标签归档 上海品茶

Monopoly desktop starts from the input method Tencent QQ is about to join the competition

    This title may be more like a slogan, but it is the truth. After the turmoil of Google’s "Thesaurus Gate" at the beginning of the year, another new input method is about to be widely promoted among Internet users. Last week, Tencent confirmed that its "QQ input method" has entered the invitation beta stage (bete version). Although the function is slightly simple, don’t forget the huge number of users of QQ.

    From Wangma Wubi and Microsoft Pinyin, to the later flourishing Ziguang Pinyin and Pinyin Plus, to Sohu’s Sogou input method, Google’s Google input method, and now QQ and Baidu have to launch their own input methods. The reason why these IT industry bosses are eyeing this threshold level of input programs is that the purpose is very simple – to occupy the user’s desktop, and ultimately through the input method, which is a highly sticky product, to transfer users to other product lines of their own as much as possible.

    The Forgotten Ultimate Weapon

    Wang Yongmin, the inventor of the Wubi font, may have been the first to realize the value of the input method, but at the beginning, the charm or power of the input method was far from being accepted by the world.

    Even Wang Yongmin himself did not realize the terrible commercial value behind "share". After occupying more than 50% of the national market – even as high as 90% in southern cities where Mandarin pinyin is not yet standard and popular – Wang Yongmin poured all his energy into the improvement and development of the input method itself, but failed to achieve greater breakthroughs.

    In the beginning, Wubi Font hoped to make a small profit by charging licensing fees, but the hard-core target of Windows Chinese OEMs was smart ABC. In 1998, with the popularity of the Internet, input methods could be easily implanted in the operating system. In that "new economy" era, new input methods such as Pinyin Star, Universal Code and Smart Wubi appeared, but in the end, none of them achieved great success for similar reasons.

    In fact, when the Internet was just starting, there were five-stroke input method training in various computer introductory courses. So many people mistakenly think that five-stroke is the only input method for Chinese characters, and if you want to type with a computer, you must memorize the root. But today it is no longer a simple software product, but has become a multi-purpose Internet client side tool through close integration with internet companies.

    Wang Yongmin began to awaken on June 26, 2004, when he replaced the original complex root with 5 numbers from 1 to 5, and directly proposed the concept of "letting Chinese people’s mobile phones use Chinese people’s own input method". Only then is he believed to have realized the commercial value behind the input method for the first time.

    Input method becomes the "pioneer officer" of desktop competition

    The dispute between Sohu and Google over the input method also stems from the commercial value behind it. Because according to Sohu’s idea, the input results are integrated with the search engine, and the most popular words are dynamically transferred from the commonly used search thesaurus to improve the user experience. For example, by entering "laptop" and clicking "search", all pages about laptops will appear, which can increase page traffic on the one hand, and on the other hand is one of the origins of the media value in the eyes of advertisers.

    The internet has given input methods the opportunity to knock on users’ desktops, but the intervention of portals has instantly changed the rules of the game. In June 2006, Sohu launched the Sogou input method as a representative of Zhang Chaoyang’s "return to technology-driven" philosophy.

    But the question ****** the relationship between occupying the table and generating revenue really that simple?

    One of the most commonly used examples is that Microsoft has occupied more than 90% of the world’s computer monitor desktops, so Microsoft has become the world’s largest software company by market value; Tencent’s QQ has occupied more than 90% of the desktops of Internet users in China, so Tencent is one of the largest internet companies in China by market value. In this IT2.0 era, "desktop" has become the frontier battlefield of these IT giants, and the input law has assumed the role of "pioneer officer".

    In fact, in less than a year, the Sogou input method was rapidly popularized by the influence of the portal, and Sohu began to be handy in this field, and even began to develop input methods in different application environments. At this moment, the input method has been considered a new type of client side, used to stick users, and on this basis derived new value-added services.

    The competition moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

    According to the principle of traditional newspaper editing, the position in the upper left corner is the first to be noticed, so it is often referred to as the headline position.

