标签归档 上海后花园

Monopoly desktop starts from the input method Tencent QQ is about to join the competition

    This title may be more like a slogan, but it is the truth. After the turmoil of Google’s "Thesaurus Gate" at the beginning of the year, another new input method is about to be widely promoted among Internet users. Last week, Tencent confirmed that its "QQ input method" has entered the invitation beta stage (bete version). Although the function is slightly simple, don’t forget the huge number of users of QQ.

    From Wangma Wubi and Microsoft Pinyin, to the later flourishing Ziguang Pinyin and Pinyin Plus, to Sohu’s Sogou input method, Google’s Google input method, and now QQ and Baidu have to launch their own input methods. The reason why these IT industry bosses are eyeing this threshold level of input programs is that the purpose is very simple – to occupy the user’s desktop, and ultimately through the input method, which is a highly sticky product, to transfer users to other product lines of their own as much as possible.

    The Forgotten Ultimate Weapon

    Wang Yongmin, the inventor of the Wubi font, may have been the first to realize the value of the input method, but at the beginning, the charm or power of the input method was far from being accepted by the world.

    Even Wang Yongmin himself did not realize the terrible commercial value behind "share". After occupying more than 50% of the national market – even as high as 90% in southern cities where Mandarin pinyin is not yet standard and popular – Wang Yongmin poured all his energy into the improvement and development of the input method itself, but failed to achieve greater breakthroughs.

    In the beginning, Wubi Font hoped to make a small profit by charging licensing fees, but the hard-core target of Windows Chinese OEMs was smart ABC. In 1998, with the popularity of the Internet, input methods could be easily implanted in the operating system. In that "new economy" era, new input methods such as Pinyin Star, Universal Code and Smart Wubi appeared, but in the end, none of them achieved great success for similar reasons.

    In fact, when the Internet was just starting, there were five-stroke input method training in various computer introductory courses. So many people mistakenly think that five-stroke is the only input method for Chinese characters, and if you want to type with a computer, you must memorize the root. But today it is no longer a simple software product, but has become a multi-purpose Internet client side tool through close integration with internet companies.

    Wang Yongmin began to awaken on June 26, 2004, when he replaced the original complex root with 5 numbers from 1 to 5, and directly proposed the concept of "letting Chinese people’s mobile phones use Chinese people’s own input method". Only then is he believed to have realized the commercial value behind the input method for the first time.

    Input method becomes the "pioneer officer" of desktop competition

    The dispute between Sohu and Google over the input method also stems from the commercial value behind it. Because according to Sohu’s idea, the input results are integrated with the search engine, and the most popular words are dynamically transferred from the commonly used search thesaurus to improve the user experience. For example, by entering "laptop" and clicking "search", all pages about laptops will appear, which can increase page traffic on the one hand, and on the other hand is one of the origins of the media value in the eyes of advertisers.

    The internet has given input methods the opportunity to knock on users’ desktops, but the intervention of portals has instantly changed the rules of the game. In June 2006, Sohu launched the Sogou input method as a representative of Zhang Chaoyang’s "return to technology-driven" philosophy.

    But the question ****** the relationship between occupying the table and generating revenue really that simple?

    One of the most commonly used examples is that Microsoft has occupied more than 90% of the world’s computer monitor desktops, so Microsoft has become the world’s largest software company by market value; Tencent’s QQ has occupied more than 90% of the desktops of Internet users in China, so Tencent is one of the largest internet companies in China by market value. In this IT2.0 era, "desktop" has become the frontier battlefield of these IT giants, and the input law has assumed the role of "pioneer officer".

    In fact, in less than a year, the Sogou input method was rapidly popularized by the influence of the portal, and Sohu began to be handy in this field, and even began to develop input methods in different application environments. At this moment, the input method has been considered a new type of client side, used to stick users, and on this basis derived new value-added services.

    The competition moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

    According to the principle of traditional newspaper editing, the position in the upper left corner is the first to be noticed, so it is often referred to as the headline position.

    By the same token, icons on the desktop to the left of the display were originally the first choice for "occupying the desktop". Almost 99% of commercial software now prompts when installed that a software launch icon called a shortcut will be created on the desktop. Even when Kingsoft announced its entry into Japan last year, its CEO Lei Jun said with pride that Kingsoft’s software "provides three shortcuts on the Japanese version of the desktop, which is very important for the success of the entry into Japan".

    But it’s not easy to "occupy the left side" – ordinary users often don’t even know the random software that comes with it. If there is no real need, how many people will try to buy new software? If not for this reason, why should rogue software make themselves so difficult to delete?

