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The Ministry of Transport has consulted on online car-hailing: passengers should not be picked up at airports and railway stations

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "Exposure Draft". The exposure draft proposes that the facilities configuration and vehicle performance indicators in the online taxi-hailing car should be significantly higher than that of the local mainstream cruise taxi. Drivers should wait for orders at permitted parking places, and should not cruise around to pick up customers. They should not set up unified cruise car dispatching service stations or places that implement queuing. Riders or passengers can settle by cash or non-cash payment methods; after arriving at the destination, they will take the initiative to provide passengers with the corresponding local taxi invoice.

  The public comment period is one month and ends on August 31.

  The success rate of booking a car should reach more than 80%

  On July 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to officially release the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", announcing the legalization of online car-hailing and making it clear that the new regulations will be implemented on November 1.

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "exposure draft" (hereinafter referred to as the "exposure draft"), soliciting written comments from the public for a period of one month until August 31.

  It is understood that the preparation of the specification is led by the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, and the preparation team is composed of relevant experts and personnel from industry management departments, taxi operators, and platform enterprises.

  According to Cheng Guohua, an associate researcher at the Development Center of the Institute of Highway Sciences, this specification is a recommended industry standard accompanied by two documents.

  The so-called recommended standards, also known as non-mandatory standards or voluntary standards, are not mandatory.

  The exposure draft standardizes the terms and definitions related to the operation of online booking taxis, clarifies the basic requirements of online booking taxi operators, transportation vehicles, drivers, etc., defines the service processes of online booking taxi operators and drivers respectively, and regulates the handling of special circumstances, service evaluation and complaint handling.

  The exposure draft lists five 100% indicators for online car-hailing services, including reservation response rate, vehicle compliance rate, driver compliance rate, qualified rate of operating vehicle insurance purchase, and passenger complaint handling rate.

  In addition, the success rate of ride-hailing and the passenger satisfaction rate of third-party surveys are required to be greater than or equal to 80%. For the unsatisfactory rate of passenger service evaluation, it is required to be less than 20%. The effective complaint rate of passengers is less than 20 parts per million.

  Ride-hailing drivers should not parade to pick up customers

  The State Office’s "Guiding Opinions" make it clear that taxi services mainly include cruising and online booking. According to the definition of the "Interim Measures for Administration", online car-hailing provides "non-cruising booking taxi services". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarifies that online car-hailing "In the operation of services, drivers should not cruise around to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations and other places that implement queuing to pick up customers".

  What should the driver do if the passenger does not arrive at the boarding location as agreed?

  According to the draft, the driver should contact the passenger or operator to confirm that the waiting time can be agreed upon by both parties, generally not less than 10 minutes. If the passenger has not arrived beyond the agreed waiting time, he should contact the operator and leave after approval.

  For online taxi operators, the exposure draft makes it clear that they "shall bear the liability for advance compensation for safety liability accidents that occur during the service process, and shall not transfer the risk of transportation services to passengers and drivers in any form".

  It is recommended to equip the online car with free WiFi.

  The exposure draft makes it clear that the in-car facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should be significantly higher than the local mainstream cruise taxis, and Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. should be provided for passengers to use. The "Reservation Taxi Transportation Certificate" and "Reservation Taxi Driver’s License" should be carried with the car.

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for Management" stipulate that online car-hailing should be developed in an orderly manner in accordance with the principles of high-quality service and differentiated operation. Compared with traditional cruise taxis, how to reflect "high-quality" and "differentiation"? Vehicle grade is an important aspect.

  The reporter learned that some special cars can currently meet the standards set by the regulations, but the price of express cars is significantly lower than that of cruise taxis, and cannot meet this standard. Some express drivers told reporters that charging can be provided with little effort, but providing mobile networks, bottled water, etc. will increase costs, making it difficult to provide income.

  Cheng Guohua admits that there is a clear difference between special cars and express cars at present. The "Interim Measures for Management" clearly state that online car-hailing should reflect "high quality", and the specific standards should be determined by the local area. As a whole, it should reflect the difference between new and old business formats and reflect different business ideas.

  The order should be consistent with the service vehicle personnel.