    By the same token, icons on the desktop to the left of the display were originally the first choice for "occupying the desktop". Almost 99% of commercial software now prompts when installed that a software launch icon called a shortcut will be created on the desktop. Even when Kingsoft announced its entry into Japan last year, its CEO Lei Jun said with pride that Kingsoft’s software "provides three shortcuts on the Japanese version of the desktop, which is very important for the success of the entry into Japan".

    But it’s not easy to "occupy the left side" – ordinary users often don’t even know the random software that comes with it. If there is no real need, how many people will try to buy new software? If not for this reason, why should rogue software make themselves so difficult to delete?

    The intense competition in the upper left corner may reflect to some extent the preciousness of the location where the input method icon is located – in the "lower right corner", a field that is not obvious and can record user behavior at the same time, providing free input method downloads is undoubtedly the best way.

    Of course, the most important problem is that the input method itself is needed by the vast majority of users. After the function is perfected, it is one of the sufficient conditions to improve the user experience to continuously enhance the convenience and accuracy of user information interaction; while the value that the rogue software can provide to the user itself is almost zero, and it will also seriously cause users’ disgust and dissatisfaction. This is why the rogue software will have "everyone shouting" today, and even if the input method is designed to jump out of advertisements in the future, it may not be as annoying as the rogue software.

    Sohu CEO Zhang Chaoyang said that the key to the problem is that whether the input method is good or the client side, a certain product must be designed from the user’s needs first, rather than from the company’s needs.

    Of course, for Sohu, the Sogou Pinyin input method is an effective way to occupy the user’s desktop. But there is a premise that "provides value to users" rather than uninvited like rogue software. In addition, there is not only one way to occupy the user’s desktop, but how to provide users with more valuable services after occupying the desktop, and ultimately convert users into valuable users of the entire website, is the root of the problem. (Reporter, Peng Wu)

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Andy Lau prays for his mother during the Mid-Autumn Festival and celebrates his 46th birthday with his brothers



  Andy Lau and Miao Qiaowei put cream on each other’s mouths.

  Andy Lau attended the premiere of the film MV with Eason Chan and Miao Qiaowei yesterday (September 26). In addition to wishing Andy Lau his 46th birthday, the three of them kept laughing on the stage. Andy Lau said that for his mother’s health, he ate fast with his family during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and his birthday wish is to be young, beautiful and healthy.


  The MV premiere of the new film "Brothers" attracted nearly a thousand fans and passers-by.

  Andy Lau, Eason (Eason) and Miao Qiaowei (the third brother) starred in the MV premiere of the new film "Brothers" yesterday, attracting nearly a thousand fans and passers-by. However, the MV premiere was due to sound problems. Andy Lau and Eason Chan improvised like singing K to sing "Brothers". Although the two were a little out of tune under unprepared, they also won applause from the audience. As soon as Miao Qiaowei appeared, he immediately dressed up as Andy Lau and called Fans Quiet, which was a funny scene. At the event, a giant moon cake was also launched to celebrate Andy Lau’s 46th birthday today. In addition to bickering and joking with Andy Lau, the playful Miao Qiaowei also rubbed cream on Andy Lau’s mouth. Andy Lau laughed and said: "Miao Qiaowei is still in the stage of playing cake throwing!" Afterwards, the three of them finished the dragon dance and dressed up as ghosts and horses to take a group photo together.


  The conference wished Andy’s 46th birthday, and Miao Qiaowei did not forget the big trick.

  Andy Lau said that he didn’t have to work on the Mid-Autumn Festival the day before yesterday, so he went to the hospital to pick up his mother with a heart disease and discharge her from the hospital in the afternoon, and reunited with his family for dinner in the evening. Asked him how to celebrate his birthday, he said: "Tonight, I will spend time with my fans online at home, and tomorrow (that is, today) I will celebrate with my family. (Birthday wish?) Young, beautiful and healthy! (After picking up my mother from the hospital, my mother’s condition?) My mother is in good health, but I just went to check my heart, because my mother fainted before, of course I was worried, but now I am fine. I am old and have high blood pressure, so the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner at home is a full-course feast, and I eat very vegetarian."

