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Exclusively reveal the latest progress of Didi’s car manufacturing

This article is from the WeChat official account:Cybercar (ID: Cyber-car)Author: Andy Xiao Ying, head image from: Visual China

Didi’s car manufacturing has made rapid progress.

Recently, a person familiar with the matter revealed to Cybercar.Didi’s car manufacturing plan may be officially announced in June this year.And strive to deliver the new car in June next year. Didi’s car-making business is code-named "Da Vinci", and the current team size is about 1,700 people, located in Shunyi, Beijing.

The first model developed by Didi may be an A-class pure electric vehicle for the mass consumer market, with a size close to that of BYD Qin and GAC Aian S, priced at about 150,000 yuan.

At the same time, Didi is also developing a second model for the online car-hailing market, the D1 Light, which is a lightweight version based on the D1 development. It is planned to be used by Hua Xiaozhu and is still produced by BYD.

Didi’s two car manufacturing projects,The model code for the online car-hailing market is D1, and the model code for the mass consumer market is C1.According to people familiar with the matter, on the surface, D1 and C1 are all led by Didi Chuxing Vice President Yang Jun, but in fact, Yang Jun is mainly responsible for D1, and the C1 project is chaired by Didi veteran employee Luo Wen, who reports directly to Didi Chuxing CEO Cheng Wei.

In addition, among the known project leaders, Liu Haijiang, vice president of Didi Chuxing and general manager of the Automotive Innovation Center, is in charge of the supply chain, and Zhang Rui, who was the general manager of Didi Hitch Division, is in charge of user operations. At present, the supplier is gradually being confirmed, and the power battery supplier may be Ningde Times or BYD.

Another person familiar with the matter said,Didi plans to acquire a car manufacturing qualification and factory.In order to fully control the R & D and production of C1. At present, the acquisition target is locked in the factory located in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province. Insiders of the company also said that the possibility of a deal is relatively high, and there may be results at the end of the month. At present, employees are waiting for follow-up arrangements.

Resolution car

Didi has always had the idea of building a car, and it was only after the release of Didi D1 that it truly decided to build a car independently.

From the earliest cooperation with Li Auto and the establishment of the "Torrent Alliance", to the cooperation with BYD and the release of D1,Didi’s car-making strategy has undergone a shift from "cooperating with car companies" to "building cars independently".

In April 2018, Didi and 31 auto industry chain companies jointly launched the "Torrent Alliance". During this period, Cheng Wei has always declared that Didi will not build cars. Just like Huawei today, the story is about empowering car companies.

The logic behind this strategy is also very simple. As the scene operator, Didi has the right to decide what car the platform wants and what car it doesn’t want. Behind the power lies the game with car companies. Once Didi builds a car, it is equivalent to being both a referee and a player, breaking the balance with car companies. Therefore, in order to win mutual benefit and trust with car companies, in the initial stage, Didi prefers to cooperate in car building.

According to public information, a month before the establishment of the "Torrent Alliance", Didi and Li Auto finalized a strategic cooperation, and the two sides established a joint venture company to jointly build models for the mobility market.

On the same timeline, there is also undisclosed information that Didi’s car-building cooperation with BYD is also in the pipeline. According to people familiar with the matter, in 2017 and 2018, Liu Haijiang visited a number of OEMs extensively to finalize the car-building cooperation.

At that time, most car companies did not think that Didi could help much in sales, so they did not promote cooperation with Didi.

As for why BYD was able to accept Didi, there are two theories.

One theory is that in 2017, BYD was in a period of sluggish sales, with both sales and net profit falling sharply. In 2018, the competitive environment of the entire automobile market became even worse, ushering in the first negative growth of our country’s automobile market in 28 years. In this context, BYD is willing to make more attempts.

Another theory is that at that time, Didi’s control of car manufacturing costs was very strict, and other car companies were unable to achieve such costs. Only BYD could barely afford it.

Although Didi quickly reached cooperation with Li Auto and BYD before and after the "Torrent Alliance", the follow-up progress was not smooth.

First, Li Auto had another way out. In August 2019, in the C round of financing, Li Auto took money from Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan, Didi’s biggest competitor. Didi felt that the ideal was "treacherous", which caused the project to die.

At the same time, after experiencing the car market downturn in 2018, BYD’s sales have improved, and the importance of cooperation with Didi has not been so high, which has led to the slow progress of the D1 project, which is at least half a year later than expected.

In addition, Didi also realized that,In cooperation with car companies, it is difficult for Didi to have dominance and has the voice over.

From the surface, the cooperation between the two parties has a clear division of labor and is led by Didi. According to the official statement of Didi at that time, Didi is responsible for the definition and design of products, while BYD is equivalent to the role of product manager, based on hardware manufacturing, quality control and other capabilities, to control the whole process from Product Research & Development to landing.

But in fact,The scope for Didi to play at the product definition level is very limited.

Didi insiders revealed that the appearance, interior, BYD can compromise, but once it comes to the core level of hardware and system, Didi does not have the voice over. Even so far, Didi wants some key data about the car, but still can’t get it.

It may have been two less beautiful collaborations that completely dashed Didi’s illusion of cooperating with OEMs to build cars.

Sell to C-end

At first, when Cheng Wei was thinking about Didi’s entire business model,The top priority is not building cars, but autonomous driving.

According to Didi insiders, Cheng Wei has been worried about what will happen to Didi if they continue to follow the business model of online car-hailing. The final judgment is that the proportion of labor costs for online car-hailing is too high, the business model is unhealthy, and unhealthy will lead to chronic death.

In the very early days, Didi had a basic judgment that only by eliminating the labor cost can Didi’s online car-hailing model be healthy in the future. Therefore, Didi made it clear that autonomous driving is the most necessary thing, and it cannot be left to others to do it.

In 2016, Didi began research on autonomous driving.At the time it had a very romantic name for the department of the future – Voyager(Voyage explorer)

Then, Didi began to think about another problem, how to implement autonomous driving. If joint ventures with car companies are one of Didi’s fantasies, then another of Didi’s fantasies is to sell autonomous driving systems to car companies. Under this strategy, in August 2019, Didi Chuxing announced that it would upgrade its autonomous driving department to an independent company.

Didi’s strategy is very logical. Compared with many online ride-hailing platforms,The core competitiveness of Didi is the certainty of service.Including the certainty of waiting, the certainty of arrival, and the certainty of the halfway experience. Imagine if one day the autonomous driving technology is mature, and there are more than a dozen different software and hardware systems on the Didi platform, how will Didi get through, dispatch, and ensure safety? These will be big potential problems.

Therefore,Didi must unify its autonomous driving strategy to ensure overall control and planning.Building a mature autonomous driving system to sell to car companies may have been Didi’s wishful thinking when it broke up the autonomous driving company.