    The intense competition in the upper left corner may reflect to some extent the preciousness of the location where the input method icon is located – in the "lower right corner", a field that is not obvious and can record user behavior at the same time, providing free input method downloads is undoubtedly the best way.

    Of course, the most important problem is that the input method itself is needed by the vast majority of users. After the function is perfected, it is one of the sufficient conditions to improve the user experience to continuously enhance the convenience and accuracy of user information interaction; while the value that the rogue software can provide to the user itself is almost zero, and it will also seriously cause users’ disgust and dissatisfaction. This is why the rogue software will have "everyone shouting" today, and even if the input method is designed to jump out of advertisements in the future, it may not be as annoying as the rogue software.

    Sohu CEO Zhang Chaoyang said that the key to the problem is that whether the input method is good or the client side, a certain product must be designed from the user’s needs first, rather than from the company’s needs.

    Of course, for Sohu, the Sogou Pinyin input method is an effective way to occupy the user’s desktop. But there is a premise that "provides value to users" rather than uninvited like rogue software. In addition, there is not only one way to occupy the user’s desktop, but how to provide users with more valuable services after occupying the desktop, and ultimately convert users into valuable users of the entire website, is the root of the problem. (Reporter, Peng Wu)

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Lei Jun: The price of Xiaomi car has not been fixed, but there is no rival within 500,000 yuan, and there is no "beggar in the middle" version.

On December 28th, 2023, Beijing and Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and the first model of Xiaomi Automobile "Xiaomi SU7" was displayed on the screen. Vision china diagram

Xiaomi car, which has not disclosed the official price, is still the focus of public opinion.

On January 8th, Lei Junfa Weibo, founder of Xiaomi Group, said that for Xiaomi Automobile, friends are concerned about many topics, and they will focus on answering the most typical 100 questions, which will be answered separately in three days.

"This time we just held an automotive technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears are also swarming. We will clarify in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who make rumors and smear. " Lei Jun said.

On December 28th, 2023, Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference in Beijing, and Xiaomi SU7, the first product of Xiaomi Automobile, made its first public appearance. This model is positioned as a C-class high-performance coupe, and it is planned to be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. In addition, this conference officially revealed the breakthroughs in the five core technologies of Xiaomi Automobile, including key areas such as electric drive, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

At the press conference, Xiaomi SU7 was almost spoiled, but the price remained mysterious, which became the focus of hot discussion.

For the price of Xiaomi car, Lei Jun once again stressed that it will not be 99,000, 149,000 or 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official press conference of Xiaomi SU7. "The prices of Xiaomi cars on the Internet are all false news, and we have not yet determined the final price."

There are also many netizens who are curious about whether the seemingly "expensive" Xiaomi SU7 will launch a low-end version, such as the "beggar-in-the-middle" version or the "Redmi version". In this regard, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile has a fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" has always been put in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version, and there is no plan to launch Redmi Automobile at present.

For the color of Xiaomi SU7 to be released in the future, Lei Jun revealed that more colors will be extrapolated beyond the disclosed Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey.

Previously, Lei Jun replied in the comments of netizens, "Is there an opponent within 500,000 (Xiaomi Automobile)?" In this question and answer session, Xiaomi reiterated that although this is a joke, it is also serious. "We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present."

As for Lei Jun’s recent time allocation, Xiaomi responded in the Q&A that Lei Jun is still very concerned about the technology research and development of the mobile phone business. At this stage, his time and energy allocation is roughly as follows: at least 1/4 time is still spent on the mobile phone research and development business, 1/4 is concerned about the operation and management of the group, and 1/2 time is spent on the automobile business.

[The following is the full text of the question and answer]

1. A lot of rice noodle feedback. There are so many rumors about Xiaomi Automobile recently. Does Xiaomi Legal really have a job? When will the relevant progress be announced?

This time, we just held an automobile technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears have swarmed in, and we will clarify them in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who spread rumors and smears.

2. What is the pricing of Xiaomi Auto SU7? When will it be announced?

We really haven’t set a final price yet. Mr. Lei also introduced it at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference. It is indeed a bit expensive, but it will be "expensive for a reason".

Not 99,000, not 149,000, not 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official launch conference of Xiaomi SU7.

3. There is a lot of news about the price of Xiaomi car on the Internet. Is it true?

The selling prices of Xiaomi cars are all false news, and we haven’t determined the final selling price yet.

The final selling price will be announced when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

4. Is the main content of Xiaomi SU7 basically finished?

On December 28th, 2023, the technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile was held. This time, we only introduced the five core technologies of intelligent electric vehicles, and the products are only a brief introduction. We still have a lot of technologies and product contents that have not been developed. I will introduce it to you in detail at the official conference of Xiaomi SU7.

