which became a pioneering work in the history of music. In addition, Beethoven’s violin sonatas, piano concertos and other works are also highly respected.

Mozart was an Austrian composer in the classical period, and his music works were rich and varied. Piano Concerto No.21 and Symphony No.40 among piano concertos are both one of Mozart’s most popular works. The Marriage of Figaro is one of his most famous operas, while Serenade of Strings is a deeply loved chamber music.


Quintet "Trout" in A majorAmong them, the third movement, "Humor", is the most famous. This work shows Schubert’s unique melody and emotion.

String Quartet No.14 in D minor "death and the maiden"This work expresses deep thinking and dramatic musical structure, and is considered as one of Schubert’s most outstanding chamber music.


symphonie fantastiqueIt is famous for the solo of four harps in the second movement, and it is a symphony with romantic atmosphere.


A Midsummer Night’s DreamIncluding the familiar wedding March, it is music based on Shakespeare’s play of the same name.

Violin concerto in e majorAll three movements are very popular and are one of Mendelssohn’s four violin concertos.


symphony no. 1 in d major titan waartAlso known as Beethoven’s Tenth Symphony, the fourth movement imitates the melody of Ode to Joy.

The second, third and fourth symphoniesBrahms’s symphonies are full of depth and emotion, and they are masterpieces of romantic music.


19 nocturnesAmong them, the first three songs are the most famous, which show Chopin’s unique contribution to the poetic expression of piano.

The first and second piano concertosEspecially the second movement of the first concerto is extremely feminine and has unique aesthetic feelings.

Robert Schumann

Childhood sceneThe seventh "Dream Song" is the most classic, expressing Schumann’s deep attachment to the children’s world.

carnivalA piano solo work with a strong romantic flavor.


hungarian rhapsodyThe second and sixth songs are the most famous, showing Liszt’s rich piano skills and romantic enthusiasm.

Piano concerto no.1 in e majorCombining elements of scherzo, it is a concerto full of creativity and individuality.


tchaikovsky: piano concerto no.1This work is famous for its romance, passion and technical requirements, and it is one of the classics in the piano concerto.

Swan LakeIt is famous for its gorgeous music and beautiful dance, especially the waltz.

The NutcrackerThe music of this ballet is one of Tchaikovsky’s most popular works, including Waltz of Flowers and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.


Symphony No.9 "From the New World"Especially the second movement, which is famous for its moving melody, is an outstanding work of dvorak.

Slavic dance musicA series of dance music with strong national characteristics shows dvorak’s love for Czech culture.


Nocturnal, the sea, the afternoon of the shepherd.These works show Debussy’s unique contribution to impressionist music, full of color and imagination.


Mother goose suiteIt is famous for its relaxed and humorous music, including the Camellia Trio.

PoleroIt is a famous orchestral work of Ravel, which is popular for its dynamic and enthusiasm.

bedrich smetana

my motherlandEspecially the second movement "vltava river" is one of Smetana’s representative works.

the bartered brideThe music of this opera is one of the most famous works of Smetana.


Piano concerto in a minorIt is one of the masterpieces of Grieg’s piano works, full of excitement and passion.

Pearl gent suiteIncluding "Morning Music" and "Anitra Dance", it is one of the most famous orchestral works of Grieg.


Finnish songIs one of sibelius’s most famous works, expressing his love for Finland and yearning for freedom.

Sad Waltz, Violin Concerto: Showed his deep and Nordic music language.


Paganini rhapsodyIt is famous for the complexity and romantic feelings of its variations, especially the 18th variation.

Piano Concerto No.2Especially the second movement is praised for its affectionate and beautiful melody.

The above are just some of the composers and works you mentioned, and each composer has rich music creation. I hope these brief introductions can stimulate your interest in classical music. Welcome to continue to learn more about these great composers and their music works.

Game recommendation in June: After "Tears of the King", another batch of masterpieces came strongly.

