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iQIYI produces comedy movie "The Future is Massive" on May 16, cloud cinema alone

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is to convey more information and does not represent the views and positions of this website.

What would you do if you met a rival in a desperate situation and only had a truckload of beer to satisfy your hunger?

On May 16, produced by iQIYI, directed by Jiang Xiaotong, starring Bao Bell, starring Mingdao, Han Yunyun, and Bardo, Yin Ziwei’s disaster comedy movie "The Future of Massive" was officially broadcast in iQIYI Cloud Cinema. The film is priced at 18 yuan, and iQIYI VIP members can enjoy a half-price discount. The film is a key literary and artistic boutique project of "Beijing Audiovisual". The Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau has given follow-up guidance and support in project filing, film review, publicity and promotion, and promotion.

The protagonist of the film, Ma Shang (Bao Bell, played), is middle-aged, hit by divorce, burdened with heavy debts, and almost reached a desperate situation in life. The trick of fate is far from over. An unexpected tunnel collapse traps him with his ex-wife’s current excellent husband (Ming Dao, played), and the only food is a truckload of beer. In this crazy adventure, they join hands with Shirley (Han Yunyun, played) and Lao Wang (Bardo), who are in this difficult situation, to fight crocodiles, outsmart bandits, and survive.

Previously, as soon as the news of the "Future Massive" was released, it aroused the attention and discussion of the whole network. The related trailer quickly ranked 8th on the iQIYI in-app hot search list and 1st on the movie list. The related topic #Future Massive Mingdao is beyond blunt feeling #It has entered the top 16 of the Douyin hot list and the top 5 of the entertainment list. After going online, netizens left messages in the iQIYI in-app comment area saying: "The effect of tunnel collapse and crocodile war is so real" "I didn’t expect Ba Zongming to be so terrifying in his comedy, which amazed me" "It’s the first time I’ve seen a disaster escape movie so funny, the director is very creative" "Under the absurdity, I also got the persistence and relief of the character Bao Bell, and the ending is very touching".

Among them, the style collision of Bao Bell and Mingdao "one north and one south" added a lot of surprises to the film, and the audience was most enthusiastic about it. Talking about the mix and match considerations of the main creative team of the film, director Jiang Xiaotong shared at the premiere of the film: "Northeast humor style is direct and external, while desktop humor is more restrained. We believe that these two styles can collide with different sparks and bring the audience a richer comedy experience." The star Mingdao also admitted that he has been trying different scripts and themes, and this participation in this innovative comedy work with disaster elements is a new breakthrough and challenge.

The high-energy scenes are constantly reversed, and there are many wonderful and exciting jokes. "Future Massive" presents the audience with the most crazy tunnel survival in history, which not only makes people laugh, but also contains profound human nature discussion. Director Jiang Xiaotong also said: "Through the tunnel, we will all move towards the light and usher in a new stage of life. I hope everyone will not only feel very happy during the viewing, but also have the courage to face difficulties and not give up easily."

How to face challenges and hold fast to your beliefs in difficult situations? Is the seemingly inescapable "tunnel valley" the final light or the direction to lead the way? Come to iQIYI Cloud Cinema on May 16th, "The Future of Massive" invites you to embark on this desperate escape journey to restart your life!

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Exclusively reveal the latest progress of Didi’s car manufacturing

This article is from the WeChat official account:Cybercar (ID: Cyber-car)Author: Andy Xiao Ying, head image from: Visual China

Didi’s car manufacturing has made rapid progress.

Recently, a person familiar with the matter revealed to Cybercar.Didi’s car manufacturing plan may be officially announced in June this year.And strive to deliver the new car in June next year. Didi’s car-making business is code-named "Da Vinci", and the current team size is about 1,700 people, located in Shunyi, Beijing.

The first model developed by Didi may be an A-class pure electric vehicle for the mass consumer market, with a size close to that of BYD Qin and GAC Aian S, priced at about 150,000 yuan.

At the same time, Didi is also developing a second model for the online car-hailing market, the D1 Light, which is a lightweight version based on the D1 development. It is planned to be used by Hua Xiaozhu and is still produced by BYD.

Didi’s two car manufacturing projects,The model code for the online car-hailing market is D1, and the model code for the mass consumer market is C1.According to people familiar with the matter, on the surface, D1 and C1 are all led by Didi Chuxing Vice President Yang Jun, but in fact, Yang Jun is mainly responsible for D1, and the C1 project is chaired by Didi veteran employee Luo Wen, who reports directly to Didi Chuxing CEO Cheng Wei.

In addition, among the known project leaders, Liu Haijiang, vice president of Didi Chuxing and general manager of the Automotive Innovation Center, is in charge of the supply chain, and Zhang Rui, who was the general manager of Didi Hitch Division, is in charge of user operations. At present, the supplier is gradually being confirmed, and the power battery supplier may be Ningde Times or BYD.

Another person familiar with the matter said,Didi plans to acquire a car manufacturing qualification and factory.In order to fully control the R & D and production of C1. At present, the acquisition target is locked in the factory located in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province. Insiders of the company also said that the possibility of a deal is relatively high, and there may be results at the end of the month. At present, employees are waiting for follow-up arrangements.

Resolution car

Didi has always had the idea of building a car, and it was only after the release of Didi D1 that it truly decided to build a car independently.

From the earliest cooperation with Li Auto and the establishment of the "Torrent Alliance", to the cooperation with BYD and the release of D1,Didi’s car-making strategy has undergone a shift from "cooperating with car companies" to "building cars independently".

In April 2018, Didi and 31 auto industry chain companies jointly launched the "Torrent Alliance". During this period, Cheng Wei has always declared that Didi will not build cars. Just like Huawei today, the story is about empowering car companies.

The logic behind this strategy is also very simple. As the scene operator, Didi has the right to decide what car the platform wants and what car it doesn’t want. Behind the power lies the game with car companies. Once Didi builds a car, it is equivalent to being both a referee and a player, breaking the balance with car companies. Therefore, in order to win mutual benefit and trust with car companies, in the initial stage, Didi prefers to cooperate in car building.

