Chaos in the driving industry: people without driving experience can also work

Chaos in the driving industry: people without driving experience can also work

  Chaos in the driving industry: people without driving experience can also work

  Some companies find it troublesome and cancel the road test for applicants; some chauffeurs do not take orders through the platform and negotiate prices privately with customers

  As night fell, at 11 o’clock in the night on Gui Street, people who were drunk at the entrance of the hotel helped each other, and the drivers who were mixed between the traffic and the customers on the road, wearing the work clothes of various driving platforms, and holding electric vehicles, waited for business in front of the door.

  Beginning in May 2011, drunk driving into prison, drunk driving to find more and more become a rigid demand. "Driving Industry White Paper Report" shows that in 2016, the total order volume of the national driving industry exceeded 253 million orders, with a total output value of 15.40 billion yuan.

  Recently, the Beijing News reporter experienced looking for "chauffeur" and chauffeur applications, and found that the chaos in the chauffeur industry are rife: various Internet chauffeur platforms coexist with private chauffeurs, bar self-operated chauffeur, platform chauffeur random private orders, black car drivers part-time chauffeur and so on.

  The application process of the driving company is easy and simple, claiming that "three years of driving experience is required", but those with two years of driving experience or even no driving experience can pass the interview and go through the entry procedures in 20 minutes to become an employee of the driving platform.

  Some experts said that the implementation of the "Driving Service Specification" in June this year will gradually guide the self-discipline and standardized operation of driving enterprises.

  You can also work if you have insufficient driving experience or no driving experience

  "High income, high return. Easy to enter the job, you can start the job on the same day you receive the work clothes license. Free to work, you can easily earn more than 5,000-8,000 yuan per month." Beijing Junzhe Network Technology Co., Ltd. posted job postings online.

  The company’s recruitment information stipulates that more than 3 years of driving experience, C1 driver’s license or above, familiar with automatic and manual transmission, familiar with the city’s routes, no bad driving records, no major accidents and traffic violations. But in fact, the company’s entry criteria are not so strict, and it can even be said that it is easy to pass.

  On the afternoon of November 2, a reporter from the Beijing News came to the company located near Jiuxianqiao in Chaoyang District for an interview. The company’s office is inside another company, with an office area of about 20 square meters, and there are only three employees in the house. The staff in charge of the interview claimed that the company is a franchise company of e-chauffeur. "The software is called Xiaoyi chauffeur, and it can send 600 or 700 orders every night."

  After checking the ID card and driver’s license photos, the staff began to introduce the charging model of the company’s driving software.

  The reporter’s driver’s license was issued in August 2015, and it has only been more than two years so far. It has not met the requirement of more than three years of driving experience, and there is basically no driving experience at ordinary times. However, the staff did not hold the reporter back.

  After introducing how to use the software, the staff took out a cooperation agreement for the reporter to sign, and the recruitment was completed. The whole process only took 20 minutes.

  No road test, physical health certificate, etc. are required

  The staff member said that after paying 100 yuan for clothing and 300 yuan for personal recharge, downloading the driver-side software, receiving training on safety knowledge, etiquette and how to use the software, you can take orders and work the next day. There is no need for road tests, physical health certificates, etc. "We cancelled the road test, it was too troublesome," the staff member said.

  In the "etiquette training", the staff introduced, "The software will be sent to the nearest place. If you find that it takes a little longer in the past, don’t worry. When you call the customer, say that it will arrive in ten minutes, no matter how far, say so."

  According to the company’s official website, this is a service company engaged in "drunk driving", "long-distance driving", "travel driving" and other services. According to Tianyancha’s public information, the company was registered on February 14, 2017, and its business scope includes technology transfer, technical consultation, and passenger car driving services.

  At about 6pm yesterday, a staff member of e-driving confirmed that the company "did not join the statement. It is completely deceived by some small driving companies in the name of e-driving".

  Chaos 1 Drivers take orders at will to avoid the platform

  At about 11 PM on October 31, near Guijie Street in Chaoyang District, a reporter from the Beijing News called a driver through the "Love Driving" APP.

  The driver is in his 50s. He is from Hebei and claims to have been driving for more than ten years. He has been driving for three or four years. He drives a truck during the day, comes out at 8 pm to work part-time as a driver, and goes home around 2 am.