However, what made Didi unexpected was that,The arrival of autonomous driving will take so long.This gives automakers enough time to develop themselves, leveling the competitive advantage of early players such as Didi and Baidu. In other words, automakers will not purchase its autonomous driving system as Didi wishes.

If we can’t achieve extensive cooperation with car companies through the B-end breakthrough, then Didi is facing a big problem, how to accumulate the scale of the vehicle? The cost of an L4 autonomous vehicle is not low, and it is unrealistic for Didi to bear the full cost by itself.

Then, there is only one path before Didi, that is, it must build a car and sell it to users.

Didi builds its own cars, which can simultaneously meet core needs such as scale, cost sharing, and continuous cash flow. If this move is correct, Didi will gain time to breathe and continue to consolidate its online car-hailing business.

This can also be confirmed by the model products created by Didi. The product pricing of C1 and D1 is in the range of 15 to 200,000 yuan, and the competition is the main model of the current special express car.

Therefore, fundamentally,Didi car is still paving the way for online car-hailing.Solve the dilemma of the online car-hailing business model.

maximum injury

Didi has revealed in the prospectus that autonomous driving and shared transportation platforms, car service networks, and electric vehicles have become the four core strategic blocks for Didi to build the future of Chuxing. At present, with the conclusion of the car construction project, Didi’s four main business sectors have made substantial progress.

Despite this, the future of Didi is not clear. According to Didi insiders, after the announcement of the delisting of US stocks, other measures related to Didi’s punishment have not yet come down. It feels like things are not over yet, and no one knows where Didi will go.

On March 11, Didi was revealed to have suspended preparations for a Hong Kong stock listing because it failed to meet regulators’ data security requirements. This cast another shadow on Didi’s development prospects.

In the short term, it is difficult for Didi to do more in the online car-hailing business. According to the statistics of the national online car-hailing regulatory information exchange platform, after the regulatory storm, Didi’s monthly market share of online car-hailing once fell by more than 20%.

An industry insider working for a leading online ride-hailing company said that the data of the regulatory platform is mainly filled in by the company itself, and there may be some moisture in the decline of 20%, but even if it decreases by 20%, Didi will rebound, and other players will still lack the ability to deal with it.

Therefore, at this stage, for Didi, it may be the most appropriate thing to recharge and create a good enough car product, so that all previous plans can become meaningful.

Didi has put more attention on building cars and autonomous driving, and Didi insiders say that the person in charge will stay in Shunyi for half of the week to supervise the battle.

Even so, in the eyes of internal employees, Didi Car still has one of the biggest flaws.It’s just that there is no high-level executive who really understands cars to control this matter.

The employee said that in the process of cooperating with BYD to build cars,Didi has not amassed enough technology and talent.Cheng Wei himself summed up the cooperation between the two parties, saying that Didi was just a student and learned the complexity of car building.

From D1 to C1, Didi has not had a senior chief engineer who understands cars. Yang Jun and Liu Haijiang are both from Lenovo, while Luo Wen and Liu Rui are internal employees of Didi. These team managers have limited knowledge of cars and it is difficult to make reasonable judgments.

In addition, although Didi’s autonomous driving started early, the team’s development has undergone several twists and turns, and the overall advancement speed is slow. Whether it can become the killer of Didi’s car building is still difficult to judge.

No matter what, Didi’s entry into the car market will stir up the entire automotive industry ecosystem. Let’s keep our expectations for the official announcement of Didi’s car project.

This article is from the WeChat official account:Cybercar (ID: Cyber-car)Author: Andy Xiao

The Ministry of Public Security has cracked a number of illegal and criminal cases of obscenity and pornography on mobile phones.

Special topic: encirclement and suppression of mobile phone network pornography

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 24 th On December 8 th, since nine ministries and commissions, including the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, deployed a special campaign to further rectify obscene pornography and vulgar information on the Internet and mobile phone media, the Ministry of Public Security has made a heavy blow to the illegal and criminal activities of obscene pornography on mobile phones. In just half a month, the national cyber security department has closed 2,361 WAP websites of obscene and pornographic mobile phones, cracked 28 criminal cases of obscene and pornographic mobile phone websites, and arrested 34 suspects. The crackdown and rectification work was successful in the first battle.

  Beijing cracked the case of "3gsem.cn" mobile phone wap website spreading obscenity and pornography. Recently, the work of Beijing Public Security Bureau found that a mobile WAP website named "Abusive Naked Campus" provides a large number of obscene and pornographic information links, through which you can browse obscene and pornographic videos, pictures, novels, etc. on other obscene and pornographic websites. The website server is hosted in IDC computer room of Yizhuang, Beijing Unicom. The public security organs in Beijing immediately set up a task force to carry out investigations and arrested the suspect Zhao. After the trial, Zhao confessed that he applied for virtual space and domain name through Beijing Tuofeng Weiye Company around October 2008, purchased wap mobile phone program code from the Internet, and successively searched more than 50 pornographic websites from the Internet, which increased the number of clicks with each other, and applied for advertising alliance of "Beijing Posture Wireless Company" and "Beijing Business Opportunity Unlimited Company". These two companies put advertisements on 3gsem.cn website, and the company will pay Zhao 0 according to the number of clicks of advertisements.

  Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles. Recently, the public security organs in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province successfully cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles, arrested a suspect, seized a computer involved and seized illegal income of more than 60,000 yuan. On November 16, 2009, the network supervision detachment of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi Province found that a wap website of mobile phone was suspected of spreading obscene articles, and the server of the website was located in IDC room of Jiujiang Telecom. After investigation, it was found that the criminal suspect was forced by the strong public opinion pressure to crack down on the spread of obscenity and pornography on mobile phone wap websites recently, and set up jumping links to nearly 20 overseas obscene mobile phone wap websites, such as "Wolf Friends Home", "The Complete Collection of Sexy and Cool Stations", "Mao Mao Hand Mao Mao Foot" and "Jibazi Best Prostitute Station", in order to escape the crackdown by the public security organs. There are a lot of obscene pictures and novels in these obscene mobile phone wap websites. On December 7, the police handling the case of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi, with the strong cooperation of Maoming Public Security Bureau in Guangdong, arrested the suspect Zhang in Maoming City. After the trial, the suspect Zhang confessed to the fact that he started to spread obscene and pornographic information on his mobile WAP website in April 2008, and put advertisements on his mobile WAP website for illegal profit by joining the network advertising alliance.

  Shenzhen, Guangdong, cracked a case of using mobile media to spread obscene pornographic videos for profit. On December 2, 2009, the network police detachment of shenzhen public City, Guangdong Province found that a mobile WAP website was suspected of engaging in online viewing service of obscene pornographic videos. After the investigation, it was found that the suspect also maintained six other obscene and pornographic websites. The network police detachment of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau immediately assigned a special person to collect evidence and inspect the website, fixed the criminal evidence, and arrested three suspects, Liu’s brother and sister. After investigation, the three suspects set up seven pornographic websites, uploaded a large number of pornographic videos, and some websites had more than 1,000 pornographic movies. It takes advantage of the characteristics of high click-through rate and large traffic of pornographic websites, promotes advertisements by inserting online advertisements into obscene pornographic videos and movies, and makes profits by charging commissions according to clicks. Since the website was launched in October 2009, three suspects have made a profit of nearly 6,000 yuan.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

The local little seafood concentrated on landing and attracted a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh"

Cast three large nets a day and a night.