  Miao Qiaowei refused to let the race


  Andy and Eason Chan improvise "Brothers".

  Miao Qiaowei said that he would also invite birthday star Andy Lau to celebrate his birthday. Will he play bowling with Andy Lau? He said: "Maybe, but he has been busy with concerts recently, rarely plays ball, and his ball skills are poor. (Will he let Sai?) It will make him angry, and he would rather lose brilliantly and go to the checkout with his head drooping. (Prepared a birthday gift?) I want to give him a bowling ball with a full bag, but I can’t find it! Haha." In addition, Eason Chan admitted that he grew up watching Miao Qiaowei and Andy Lau’s dramas and TV, and now it feels like a dream to work with them. There are rumors that he will collaborate with Zheng Xiuwen on a new film of Mai Zhaohui. Eason Chan said that it has not been implemented yet, and he has not contacted Zheng Xiuwen. In addition, mentioning that Jacky Cheung changed 21 Filipino maids in three years, Andy Lau said that he did not know the actual situation of the incident, so it was inconvenient to talk more. Eason Chan said that although it was none of his business, everything had to be viewed from two aspects. As for Miao Qiaowei, who said that the Filipino maids in the family had been employed for 17 years and regarded the Filipino maids as family and friends, Miao Qiaowei also said: "Ask him (Jacky Cheung) to ask for an Indian maid."

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

Wu Yanzu, Hu Ge, Xu Zhengxi, Leonardo, who is the most handsome in 10 years of comparison

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, July 20 (Reporter Li Yan) In order to get rid of the burden of "pure idol school", many male stars in the entertainment industry insist on constantly challenging their acting skills, so that people are fascinated by their handsome appearance while also being impressed by their performance skills. Let’s take a look at these male gods who are obviously beautiful but have to rush their acting skills.

  Wu Yanzu can be said to be a benchmark for the appearance of male stars in the entertainment industry. When he debuted with "Beautiful Youth Love", he conquered countless audiences with his flawless face and was the dream lover of thousands of women. In fact, he often deliberately chose some breakthrough characters to hone his acting skills. For example, in the movie "New Police Story", he played the arrogance and contempt of an extremely rich second generation to the fullest, so that everyone affirmed his acting skills and thoroughly remembered this high-value "powerful faction".

  From Li Xiaoyao ten years ago to Mei Changsu ten years later, Hu Ge has undergone a perfect transformation from a boy to a man, and has also successfully transitioned from a beauty school to a acting school. After the broadcast of "Langya Bang", Hu Ge’s immersive interpretation has won repeated praise. After losing the burden of idols, he has allowed us to see the excellent acting skills that have been accumulated over the years.

  Xu Zhengxi has always been depicted as a "affectionate knight", and his handsome appearance has brought him countless fan girls. In the movie "Bounty Hunter", he played the mad and perverted red-haired villain Tommy, with a crazy expression and exaggerated movements, making fans shout "too grandiose" but unable to stop loving him. This time, although his image has changed greatly, this reversal has also brought enough recognition to his acting skills, so that many people have labeled him a "powerful".

  "Little Plum" Leonardo is really loved and hated. He, who used to be comparable to the atomic bomb, seems to feel that his high appearance covers up his acting skills. Gradually, his figure is out of shape and his face has changed shape, and he has completely become a "powerful person". Whether it is "The Wolf of Wall Street" or "Shutter Island", we can feel his powerful performance ability.

  When it comes to Jack Gyllenhaal, the first thing we think of is his handsome appearance and lingering love in "Brokeback Mountain". In his early years, he entered the entertainment industry because of his handsome appearance and gradually became known. In the 13-year-old "Old Enemy", Gyllenhaal appeared in a decadent face full of hawthorn, wearing a wide suit and a pair of khaki trousers that lost muscles and bones, looking haggard. In the film, he played two roles alone, and his acting made everyone feel ashamed, creating a classic image for the acting career again.