Text/a bowl of gourd

In the past May, I believe that many players’ time has been rounded up by the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Perhaps in order to avoid the limelight of Tears of the Kingdom, many masterpieces have chosen to be released in the following June.

Of course, in addition to these masterpieces, there are also many excellent new works and domestic games released this month, and the types and contents of the games are so rich that they will never let any player electronic sheep tail.

If you are tired of staying in mainland Heraru, it’s time to welcome these new games.

The first thing to introduce, of course, is the blockbuster that will be released on June 22nd in PS5-Final fantasy 16.

As a classic IP that has lasted for more than 30 years, after 7 years, the Final Fantasy (FF) series finally ushered in a brand-new series.

In fact, in recent years, FF series has been working for a long time and has not released excellent works.

Except for the online game FF14 and the old game remake FF7, the performances of the previously released FF13 and FF15 are actually unsatisfactory.

Therefore, this "FF16" is also shouldering the heavy responsibility of "reviving the glory" in addition to the expectations of players.

At the moment when the turn-based system is gradually declining, this time "FF16" changed the traditional gameplay and chose to move closer to the real-time combat mode.

Saying goodbye to the turn-based battle may be a little uncomfortable for some old players. But in the long run, it is also an appropriate decision to attract a bigger market.

In terms of plot, FF16 is still a familiar fantasy world style.

The story is set in a fantasy world inspired by medieval Europe and inspired by Game of Thrones, and revolves around a continent called Wallis Zea.

According to the news, the duration of the performance in the game alone is as high as 11 hours, and this time does not include the contents of the side tasks. It seems that players who like to watch the plot can relax.

Although the game has not been released yet, "FF16" seems to have been on the cusp of public opinion.

Firstly, FF16 was banned in some areas because it contained some adult content.

Secondly, because of the lack of "diversity" in the game, many European and American media and netizens attacked it.

The first trailer of FF16 was temporarily rated as 18 by PEGI.

For these questions, Yoshida always insists on his own decision.

He said that "players all over the world should have a consistent experience" and that "because Wallis Zeya, as the stage of FF16, is isolated from the world, there are bound to be some shortcomings in the diversity of characters", insisting on refusing to modify adult content and denying the existence of blacks in the game.

Being able to ignore the pressure of public opinion from the outside world and insist on telling your own story well, I think it is also worth letting the players who have been severely criticized recently for The Little Mermaid buy one to wash their eyes (music).

In addition to the highly anticipated FF16, Diablo IV, which will be officially released on June 6th, also has a high degree of topic.

At present, the global media rating of Diablo IV has been lifted, with IGN 9, GS 8 and MC rating websites all scoring 88, which is still very high overall.

Although the game has not yet been officially launched, from the situation of sealing and testing and media evaluation, most players are still satisfied with Diablo 4.

Judging from the gameplay, Diablo 4 is still a classic brush game.

Rich equipment and entries, different professional characteristics, although it is inevitable that there will be some torture and boredom in the process of liver, but the moment you brush out the equipment you want, it is absolutely full of sense of accomplishment.

Compared with the cartoon style of Diablo III, Diablo IV has a darker overall tone and a sharper style.

At the same time, the screen, scene and sound effects of the game have been improved a lot, and it has even been called "one of the best ARPG in history" by IGN editor.

Although Blizzard is no longer the glorious appearance of that year, it has now withdrawn from the mainland market because of short-sightedness.

But I have to admit that the Diablo series is still an emotional destination that many players can’t give up.

With the release of Diablo IV, it may once again set a new benchmark in the game industry and bring more shocking and exciting game experiences to players.

In addition to the two masterpieces mentioned above, the new work of Street Fighter series-Street fighter 6, will also meet with you on June 2.

At present, the media rating of Street Fighter 6 has been lifted.The average MC score reached an unexpected 92 points., ranked fourth in the year.

As the benchmark of 2D fighting games, Street Fighter 6 stands out among all the Street Fighter series.

