
Brands transmit fashion power and help the consumer market warm up in the New Year.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the fashion consumer market is very lively, and many big brands make frequent moves: the surprise debut of the first store, the release of new series, and the release of heavy products … Brands collide with colorful ideas with excellent works to interpret the new fashion in autumn and winter, convey modern power, add creative kinetic energy to the winter consumption season, and further stimulate consumers’ enthusiasm in the new season.
Delvaux unveiled its first flagship store in mainland China.
Recently, Delvaux settled in the central part of Beijing Wangfu. It is reported that Delvaux Beijing Wangfu Central Flagship Store is the first flagship store in mainland China, which is in the same strain as Delvaux’s flagship stores all over the world. Wangfu Central Flagship Store displays Belgian culture with traditional design techniques, and inherits and transmits the fusion of the cultures of Brussels and Beijing.
Delvaux Wangfu Central Flagship Store is ingenious and unique in style. The appearance is made of glass and metal, which reminds people of the industrial glory of the Crystal Palace in Victorian London, and at the same time realizes the ingenious interaction between internal and external space, just like every exquisite masterpiece of Delvaux. Stepping into the main hall, Versailles parquet floors and two rare display cases are introduced, which were created by the Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker, whose exquisite furniture covers many past styles including Renaissance, Louis XIV, 15th and 16th periods. Belgium’s iconic Flemish-style cabinets have undergone modern interpretation and are skillfully integrated into the left bar lounge.
Showcase made by Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker.
The VIP room is decorated with the imperial red tone, paying tribute to the Forbidden City in Beijing. The wall is decorated with 12 hand-made brass "totems" with geometric shapes from 1960s. The decoration was originally installed in Abernathy Pavilion Villa in Palm Springs, California, USA, reflecting the modern style of California desert in the mid-20th century.
Jean-Marc Loubier, global CEO of Delvaux, stressed that in today’s increasingly standardized and homogeneous luxury goods, the brand will strive to make leather works, humanistic services and spaces show individuality and uniqueness.
The first in mainland China.SKIMS
Valentine’s Day limited time experience store debutLane Crawford
A few days ago, Lane Crawford and SKIMS presented "SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Experience Store" in Chengdu International Financial Center, which will be limited to open from now until February 8, 2024. Kim kardashian, co-founder and creative director of SKIMS, said: "The launch of the limited-time Valentine’s Day experience store in Chengdu for the first time is an important milestone in the sustainable development of SKIMS in Asia and the world. I can’t wait for consumers to experience our brand, products and the unique style behind it."
The Red Star News reporter learned that this SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Time Experience Store specially sells Valentine’s Day series items, including underwear, home clothes and limited gift sets. In addition to Valentine’s Day series items, customers can also go to the store to buy SKIMS classic fits everywhere, SeamlessSculpt and Cotton series.
With love as the medium, Lane Crawford and SKIMS have built a dreamy pink world that belongs to Chengdu alone. The space adopts the trademark rounded corner design and bright surface treatment of SKIMS brand, and the pink main color is matched with the heart-shaped display to show the sweet Valentine’s Day atmosphere. Whether it is the soft line design or the eye-catching color full of luster, SKIMS’ brand style and unique personality advocating freedom and comfort are everywhere.
In addition to the rich in-store experience, the pink storm between Lane Crawford and SKIMS also swept the city. From now on, the brand will specially build a pink double-decker bus, and will land on the landmark Twin Towers in Chengdu in a limited time to attract fashionable people in the city to a romantic appointment.
2024 COLLECTION is officially released.
Recently, GENTLE MONSTER officially launched the 2024 COLLECTION.
GENTLE MONSTER builds a brand-new goggles shape with pioneering design language and exquisite details. The imaginative line trend with bold colors fully shows the brand’s unique aesthetics and style. The innovative and bold silhouette is cleverly mapped through the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA, showing the visual aesthetics of pioneer and hazy coexistence.
Explore the distinctive 2024 GENTLE JELLY series under the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA.
Long Teng ying chun Huan Xin Yan
New upgrade of H&M Chengdu Heshenghui Store
Recently, Hennes & Mauritz AB (hereinafter referred to as "H&M") appeared in Chengdu Heshenghui with its newly upgraded storefront image. It is reported that the store marks that H&M actively responds to the changes in consumer demand and constantly seeks innovation to enhance consumers’ shopping experience.
The brand-new store upgrade brings a fresh and bright style different from the past, introducing vibrant wood grain wall columns, green plants and other elements to decorate, and matching with soft natural colors, creating an elegant and charming Nordic "Sen" atmosphere. All the lighting in the store adopts new environmental protection LED, which not only lights up the shopping mood for consumers, but also adds a warm rest area for customers to rest and wait, creating a comfortable and comfortable high-quality sustainable fashion consumption space.
Drawing on traditional colors and visual symbols, H&M combines comfortable texture, diverse styles and holiday dress requirements to launch the 2024 Spring Festival collection. The image of Xianglong, a symbol of wisdom and courage, has undergone multiple deductive changes, reshaping the meaning of a beautiful new year with various postures and opening a new journey with dazzling eyes.
The reporter learned that H&M 2024 Spring Festival series has been put on sale at H&M national stores, HM.COM.CN online stores, H&M WeChat APPlet mall, H&M Tmall official flagship store, H&M JD.COM official flagship store and H&M official app simultaneously since January 18th.
At the beginning of the new year, H&M aims to present consumers with higher quality and more shopping choices with a brand-new image, and jointly start a brand-new fashion journey.
Red Star Journalist Jaco Hou Peiyang
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Shanghai Housing Authority: It is strictly forbidden for real estate brokers to fabricate and spread information about price increases, and will intensify investigation and punishment.

