标签归档 上海夜网

The famous singer’s concert broke out unexpectedly, and netizens angered

On the evening of April 22

Singer Joker Xue during the performance

Was shot in the face by an unknown person with a laser pointer

It caused a heated discussion among netizens for a while

Related topics are trending

On April 23, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security department was responsible for a third-party company. The police of Honggutan Public Security Bureau said that they are currently verifying and will deal with the matter as soon as possible.

The video shows a beam of green dots constantly swimming around Xue Zhiqian’s face during the concert. Xue Zhiqian covered his eyes with his hands on the stage and said: "See this green dot? He keeps shaking my eyes, ah, blind, blind, catch him, good or bad!"

In response, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security is the responsibility of a third-party company. The staff member said: "The security is not from our side, the security is a third-party company."

The police said: "We have relevant staff to understand this situation, it is under verification, and will deal with this matter. You can pay attention to the latest notice."

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the concert organizers will strengthen the inspection of the items carried by the audience to ensure that dangerous items such as laser pointers are not allowed to enter the venue. At the same time, they also call on the majority of fans to watch the performance in a civilized manner, respect the artists, and do not take actions that endanger others.

The netizens have commented one after another: disrupting order in public places and intentionally injuring, this kind of behavior is really hateful!

So, what kind of damage can a high-power laser pointer cause to the human body?

According to Yang Yong, a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the current GB7247 standard in our country divides the risk of laser to the human body into four levels, and the measurement standard is to observe the MPE of the laser on the eye in the beam of light (the maximum possible impact).

In the standard:

The output power of a first-class standard laser is less than 0.4 milliwatts, because this energy laser will not cause damage to the eyes and skin under any conditions, and will not cause harm to the human body even after focusing through the optical system. Therefore, such laser products are of a type that does not require special management.

The second-level standard laser has an output power between 0.4 milliwatts and 1 milliwatt. The reaction time for people to close their eyes is 0.25 seconds, and the exposure amount calculated during this time cannot exceed the MPE value. Usually, lasers below 1 milliwatt will cause people to experience dizziness, so such lasers cannot be used to directly irradiate the eyes, let alone observe this laser with far-sighting equipment.

Three standard laser, if the beam of light directly into the eye, will cause damage to the eye, its output power is between 1 and 500 milliwatts.

The four-stage standard laser is a high-output continuous laser with an output power greater than 500 milliwatts, which may pose a fire hazard.

Yin Yue, an attending ophthalmologist at China-Japan Friendship Hospital, told reporters that high-intensity laser light can cause some irreversible damage to the eyes. If it is irradiated on the surface of the eye, it may damage the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids and other soft tissues, causing corneal edema of the eyelid. If it is irradiated into the eye and then focused on the retina, it may damage the photoreceptor cells and pigment epithelium of the retina, causing cell death, which cannot be restored after cell death. If it is irradiated to the macula, which is very sensitive to light, it will cause permanent damage to the macula.

China Daily comprehensive news morning report, time video, netizens’ comments, etc

Online celebrity anchor became a live broadcast platform to compete for the object, causing liquidated damages and other issues

  The live broadcast platform and online celebrity anchor have been interdependent communities of interests since their appearance. With the increase of the number of live broadcast platforms and the escalation of competition, the conflict of interests between the two parties has intensified.

  Online celebrity anchor is favored by live broadcast platforms because of its huge fan base and high-quality content, and it is also the main target of poaching between platforms. In recent years, some well-known anchors have jumped ship from time to time. In addition to fighting with their platforms, some anchors have even been brought to court.

  Recently, a dispute caused by anchor job-hopping has aroused social concern.

  Jia is the contracted anchor of a live broadcast platform. In April 2017, during the contract period with the original live broadcast platform, Jia went to another live broadcast platform for live broadcast activities. Therefore, the original live broadcast platform sued Jia to the court.

  Recently, the Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court made a final judgment on this case, upheld the first-instance judgment of the Shanghai Pudong New Area People’s Court, and ordered Jia to stop violating the agreement with the original platform, continue to perform the obligation of inaction in the agreement with the original platform, and immediately stop providing live broadcast services or similar live broadcast activities for the new platform and any third party. Jia should compensate the original platform for liquidated damages within ten days from the date of the effective judgment.

  In recent years, there have been many cases of similar lawsuits between anchors and platforms. The reporter combed similar cases and found that how to identify the relationship between the anchor and the platform, how to determine the amount of compensation, and how to find a balance between the anchor’s freedom of employment and the demands of the old club to continue to perform the contract have always been the focus of controversy.

  How to identify the relationship between platform and anchor?

  The reporter found out that the relationship between the anchor and the platform can be roughly divided into three types:

  First, the anchor signed a sharing agreement with the live broadcast platform, that is, the anchor has the right to live broadcast, can perform live performances on the platform, and get certain gifts and rewards. At the same time, the anchor is not subject to the management constraints such as labor time and total labor stipulated by the live broadcast platform, nor does it engage in other labor tasks arranged by the live broadcast platform.

  Second, the anchor becomes a contracted artist of the live broadcast platform, and is bound by a series of labor rules and regulations of the platform. While obtaining guaranteed economic income, it needs to undertake corresponding duties and tasks, including the assessment of multiple standards such as live broadcast duration, content quality, number of fans and live broadcast activity.

  Third, the anchor signed a sharing cooperation agreement with the live broadcast brokerage company or guild, and the brokerage company or guild built the anchor in an all-round way. At the same time, the brokerage company cooperated with various live broadcast platforms to cultivate the incubating anchor.

  Then, among these three relationships, which one constitutes a labor relationship?

  In this regard, Zheng Ning, deputy director of the Department of Law, Department of Law, Communication University of China, analyzed that it is necessary to satisfy two conditions, namely, economic and personal dependence, to determine that the live broadcast platform and the anchor constitute a labor relationship. Economic relationship means that the anchor provides labor and the live broadcast platform gives remuneration; Personal attachment means that the anchor’s working time, content and methods are constrained by the rules and regulations of the live broadcast platform or specific management behaviors. In line with the above two conditions, there is a labor relationship between the anchor and the live broadcast platform.

  "As far as the first and third cases are concerned, there is no personal attachment between the anchor and the live broadcast platform, and the anchor is independent. Therefore, these two situations do not constitute labor relations; As far as the second case is concerned, the anchor provides labor, the live broadcast platform pays remuneration, and at the same time, it is managed by the live broadcast platform and has personal dependence, so it constitutes a labor relationship. " Zheng Ning said.

  In the view of Wang Yanhui, a Shanghai lawyer, three conditions need to be considered to determine whether there is a labor relationship between the live broadcast platform and the anchor: First, whether the employer and the employee meet the subject qualifications stipulated by laws and regulations; Second, whether the various labor rules and regulations formulated by the employer according to law are applicable to the workers, and whether the workers are subject to the labor management of the employer and engaged in paid labor arranged by the employer; Third, whether the labor provided by the laborer is an integral part of the employer’s business. According to the above conditions, it can be judged whether there is a labor relationship between the platform and the anchor.