  In response to the different issues between vehicles and drivers, the exposure draft makes it clear that real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service processes should be carried out by installing on-board end points and other means to ensure that the service vehicles provided by the network service platform (also known as online) are consistent with the actual (also known as offline) service vehicles. During operation, personal biometric data such as driver portraits should be collected in real time and compared with the driver’s uploaded identity information to ensure that the online service drivers are consistent with the offline service drivers.

  Cheng Guohua introduced that online and offline inconsistencies are currently a more prominent problem in online car-hailing. For example, in May this year, a female teacher in Shenzhen was killed while riding an online car-hailing; a national electronic sports runner-up in Changsha was cut off. In reality, there are cases of defaulting vehicles receiving orders, and there are also cases where drivers take friends’ mobile phones to receive orders. The Interim Measures for Management make it clear that the platform must ensure online and offline consistency, and the registered drivers are consistent with the drivers who provide services. How to ensure this consistency? Through technological means. Cameras and other devices must be installed on the car, which are guaranteed through biometric technology.

  The reporter learned that there are some full-time online car-hailing drivers who rent cars in two shifts to engage in service. In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the norms only stipulate the consistency between online and offline, and do not limit a car to only one platform, or only one driver per car.

  Instant ride-hailing shielding destination anti-pickup

  The exposure draft defines terms related to online ride-hailing. For example, an instant ride-hailing service is "a service with a time interval of not more than 30 minutes between the appointment time and the arrival of the vehicle at the agreed pick-up location".

  The exposure draft requires that online ride-hailing platforms "should not refuse the request of the driver to reserve a car within 3 days".

  In order to ensure the information security and personal safety of passengers, the exposure draft makes it clear that the client side application should have the following functions: personal phone encryption function, communication between passengers and drivers through technical means; "one-click call" function, when passengers are used in emergency situations, real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and driver information can be automatically sent to the network about the car operator; the evaluation results of passengers’ single service behavior should not be directly fed back to the driver.

  The reporter learned that Uber, Didi and other online car-hailing software have encrypted personal phone calls. According to Cheng Guohua, most mainstream online car-hailing software already has a "one-click call" function.

  Exposure draft proposed that for instant car service, platform push information should block the location of passengers getting off.

  Why block passengers’ destinations? Cheng Guohua explained that in traditional cruise cars, some passengers will encounter such a situation: that is, after telling the driver where to go, the driver says he can’t go, that is, the situation of refusing to pick up passengers and picking up passengers. In online ride-hailing services, if the platform lets the driver know the passenger’s destination, it provides conditions for him to pick up passengers and refuse to pick up passengers. Based on this, the platform is required to block passengers’ destinations.

  Passengers can choose to settle the fare in cash

  While almost all ride-hailing apps currently settle online, the exposure draft proposes that "upon arrival at the drop-off location, the platform should inform the ride-hailing service fee via mobile phone text message or client side app, and the ride-hailing person or passenger can settle by cash or non-cash payment."

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua explained that the regulation is made from the perspective of protecting the rights and interests of passengers. Although most online ride-hailing users accept online settlement, it is not ruled out that some passengers pay cash for the security of their bank accounts or because WeChat does not have enough money.

  Regarding invoicing, the exposure draft makes it clear that "after arriving at the destination, take the initiative to provide the corresponding local taxi invoice to the passenger, unless the group user issues it uniformly or the driver and passenger request otherwise".

  Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi-hailing" implement clear pricing, and provide passengers with corresponding taxi invoices ". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarified that the invoice should be a local taxi invoice. Generally speaking, taxis have to give invoices in person, that is," issue ", but there are some special circumstances in online taxi-hailing that cannot be issued on the spot, which requires" providing "invoices. These special circumstances include: for example, group users, who have charged a lot of money at one time, and the invoice has already been issued; for example, if the passenger has a request, take a taxi and save up for a period of time, and then send it at one time.

  > > Related News

  All localities should formulate detailed implementation rules for online car-hailing within 3 months

  Beijing Times News (Reporter Sha Xueliang) A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice on the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (referred to as the two documents), requiring local transportation authorities to complete the formulation of the implementation details within three months under the leadership of the city people’s government, based on the two documents and combined with local conditions.