5. Is the greater the pressure, the better? Why is Xiaomi die-casting 9100t?

What we often talk about here is the clamping force of large die casting. The determination of clamping force is designed by die casting. After millet integrated die casting, the floor is larger and more complex than Tesla Model Y, so the rated clamping force of 9100t is finally selected. In actual use, the maximum clamping force of millet under super high pressure is 9500t, and the stable value can reach 9300t t.

Clamping force is not the only index of large die casting technology. The properties of heat-free alloy raw materials, die-casting island cluster design, defect detection and so on are the core indexes to measure the large die-casting technology. Xiaomi is currently the only car company in the world and the only one in China with self-developed heat-free alloy materials and self-developed large die-casting island clusters.

6. Someone on the Internet said that Xiaomi’s big die casting was directly renamed from Haitian’s existing 8800t die casting machine. Is this true?

Of course not. Xiaomi Super Die-casting is 9100t (ton), which is not the model, but the actual rated clamping force. In fact, the clamping force of Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster in normal operation can reach 9500t. It is worth noting that Xiaomi’s super-large 9100t die casting machine was jointly developed by Xiaomi and Haitian. Based on the existing die casting machine technology, Xiaomi’s R&D team carried out 11 patent design innovations, most of which were invention patents, such as A I actively optimized the injection parameter setting system. But the die casting machine is only a link. Xiaomi has developed the whole die casting cluster system, including 60 equipments and 433 process parameters. For details, please click this link: Learn about Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster.

7. If it really hits a large die casting, how high is the maintenance cost of Xiaomi?

The tail of Xiaomi SU7 adopts a three-stage design, and the buffer zone is designed on the basis of the integrated large die-casting floor. Conventional collision only needs to replace the buffer collapse zone, and the maintenance cost is the same as that of the traditional design. When encountering extremely high-speed collision, the integrated large die-casting floor can provide better safety protection.

Generally speaking, the integrated floor design of Xiaomi SU7 after large die-casting is: the maintenance cost of small collision is not painful, and the big collision is stronger to protect your safety. It is the best solution at present.

8. Is the yield of millet die casting high? Will it bring quality problems if you use large die casting as soon as you come up?

Large die casting technology is a typical long-term technology, and it is also a ticket for future head car companies. From the very beginning, Xiaomi Automobile decided to research the whole stack and invest in two sets of die-casting island clusters at one time. In order to ensure foolproof, we also added a set of traditional stamping schemes at that time, and three schemes were done at the same time. Finally, the Xiaomi Super Die Casting Project landed smoothly.

At the same time, our self-developed technologies related to large die-casting island include temperature control system, aluminum liquid transfer system, injection system, pouring and drainage system, etc., and through our self-developed AI defect detection system, we can ensure the yield of millet SU7 integrated large die-casting floor.

9. What is the actual performance of Xiaomi Titan alloy? Is the self-developed alloy just to save costs?

Xiaomi Titan alloy is excellent in die-casting performance, mechanical properties, durability, recyclability, economy and so on. Xiaomi Titan alloy is also added with 40% recycled aluminum, which is very environmentally friendly. Xiaomi has become the only automobile manufacturer in China and the only one in the world with mass-produced self-developed large die-casting materials. As for why the alloy materials were developed by ourselves at that time, I also talked about it at the press conference. It was because the requirements of large die casting for alloy raw materials were extremely harsh. At that time, the supplier’s formula could not meet our requirements, so we had to develop the materials by ourselves. The cost of self-developed materials was definitely much higher than that of directly using mature schemes.

10. Is Xiaomi Titan alloy really self-developed?

Yes Some netizens may have been misled by the wrong information before. What everyone saw was the chat record of Professor Yang of a university. In fact, Professor Yang quickly clarified it. Praise for Professor Yang’s spirit of seeking truth from facts, and also regret the misunderstanding caused by it. I hope everyone can help me forward and clarify.

11. What’s the difference between the specific formula of Xiaomi Titan alloy?

Related patents have been publicly available, and the proportion of eleven elements used in the alloy has also been disclosed. (Patent number ZL 2023 1 0604165.9)

12. How much of the Xiaomi super motor series is self-developed?

We have officially released three types of motors, and at the same time disclosed a pre-research motor that has been experimentally realized. Among them, Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s are jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively, with a rotating speed of 21,000 rpm. At the same time, Xiaomi has developed the Xiaomi super motor V8s with a speed of 27,200 rpm, and this information has also been publicly disclosed by Huichuan on the interactive platform of A-share investors.