According to public information, a month before the establishment of the "Torrent Alliance", Didi and Li Auto finalized a strategic cooperation, and the two sides established a joint venture company to jointly build models for the mobility market.

On the same timeline, there is also undisclosed information that Didi’s car-building cooperation with BYD is also in the pipeline. According to people familiar with the matter, in 2017 and 2018, Liu Haijiang visited a number of OEMs extensively to finalize the car-building cooperation.

At that time, most car companies did not think that Didi could help much in sales, so they did not promote cooperation with Didi.

As for why BYD was able to accept Didi, there are two theories.

One theory is that in 2017, BYD was in a period of sluggish sales, with both sales and net profit falling sharply. In 2018, the competitive environment of the entire automobile market became even worse, ushering in the first negative growth of our country’s automobile market in 28 years. In this context, BYD is willing to make more attempts.

Another theory is that at that time, Didi’s control of car manufacturing costs was very strict, and other car companies were unable to achieve such costs. Only BYD could barely afford it.

Although Didi quickly reached cooperation with Li Auto and BYD before and after the "Torrent Alliance", the follow-up progress was not smooth.

First, Li Auto had another way out. In August 2019, in the C round of financing, Li Auto took money from Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan, Didi’s biggest competitor. Didi felt that the ideal was "treacherous", which caused the project to die.

At the same time, after experiencing the car market downturn in 2018, BYD’s sales have improved, and the importance of cooperation with Didi has not been so high, which has led to the slow progress of the D1 project, which is at least half a year later than expected.

In addition, Didi also realized that,In cooperation with car companies, it is difficult for Didi to have dominance and has the voice over.

From the surface, the cooperation between the two parties has a clear division of labor and is led by Didi. According to the official statement of Didi at that time, Didi is responsible for the definition and design of products, while BYD is equivalent to the role of product manager, based on hardware manufacturing, quality control and other capabilities, to control the whole process from Product Research & Development to landing.

But in fact,The scope for Didi to play at the product definition level is very limited.

Didi insiders revealed that the appearance, interior, BYD can compromise, but once it comes to the core level of hardware and system, Didi does not have the voice over. Even so far, Didi wants some key data about the car, but still can’t get it.

It may have been two less beautiful collaborations that completely dashed Didi’s illusion of cooperating with OEMs to build cars.

Sell to C-end

At first, when Cheng Wei was thinking about Didi’s entire business model,The top priority is not building cars, but autonomous driving.

According to Didi insiders, Cheng Wei has been worried about what will happen to Didi if they continue to follow the business model of online car-hailing. The final judgment is that the proportion of labor costs for online car-hailing is too high, the business model is unhealthy, and unhealthy will lead to chronic death.

In the very early days, Didi had a basic judgment that only by eliminating the labor cost can Didi’s online car-hailing model be healthy in the future. Therefore, Didi made it clear that autonomous driving is the most necessary thing, and it cannot be left to others to do it.

In 2016, Didi began research on autonomous driving.At the time it had a very romantic name for the department of the future – Voyager(Voyage explorer)

Then, Didi began to think about another problem, how to implement autonomous driving. If joint ventures with car companies are one of Didi’s fantasies, then another of Didi’s fantasies is to sell autonomous driving systems to car companies. Under this strategy, in August 2019, Didi Chuxing announced that it would upgrade its autonomous driving department to an independent company.

Didi’s strategy is very logical. Compared with many online ride-hailing platforms,The core competitiveness of Didi is the certainty of service.Including the certainty of waiting, the certainty of arrival, and the certainty of the halfway experience. Imagine if one day the autonomous driving technology is mature, and there are more than a dozen different software and hardware systems on the Didi platform, how will Didi get through, dispatch, and ensure safety? These will be big potential problems.

Therefore,Didi must unify its autonomous driving strategy to ensure overall control and planning.Building a mature autonomous driving system to sell to car companies may have been Didi’s wishful thinking when it broke up the autonomous driving company.

However, what made Didi unexpected was that,The arrival of autonomous driving will take so long.This gives automakers enough time to develop themselves, leveling the competitive advantage of early players such as Didi and Baidu. In other words, automakers will not purchase its autonomous driving system as Didi wishes.

If we can’t achieve extensive cooperation with car companies through the B-end breakthrough, then Didi is facing a big problem, how to accumulate the scale of the vehicle? The cost of an L4 autonomous vehicle is not low, and it is unrealistic for Didi to bear the full cost by itself.

Then, there is only one path before Didi, that is, it must build a car and sell it to users.

Didi builds its own cars, which can simultaneously meet core needs such as scale, cost sharing, and continuous cash flow. If this move is correct, Didi will gain time to breathe and continue to consolidate its online car-hailing business.

This can also be confirmed by the model products created by Didi. The product pricing of C1 and D1 is in the range of 15 to 200,000 yuan, and the competition is the main model of the current special express car.

Therefore, fundamentally,Didi car is still paving the way for online car-hailing.Solve the dilemma of the online car-hailing business model.

maximum injury

Didi has revealed in the prospectus that autonomous driving and shared transportation platforms, car service networks, and electric vehicles have become the four core strategic blocks for Didi to build the future of Chuxing. At present, with the conclusion of the car construction project, Didi’s four main business sectors have made substantial progress.

Despite this, the future of Didi is not clear. According to Didi insiders, after the announcement of the delisting of US stocks, other measures related to Didi’s punishment have not yet come down. It feels like things are not over yet, and no one knows where Didi will go.

On March 11, Didi was revealed to have suspended preparations for a Hong Kong stock listing because it failed to meet regulators’ data security requirements. This cast another shadow on Didi’s development prospects.

In the short term, it is difficult for Didi to do more in the online car-hailing business. According to the statistics of the national online car-hailing regulatory information exchange platform, after the regulatory storm, Didi’s monthly market share of online car-hailing once fell by more than 20%.

An industry insider working for a leading online ride-hailing company said that the data of the regulatory platform is mainly filled in by the company itself, and there may be some moisture in the decline of 20%, but even if it decreases by 20%, Didi will rebound, and other players will still lack the ability to deal with it.