Harvesting tens of thousands of Jin octopus,

Qi Xin, a dozen fishermen, joined forces

Catch thousands of pounds of oyster shrimp,

There are many boats.

Catch a lot of small fish and shrimp ashore,

Give the citizens a small holiday "the first fresh" …

On the first day of the Qingming small holiday,

The reporter is in Laoshan District

Shazikou National Center Fishing Port and Nanjiang Wharf

And Qigou, Aoshan Bay, Jimo District,

Taking advantage of the small holiday,

Fishermen go fishing at sea,

For citizens and tourists

Brought back a wave of "spring fresh".

The fisherman said,

All kinds of ashore this season

There are more and more varieties in little seafood.

And many of them are cheap.

A delicious seasonal seafood variety.

All kinds of seafood just caught ashore.

"The name of these seafood is’ Long Octopus’, which is a variety of Eight Zones. This boat has fully harvested more than 12,000 kilograms." This morning, at Shazikou Fishing Port, with a large fishing boat docked, more than a dozen fishermen began to perform their duties and were busy unloading octopus to the shore.

Fishing boats catch a lot of octopus.

Mr. Jiang, a fisherman, said that they went out to sea in the early hours of the morning. After a day and a night of fishing, they cast three nets and harvested a lot of octopus. Today, they landed at Shazikou early in the morning, and about 12,000 kilograms of octopus were transported to major markets for sale that day.

According to fishermen’s custom, it is a good time for fishermen to go fishing around Qingming every year. With the rise of water temperature in offshore waters, a large number of fish begin to swim to offshore waters. At this time, most fishermen will go fishing. Therefore, April is the time when a large number of local little seafood people come ashore, so citizens can indulge in seafood during the Qingming holiday.

Freshly landed oyster shrimp.

At the Nanjiang Wharf in Laoshan District, the reporter saw that the fishing boats that went out to sea had landed, shrimp and tiger, eight belts, and? ? ? ? Fish, yellow drum fish, blackhead fish, eel scales, crabs … Although the number of little seafood brought back is small, it is rich and fresh, and many citizens rushed to the dock to buy it.

Many seafood are sold on the dock as soon as they land.

In addition, the reporter visited Gangdong Wharf in Laoshan District and Qigou Wharf in Jimo District, and found that many local small fishing boats landed in little seafood. After several hours of offshore operation, each boat can bring back dozens of pounds of different varieties of little seafood on average, attracting a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh".

Many citizens rushed to the dock to buy seafood.

According to the fishermen in Qigou Village, because these two days are small tides, there is no big fishing news in the offshore area, so a large number of fishing boats will only fish in the offshore area and will not run too far. During the Qingming small holiday, there will be fishing news off the coast of Qingdao. At this time, there will be big ships fishing in relatively distant waters. At that time, a large number of little seafood will land, and the citizens will be able to have a seafood addiction before the fishing moratorium.

Source | Qingdao Morning Post reporter Kang Xiaohuan

Changjiang, Hainan: kapok comes in spring

  "It’s different in the south, middle and spring, and the city is full of kapok." At present, it’s a good time to enjoy kapok in Changjiang, Hainan.

  Changjiang River, known as the "hometown of kapok", is one of the areas where kapok is concentrated. 2-mdash per year; In March, the landscapes of Baoshan Village Kapok Terrace, Paian Village Kapok Railway and Changhua River Kapok Red in Changjiang River formed Hainan’s unique beauty of stepping into the spring. When kapok bloomed, it was the first time when rice was planted, which vividly showed the freehand brushwork picture of "spring ploughing in the flowering season" and formed kapok unique to Asia — Paddy field farming system.
Every year, during the flowering season of kapok in Changjiang, painters and tourists from all over the country also come here.

How should parents give reasonable guidance to children who use new media to become younger?

Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University, pointed out that parents should balance the opportunities and risks of the Internet when guiding their children to surf the Internet. Photo courtesy of respondents

A chart based on interview data of Chen Qingwen’s team. Photo courtesy of respondents

  I believe many people have had this experience: in some public places, "Xiong Haizi" played games or watched videos with electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets, and the volume was so loud that parents turned a blind eye. Relevant research reports show that in China, children’s use of new media tends to be younger and more entertaining.

  On the one hand, new media devices that can be networked, such as mobile phones and tablets, have grown up with a new generation of children and once became a "part" of their bodies; On the other hand, the powerful educational function and interpersonal communication use of new media also make it a sharp weapon for learning and communication.

  As the mother of a post-00 generation child, Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University’s College of Art and Media, faces the same problem: How and how often do children use new media? How should parents guide their children to use new media reasonably?

  With these questions, Chen Qingwen and his team randomly interviewed 30 families of children aged 3-10 in Shanghai to learn about children’s use of new media, parents’ attitude and involvement in children’s use of new media, and children’s views on parental involvement. On this basis, suggestions are given, and the research results are published in the core journal "Journalist" in August 2019.

  From "TV Children" to "New Media Children"

  As a post-1970s generation, Chen Qingwen admitted that he "grew up watching TV". When he was a graduate student at Fudan University 15 years ago, he studied the newly-emerging children’s channel in China. She said that the transition from "TV children" to "new media children" was even faster than the growth of a generation. And this change has brought a kind of trouble to parents: it is difficult to guide children to use new media reasonably with reference to their own experience.

  Some people may ask, how can they bring up the next generation when there was no TV in the older generation?

  "Because the new media is more interactive, participatory and creative than the traditional media, but without learning and guidance, children may just regard the new media as TV or game consoles." Chen Qingwen explained that, at the same time, new media are everywhere, and the content is all-encompassing, which is very different from traditional TV and other media. You can leave TV at home, but you can’t live without the Internet and mobile phones. In modern cities, "portable" and "always online" have become the common points for people to use new media.

  Chen Qingwen felt that "new media children" were born from the moment parents provided their children with new media equipment.

  Among the 30 families interviewed, one-third of the children have their own new media equipment, and the other two-thirds share it with their parents, many of whom will leave their unused new media equipment for their children to use. In terms of use, most children play games, followed by watching videos, and the third is the homework assigned by the school.

  According to statistics, more than half of the children use it for a long time, especially on weekends, almost for more than two hours a day. In the trend, many children in the kindergarten group have used new media for a long time, and the use time tends to lengthen with age. In addition, compared with the primary school group, the kindergarten group has a higher proportion of its own new media equipment, which shows that the use of new media is younger.