  Housing rent is directly related to the living cost and living standard of the renters, and has always been concerned by the public.

  On April 21st, Wang Zhen, director of Shanghai Housing Management Bureau, said when he was a guest on "Interview with People’s Livelihood in 2023" that Shanghai would take measures such as playing the role of "stabilizer" for affordable rental housing, prohibiting intermediaries from driving up prices, and establishing price monitoring and early warning to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable.

  Three measures to keep the housing rent level stable

  "In recent years, the housing rental market in Shanghai has been generally stable." Wang Zhen said that in order to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable, under the overall framework of the Price Law and in combination with the implementation of the Shanghai Housing Leasing Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), Shanghai will take measures from three aspects:

  The first is to play the role of "stabilizer" of affordable rental housing.It is clear that the rent of affordable rental housing should be lower than the market-oriented rent level of the same quality in the same lot, the rent should be below 10% of the market-oriented rent, and the annual increase should not be higher than the market-oriented rent increase in the same period and not higher than 5%. At the same time, it will be publicized to the public to guide market-oriented lessors to set reasonable prices.

  Second, it is strictly forbidden for housing leasing enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies to fabricate and spread price increase information., drive up prices, and be restrained by increasing investigation and self-discipline in the industry.

  The third is to establish a housing rental price monitoring and early warning mechanism.It is clearly stipulated in the "Regulations" that the municipal government can take price intervention measures such as price increase declaration, rent restriction or rent increase in accordance with the law under certain circumstances that the housing rent has increased significantly or may increase significantly.

  Incorporate lease management into social governance system

  On February 1st, the "Regulations" were officially implemented. Wang Zhen introduced that this legislation adheres to the problem orientation, focuses on practical problems, highlights the people’s livelihood attributes of housing leasing, and builds a housing leasing system with diversified suppliers, standardized business services and stable leasing relationship to meet the multi-level housing needs of residents in megacities. In the process of legislation, there are three main considerations.

  The first is to standardize leasing behavior.For the form of housing lease in which residents trade hand in hand, we should guide the parties to self-regulate and self-discipline by clarifying the rental requirements and standards and balancing the rights and obligations of the parties to the lease. For the three forms of listing and renting through real estate brokerage agencies, housing leasing enterprises acting as agents and centralized rental housing, we emphasize standardized management, and establish a whole-process supervision system from subject filing, real-name employment, housing verification, registration and filing to fund supervision, as well as relevant prohibitive provisions, so as to further improve market rules.

  The second is the coordinated development of the market and security.Strengthen forward-looking systematic planning, while promoting the stable and healthy development of the housing rental market, focus on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing, determine the system positioning, formulate special plans, clarify the construction and management requirements, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of affordable rental housing in the entire housing rental system.