China Hengda has been notified of the court lawsuit and has been recovered 2.15 billion

On the evening of December 5, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the Company and three related subsidiaries have received a notice of litigation issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, and Jinbi Property has proposed to recover approximately RMB 1.9963125 billion and approximately RMB 152.0628 million from the Company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media?

During the May 1 International Labor Day holiday, the People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and other mainstream media published and broadcast many news reports related to the aviation industry. So, have you read all these reports with rich connotations and huge information?

Let’s test it together ~ ~

Top secret before the exam

A survey of mainstream media reports on the aviation industry.



Student number:

1. Multiple choice questions (Only one answer to the following questions is correct. Please choose the correct option from the alternative answers and fill in the serial number of the correct option in brackets. 5 points for each small question, 15 points in total)

1. What does the machining tolerance of () mm mean? This is equivalent to one hundred and twenty-fifth of the diameter of human hair, which is difficult to realize even with CNC machine tools. This is more accurate than the manual filing limit in the textbook, and it comes from the hands of Fang Wenmo, the chief skill expert of the aviation industry Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. and the "post-80 s". (Source: Xinhua News Agency’s new media "Pay tribute to ingenuity! They deserve to be praised ")

A. 0.0068 mm

B. 0.00068 mm


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


2. On May 1st, 2021, a special program on May 1st International Labor Day was broadcast on CCTV. What is the theme of this program? (Source: CCTV News pays tribute to the workers and welcomes the founding of the party for a hundred years! "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty-Always March with the Party, New Journey, Special Program of May Day 2021")

A. pay tribute to the workers and welcome the centenary of the founding of the party! Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty —— Always forge ahead with the Party.

B. pay tribute to the workers and welcome the centenary of the founding of the party! Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty —— Always forge ahead with the Party in a new era


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


3. The posture adjustment of the fuselage requires extremely high accuracy, and the deviation of each part of the fuselage with a total length of 50 meters cannot exceed () mm.. This is like an elephant, there can be no error in the size of ants. In the past, it took more than a dozen people to work together in one month. Today, it only takes two or three people a day. The team led by Hu Yang has achieved zero breakthrough in digital assembly of large aircraft and fuselage, with a hundred times higher efficiency and millimeter accuracy. (Source: CCTV’s "Great Country Artisans and Skills to Serve the Country", which is broadcast on several key columns of CCTV’s comprehensive channel and news channel. )

A. 0.5 mm

B. 0.05 mm


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


Look at the pictures and talk (please match the pictures with appropriate words according to the information provided, with 10 points for each question, totaling 20 points)

4. Please choose an essay for the following pictures.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency, "Dare to melt the sun and the moon and cast ingenuity" model worker "torch in their hands")

A. Fang Wenmo polishes parts in Fang Wenmo’s studio.

B. Fang Wenmo polishes parts in the craftsman’s studio in Daguo.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


5. Please choose an essay for the following pictures.

(Source: CCTV. com, look at "The exposure of the refueling screen of the night sky of the J-15 carrier aircraft")

A. the training of refueling in the air is called "threading the needle in the air" and "centimeter-level flight", and the difficulty is self-evident. It is even more thrilling to carry out this training under the condition of low light at night, and it is also recognized as the top flight course in the world. A few days ago, several J-15 carrier-based fighters of a naval carrier aviation unit continuously carried out night air partner refueling training.

B. The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to look for light.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


Third, reading comprehension (read the written materials provided and answer the corresponding questions, 15 points for each question, a total of 30 points)

6. As soon as the modification training was over, Gu Chenyu immediately bought a plane ticket and flew to Chang Yao’s side. When I saw him at the airport, Chang Yao’s heart was more complicated. In the face of her missing boyfriend, the first feeling turned out to be strange. After a big hug, the small temper and emotions that had been waiting for months finally vanished. Chang Yao said: "This is probably the truest taste of missing." (Excerpt from: People’s Daily new media "Too sweet! It was love at first sight between pilots and aviation engineers.

