Tribute to the amazing her. yang Jianhua: Thor, Blueprint, Sword Rain

Tribute to the amazing her. yang Jianhua: Thor, Blueprint, Sword Rain

"Tribute to the amazing her:

38 Chinese Women’s Stories of Fighting the Epidemic

Wonderful trial reading

In order to faithfully record the moving stories of the people of China, Hubei and Wuhan in their fight against the epidemic, and to show the glorious deeds of Chinese women during the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the Hubei Provincial Women’s Federation, the Hubei Provincial Writers Association, and the China Women’s Publishing House jointly planned and published the book "Tribute to the Great She – 38 Chinese Women’s Stories of Fighting the Epidemic".

Thirty-three female writers interviewed 38 women who had fought in the front lines of the epidemic in Hubei and Wuhan, using their unique perspectives and delicate writing to jointly record a story about life, faith, suffering, choice, dedication, and courage.

January 6, 2020, "World Design Capital" Wuhan City.

Located in Wuchang District, the "Top 100 Enterprises in the National Survey and Design Industry" and "100 Famous Academies of Contemporary Chinese Architectural Design" – Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute Joint Stock Company (referred to as Zhongnan Academy), gathered elites, held a cadre conference, and announced that the Hubei Provincial Party Committee appointed Yang Jianhua Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the Central South Academy…

At the beginning of the Year of the Rat, what kind of extraordinary light will the Central South Courtyard, a famous sword in the architectural design world, wield in the hands of the newly appointed female general of the Yang family?

Yang Jianhua: First-class registered structural engineer, senior engineer of regular and higher vocational colleges, and senior economist. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute, Chief Commander of Anti-Epidemic Project Design of Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute and Leishenshan Hospital Project Design, was awarded honorary titles such as "National March 8th Red Banner Bearer in Fighting COVID-19 Epidemic" and "Wuhan Heroine in Fighting Epidemic". During the COVID-19 epidemic, she led the team of Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute to go on a retrograde expedition and go to war. She completed 38 anti-epidemic construction projects such as Leishenshan Hospital in one month, providing hard core support for epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province and Wuhan City. The Party Committee of Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute won the honorary titles of "National Advanced Collective to Fight COVID-19 Epidemic" and "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization".


At the end of 2019, it was destined to be extraordinary. The COVID-19 epidemic, the most serious infectious disease pandemic in the world in a hundred years, broke out on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, and Wuhan closed the passage from Han. People first, life first! That afternoon, Wuhan decided to follow the model of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital during the fight against "SARS" in 2003 and build Huoshenshan Hospital, which was planned to be completed in ten days…

Yang Jianhua, who was in Jiangcheng, paid close attention to the news of the fight against the epidemic. As a designer who was born in the front line, an executive who had been in the field for less than a month, she knew very well that the architectural design of the Emergency Infectious Disease Hospital was a matter of life at stake, and it was the "top-level" design that truly put life first! In the middle of winter, the wind was urgent, and all kinds of news and news were overwhelming like cold rain, Yang Jianhua was overwhelmed but "deaf", because her heart was churning with the strongest voice: the epidemic broke out, Huoshenshan Hospital has started construction, and the colleagues who took over the design task should have a great responsibility and a glorious mission! The Central South Court that he just took over is one of the first six comprehensive architectural design institutes established in New China, and it is a state-owned enterprise that shoulders political responsibility, economic responsibility, and social responsibility. At this critical juncture, as a strength compound in Han, it should make a difference and take responsibility! The old party member who swore to the sickle and axe when he was in college was vaguely looking forward to it, and the sense of mission in his heart gradually burned until it was in full swing; the surface was still and deep, and his voice did not move.

The next day, on New Year’s Eve, when thousands of families were reunited. At 8:30 p.m., Yang Jianhua’s cell phone suddenly rang while watching the Spring Festival Gala. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly answered – it was from the Wuhan Urban Construction Bureau: within half a month, Wuhan will build another Leishenshan Hospital, and the design task will be handed over to the Zhongnan Hospital.

The charge horn sounded, the organization was calling, it was time for the Central South Court to go to the battlefield!!

Yang Jianhua immediately reported to Zhang Baiqing, vice chairperson of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairperson of Zhongnan Design Group, Zhang Yun, party secretary and general manager of Zhongnan Design Group, and Li Ting, party secretary and chairperson of Zhongnan Hospital. Soon, she was appointed as the design chief of Leishenshan Hospital, and a design war against time "epidemic" started.

The female commander quickly arranged the troops. The project leader was Zhang Songmin, deputy chief architect of the Central South Hospital, and the lead unit was the company’s medical and health department. Zhang Ming, general manager of the department, served as the specific general coordinator of the project.

