Attention! Six high-risk diseases hit in spring, and a wave of prevention and control guidelines was collected →

Attention! Six high-risk diseases hit in spring, and a wave of prevention and control guidelines was collected →

  It’s spring, and everything is reviving.

  Various pathogenic bacteria are also active.

  Many diseases are easy to "wake up" at this time

  Infectious diseases, allergic diseases, upper respiratory tract infections


  Have you done the protective measures?



  Spring is the season when influenza is easy to occur.

  Especially the elderly and children.

  In the case of weak resistance

  More vulnerable to the flu

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Step 1: Wash your nose

  In spring, it is particularly prone to cold problems. After the resistance of nasal mucosa drops, the virus will enter the nasopharynx from the nose and induce a cold. A cold is caused by a cold virus that lives in the nasopharynx. Cleaning the nose often on weekdays can drive away the virus that lives in the nasal cavity and has a good effect on preventing colds.

  2. Go to less ventilated places.

  Cold diseases are easily infected through respiratory tract, and cold viruses spread very quickly in unventilated places.

  3. Supplement nutrition

  If you want to prevent colds, you need to supplement your body with nutrients, such as vitamin C and protein, which will help your body improve its resistance.

  4. Wear a mask when going out

  Respiratory diseases are highly contagious, and droplets are one of the main ways of transmission. Wearing a mask outside can effectively prevent respiratory diseases.

  5. Pay attention to hygiene

  It is forbidden to touch your face and mouth with dirty hands, wash your hands before and after meals, pay attention to hand washing and disinfection after going out and returning home, and clean your home frequently.


  Spring allergy

  spring has come and flowers are in bloom

  Pollen, catkin and other suspended substances in the air increased.

  The dormant insects also began to move.

  And people’s outdoor activities have increased.

  The probability of allergies will also increase.

  In addition, the temperature rises in spring.

  Mites, molds, etc. multiply rapidly.

  There are also a lot of mites hidden on the changing clothes and quilts.

  These are the sources of allergies.

  Common allergens

  There are inhalation, food and contact.

  Inhalable such as pollen, catkins, catkins, cold air,

  Dust mites, cat hair, dog hair and other animal fur.

  These cause allergic reactions through nasal inhalation.

  Foodstuffs such as fish, shrimp, crab, eggs, soybeans,

  Mango, red wine, nuts, etc.

  Contact such as leather, detergent, hair dye,

  Cosmetics, watches, etc

  Cause allergic reaction by contact with skin.

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Step 1 avoid contact with allergens

  People with allergies should carefully observe what they may be allergic to and avoid contact. For example, people who are allergic to cat hair and dog hair should not keep pets at home. People who are allergic to pollen should wear long sleeves and masks when they go for an outing in spring, strengthen ventilation at home, and change sheets and fabric sofas frequently to avoid the breeding of mites.

  2. Desensitization therapy

  Let patients start with a small dose of allergens and gradually increase it, so that patients can gradually tolerate and reduce allergic reactions to some allergens. This method has a good effect on some patients, and there are certain risks.

  Step 3 enhance physical fitness

  The first is to ensure adequate sleep, change bad living habits, reduce staying up late, and exercise properly.


  hand-foot-and-mouth disease

  Hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enterovirus.

  It is common in babies aged 1~4 years.

  Typical symptoms are fever, sore throat, runny nose,

  Cough, loss of appetite, etc

  Usually after 1~2 days of fever.

  In the mouth, hands, feet and buttocks of children

  There will be maculopapules or herpes like rice grains or soybeans

  No pain, no itching, no scab, no scar

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  1. Disinfect frequently and wash your hands frequently

  Don’t let children drink raw water and eat cold food. Children’s toys and articles that are often in contact with should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Avoid close contact between children and children with hand, foot and mouth disease.

  Step 2 vaccinate

  Children aged 6 months to 5 years can be vaccinated to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease.



  In spring, liver qi is vigorous and fluctuates greatly.

  Therefore, the number of patients with eye diseases has also increased.

  One of the most common is pink eye.

  There are obvious characteristics when pinkeye occurs:

  Increased jealousy and eye secretions

  If it’s pinkeye caused by bacterial infection,

  Eye secretions are mostly sticky and pus-like.

  Pink eye caused by virus infection

  Eye secretions are mostly watery.

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Pay attention to hygiene and isolation.

  Do not share towels, washbasins and other cleaning utensils with patients with pink eye, and wash your face with running water.


  Spring dermatitis

  In spring, catkins fly.

  Plus the wind is strong in spring

  Tickle and report to you.

  Dermatitis in spring is also prone to attack.

  Mainly manifested as desquamation, itching, dry pain and other symptoms.

  Some show erythema papules and scales.

  There are also some women who show increased freckles or increased brown spots.

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  1. Eat less allergic food.

  Eat less shrimps and crabs that are easy to cause skin allergies, and eat more foods containing vitamin A and fresh vegetables and fruits.

  2. Don’t use inferior cosmetics

  Try to change cosmetics and skin care products on your arm first to see if you are allergic. Don’t bathe too often, especially those with dry skin, and quit smoking and drinking.

  Step 3 do a good job of sun protection

  Avoid direct exposure to the sun, and it is best to wear a hat or scarf. It is best to wear a mask when going out, so as to avoid catkins touching the facial skin and causing itching.


  Anorectal diseases

  Anorectal diseases occur mostly in spring.

  Cold winter

  People’s pores are closed.

  Yang qi is trapped in the body.

  Plus people are used to tonic in winter.

  I prefer barbecue and rinse products.

  Causing heat accumulation in the stomach and intestines

  In the spring, the sun be the spirit.

  Heat accumulation surges and bets on anorectum.

  It is prone to constipation

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Get up in the morning and have a cup of boiled water

  In autumn and winter, people eat well, wear thick clothes, live warm and have little activity, so the accumulated heat in the body can’t be properly distributed, and symptoms of getting angry often appear. Drinking boiled water has a good effect of removing accumulated heat in the body.

  2. Eat less spicy and hot food.

  Eat less spicy and hot foods, and eat more laxative foods such as Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoots and leeks.

  3. Walk more and do more activities

  The temperature in spring is more suitable for outdoor activities. Don’t sit indoors for a long time. Go out for a walk and play ball games to make the intestines crawl better.

  Source: The content is integrated from Health Times and CCTV Life Circle.

Source: CCTV 1


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