13. Is Xiaomi Motor V6 an old product of UMC? Why are the models and names the same?

Xiaomi motor V6 is a brand-new motor jointly developed by Xiaomi and UMC. Through the joint efforts of both parties, the stress topology structure of the motor rotor has been improved, and the speed and power density of the motor have been greatly improved, and relevant patents have been obtained.

The so-called "Xiaomi Motor V6 is an old model motor of UMC TZ220XS000 in 2020" is purely a rumor. TZ220XS000 is named only for national standard rules: TZ stands for permanent magnet synchronous motor; 220 represents the outer diameter of the motor; X represents a resolver position sensor; S stands for water cooling and heat dissipation; 000 is the brand code of UMC. The same internal name does not mean the same motor, which can be known from the publicly available information in the industry.

14. Is the V8s motor mass-produced?

The V8s has been mass-produced and will be put on the train in 2025. At present, some automobile evaluation media have measured the engineering vehicles loaded with V8s motors, and the measured V8s speed can reach more than 30,000 revolutions. However, the relevant test is the limit test, and the rated speed of V8s is still calibrated at 27,200 rpm.

15. How did Xiaomi’s super motor achieve a high speed of 35,000 rpm? Xiaomi was more powerful than Tesla for the first time.

Behind the high speed of 35000rpm, there are many innovative efforts in structural design, material technology and so on. Among them, the most important thing is that Xiaomi used "laser in-situ curing carbon fiber winding technology" to carry out innovative design of rotor sleeve of high-speed motor, and obtained relevant authorized rotor patents.

Compared with the wet winding method of carbon fiber, which requires brushing resin for curing after carbon fiber winding; In the laser in-situ curing winding process of millet, carbon fiber prepreg tape is used instead of carbon fiber precursor and resin glue, and the curing of carbon fiber prepreg tape is realized by laser while winding on the same station equipment. The process is simple, one station is completed, and the tension is directly maintained during the winding process.

16. Is CTB inverted battery really the first in the industry?

The battery core is inverted, which has happened in the industry; The pressure relief valve is inverted, which has happened before. However, the CTB battery cells which are inverted at the same time have never been inverted before. This technical solution pioneered by Xiaomi is to ensure the ultimate battery safety and the ultimate space utilization.

CTB is Cell to body, which is the design ability of automobile manufacturers. It is not only the technology of battery manufacturers, but also the integration of battery pack and body. The upper cover of battery pack is directly the floor of passenger compartment. Xiaomi has 36 core patents. The structural design of CTB integrated top cover, side wall design, bottom protection and composite fiber backbone are all designed by Xiaomi. The low conductivity coolant, battery management software, Che Yun integrated safety early warning system and high voltage architecture are also designed by Xiaomi.

17. What specific benefits can Xiaomi CTB inversion technical scheme bring?

Xiaomi CTB battery pack adopts the inverted battery cell design. Compared with the traditional upright battery cell, the pressure relief valve faces downwards. With the only nonporous high-strength steel upper cover design in China and the most stringent thermal runaway safety standard in the world, the passenger compartment is completely isolated from the battery compartment in the limit state.

Even if the heat is out of control at 55 degrees Celsius, there is no open flame and heat spread, and the pressure relief valve is facing down and the cover is non-porous, which constitutes the ceiling of the battery safety protection ability.

18. How high is the aerogel content of Xiaomi battery? Is it standard?

Xiaomi SU7 adopts the industry’s top 17 layers of high-voltage insulation protection, and customizes the strongest active cooling technology in the industry: the cooling area of double large surfaces reaches the highest level of 7.8m2, which is four times the industry average. At the same time, 165 pieces of the most advanced aerogel insulation materials in the industry are laid on both sides of the battery cell, which can resist the high temperature of 1000°C at the highest.

During the test, our engineers were extremely confident in innovative materials and processes, and dared to put their hands close to aerogel materials and directly burn them with a 1000°C spray gun flame on the other side, which was still safe and sound.

19. Some netizens wonder whether the thermal management of Xiaomi SU7 can only reach -20℃ because it can adapt to low temperature. Is this true?

At present, there is no strict specification about the working scope of heat pump in the industry. Some enterprises claim that it can be as low as -30℃, but it is not a pure "air source heat pump", but a heater or water source heat pump is working.

It was revealed at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference that -20℃ relies on a pure air source heat pump and can still obtain heat from the air.

If we follow the same caliber of the above-mentioned related companies and add heaters, the overall thermal management ability of Xiaomi Automobile can be as low as -30℃ or even lower. Therefore, Xiaomi automobile can challenge the "king of winter trams", and it can be said that "trams have no fear of winter".