  "Therefore, in the above three situations, only the second one meets the conditions for forming labor relations." Wang Yanhui said.

  However, Wang Quanxing, a professor at the Law School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, believes: "The live broadcast activity of the network anchor on the live broadcast platform is an activity in which the platform and the anchor jointly provide video products or services to the audience, and it is also the digital labor and remote labor provided by the anchor to the platform in the virtual place arranged by the platform, which constitute the production factors of the platform’s business activities of providing video products or services to consumers; The anchor shall abide by the management rules of the platform when engaging in anchor activities in the virtual places arranged by the platform. At the same time, the relationship between the platform and the anchor is continuous with the anchor activity as the object. Therefore, although the relationship between the platform and the anchor is different from the labor relationship in the traditional format, that is, it does not have all the elements of labor relations, but it has some elements of labor relations, such as subordination and continuity. "

  Wang Quanxing said that as for the "cooperative relationship" agreed by the anchor and the platform, it is not a standardized legal concept, nor is it a famous contract concept. Any contractual relationship, including labor contracts, is cooperative. Therefore, the so-called "cooperative relationship" is not mutually exclusive with contracting relationship, entrustment relationship and labor relationship.

  "In the terms of the contract, the anchor and the platform do not belong to the labor relationship or employment relationship ‘ Know ’ , and can not be used as the sole basis for determining whether it is a labor relationship. If the anchor has the facts that meet the requirements of labor relations in the process of cooperation, and this fact is also the agreement of both parties, such as the fact that the anchor undertakes the obligation of non-competition, it is the element that constitutes subordination. Therefore, whether labor relations are determined or not should be judged whether there are facts that meet the requirements of labor relations. " Wang Quanxing said that there are certain reasons for determining the nature of the so-called "cooperative relationship" between the platform and the anchor.

  If it constitutes a labor relationship, workers can safeguard their rights and interests according to the labor law. Then, if it does not constitute a labor relationship, can the anchor effectively protect his rights and interests?

  In this regard, Zheng Ning said that in some cases, although the anchor and the live broadcast platform do not constitute a labor relationship, there is a contractual relationship between the anchor and the live broadcast platform, and the anchor can safeguard his legitimate rights and interests according to the provisions of the contract law. There is a contractual relationship between the anchor and the live broadcast platform. The contract follows the principles of equality, voluntariness and good faith. Both parties can determine the contents of the contract through consultation. When one party thinks that there is fraud, coercion, obviously unfair or major misunderstanding, it can request the court or arbitration institution to cancel or change the contract. The parties to a contract may also stipulate liquidated damages in the contract. When one party violates the contract, the other party may request the defaulting party to pay liquidated damages and other ways to assume responsibility.

  How to evaluate the liquidated damages for job-hopping

  Anchor is the core resource of live broadcast platform, and the competition between platforms will also affect the value of anchor. In the fierce competition between live broadcast platforms, the value of the anchor is constantly being raised, and even there is a false high situation. At the same time, some online celebrity anchors think that their popularity depends on their own abilities, but the platform thinks that they have invested in packaging, publicity, planning and even broadband resources. Therefore, when some online celebrity anchors change jobs, they are often asked by the live broadcast platform to pay high liquidated damages. In recent years, the amount of liquidated damages has been increasing. However, how to evaluate the liquidated damages?

  "On the legal level, the setting of liquidated damages has two main meanings: on the one hand, it is to protect the transaction, and it is a means of punishment for the defaulting party; On the other hand, it is also the most important function of liquidated damages, that is, to make up for losses, because one party’s breach of contract will often bring economic losses to the observant party, including actual losses and expected benefits. The determination of the amount of liquidated damages should be based on the actual loss of the observant party, and the observant party should prove its actual loss and expected benefit. If the breaching party thinks that the liquidated damages claimed by the other party are too high, then it has the right to ask the court to make adjustments, and the court will also make reasonable judgments according to the actual situation and the general situation in the industry. " Wang Yanhui said.

  In this regard, Zheng Ning’s point of view is: "As far as the assessment of liquidated damages is concerned, there are two situations: first, there is a labor relationship between the anchor and the live broadcast platform. According to the provisions of the Labor Contract Law, the platform provides training fees for the anchor, and the service period is agreed, and the anchor can be claimed to pay the training fees that have not been fulfilled. If the anchor terminates the contract in breach of contract, or violates the confidentiality obligations or non-competition restrictions agreed in the labor contract, causing losses to the employer, it shall be liable for compensation. "

  "Another situation is that there is a contractual relationship between the anchor and the network platform." Zheng Ning said that the contract law stipulates that the parties may agree that one party shall pay a certain amount of liquidated damages to the other party in case of breach of contract, and may also agree on the calculation method of the amount of damages arising from breach of contract. If the agreed liquidated damages are lower than the losses caused, the parties may request the people’s court or arbitration institution to increase them; If the agreed liquidated damages are excessively higher than the losses caused, the parties may request the people’s court or arbitration institution to reduce them appropriately. The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of People’s Republic of China (PRC) Contract Law (II) stipulates that the agreed amount of liquidated damages exceeds 30% of the loss, which can generally be regarded as "excessively higher than the loss caused". Therefore, in the contract, the anchor and the network platform can agree on the liquidated damages in advance, and when one party violates the agreement, the other party can claim to pay the liquidated damages.

  In Wang Quanxing’s view, in labor relations and labor law, the application of liquidated damages is subject to legal restrictions, and compensation has legal rules. In civil contracts, we should pay more attention to the principle of fault, the principle of fairness and the proof of damage facts for liquidated damages and compensation.

  Both sides should raise their legal awareness.

  Some people think that anchor job-hopping is an act that lacks the spirit of contract; Others believe that this is normal business competition. As anchors who want to jump ship, they want to get a job on a new live broadcast platform; As an old club, the anchor is generally required to continue to perform the contract and compensate for the losses. So, how to balance the different demands between the anchor and the live broadcast platform?

  In this regard, Wang Yanhui said that according to the provisions of the Contract Law, the observant party has the right to choose to terminate the contract and demand payment of liquidated damages, and also has the right to choose to ask the defaulting party to continue to perform the contract. However, the purpose of China’s civil law is not only to protect transactions, but also to protect the freedom of transactions as much as possible. If the anchor has reasonable reasons to prove that he can’t continue to perform the contract with his old club, then the law generally won’t "buy and sell" and ask him to continue to broadcast live on the original platform.

  In Zheng Ning’s view, in the case of labor relations, the labor law stipulates that workers have the freedom to work, and they can terminate the labor contract by notifying the employer in writing 30 days in advance. The employee may terminate the labor contract by notifying the employer three days in advance during the probation period. Therefore, the anchor has the right to terminate the labor contract in accordance with the provisions of the labor law. The employer can only demand compensation for the corresponding losses through terms such as non-competition, confidentiality obligations and training.