  The third is to bring lease management into the social governance system.While clarifying the responsibilities of the relevant departments of the city and district, aiming at the weak links and gaps existing in grassroots governance and the difficulties and problems encountered in the daily management of towns and villages, we will establish and improve the housing lease governance mechanism of urban planning, compartmentalization, responsibility of towns and villages, assistance from villages and industry self-discipline, strengthen the four-level linkage of cities, districts, towns and villages, and form a joint force with multiple governance to further enhance the effectiveness of grassroots governance.

  Write group rent into local legislation for the first time

  For the group rent behavior, the Regulations, on the basis of summing up the experience and practices of Shanghai’s group rent governance in recent years, first wrote the group rent into local legislation, taking a multi-pronged approach to further improve the efficiency of group rent governance.

  The first is to clarify the criteria for identifying group rents.The minimum rental unit, non-residential space that cannot be rented separately, the number of people living in each room and the per capita living area proposed by government regulations have been optimized and improved accordingly, and they have been raised to local legislation.

  The second is to optimize the law enforcement process of group rent.In view of the problems strongly reflected by the masses, once the group rent cases are discovered, they can be directly punished to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and increase the punishment, raising the fine from the original maximum of 100,000 yuan to the maximum of 200,000 yuan.

  The third is to highlight the key supervision of subletting.In view of the prominent problem of "second landlord" group rent in practice, it is clear that individuals who sublet houses for profit and engage in housing rental business activities should register as market participants according to law, and will be punished if they violate the regulations.

  The fourth is to implement the responsibility of territorial governance.Street offices and township people’s governments are required to regularly organize the investigation of hidden dangers of group rent. If illegal situations are found, they should urge rectification, start law enforcement procedures in a timely manner, and carry out rectification through joint law enforcement when necessary.

  Shanghai will rely on the refined urban management mechanism and work with relevant departments to study and formulate a plan to further improve the comprehensive management of group rents in Shanghai, issue documents to strengthen the management of individual housing subletting in Shanghai, and increase the guidance, supervision and support for the management of grassroots group rents.

  "The problem of group rent actually reflects that the supply structure of Shanghai housing rental market needs to be further improved. In the process of governance, we will adhere to the combination of unblocking and blocking." Wang Zhen said, on the one hand, vigorously promote the development of affordable rental housing; On the other hand, standardize the implementation of the "N+1" model of agency leasing, strictly supervise housing leasing enterprises to carry out agency leasing business, and promote the transformation from illegal group leasing to standardized sharing.

The "Beijing Eight Articles" regulation plan is released, and the down payment ratio of the second suite is not less than 50%

  Yesterday, the city issued a notice on several measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the city’s real estate market, and put forward eight measures for real estate regulation. It is clearly pointed out that for households with one set of housing, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary self-occupied housing again in order to improve their living conditions, the down payment ratio will not be less than 50% regardless of the loan record; For those who purchase non-ordinary self-occupied houses, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 70%.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) Yesterday, the general office of the municipal government forwarded the notice of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Committee and other departments on "Several Measures for Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in this Municipality" and put forward eight measures for real estate regulation and control in this Municipality.

  First, we should increase the supply of residential land and rationally adjust the land supply structure. Increase the supply ratio of low-priced and medium-sized ordinary commercial housing, strictly implement the 90/70 policy, increase the just-needed supply, and take into account the improvement demand.

  Second, it is necessary to increase the supply of land for self-occupied commercial housing. Except Dongcheng, Xicheng and Shijingshan District, other districts should arrange a number of land for self-occupied commercial housing to enter the market as soon as possible during the year.

  Third, it is necessary to further improve the land transaction rules, strengthen the transaction mode of "controlling land price and limiting house price", limit the housing price in the supply link and incorporate it into the conditions of land auction and auction. Encourage real estate enterprises to own some houses as rental housing to meet the rental demand.

  The fourth is to implement differentiated housing credit policies. The down payment ratio for the first set of ordinary self-occupied housing is not less than 35%, and the down payment ratio for the first set of non-ordinary commercial housing is not less than 40%. However, except for self-occupied commercial housing, two-limit housing and other policy housing. For households with one set of housing, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary self-occupied housing again in order to improve their living conditions, the down payment ratio shall be no less than 50% regardless of the loan record; For those who purchase non-ordinary self-occupied houses, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 70%.