20. Is the Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile completely self-developed?

The Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile is a self-developed automobile platform of Xiaomi. There have been rumors that Xiaomi Automobile uses other car factory structures, which is completely inaccurate.

100 "first", "only" and "most" design goals were established at the beginning of the research and development of the modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile. Some achievements were also shared with you at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and there are still more achievements. We will report to you in detail when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

21. Have you actually achieved the design goal of "100 first, only and most"?

We talked about "design goals" at the press conference. In fact, most of them have been achieved. Because of time constraints, we only talked about some of the leading technologies and functions of Xiaomi Automobile. More points, we will introduce to you in the future until the official release of SU7.

22. What can Xiaomi’s intelligent driving achieve the goal of "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024"?

The intelligent driving of Xiaomi automobile adopts a full-link self-research scheme. Moreover, the starting point of Xiaomi is very high. Based on the latest generation of the underlying algorithm-BEV+Transformer+occupation network, the large model technology is fully integrated into it, and the end-to-end perceptual decision-making large model is applied to the production car for the first time in the world.

23. Xiaomi SU7′ s elk test score of 82km/h is based on what standard?

Xiaomi SU7 elk test was carried out in full accordance with the international standard ISO 3888-2, and the elk test score was 82 km/h. If you are careful, you will find that the road width in the middle section of the test is slightly narrower than the national standard, which makes it extra difficult for yourself. Elk test is a comprehensive test that reflects a series of capabilities such as handling and body stability. After Xiaomi SU7 is officially listed, the media are also welcome to compare and measure it.

24. Will Xiaomi make a beggar-in-a-beggar version in order to lower the starting price?

Please rest assured that Xiaomi Automobile has fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" is always in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version.

25. Is a five-star safety collision standard? Is there a difference in collision safety performance between the standard version and the MAX version?

No matter which version of the car, the safety crash test results are top-notch. We chose the most stringent standards to design our products. Xiaomi SU7 series has reached the five-star safety standard of C-NCAP 2024, the five-star safety standard of E-NCAP 2023 and the excellent safety standard of C-IASI 2023 3G+.

26. Does Xiaomi car have only three colors? Will the production version have white and black? Will there be macho powder?

This time, we announced three colors of Xiaomi SU7, namely Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey. All three colors are very beautiful on the real car. Our design team has made great efforts in color research and development and car paint technology.

We also see many users asking if there is a classic black and white color scheme. We do have more colors to choose from, which will be fully introduced to you when it is officially released.

27. Why didn’t Xiaomi consider redesigning a new car logo?

We are very satisfied with the logo design of Xiaomi Automobile, which is in the same strain as the Xiaomi brand logo. It is our important brand asset, and aesthetics is a subjective matter. We will also listen to your different voices with an open mind.

28. Why was the first car called Xiaomi SU7?

"SU" is the abbreviation of Speed Ultra, and "7" is the series positioning determined according to the usual cognitive habits of vehicle positioning in China. The size of the vehicle is about the same as that of BMW 5 Series. High performance is Xiaomi’s gene. Tesla said not to build a slow train, and we did the same. As for how to pronounce it, we also discussed it seriously internally. In the end, everyone thought it would be called "Su 7", just like calling a friend’s name, which is more cordial.

29. Will Xiaomi SU7 be sold globally?

At present, we will focus on the official release and listing in China. But our ultimate goal is to make Xiaomi cars gallop on every street in the world.

30. Will Redmi cars be launched in the future?

Without this plan, at present, we are still focusing on the whole chain of production and sales of Xiaomi car, even specifically, our first car, Xiaomi SU7.

31. When can I see the real car of Xiaomi car in the Xiaomi home around me?

After the official release of Xiaomi SU7, we will provide you with a real car experience in Xiaomi Home in key cities across the country. We are actively preparing for this work, and please wait patiently for a while.

32. Mr. Lei said that Xiaomi had no rivals within 500,000 yuan. Was it a joke or serious?

This is a sentence that General Lei replied to netizens in the comment area at that time. Although it was a joke, it was also serious. At the press conference, we made a number of comparisons including design/performance/endurance/vehicle safety with Porsche Taycan Turbo/ Tesla Model S. The actual comparison results are very clear to everyone, and the pricing of these two cars is also very clear to everyone. We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present.

33. Is General Lei focusing on building cars? Do you still have the energy to build a good mobile phone?

Mobile phone is still the core business of Xiaomi and the core foundation of our strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological". Mr. Lei is still very concerned about the technology research and development of mobile phone business. Last year, Mr. Lei said that at this stage, his time and energy distribution is roughly that at least a quarter of his time is still spent on mobile phone research and development business, a quarter is concerned about group operation and management, and a half is spent on automobile business. ????