  In addition to "Love Driving", he also registered APPs such as "Micro Driving" and "Same City Driving" to facilitate more orders.

  "If you can take four or five orders a night, you can take it if you want." He said that if you take orders through the platform, the platform will take a certain share, but it has no binding force on him.

  Many Internet platform driver also said that it is normal to register on multiple platforms. The platform and the driver are more of a way of cooperation. After registration is completed, orders can be received, and there is basically no management.

  How to become a platform driver? According to the above driver, the registration process is very simple, there is basically no review, the ID card and driver’s license match, and there is no criminal record. After joining the job, there will be half a day of training, teaching basic speech skills, and then there is basically no management, "equivalent to a free person".

  The next day at around 1 am, at the entrance of a restaurant on Fangzhuang Gui Street in Fengtai District, a number of chauffeurs were waiting for business.

  A driver said that you can apply for an order or not. To report an order is to place an order through the platform, and the platform extracts 20% of the fee. If you don’t report an order, you will cross the platform to receive a private order.

  Near Sanlitun Bar Street, a chauffeur wearing an e-chauffeur overalls conducted a transaction without going through the platform formalities. He asked for 20 yuan more than the official fee standard. After bargaining, he charged according to the official standard, but did not report the bill.

  He said that he and a few friends who are driving on behalf of him have a WeChat group. After receiving the job, if you can’t rush there in time, you can share it with others in the group and earn a brokerage fee. "Usually it is 20 yuan, which is about the same as the service fee of the platform."

  Chaos 2 generation driving pick-up work first talk about "rules"

  On the evening of November 1, near Guijie Street in Dongcheng District, seven or eight chauffeurs gathered at the entrance of the main store of Hu Dafan.

  Seeing that the reporter was interested in finding a chauffeur, a driver wearing an e-chauffeur uniform recommended a middle-aged man by his side.

  The man claimed to have been working as a driver for three or four years. "A few years ago, business was good, and there were no such platforms at that time. Some friends we knew gathered here, and 80% of the restaurants on Guijie had our phone number.

  However, restaurants usually give 50 yuan as a cut for ordering. "Although the cut is higher than the platform, it also earns more. The wool comes from the sheep, which was several times higher at that time than it is now, and the starting price is at least two or three hundred."

  The other party smiled and said, "To put it bluntly, we are local snakes. We don’t care about the people who come to take orders on the platform, but those who come here to party have to follow the rules, and we have to wait until all of us are alive."

  Chaos 3 bar self-operated driving

  In the early morning of November 2, the electronic screen outside the Gongti Mix Bar scrolled: If you need to drink and drive, please contact the staff.

  The reporter contacted a chauffeur through the bar security, and the fee was the same as that of the Internet chauffeur platform, which was sent to Weeping Willow Middle Street for 100 yuan.

  This driver is a bar staff member who specializes in drinking and driving for guests. He introduced that there are five or six people in the entire bar who specialize in driving, and the fee is the same as the driving platform. Drivers receive a fixed salary of six or seven thousand per month.

  In addition, the driver who places an order by himself through the APP can come to the bar to receive the order, but in other cases, the driver is not allowed to lie down in front of the door.

  How to deal with unexpected disputes during the driving process? The man said that it was all resolved by the bar.

  In addition, a number of black cars gathered near the North Gate of Gongti. Walking on the road, someone came up to ask if they needed to drive. At around 1 am on November 2, the reporter negotiated a price with one of the black car drivers, which was also Weeping Willow Middle Street and charged 100 yuan.

  "This is all less. Generally, when we take orders, it is at least 300 yuan." The other party introduced that because of the large amount of alcohol, hundreds of black cars near Gongti and Sanlitun are all part-time drunk drivers.

  When driving to the intersection of Auxiliary Road and Guangqu Road under Shuangjing Bridge, the right-turn light is a red light. The black car driver drove directly through the red light and turned right into Guangqu Road.

  "I’m familiar with this road, let me tell you, the red light here is not on, you can just run through it, it’s fine." He said calmly.