  "In the case of a contractual relationship, both parties shall exercise corresponding rights and perform corresponding obligations in accordance with the contents of the contract agreed in advance. The live broadcast platform may require the anchor to pay liquidated damages and compensate for the losses for the anchor’s breach of contract. However, the subject matter of the contract has personal attributes and is not suitable for enforcement. Therefore, after the anchor pays the liquidated damages, the anchor can broadcast on the new platform. " Zheng Ning said.

  In Wang Quanxing’s view, there is a legal basis for non-competition in labor relations. Because the restriction of non-competition is a restriction on the freedom of workers to choose a job, it is conditional for workers to undertake the restriction of non-competition, and it is based on the compensation given to workers by employers. As for whether the non-competition clause can be stipulated in the civil contract, there is no legal basis in China. There must be a legal basis for agreeing on non-competition. Even if it is allowed to agree on non-competition, the obligation to undertake non-competition should be conditional and have economic compensation as consideration. Otherwise, obviously unfair.

  "In reality, many live broadcast platforms are unwilling to form a labor relationship with the anchor on the one hand, and require non-competition restrictions on the anchor on the other hand, and their goals are conflicting. In fact, choosing the arrangement of labor relations may not be unfavorable to the live broadcast platform. " Wang Quanxing said.

  Then, once the anchor changes jobs, how should the anchor and the platform protect their rights and interests?

  "Improve legal awareness. When signing a contract, clarify the legal relationship between the two parties, that is, clarify whether it is a labor relationship or a contractual relationship, and then stipulate the rights, obligations and legal responsibilities of both parties in detail. The contract should clearly stipulate the remuneration standard, payment method, payment period, etc., and determine a reasonable amount of liquidated damages. If conditions permit, it is best to hire legal counsel or consult legal experts. " Zheng Ning said.

  "According to my understanding of this industry, many anchors are still young, their social experience is not rich, and their legal awareness is not strong. If you want to guarantee your own interests, the anchor must first sign a formal contract with the platform, and no matter what form of cooperation, it should be implemented in writing. " Wang Yanhui suggested that the rights and obligations of both parties should be clearly stipulated in the contract, and the anchor should be familiar with his obligations and the legal ways to safeguard his interests when his rights are violated. In addition, both the anchor and the live broadcast platform should keep their contracts and communication evidence in case of emergency. Live broadcast belongs to a new industry, which lacks corresponding laws and regulations to regulate. Only by improving the legal awareness can employees in this industry have better development.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong

The Ministry of Public Security has cracked a number of illegal and criminal cases of obscenity and pornography on mobile phones.

Special topic: encirclement and suppression of mobile phone network pornography

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 24 th On December 8 th, since nine ministries and commissions, including the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, deployed a special campaign to further rectify obscene pornography and vulgar information on the Internet and mobile phone media, the Ministry of Public Security has made a heavy blow to the illegal and criminal activities of obscene pornography on mobile phones. In just half a month, the national cyber security department has closed 2,361 WAP websites of obscene and pornographic mobile phones, cracked 28 criminal cases of obscene and pornographic mobile phone websites, and arrested 34 suspects. The crackdown and rectification work was successful in the first battle.

  Beijing cracked the case of "3gsem.cn" mobile phone wap website spreading obscenity and pornography. Recently, the work of Beijing Public Security Bureau found that a mobile WAP website named "Abusive Naked Campus" provides a large number of obscene and pornographic information links, through which you can browse obscene and pornographic videos, pictures, novels, etc. on other obscene and pornographic websites. The website server is hosted in IDC computer room of Yizhuang, Beijing Unicom. The public security organs in Beijing immediately set up a task force to carry out investigations and arrested the suspect Zhao. After the trial, Zhao confessed that he applied for virtual space and domain name through Beijing Tuofeng Weiye Company around October 2008, purchased wap mobile phone program code from the Internet, and successively searched more than 50 pornographic websites from the Internet, which increased the number of clicks with each other, and applied for advertising alliance of "Beijing Posture Wireless Company" and "Beijing Business Opportunity Unlimited Company". These two companies put advertisements on 3gsem.cn website, and the company will pay Zhao 0 according to the number of clicks of advertisements.

  Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles. Recently, the public security organs in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province successfully cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles, arrested a suspect, seized a computer involved and seized illegal income of more than 60,000 yuan. On November 16, 2009, the network supervision detachment of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi Province found that a wap website of mobile phone was suspected of spreading obscene articles, and the server of the website was located in IDC room of Jiujiang Telecom. After investigation, it was found that the criminal suspect was forced by the strong public opinion pressure to crack down on the spread of obscenity and pornography on mobile phone wap websites recently, and set up jumping links to nearly 20 overseas obscene mobile phone wap websites, such as "Wolf Friends Home", "The Complete Collection of Sexy and Cool Stations", "Mao Mao Hand Mao Mao Foot" and "Jibazi Best Prostitute Station", in order to escape the crackdown by the public security organs. There are a lot of obscene pictures and novels in these obscene mobile phone wap websites. On December 7, the police handling the case of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi, with the strong cooperation of Maoming Public Security Bureau in Guangdong, arrested the suspect Zhang in Maoming City. After the trial, the suspect Zhang confessed to the fact that he started to spread obscene and pornographic information on his mobile WAP website in April 2008, and put advertisements on his mobile WAP website for illegal profit by joining the network advertising alliance.

  Shenzhen, Guangdong, cracked a case of using mobile media to spread obscene pornographic videos for profit. On December 2, 2009, the network police detachment of shenzhen public City, Guangdong Province found that a mobile WAP website was suspected of engaging in online viewing service of obscene pornographic videos. After the investigation, it was found that the suspect also maintained six other obscene and pornographic websites. The network police detachment of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau immediately assigned a special person to collect evidence and inspect the website, fixed the criminal evidence, and arrested three suspects, Liu’s brother and sister. After investigation, the three suspects set up seven pornographic websites, uploaded a large number of pornographic videos, and some websites had more than 1,000 pornographic movies. It takes advantage of the characteristics of high click-through rate and large traffic of pornographic websites, promotes advertisements by inserting online advertisements into obscene pornographic videos and movies, and makes profits by charging commissions according to clicks. Since the website was launched in October 2009, three suspects have made a profit of nearly 6,000 yuan.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

The first large-scale public art project in Changsha, METALOOP "Mixing", was grandly opened.

       Changsha IFS joins hands with Xingcheng to perceive the infinite cycle of art.

  On May 15th, 2022, the opening ceremony of METALOOP, Changsha’s first large-scale public art project, was successfully launched in Changsha IFS, further highlighting the city card of Changsha as the world’s new media art capital, and refreshing the public’s common understanding of media art once again.