The main reason for this is that the game provides players with an open world to explore freely.

In the "Travel Around the World" mode, players can not only customize their appearance, but also explore in the general "metropolis" of the open world, learn from their teachers and learn new moves to fight against their opponents.

Street Fighter 6 creates a role interface

Of course, in addition to the refreshing open-world gameplay, the game also adds some new gameplay in the fighting system-the pissing system.

The quarrelling bar is located under the blood bar, which is the first system added in Street Fighter 6.

Compared with the traditional energy bar, the quarrelling bar is full at the beginning, and players can use quarrelling to punch, giving ordinary attacks more effect and strength. However, it should be noted that the character will enter a weak state when the quarrelling is exhausted, so it is also a place to consider in the game to control the consumption of quarrelling reasonably.

Compared with traditional fighting, the pace of the game will be faster and smoother after adding quarrelling, which is a good design.

Generally speaking, Street Fighter 6 is a classic but refreshing game. On the basis of retaining the classics, it adds a lot of fresh gameplay and gives new vitality to the traditional fighting game.

I think, whether you are a fan of fighting games or not, you can try this new work.

The game that attracts the most attention of racing enthusiasts this month is, I think, the F1 23, which will be launched by EA on June 16th.

EA’s F1 series is a very popular racing game.

As an officially authorized game of Formula One World Championship, F1 has a group of loyal fans because it is closest to the real F1 competition.

Compared with the previous work, the performance of F1 23 has really improved a lot.

The handling of the vehicle has been upgraded, and the performance of the vehicle is more predictable. At the same time, the new vehicle physical system also makes the friction of the vehicle stronger when braking, accelerating and turning.

In addition, by adopting the situation of the real F1 team, the game has a better balance between aerodynamics and tire grip, the improvement of engine torque and inertia is more realistic, and the connection between players and vehicles is closer.

In addition to the improvement in vehicle performance, the story mode "braking point" of F1 has made a heavy return in this book.

The plot mode of this work mainly focuses on a fictional team "Konnersport Racing Team", in which two new drivers will face and overcome various difficulties and turning points to accomplish their ambition-to defeat F1 teams and drivers in today’s reality.

This game also returns to the "Red Flag Rule", which adds more drama and strategy to the event;

At the same time, in order to respond to the requirements of the player group, this game has also added an additional 35% distance, which is relatively balanced and more applicable than long sentences and short sentences.

On the whole, as a "new year’s goods" game, although there are not many changes in "F1 23", the new content is quite sincere this time, and I think it is worth the experience of racing enthusiasts.

Next is a real-time strategy game "Alien: Falling into the Dark" with a relatively small game type and a bird’s eye view.

Based on the classic movie Alien seriesAlien: Falling into the Dark, will be launched on June 20th.

As a real-time strategy game overlooking the corner, in Alien: Falling into the Darkness, the player will play the commander of the colonial marine corps and lead the soldiers in the squad to stop the explosion of alien creatures on the Forgotten Moon.

In the game, players command and give orders to four colonial marines to fight against all kinds of aliens in the game, rogue agents of Welland-Utani, and even creatures that have never appeared in the movie.

There are many large levels in the game, and players need to make tactical arrangements for the terrain.

More importantly, the enemy will change his attack strategy according to the player’s actions, which means that the player needs to make decisions at any time to deal with unexpected situations.

Therefore, the game is highly strategic and challenging, which requires players to have certain tactical thinking and reaction ability.

Of course, it is also an important part of the strategy game to make full preparations before the war and further improve the strength of the team.

In the game, players can freely arrange soldiers’ abilities, weapons, equipment and stunts, and at the same time, they can also study new technologies and develop their own bases.

I think this is the charm of RTS to deal with the difficulties to be faced and the unknown dangers.

Since Star of Roller Coaster and Star of Zoo, few other simulated construction games have been widely recognized and loved as these two games.