Therefore, at this stage, for Didi, it may be the most appropriate thing to recharge and create a good enough car product, so that all previous plans can become meaningful.

Didi has put more attention on building cars and autonomous driving, and Didi insiders say that the person in charge will stay in Shunyi for half of the week to supervise the battle.

Even so, in the eyes of internal employees, Didi Car still has one of the biggest flaws.It’s just that there is no high-level executive who really understands cars to control this matter.

The employee said that in the process of cooperating with BYD to build cars,Didi has not amassed enough technology and talent.Cheng Wei himself summed up the cooperation between the two parties, saying that Didi was just a student and learned the complexity of car building.

From D1 to C1, Didi has not had a senior chief engineer who understands cars. Yang Jun and Liu Haijiang are both from Lenovo, while Luo Wen and Liu Rui are internal employees of Didi. These team managers have limited knowledge of cars and it is difficult to make reasonable judgments.

In addition, although Didi’s autonomous driving started early, the team’s development has undergone several twists and turns, and the overall advancement speed is slow. Whether it can become the killer of Didi’s car building is still difficult to judge.

No matter what, Didi’s entry into the car market will stir up the entire automotive industry ecosystem. Let’s keep our expectations for the official announcement of Didi’s car project.

This article is from the WeChat official account:Cybercar (ID: Cyber-car)Author: Andy Xiao

Xu I’s life is only for that "China star"

Open the vast book of our country’s aerospace industry, "Dongfanghong No. 1", as the first monument in the history of our country’s aerospace, has been expressed and paid tribute in different forms by countless literati and writers.

Here, we see the group portraits of Chinese astronauts who are self-reliant, understand the firm belief in serving the country through science in difficult times, and thus remember the names of a group of patriotic scientists such as Qian Xuesen, Ren Xinmin, Sun Jiadong, and Qi Fa Qi.

Don’t forget to dig wells. For any cause or any project, the role of the founder, paving stone and lookout is undoubtedly the most important, and it is also easy to be forgotten by future generations. They need to have extraordinary wisdom, firm belief and a strong heart. In the initial stage of the development of our country’s first artificial satellite, there were two people who were close and far away from us. Speaking of near, because the launch of Dongfanghong No. 1 was less than 50 years ago, and we have a lot of information to consult and learn; speaking of far, they have long since left us.

They are all the pioneers and founders of our country’s space technology – Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji.

One day at the end of July, under the recollection of Mr. Hu Qizheng, an 84-year-old member of the overall team of the Dongfanghong-1 satellite, the passionate years that had passed with Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji were once again awakened.

The birthplace of Chinese satellite development –

No.1 West Garden Playground

At the behest of Chairperson Mao, "We also want to develop artificial earth satellites," in 1959, after graduating from the electrical engineering department of Tsinghua University, Hu Qizheng, 24, was assigned to a "mysterious unit" – Group 581, which was responsible for formulating satellite plans and organizing and coordinating satellite and rocket sounding operations. At No. 1 Xiyuan Playground, he met Qian Ji, the head of the office of Group 581, for the first time.

At that time, Qian Ji was actually the person in charge of the overall satellite technology. The first time they met, Qian Ji, who had few words and deep eyes, expressed three meanings to Hu Qizheng: first, welcome, second, pay attention to confidentiality, and third, we are engaged in space exploration, and we will do things in the future. Hu Qizheng was very excited when he heard it, and from then on, he started his aerospace career, and Qian Ji was also regarded by him as the leader of his aerospace career.

No. 1, Xiyuan Playground, a courtyard borrowed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences from Zhongzhi Xiyuan organs around 1954. According to Wu Zhicheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Space Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (then in charge of the management of the 581 scientific research program), it was overgrown with weeds and simple conditions, but it was the birthplace of our country’s space industry: the proposal for the establishment of a national satellite project in our country was drafted here; the idea of our country’s first satellite was brewed and born here; the pre-research of the satellite was launched here; the meteorological rocket detection test was started here…

There is a three-story gray brick building on the north-south side of the hospital, which is used as a research laboratory. Then dozens of bungalows were built one after another, including administrative office rooms, machining workshops, glass workshops, equipment warehouses, garages, etc. Early developers also converted a dry toilet in the northwest corner into an environmental simulation laboratory. To make vacuum instruments, they also built their own earth gas generator, which is used for blowing glass and sealing vacuum tubes.

At that time, following the scientific policy of diligence and frugality, everything was simple. The eight research groups working here were fully engaged in rocket sounding research and satellite pre-research preparations.

At the beginning of the formation of the 581 group, Zhao Jiuzhang, Qian Ji, Yang Jiachi and his party went to the Soviet Union to observe the satellites with great interest, but they only took a look at the appearance of the satellites from a distance, let alone cooperation and technical assistance. Without learning the ability of satellite development, it inspired the fighting spirit of scientists: If you don’t let it learn, we will do it ourselves! It is proud that our country has developed the satellite business completely by self-reliance from scratch.

After investigating the industrial base at home and abroad, combined with the economic conditions and scientific research conditions of our country at that time, scientists in our country suggested that "the current satellite launch is not commensurate with national strength, and the space technology research mission should be adjusted." The 581 group then made adjustments and focused its research on sounding rockets.

In 1960, Chairperson Mao Zedong visited a sounding rocket

From 1959 to 1965, the research entities led by Zhao Jiuzhang, Wei Yiqing, and Qian Ji worked actively, and worked closely with the Shanghai Electromechanical Design Institute led by Yang Nansheng and Wang Xiji. From 1960 to 1965, more than 20 T7 and T7A sounding rockets were launched and tested, and meteorological data below 60 kilometers were obtained. Ionospheric, biological and other projects were tested. These have laid a certain technical foundation for satellite development.

From 1960 to 1962, China’s aerospace industry was a "difficult and progressive three-year period". It was difficult because the people of the whole country were facing the same problem: not having enough to eat. The astronauts were no exception. Qian Ji and Hu Qizheng had to spare two catties of food for their comrades who ate a lot. Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian ****** puffy legs due to malnutrition.