  At the opening ceremony, Guo Runkui, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Committee, secretary and director of the Party Committee of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, and representatives of eight joint units were invited to the scene to witness the launch of Changsha’s first large-scale public art project. On the day of the ceremony, the Art and Technology Summit Forum of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era" was launched simultaneously. Dong Bingfeng, the artistic director and curator of METALOOP "Mixing" project, and six artists and scholars from the art, academic, science and technology industries all over the country conducted cross-border talks between contemporary art and public space.

  Dialogue with Urban Symbiosis | Changsha IFS explores new fields of art and technology

  On May 15th, METALOOP, Changsha’s first large-scale public art project, was successfully launched in Changsha IFS, under the guidance of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, sponsored by Changsha IFS and planned by KUStudio, and jointly sponsored by four local museums and cultural organizations and four well-known enterprises and technology companies. Guo Runkui, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Committee, secretary of the Party Committee and director of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, was invited to attend and delivered a speech, saying: "This 2022 Changsha Public Art Plan, through the most active and cutting-edge forms of art at present, discussed issues such as technological change and artistic practice in the era of the meta-universe, and promoted the city to implement the strategy of accelerating digital development and building a digital China, and the sustainable and all-round development of scientific and technological innovation. Show the world an international new aesthetic city image of culture, art and technology. Dong Bingfeng, artistic director and curator of METALOOP "Mixing" project, also sent congratulations on the online form and wished the ceremony a complete success. At the same time, Idy Tsang, Director of Promotion and Marketing Department of Changsha IFS, ying wang, Director of Service and Outreach of Changsha IFS Sub-tenant, and METALOOP "mixed".Project planner Peng Xinxin, co-founder and general manager of Xidi Zhijia Ma Wei, National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center and Deputy Director of Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center Office Rowling, Director of Changsha Museum Information Center Pu Yinghui, Deputy Director of Changsha Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center Zhu Peng, Deputy Director of Public Service Department of Longping Rice Museum Zhang Jingyi, Executive Director of Xie Zilong Image Art Museum Lu Ni, Zhang Xianming, vice president of Yuanda Technology Group and general manager of Yuanda Core Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Huang Liting, founder of P8 Planet, and Tang AirAsia, administrative assistant manager of Niygelo Hotel in Changsha, came to the scene to present their prospects and expectations for this art project.

  Dialogue Art Integration | Changsha IFS opens a new mode of commercial public space

  Changsha public art project METALOOP "mixing" is a dialogue between art and the city, but also between art and the public. In this art project, Changsha IFS invited 2 groups of well-known curators and 11 groups of domestic and international artists and groups to exhibit 3 groups of art projects, bringing art into commercial space and creating a multi-dimensional shopping experience for consumers. After the opening ceremony, the professional guided tour of the specially invited commentator on the spot further narrowed the distance between the public and art, and deeply felt the story and charm behind the works of art.

  West atrium of Changsha IFS LG2: Hu Jieming-the world’s first exhibition of large-scale public image installation "Image Palace"

  Hu Jieming is one of the pioneer artists of digital media and video devices in China. His artistic creation stops at the alternation of time, space-time, history and memory, which puts the public in an uncertain time and space in the past, thus arousing personal memory. Inspired by 5,000 images of Changsha’s real scenes, cityscape and daily life, the artist Hu Jieming created a large-scale public image installation "Image Palace", which is the world’s exclusive combination of virtual and reality. This is the largest image installation creation by Hu Jieming in the past five years. The new media sound and painting installation in the center of the palace was created by Edward Xu, which dynamically showed the temporal and spatial characteristics of Changsha’s ancient and modern changes, which is undoubtedly the best integration of local humanistic characteristics and modern high technology. During the tour, the public gradually discovered the familiar image of Changsha city, which triggered a heated discussion about the city memory.

  Outside the imaging device, an artificial intelligence driving experience game — The "Meta-Mine" intelligent cockpit has attracted great attention from the public and participated in the experience. Through the precise digital creation of "Image Palace", the game imitates the actual scene of Sidi’s intelligent driving in the mine to the greatest extent and cooperates with the automatic driving algorithm based on artificial intelligence technology. In these two cockpits, the public can travel through the image time and space through "driving games", control the self-driving mine card model to shuttle and mine in the virtual digital art installation, observe the Image Palace from different angles, and experience the local culture of the city.

  Changsha IFS Full Electronic Screen: SHIMMER- LED Big Screen International New Media Art Exhibition "Endless Dreams"

  Exhibition time: during the exhibition period
  10: 00/12: 00/14: 00/16: 00/18: 00/20: 00 for 20 minutes.

  The public video art exhibition "Endless Dreams" will be displayed in Changsha IFS Southwest Square, Northwest Square, Huangxing Road, L5 West Atrium and L7 Sculpture Garden by using the most forward-looking public LED electronic screen exhibition method. Disnovation.org (France), Joey Holder (UK), Saemundur Thor Helgason (Iceland), Kim Laughton (UK), nabbteeri (Finland), Lu Minglong (UK), Shi Ruini, Wang Jingxin and Xinyi Wang are nine groups of well-known domestic and international artists and groups. Presented in three story chapters: the dream of farmers, the dream of artists and the dream of drivers, the relationship among human beings, machines and sociality is re-conceived in a poetic way, which responds to the transformation towards the post-human era. At the tour site, the public took the lead in viewing three groups of works of art by Changsha IFS L5, and stopped to watch this new exhibition mode and expressed strong interest.

  Changsha IFS L7 Art Gallery: Lu Yang-Pioneer Artists’ New Works in Global Exhibition DOKU:HELLO WORLD

      Lu Yang, one of the artists participating in the theme exhibition of the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022, is also the winner of the 2022 "Artist of the Year" published by Deutsche Bank, and this time introduces his latest multimedia works.DOKU:HELLO WORLDDebut at Changsha IFS. Born for love and peace, DOKU is an inspiration creator who integrates multi-culture and spans art categories. Through guided tours, the public can see the integration of dynamic capture and 3D scanning technology, dance and music art in DOKU, and feel the infinite possibilities of artistic creation in the digital age together.

  Dialogue with "Metauniverse" Urban Forum | Changsha IFS opens a new prospect of digital art

On the afternoon of May 15th, the Art and Technology Summit Forum on "Society, Technology and Art in the Metauniverse Era" was held across the border. The forum was divided into two parts: round-table dialogue and cross-border dialogue, and was hosted by Dong Bingfeng, artistic director and curator of the METALOOP "Mixing" project of Changsha Public Art Plan. Keynote speech invited to Beijing? Hu Yong, Professor of School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing? Lan Jiang, a professor of philosophy, and Huang Sunquan, a professor of China Academy of Fine Arts, gave a professional interpretation of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era". The round-table dialogue invited Lu Ni, executive director of Xie Zilong Image Art Museum, Ma Wei, co-founder and general manager of Xidi Zhijia, and Hu Jieming, an exhibiting artist, to have a tripartite cross-border dialogue.