  Fifth, the relevant municipal departments should strengthen the management of commodity housing transactions and supervise real estate development enterprises and their sales behavior. For projects with obviously high quotations, the issuance of pre-sale permits will be stopped, and existing home sales will not be filed. For projects that have gone through the pre-sale or cash sale procedures, all the houses for sale shall be made public at one time within the specified time, and the regulations of clearly marked price and one room and one price shall be strictly enforced, and the actual sales price shall not be higher than the declared price. At the same time, the above information should be clearly marked in a prominent position in the trading place.

  Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen the management of real estate brokerage institutions and their brokerage activities, and fully implement the supervision of stock housing transaction funds. Real estate brokerage institutions and real estate brokers should be entrusted to release real housing and price information, and should not occupy housing information or drive up housing prices.

  Seventh, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and other relevant departments should carry out joint law enforcement inspections, focusing on investigating and dealing with property hoarding’s illegal acts such as hoarding houses, driving up house prices, publishing false houses and price information, and publicly exposing them, and relevant information should be included in enterprise credit files.

  Eighth, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a joint meeting system to strengthen the supervision of the real estate market in this Municipality, and be responsible for guiding, coordinating and promoting the supervision of the real estate market in this Municipality.


  The city deployed the real estate market inspection work during the National Day.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) Yesterday, the city held a briefing on the law enforcement inspection of the real estate market. The meeting informed the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission about the law enforcement inspection and the current real estate market situation, and asked real estate development enterprises and real estate brokerage institutions to standardize their operations according to law, strictly prohibit property hoarding and other illegal acts, and clarify the serious consequences that enterprises should bear in violation of regulations; At the same time, the multi-departmental joint law enforcement inspection work during the National Day was further deployed.

  The meeting pointed out that the management of real estate development enterprises and their sales behavior requires that real estate development projects that require pre-sale permission or record the sale of existing homes should disclose all the sales houses at one time within the specified time. Real estate development enterprises in the sale of commercial housing projects, we must strictly enforce the price tag, one room and one price, the actual sales price shall not be higher than the declared price; All saleable houses and their prices and other related information must be clearly marked in a prominent position in the trading place, and the clearly marked price should not be turned into "oral notification", and property hoarding should not be used to delay the opening time or control the houses, so as to deliberately create a tense atmosphere for the houses; It is not allowed to mark false information or use deceptive and vague language to mislead consumers and infringe on consumers’ right to know, choose and fair trade. Real estate brokerage institutions and personnel shall engage in real estate brokerage activities in accordance with the law, and be entrusted to release real housing and price information, and shall not occupy housing information or drive up housing prices; It is strictly forbidden to engage in off-site fund-raising financial services such as down payment, self-financing, self-guarantee and the establishment of a fund pool; Real estate brokerage services shall be clearly marked, and price fraud shall not be carried out by using false or misleading contents and methods of marking.

  The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Construction and Construction Committee said that the problems in the real estate market are not only economic issues and management issues, but also people’s livelihood issues and social issues. Some chaos in the real estate market will be dealt with strictly, severely and quickly. In the next step, the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will continue to strengthen law enforcement and investigation, strengthen joint supervision and comprehensive management with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Land Planning and other departments, and severely crack down on property hoarding, bid up housing prices, seize housing, publish false housing information and other illegal acts. Citizens can report violations of laws and regulations in the real estate market transaction process.


  Provident fund loans will cancel the guarantee service fee from now on.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) In the future, Beijing Provident Fund loans will no longer charge guarantee service fees; Buying a second-hand housing provident fund loan, in addition to no longer paying the guarantee service fee, the loan evaluation fee has also been greatly reduced. Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center released the policy of benefiting the people yesterday. From today, the depositor does not need to pay the guarantee service fee when applying for provident fund loans, and the maximum charge standard of second-hand housing evaluation fee has been lowered from 1,500 yuan/piece to 600 yuan/piece.

  The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center said that the launch of the New Deal in Beijing is to further benefit people’s livelihood and better serve housing provident fund depositors.

  Experts said that in the past, under normal circumstances, the common guarantee methods of provident fund loans were joint liability guarantee and mortgage guarantee of Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center. Among them, the guarantee of the guarantee center involves the guarantee service fee, and the charging standard is three thousandths of the loan amount, and the minimum charge is 300 yuan. The appraisal fee for second-hand houses is charged according to three thousandths of the appraisal value, with the lowest charge of 300 yuan and the highest charge of 1,500 yuan.