  The notice pointed out that the two documents give the local full autonomy and policy space, local authorities to develop detailed implementation rules, not only to respond to the general concerns of the people’s personalized travel, but also to take into account the reasonable interests of taxi industry operators and employees, coordinate the demands of all parties, to ensure that the reform policy to achieve the greatest common denominator, feasible measures, strong operability. For major decisions such as the reform of the right to operate, the launch of the policy to standardize the management of online car-hailing and the transition plan, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessment, improve the emergency plan, and ensure the steady and smooth progress of various reforms.

  It is reported that the Ministry of Transport will soon convene the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), as well as the provincial capitals, cities with separate plans and some urban transportation departments with heavier reform tasks, to comprehensively interpret the two documents and supporting systems, and focus on explaining key issues. On this basis, the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) will conduct publicity and implementation training for the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the cities (counties and districts) under their jurisdiction to ensure a comprehensive, accurate and in-depth understanding of the two documents.

  Beijing Times reporter Sha Xueliang

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Continuously surprise users with "intelligence", and ask the world to officially upgrade the new version of M5 OTA

AITO Qinjie M5 officially launched the latest version of the OTA upgrade in 2023. This upgrade involves the improvement and addition of a number of functions to help advance smart travel and improve user experience. AITO Qinjie M5 is positioned as an intelligent luxury electric drive SUV, which is the first product under AITO. Based on the super expansion of the new HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, it can provide users with more convenient, rich experience and intelligent ecological smart travel solutions.

With this upgrade, AITO M5 has undergone multi-dimensional adjustments in terms of feature richness, interactive intelligence, and scene diversification. After this upgrade, M5 will soon welcome HarmonyOS 3.

In terms of local applications, the app store has added a variety of third-party apps, including Kugou Music, Mango TV, USB Camera Pro, and a variety of entertainment and Puzzle Game APPs. In terms of functions, the new version supports calendar boarding, and the mobile calendar can be interoperable with the car and machine; supports the steering wheel dial button to pull up call records with one click, which is convenient for viewing and callback; supports car wash mode; two sets of LIVE wallpapers can be set, which will follow the system time and present different wallpaper performances; Added an automatic update switch. After turning on this switch, each OTA upgrade task will automatically book a point-in-time update for the user after downloading the version, and the user can also customize and modify this time.

In terms of intelligent voice, AITO Interrogator M5 has optimized some voice control functions. After the upgrade, Xiaoyi voice control functions are increased, and navigation supports users to switch on and off the automatic cruise mode through voice commands; common locations and routes are directly accessible in one step, eliminating the need for multiple destination selection and multiple route selection steps; switching the windows can be voice-controlled to open the windows, which is more refined; air conditioner adjustment can also understand the user’s intentions of "cool and cool", "warm and warm", etc., and can control the air conditioner to blow up/down, fast/slow blow, or blow to/avoid certain parts to accurately grasp the details; Similarly, the control boundaries in seat adjustment and music adjustment are also more detailed and concrete.

In addition, in terms of personalized voice experience, new tone switching and Cantonese recognition functions are added. In addition, when the address book contacts have multiple numbers, users can speed dial by saying the number at the beginning or end, eliminating the need for intermediate selection.

In terms of media experience, after the upgrade, users can control the radio by voice "Next Channel", "Change", "Exit", "Pause Play" and "Continue Play" when the network is unstable; they can also connect to Kugou and NetEase Cloud Music to support favorite songs and view my favorite songs, view historical songs, view playlists and other music information.

This upgrade also creates exclusive functions for multiple smart travel scenarios. This issue supports 4 smart scenarios: departure to work, return home from get off work, travel on rest days, and open the door to turn down the volume. The effective conditions and execution actions of each scenario are customized by the user. For example, when you leave for work, you can set the weather and schedule to be broadcast at a fixed time, complete the playback of audio, navigation to the company, etc., to make smart life further.