  In March this year, the Research Report on the Internet Use of Minors in China in 2018 jointly issued by the Youth Rights Protection Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Information Center showed that as of July 31, 2018, the number of underage netizens in China reached 169 million, and the Internet penetration rate of minors reached 93.7%, which was significantly higher than that of the national population (57.7%) in the same period. According to the report, this is a direct manifestation of the expansion of Internet coverage and the decline of mobile traffic charges in China in recent years, and it is also closely related to minors’ strong interest in the Internet, strong learning ability and great application demand.

  Don’t let machines take the place of parents’ company

  In the interview, the research team found that children’s use of new media is mostly due to lack of companionship, especially preschool children. Because parents are busy and have no friends to play with, children have to turn to mobile phones and tablets; With the increase of age, more and more children choose new media.

  Some parents even choose to use new media instead of themselves to accompany their children. In public places such as restaurants, children are often seen watching videos while eating, perhaps just to let their parents "have a good meal". "She is good with this and doesn’t make any noise, as long as she doesn’t make any noise." A mother said.

  The interview also found that with the increase of age, more and more children are more willing to choose new media than playing with friends; And the older children are, the less satisfied they seem to be with their new media use time. Most of the respondents in the primary school group felt that their use time was insufficient, and one girl felt that two hours a day was not enough.

  "When parents use new media instead of accompanying their children, the actual price paid is likely to be huge." Chen Qingwen pointed out in the research report, "As they get older, they are more likely to rely on new media. At this time, even if their parents want to accompany them, they may continue to immerse themselves in communication with machines. When machines replace humans to accompany children, even if people come back, the relationship between children and machines is unbreakable. "

  Chen Qingwen combined expert opinions and personal experience to give some suggestions to parents. "If you want to control underage children’s use of new media, try not to let them own their own equipment, just lend it to him, that is to say, give children the right to use it, while parents retain the right to control it. As for the balance between control and privacy, you need wisdom."

  She also said that although the current academic research is inconclusive about when to start controlling children’s use of new media, she feels that parents who are determined to control their children should take action as soon as possible. "It would be much better to let him know that parents should take care of it early than suddenly."

  Why can other children play computer games, but I can’t?

  In this "equipment battle", "children crying and parents yelling" is a common scene. The research team found that most children’s tricks are crying and "lai", and they can play as long as they can until their parents take away the equipment.

  Interestingly, on the question of whether parents are worried about their children’s use of new media, parents’ attitudes are polarized: 17 are worried, and 13 are not worried, either very supportive or very opposed.

  In the interview, some parents thought that "this is a trend" and "this thing will be accepted sooner or later", so they were not worried at all. A mother said: "everyone has it, but they just can’t fall behind." If she doesn’t understand, she feels like she is behind others and can’t keep up. "

  The attitude of parents who hold opposite opinions is also very clear, and their concerns are mainly reflected in three points: First, they are afraid of their children’s addiction; The second is to worry about the harm to vision; The third is to worry about the negative impact of inappropriate content such as violence.

  Chen Qingwen believes that such "two extremes" attitude makes parents’ work of disciplining their children in trouble. "Why he can I can’t, this is a child’s question. For example, children will say that classmates can use computers when they go home. Why can’t I? "

  Another reason is the change of family education style in China. “‘ Authoritative education ’ It is not easy to work. In the past, parents could answer no, but now they are likely to get a crying and keep asking. After all, children’s energy is much better than ours. "

  The research team also found that, as in the TV era, the way parents intervene in their children’s use of new media is mainly "restriction", and the time limit is more than the content limit.

  Most parents in the interview only know that their children are playing games or watching videos, but they don’t know what games or videos their children are playing. Some academic studies believe that restrictive guidance strategies can not only effectively help solve the problems that children may encounter on the Internet, but also easily lead to the decline of the quality of parent-child relationship or frequent conflicts.

  For children who are out of control, whether they cry, lose their temper or cheat, the parents interviewed said: "Let her cry", "Ignore her" or "yell at him", and some parents will be patient and reasonable, but children will still enter the cycle of yelling if they don’t listen.

  The mother of a 9-year-old boy said that she usually talks reason first and scolds him if she doesn’t listen. If she scolds him, she will have to yell at him at him at a higher volume. If she doesn’t, she will have to be punished, such as not using new media for a few days or increasing the number of homework. Most parents can insist on not using their children’s noise, but the children’s crying or losing their temper will continue.

  Academic research proves that parents’ positive intervention is more effective.

  "We just did a small-scale interview in Shanghai." Chen Qingwen said, "If you want to give scientific advice, you need to do extensive and long-term investigation and research in different cities and rural areas across the country."

  But before that, some countries encountered these problems earlier than China, and their academic research may provide reference.

  Chen Qingwen introduced that since the 1980s, the research on parents’ involvement in children’s media use has been popular in the United States. After 1990, the American government emphasized the role of parents in family policy, and related research received more attention. The research points out that the two main intervention methods adopted by parents are "making rules" and "restricting"; The actual behavior of parents can be divided into positive intervention methods such as parent-child discussion and negative intervention methods such as prohibiting or restricting use, and parents adopt the mode of sharing viewing between parents and children.

  In another paper on the use of new media by minors by British scholars in 2007, the author divided the intervention strategies of parents for their children to use new media into four categories. In addition to joint use and restricted use, parents will also adopt "technology restrictions", that is, use technology software or set restrictions on their children to prevent them from using unauthorized digital media content; And monitor children’s use of websites, letters and games in different ways. Their conclusion is that when parents take active measures to intervene their children’s use of new media, such as sharing or discussion, the negative influence of their children’s use of new media can be effectively reduced.

  Domestic research on the media also believes that parents’ intervention can bring positive results.

  For example, in the psychological aspect, the correct intervention of parents and families can reduce teenagers’ psychological anxiety, help build self-confidence and self-esteem and affect teenagers’ mental health; In terms of learning and risk reduction, parents’ active intervention in media use can improve teenagers’ learning effect, reduce the possible negative impact of violent content in the media, affect the formation of children’s gender role attitude, reduce children’s fear response to media content, and reduce some network risks that children may encounter.

  At the same time, parents’ ideas and the motivation and methods of intervention are extremely important.

  Foreign studies have found that the more parents want the Internet to have a positive effect on their children and think that the Internet will have a negative impact on their children, the more they will get involved in their children’s use of new media. Domestic research also points out that the more time online is strictly restricted by parents, the more recreational motivation teenagers tend to use the Internet.

  "The key point may not be whether children should use new media or how to use new media at all, but where the parents are and where the children’s minds are. Studies in different fields have pointed out that modern society is busier than before, and how parents create a happy parent-child environment will become an increasingly important issue. Quality companionship between parents and children is one of the necessary conditions for shaping parents. " Chen Qingwen’s interview report wrote.