However, it was released on June 16th, and the game "Fantasy Paradise" released by Bandai Nanmeng Palace was produced by the team of "Island Tycoon", which still made me feel bright after experiencing many simulated business games.

Like similar games, in "Fantasy Paradise", players can customize the amusement facilities and landscape of the park and create their own dream amusement park.

But in addition to the custom content, this work also has a strong story, and has the main characters and a complete plot.

In the plot, the player plays the role of the founder of this amusement park, and builds an unprecedented amusement park step by step by accumulating experience.

Some of them are mainly facilities, props, etc. in amusement parks, while others focus more on business, management and revenue.

At the same time, the way to achieve the goal of the game is more tolerant, and it will not set very demanding difficulty requirements. Different players can have fun in the game.

It is worth noting that this work has a unique concept of "Impossification".

For example, in the game, you can not only make the roller coaster run on the track, but also install wings to make it fly in the air.

This also means that "Fantasy Paradise" can help you realize crazy ideas and ideas, give full play to your imagination, and build more whimsical amusement facilities.

This brand-new gameplay that jumps out of traditional thinking is undoubtedly one of the highlights that attract the old players who simulate business.

existThe maze of world trees Ⅰ·Ⅱ·Ⅲ HD REMASTERWhen it was announced that it would be released on NS and Steam platforms on June 1st, I believe many old players shouted "Yeqing Hui".

Labyrinth of the World Tree 3HD

Yes, as a game first launched on NDS, the series "The Labyrinth of the World Tree" produced by Atlus has a history of 16 years.

The maze of the world tree by NDS

Whether at that time or now, the gameplay of the game has to be said to be "unique".

In the game, players need to control five teams of adventurers with different occupations, face the sudden huge maze, and enter the powerful enemy regardless of danger.

Compared with the traditional JRPG, the plot of The Labyrinth of the World Tree is actually relatively weak.

But the game pays more attention to its unique gameplay-exploring the huge underground Jyukai maze by fighting again and again, and then drawing the map by yourself, looking for shortcuts and fighting against more powerful monsters.

In this HD remake, the game has made many improvements in view of the players’ opinions on the original works.

The remastered version provides three difficulty options on the basis of the past, so that different players can play with their most suitable difficulty.

At the same time, for NS players, especially PC players, who can’t draw a map with dual screens, the game also adds an automatic drawing mode to automatically record their positions in the map. To some extent, this also improves the game experience of some players.

Although the maze of the world tree series is not a particularly famous old game, for those players who have been deeply obsessed with this game, the high-definition screen and improved gameplay of this remastered version are enough to satisfy the nostalgic feelings of these players.

After a lapse of 12 years, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective released in NDS also ushered in a high-definition reproduction.

The game will be released on the whole platform on June 30th, and simplified Chinese has been added in this remastered version.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a puzzle-solving game made by Qiaozhou, the producer of Reversing the Referee series.

Ghost trick: phantom detective by NDS

Although the game sold only 380,000 copies after its release, and its popularity was far less than that of the producer’s Reverse Referee series, in fact, the reputation of Ghost Trick among players is comparable to that of the Reverse Referee series.

In 18 years, Hideki Kamiya voted for "Ghost Trick 2" in the vote of "Which new work do you look forward to most?"

One of the most interesting is the unique gameplay of the game.

Unlike other games, the protagonist of the game is "dead" from the beginning.

The player needs to "possess" the soul of the protagonist to various objects (which must be dead) and move along one by one.

In addition to possession, the protagonist also has the ability to go back in time, which can go back four minutes, and repeat it indefinitely like extracting testimony in Reversing the Referee to solve the problem.

On the basis of the original gameplay of the game, this remastered version optimizes the screen, and at the same time, it also adds a collection function. You can use various illustrations and BGM in the "Illustration Collection" of the game.

It is worth mentioning that the game also invited Beichuan Baochang, a popular composer in charge of BGM, to arrange the original music at the same time.