One-click upgrade, open the intelligent experience, often used as new, and feel the surprises brought by each new version. This new version of the push continues the "user-centric" concept of Sailis Automobile, by expanding the scene-based functions, providing more user-friendly and convenient functions in the details, so that smart travel can be implemented and users’ sense of happiness and gain in the car can be enhanced.


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Where is the difference in the "plastic reduction" of express takeaway?

  Where is the difference in the "plastic reduction" of express takeaway?

  The survey shows that China’s express delivery industry generates about 1.80 million tons of plastic waste every year. At the same time, food delivery is also the "hardest hit area" of plastic packaging, often "bag in bag". The "white waste" brought by express delivery has become a regulatory pain point.


  "Now the express delivery is piled up like a mountain, and half of the packaging is plastic." On November 12, Liu Shan (a pseudonym), a courier brother in Fengtai, Beijing, was worried about the resulting plastic waste pollution while running around for the seemingly endless express delivery.

  The rapid development of online shopping has brought further prosperity to the express delivery industry. On November 11, on the day of the shopping carnival, with 675 million pieces of express delivery, there were 675 million express packages.

  Zhang Deyuan, deputy director of the Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission’s Institute of Macroeconomics and System Reform, said in an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that the total number of express deliveries this year is expected to reach 80 billion, of which about 20% are packed in plastic bags. The "white waste" brought by online shopping has become a pain point for the supervision of the "plastic restriction order".

  Where is the difficulty in implementing the "plastic restriction order"? According to a survey conducted by the official Weibo of China Youth Daily, 59.7% of respondents preferred "changing public habits", 16.8% of respondents believed that "it is difficult to develop and promote new materials", 12.7% of respondents chose "shopping costs increase", and 10.7% of respondents said that "new fields are difficult to supervise".

  "Compared to cartons, plastic bags at 0.3 yuan each are cheaper"

  Zhu Wen (a pseudonym), the brother of Beijing Express, said that among the more than 200 express deliveries he delivered on November 11, more than 100 were packaged in plastic, mainly some clothing, quilts, shoes, etc.

  The reporter visited and found that the use of plastic packaging in the outer packaging of express deliveries delivered by many couriers accounted for 30% to 50%. Some express deliveries using carton packaging also place plastic fillers in the boxes to ensure the safety of goods transportation, and most of them are sealed with tape outside the boxes.

  When the courier arrives in the hands of consumers, it often goes through multiple processes. In order to prevent damage, some merchants will choose to pack multiple layers or even over-pack before sending the courier. Most of these packaging materials are purchased nearby or at a low price. Search an e-commerce platform, 100 35 × 45cm courier packaging bags are 14.2 yuan, and in some stores a packaging bag is as low as 0.039 yuan.

  In addition to express delivery, takeaway is also the "hardest hit area" of plastic packaging, and "bag in bag" situations often occur. According to the reporter’s observation, consumers order a rice noodle on the takeaway platform, and the powder and soup are packed in two plastic boxes separately. In order to prevent spillage, some merchants also wrap a layer of plastic wrap on the soup box, put it in a separate plastic bag, and then put everything in a large plastic bag.

  Some couriers give preference to plastic bags. Zhu Wen said that when sending, he hardly uses cartons, and probably uses more than 10 bags a day to pack for consumers. On the one hand, plastic bags are portable, and on the other hand, they are based on cost considerations. For example, for a 12 yuan courier, he can get 2 yuan service fee, of which the packaging fee needs to be paid by himself. "Compared with cartons, plastic bags are generally cheaper at 0.3 yuan each."

  "Plastic reduction" has a long way to go. According to the statistics of the Plastics Recycling Professional Committee of the China Plastics Association, our country uses about 3 billion plastic bags every day. As of 2019, the annual use of plastic bags exceeds 4 million tons. Another survey shows that China’s express delivery industry generates about 1.80 million tons of plastic waste every year.

  Where is the difficulty of "plastic reduction" in the field of e-commerce?

  Since the implementation of the "plastic restriction order" in 2008, "plastic reduction" has been running for 11 years. In recent years, as emerging business forms, e-commerce, takeaway and other fields have once become "blank areas" of the "plastic restriction order".