Over-packaging in fruit shops is too rampant, and it is really not advisable to dress fruits layer by layer.

  There are too many fruit packages, so there should be reliable and effective recycling channels. Photo courtesy of North Night New Vision

  Some fruits that ordinary people are used to picking are also packed into boxes. Cao zhengshe

  "Not only can’t you choose, you can only buy a few in the box!" Ms. Chen, a citizen who wants to buy two pounds of apples, is very puzzled. Several fruit shops at home have been "upgraded", but it is more troublesome to buy fruits than before: many kinds of fruits are packed in plastic boxes, so you can only buy them by the box.

  The reporter visited and found that this is not a case. Many fruit shops have begun to "dress" the fruits that were sold in the past: sealing them with plastic wrap, putting them in plastic boxes and putting them on plastic bags. At the same time of excessive packaging, it is inconvenient for ordinary people to shop. Why is the trend of fruit packing set off? What’s the logic behind it? For this phenomenon, what means are there to crack it? The reporter conducted an investigation into this.


  Scattered fruits are packed in boxes.

  In the "Baiguoxiang" fruit shop in Sanyuanli, the salesman picked up a bunch of grapes in his left hand, cut off the withered grapes one by one with scissors in his right hand, and finally put them into a disposable plastic box. Around him, layers of packed kumquat, apples and so on have been packed.

  Many fruits that ordinary people are used to picking are also packaged and put into boxes. Nanguo pear, though marked with a catty of 7.5 yuan, has been wrapped in plastic wrap and repackaged in plastic boxes. Several customers picked it up one by one, studied it and put it down again, but no one bought it for a long time. "It’s all in the box, and you can’t pick it. I don’t know if it’s fresh!" A customer said. In the past, almost all fruits such as pears and apples were in bulk. After customers finished weighing and calculating money, the quantity and quality could be controlled by customers themselves. Now, the choice is much smaller. Take Nanguo pear as an example, one serving of seven or eight pears can’t be eaten at a time, and it’s no good to buy less; Want to buy more, can only buy two, a total of 16.

  A similar situation is more common in many chain fruit shops. The reporter visited Guoduomeibei Taipingqiao Store and Huayuan Road Store one after another and found that most fruits, such as apples, pears, oranges and kiwis, were packaged, some were covered with plastic wrap, some were packed in hard plastic boxes, and there were relatively few bulk fruits. The reporter counted that there are about four or five hundred boxes of all kinds of fruits sold in boxes in each fruit shop.

  Some consumers said that in the past, this kind of fruit packed in boxes was often sold online and other channels. "I went to the fruit shop to buy some fresh fruits, but I found that many fruits in the store were also wrapped and I couldn’t choose at all."

  Explore the cause

  Merchants for the convenience of stop loss chart

  Why is the trend of fruit boxed sales getting worse?

  A salesperson at a fresh supermarket named "Good Fruits and Vegetables" in Chaoyang Beiyuan said that these fruits are scattered when they are purchased, and then they are packed into plastic boxes after being transported to the store. "The packaged fruits are beautiful and clean, and fruits like oranges and pears are also bad in bulk."

  "Those who sell fruit are afraid of bad fruit, which is the most crucial reason!" Zhou Zheng (pseudonym), the owner of a fruit shop, told reporters that the main reason for packing fruits is that merchants want to stop losses: First, when packing fruits, customers will not touch them back and forth like picking bulk fruits; Secondly, boxing is one of the measures to keep fruits fresh, which can extend the sales time.

  The reporter noticed that the sales methods of fruit boxed are mainly concentrated in the newly upgraded fresh fruit supermarkets and high-end supermarkets. In traditional vegetable markets and cheap supermarkets, a large number of fruits are often sold in bulk.

  Zhou Zheng explained: "There are also some boxed fruits. Because the packaging is exquisite and the price can be raised, merchants prefer to box them." The increase of packaging cost will inevitably be included in the price of fruit; However, some boxed fruits have extended the sales time, and the freshness will inevitably be "discounted".


  Reduce the amount at the source

  The convenience of merchants also brings greater negative impact on the environment: in the past, ordinary people bought fruit and at most bought a plastic bag; Nowadays, the fruit is first covered with plastic wrap, then put into a plastic box, and finally put into a plastic bag, resulting in a "three-piece set" of packaging waste.

  "About eight or nine thousand disposable plastic boxes can be used in a month." The person in charge of a fruit shop with an area of more than 100 square meters admits that the cost of these disposable plastic boxes ranges from a few cents to a few cents, and they are basically online shopping.