      Keynote speech: "This may be the first time in this century, and we may invent a brand-new aesthetics. That is to restart the imagination and invent new aesthetics. But to realize this expectation, someone must take the reins from the technical experts. "

      Keynote speech: "Things in the metauniverse are not passive, but can participate in the existence of the subject of the metauniverse to a certain extent. In this sense, the imitation law between people will inevitably expand to the imitation law between things."

       Keynote speech: "The metauniverse may not be very advanced in technology in the past decade, but it provides infinite imagination and possibilities. We should find ways to regenerate ourselves from our own life experiences and those gaps."

       Roundtable dialogue: "Art is personal and shared. Each of us is a small universe, and art fills the aesthetics of the public everywhere. "

      Roundtable dialogue: "Yuankuang is a sub-brand of Xidi Zhijia in the field of mine automatic driving. The goal is to build a mine operation mode with equipment intelligence and online remote cooperation similar to Metauniverse based on technologies such as automatic driving, artificial intelligence, Metauniverse and 5G."

         Roundtable dialogue: "Space is the place where we live. The spatial dimensions we face are multiple, and we can change space, expand space and create space. "

       At the Art and Technology Summit Forum of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era", seven guests tried to explore the more possibilities of "we" for technological innovation, artistic innovation and space sharing from the concept of "Meta-Universe" in many fields such as society, science, art and public space.

  Dialogue with Underground Kilometers | Limiting the Courtesy of High-end Minerals and Perceiving the Beauty of "Treasures"

  Changsha IFS and Xidi Zhijia started cross-border cooperation to mine rich ores with the highest metal content in China, and customized exclusive ore certificates and digital certificates. Each ore has a unique corresponding number in the world, creating a limited number of high-end ore courtesy.

  Breaking, Awakening and Rebuilding | Building a Public Art Platform with Changsha as the Subject

  On November 1, 2017, UNESCO released the list of global "Creative City Networks" in Paris, and Changsha was selected as the "Media Art Capital" in the world, becoming the first China city to receive this honor. Changsha has thus entered an important stage of brand-new cultural industry innovation and development. In the future, Changsha will implement the 14th Five-Year Plan and the strategy of "Three Highs and Four Innovations", implement the plan of "accelerating digital development and building a digital China" and the strategy of scientific and technological innovation, sustainable and all-round development, deepen the image of "World Media and Art Capital", and show the world an international new aesthetic city with taste, style, connotation, temperament and value, and an international artistic and cultural innovation city.

      If the most important presentation space of traditional art is the museum, then today, with the rapid development of globalization, more and more urban public spaces and cultural and commercial complexes are actively promoting and constructing "art — The benign interaction of public relations and an open network of future thought experiments. Undoubtedly, Changsha IFS initiated the "2022 Changsha Public Art Plan METALOOP‘ Mix ’ " For Changsha and its surrounding areas, an important case of promoting the development and renewal of urban culture with artistic creativity is being established.

  More activity information

  About 2022 Changsha Public Art Plan METALOOP "Mixing"

  -Changsha IFS

  Exhibition: Image Palace


  Unremitting dreams

  Time: from now until June 30th, 2022.

  Opening hours: 10: 00 & ndash; ten o’clock pm

  Address: No.188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan.

  -Niygro Hotel Changsha

  Exhibition: "Modern Lighthouse" Shenglong City Image Exhibition

  Time: from now until June 20th, 2022.

  Opening hours: open all day.

  Exhibition: Cloud Painting Appreciation? Dream in a Dream "Fang Shibiao Sky Suite Art Space"

  Time: from April 22nd, 2022.

  Opening hours: 10: 00 & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: Changsha IFS T1, No.188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan Province

  - Yuanda Xinjian digital technology

  Exhibition: 70 Island /70 DAO

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year (the exhibition content is updated regularly)

  Opening hours: 08: 00 every Monday to Friday & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: Yuanda City, No.3 Yuanda Road, Changsha County, Changsha, Hunan Province

  - changsha museum

  Exhibition: "Xiang Jiang Bei Qu — Changsha Ancient History and Culture Exhibition "

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: 09: 00 every Tuesday to Sunday & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Southwest of the intersection of Xiangjiang North Road and Qifeng Road, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan (Changsha Binjiang Cultural Park)

  - Changsha intangible cultural heritage museum

  Exhibition: Xiang SHOW— Xiangxiu Life Aesthetics Exhibition "

  Time: from now until June 20th, 2022.

  Opening hours: every Tuesday to Sunday at 09: 30 & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Juzizhou Scenic Management Zone, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province (formerly Juzhou Inn)

  -Sidi Zhijia

  Exhibition: "Hideki Driving Exhibition"

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: every Monday to Friday from 10: 00 to 18: 00.

  Address: A3-A4, Hunan Inspection and Testing Characteristic Industrial Park, No.336 Xueshi Road, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan.

  - Longping rice museum

  Exhibition: Permanent Exhibition of Rice Culture 2022

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: 09: 00 & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Renmin East Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan

  - P8 planet

  Exhibition: Soft Space-A Unit Exhibition of the Curator Plan Phase I

  Time: June 4-July 31, 2022

  Opening hours: every Thursday to Sunday at 10: 00 & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: P8 Planet, Yuanda City, No.1 Yuanda Third Road, Changsha County, Changsha City, Hunan Province

    About Changsha IFS interactive experience

    -The Founding Fathers of the Arts Light up the Medal for Redemption.

  Time: April 30-June 30, 2022

  Combine the function of Changsha IFS small program medal, start the Art Founders program, and there are many surprises and gifts waiting for you to discover.

  Top wave player medal — Scan the code in the LG2 "Meta-Mine" intelligent cockpit and participate in the "driving game" to light it up;

  Frontier Art Coffee Medal — Scan the QR code of the Live Art Founders Project in L7 Art Gallery to light it up.

  Art Pioneer Medal — Use indoor mixed real-life navigation iGO to find treasure in the interactive screen of LG2 "Image Palace", L7 Art Gallery and L7 Sculpture Garden.

Yuanxiao is delicious, so you should eat it skillfully and eat it well.

  Today is the Lantern Festival, also known as Shangyuan Festival, Xiaoyuanyi Festival, Yuanxi Festival or Lantern Festival, which is an important festival in Chinese New Year customs. The first month is January, which is called "Xiao" in ancient times. The fifteenth day of the first month is the first full moon night in a year, so it is called Lantern Festival. On this happy day of the whole family, Yuanxiao, which symbolizes reunion, happiness and sweetness, is a must-have food for every household. Professor Zhang Zhilong, a special expert in the State Council, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Tianjin, and the chief physician of the Acupuncture Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Zhongyan, suggested to the public that Yuanxiao should be eaten skillfully when it is delicious, pay attention to protecting the mouth and stomach at the right time, choosing people to eat to prevent diseases, choosing cooking methods to reduce blood sugar and fat, eating in moderation, reasonable collocation and exercising after eating, so as to eat nutritious and healthy.