  Communicate with your child with your heart

  What do children think of their parents’ control? The interview results show that on the whole, half of the children think that their parents are reasonable; At the same time, with the growth of children’s age, the proportion of recognition of parents’ intervention control has increased. And "making rules together" and "keeping your word" have become the common standards for children to measure the rationality of parental discipline.

  Taking nine children in the kindergarten group in the interview report as an example, Min Min, a 4-year-old (all minors below are pseudonyms), feels that his parents are much more in charge; Tingting, 5, feels that her parents don’t care much because they are reasonable. Zhu Zhu, a 5-year-old, said that she was afraid of her father because he was very fierce when he was angry and would say, "I’m telling you! I’m telling you! No matter how, I will kick you downstairs "; Kiki, Doll and Lingling, both 6 years old, are afraid of their mother and think her mother is too fierce.

  Among the 21 children in the primary school group, 13 children feel that parental control is reasonable, 5 children feel unreasonable, and 3 children are uncertain. Xiao Han, a third-grade student, told the interviewer that she felt that the parental control was sometimes reasonable and sometimes unreasonable. The unreasonable reason was that the mobile phone was forcibly taken away before the agreed time. "My mother said several times that she would play for me for 10 minutes. I didn’t expect that when it was almost two minutes, she said that it was 10 minutes. I didn’t want to, so my mother dragged me away. She said that it was evening and I couldn’t play any more."

  The interview report suggests that from the perspective of social environment, there are two urgent things: first, timely education courses related to new media literacy should be provided at different stages of children’s growth; The second is to improve parents’ ability to master new media and new technologies.

  "Not all parents have time and energy to participate or study independently. I think we can start with school education and issue some principles and suggestions for children to take back to their parents." Chen Qingwen explained.

  In addition to improving their understanding of new media and technologies, parents should also attach importance to communication between parents and children and accompany their children to use new media by guiding participation. Especially in the method of making rules, parents need to talk to their children often. "In fact, kindergarten children have a very clear concept, this is good, how long should it take. If the rules are made by the children themselves, or if the parents discuss with him, the children will be more willing to abide by them. "

  When attending international academic conferences, Chen Qingwen often discusses these issues with foreign scholars: when to give children new media equipment, how long the screen time should be in a day, and when to let children have their own social media accounts. "Although some organizations will give suggestions, for example, the screen time is no more than one hour or two hours a day, and general social software suggests that people are over 14 years old, but parents have different ideas, different social situations, different family situations, and different children, so you can refer to some research-based suggestions, but in the end you have to find a way that suits you. I don’t think there is an absolute standard."

  "According to the needs" is Chen Qingwen’s main basis. Her son rarely contacted new media when he was in kindergarten, but when he saw that other children had their own mobile phones, he said that he also wanted to have their own mobile phones. But this wish has not been realized until now that his son is going to middle school, because his son has no need to carry a mobile phone. When she entered middle school, her son needed a computer for some of his homework. The school asked for a laptop for her child, so she bought the laptop she wanted, but only if it was used for study and could not be loaded with games. "At present, the school has just started, and there are still any problems in the future. I am also walking and watching."

  "In our research, we found that intentional is better than unintentional. As long as you are intentional, children can feel it. My suggestions are: teach students in accordance with their aptitude, learn from each other, and communicate with your heart. From the perspective of communication, intentional communication can enhance feelings and reduce misunderstandings, which is actually the most effective method. " Chen Qingwen said. (China Youth Daily China Youth Network Trainee reporter Wei Qimeng)

"After 00" vs. Zhao Ruliang won the first Chinese billiards world championship.

Original title: "After 00" vs. Zhao Ruliang wins the first Chinese billiards world championship.

The 6th China Billiards Association Chinese Billiards World Championship ended on 16th in Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. In the men’s final held on the same day, Zhao Ruliang beat Shen Shenyi 41:28 in the dialogue between two "post-00" players and won the first Chinese billiards world championship.

The men’s final is 41 wins in 81 games, which is divided into four stages. Zhao Ruliang ended the first stage with 11:7, and once expanded the number of leading games to 8 in the second stage; Shen Shenyi launched a counterattack at the end of this stage, and the two sides entered a state of seesaw in the third stage; Zhao Ruliang, who is more experienced in the competition, entered the fourth stage with a 32:24 lead by a small high tide at the last minute.

At the beginning of the fourth stage, Zhao Ruliang quickly entered the state, and further expanded its advantage at 36:24. After a wave of scoring climax, he got the match point early at 40:26, and won the third match point with a clear shot, winning the championship and taking away the 3 million yuan championship prize. The runner-up Shen Shenyi received 1.2 million yuan.

The men’s team of the Chinese Billiards World Championships is strong, and none of the top 16 professional men of the Chinese Billiards Association is absent. All the four former champions, Elton, Shi Hanqing, john young and Zheng Yubo, appeared. Zhao Ruliang studied under john young, and eliminated Master in the semi-final and entered the final. Shen Shenyi defeated the dark horse Xu Tianwei in the semi-final. In the third and fourth finals, Xu Tianwei broke out in the second stage, and defeated john young to win the third place at 21:15.

This World Championships is divided into men’s and women’s groups. In the women’s final that ended before, Tang Chunxiao defeated Liu Xiazhi 19:9 and also won the championship for the first time.

The "Beijing Eight Articles" regulation plan is released, and the down payment ratio of the second suite is not less than 50%

  Yesterday, the city issued a notice on several measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the city’s real estate market, and put forward eight measures for real estate regulation. It is clearly pointed out that for households with one set of housing, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary self-occupied housing again in order to improve their living conditions, the down payment ratio will not be less than 50% regardless of the loan record; For those who purchase non-ordinary self-occupied houses, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 70%.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) Yesterday, the general office of the municipal government forwarded the notice of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Committee and other departments on "Several Measures for Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in this Municipality" and put forward eight measures for real estate regulation and control in this Municipality.

  First, we should increase the supply of residential land and rationally adjust the land supply structure. Increase the supply ratio of low-priced and medium-sized ordinary commercial housing, strictly implement the 90/70 policy, increase the just-needed supply, and take into account the improvement demand.

  Second, it is necessary to increase the supply of land for self-occupied commercial housing. Except Dongcheng, Xicheng and Shijingshan District, other districts should arrange a number of land for self-occupied commercial housing to enter the market as soon as possible during the year.

  Third, it is necessary to further improve the land transaction rules, strengthen the transaction mode of "controlling land price and limiting house price", limit the housing price in the supply link and incorporate it into the conditions of land auction and auction. Encourage real estate enterprises to own some houses as rental housing to meet the rental demand.