  The person in charge of the provident fund center said that according to the "Regulations on the Management of Housing Provident Fund": "Applicants who apply for housing provident fund loans shall provide guarantees." In the future, when a depositor applies for a personal loan of housing provident fund, the Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center can provide the depositor with a phased guarantee before the pre-mortgage registration (or mortgage registration) of the purchased house, and the depositor does not need to pay the guarantee service fee. This means that employees who apply for provident fund loans will be exempted from the guarantee service fee ranging from several hundred yuan to thousands of yuan.

  In addition, the Provident Fund Center also introduced an evaluation competition mechanism, and selected six first-class real estate appraisal agencies, including Beijing Guosheng Real Estate Appraisal Co., Ltd. and Beijing Huayuan Longtai Real Estate and Land Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd., to provide better, more convenient and efficient services for paid employees.

  The Provident Fund Center said that the adjustment of loan-related fees is based on the date of acceptance, that is to say, the depositor will no longer pay the guarantee service fee for the newly accepted loans from today, and the highest charging standard for the second-hand housing appraisal fee will be lowered to 600 yuan/piece.

High-end smart watches are played by Huawei, understand? Professional micro-physical examination, but also can change golf plug-ins in seconds (video)

Whether it is daily exercise or professional sports, more and more people wear watches and bracelets.

In the gym, if you want to measure heart rate, watch calorie consumption and record exercise data, you really can’t do without a smart watch.

However, although there are many smart watches on the market, few can really jump out of the "big pot" functional planning and design. The "high-end smart watch" with advanced appearance, comprehensive and professional health monitoring and comprehensive sports assistance is still vacant.

Recently, Huawei’s new Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has targeted this position. In order to show you this watch, we even moved the studio directly to a professional golf course. How cool is its "sports plug-in"? Let’s take a look at the video first.


Let’s taste this appearance first:

Does it smell like a traditional watch, especially this strap and crown!

The white one on the left is a ceramic model, which looks smaller and the traditional watch tastes stronger. This face value can be called "smart watch face value ceiling". The workmanship and material selection of the case, the outer ring, the strap, the crown and the mirror are all comparable to those of high-end watches. It can be said that this small porcelain watch is completely made according to high-end watches except for the lack of hands.

Looking at the materials used in the case and strap, you can feel that nano-microcrystalline ceramics take 7 days to fire, and there are 13 subsequent grinding and polishing processes, and it takes 10 days to debut.

The benefits brought by this kind of seiko are not only the warm texture on the face, but also the durability and comfort on the lining.

The sparkling gold, silver and shell bezel makes the white body less monotonous, and the color scheme is elegant and versatile, which can withstand being worn in formal occasions and will not be exaggerated in daily wear.

The one on the right is made of titanium, which loOKs tougher. The leather strap in elephant gray has a strong business atmosphere, but it is completely ok to change the dial into the sports ground.

The back shell, like the ceramic model, is made of ceramic material, which realizes the wearing comfort of fitting with the wrist. The fitting experience of friends with different wrist thicknesses in the office is fit but not too tight.

There is nothing to say about the watch mirror. As always, it is not afraid of scratches and wear, and it uses sapphire glass mirrors that are used by top watches.

This gray and white, both business and leisure temperament are grasped, and the texture is completely different from silicone and plastic, and the shell design closer to the traditional mechanical watch makes its appearance comparable to that of high-end watches.

After talking about the appearance, it is the turn of the core functions of smart watches-sports, health and wisdom.

Among these three pieces, Ji Guojun is most concerned about sports. Think about it, where is the high-end place that can reflect a smart watch? In addition to appearance, isn’t it necessary to support high-end sports first?

However, the smart watches currently on the market are somewhat biased. Although most of them can support hundreds of sports, they are basically around the routine sports such as running, swimming and mountain climbing.

It’s not that there are no watches that support professional and high-end sports at all, but their shapes and other functions are too general.

In contrast, Huawei’s watch is very "other people’s children", and the regular sports subjects are excellent, and people also have sports specialties.

This specialty is golf and free diving. These two sports have a key thing in common-it is difficult for you to learn it by yourself, and you basically have to take a coach. Huawei’s watch can be said to have an excellent "use" effect with the coach.

We played with professional golfers all afternoon. To tell you the truth, the feeling is that it really wants to teach you to play golf.