  Eat the mouth-protecting stomach at the right time

  Three Yuanxiao and a half bowls of rice can be eaten with extra meals.

  Zhang Zhilong said that the main material of Yuanxiao is glutinous rice. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that glutinous rice has the effect of warming the body and moistening dryness. "Herbal Classic Shu" records that glutinous rice "supplements the spleen and stomach and benefits the lung and qi. If the spleen and stomach are supplemented, the middle warmer and the stool is solid. Warming can nourish qi, and gas filling is self-heating. " Therefore, eating Yuanxiao in moderation can achieve the effects of warming the spleen and stomach, resisting the cold and regulating qi. There are bean paste, black sesame seeds, peanuts and various nuts in the stuffing of Yuanxiao. Nut raw materials have high nutritional value, and bean paste is also rich in nutrients. However, Yuanxiao, the size of table tennis, is a "three high" food with high sugar, high fat and high fever. The saying "three Yuanxiao and half a bowl of rice" is reasonable.

  First of all, a lot of white sugar and lard will be mixed into sweet stuffing such as sesame or bean paste, which tastes sweet and delicious, but contains a large amount of sucrose and oil. The oil content of three medium-sized Yuanxiao is equivalent to the oil of a plate of cooking. Secondly, generally speaking, the glutinous rice flour used in three Yuanxiao is equivalent to the rice used in one rice bowl, with an energy of about 175 kilocalories. After eating three or four sweet dumplings, you have basically absorbed the calories of a normal meal of rice. Therefore, Yuanxiao should not be eaten more, and the intake of staple food should be reduced appropriately, and it should be avoided to be used with foods with high sugar and high fat, so as not to induce other diseases.

  In addition, in addition to nutritional factors, Yuanxiao is sticky and easy to stay in the stomach and stagnate the spleen, so it is not suitable for dinner. Especially when breakfast is eaten on an empty stomach, it is easy to have indigestion, pantothenic acid and heartburn. It is suggested that Yuanxiao be eaten as dessert or at 90 o’clock after breakfast in the morning or at an extra meal in the afternoon, two or three at a time. It is best to eat warm food, not too hot or too cold, too hot can easily cause oral or digestive tract mucosal burns; Too cold is easy to hurt the stomach and affect digestion. It is best not to eat Yuanxiao for supper, otherwise it will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to exercise for more than two hours before going to bed after eating Yuanxiao.

  Choose people to eat and prevent diseases.

  Seven groups of people should be careful when eating Yuanxiao.

  "In addition to timely and appropriate consumption, Yuanxiao, as a food with high sugar, high oil, high calorie and difficult to digest, is not suitable for everyone. Sugar friends’ and’ wind friends’ need to eat Yuanxiao scientifically and not let’ sweetness’ become a burden. " Dr. Song Linling from the Department of Gout, Zhu Xianyi Memorial Hospital of Tianjin Medical University said.

  Song Linling said that the main raw material of Yuanxiao is glutinous rice flour. Compared with wheat flour, glutinous rice flour is more likely to raise blood sugar. At the same time, its stuffing is rich in sugar and fat. Sugar in food can raise blood sugar, and fat is also a master of making blood sugar rise persistently. Therefore, Yuanxiao has a great influence on blood sugar, so "sugar friends" should be temperate in eating Yuanxiao. For patients with hyperuricemia or gout, eating Yuanxiao needs more attention. Because the stuffing of Yuanxiao contains a lot of fructose, after eating a lot of fructose, the fructose content in blood increases, which accelerates the release of purine, thus increasing the serum uric acid, especially in gout patients.

  First of all, when blood sugar is well controlled and stable, you can eat Yuanxiao in moderation; If the blood sugar fluctuates greatly, the control is not ideal or there are serious complications, it is best not to eat it. Secondly, if you eat Yuanxiao, you must reduce the staple food accordingly. Eat three Yuanxiao and lose half a bowl of rice. Third, stuffing-free dumplings are more "safe". Yuanxiao stuffing not only contains sugar, but also contains a lot of solid oil, which has considerable heat. Small dumplings without stuffing are more in line with the dietary requirements of "sugar friends" and "wind friends". Fourth, eating Yuanxiao can be matched with some low-fat and high-fiber foods, such as beans, vegetables, bacteria and algae, and cooking methods such as steaming, boiling and stewing are used. The staple food is high-fiber coarse grains to slow down the speed of blood sugar rise. Special reminder to "sugar friends" is to be wary of sugar-free traps. With the improvement of people’s health awareness, many businesses have also launched sugar-free Yuanxiao. In fact, sugar-free Yuanxiao just does not add sucrose, but also contains starch, oil and so on. Eating more is easy to raise blood sugar and blood lipid.

  Zhang Ming, deputy director of the Nutrition Department of the Third Central Hospital of our city, said, "In addition to patients with diabetes and gout, patients with hyperlipidemia, hypertension and some gastrointestinal diseases, as well as the elderly and infants under 3 years old, eating Yuanxiao in large quantities also has certain risks." Patients with gastrointestinal diseases, including esophagitis, gastroenteritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, intestinal malabsorption, digestive tract ulcer, etc., eating a lot of Yuanxiao may aggravate the original gastrointestinal diseases. Patients with biliary and pancreatic diseases had better not eat fried yuanxiao. Most elderly people have decreased digestive function, tooth loss, and slow swallowing reflex, which may cause the throat of Yuanxiao to get stuck due to rapid swallowing, resulting in difficulty in breathing or even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must not eat Yuanxiao while it is hot, but chew slowly. For infants, glutinous rice is sticky, and children under 1 year old are likely to stick Yuanxiao in the esophagus; Children aged 1-2 are not easy to chew peanuts in glutinous rice balls; Children with respiratory diseases should eat Yuanxiao as little as possible to avoid aggravating their illness; Older children should not rush to eat the whole Lantern Festival, but should divide it into 1/3 to 1/2 to prevent accidents.

  Cooking hypoglycemic lipid by selective method

  Steaming is a healthy way to open Yuanxiao.

  Zhang Ming also reminded the public to pay attention to the date of food production, whether the packaging is well sealed, whether the shape of Yuanxiao is complete, and whether there are obvious cracks and powder removal. After purchase, it should be frozen and stored in time, and it should be taken out quantitatively within the validity period. Pay attention to check whether the appearance of Yuanxiao produced on the spot is gray, dark and moldy, and whether there is any odor. The deteriorated Yuanxiao with hard skin and slightly sour taste is likely to cause food poisoning. Yuanxiao is best to buy as you eat, and don’t store it for too long. When purchasing fillings, we should pay attention to the nutritional value, learn to read the nutritional label of food, choose varieties with clear ingredients and few additives, and try to choose low-sugar and low-fat varieties.

  Zhang Zhilong suggested that people cook Yuanxiao by boiling and steaming to avoid frying Yuanxiao. Fried yuanxiao is not only unsafe to splash, but also increases its heat, and it is easy to destroy nutrients and produce carcinogens.