  On January 19 this year, the "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Control of Plastic Pollution" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), known as the upgraded "Plastic Limit Order", was released, and the takeaway and e-commerce fields were officially included in the scope of the "Plastic Limit Order". The opinion also clearly states that by the end of 2022, postal express outlets in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other provinces and cities will first ban the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags, disposable plastic woven bags, etc., to reduce the use of non-degradable plastic tape. By the end of 2025, postal express outlets across the country will be covered.

  In contrast to the huge amount of use, the collection rate of plastic bags is very low. On November 11 last year, the "Research Report on the Characteristics and Management of China’s Express Packaging Waste" jointly released by environmental protection organizations Greenpeace pointed out that in 2018, our country’s express delivery industry consumed a total of 851,800 tons of plastic packaging materials. Due to the difficulty of recycling plastic express packaging waste, high regeneration costs and low regeneration profits, about 99% of our country’s express packaging waste plastics (mass ratio) were mixed into domestic waste.

  Consumers rarely pay directly for express packaging, which affects the "plastic reduction" in the field of express delivery. Some netizens said that most of the time online shopping is free shipping, compared with supermarket shopping, the feeling of using plastic bags is not obvious, and they rarely pay attention to plastic waste in the e-commerce field.

  "The difficulty is that it is too scattered." Zhang Deyuan said that compared with ordinary supermarkets, the plastic packaging users in the e-commerce field are mostly small merchants. This group is large in number, scattered in main body, difficult to supervise and expensive to enforce.

  At present, the alternative product Research & Development production of plastic packaging is still not mature enough, and the circulation efficiency of domestic express packaging is not high. Zhang Deyuan takes degradable plastic bags as an example. The cycle of domestic express packaging from procurement, warehousing to circulation is about 30 days, which is a certain gap compared with foreign countries. For example, Amazon’s logistics efficiency is about 13.5 days. Long storage time of degradable plastic bags may lead to performance degradation and affect the use effect.

  Some netizens expressed that they wanted to do their part to reduce white pollution, but had to use plastic bags in the absence of suitable alternatives.

  At the end of last year, an online poll conducted by China Youth Daily showed that 86.6% of respondents felt that there was a waste of plastic bags in the e-commerce sector. 53.0% of respondents said they were willing to pay a certain amount for e-commerce to use reusable environmentally friendly packaging.

  Press the "acceleration button" for "plastic reduction" in many places.

  Faced with the big problem of "white pollution", various places have continued to make efforts on "plastic reduction". So far, more than 20 provinces have issued an upgraded version of the "plastic restriction order", pressing the "acceleration button" for "plastic reduction".

  Among them, six major industries such as food delivery and e-commerce have become the key "plastic reduction" objects of Beijing’s new version of the "plastic restriction order". On November 10, the "Beijing Plastic Pollution Control Action Plan (2020-2025) (exposure draft) " released by Beijing pointed out that by the end of this year, the city’s postal express and e-commerce distribution outlets will have a "slimming tape" packaging ratio of 90%. By the end of 2022, the city’s postal express outlets will ban the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags, woven bags, etc. By the end of 2025, the city’s postal express outlets will ban the use of non-degradable plastic tape, and the responsibility will be implemented to specific units. This is also known as the "strictest plastic restriction order" by netizens.

  The "plastic reduction" in the field of e-commerce is a systematic project that requires platforms, merchants, and consumers to work together to create a green logistics system from the production, procurement, use, and recycling of plastic packaging.

  "Platform companies should be leaders in the control of plastic pollution." Zhang Deyuan believes that platform companies in the fields of e-commerce, express delivery, and takeaway should strengthen the management of merchants settled on the platform, formulate alternative implementation plans for reducing the amount of disposable plastic products, and implement "green merchant leadership plans" and "green packaging points activities" to encourage and guide merchants to take the initiative to reduce the use of disposable plastic packaging. The postal express industry should increase the use of green packaging and recyclable packaging. Operating merchants should be "executors" of green consumption patterns.

  At the same time, the research and development of alternative products will usher in new opportunities. Zhang Deyuan suggested that express delivery companies and packaging material production and development companies should strengthen innovation. At present, some companies are developing degradable plastic bags.