For a newcomer like Guo Xiaojiu who can only swing in the driving range, it will record the data of the time of getting on the pole, the time of getting off the pole and the speed of swinging, not only telling you where there is something wrong with your movements, but also giving you a solution.

In addition to coaching bronze players, it also has a court model comparable to "plug-in" for advanced players who can leave the stage.

When you play ball on the court, the first question you face is where and how to play.

There are 18 holes in a game, where the green is, where the obstacles are, and how far it is from you, all of which affect the direction and strength of the player’s swing, and are very important. It’s easy to say that the stadium is familiar. If you haven’t played a few times, it’s easy to not play well because you don’t know the situation of the stadium.

In response to this problem, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is equipped with a series of skills:

There are not only maps of more than 300 golf courses in China, but also tips such as the slope of the green, the wind speed and direction of the day. It can be said that wearing the watch will directly open the perspective of God;

You can also estimate the impact point of each shot according to your previous serving distance, and calculate the distance between yourself and the bunker and the green to achieve accurate planning.

After the ball was hit, the second question came. How did you play and how should you improve?

The answer of Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is exactly the same as the mother who took away your lucky money in the New Year when she was a child: Don’t worry, I will remember it for you!

It can automatically perceive and record whether it is the score of strokes per hole, the hit rate of tee-off, the rate of putting on the green, or your hitting position and distance of each stroke.

Big data plays ball, experience winning hemp!

In terms of free diving, its function is as good as golf, and it can accompany you within 30 meters.

When you dive into the water and start to explore the limit, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro will silently start to record your real-time dive speed, real-time depth, maximum depth and other professional data.

When I go back to the shore, I can see how many points the "exam" is clear, and I will know where to work hard next time. It is also useful on land. Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro clearly knows that if you want to perform well in the water, you can’t lack the function of land breath-holding training. It can record the duration of breath-holding, real-time heart rate data, and make a breath-holding training table.

To this point, it can be said that Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has already got a glimpse of the high-end sports assistance, and the function development related to golf and free diving is quite in-depth and easy to use.

Before the mid-19th century, few people wore watches, and everyone’s portable watches were basically pocket watches. The reason why watches can catch up and kill pocket watches is mainly based on two words: convenience, which can be seen when worn on your wrist and lifted.

This convenience is not only reflected in timing, but also in health examination. After all, there is no wearable smart device that can stay in the human body for such a long time.

Compared with most smart watches, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has enough health services: both professional health detection system and professional health management functions.

In terms of detection, in order to detect comprehensively, accurately and in time, hardware and algorithms have to be piled up. Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro upgraded sensors, electrodes and data processing technologies, which reduced the loss rate of detection signals and made the accuracy higher.

But! If you have this, you can only measure your heart rate, blood oxygen and sleep, then it’s a good experience at best, and it’s still far from the high end.

To make the health function high-end, it is necessary to make the whole point deeper and more different! Huawei clearly understands this.

Take ECG ECG analysis as an example. In recent years, many smart watches will do this function, but Huawei has gone deeper this time. Not only is the collection speed fast, but the analysis results are also diverse. It can prompt anything that cannot be prompted by the table of ventricular premature beats and atrial premature beats.

Moreover, it also provides paid professional doctors’ interpretation services, and selects doctors from the top three hospitals in China to provide professional ECG interpretation reports, giving more comprehensive ECG interpretation results and health care suggestions.

In addition, it also joined the vascular health research initiated by the China Medical Association, which kept the words "concern about the risk of cardiovascular diseases" in mind.

Don’t ignore this function. According to China Cardiovascular Disease Report 2018, the number of people who died of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China accounts for more than 40% of the deaths of residents.

To assess the risk, a key index is vascular elasticity, and the decrease of elasticity is a major feature of early vascular damage. Frequently testing pulse wave velocity and evaluating vascular elasticity is equivalent to doing a "micro-physical examination" at home.

High-end health functions must not only have data, but also have professional services. Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro not only provides comprehensive monitoring data, but also provides you with professional health advice to help you assess the risk of arteriosclerosis.

Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro’s health has been deepened because it also joined the heart health research and sleep apnea research projects of 301 Hospital, and established a comprehensive and active health management system, which made wearing smart watches truly become wearing health.

Smart watches are not accessories for mobile phones! As a wearable smart device that can accompany you for 24 hours, it has its own unique value and health attributes. At the same time, it is a window to show your taste.