Excuse me, what exactly is the truest taste of missing in the bold part of the text? ( )

A. my heart is very complicated.

B. The feeling at first sight turned out to be strange. After a big hug, the small temper and emotions that had been waiting for months finally vanished.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


7. Aviation people often say, "There is no parking lot in the air, and there is no regret medicine for flight test". Fang Wenmo said: "Just like playing the piano and throwing basketball, the basic skills of our locksmith depend on boring and monotonous repeated practice until muscle memory is formed." (Excerpt from: Xinhua News Agency’s new media "Pay tribute to ingenuity! They deserve to be praised ")

What does the author want to express through the bold part of the text? ( )

A. Behind the heavy equipment of the country, the high-tech technology and the projects that break through the limits of human beings, it is inseparable from the persistent concentration, Excellence, meticulousness and pursuit of Excellence of the workers who uphold the spirit of artisans.

B. Aircraft flight test cannot be practiced repeatedly.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


Four, composition (35 points)

8. Please pay attention to "Aviation Industry" WeChat WeChat official account, and write your feelings about aviation people and aviation industry in the message! Welcome to grab the sofa.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.

Welcome to leave a message

I wish the candidates extraordinary performance and excellent results!

How’s it going?

Peter Pan is ready to compare scores with you ~

There will be a mysterious gift waiting for you.

Iron powder must be seen.

Original title: "Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media? 》

Read the original text

With an annual salary of 16 million, the Hornets officially refused to offer! With an average of 15+5+2 per game, the Lakers may be able to take aim.

According to Rod Boone, a reporter from Charlotte Observer, PJ- Washington and Hornets are deadlocked in contract negotiations. They have not made any progress in reaching a new contract, and neither side seems ready to give in to the other’s demands. What the Hornets mean is that they hope to sign a short-term contract, while the team of PJ- Washington wants a contract with an average price higher than 16 million, but the feasible way in the market at present is to sign it first and then change it. Now, PJ- Washington will accept the qualification offer from the Hornets and become a free agent next summer.

Memoirs of a teenager

PJ- Washington was born in Dallas, Texas on August 23rd, 1998. His father, Paul Washington, is a former professional basketball player who played in the European League. His mother is a college basketball player, who used to work for Nixi State University in Middlefield.

Born in such a sports family, PJ- Washington has developed a strong interest in basketball since childhood. When he was studying in Plenot Road High School, he became a local famous basketball star. In his senior year, he averaged 18.8 points, 9.5 rebounds, 2.9 assists and 2.1 blocks per game, and led the team to win the championship in the 6A District of Texas. He was also selected for the 2016 McDonald’s All-American High School Star Competition, where he scored 10 points and 9 rebounds.

After graduating from high school, PJ- Washington was invited to join the old and powerful university of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky has its own understanding of cultivating inside stars, and Washington has grown rapidly since joining. He has played 72 games in two seasons, and is the core player of the team. He can hand over 12.9 points, 6.6 rebounds, 1.7 assists and 1.2 blocked transcripts per game, of which the shooting percentage is 54.3%.

In my junior year, with an average of 15.2 points, 7.5 rebounds, 1.8 assists and 1.2 blocks, I was selected into the first team of the Southeast Regional League and the third team of the best team in the United States. Lead the University of Kentucky into the top 8 of the NCAA Championship, and lose Auburn University with regret, and stop there.

PJ- Washington’s performance at the University of Kentucky has attracted many professional scouts to watch, and he is considered to have the potential of lottery level. In the 2019 draft, Washington was picked by the Hornets in the 12th overall pick in the first round. At that time, scouts gave him Anthony Randolph as the draft template. They are all power forwards who are 6′ 7 "tall and weigh about 230 pounds. They have excellent physical fitness and technical ability, can score in and out lines, and have certain defense and passing ability.

In the rookie season, PJ- Washington showed his strength in the Hornets, averaging 12.2 points, 5.4 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 0.8 blocks, and shooting percentage reached 45.5%. He also set a historical record, becoming the first player in NBA history to hit at least seven three-pointers in his debut. In addition, he was selected as the first team of the best rookie lineup in the 2019-20 season.