I think for players who have played Ghost Trick or not, this remastered version can get a good game experience.

The game, which will also be remade this month, will be launched on June 15th.Layers of fear remake.

If you are a fan of horror games, or a player who is interested in horror games but is afraid to contact them, then you have definitely heard of the classic horror game "Layers of Fear".

Compared with "Resident Evil", a game that directly spreads flesh and blood in the picture, the picture performance of "Layers of Fear" is more restrained.

Canvas is the most in the game.

The unique visual and artistic style of the game makes players feel as if they are in a huge oil painting.

And the plot that is pressing step by step and the characters that are stripped of their cocoons are also very good for driving a frightening and insane psychological terror atmosphere, which is not only an environmental horror, but also a kind of fear in the heart, which makes people unable to calm down for a long time after customs clearance.

High praise of Steam community

This time, "Layer upon layer fear remake" uses Unreal 5 engine technology, and supports ray tracing, HDR and 4K resolution at the same time, making amazing visual effects and nightmare experiences as immersive and realistic as possible.

The remastered version includes Layers of Fear 1, Layers of Fear 2 and DLC. At the same time, it will also launch a brand-new DLC to tell the stories of writers who have never been told, and connect all the plots of the game together.

I believe that under the Unreal 5 engine, the thrill of the game will definitely be by going up one flight of stairs.

But if, like me, you still dare not continue playing the game for five minutes, you should carefully consider whether you can withstand a more realistic atmosphere of terror (sad).

Believe in Netease"Against the Cold" Mobile Games, is definitely one of the games that many players are very concerned about this month.

The first beta was started in August, 2001, and it has been brewing for so many years. Finally, the game will be officially released on June 30th.

As a martial arts MMO enthusiast, I have also played many similar games on the PC platform.

However, when I first saw the picture of the mobile game against the water, I still had a trance-like feeling of "Is this really played on the mobile phone platform?"

The screen of the game can be said to be absolutely superior to similar mobile games, and both the scenery on the road and the appearance details of the characters are particularly exquisite.

In addition to the images that fascinate countless appearance parties and scenery parties, there are various ways to play in the game. In addition to the main story and copy of the traditional martial arts MMORPG, there are also unique ways to play in the open world, such as adventure, solving puzzles and stealing teachers, which breaks the traditional MMO concept.

What is even more eye-catching is that the anti-cold mobile game also combines the recent hot AI technology, injecting "soul" into the NPCs in the game. In the game, you will find that these NPCs seem to have their own emotions like real people, and even whisper.

Judging from the internal test, the mobile game "Against the Water" is still very worth looking forward to.

If you are looking for an excellent martial arts mobile game, or want to experience a game world full of rivers and lakes, then the mobile game "Against the Water" is definitely a recommended choice.

Ok, that’s my June game recommendation.

Compared with May, which was covered by light, June can be said to be a month of small blowout of various games. There are not only the continuation of classic IP after many years, but also the sale of different types of games such as RTS and racing.

In the hot June, when you are tired of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I think there is always a game that can give you a coolness.

How to understand baseball gracefully

Yingxianjun teaches you how to understand baseball gracefully.

Baseball is one of the three major American sports (rugby, baseball and basketball).Although the NBA is more well known by domestic fans, the actual influence and popularity of baseball in the United States exceeds that of basketball.That’s why NBA legend Michael Jordan changed his career to play baseball after the first bull won three consecutive championships.

However, the rules of baseball are complicated and seem to be less coherent than basketball games and less intense than football games, so people who are not familiar with baseball will find baseball games very boring, while baseball fans will find it very exciting.That’s why people say, "if you love someone, send him to watch baseball, because it’s heaven;" If you hate someone, send him to watch baseball, because it is hell. "

In fact, it is not difficult to understand baseball, and once you know what the baseball game is all about, it is a natural thing to love it.In this article, Ying Xianjun will tell you how to understand baseball gracefully.