  ■ Tell

  "Do it if you have a chauffeur, block the car if you don’t have a job"

  At 12 in the morning, it was the busy time of the Workers’ Bar. The street was as bright as day, and the traffic at the intersection was blocked in a row, and people who took taxis, waited for people, and drank too much shouted.

  Zhao Ming (a pseudonym), who is in his 30s, is accustomed to these things. After driving a black car nearby for three or four years, he also has an identity: a driver on behalf of him. "What to do to make money, as long as it is not illegal."

  Looking at the drivers wearing the work clothes of various driving platforms and riding electric vehicles passing by, Zhao Ming said that he was different. He did not register on any platform, did work, and blocked the car without work.

  He lived in Yanjiao and came out at 7 o’clock every night to work at the workers’ body. Like him, there were more than 100 people in the vicinity, from all over the country.

  "Usually the bar security guard and manager introduce the business, and you will be familiar with it after staying for a long time." Zhao Ming said that the introduction starts at least 300 yuan, and the driver will also give the other party a red envelope of 50 yuan. In addition, if you drink too much, you will come out and find a driver by yourself.

  In the past few years, Zhao Ming has met everyone. In his opinion, "Anyone who comes to Sanlitun Workers’ Stadium to play is not short of money."

  One morning in the first half of the year, at around 3 am, he drove a drunk guest to Yizhuang in a top-tier Range Rover, giving him 3,000 yuan at a time. "I drank too much, and I was also thoughtful. I was responsible for carrying the car, and then carrying it upstairs."

  Every night, Zhao Ming can take three or four orders. In many cases, he can earn 178,000 a month by driving alone.

  Although he earned a lot, Zhao Ming still missed the days of traditional driving. "A few years ago, there weren’t so many apps. We decide where to go. If it’s too expensive, don’t leave."

  Expert opinion

  The implementation of industry standards in June this year will guide the driving industry

  In fact, there are also some "difficulties" for chauffeur drivers. For example, if there is an accident, those who are not covered by insurance need to pay out of their own pocket; if the account salary cannot be withdrawn, they find that the company has run away; there are also cases where chauffeur drivers are abused or even beaten by drunk passengers.

  A number of industry insiders said that the driving industry has been lacking industry standards and institutions to regulate, and is in a state of "three noes" with no competent unit, no industry norms, and no entry threshold, and participants are basically in a state of self-discipline.

  The reporter learned from the China Automobile Dealers Association that the association organized relevant experts to draft the "Driving Service Specification", which sets out clear specifications for both driving enterprises and drivers, including driving insurance, training, employment and other aspects. As an association group standard, the "Specification" was released and implemented on June 1 this year.

  Luo Lei, deputy secretary-general of the association, said that this is a non-mandatory recommendation, which will guide the driving companies on how to self-discipline and standardize their operations.

  For example, Liu Jing, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Driver Alliance, the specification clearly stipulates that the driver company must purchase the driver’s liability insurance to ensure the owner and the rights and interests of the driver. In addition, future driver may be licensed to work.

  Police Alert

  Place an order through the regular driving platform.

  The police prompt that at present, there are no relevant laws and regulations in our country to prescribe the qualifications of chauffeur practitioners and industry ethical standards. Because the chauffeur and the customer are unfamiliar with each other, when the owner is drunk, his own prevention ability is weakened, and he needs to pay attention before chauffeur:

  1. Try not to be cheap, and find a driver who solicits business at the door of hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. Be sure to check the other party’s driver’s license, confirm the basic information and leave your contact information.

  2. It is best to place an order through a regular driving platform. The drivers sent by the platform have information for the record. It is best to sign a driving service agreement with the driving company.

  3. Be sure to ask the driver to park the car in the parking space and then end the service. Don’t end the service near the destination because you are too confident or soft-hearted, and drive by yourself.

  4. If there is an unconscious or drunk car owner looking for a driver, it is best to be accompanied by a more sober companion.

  5. If you encounter a "half-way" driver, you must not choose to drive by yourself, even if you are lucky to drive a short distance, it may constitute a dangerous driving crime. You can contact relatives and friends for emergency assistance, or leave the car where it is and pick it up later.

  Beijing News reporters, Zhao Jixiang, Liu Jingyu


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