  The fourth is to implement differentiated housing credit policies. The down payment ratio for the first set of ordinary self-occupied housing is not less than 35%, and the down payment ratio for the first set of non-ordinary commercial housing is not less than 40%. However, except for self-occupied commercial housing, two-limit housing and other policy housing. For households with one set of housing, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary self-occupied housing again in order to improve their living conditions, the down payment ratio shall be no less than 50% regardless of the loan record; For those who purchase non-ordinary self-occupied houses, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 70%.

  Fifth, the relevant municipal departments should strengthen the management of commodity housing transactions and supervise real estate development enterprises and their sales behavior. For projects with obviously high quotations, the issuance of pre-sale permits will be stopped, and existing home sales will not be filed. For projects that have gone through the pre-sale or cash sale procedures, all the houses for sale shall be made public at one time within the specified time, and the regulations of clearly marked price and one room and one price shall be strictly enforced, and the actual sales price shall not be higher than the declared price. At the same time, the above information should be clearly marked in a prominent position in the trading place.

  Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen the management of real estate brokerage institutions and their brokerage activities, and fully implement the supervision of stock housing transaction funds. Real estate brokerage institutions and real estate brokers should be entrusted to release real housing and price information, and should not occupy housing information or drive up housing prices.

  Seventh, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and other relevant departments should carry out joint law enforcement inspections, focusing on investigating and dealing with property hoarding’s illegal acts such as hoarding houses, driving up house prices, publishing false houses and price information, and publicly exposing them, and relevant information should be included in enterprise credit files.

  Eighth, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a joint meeting system to strengthen the supervision of the real estate market in this Municipality, and be responsible for guiding, coordinating and promoting the supervision of the real estate market in this Municipality.


  The city deployed the real estate market inspection work during the National Day.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) Yesterday, the city held a briefing on the law enforcement inspection of the real estate market. The meeting informed the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission about the law enforcement inspection and the current real estate market situation, and asked real estate development enterprises and real estate brokerage institutions to standardize their operations according to law, strictly prohibit property hoarding and other illegal acts, and clarify the serious consequences that enterprises should bear in violation of regulations; At the same time, the multi-departmental joint law enforcement inspection work during the National Day was further deployed.

  The meeting pointed out that the management of real estate development enterprises and their sales behavior requires that real estate development projects that require pre-sale permission or record the sale of existing homes should disclose all the sales houses at one time within the specified time. Real estate development enterprises in the sale of commercial housing projects, we must strictly enforce the price tag, one room and one price, the actual sales price shall not be higher than the declared price; All saleable houses and their prices and other related information must be clearly marked in a prominent position in the trading place, and the clearly marked price should not be turned into "oral notification", and property hoarding should not be used to delay the opening time or control the houses, so as to deliberately create a tense atmosphere for the houses; It is not allowed to mark false information or use deceptive and vague language to mislead consumers and infringe on consumers’ right to know, choose and fair trade. Real estate brokerage institutions and personnel shall engage in real estate brokerage activities in accordance with the law, and be entrusted to release real housing and price information, and shall not occupy housing information or drive up housing prices; It is strictly forbidden to engage in off-site fund-raising financial services such as down payment, self-financing, self-guarantee and the establishment of a fund pool; Real estate brokerage services shall be clearly marked, and price fraud shall not be carried out by using false or misleading contents and methods of marking.

  The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Construction and Construction Committee said that the problems in the real estate market are not only economic issues and management issues, but also people’s livelihood issues and social issues. Some chaos in the real estate market will be dealt with strictly, severely and quickly. In the next step, the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will continue to strengthen law enforcement and investigation, strengthen joint supervision and comprehensive management with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Land Planning and other departments, and severely crack down on property hoarding, bid up housing prices, seize housing, publish false housing information and other illegal acts. Citizens can report violations of laws and regulations in the real estate market transaction process.


  Provident fund loans will cancel the guarantee service fee from now on.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) In the future, Beijing Provident Fund loans will no longer charge guarantee service fees; Buying a second-hand housing provident fund loan, in addition to no longer paying the guarantee service fee, the loan evaluation fee has also been greatly reduced. Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center released the policy of benefiting the people yesterday. From today, the depositor does not need to pay the guarantee service fee when applying for provident fund loans, and the maximum charge standard of second-hand housing evaluation fee has been lowered from 1,500 yuan/piece to 600 yuan/piece.

  The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center said that the launch of the New Deal in Beijing is to further benefit people’s livelihood and better serve housing provident fund depositors.

  Experts said that in the past, under normal circumstances, the common guarantee methods of provident fund loans were joint liability guarantee and mortgage guarantee of Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center. Among them, the guarantee of the guarantee center involves the guarantee service fee, and the charging standard is three thousandths of the loan amount, and the minimum charge is 300 yuan. The appraisal fee for second-hand houses is charged according to three thousandths of the appraisal value, with the lowest charge of 300 yuan and the highest charge of 1,500 yuan.

  The person in charge of the provident fund center said that according to the "Regulations on the Management of Housing Provident Fund": "Applicants who apply for housing provident fund loans shall provide guarantees." In the future, when a depositor applies for a personal loan of housing provident fund, the Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center can provide the depositor with a phased guarantee before the pre-mortgage registration (or mortgage registration) of the purchased house, and the depositor does not need to pay the guarantee service fee. This means that employees who apply for provident fund loans will be exempted from the guarantee service fee ranging from several hundred yuan to thousands of yuan.

  In addition, the Provident Fund Center also introduced an evaluation competition mechanism, and selected six first-class real estate appraisal agencies, including Beijing Guosheng Real Estate Appraisal Co., Ltd. and Beijing Huayuan Longtai Real Estate and Land Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd., to provide better, more convenient and efficient services for paid employees.

  The Provident Fund Center said that the adjustment of loan-related fees is based on the date of acceptance, that is to say, the depositor will no longer pay the guarantee service fee for the newly accepted loans from today, and the highest charging standard for the second-hand housing appraisal fee will be lowered to 600 yuan/piece.

From the trend actor to the popularity of beans, the star is red or not, just look at this ~

In addition to beautiful little brothers and sisters in Korean dramas, there are scenes that will appear in almost all Korean dramas, that is, whether it is barbecue or fried chicken, whether it is a happy event or trouble, wine alone or dinner (just look at underage relatives and friends, hahahahahaha) ▼


If you drink too much, you can not only express your feelings through alcohol ▼


Sister Yu becomes smaller and cuter ▼


Courage becomes fat ▼


Can also assist love, ▼


Successfully counterattack and win friends who have been embarrassed for many years ▼


However, Korean dramas are Korean dramas after all, and people who drink too much know the pain of getting drunk, so they still have to do what they can ~

In South Korea, the most direct criterion to test whether a star is red or not is advertising endorsement, especially the national fried chicken and alcohol advertisements. Among female stars, besides cosmetics, being able to endorse another product is a symbol of high popularity, and that is the indispensable thing for Koreans on the wine table-shochu. ▼


Part1: the debate of soju model, from tough guy to love beans,

The competition in the Korean shochu industry is extremely fierce, and the spokesperson has become an important part, which directly determines the sales volume. Just walk into a restaurant and there are either beer advertisements or shochu advertisements on the wall.