More difficult than not having enough to eat and no clothes to wear is the resistance at work, no clue. I have never done a satellite, and no one has done a satellite. Qian Ji said, don’t be afraid, we will do it ourselves. He led everyone to look up the literature, bit by bit, from scratch.

After studying, they found that compared with the Soviet Union, the literature reference value of the United States is better. But everyone’s English level is very limited, what should I do? So Mr. Qin Xinling and the English-speaking technicians took the initiative to teach you professional English.

When it comes to learning English and reading literature, Qian Ji is a famous English expert. Although he has no overseas study experience, he loves to learn and is eager to read literature. He has a special habit of making his own reading cards while studying. In his lifetime, he made nearly 20,000 reading cards, forming a huge and precious database. In the era without computers, these cards were the greatest intellectual support. Hu Qizheng fondly recalled: "Qian Ji taught us how to read books and how to read literature."

Qian Ji at work

At No. 1 Xiyuan Playground, although the days were hard, everyone was very motivated. Every night, the leaders came to urge the young people to turn off the lights and go back to rest early. Qian Ji always encouraged everyone: There must be a goal in life, otherwise there is no meaning in living. Under the leadership of Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji, everyone basically figured out the composition, function and key technologies of the satellite, and figured out the way of satellite development in our country. "Application as traction" has become the guiding ideology of satellite research and development in our country.

1965 –

Our country restarts satellite development plan

In October 1964, Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji visited Base 20 (now Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center) at the invitation of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. After this visit, one night in early November 1964, Qian Xuesen came to Zhao Jiuzhang’s office. When Qian Xuesen met, he asked, "What is the impression of going to the base?" Zhao Jiuzhang said, "The harvest is very large, and the missile development progress is so fast, which is really unexpected." Zhao Jiuzhang believes that in another four or five years, the launch vehicle of about 100 kilograms of satellites may be developed, and the satellite development is also certain to be completed. Now the key is that the satellite development must be approved by the state.

Zhao Jiuzhang urgently felt that he should write a report to the central government to express the necessity and possibility of developing satellites. In January 1965, Qian Xuesen wrote to Nie Rongzhen, arguing that the conditions were now in place to consider the satellite issue.

Previously, the developers of No. 1 in Xiyuan Playground have been renamed from Group 581 to the Second Department of Geophysics. They have formed a professional satellite development team, and Qian Ji, deputy director of the Second Department, is the general technical director of the satellite. Satellite development in our country has thus embarked on the road of professional development.

In order to submit the report to the central government as soon as possible, the Academy of Sciences instructed a general team composed of He Zhenghua, Pan Houren, and Hu Qizheng, directly led by Qian Ji, to write the "Ten-year plan for the development of our country’s satellite industry" and the "Proposal for the development of our country’s artificial satellite work". Two reports, the plan was finally submitted to the central government by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In August 1965, Zhang Jinfu, then the secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Party Group, reported at the 13th meeting of the Central Special Committee and received a reply: Pass, execute! Since then, the satellite development project has been officially established, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has listed this as the No. 1 task in 1965, code-named "651".

Musical installation of "The East is Red" with Chairperson Mao’s badge

From October 20 to November 30, 1965, the Science Hall of Beijing Friendship Hotel held our country’s first satellite demonstration. The meeting was chaired by Pei Lisheng, vice president of the Academy of Sciences, and there were more than 120 representatives. The experts fully discussed and reached consensus on many issues. The meeting lasted for 42 days.

The conference produced four documents on the overall plan, the main body plan, the vehicle plan, and the ground system plan for our country’s first satellite, and also prepared 27 special materials with a total of about 150,000 words. During the conference, Premier Zhou invited the delegates to the small auditorium of the Great Hall of the People to watch the performance of the party. This conference is very important in the history of aerospace in our country, and it clarified the idea of "a game of chess across the country" to build satellites.

During the meeting, Premier Zhou took the initiative to ask Qian Ji’s name when listening to the report, and said with a smile: "Your surname is Qian too! It seems that satellites are not short of money."

The Prime Minister’s words were a pun. There was Qian Xuesen in missiles, Qian Xuesen in atomic bombs, and Qian Ji in satellites now, so there was really no shortage of money. Another layer of meaning was that satellites cost a lot of money, just like atomic bombs and missiles. The Prime Minister asked Qian Ji how much it would cost, but Qian Ji did not answer, because there was no calculation in the preparation of satellite plans and demonstrations. The state wants to approve the satellite project, I don’t know how much it will cost, how to make a budget, and what to do with the approval procedures? This made the scientist surnamed Qian start to worry about money.

Hu Qizheng is still deeply impressed by this experience. Because of the work relationship, he and his colleagues have been fortunate to work with great scientists such as Zhao Jiuzhang, Yang Jiachi, Chen Fangyun, and Qian Ji. The academic aura and peace in life of great scientists, the indifference to fame and fortune, and the democratic and practical work style of great scientists have allowed the young Hu Qizheng to witness the "master style". He confessed that he was fortunate to benefit for a lifetime.

"Cultural Revolution" –

Satellite development is moving forward amidst difficulties

Scientists really wanted to put the first man-made satellite in the sky before the National Day in 1969. It was a great honor to release the first satellite 20 years after the founding of New China. According to everyone’s preparations at that time, there was no problem at all, but it was not realized.

Because the "Cultural Revolution" is here.

During the day and night, the barbaric and frenzied criticism and struggle ravaged the scientific researchers physically and mentally. Zhang Jinfu was seized from power, the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences collapsed, the grass-roots party organizations were paralyzed, and No. 1 Xiyuan Playground became the hardest hit area. Some were injured, some were killed in combat. Zhao Jiuzhang was persecuted to death in October 1968. In such a chaotic situation, comrades who can work are still working.

After Zhao Jiuzhang passed away, Qian Ji was also affected. After "stepping aside", he worked like an ordinary technician, but remained silent as always. Seeing the persecution of scientists who were once respected by people, everyone felt deeply helpless. The development of satellites is advancing slowly in difficult situations.