  When cooking Yuanxiao, you should master four points: boiling water. Boil the water with strong fire, then put the Yuanxiao into the pot, gently push it away with the back of the spoon, and let the Yuanxiao rotate a few times so as not to stick to the bottom of the pot; Cook gently. After the Lantern Festival is boiled in the pot until it floats, it is necessary to quickly switch to slow fire. At this time, if it is still cooked with strong fire, it will break if it keeps rolling, and it is easy to cook outside and hard inside. Add cold water. After the Yuanxiao is put into the pot, an appropriate amount of cold water should be added every time it is opened, so as to keep it in a rolling state. After boiling for two or three times, it can be cooked for a while, and then it can be taken out for eating. The dumplings cooked in this way are soft and hard, sweet and delicious; Change the soup frequently. After the Yuanxiao is cooked in two or three pots, the soup thickens, which greatly restricts the activity of water molecules, so it should be boiled in water. Otherwise, it will be cooked slowly and easily caught. (Zhao Jin)

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

Price increase against the trend? The dilemma of the beauty market is reversed. Lack of motivation. International big names are the first to shout "improving morale" | Industry dynamics

Cailian News Agency, January 11th (Reporter Luo Yuchen) At the beginning of the new year, the domestic beauty market is still waiting for recovery in a difficult situation, and international brands have taken the lead in starting a new round of price increases. Cailian reporter learned from the offline counter that many international beauty brands plan to raise prices after the Spring Festival, covering all products, with an increase of 5%-10%.

Different from the international big-name "Passion Shouts Up", many flagship stores of domestic brands such as Polaiya, owned by Polaiya (603605.SH), Winona and Mao Geping, owned by Betani (300957.SZ) all reported that they had not received the price increase notice. It is worth noting that although domestic brands have not publicly raised prices on a large scale, it is not uncommon to "quietly" raise the prices of popular items by upgrading and changing packaging.

For the phenomenon of brand price increase in the downward period, Zhang Yang, the founder of Solution Consulting, believes that customer unit price is an important part of brand differentiation. In the downward period, the advantage of low-priced brands is difficult to sustain, and the profit of a single product cannot be supported, so a series of problems arise; A brand with premium power is "selling a single order and earning a single order". After all, "profit space is research and development space" can support the brand to develop better in a difficult situation. She pointed out that the signal released by the downward brand price increase is actually to gain more room for manoeuvre, and more and more domestic brands are gradually realizing this problem.

International big names shout up at the beginning of the year

Near the Spring Festival, there are crowds in the vicinity of Wulin Square in the central business district of Hangzhou. The reporters of Cailian Association visited a number of surrounding shopping malls and learned that there are indeed many brands that are planning to raise prices after the Spring Festival. The sales of Estee Lauder, Dior, Guerlain, Clinique and perfume brand LeLabo all clearly stated that "it will rise after the holiday". However, according to the sales representatives, the new round of price increase is still in the brewing stage, and the range of price increase has not yet been determined, so only a relatively vague range is given.

"It is estimated that it will rise to 620 yuan to 660 yuan, and the increase in perfume will be even greater." Dior brand sales pointed to an air-cushion powder cake with a price of 600 yuan on the shelf. When the reporter questioned whether the 10% increase was too large, she responded: "Many brands have to raise their prices, not only our family, but also perfumes."

For the reasons of price increase, brand sales have different opinions. "We will go up across the board. Maybe every product will go up by 20 yuan -30 yuan. Now nothing will go up, right? All kinds of costs are rising. " Clinique brand sales blamed the price increase on rising costs. Judging from the sales of Guerlain brand and Estee Lauder brand, the price increase is more customary, "every February is the price adjustment period".

It is understood that in 2022, the beauty industry experienced two rounds of price hikes in March and July respectively due to cost pressure, involving different brands. Affected by this, some brands said that due to the price increase in 2022, there is no price adjustment plan in the short term. "This lipstick has risen in 22 years, from 370 yuan to 385 yuan, and there will be no price adjustment for the time being." Gucci brand sales introduction said.

It has been pointed out that since 2021, the costs of raw materials, transportation and warehousing have been rising continuously, and brands are indeed facing certain cost pressures, so they have started to raise prices one after another. With the general decline in the prices of various bulk raw materials in Q3 in 2022, this kind of cost load has been reduced, but the sharp fluctuation of exchange rate has put new pressure on the profits of imported goods.

Beauty cosmetics wait for the dilemma to reverse.

Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the domestic beauty market is still in a difficult period.

Since August, 2022, the domestic retail sales of cosmetics have been declining for four consecutive months year-on-year. Even though it was promoted by the "Double Eleven", the retail sales of cosmetics in November still failed to reverse the trend, falling by 4.6% year-on-year. Considering that the discussion on the "Double Twelve" promotion was not hot, the retail sales of cosmetics in December was hardly optimistic, and "six consecutive declines" might be inevitable.

Under the downward pressure, more and more brands are forced to clear out. Since 2022, CROXX, YES! IC, Fangji and a number of former cutting-edge domestic brands announced the clearance or closure of stores, and overseas brands even withdrew in large numbers, including young brands such as The Oriental and Huda Beauty, as well as old brands such as Shuizhiao, Yidi House and Feishi Shop, which have been deeply cultivated in the China market for many years.

Even if it has not been eliminated, the severe living environment has forced a number of brands to make substantial adjustments, and channel adjustment bears the brunt. Brands such as Yueshi Fengyin, Maybelline and Heyan have reduced their offline channels and started to attack online in an all-round way. However, time has passed, the online channel dividend period has passed, and the traffic cost has risen. An interview with a new domestic brand revealed that the brand began to specialize in online at the end of 2021, but the actual situation is far less than expected, and online competition has become unprecedentedly fierce.

(Editor Liu Yan)

This article comes from Luo Yuchen, a reporter from Cailian Association.

After James retires, who will be the next face of the NBA?

After the opening of the 2023-24 season, it will also be James’ 21st season in the NBA, and James is about to celebrate his 39th birthday, which is a step closer to James’ retirement. The topic of retirement has to be put on the agenda. Who will be the next face figure in the NBA after James’ retirement?

Although James was still able to score 28.9 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6.8 assists last season, it was obvious from last season that James was completely unable to compare physically with a few years ago, and the offensive end was still excellent in the regular season, but it has become the norm for the defensive end to leak people, and there are often situations in which the defense is not active, which is completely impossible in previous years. After entering the playoffs, James defended actively, but because the defensive end consumed a lot of physical strength, the offensive end obviously declined. People have to feel that time makes people old, and James has entered the end of his career. After Lao Zhan retires, who can hold up the facade of the NBA?

1. Curry

The first person I can think of now is Curry. Curry is 35 years old, and his playing style doesn’t eat the body. Now he is still in the peak state. Curry is not only the most influential player in the era of small ball, but also his hard honor is the first person under James, with four championships, two MVPs, two scoring titles and four times, which is enough to support Curry to become a new alliance facade.