It is said that because men love soju more, most of the advertisements for soju are female stars; Women prefer beer, so beer advertisements are mostly male stars. The criterion for the president to choose cass and hite is to see which one speaks for it, and suddenly it makes sense. ▼


In the early years, male stars were also used in the advertisements of shochu. Just like the original shochu, the entrance was rich, like a middle-aged man who was still in Do not forget your initiative mind after experiencing the world. At that time, the wine bottle was not green. ▼


After that, I experienced a period of actor endorsement and popular actress endorsement, and the Korean drama was in its heyday ~

It is said that when using an actor, the sales volume of soju is low. ▼


Later, I had to rely on actresses to save it, and the merchants’ research on users’ psychology was also very thorough, and they kept embracing changes ~▼


The spokespersons are almost all actresses, and the advertising pictures are also very cool. Can you recognize all these young ladies? ▼


I saw Park Min Young ▼ who had not yet become a gold secretary.


And Anglenala, who is still a bright girl ▼


Part2: From the trend actress to the popular woman who loves beans, it depends on whether it is red or not.

(* The following brand endorsements are incomplete statistics, excluding sub-brand line endorsements and short-term joint endorsements)

When it comes to shochu, we have to talk about the brand of shochu. As a traditional brand with a long history in Korea, Zhenlu has a very high advantage among Koreans in terms of market share and brand image.

1. True dew

Korean traditional brands are true, and the previous spokespersons are also very well-known national artists.

Li Yingai (1998 ~1999), Park Zhumin (2001), Jin Zhenen (2002), Ji-yeon Choi (2003), Jin Taixi (2004), sung yuri (2005), Sang-mi Nam (2006), Jin Yazhong (2007) and Jin Minzhen (2007).


Li Yingai, whose "Dae Jang Geum" was popular all over Asia, became the first female star to endorse shochu in 1999, and chose Zhenlu Company in Li Yingai, and the sales volume of alcohol quadrupled in one year. ▼


A closer look shows that these spokespersons are the most popular Korean drama actresses in those years, which is simply a chronicle of Korean drama ~

I especially like Miss Jin Taixi ▼


During the period, there were also various attempts to join male spokesmen and men and women to speak together. ▼


Until 2014, the national sister IU began to be the spokesperson ~

IU(2014 -2018)


In 2014, the old brand shochu Zhenlu made a change, targeting young people, and the spokesperson was replaced by a lively and fresh national sister, IU.


In 2018, in order to strengthen female consumers aged 20-30, Park Seo Jun, a man of great trend, was added as the co-spokesperson.


IU is the longest-lived brand spokesperson of Zhenlu. At the end of the endorsement, I was also given a gold dress with the name of IU to thank Zhenlu.

Irene (2019-present) ▼


In December 2018, Irene, the captain of SM women’s group Red Velvet, became the new spokesperson of Zhenlu. At that time, the popular candidates judged by netizens included Zheng Caiyan, who was born in proudce101, Yuner and singer Xuanmei.

Brand means Irene is very suitable for the brand image of "pure as dew", and I hope her image will attract more young consumers.

The advertisement is also really beautiful ~ ▼


About Irene’s drinking capacity, there was once.Completely inedible and particularly inedible.In two ways, she once revealed her drinking capacity in the program. In her heyday, she could drink three bottles of soju, but she could not drink beer and red wine.

2, the first drink and the first music ()

In 2006, the first drink, the first music () and the good drink () came out and joined the brand war of shochu ~

The young first drink and music became the competitors who kept catching up with the real dew, behind which was Lotte Group, the fifth largest consortium in Korea at that time. As the biggest competitor of Zhenlu, the first drink and the first music successfully reversed the company’s situation by relying on advertising stars, completely breaking the situation that the Korean drama hostess occupied the shochu advertising market, and the sexy and bold style was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In 2006-2007, the main spokespersons were actors such as Li Yingya and Hye-seon Ku, and later joined Lee Hyo Ri.


"The Queen of Soju" Lee Hyo Ri (November 2007 ~ April 2012) ▼


After renewing the contract for 8 times, the market share of Chuyin Chule rose to 15% in five years. In five years, Chuyin Chule Company sold 2 billion bottles of shochu. So far, whenever it comes to shochu, it will definitely think of Lee Hyo Ri, a veritable "queen of shochu with goods".

Merchants even put a photo of Lee Hyo Ri on the bottom of the glass, so that men can meet their goddess after drinking.


Hyolyn, Koo Hara and Hyun-a Kim (2013) ▼


Gao Junxi (2013) ▼


Shin Min A (2014 -2016) ▼


Xiuzhi (2016-present)

In recent years, Xiuzhi, the first love of the people, has been chosen as the spokesperson, hoping to win a broader consumer group. ▼


But I really didn’t understand the recent "dadada dadada" advertisement ~


Hao Tian Hao Yin ()

Early spokespersons included actresses such as Han-byeol Park, Zhao Yunxi and Su-jin Park. ▼


My favorite is Park BoYoung (2016-2017), cute and playful ▼


Advertising is also very playful, always thinking of the classic image of a little cook ~ ▼


In 2018, the speaker was Son Na Eun, a member of Apink ▼


Teacher Bai Zhongyuan, the food king, has also endorsed it. In 2019, the latest spokesperson was changed to proudce101, and Se Jeong, a member of gu9udan, ▼


It seems that the spokesperson of shochu has begun to enter the era of women’s groups and love beans.


Most other brands also choose female stars as spokespersons.

I saw "Please Answer 1988", Miss Deshan Huili (Maple Leaf Soju) ▼


In 2018, someone made a map of Korean shochu brand. Which spokesperson do you prefer?

Ps: Mom Wood is really red in 2018 ~ ▼


Part3: users first, consumers decide the change of taste.

The taste of shochu is similar. In order to compete in sales volume and attract more users, shochu company constantly ponders its sales strategy. In addition to changing advertising models according to the market, it also makes many changes to the degree and taste.

Wit merchants and drinkers have also carried out various transformations on shochu, such as steamed dumplings (bomb liquor = shochu+beer) ▼


If you can perform a stunt at dinner, you are definitely the most beautiful boy in the team ▼


However, friendly reminder, although steamed dumplings can neutralize the tastes of two kinds of wine and give birth to new tastes, no matter where the wine is mixed, it is easier to get drunk, so don’t try it easily ~


Mix fruit, red vinegar, drinks, etc., reduce the degree in disguise and update the taste ▼


Lotte conducted a survey on 4,400 drinkers from October 2013 to October 2014. Consumers expressed dissatisfaction with the taste and aroma of shochu, and many people expected it.Low-alcohol liquor with reduced alcohol smell and bitterness.Fruit wine is ready to come out ~

Therefore, in 2014, Chuyin Chule introduced grapefruit shochu with grapefruit juice, which became the pioneer of fruit shochu.