The staff is conducting Dongfanghong-1 satellite docking

Dongfanghong No.1 engine hoisting test

At the end of 1967, the country began to plan the establishment of a space technology research institute, and the office location was also moved from Xiyuan Playground No. 1 and Zhongguancun to Baishiqiao. Sun Jiadong was appointed as the general manager of Dongfanghong No. 1 when he was in danger. He brought more than 10 business backbones to integrate the engineering experience of missile development into satellite engineering. In that stormy era, everyone defied all difficulties and pushed the development of Dongfanghong No. 1 satellite forward steadily.

On April 24, 1970, the Dongfanghong-1 satellite spewed out, and the world was excited. The two founders who actively promoted the development of the satellite: Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji, one was already wronged and could not witness this moment with his own eyes; the other could only look up silently from the open space of Baishi Bridge in Beijing. In the face of cheers and applause, without them, in that era, they would have been low to the dust.

People who like to watch the Dongfanghong-1 satellite fly overhead

Fast forward to 1999. On September 18 of this year, on the occasion of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission decided to commend 23 scientific and technological experts who had made outstanding contributions to the development of "two bombs and one star" that year, and awarded Yu Min, Wang Daheng, Wang Xiji, Zhu Guangya, Sun Jiadong, Ren Xinmin, Wu Ziliang, Chen Fangyun, Chen Nengkuan, Yang Jiachi, Zhou Guangzhao, Qian Xuesen, Tu Shoue, Huang Weilu, Cheng Kaijia, and Peng Huanwu the "Two Bombs and One Star Merit Medal", and posthumously awarded Wang Fanchang, Deng Jiaxian, Zhao Jiuzhang, Yao Tongbin, Qian Ji, Qian Sanqiang, and Guo Yonghuai the "Two Bombs and One Star Merit Medal" (the above rankings are based on surname strokes Order).

More than 60 years have passed, and few people walking in Xiyuan Playground A-1 now know that so many big scientists have come out from here to brew our country’s satellite research and development business. That period of time has become history. But our country’s satellite business has developed from "Dongfanghong No. 1" to bright stars, adding more light to the rising China.

September 4, 2019 "China Aerospace News" third edition

The pictures in this version are the information pictures of this newspaper.

Text/China Aerospace News reporter, Huang Xi

Editors/He Ximei, Zhang Xiaofan, Hao Chenxi (Interns)

Producer/Xu Bin

The mass production of Xiaomi automobile is just around the corner. Can we continue to write the myth of mobile phone?

With the intensification of competition in the automobile market, the strong are stronger and the weak are eliminated at an accelerated pace. For China automobile market, this year is destined to be an unsettled year full of variables and challenges.


Xiaomi car is coming.

Recently, a number of media visited Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Factory and found that it has started, and mass production is on the line.

According to the interface news report, an insider close to Xiaomi Automobile revealed that Xiaomi Automobile is now in the trial production stage, and this work has been carried out for less than one month. At present, Xiaomi produces about 50 prototype cars every week, and there are few workers at night. The above-mentioned insiders said, "Xiaomi Auto is expected to get the approval from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in the last two months, and it will be approved before the end of the year at the latest, and then mass production can begin."

In March 2021, Xiaomi officially announced the construction of a car, saying that it will invest 10 billion US dollars to enter the automobile industry in the next 10 years, and invest 10 billion yuan in the first phase; In July 2021, Xiaomi Auto Autopilot Department started recruitment. In September, Xiaomi Auto Co., Ltd. was incorporated with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. On November 27, Beijing Economic Development Zone Management Committee signed a cooperation agreement with Xiaomi, announcing that Xiaomi Auto settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone; At the beginning of 2022, the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress issued the Work Report of the Beijing Municipal People’s Government, which mentioned that Xiaomi Automobile would be promoted to start construction. In March 2023, Xiaomi announced the first production car, which will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Founder and Chairman of XiaomiLei Jun’s dream of building a car is not far from realization?

According to shanghai securities news, the photos of the road test of Xiaomi’s new car show that the first model of Xiaomi will be a coupe with a sliding back design. The front of the car is long, which is obviously different from people’s impression of pure electric vehicles. The new car is expected to have a closed front end design to further optimize its aerodynamic performance. In addition, although the car body is covered with thick camouflage, it can still be seen that the car is equipped with lidar equipment. In terms of vehicle parameters, previously, some bloggers exposed the battery pack information suspected of Xiaomi car nameplate on the platform.

From the exposure information, it is suspected that the battery pack parameters of the nameplate of Xiaomi automobile have a rated voltage of 726.7V, a rated capacity of 139Ah, a battery pack capacity of 101kWh, and a weight of 642kg. It is inferred that the first model of Xiaomi is likely to support 800V high-voltage fast charging.

Judging from the current price of vehicles with batteries with a capacity of more than 100kWh, for example, the price of the 100kWh version of Weilai ES6 is close to 400,000 yuan, and the price of the 100kWh version of Krypton 001 is 300,000 yuan.Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)Above.

From the perspective of battery cost, it also determines that the pricing of Xiaomi car will not be too low.

According to the interface news quoted from Leopard Change, the models of Xiaomi coupe to be listed next year are divided into high-end version and low-end version. The high-end version is tentatively priced at 299,000 yuan and the low-end version is tentatively priced at 199,000 yuan.

However, according to the interface news report, Xiaomi insiders said that Xiaomi may make corresponding price adjustments according to market conditions next year, and this price may not be the final pricing.


Production is just around the corner, and more than 100 people apply for a single day.

According to the previous plan, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The first phase covers an area of nearly 720,000 square meters. It will be started in April 2022 and completed in June 2023. The second phase is planned to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025. Among them, the first phase includes four factories with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles.

Among them, the No.1 workshop, which is divided into punching, welding and coating power batteries, to No.4 workshop and test building, has an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles, and the relevant workshops have passed the acceptance on June 12. According to the observation of the First Financial Reporter, the factories marked with serial numbers from 1 to 4 are patchy, and employees near the factory told reporters that the internal automobile factory has been in operation for a long time.