In fact, the fate between Yingxianjun and baseball can be traced back to childhood.Yingxianjun was deeply influenced by Japanese comics when he was young. From "Robot Cat" to "Dragon Ball" to "You You Bai Shu", the comics of that era were almost unobstructed.Among them, Baseball Hero (also known as Girl Next Door, English name is Touch) can definitely rank among the top three favorite comics of Shang Ying Xian Jun. Whether it’s comic books or cartoons, Baseball Hero won’t let you down. Such a cartoon with baseball as the background is full of youthful and ignorant passion, growing scars and ideal pursuit, which is a rare masterpiece.Uesugi Tatsuya, who plays around at ordinary times but gets serious at critical moments, will frighten people to death, and Minami Asakura, the girl next door with an absolutely ideal girlfriend in those days, and Nanfeng Coffee Shop full of youthful breath, are all like vivid individuals who really live around you.Let you be in a trance like a dream, and embark on the journey of pursuing your ideals with them. And that sentence "I want to take you to Koshien" became the most romantic confession line of the year. Yingxianjun will write a cartoon article on Baseball Heroes in the later period, which is really full of memories of youth.

So get down to business, how do you understand baseball? Ying Xianjun here uses a rap song "The Second Half of the Ninth inning" by MC Hotdog to help you understand baseball.First of all, understand the basic pattern of baseball game. The baseball game is divided into nine innings, and each inning is divided into two top and bottom innings.Therefore, the meaning of the song name "the second half of the ninth inning" is very clear, which is roughly equivalent to 80 minutes in the second half of a football game or 6 minutes in the fourth quarter of an NBA game.The singer’s actual expression of his youth is drawing to a close, fully expressing his helplessness and sadness over the passage of time.

In baseball, two teams attack and defend alternately.The attacker is hit by a batter every time. After hitting the ball, the batter’s task is to start from home plate, pass through first base, second base and third base in a counterclockwise direction, and finally return to home plate, and make a full circle and return to home plate to score a Run.But it’s not that you can run straight back to home plate to score after hitting the ball once (this situation that allows you to run straight for a lap is called home run).As the old saying goes, "You should eat the rice bit by bit and walk step by step".So slowly and steadily, go to one base at a time, and then the next teammate will create opportunities to go to another base, step by step, until you score.So baseball is a high IQ project that fully embodies teamwork.

The purpose of the defender is to prevent the attacker from scoring. The defense team consists of nine players. The following picture shows the field specifications of the baseball field. The defense consists of Pitcher, Catcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, Short Stop, Left Fielder, Center Fielder and Right Fielder, respectively.

Briefly introduce American professional baseball. Major League Baseball (MLB) in the United States is an association organization of professional basketball, which can be understood as NBA by analogy. MLB is divided into American League and National League, which can be roughly understood as the east and west of NBA. However, AL and NL have their own three sub-regions: East, Middle and West. Every season is from April to October, and each of the 30 major league teams has 162 regular-season games. After that, the champion of each division and the two wild cards of each league entered the playoffs, and then the remaining two teams competed for the championship of the World Series.

The first lesson of baseball is to make it clear that the gloved people standing on the court are in the same group, but the swinging people are not in the same group.The person who swings the bat is the attacker. The purpose of the attacker is to hit the ball thrown by the pitcher where the gloved people can’t pick it up, and then run to the corresponding next base before they pick it up and pass it back to the bag, which is called safe base.This stroke is called a Hit. At this time, you can stay there and wait for the next player of your own team to play, and go on and on (so the attacker can have up to four people on the court at any time, occupying home plate batting position, first base, second base and third base respectively).However, if the swinger hits the ball and runs to first base, and the gloved defender has already returned the ball to the first baseman before he reaches first base, then the swinger is out.