  On the consumer side, you can consider adopting a separate pricing and charging strategy. Zhang Deyuan said that consumers spend money and have a clear sense of use, which can indirectly enhance consumers’ environmental awareness. If plastic packaging is used, it should be classified for subsequent disposal and resource utilization.

  In addition, Zhang Deyuan also suggested that while enjoying the convenience brought by modern business models, consumers should continuously raise their awareness of environmental protection and minimize the use of disposable plastic utensils when ordering takeout and online shopping.

Sports running app

Sports Running app is a mobile phone application specially designed for runners, which aims to help users record running data, improve running skills, make running plans and participate in running activities. The software provides rich functions and personalized services, which enables users to run more scientifically and conveniently.

Sports running app is suitable for runners, athletes, fitness experts and other people, and supports various scenarios such as outdoor running, indoor running and running training. Users can record running route, speed, distance, time and other information through the software, and monitor data such as heart rate and burning calories in real time. In addition, the software also provides running skills teaching, training plan making, social interaction and other functions.

Sports running app 1

1. Accurate recording of running data: GPS positioning technology is adopted to accurately record running route, speed, distance, time and other information.

2. Heart rate monitoring: By connecting Bluetooth devices, the heart rate data can be monitored in real time to help users adjust their exercise intensity.

3. Teaching of running skills: A rich teaching video of running skills is built in, covering warm-up, stretching, training and other aspects to improve users’ running skills.

4. Training plan formulation: According to the user’s goals and physical condition, make a personalized training plan to help users run scientifically and reasonably.

1. Event registration and result inquiry: support all kinds of running event registration, which is convenient for users to participate in running activities.

2. Fitness Mall: Provide all kinds of running equipment, nutritional products and other commodities, so as to facilitate users to purchase the required items.

3. Social interaction: Users can pay attention to friends’ dynamics, participate in interaction, share running experiences and photos, and increase running fun.

1. Personalized training plan: According to the user’s goals and physical condition, make a personalized training plan to help users run scientifically and reasonably.

2. Multi-scene support: Support outdoor running, indoor running and running training.

3. Comprehensive data statistics: provide comprehensive data statistics function to help users analyze running results and optimize exercise plans.

As a professional running assistant software, Sports Running app has many advantages such as accurate recording, heart rate monitoring, personalized training plan and social interaction, which can help users to run more scientifically and conveniently. At the same time, the software also provides a wealth of functions and services, such as running skills teaching, training plan formulation, event registration and so on.

Ignite the "fire" of winter tourism

Source: [Ningxia Daily]

This winter, Yinchuan focused on emerging consumption hotspots, new consumption formats and trendy consumption scenes, and created five characteristic themes, 66 winter tourism projects and 112 sub-activities according to local conditions, presenting new products, new formats, new scenes, new ways of playing and new concessions of Yinchuan’s winter cultural tourism in multiple dimensions, and giving full play to the promotion of winter tourism marketing to the cultural tourism market.

Offering tourists a "big meal" of cultural tourism with rich cultural flavor and many new ways to play, so that tourists can experience the different winter in magical Ningxia in one stop. It must be said that the relevant departments have really made great efforts in tourism promotion. When it comes to visiting Ningxia, most people think that the best time period is the warmer weather season, and winter is the off-season of tourism. In fact, tourism has no off-season market, only off-season ideas. Seasons have never been the key factor that restricts the development of tourism. The key is whether the seasons can make a different feeling. Even if winter is not the most beautiful season in the traditional sense of Ningxia, as long as it is done with characteristics, it can ignite the "fire" of off-season tourism and give tourists a different experience.

To "break the ice" in the off-season, thoughts must be "thawed" first. Pursuing the "difference" of winter tourism is rooted in the change of thinking mode and working mode. Continue to explore the characteristic culture, enrich the tourism format, gather the tourist popularity, improve the industrial chain, carefully study what are their own characteristics and advantages, and then, with the confidence of winning and effective measures, promote the winter tourism market to flourish, which will surely make more tourists feel the unique winter scenery, come to Ningxia and fall in love with Ningxia.