On August 23rd, the bidding and tendering trading system of Beijing’s engineering construction showed that the bidding announcement of Huanjing Road (Nanjie-Xinsi Road in Xinnan District) and municipal engineering (survey) supporting Xiaomi Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Base Project (Phase I) in Beijing Yizhuang New Town was released. The start of bidding for supporting roads indicates that the first phase of Xiaomi Factory has entered the final stage of completion.

With the approach of the overall completion of the first phase of the factory, the recruitment of Xiaomi Automobile and related R&D facilities have been carried out simultaneously.

According to the interface news report, at present, the Yizhuang factory of Xiaomi Automobile is recruiting workshop workers on a large scale, with a recruitment scale of about 100 people, with an average salary of 6,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan, and the working hours are 8 hours a day, with weekends off and ready to join.

The supplier who provides recruitment services for Xiaomi Automobile Factory revealed to the interface news that Xiaomi Automobile Factory has very strict recruitment standards for regular employees and has no relevant experience. The probability of successful application is very small, and even some workers who have worked in Mercedes-Benz, Tesla and other manufacturers will be eliminated because of insufficient preparation during the interview.

In addition, the age of most positions is limited to under 28 years old, and the minimum education requirement is secondary school or above, and the requirements can be relaxed appropriately for those with strong ability.

At the same time, the supplier also said that this round of recruitment is only for Xiaomi Automobile to prepare for mass production in the early stage. By the end of the year or early next year, Xiaomi Automobile will usher in a larger-scale recruitment. By then, the working hours and rest system of Xiaomi Automobile Factory will also be adjusted accordingly.

According to Cailian News Agency, according to a list of applicants provided by the security guard of "North Gate 1" of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the positions include operators, repairmen, maintenance workers, logistics engineers and interns, among which interns account for more than 60%, and the number of people in a single day is 124. According to an applicant waiting to enter the factory, there are many people recruiting in the assembly workshop and painting workshop. In addition to the positions on the list, there are also quality-related positions. "Testing, quality inspection and equipment maintenance are also being recruited. Generally, the minimum (education) must be vocational high school or college or above."

An investor in the automobile industry told the First Financial Reporter that although the pattern of the new energy automobile industry is initially set, the market space is large enough, and the arrival time is not a decisive factor. Xiaomi Automobile can follow the advantages in the field of mobile phone supply chain, control the cost of the whole vehicle, focus on innovative technologies, and focus on competitive models with price and technical advantages.


New forces build cars to speed up shuffling

According to the data released by China Automobile Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as China Automobile Association), in the first half of the year, IAutomobile production and sales reached 3.788 million and 3.747 million respectively, up by 42.4% and 44.1% respectively, with a market share of 28.3%. On July 13th, Chen Shihua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Association, said at the theme forum of "Innovation for Innovation and Creating a New Highland for China’s Automobile Modernization Development" that in the first half of this year, new energy vehicles maintained a relatively fast growth rate. Overall, it is estimated that the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China will reach 9 million in the whole year.

However, with the intensification of competition in the automobile market, the strong are stronger and the weak are accelerated to be eliminated. For China automobile market, this year is destined to be an unsettled year full of variables and challenges.

In the first half of the year, a number of new power companies have stopped working. On July 5, Singularity Auto officially declared bankruptcy; On June 29, Freeman Shen, chairman of Weimar Automobile, was listed as a untrustworthy person and was restricted from high consumption; On June 16th, Sky Auto was listed as an executor of dishonesty by Cixi People’s Court for violating the property reporting system. On June 14th, two companies related to Baiteng-Nanjing Zhixing New Energy Vehicle Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Zhixing Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. filed for bankruptcy; In addition, Aichi Automobile, Baoneng Automobile and Evergrande Automobile have also been repeatedly exploded, resulting in suspension of production and arrears of wages.

Cao Guangping, an independent researcher of New Energy and Intelligent Network, told China Automotive News that in recent years, China’s new energy automobile industry has experienced recession, epidemic and cruel market competition, especially after the baptism of price war, some automobile enterprises have fallen behind, which is normal.

The reasons are different: one is that it is difficult to get rid of subsidy dependence, the other is the lack of innovation mechanism and technology, or there are problems in the internal and external environment of enterprise operation, and it is difficult to mass-produce products or the lack of strategic resources such as financial and material resources.

At the beginning of this year, Tesla Model 3 and Model Y set off a price war that spread from the new energy vehicle market to the fuel vehicle market with the largest price reduction in history. Now, the price war in the first half of the year has just died down, and the price war in the second half of the year has started again. At present, more than ten car companies have announced new price adjustment strategies. In addition to Tesla, which has repeatedly announced price adjustments, it also includes head car companies such as SAIC Volkswagen and FAW-Volkswagen, and the market competition has once again reached a white-hot stage.

On September 1st, Tesla China announced that the new Model 3 was officially opened for pre-sale. On the same day, Tesla also offered a big price reduction measure. The price of high-end Model S Model S and Model X is lowered, and the price of Tesla Model S and Model X is lowered by 110,000 to 220,000 yuan.

Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Auto, said that the current competition stage is no longer relying on one or two explosive cars to survive. Enterprises need continuous cash flow and cash reserves that can be used for market competition, and they are fighting for the overall operational efficiency, quality, scale, system capacity, etc.;Wang Chuanfu, chairman of the board of directors, bluntly said that enterprises must first have core technology to win. The transformation of new energy vehicles is a technological revolution, and enterprises with core technologies can survive. If they are simply assembled, the probability of survival is very small; Li Xiang, CEO of LI, said bluntly: "In the three-year knockout of smart electric vehicles (2023-2025), the three comprehensive capabilities of technical product delivery are rolled into the dead, and the barrel theory is indispensable."

At the moment when smart phones completely replace traditional mobile phones, smart cars are bringing new impacts to traditional cars. Nowadays, traditional automobile enterprises have also made efforts in the fields of intelligence and electrification, and the market competition has become increasingly fierce.

Source | Business School magazine is integrated fromCBN, Cailian, Interface News, shanghai securities news, China Auto News, NBD Auto, China Newsweek.

Cover |

Edit | Wu Meng

Shen Tengchong is on the hot search! On March 11, Shen Teng suddenly rushed to the hot search, just because there was a woman.