  The reporter searched for "fruit disposable plastic boxes" on Taobao. There are countless kinds of goods. In the top three stores, a strawberry packaging box is selling well, each box contains 600 boxes, and the price is 215 yuan. The monthly sales volume of this product reached 1,387 boxes, and this packaging box sold 830,000 boxes in one month. "The materials of these plastic boxes are similar to mineral water bottles, and they are all non-degradable." The person in charge of this store bluntly said that a large part of these plastic boxes were sold to many well-known fruit fresh supermarkets.

  "White pollution" has become a world problem. "Like disposable lunch boxes, fruit plastic packaging is mostly thrown away by ordinary people." Sheng Min, secretary-general of China Renewable Resources Recycling Association Recycling Plastics Branch, said that besides reducing the amount at the source, there should be reliable and effective recycling channels. If there is a sound garbage sorting system, plastic packaging will be used more effectively through recycling channels. For example, Europe mainly subsidizes the recycling of renewable resources through compulsory policies adopted by the government; Japan, on the other hand, does a good job of sorting garbage from the source by cultivating national quality.

  Our reporter Cao Zheng

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue rainstorm warning.

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue rainstorm warning at 10: 00 on July 26:

  It is estimated that there will be heavy rains in parts of southwestern Heilongjiang, western Jilin, eastern Qinghai, Sichuan Basin, western and southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, southern Shandong, northern Jiangsu, eastern Zhejiang and Taiwan Province Island from 14: 00 on July 26 to 14: 00 on July 27. Among them, there will be heavy rains in parts of eastern Sichuan Basin, western Chongqing, northern Guizhou and southeastern Zhejiang, and heavy rains in parts of eastern and southern Taiwan Province Island. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20 ~ 50 mm, and the local area can exceed 80 mm), and there are strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

  Defense guide:

  1, the government and relevant departments in accordance with their duties to prepare for the storm;

  2. Schools and kindergartens should take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and children;

  3. Drivers should pay attention to road water and traffic jams to ensure safety;

  4, check the city, farmland, fish pond drainage system, ready for drainage.

After James retires, who will be the next face of the NBA?

After the opening of the 2023-24 season, it will also be James’ 21st season in the NBA, and James is about to celebrate his 39th birthday, which is a step closer to James’ retirement. The topic of retirement has to be put on the agenda. Who will be the next face figure in the NBA after James’ retirement?

Although James was still able to score 28.9 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6.8 assists last season, it was obvious from last season that James was completely unable to compare physically with a few years ago, and the offensive end was still excellent in the regular season, but it has become the norm for the defensive end to leak people, and there are often situations in which the defense is not active, which is completely impossible in previous years. After entering the playoffs, James defended actively, but because the defensive end consumed a lot of physical strength, the offensive end obviously declined. People have to feel that time makes people old, and James has entered the end of his career. After Lao Zhan retires, who can hold up the facade of the NBA?

1. Curry

The first person I can think of now is Curry. Curry is 35 years old, and his playing style doesn’t eat the body. Now he is still in the peak state. Curry is not only the most influential player in the era of small ball, but also his hard honor is the first person under James, with four championships, two MVPs, two scoring titles and four times, which is enough to support Curry to become a new alliance facade.

2. Durant

Durant is only 34 years old this year. Although he has suffered a serious injury, he is still in the same state after coming back. He is still the best scorer in the league. He already has two FMVPs, one MVP, four scoring titles and six hard honors. The Suns he joined are the first favourites to win the championship next season, and this former Wang also has a chance to win the facade of the league.

3, the letter brother

Brother Alphabet, who is only 28 years old this year, has surpassed many Hall of Fame players, including one FMVP, two MVPs, one best defensive player, five bouts of play and four times of one defense. Last season, he averaged 31.1 points, 11.8 rebounds and 5.7 assists. He has not even reached the real peak, and now he has the strength of the top five in the league, and the future should not be underestimated.

4. Jokic

Also at the age of 28, Jokic became the darling of the league after leading the Nuggets to win the first championship in team history last season. He had an FMVP, two MVPs, and played for three times. Last season, he averaged 24.5 points, 11.8 rebounds and 9.8 assists, almost becoming the third player in NBA history to average a triple-double on the regular court. After entering the playoffs, he was still at ease even in the face of a top inside defender like Thick Eyebrows, averaging 30 points and 10 assists in the playoffs.

Now the NBA is facing a very embarrassing thing. After James retired, it is reasonable to say that Curry and Durant took over, but Curry and Durant are not young. Not everyone is like James, and they can still maintain such terrible athletic ability at the age of 38. And the next thing that can lift the situation is the letter brother and Jokic, but both of them are international players, which is not what the league wants to see. Tatum, which the alliance strongly supports, has not yet gained anything.