In these respects, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro’s high-end advanced work is quite good, with texture, professional high-end sports and rigorous and scientific health services.

But is that enough? Certainly not, if only these, the utilization rate of resources on this wrist will be slightly insufficient.

Think about it, this thing is directly on your wrist, and it is often faster to call it than to take out your mobile phone. The functions of opening the entrance guard and swiping the payment code are inseparable when used, because it is too convenient.

At this point, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro also got it.

In addition to these surprises, wisdom has experienced this traditional art ability, and it has done a good job. HarmonyOS is increasingly rich in ecology, and the apps such as navigation, vertical and horizontal, map software and daily Alipay that are often used for business trips can be downloaded.

In terms of battery life related to all functions, the performance of Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is still at the level of martial arts, and there is no anxiety about charging: the titanium model can last for eight days after heavy use; The use of general strength can last for two weeks, and the typical scene of ceramic models can last for seven days; Heavy scenes also have a battery life of 4 days.

From all aspects, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro has really made great efforts for this niche vacancy of smart watches in high-end, not only retaining the genes of Huawei’s "all-round" players, but also seeing the attention of many business users at home, and the key functional attributes have also achieved high-end destruction. For people who want to play these sports and want more accurate and professional health management, it is definitely one of the most worthwhile wearable smart items you can invest in this year.


What is the solution to the abnormal sound of golf brakes?


Solution to abnormal sound of golf brake;

1. If it’s screaming, first check whether the brake pads are running out (the alarm disc sounds). If it’s a new disc, check whether there are any foreign objects caught between the brake disc and the disc.

2. If it is muffled, it is mostly a problem with the brake caliper, such as the wear of the movable pin and the falling off of the spring piece;

3, if it is filar silk called more problems, calipers, brake discs, brake pads may have problems. In case of abnormal brake sound, it is recommended to go to the repair shop for inspection and treatment in time for driving safety. Golf is a classic hatchback small family car launched by FAW-Volkswagen. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4199mm, 1786mm and 1479mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 2578 mm.

4. It is recommended to go to 4S for inspection and solve it for you free of charge. Possible situation and treatment: If it is screaming, the first thing to check is that the brake pads are almost used up (the alarm sounds). If it is new, check whether there is any foreign matter between the brake disc and the brake disc.

Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan

"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
(Going to the Grass Roots in the Spring Festival) The reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Nanchong, Zhongxin. com, January 28th Title: Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Author Yao Xinyu
"I’m going to have dinner right away. Today, the Happy Dining Hall in our village has a reunion dinner! Happy New Year to you, too! " At noon on the 28th, He Congfang, a villager from Tiancheng Village, Taiping Town, Xichong County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, walked slowly towards the "Happy Dining Hall" while talking on the phone with his family.
"Have a reunion dinner!" The "Happy Canteen" next to the village committee of Tiancheng Village is very lively. As the Spring Festival approaches, it is the day when everyone gets together for the New Year, and dozens of villagers come to dinner on time.
At the same time, the kitchen next to the "Happy Canteen" is in full swing. Braised tofu, cooked pork, eight balls, boiled pork, steamed crispy meat … steaming dishes are baked and served to the dinner table one after another. "This dish is delicious", "My mouth is watering" and "It’s delicious" … While chatting around the round table, the old people craned their necks to look forward to the next dish.
"Everyone has worked hard this year. Thank you for your usual support for the work of the two committees of the village. I wish you a happy New Year. Let’s eat!" After the dishes are served, Li Fuming, secretary of the village party branch, said. "Happy New Year!" "Good luck in the Year of the Tiger" … Old people exchanged auspicious words, moved chopsticks and feasted.
"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
"This tofu rake is harmonious and comfortable to eat." "You drink this soup in a bowl, and it is warm." … At the dinner table, the old people take care of each other and are happy. "You eat this!" "You can’t bite this!" "I can bite!" Aside, He Congfang also had a reunion dinner and talked with the old man beside him. The "Happy Canteen" is full of warm flavor of the year.
It is understood that the village’s "Happy Canteen" began to operate in September 2021. The canteen was originally built in the village to solve the problem of eating for the villagers working in the work-for-relief project. Because young people go out to work, there are many left-behind elderly people in the village. Later, this canteen was simply built into an elderly canteen, and the left-behind elderly and widowed elderly people in the village were invited to eat in the canteen. When eating in the canteen, lonely old people don’t have to pay food expenses, and the funds are solved by the village collective economic income.
"I have a cerebral infarction for more than 10 years, and my legs and feet are inconvenient. I used to cook some noodles at home." He Congfang is 73 years old. His children are working outside the home, and they are usually alone at home. "But since the’ Happy Dining Hall’, we have eaten well and played well here. Everyone talks and laughs every day, and we old people are very happy!" Now, she comes to the canteen at noon every day, not only to eat, but also to chat with other old people, so she is no longer lonely.
Old people have a reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall".
Li Shuchong, the former party branch secretary of the village, just retired last year, and now he has a new identity-the chef of the "Happy Canteen". The meals in the canteen at ordinary times and the dishes of the reunion dinner at the end of the year are all from his hands. "Usually, the canteen is usually two dishes and one soup, tofu, potatoes, cabbage and meat … Because most of the people who eat are old people, considering the bad teeth of the old people, we all make the taste of the dishes very soft, and everyone is very satisfied." Li Shuchong said with mirth.
At present, there are about 60 elderly people in the village dining in the "Happy Canteen". "Ordinary old people have a meal in 10 yuan, and lonely old people are free. Plus the chef’s salary and the cost of ingredients, it will cost more than 10,000 yuan a month, and the operating pressure of the canteen is quite high. Nevertheless, we will work together in Qi Xin to create a "happy harbor" for the old people in the village. In the next step, we will mobilize rural friends, volunteers and other forces to participate and continue to run the’ Happy Canteen’. " Li Fuming said. (End)