Original title: Shen Tengchong is hot! On March 11, Shen Teng suddenly rushed to the hot search, just because there was a woman.

The subtle interaction between stars and police

On the stage of hot search, there is never a lack of some unexpected surprises. On August 11th, a picture made netizens laugh: Shen Teng’s photo with a policewoman was not only funny, but also aroused many conjectures.

Express one’s will by holding things.

In the picture, the policewoman clings to Shen Teng, showing a thumb, while Shen Teng is expressionless, with her hands behind her back, as if she were in a weird theater.

Figurative rhetoric

Netizens have speculated whether Shen Teng "stepped on thunder"? Why do you look like ice and look like you’re in custody? This photo reminds people of the subtle interaction between the stars and the police.

Beginning of quotation sentence

"It’s not the first time that I’ve become a brother", which seems to be the consensus of netizens. In this photo, Shen Teng’s expression doesn’t smile, which makes people feel as if he is "suspected".

Common sayings, proverbs, jokes, golden sentences

This can’t help but remind people of the photos of Bo Huang, Faye Wong and other stars with the police. One identified the crime scene and the other was taken away. The posture and expression can really influence the temperament of a photo.

Deep combination

"When taking a photo with the police, the posture and expression are very new!" This sentence seems to be a lesson that stars should remember. Shen Teng’s "no smile" this time has also become the focus of discussion among netizens.

Subtle interaction

Behind this confusing picture, there may be more unknown stories hidden. The photo of the police and the stars is both interesting and meaningful. Perhaps it is this subtle interaction that makes people enjoy it.

Editor in charge:

Hot search on "children’s A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded …

  It’s winter.

  High incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in children

  At the end of this year and the beginning of this year

  Many children spend their time with a fever.

  The proportion of a stream has dropped.

  The number of patients with B-flow increased.

  Today, "children’s A stream just happened to recruit B stream"

  Boarded the first place in hot search

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  At Hangzhou Children’s Hospital

  The reporter learned that the temperature has warmed up during this time.

  The virus is active.

  Hospital fever clinic maintains high operation.

  The average daily consultation volume exceeds 1000.

  "Most of them are respiratory diseases,

  Mainly stream A or stream B,

  There are also a few adenoviruses,

  And respiratory syncytial virus.

  And mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. "

  Zhaowei, deputy director of the outpatient department of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, said

  The proportion of children recently diagnosed with swine flu

  From 30% to 20%

  However, B-stream has an obvious upward trend.

  From the original 2% to 15%

  "A lot of children have just the right front foot.

  The hind foot was infected with B-stream. "

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Source: Hangzhou Children’s Hospital

  According to CCTV news

  Recently, the reporter learned from Shanghai Children’s Hospital that

  The recent test results of outpatient and emergency patients in this hospital show that

  The total number of influenza patients has not changed much recently.

  But the number of patients with swine flu has decreased.

  B-stream patients are on the increase.

  According to Shanghai Children’s Hospital

  Recent test results of outpatients and emergency patients

  The flu in recent times

  There is no change in the total number of patients

  But in the proportion of influenza patients in outpatient and emergency departments,

  The proportion of B flow is less than 10% at the beginning of December.

  It has risen to more than 40% in recent days.

  There is little difference between stream A and stream B.

  The doctor advised not to test yourself at home.

  Zhaowei, deputy director of the outpatient department of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, said that influenza B is the influenza caused by influenza B virus. It is characterized by acute onset, rapid change, chills and fever, and the body temperature may rise rapidly within a few hours to 24 hours, reaching 39℃~40℃ or even higher. It is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, body aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. Respiratory symptoms are mild, but there will be symptoms, such as dry throat and sore throat, dry cough, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

  The sick children are mainly concentrated in the school-age stage, and most of them are clustered infections. The children in the younger age are mainly infected by other family members because of the limited activity places.

  "There is little difference between the symptoms of A stream and B stream, so it is difficult to distinguish them according to clinical manifestations, and it is still necessary to cooperate with tests to diagnose them. It’s convenient to buy flu detection reagents now. Some parents worry that the hospital will take a long time to test their children at home, but the process of sample collection of some parents is not standardized, and there may be a’ false negative’ situation, thus delaying treatment. "zhaowei said," A stream and B stream have corresponding antiviral drugs. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect. It is still recommended to bring the children to the hospital for examination and make a diagnosis combined with blood routine. "

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Many parents are worried.

  How long can children go back to school after their fever has gone down?

  "It is not recommended to let children take drugs to prevent when students around them are infected with the flu."
Zhaowei pointed out that it is impossible to prevent the school staff from gathering, so they can’t take medicine all the time. They should give priority to self-defense by physical means and wear masks in closed spaces. Schools should remind all classes to ventilate and do a good job of disinfection. If the child has no obvious flu symptoms after 48 hours of flu fever, and the cough is not severe, wearing a mask can go back to school.

  There are two children in the family. When one of them is infected with B-stream, a relatively fixed family member should take care of the child as much as possible and pay attention to personal protection. When in close contact with the patient, a mask should be worn. Other family members should try their best to reduce contact with children with B-stream, especially uninfected children, and try their best to reduce contact with children. After direct contact with children, or after handling articles used by children and touching respiratory secretions, you should use detergents or disinfectants to disinfect your hands. Room ventilation is also very important.

  In view of the prevalence of respiratory infectious diseases, zhaowei reminded that clothes should be changed in time according to the weather changes, and the diet should pay attention to balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, not to be too tired, and enhance their own resistance. "If you are sick, you should be treated as early as possible, and try to make early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment."

  This anti-flu medicine is on fire.

  Doctor’s urgent reminder

  As the flu season continues

  An anti-influenza drug called mabaloxavir.

  Appear frequently in the public eye

  Because it is convenient to take and takes effect quickly

  Become the first choice for many flu patients.

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Weng Weidong, chief physician, director of infectious diseases department of Zhejiang Tongde Hospital, introduced that mabaloxavir and oseltamivir are both drugs for treating influenza. Taking them within 48 hours after being infected with influenza virus can alleviate symptoms, shorten the course of disease and reduce the incidence of complications.

