The famous singer’s concert broke out unexpectedly, and netizens angered

The famous singer’s concert broke out unexpectedly, and netizens angered

On the evening of April 22

Singer Joker Xue during the performance

Was shot in the face by an unknown person with a laser pointer

It caused a heated discussion among netizens for a while

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On April 23, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security department was responsible for a third-party company. The police of Honggutan Public Security Bureau said that they are currently verifying and will deal with the matter as soon as possible.

The video shows a beam of green dots constantly swimming around Xue Zhiqian’s face during the concert. Xue Zhiqian covered his eyes with his hands on the stage and said: "See this green dot? He keeps shaking my eyes, ah, blind, blind, catch him, good or bad!"

In response, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security is the responsibility of a third-party company. The staff member said: "The security is not from our side, the security is a third-party company."

The police said: "We have relevant staff to understand this situation, it is under verification, and will deal with this matter. You can pay attention to the latest notice."

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the concert organizers will strengthen the inspection of the items carried by the audience to ensure that dangerous items such as laser pointers are not allowed to enter the venue. At the same time, they also call on the majority of fans to watch the performance in a civilized manner, respect the artists, and do not take actions that endanger others.

The netizens have commented one after another: disrupting order in public places and intentionally injuring, this kind of behavior is really hateful!

So, what kind of damage can a high-power laser pointer cause to the human body?

According to Yang Yong, a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the current GB7247 standard in our country divides the risk of laser to the human body into four levels, and the measurement standard is to observe the MPE of the laser on the eye in the beam of light (the maximum possible impact).

In the standard:

The output power of a first-class standard laser is less than 0.4 milliwatts, because this energy laser will not cause damage to the eyes and skin under any conditions, and will not cause harm to the human body even after focusing through the optical system. Therefore, such laser products are of a type that does not require special management.

The second-level standard laser has an output power between 0.4 milliwatts and 1 milliwatt. The reaction time for people to close their eyes is 0.25 seconds, and the exposure amount calculated during this time cannot exceed the MPE value. Usually, lasers below 1 milliwatt will cause people to experience dizziness, so such lasers cannot be used to directly irradiate the eyes, let alone observe this laser with far-sighting equipment.

Three standard laser, if the beam of light directly into the eye, will cause damage to the eye, its output power is between 1 and 500 milliwatts.

The four-stage standard laser is a high-output continuous laser with an output power greater than 500 milliwatts, which may pose a fire hazard.

Yin Yue, an attending ophthalmologist at China-Japan Friendship Hospital, told reporters that high-intensity laser light can cause some irreversible damage to the eyes. If it is irradiated on the surface of the eye, it may damage the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids and other soft tissues, causing corneal edema of the eyelid. If it is irradiated into the eye and then focused on the retina, it may damage the photoreceptor cells and pigment epithelium of the retina, causing cell death, which cannot be restored after cell death. If it is irradiated to the macula, which is very sensitive to light, it will cause permanent damage to the macula.

China Daily comprehensive news morning report, time video, netizens’ comments, etc


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