At 9 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, Yang Shuai, who was on the fast horse, issued a call for the design of Thunder God Mountain. All the experts and designers in Han who received the task immediately rushed to the front line. What kind of general, what kind of soldier! At that time, Yang Jianhua’s phone was almost exploded, and many designers who had not received the notice in the Central South Courtyard took the initiative to sign up: "As long as you can get on, let me help you drive!"… In this way, in less than an hour, regardless of personal safety or any conditions, the first batch of more than 20 elite teams covering all professional fields such as construction, structure, water supply and drainage, electrical, HVAC, and cost was established. At this time, the cold rain in Jiangcheng is like a knife, the novel coronavirus ghost with its teeth and claws is wandering outside the door, the famous sword is unsheathed, Yang Jianhua leads the team to overcome many difficulties such as traffic blockade, and rushed from the central city to the outer suburbs as soon as possible – the dark Huangjia Lake Thor Mountain scene, with the help of mobile phone lights for on-the-spot exploration…

Returning to the Wuchang office building from the project site, I was cold and hungry. On this special New Year’s Eve, the office building of the Central South Court did not turn on the heating, because of the Spring Festival holiday and traffic blockade, the building was empty, and the canteen was closed, unable to serve supper. At this moment, the warriors of the Central South Court were starving and cold, and only the battlefield was in their eyes! Just as they were shining the sword and Thunder God Mountain, the Robe Ze construction party who were in the same boat was also running desperately. At 6:30 on the first night of the new year, the first batch of 50 managers arrived at the scene, and more than 200 workers were in place. There were also a large number of bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks and other equipment. During the peak period, the number of on-site workers was expected to reach 2,000. It is difficult to build a house without wood in Luban, and it does not rain without clouds in the sky – design is the premise of construction. The drawings must come out early, so that the construction party can build according to the drawings at full capacity, build a hospital as soon as possible, and save people as soon as possible! On the New Year’s Eve, Yang Jianhua, who was on the scene, encouraged the team to work hard and come up with a design plan. They worked all night and fought hard for 12 hours. At 9 o’clock the next morning, a plan full of the wisdom of Zhongnan people was born! At 1:30 noon on the first day of the new year, Yang Jianhua reported to the municipal government with the freshly released draft of the plan. City leaders spoke highly of it: In such a short period of time, you have come up with a relatively comprehensive and good plan. The Central South Court is really a collective that can fight!

The follow-up work is difficult.

Life is heavier than Mount Tai, epidemic is the order. In 6 days, the total planned construction area of Leishenshan Hospital has increased 3 times, from 30,000 square meters to 80,000 square meters, and the number of beds has increased from 1,000 to 1,500. The planning layout and design scheme have been keeping up with the situation and responding to transient changes with rapid changes. This is the ultimate test of designers’ nerves, abilities and physical strength! In addition, the Spring Festival holiday is superimposed on traffic blockades, etc., resulting in difficulties in material supply and personnel scheduling. The Central South Hospital can only break through the design convention and build while designing – according to the materials that the construction party can purchase and the technology used, adjust the design at any time according to the place and time. This is dancing in "shackles"! " Yang Jianhua still maintained the elegance and calmness that were unique to women under great pressure, and was as energetic as ever. "Adhere to the bottom line of life safety, fire safety and structural safety, and everything is mainly construction!" She commanded the "high-end" team like an artist, and seamlessly connected the two lines between the office and the construction site to adjust and optimize the construction map design step by step.

Chou Zhengyan, the head of the Leishenshan project planning and the director of the third architecture department of the First Architecture Institute of the Central South Academy, said from the bottom of his heart: "I have been designing hospital buildings for ten years. The difficulty of the Leishenshan project is so great and the time is so tight. I really don’t know, but we must work hard to achieve it – because our CEO Yang believes that it must be realized, and it will definitely be realized! She is our backbone, the needle of Dinghai Shenzhen, and we trust her!" The commander’s banner pointed to the sound of war drums! Although the bus has been suspended and there is no car at home, this small "post-80s" female pioneer and main designer rides a shared bicycle to and from get off work every day; as soon as she enters the office, she is busy fighting, and she is very tired. She holds a paintbrush and lies next to the computer on the desk for a while.


This article is selected from "Tribute to the Great She: Stories of 38 Chinese Women Fighting the Epidemic".

Hubei Women’s Federation, ed

ISBN 978-7-5127-1965-1

Original title: "Tribute to the Amazing Her" – Yang Jianhua: Thor, Blueprint, and Sword Rain

Read the original text


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