  Compared with the treatment scheme that oseltamivir needs to be taken twice a day for 5 days, mabaloxavir can control the disease only once during the treatment because of its long half-life of metabolites. "Many patients who favor mabaloxavir are also interested in its convenience."

  However, not everyone is suitable for Mabalojave. "oseltamivir has been on the market for a long time in China, with a large number of evidence-based medicine, relatively cheap price and better accessibility. If the patient is a child under 5 years old or a pregnant woman, we generally choose oseltamivir. In addition, people with severe liver and kidney dysfunction should use mabaloxavir with caution. " In Weng Weidong’s view, not everyone must eat it after getting the flu. "Don’t deify them."

  In view of the fact that some citizens have reported that it is difficult to buy mabaloxavir in online pharmacies, the reporter learned from several provincial hospitals that there is no shortage of drugs at present, and citizens do not need to worry about not using drugs. However, both mabaloxavir and oseltamivir are prescription drugs and should be used under the guidance of doctors and pharmacists. Self-medication is not recommended.

  Synthesis: Zhejiang News, Tide News, CCTV News, People’s Daily, etc.

[Editor in charge:


Football News: In the past, the national football team was brave after being ashamed in the preliminaries, but now they can’t even play the battle of honor.

In the last two rounds of the Top 12, the national football team failed to win with 1 draw and 1 loss in the battle of honor. "Football News" wrote an article commenting that although the national football team was eliminated early in the past few preliminaries, it rarely lost the battle of honor after being eliminated. In this preliminaries, the national football team even kicked out the last "hero".

Looking back on the experience of the national football team in the preliminaries, the national football team can often perform well in the final stage of the group stage. Eighteen years ago, the national football team beat China and Hongkong 7-0 in the final round of the preliminaries, but lost to Kuwait by goal difference and missed the top ten. Four years later, the national football team, led by Dewey and Folado, was eliminated one round ahead of schedule, but it saved face by beating Australia in the final round away. In the 2011 preliminaries, China’s men’s soccer team led by Camacho beat Jordan 3-1 in the final round. Although it still failed to advance to the top 10, its performance can be regarded as "brave after shame".

Football News commented that in the past five preliminaries, the national football team rarely lost in the games after being eliminated, but now, the national football team has even kicked out the last hero.

Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?


World Football Day

These world cup cold knowledge

Do you know all about it?

Although the cold winter is coming, the football enthusiasm has not diminished. Tonight we will have a wonderful match between Croatia and Brazil, and today is the World Football Day recognized by the United Nations. Come and learn about the cold knowledge about the World Cup with Xiaobian and feel the charm of football!

Why is this year’s World Cup in winter?

In the past memory, the World Cup is always associated with summer, full of sweat, passion, beer and cheers. This time, however, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was held in winter, which was mainly due to the Qatari climate.

Qatar is located in the desert area of the Middle East, with a tropical desert climate. In summer, the temperature is generally 25-46 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature can soar above 50 degrees Celsius. This is really too hot for a player who wants to run for 90 minutes, and there is even the danger of heatstroke.

Of course, even in winter, the highest temperature in Qatar at the end of November can exceed 30℃, but the stadiums in Qatar are basically equipped with cooling systems to ensure that football players can play at a suitable temperature.

Why do players spit water?

This scene often occurs in football matches. Players take a sip of water and then spit it out immediately like gargling. Many friends will misunderstand when watching the ball. "Why do they spit everywhere?"

In fact, this is a way for players to drink water. The professional name is "carbohydrate gargle", which can effectively improve sports performance and relieve sports fatigue. It is a "scientific plug-in" for athletes on the field. They need to cheat their brains in this way without affecting their state, in order to quickly restore their physical functions and continue to play.

Why is there no British team in the World Cup?

There is no British team in the World Cup because there is no only football association in Britain.

In 1863, Britain, as the birthplace of modern football, established the world’s first football association: the English Football Association. In 1886, the football associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland jointly established the World Football Council and made unified rules. Later, FIFA generally joined football associations everywhere, so four football teams in Britain were invited to participate in the World Cup, namely, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is offside?

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in full swing, attracting countless fans to watch. In the first half of Argentina’s game against Saudi Arabia, it was blown offside six times, which made people confused. Many new fans will ask a question, what is offside?

Offside refers to the moment when the attacker passes the ball, the receiver stands closer to the goal than the penultimate defender, and at the same time closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball, and tries to prepare for the attack from this position. In other words, offside is an act that has a clear purpose, produces intentions quickly and puts them into practice. On the court, it is often seen that players are sentenced to offside because they start too fast and fall into the offside trap of their opponents.

The offside rule was formulated by the British Football Association in 1870. In the football match at that time, the audience often saw such a scene: when one side launched an attack, most of the attacking players had gathered in front of the other side, ready to start shooting when they received the ball, so the game between the two teams was mainly concentrated in front of the goal, and there was little wonderful cooperation. The offside rule is precisely to adjust this excessively unbalanced offensive and defensive relationship and make the game more exciting.

Source: Yellow River News Network

Courtois: We will fight for the league title until it is impossible, and hope to finish the season successfully.

Live on April 23 rd, Real Madrid beat Certa 2-0 at home in a La Liga match. After the match, Real Madrid goalkeeper courtois accepted an interview with DAZN.

-team performance

We have been in good shape recently. Although we made some mistakes in the game, the team finally won and scored 3 points. We have to move on.

-Dissatisfaction with teammates at the corner kick at the end of the game

There is something wrong with that corner kick … You saw that two opponents went to the corner flag area to make a short pass, but none of us responded. I know that the team should stand in a good position when defending the corner kick before the game, but we must push it out. If they score, the game will be in suspense again, and this will be because we made stupid mistakes, so we must stay serious until the end.

-put pressure on Barcelona

We will fight until the last game until the league title is impossible. The team has lost some points before, so we must try our best to win the next three games and then look at our points. The task of the team is to continue to win, and to keep a good feeling before the semi-final of the Champions League. The most important thing is to make everyone in good condition and finish the season successfully.