Fan Bingbing turned into a cute "little loli" and thought it was too early to find a home at the age of 29

Fan Bingbing turned into a cute "little loli" and thought it was too early to find a home at the age of 29

Sweet, funny, pouting… Fan Bingbing showed a variety of expressions at his wax figure measuring ceremony

She was given the title of "Fan Bingbing Girl", and Bingbing was overjoyed

Fan Bingbing made a 29th birthday wish

        Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Yaru, Wen/Xie Yawei) On September 15, Fan Bingbing appeared at his wax figure measuring ceremony, changing his previous sexy and beautiful image, incarnating a cute "little loli", and celebrating his 29th birthday a day earlier. When asked if he wanted to find a home in his birthday wish, Fan Bingbing said in surprise, "It’s too early, right?"

Fan Bingbing holds the wax eyeball

It’s too early to call yourself 29 and find a home

        Fan Bingbing, who appeared on the day, appeared in the shape of a "little loli", with bangs, short hair, and a light pink floral dress, looking pure and cute. Because the next day was Fan Bingbing’s birthday, the organizers specially celebrated her birthday in advance. After blowing out the candles, Fan Bingbing revealed that he was 29 years old this year, and hoped that he could do what he liked in the future. When someone asked if he should find a home for himself, Fan Bingbing said in surprise, "It’s too early, right?" She said that 29 is an age between a girl and a woman, and she will cherish this wonderful age with great significance.

Fan Bingbing jokingly called the torture tool in the statue of the measuring tool

A "dragon robe" version of the wax figure will be made.

        On that day, the staff of Madame Tussauds’ wax figure production team from London measured Fan Bingbing’s body. From 9 am to 2:30 pm, Fan Bingbing was asked to stand motionless. "I just wore high heels and stood motionless like a puppet for several hours, and kept turning in circles to allow the photographer to take the best angle and expression. It was really tiring, but it was still interesting." Fan Bingbing finally decided to contribute the "dragon robe" worn on the red carpet of the opening of Cannes and made this look into a wax figure. "It was my first time on the red carpet of Cannes, so I want to keep this memorable moment forever." She said the make-up and hairstyle of the wax figures were exactly the same as when she was on the red carpet that day. It is reported that the production process of wax figures is cumbersome, lasting 8-12 weeks. Next year, Fan Bingbing will personally unveil his own wax figure at Madame Tussauds Shanghai.

Fan Bingbing laughed

The first long vacation for children in Tibet

        For more than a decade, Fan Bingbing has been working around the clock and is a complete "workaholic". He was even nicknamed "Iron Arm Astro Boy" by his friends in the circle. Some time ago, Fan Bingbing gave himself a holiday for the first time and went to Tibet to care for the children with congenital heart disease there. "For the first time in so many years, I gave myself a holiday, put aside my work for two or three months, and went to Tibet to see those children with heart disease. They endure the pain every day, and by the age of 40, they will lose their ability to work and gradually age. I want to help them and extend their lives." On the same day, Fan Bingbing’s first birthday wish was to hope that the surgery of the 10 children who came to Beijing for surgery on the 16th would go smoothly and return to their hometown safely.

Fan Bingbing exposed his bust size

Joining a Korean film is very difficult to communicate

        "The Day of D-Day," a seven-year-old war film about Koreans who fought in the Normandy invasion against the backdrop of the second world war, is about to begin filming. Fan Bingbing also joined the film, and has a lot of opposite scenes with Zhang Dongjian and Oda Chierang. "I have seen the two male stars, because of the language barrier, we are very difficult to communicate, and now we are all trying to learn each other’s language." Fan Bingbing revealed that the film involves five languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German and Russian, and will also be filmed in Japan, Germany and other countries.

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