The national football team performed twice in 2 minutes: making a red card and shoveling a single knife! The commentary was amazed and the fans applauded.

The national football team performed twice in 2 minutes: making a red card and shoveling a single knife! The commentary was amazed and the fans applauded.

At 2pm on 23rd, the China men’s soccer team visited Auckland to challenge New Zealand, which ranked 105th in the world. 0-0, the two teams drew a blank. The performance of the national football team is still qualified, with Lei Wu and Wei Shihao on the offensive end and Wei Zhen on the defensive end playing well. Especially in the 62 nd and 64 th minutes, two minutes of attack and defense won applause from the national football fans at the scene.

Two hours before the national football competition, the younger brother U24 lost the national football team 0-2 to New Zealand U22, but he couldn’t beat the other team. As a big brother, the national football team can’t afford to lose-if it loses, it will take four hours and two defeats, and the China men’s football team will even lose its head.

Lei Wu’s anti-aircraft guns.

Wei Shihao’s free kick is higher than that.

In the opening stage, the national football team is still the same, it is difficult to pass more than three feet in a row, and the scene is very passive. Except for Wei Shihao, the frontcourt attack lacks bright spots. After Yi Bian fought again, the national football team seized a mistake made by New Zealand and reversed the trend:

In the 63rd minute, New Zealand passed the ball and played with fire in the backcourt, and Lei Wu staged speed master to steal the ball before New Zealand captain Smith. Smith put Lei Wu down behind his back. Lei Wu, sitting on the ground, made a gesture of "penalty card", and the referee directly sent Smith off with a red card!

Lei Wu made Smith’s red card with his speed and agility, creating a situation of 11-10 for the national football team. China fans at the Intelligent Mountain Stadium burst into applause and cheers. Lei Wu’s performance was recognized by the fans.

Just 2 minutes later, New Zealand also made a quick counterattack and formed an excellent opportunity for 1V1! Fortunately, Wei Zhenguo, the national football defender, broke the shovel and made a wonderful steal from behind.

For Wei Zhen’s shovel, the New Zealand broadcaster commentator shouted: "wonderful, what a beautiful shovel break! What a tackle)!” Wei Zhen also high-fived his teammates to celebrate.

Wu Xi, captain of the national football team

For the national football team, this is a crucial defense: if Wei Zhen fouls, it is likely to be a red dot package, and the confidence and number advantage that the national football team has just established will be ruined in an instant. Fortunately, Wei Zhen’s tackle was clean and very uplifting!

Although China’s men’s soccer team is always criticized and ridiculed by fans, judging from these two minutes of attack and defense, the performance of the national football team is obviously better than that of New Zealand. Lei Wu swoops down and steals the ball from New Zealand captain Smith, who pulls down Lei Wu behind him and is sent off with a red card. In a blink of an eye, New Zealand’s fast break and Wei Zhen’s back tackle were textbook defense.

11 to 10 has become the key for the national football team to reverse the situation. Unfortunately, the fierce attack of the national football team failed to get a goal. China fans are not demanding, and 0-0 is acceptable. The national football fans at the scene also applauded the national football team …


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