Once the attacker is out of the game for a half game, the half game is over and the two sides exchange offense and defense. Therefore, the "two outs, full bases, two good and three bad" mentioned in MC Hotdog’s song is a very tense state of adversity.So what does "two good and three bad" mean? Here, the camera switches to the home plate hitting zone. When the Batter stands in the home plate batting area and confronts the defensive pitcher, it is a contest between the reaction speed and arm strength of both sides.The home plate at home plate is a pentagon. Imagine a three-dimensional figure with the pentagon as the base and the distance from the batter’s knee to his shoulder as high. This area is called the strike zone.

A pitcher who throws a baseball within the Strike zone is called a strike. If the flight route of three baseball throws passes through this area and the batter fails to hit the ball, then the batter will be struck out. A Ball that a pitcher throws without crossing the strike zone is called a bad ball. And if the pitcher fails to cross the strike zone four times, it is judged as a four-ball. Then the batter is automatically walked to first base at this time (you can walk slowly and don’t need to run in a hurry).

So when "two outs, two good and three bad", if the attacker is still full (meaning that the first, second and third bases are occupied by the attacker), the pressure on the pitcher is actually great.It’s better to throw a good ball. Three opponents are out. The half game is over and the danger alarm is lifted. However, if this ball is a bad one, then the opponent will be automatically walked to base. At this time, the batter has first base, the player who was on first base goes to second base, and so on. The player who was on third base returns to home base, and the attacker gets a share. At this time, if the thrown ball is hit by the opponent’s home run, then at this time, because there are people on the third base, if the batter is counted, all of them will go around the home plate and attack the opponent’s four points.This kind of home run is called a Grand Slam.

Of course, for the batter, it is very uncomfortable to be struck out, so it is a great sadness for MC Hotdog to sing "I was a pitcher and was struck out by myself" in the song.

Here, we need to summarize the judgment of counting good balls and bad balls in different situations:

The baseball flew across the strike zone and the batter didn’t swing.

As long as the batter misses his swing, whether the baseball flies over the strike zone or not, it is a good ball.

The batter hit the baseball with his swing, but the ball flew out of bounds and was counted as a good one.

(However, if you have already struck two strikes, swinging the ball out of bounds will not count as a strike.)

The baseball’s flight path did not cross the strike zone, and the batter did not swing.

In addition, it should be noted that the attacker on the court can not run to base only after the pitcher throws the ball and then hits it. But as long as there is no foul ball, or walking to the base to wait for the ball, people on the first, second and third bases can always run to the next base bag before the pitcher throws the ball.This behavior is called Steal, and if you get on the base successfully, steal the base successfully. Stealing bases is a great test of a player’s judgment on the situation on the court and his running speed. That’s why baseball surprises you so much.

Just mentioned a lot of home runs, so what does home run mean?A Home Run, or home run, means that the batter hits the ball high and far and flies directly over the fence. At this time, the defender can’t get the ball back, so everyone on the base, including the batter, automatically returns to home plate to score.Of course, it is not easy to hit a home run. A professional baseball player may not hit a few home runs in his whole career. Of course, excellent players also exist.The record holder of the most home runs in his career is Barry Bonds, a legendary player of the San Francisco Giants, who hit 762 home runs in his career. In professional baseball, players who have scored more than 500 home runs in their careers are listed as 500 Home Run Club. The closest member to us is David Ortiz, the head of the Boston Red Sox. He retired on October 2, 2016, and held a grand retirement ceremony for him at Fenway Stadium, the home of Red Sox in Boston. Ying Xianjun was lucky enough to go to the scene to watch his retirement battle, which was still very shocking.

Photographed on October 2, 2016 at Fenway Stadium in Boston.

Then let’s review the knowledge points by knowing the scoreboard of baseball games.The following is the match between Oakland Athletics and Los Angeles Angels. At present, the score is 5 to 3. The 5th and an upward triangle indicate that it is the first half of the fifth inning. The yellow diamond in the middle indicates that the attacker is Oakland, and they are currently occupied at second base. 2-1 shows that this batter is two bad balls and one good ball at present. 1 Out indicates that Oakland is currently out by one person.