This article comes from Ningxia Daily and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.


Warriors Clippers reached a 3-for-1 deal! George teamed up with Curry! Paul returned to Los Angeles.

The Warriors Clippers reached a three-for-one deal, and George teamed up with Curry Paul to return to Los Angeles. With the deepening of Hugh Secchi, many teams have completed the reinforcement of their lineup. For the Golden State Warriors, their lineup is not perfect enough.

I have to admit that Chris Paul still has some trading value on the court, and many players played in his series for the Suns last season, and Booker is very grateful to Paul.

He said, in fact, when I was young, I learned to play like Paul, but I never had the opportunity to join hands with him. After joining hands with him, I also made up for my previous organizational deficiencies, and he will become one of the most important teachers in my basketball career. Paul himself must be very happy to have such praise.

According to saxophone, the management of Golden State Warriors is currently in contact with the management of Clippers, and they seem to want Paul George very much. The Los Angeles Clippers also think they need a mature point guard, so the Warriors may exchange Chris Paul for Paul George. What do you think of this deal?

Brief introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The development history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced back to 1950s. The following are the main stages of the development history of AI:

  1. Logical reasoning and problem solving (1950s-early 1960s): The early AI system was based on symbolic logic, and solved problems through logical reasoning of facts and rules. However, this method has limitations, and it is difficult to deal with a large number of uncertain and fuzzy information.
  2. Machine learning and pattern recognition (1960s-1980s): The research of AI began to turn to machine learning and pattern recognition. Machine learning is a method to learn and optimize algorithms by training data, while pattern recognition is a method to realize intelligence by identifying and classifying patterns. These methods have been widely used in image recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing.
  3. Expert system and knowledge representation (1980s-1990s): AI research began to pay attention to expert system and knowledge representation. Expert system is an intelligent system based on expert knowledge and inference rules, which can simulate the decision-making process of human experts. Knowledge representation is a method to organize knowledge and information into a form that can be processed by computer, and it is an important foundation to realize AI.
  4. Statistical learning and deep learning (1990s-2010s): With the continuous development of computer hardware and algorithms, AI research began to pay attention to statistical learning and deep learning. Statistical learning is a machine learning method based on statistical model and data analysis, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships. Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle more complex and high-dimensional data.
  5. Self-learning and multi-modal AI(2010 to present): AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data. Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.

Important events:

  • In 1956, the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference, which marked the birth of AI.
  • In 1962, Arthur Samuel developed a self-learning program, which was an early application of machine learning.
  • In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published Perceptrons, which revealed the limitations of single-layer neural networks and promoted the development of neural networks.
  • In 1975, John Holland developed genetic algorithm, which is an optimization algorithm that imitates the process of biological evolution.
  • In 1981, Japan launched the first commercial robot WABOT-1.
  • In 1997, IBM’s deep blue supercomputer defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, indicating that computers can surpass human intelligence in some fields.
  • In 2011, IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence system defeated human players in the program "Dangerous Edge".
  • In 2016, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world champion in the Go competition, marking an important step in the application of artificial intelligence in complex games.
  • In 2018, the GPT-2 model developed by OpenAI made a major breakthrough in the field of natural language processing, which can generate high-quality natural language texts.

The latest development trend:

  1. Self-learning: AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data.
  2. Deep learning: Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships, and is one of the main trends of current AI development.
  3. Artificial intelligence chip: Artificial intelligence chip is a chip specially designed for AI application, which can realize efficient calculation and data processing and is an important technical support for AI popularization and application.
  4. Multi-modal AI: Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.
  5. AI and Internet of Things: The combination of AI and Internet of Things can realize more intelligent and efficient automatic production and management, including intelligent energy, intelligent transportation, smart home and other fields.
  6. AI Ethics and Law: With the continuous development and application of AI technology, AI ethics and legal issues have attracted more and more attention, including privacy protection, data security, and responsibility distribution.

In short, the development trend of AI technology is diverse, involving algorithms, chips, data and applications. In the future, AI technology will continue to develop and apply in depth, bringing more convenience and innovation to mankind.