In the second year, Washington continued to maintain its excellent state in the first season, averaging 12.9 points, 6.5 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 1.2 blocks per game. In the game against Thunder in March this year, PJ Washington scored 43 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists in a single game, becoming the first Hornets player to get this data after Kemba Walker and the sixth Hornets player to get 40 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists in a single game. 43 points is also a career high in Washington.

Generally speaking, PJ- Washington has good height and arm span, and he is also a reliable scorer. But after Brandon Miller arrived, he didn’t have many opportunities in the Hornets. After becoming a free agent next year, the Lakers can pay close attention, and the mini middle class may win.

Peninsula Sports Ligue 1: A leader in the golden age, De Braune has won the championship five times in his career in Manchester City.

"We will take it as our competitor," klopp told BBC Sports. "I’m not so spoiled. We have qualified for the Europa League, which is incredible in all these teams around us. It was really difficult, and we did it, which is good.

"For such a long time, we didn’t even hear the voice of the Champions League. That’s how far we are. The Europa League is absolutely fine. Let’s see what we can do.

Jacob Ramsey gave Villa the lead in the first half and they were able to stop the host for most of the game.

Manchester City has won the Premier League three times in a row, only two finals away from the triple crown, and the best team in history is about to be born.

With Arsenal losing 1-0 to Nottingham Forest, Manchester City locked in the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule. Manchester City has won the Premier League three times in a row. In the past six years, it has only fallen behind the champion once and won the Premier League five times. Manchester city can be said to be one of the most successful teams in football today, and one of them can even be removed.


Behind the success of Manchester City, we have to mention their coach Guardiola. Since Guardiola took over Manchester City in 2016, he has made a major transformation of the team. He rebuilt the team and led them to get the best Premier League results in history in an unprecedented way, with more than 100 points in a single season and the highest number of goals in a single season. Guardiola extended his success from Barcelona to Bayern Munich and reached another peak in Manchester City.


Guardiola’s success mainly lies in his mastery of football tactics and strategies. He can always adapt to the game and make the players play their best in the most effective way. In other words, he is a very good tactician. His lineup rotation strategy is also excellent. In some important games, he will choose to send different starting lineups, which leads to the opponent’s inability to cope. At the same time, he is also a very good psychologist. Guardiola can give players confidence and strength, and inspire their fighting spirit and greatest potential. This is very important for the success of Manchester City.


In addition, the success of Manchester City is also attributed to every player in the team. From Harland to De Braune, from Gundogan to Aker and Akanji, everyone in the Manchester City squad has made important contributions to the team. Their efforts and talents are a major factor in Manchester City’s reversal of Arsenal’s winning the Premier League title this season. Whether you are a loyal supporter of Manchester City or an amateur of football, you can’t deny that there is a real team spirit behind Manchester City’s success. As a player and opponent of Manchester City, everyone knows that this team is built on extraordinary skills and excellent management. More importantly, they have a firm determination, which is a necessary condition for winning the competition.


Not only winning the game, Manchester City is also spreading the beauty of football to the whole world. Their players and coaches have become one of the most important benchmarks in football, and at the same time, they are also helping the sport become a more popular cultural phenomenon. Finally, just like football is a team sport, the success of Manchester City is the result of teamwork. This team has demonstrated persistent and consistent efforts and dedication, as well as a true love for football and team spirit. This is a historic achievement that deserves the respect and reverence of all football fans and players all over the world.

Now Manchester City has successfully won the Premier League title, only two finals away from the treble. The FA Cup final will face Manchester United, the same city rival, and the Champions League final will face Inter Milan. Manchester City aims to win the treble! We will wait and see!

Defeated away, lost two games in a row! If Brother Alphabet doesn’t come back, the Heat will eliminate the Bucks.

The letter brother was injured for two games, which was a great opportunity for Middleton to prove himself. He was scolded in the regular season and had to look for face in the playoffs.

Why Wen is far from disappointing? You said he played well. The team is currently in a disadvantage position. You said he played poorly. The data also has a score of early 20. In the final analysis, it is not a matter of good or bad, but a matter of value or not.