2. Durant

Durant is only 34 years old this year. Although he has suffered a serious injury, he is still in the same state after coming back. He is still the best scorer in the league. He already has two FMVPs, one MVP, four scoring titles and six hard honors. The Suns he joined are the first favourites to win the championship next season, and this former Wang also has a chance to win the facade of the league.

3, the letter brother

Brother Alphabet, who is only 28 years old this year, has surpassed many Hall of Fame players, including one FMVP, two MVPs, one best defensive player, five bouts of play and four times of one defense. Last season, he averaged 31.1 points, 11.8 rebounds and 5.7 assists. He has not even reached the real peak, and now he has the strength of the top five in the league, and the future should not be underestimated.

4. Jokic

Also at the age of 28, Jokic became the darling of the league after leading the Nuggets to win the first championship in team history last season. He had an FMVP, two MVPs, and played for three times. Last season, he averaged 24.5 points, 11.8 rebounds and 9.8 assists, almost becoming the third player in NBA history to average a triple-double on the regular court. After entering the playoffs, he was still at ease even in the face of a top inside defender like Thick Eyebrows, averaging 30 points and 10 assists in the playoffs.

Now the NBA is facing a very embarrassing thing. After James retired, it is reasonable to say that Curry and Durant took over, but Curry and Durant are not young. Not everyone is like James, and they can still maintain such terrible athletic ability at the age of 38. And the next thing that can lift the situation is the letter brother and Jokic, but both of them are international players, which is not what the league wants to see. Tatum, which the alliance strongly supports, has not yet gained anything.

Who do you think will be the first player in the league after James retires?

The Clippers’ promotion probability is only 3%! Wei Shaohong scored 37 points to be himself: but he may not stay in the team next season?

37 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, 17 of 29 shots and 3 of 6 of 3 points, which may be Wei Shao’s best game this season. He was regarded as a "cancer" in the Lakers, and finally found himself in the Clippers. However, the Clippers, who lacked peppers, still lost, with a total score of 1-3, and were on the verge of elimination.FiveThirtyEight, a well-known data website, shows that the Clippers have only 3% chance to advance to the next round.

I was shouted "Don’t vote" by Lakers fans.

When was Wei Shao’s most heartfelt scene in the Lakers? There should be many answers. The home game against Knicks may be one of them. In the fourth quarter, the Lakers led by 6 points, and Monk passed the ball to Wei Shao in the bottom corner. Wei Shao was preparing to shoot, and the Lakers home fans actually shouted "No!" Wei Shao hesitated for a while, but he made a move. The three-pointer missed, and the heavy eyebrows made up the ball.

That three-pointer was really not a good time to shoot, but the shouts of the fans shook Wei Shao’s confidence. That was the root of his former MVP. After joining the Lakers, Wei Shao was asked to change, and his biggest change was that his confidence was gradually disappearing.

The Clippers provided a stage for him, and he became the starting point guard of a team with championship ambitions. The Clippers signed Wei Shao in order to let him do what others in the team can’t do: break through the basket and create easy shots for teammates.

In the 11 games between Wei Shao’s joining and George’s injury, the Clippers were 5 wins and 6 losses, but in the last 6 regular season games, they won 5 games. With leonard’s two consecutive injuries, Wei Shao became his old self again. G4 may be the best game Wei Shao played for the two teams in LA. His explosiveness showed once again, and his defensive strength was also always online. He also made three three-pointers and did not hesitate to shoot.

The Clippers can offer limited salary for renewal.

Wei Shao himself once said how wonderful it is to stay where he wants to stay. This is in sharp contrast to last season. At that time, he publicly denied that Lakers teammates let him be himself on the court. The Clippers are more tolerant of Wei Shao and let Wei Shao play in a familiar way.

However, such beauty will not last forever. Whether or not the Capsicum can make a comeback in this year’s playoffs, they are still the core of the Clippers. Wei Shao will turn 35 next season, and his athletic ability will not last forever. No matter how confident he is, his jump shot will not become a stable offensive weapon.

Major General Wei became a free agent during the offseason.If the new labor terms come into effect before next season, the Clippers, which exceed the luxury tax threshold of $17.5 million, will not be able to provide Wei Shao with a salary of 120% more than the veteran’s basic salary. Therefore, the future of both sides is full of uncertainty.

If Wei Shao is forced by home fans to dare not shoot, his prospects in the NBA are undoubtedly dark. After a nightmare in the Lakers, this version of Wei Shao seems to have disappeared forever. For Wei Shao, he needs a team that can support him, give him room to play and trust his defense. For example, the wizards of the past, and now the Clippers. It is predicted that Wei Shao should at least get a full middle-class contract. As long as Wei Shao stays in a state, even if the clippers can’t give it, there will be a family who is willing to pay.

Not all stars can grow old gracefully. This night, Wei Shao became Wei Shao again, even if it was only a short-lived glory, it was enough to move people.

Artificial intelligence replaces manual labor, uses machine learning to carry out scientific research and match the best alloy!

A large group of researchers found that machine learning can be used to help metallurgists find the best metal mixture to make the required alloys. In this way, they found an alloy with a thermal coefficient lower than that currently recorded.

The research was carried out by scientists from Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, who cooperated with colleagues from darmstadt University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and Royal Institute of Technology.

For thousands of years, people have been mixing metals according to their own needs and learned a lot about alloy manufacturing. But finding the right combination always requires some inspiration, patience and luck.

Therefore, most alloys are made from a single base metal (such as iron), and the obtained characteristics are observed by adding a small amount of other metals.

However, in the past few decades, the situation has begun to change-some researchers have begun to make alloys containing several metals in equal parts.

Of course, it is much more difficult to make this alloy with specified characteristics. In this new work, researchers apply machine learning to help this process. They first reduced the test space to only one application-making alloys that will not expand and contract too much when exposed to temperature changes.

In order to create a machine learning application, researchers searched and found metal features that can be used for comparison purposes, and then trained their systems using the information in the currently available databases. In the process, they developed a process to find an alloy suitable for the required goal.

The team’s process was reduced to three main steps: First, they created a new mixture using a model based on information stored in a database describing metal characteristics. Then, they use the second model to help predict the properties of some alloys they created in the first step. The last step is to study the candidate alloys produced by the system and select some of them for practical testing.

Using this system, the researchers obtained 1000 candidates, which were narrowed down to three alloys. Then, they made three kinds of alloys using the mixture described in the system and tested their physical properties.

The team used data from real alloys to train the system and repeated the whole process. They chased it for seven times and found an alloy with a thermal coefficient lower than the current record.

In their paper published in the journal Science, the team described their three-step process and its performance in the test. Scientists from the Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences published an article on the prospect in the same issue, describing the work done by the team on this new project.

Reference: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-10-machine-optimal-mixture-metals-desired.html.