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Arsenal have no title for 19 years! In 248 days, it topped the list but set an embarrassing record. The third time, it suffered a big reversal.

On May 21st, Beijing time, Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest, sending Manchester City to win the championship ahead of time, but they missed the Premier League championship for 19 consecutive years! The hope I just saw was dashed again.

When was the last time Arsenal won the Premier League title? 2003-04 season, 19 years ago! At that time, they won the championship unbeaten under the leadership of Wenger, which was the only time in the history of the Premier League. However, it was the culmination of glory and the beginning of decline.

Since then, Arsenal has never been involved in the Premier League trophy, and it has degenerated into fighting for four. Until 2018, Wenger regretted leaving, and so on. And his successor, emeri, also failed to recover.

However, this season, under the training of Artta, the gunman suddenly rose and led all the way. At the beginning of April this year, he once led the second Manchester City by as much as 8 points, and it is very promising to break the spell!

However, at the critical moment, they habitually dropped the chain. After a series of three consecutive draws, they lost to the Blue Moon 1-4 in the battle of Tianwangshan, handing over the top throne that had been held for 248 days.

In the final sprint, Arsenal lost to Brighton and Nottingham Forest one after another, leaving Manchester City at home! There are only 2 wins in the last 8 rounds, which is really a complete collapse.

You know, after 248 days at the top of the list, but ultimately failed to win the championship, Arsenal created an extremely embarrassing Premier League historical record! The previous holder was Newcastle, which held the top spot for 212 days in 1995-96, but was reversed by Manchester United.

In the 2002-03 season, Arsenal stayed at the top of the list for 189 days, and in the 2007-08 season, they stayed for 156 days, all of which were turned over, which can be said to be an "old tradition".

The French team is fighting among themselves! Deschamps: Benzema voluntarily withdrew from the World Cup. Benzema was angry: How dare you say that?

On March 11th, it was reported that French striker Benzema suddenly left the team before the start of the match in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, and the French team said that he had withdrawn from the World Cup due to injury. However, since then, the French media broke the news that Benzema’s departure was not voluntary, but the head coach Deschamps ordered him to leave. Recently, Deschamps accepted an exclusive interview with Le Parisien. In the interview, he said that Benzema decided to withdraw from the World Cup by himself. Benzema also immediately responded to this: You really dare to say! Just shut up.

On November 20th, the new Golden Globe winner Benzema participated in the first training session of the French team. The next day, the French team officially announced that striker Benzema was forced to withdraw from this World Cup because of a quadriceps injury in his left thigh. Benzema returned to Real Madrid overnight and recovered quickly afterwards, playing for Real Madrid.

According to Sergio Valentin, a French journalist, Benzema did not leave the French team voluntarily, but the head coach Deschamps informed him that he had to leave. At that time, Deschamps found that Benzema had not recovered from thigh muscle discomfort, so he went up to him and said, "Karim, I’m sorry you have to leave!" "

As a result, Deschamps explained Benzema’s withdrawal from the World Cup in an interview with Le Parisien a few days ago: "I lost an important player. Benzema was hurt because the World Cup meant a lot to him. He said to me,’ I have no chance’. In this case, there is a truth that Benzema knows very well. The diagnosis of the national team doctor is the same as his diagnosis at Real Madrid. At best, he will resume training on December 10th. Benzema also told the people in Madrid who were concerned about the change of his injury. In my communication with him, he expressed his disappointment that he had to give up. "

"I must clarify that he made this decision for the sake of the team. We stayed together for almost 20 minutes, and when I left, I told him,’ Karim, don’t hurry to leave, you and the coach of the team (Real Madrid) will decide the recovery plan together’. When I woke up the next day, I learned that he had left. This is his decision. He won’t tell you anything else. I understand and respect him. "

In addition, Deschamps said that he called Benzema after he announced his retirement from the national team. He said that he "didn’t see the Real Madrid striker fully determined" to play for the national team. He also said that Benzema has been invited to participate in the competition in France and the Netherlands and will pay tribute to him.

After Deschamps’ interview was released, Benzema immediately updated the social media, exposed the contents of Deschamps’ interview, and wrote the following article: "You really dare to say it."

Then, an expression pack with a black question mark face was released, with the text: "Good night, dear Deschamps". Just shut up.

In this regard, netizens have said, "Isn’t this the scene of leading a classic non-stick pan:" I didn’t let you go, you have to go yourself. " "

"No, not French."

"Deschamps somebody else a champion, a runner-up! A golden globe award is not enough for him to see! If you are the leader of the French Football Association, who do you support? I definitely support Deschamps for the sake of achievement. "

"Almost come on, you’ve been Green’s formula."

"If Benzema is in the final …"

"Sacré is sacred in religion (also got a strange feeling), and in the common saying, it is just a direct irony … it means despicable and hateful, and omg feels very contradictory."

"Hahahaha, it’s my favorite gossip link again."

"After all, the French team, although a little late, still has to wait."

"When I woke up, I learned that he had left."

"Ha ha ha ha, dare to do it."

"One Deschamps and one South Gate, and the vegetables and chickens peck at each other".