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Ah, here? British media: Rice and others may be banned for protecting their families, unless "special circumstances" are proved.

Live on May 21st, West Ham United beat Dutch team Alkmar 1-0 away from home in the second leg of the semi-final of the European Cup, and made it to the final. After the game, some extreme fans from Alkmar rushed into the stands of the visiting team and began to attack West Ham fans. Several West Ham players jumped into the stands to protect their families from attacks.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Rice, Ben Rahma, Flynn Downs and Antonio may all be banned by UEFA unless they can convince the UEFA Committee that this is a special case. According to Article 15 of the relevant discipline, UEFA may accuse players of misconduct, including "provoking fans".

So far, UEFA has not made a sound on this matter, and they may deal with this incident after the final on June 7. UEFA doesn’t want these West Ham players to miss the Europa League final, but they believe that discipline must be observed and Alkmar will be charged for this.

Many people think that when this happens, the players have no choice but to intervene in person. The behavior of West Ham players has also been widely sympathized. Former West Ham star Joe Cole wrote in his column: "I don’t want to see UEFA accuse them, they just did what had to be done."

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies 2-1 at home 111-101, Morant scored 45 points and James was severely hit.

Dillon Brooks, This Is For You!

When the first quarter of Lakers Vs Grizzlies ended today, the score of 35-9 was matched with Dillon Brooks’ stiff expression on the bench. There is no better way to "speak with the game".

After winning the second game, he made a mockery of lebron james with a big mouth, and his face was too ugly.

Then today’s Grizzlies came up and were beaten by the Lakers with a single-quarter difference record (26 points) in playoff history.

People can’t help but think of the famous line in "Bright Sword":

"Xie Baoqing, Xie Baoqing, why do you say you provoke Li Yunlong?"

This game is the first time for the Lakers to welcome the audience to participate in the playoffs in Staples since 2013 (the 20-21 season was partially allowed), and the momentum shown by the Lakers after the opening not only stunned the Grizzlies, but also made the home fans high.

Of course, Morant, the Grizzlies’ main player, came back with an injury today, and the team didn’t want to give up easily. From the second quarter, the grizzly bear began a long journey to fill the pit.

In this section, Morant scored 12 points, 3 rebounds and 4 assists in a single quarter, gradually bringing the Grizzlies back to the game. However, when the Grizzlies hit 28-18 in a single quarter and narrowed the difference by 37-53 at the end of the half-time, Tommy Tam was alive again.

At the beginning of the second half, he violently hit LeBron’s "Little James" between his legs when he returned to the defense. As tough as LeBron, he fell to the ground.

Recently, it was the outlet for the League to crack down on the "fork". Harden was just punished two days ago, and Tommy Tam dared to hit the gun at this time, which is worthy of the title of "brain-dead".

The referee also satisfied him and directly left the game for a second-class malicious foul.

In this case, the Lakers played a slightly conservative way, and did not respond resolutely to the attack of the Grizzlies. Fortunately, Thick Eyebrows scored 15 points and 4 rebounds in this section to hold the opponent’s onslaught. The Lakers still lead 88-68 after three quarters.

However, it still gave the Grizzlies, especially Morant, hope to overtake. Morant, who was injured in the fourth quarter, completely started the "Bear King" mode. In this quarter, he made 9 of 12 shots, 6 of 3 shots and 4 of 22 points in a single quarter, and the immortal ball kept on leading the Grizzlies to fight back strongly, once catching up with 99-108 and reducing it to single digits.

However, the pit was dug too big in the early stage and eventually lost to the Lakers 101-111 away.

James scored 25 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists, Thick Eyebrows scored 31 points and 17 rebounds, Russell scored 17 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists, Ba Cun Basement scored 16 points and 5 rebounds, and Reeves scored 13 points and 6 rebounds.

Morant scored 45 points, 9 boards and 13 assists, Bain scored 18 points and 5 boards, and jaren jackson scored 13 points and 5 boards.

The next match between the two teams will be held in Los Angeles in two days (4.25 Beijing time).

The influence of artificial intelligence on human beings

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic, and one of the main topics is that robots will replace human work. In fact, many people have lost their jobs because artificial intelligence has replaced their work tasks. Nevertheless, people still need to work for machines, especially those jobs that are considered low-skilled. In this paper, we will discuss the influence of work artificial intelligence on human beings and the significance of this phenomenon to our economy and society.

Work disappears because of artificial intelligence.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has made some jobs redundant, which may be some traditional industries such as logistics, factory manufacturing, customer service, etc. These jobs needed manual operation in the past. Nowadays, the application of artificial intelligence technology has made these tasks more efficient and reduced labor costs, so the demand for staff has also declined. The application of artificial intelligence technology can make the production efficiency higher and reduce the working time and cost. However, workers are also at risk of unemployment, because machines and artificial intelligence technology will replace manpower.

Wages are cut by artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology can also allow employers to reduce employees’ wages. If a company can replace labor with machines, then they can cut labor costs, which also makes staff face greater economic pressure. In addition, with the application of machines and artificial intelligence technology, the skill level required for many jobs will be reduced because many tasks will be completed automatically. This means that staff need to have more skills and knowledge to stay in this industry.

Ideology brought by artificial intelligence

The ideology behind artificial intelligence technology may make us recognize the value of machines more. The real meaning behind this ideology is that if we no longer need the help of artificial intelligence, then we have no value. Artificial intelligence technology makes us believe that only with the latest technology can we maintain market competitiveness. This idea makes people believe that they are out of date and need to be eliminated.