Who do you think will be the first player in the league after James retires?

Radio Cobb: The Vancouver White Hat of the American professional league team is very interested in Azar.

Live on May 21, according to Spanish radio Cobe, the future of Real Madrid winger Azar is uncertain at present, and the American Major League team Vancouver White Hat is very interested in him.

Azar’s contract with Real Madrid expires on June 30, 2024. The player expressed his hope to fulfill the contract when he won the King’s Cup, and some teams are paying attention to his situation, one of which is Vancouver White Hat.

Azar’s performance has not improved this season, and he will miss the league match with Valencia this weekend due to physical discomfort.


News Calendar | April 23rd World Book Day

April 23 rd

World Book Day

I am full of life, and I am full of poetry and books.

The full name of "World Book Day" is "World Book and Copyright Day", also known as "World Book Day". The original idea came from the International Publishers Association. In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23rd as "World Reading Day", which was also the anniversary of the death of the famous Spanish writer Cervantes and the famous British writer Shakespeare.

The keynote declaration of World Reading Day is: "I hope that people scattered around the world, whether old or young, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, can enjoy reading, respect and thank the masters of literature, culture and scientific thought who have made great contributions to human civilization, and can protect intellectual property rights."

As the window of China’s reform and opening-up, Shenzhen has been unswervingly promoting reading for all. In Shenzhen, block bookstores and specialty bookstores can be seen everywhere, and the mega-bookstore is the first to lead the trend; The library is always packed, and citizens line up to study; The annual Shenzhen Reading Month is a common "cultural carnival" for the citizens … Scenes of warm and comfortable reading witness the development of Shenzhen’s urban spirit.

In 2013, UNESCO awarded Shenzhen the title of "Global Model City for Reading for All", which is the highest honor that the organization awarded to global cities on reading for all.

Today in those days Shenzhen News

In 2021, Shenzhen was awarded the title of "City of Great Beauty" and "City of Comfort"

On April 23rd, 2021, the 2020-2021 "China Good Life City Release Ceremony" was held in Chengdu, and Shenzhen was awarded "Great Beauty City" and "Comfortable City". "China Good Life City Launch Ceremony" relies on the data of the largest survey of people’s livelihood feelings in the world-"China Good Life Survey", and the evaluation results are obtained by model calculation.

2019 Guangdong college entrance examination new plan announced

On April 23, 2019, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province held a press conference to inform that the provincial government issued the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination System in Guangdong Province" after being reviewed and filed by the Ministry of Education, marking the official launch of a new round of comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in Guangdong Province. The examination is divided into summer college entrance examination and spring college entrance examination, and the undergraduate examination subjects adopt the "3+1+2" model.

In 2011, Jingji 100 Building was capped.

On April 23, 2011, Jingji 100 Building, a key city construction project in Shenzhen, was successfully capped at a height of 441.8 meters, which set a new record for the highest building in Shenzhen at that time. In addition, 180,000 dreams from all walks of life were also sealed at the top floor of the building, and Jingji 100 became the first urban landmark building to record the "peak dream" of Chinese people.

Today’s species:gardenia


"Gardenia blossoms, so lovely, is a faint youthful pure love …" Walking on the streets of Pengcheng in early summer, the breeze is mixed with the long fragrance of flowers. It is gardenia.

Gardenia has a long history of cultivation in China, and it was planted artificially in the Han Dynasty. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Well, wine vessels are also. Zi resembles it, hence the name. The common saying is’ 中中’. " In ancient books, gardenia with double petals was called "white toad".

"Gardenia blossoms are as white as silver." The most obvious feature of gardenia is six white petals, which, together with jasmine and Prynne, is called "Three Whites" in the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River.

The fruit of gardenia is a famous dye since ancient times, which is used to smudge yellow. It was even used to dye the emperor’s robes in the Han Dynasty.

Gardenia’s white flowers and rich fragrance have left many good memories for people. In many areas, flower farmers will cut their own flowers and sell them, while girls will buy them back or tie them in their hair or keep them indoors.

Today’s celebrities

[China]Wei Yuan (April 23, 1794—March 26, 1857) was an enlightenment thinker, politician and writer in the Qing Dynasty. He believed that the theory of learning should be based on the principle of "putting the world into practice" and advocated learning advanced western science and technology. He was the first representative of intellectuals who "opened their eyes to see the world" in modern China. His Map of the Sea Country puts forward the central idea of "learning from foreigners to control foreigners", which is an epoch-making masterpiece.