With the above basic knowledge, you can basically understand what baseball is like gracefully. Instead of wondering what a group of people are doing after throwing a ball and running around.

Two eggs are attached here. The first egg is what if you play nine innings and still draw? Will there be overtime?The answer is yes. If the nine games are tied, then one extra game will be played, and the tenth game will be continued. If the game is still tied, one more game will be played until the game is decided.

Here, as MC Hotdog sang, "life is a baseball game. After nine innings, will there be an overtime?" There is overtime in the game, but life can’t be repeated. There is no overtime. So we should cherish the present and watch baseball carefully.

The second egg. Careful readers may have found a problem. When the batter hits the ball directly over the fence and the first landing point is off the court, the ball is counted as a home run. What if the first landing point of the ball is on the court and then bounces off the court?This is the famous "Ground Rule Double". If this happens, all the attacking players on the field will automatically advance to the second base. If the attacker has someone on the third base, he will return to home plate and score. If there is someone on the second base, he will still go forward two bases and return to home plate and score.

On June 12th, 2017, Boston Red Sox played a long game with Philadelphia Phillies. The score was tied at 5:5 until the 12th Inning. Finally, the Red Sox scored a "Ground Rule Double" and beat Philadelphia by one point. Ying Xianjun also went to the scene to watch the game, and the game didn’t end until 00:30 in the morning. It was really exhausting to watch.

The above content is enough to help you understand baseball gracefully, and I wish you further and further on the road to becoming a baseball fan. Maybe one day Young-hyun Jun will meet you by chance at a baseball game.

Pay attention to WeChat WeChat official account: Yingxianshe.

The world is so desolate that only a lonely heart can be cultivated.

What does offside mean in football match? Will your own team be offside in the half court?

Offside is a professional term in football match, which first appeared in the Rules of Football Match promulgated in 1874. It is defined as: when the ball is passed in front of the attack direction, when the football kicks out, if the teammate of the defensive half is closer to the goal than the penultimate defender of the other side, and wants to use this position to interfere with the game or gain benefits, the player will be sentenced to offside.

There are many technical terms in football matches, such as penalty kick, corner kick, sideline kick, offside, etc. Among them, offside is often heard by many people, but its basic meaning is still ambiguous, and sometimes it is impossible to make an accurate judgment under special circumstances. Let’s explain it in detail below.

When we watch a football match, we often see a sideline referee raise a flag just after a player scores the ball into the opponent’s goal. The player who scored the goal has to shake his head helplessly and throw himself back into the attack. Naturally, the goal just scored will not count. Why? Because he was offside, he was offside at the moment when his teammates passed the ball to him.

Which position on the court is offside? In fact, there is no specific position, depending on the position of the players. First of all, offside can only happen in the opponent’s half court. At the moment when our own players pass the ball, we should observe the positions of all the players. When the player who is ready to catch the ball is at the forefront of all the players (excluding the goalkeeper of the opponent), he is offside. This position is not the position of his feet, but the position of his body, and his shoulders and head are leading.

In the past, offside was judged by the sideline referee with the naked eye, which naturally could not be absolutely accurate. But now, with the introduction of high-tech VAR technology, many offsides between millimeters can’t escape from the "eyes". However, although VAR makes the game fairer, it also reduces the excitement of the game to a certain extent and makes many beautiful goals invalid.

There are some special situations about offside on the court. For example, although the attacking player who receives the ball is ahead of all the defensive players (except the goalkeeper), he is still in his own half, so he is not offside at this time.

If a player on the attacking side is offside at the moment when the player passes the ball, but he doesn’t catch the ball or participate in the next attack, then he is not offside.

The last situation: although a player on the attacking side is in an offside position, he just runs with him, participates in the stall, and creates shooting opportunities for his own players, but he never touches the ball from beginning to end. Is he offside? Real fans, please tell me in the comments section.