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Economy and Society

The development of artificial intelligence will have a far-reaching impact on economy and society. Artificial intelligence technology can make our economy more efficient, but artificial intelligence may also lead to some negative effects. On the one hand, the unemployment rate may increase, because artificial intelligence technology will replace many jobs. On the other hand, artificial intelligence may make our society more divided, because those without technology and knowledge may be eliminated. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may bring more social problems, such as more crimes and social insecurity. These problems will require us to find solutions.

The self-promotion of technological capitalism

The self-promotion of technological capitalism means that technological capitalism thinks that technology can solve all problems, thus making our economy stronger. Advocates of technological capitalism believe that technology can bring more productivity and efficiency, thus promoting economic growth and creating more wealth. In this view, technology is regarded as a magic solution, which can help us solve all problems.

However, this idea also brings some problems. First of all, advocates of technological capitalism often ignore the problems brought by technology itself, such as technological unemployment and technological dependence. Secondly, they often put economic benefits above human nature and social values, and even sacrificed these values to pursue economic benefits.

In the eyes of the admirers of technological capitalism, technology is a magical solution that can help us get rid of all problems. However, technology itself is not a magic solution, it will also bring some problems and challenges. For example, technical unemployment and technical dependence are challenges brought by technological development.

In addition, the self-promotion of technological capitalism will also bring some problems in values. In the eyes of the admirers of technological capitalism, economic benefits are supreme, and other values can be sacrificed to pursue economic benefits. This view often leads people to ignore other values, such as human nature and social responsibility. Therefore, the self-promotion of technological capitalism may lead us to lose some important values and sense of responsibility.

The relationship between artificial intelligence and capitalism

The relationship between artificial intelligence and capitalism is an important issue facing the development of social economy and science and technology. The core of capitalist economic system is to pursue profits, and the application of artificial intelligence technology can improve production efficiency and reduce staff, thus reducing labor costs and increasing the profits of enterprises. This makes the capitalist economic system more inclined to the application of artificial intelligence technology, but it also brings some social problems.

First of all, the application of artificial intelligence technology may lead to an increase in the unemployment rate. With the development of automation and machine learning technology, many jobs have been automated, including simple assembly line jobs and some service jobs. Some forecasts show that more jobs may be automated in the future, which will lead to a large number of workers losing their jobs. This is why some people worry that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, more people will be eliminated.

Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also lead to social inequality and division. The application of automation and machine learning technology requires a high degree of technology and professional knowledge, and those who do not have these skills and knowledge may be eliminated. This will lead to social division and aggravate the gap between the rich and the poor.

In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also bring some moral and ethical problems. For example, some people worry that automation technology may weaken workers’ rights and interests, and workers’ rights to survival and development may be infringed. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also lead to privacy and security problems, such as data privacy and information leakage.

However, the application of artificial intelligence technology also has many positive aspects. For example, it can help enterprises improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and at the same time improve the quality and reliability of products. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology can also promote economic development and innovation, and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Real artificial intelligence

The development of artificial intelligence has made great progress, and many industries have begun to apply artificial intelligence technology to improve production efficiency and reduce workload. However, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, people are beginning to worry about whether artificial intelligence technology will replace human work.

True artificial intelligence means that human beings no longer need to do reasonably paid work, which means that we no longer need absolute slaves. The development of real artificial intelligence technology should be used to reduce people’s workload, not to replace human work. Therefore, we should explore how to apply artificial intelligence technology to those boring, dangerous or high-pressure jobs to improve work efficiency and reduce the burden on staff.

In fact, the application of artificial intelligence technology can help us better manage and protect our resources, thus solving global problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution and food shortage. At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence technology can also help us to better manage the medical and health field, such as strengthening medical diagnosis, monitoring chronic diseases and predicting the condition by using artificial intelligence technology.

However, the application of artificial intelligence technology has also brought some problems. First of all, artificial intelligence technology may lead to more unemployment because it can replace many jobs. Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence technology may make our society more divided, because those without technology and knowledge may be eliminated. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may bring more social problems, such as more crimes and social insecurity.

Therefore, we should explore how to make rational use of artificial intelligence technology, so as to minimize its negative impact. We need to regard artificial intelligence technology as an auxiliary tool for human beings, rather than a tool to replace human work. We need to work together to solve the problems brought by artificial intelligence and apply artificial intelligence technology to those areas that can improve work efficiency. Only in this way can we realize the greatest potential of artificial intelligence technology and bring more benefits to our society and economy.

The development of artificial intelligence needs joint efforts.

All artificial intelligence technologies are developed on the basis of human society, so we also need to work together to solve the problems brought by artificial intelligence. The government can formulate more reasonable policies to help those who have lost their jobs regain employment opportunities, and at the same time, it can encourage enterprises to apply artificial intelligence technology to those areas that can improve work efficiency. Educational institutions can also provide help and support for those who need to re-learn skills and knowledge.

In addition, we should also think about how to use artificial intelligence technology to solve global problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution and food shortage. The application of artificial intelligence technology can help us manage and protect our resources better, thus promoting sustainable development.

Masters: Invite sent to US golfer Scott Stallings’ namesake

US golfer Scott Stallings was handed a shock after discovering his Masters invitation had been sent to another person of the same name.

The 37-year-old tweeted he had been “checking the mailbox five times a day” for his invitation before receiving a direct message from another Scott Stallings.

The three-time PGA Tour winner posted the message from his namesake, which included: “I’m 100% sure this is NOT for me. I play but wow! Nowhere near your level.”

The message began: “Hi Scott. My name is Scott Stallings as well and I’m from GA (Georgia). My wife’s name is Jennifer too!!

“I received a FedEx today from the Masters inviting me to play in the Master’s Tournament April 6-9, 2023.

“It’s a very nice package complete with everything needed to attend. I think we have some confusion because of our names, our wife’s names and geographical location.”

He then attached a picture of the invitation adding: “I’m really not kidding I promise.”