A month ago, Middleton rejected the two-year 80 million renewal contract offered by the Bucks, and then asked for 150 million for three years. The negotiation was not very smooth, and this time it was even more hopeless.

The stag’s basic dish is on the letter brother. If he can play, the stag will flourish. On the contrary, it is mediocre. What matters is not the shooting, but the star. If Middleton insists on getting an annual salary of 50 million, it is very likely to leave the team in the offseason.

Regarding the Heat, we still insist on the previous speculation that losing to the Hawks in the play-off is not a lack of strength, but is deliberately picking the bucks to play, which is also in line with the temperament of this Heat.

Butler is cruel and cruel. You succeeded in revenge in the playoffs. This time, it’s my turn to perform.

Compared with the Celtics, the Heat is really better at fighting bucks. After all, the talent is not so bad, and it will not be too difficult to match.

Everyone in the green army can hold the ball, lock the double flowers and the rest of his teammates come forward. If you play bucks, you just need to focus on taking care of Brother Alphabet, even though Holliday is fierce in the regular season, in fact, the playoffs are also unpredictable.

As for Middleton, as I said at the beginning, it’s ok to be a deputy, but it’s hard to see him lead the team to reverse the direction of the whole series.

The Heat broke Hiro at the start, but there was also good news.

Binbin, who has been put on the trading shelf for many times due to state problems, has come back to life like a dead tree in the playoffs. At present, he made 10 of 13 three-pointers and hit an exaggerated 76.9%. Today, he scored 20 points in 24 minutes on his birthday night.

The lack of scoring points in attack is a long-standing problem for the Heat. It is really crucial that Binbin can stand up and play a role at this time. If he shoots accurately, Butler will feel great and the Heat will be able to return to the park.

If Brother Alphabet still can’t play in the next game, and holds the lead, but also continues to play at home and take down the match point, then the hope of this round of series black eight is very great.

If Black Eight succeeds, it will be another legendary chapter in Butler’s career, and then this matter is really hot.

Data-Driven Operation | Future Development Direction of Smart Building System

Smart building refers to upgrading traditional buildings to intelligent buildings through Internet of Things technology, so as to realize more efficient and intelligent management and operation. Through the connection and cooperation of various sensors, equipment and systems, smart buildings can realize real-time monitoring, analysis and control of all aspects of buildings, thus improving energy utilization efficiency, optimizing space utilization and safety management, and bringing people a more comfortable and intelligent living and working environment.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

First, the characteristics of smart buildings

Smart buildings use the Internet of Things technology to connect all devices with the system to realize intelligent management and control. Through big data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithm, the automatic monitoring and management of facilities and energy in buildings are realized. In addition, the smart building also has a visual monitoring system and intelligent maintenance management, which can know the usage and maintenance status of the building in real time and improve the overall management efficiency and safety of the building.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

Second, the advantages of smart buildings

Smart buildings can improve the operation efficiency and energy utilization rate of buildings and reduce the operation cost and energy consumption through automatic and intelligent management. At the same time, smart buildings can also improve the comfort and health of living and working environment, and provide better use experience and services for residents and enterprises. In addition, smart buildings can also realize the integration and sharing of building information, which is convenient for different departments and users in the building to work together and communicate.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

Third, the application scenarios of smart buildings

Smart buildings can be widely used in office buildings, residential buildings, commercial complexes and other buildings. In the office building, the smart building can realize the automatic adjustment and management of the office environment, and improve the work efficiency and comfort of employees. In residential buildings, smart buildings can realize intelligent control and management of family living environment and improve the quality of life and safety of residents. In the commercial complex, smart buildings can realize the intelligent management and operation of commercial facilities and services, and improve the efficiency of commercial operations and user experience.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

Firehawk Technology Smart Building System takes the life cycle data of buildings as the core, and integrates new ICT technologies such as Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and big data based on the three-dimensional technology of digital twins to build a new generation of smart buildings with high technology, efficiency, safety, green and health, so as to enhance the image of the park’s external services and reduce costs and increase efficiency in its internal operations.