In May 2015, a series of fruit wines were produced, which reduced the original 16.6-degree wine to 3.3~13.5 degrees. After that, various companies began to challenge fruit wines in a fancy way, and the latest one was the oldest true dew (September 2016).


Although the real dew is late, there are still many directions to try. For example, for people who like soft and sweet taste, the peach soda wine dew is tooting (), and the alcohol content is only 3%. The image of IU in the advertisement is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. ▼


Like the president, who is not used to the bitter taste of shochu, and who wants a drink because of watching a Korean drama by Amway, the fruit wine is perfect, but the taste of the goose is more like a soda drink. After drinking it several times, she gave up.


I wonder what everyone likes to drink?

30 most classic symphonies, cultivate elegant temperament

Johann sebastian bach is one of the outstanding composers in the Baroque period. His representative works include Aria on G String and Brandenburg Concerto. Aria on the G String is one of Bach’s most famous works. Its beautiful melody and complex composition make it one of the representatives of Baroque music. The Brandenburg Concerto is a set of six concertos, which shows Bach’s exquisite use of different instruments and outstanding creative talent.

George frideric handel is a German composer in the Baroque period. His representative works include Royal Fireworks Music and Messiah. Royal Fireworks Music was written for the celebration of King George II of England, and Water Music is one of Handel’s classics. The Messiah is a religious oratorio, especially the Hallelujah Hymn.

Joseph haydn is an Austrian composer in the classical period. His works are rich and colorful, including symphonies and sonatas. Genesis is a masterpiece of his religious music, which contains aria and chorus, and expresses praise for God’s creation of the world. In addition, Haydn’s symphonies and sonatas have also become one of the classics of classical music.

special column
HIFI classical music famous songs
Author: HIFI music audition
69.9 coins
Eight people have bought it.

Antonio Vivaldi, an Italian composer in Baroque period, is famous for his string concerto The Four Seasons. Among them, the first movement of Spring in Four Seasons is the most well-known, which vividly depicts the scene of spring and is the pinnacle of Vivaldi’s music.

Ludwig van Beethoven is a German composer in the classical period, and his nine symphonies are regarded as the pinnacle of classical music. Among them, the chorus part of the Ninth Symphony creatively introduced chorus, which became a pioneering work in the history of music. In addition, Beethoven’s violin sonatas, piano concertos and other works are also highly respected.

Mozart was an Austrian composer in the classical period, and his music works were rich and varied. Piano Concerto No.21 and Symphony No.40 among piano concertos are both one of Mozart’s most popular works. The Marriage of Figaro is one of his most famous operas, while Serenade of Strings is a deeply loved chamber music.


Quintet "Trout" in A majorAmong them, the third movement, "Humor", is the most famous. This work shows Schubert’s unique melody and emotion.

String Quartet No.14 in D minor "death and the maiden"This work expresses deep thinking and dramatic musical structure, and is considered as one of Schubert’s most outstanding chamber music.


symphonie fantastiqueIt is famous for the solo of four harps in the second movement, and it is a symphony with romantic atmosphere.


A Midsummer Night’s DreamIncluding the familiar wedding March, it is music based on Shakespeare’s play of the same name.

Violin concerto in e majorAll three movements are very popular and are one of Mendelssohn’s four violin concertos.


symphony no. 1 in d major titan waartAlso known as Beethoven’s Tenth Symphony, the fourth movement imitates the melody of Ode to Joy.

The second, third and fourth symphoniesBrahms’s symphonies are full of depth and emotion, and they are masterpieces of romantic music.


19 nocturnesAmong them, the first three songs are the most famous, which show Chopin’s unique contribution to the poetic expression of piano.

The first and second piano concertosEspecially the second movement of the first concerto is extremely feminine and has unique aesthetic feelings.

Robert Schumann

Childhood sceneThe seventh "Dream Song" is the most classic, expressing Schumann’s deep attachment to the children’s world.

carnivalA piano solo work with a strong romantic flavor.


hungarian rhapsodyThe second and sixth songs are the most famous, showing Liszt’s rich piano skills and romantic enthusiasm.

Piano concerto no.1 in e majorCombining elements of scherzo, it is a concerto full of creativity and individuality.


tchaikovsky: piano concerto no.1This work is famous for its romance, passion and technical requirements, and it is one of the classics in the piano concerto.

Swan LakeIt is famous for its gorgeous music and beautiful dance, especially the waltz.

The NutcrackerThe music of this ballet is one of Tchaikovsky’s most popular works, including Waltz of Flowers and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.


Symphony No.9 "From the New World"Especially the second movement, which is famous for its moving melody, is an outstanding work of dvorak.

Slavic dance musicA series of dance music with strong national characteristics shows dvorak’s love for Czech culture.


Nocturnal, the sea, the afternoon of the shepherd.These works show Debussy’s unique contribution to impressionist music, full of color and imagination.


Mother goose suiteIt is famous for its relaxed and humorous music, including the Camellia Trio.

PoleroIt is a famous orchestral work of Ravel, which is popular for its dynamic and enthusiasm.

bedrich smetana

my motherlandEspecially the second movement "vltava river" is one of Smetana’s representative works.

the bartered brideThe music of this opera is one of the most famous works of Smetana.


Piano concerto in a minorIt is one of the masterpieces of Grieg’s piano works, full of excitement and passion.

Pearl gent suiteIncluding "Morning Music" and "Anitra Dance", it is one of the most famous orchestral works of Grieg.


Finnish songIs one of sibelius’s most famous works, expressing his love for Finland and yearning for freedom.

Sad Waltz, Violin Concerto: Showed his deep and Nordic music language.


Paganini rhapsodyIt is famous for the complexity and romantic feelings of its variations, especially the 18th variation.

Piano Concerto No.2Especially the second movement is praised for its affectionate and beautiful melody.

The above are just some of the composers and works you mentioned, and each composer has rich music creation. I hope these brief introductions can stimulate your interest in classical music. Welcome to continue to learn more about these great composers and their music works.

Bo Yu said sports: La Liga coach confirmed that brentford wanted to buy out, and the transaction cost was 24 million euros.

Although Barcelona escaped with the La Liga title this season, there is no need to reveal the sports reasons in great detail; Nor should we worry that the 35-year-old player will have a decisive influence in the top European competitions in the next few seasons. Considering the club’s persistent difficulties in the league’s restrictions on their debts and salary caps, making this move financially feasible is an obstacle, but President Joan laporta hopes to achieve this goal.

Messi’s return will provide a huge public relations impetus and may reopen a huge global income source for the Spanish champion, and the prospect of Messi leading the club to win another Champions League trophy is also attractive.