Today! Korean and Korean athletes began to ski together, and members of the Korean delegation were exposed.

       CCTV News:A head of South Korea’s Unification Ministry said today (January 31st) that a 45-member South Korean ski delegation took a charter flight to the DPRK this morning to conduct a two-day joint training at the Ma Yuling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       The person in charge said that the Korean delegation flew from Xiangyang Airport in Gangwon Province to Gema Airport in Yuanshan City, North Korea by charter flight this morning. After the joint training on February 1st, the Korean delegation will return to Xiangyang Airport by charter flight. At that time, the DPRK delegation will take the opportunity to visit South Korea with the Korean delegation, including Korean alpine skiers, cross-country skiers and coaches.


Maxiling ski resort

       It is understood that more than 20 of the 45 South Korean delegations who went to North Korea to participate in joint training were athletes, and other personnel included auxiliary personnel and joint interview groups. According to the schedule, Korean and Korean athletes will have freestyle skiing training on the first day of training, and joint training and friendly matches will be held on the second day of training.

       Previously, the ROK has been pushing the delegation to take a charter flight to the DPRK to participate in joint training. However, according to the latest US sanctions against the DPRK, aircraft passing through the DPRK are prohibited from entering the United States within 180 days. Therefore, the ROK has been negotiating with the United States recently, hoping that the United States will exclude the aircraft it took during its visit to the DPRK from the sanctions. It was not until this morning (January 31) that the ROK and the US reached an agreement on this matter.

       In fact, this time, Korean athletes went to the DPRK for joint training, and it was only after many consultations between the ROK and the DPRK and field visits by the advance team that they finally made it.


       On January 17, representatives of the DPRK and the ROK reached an agreement on a number of issues concerning the DPRK’s delegation to participate in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, including the joint training of Korean and Korean skiers at the Mashiling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       On January 23, a 12-member Korean advance team entered North Korea by land via the North-South Exit-Entry Office, and started a three-day trampling for the Korean-Korean joint cultural activities and joint skiing training.

       On the 24th, the South Korean advance team focused on the Maxiling Ski Resort and Gema Airport. During the three-day visit to the DPRK, the advance team all stayed at the Maxiling Hotel to inspect the accommodation facilities for Korean athletes going to the DPRK for joint training.

       Maxiling Ski Resort, located in Xinfengli, Yuanshan District, gangwon, North Korea, is one of the key construction projects in North Korea. It is about two hours’ drive from the Korean-Korean military demarcation line and about 200 kilometers from Pyeongchang. The ski resort was built in 2013 according to the instructions of Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, and includes a number of ski trails, a hotel, a helipad and a ski lift.

       60% of Koreans are optimistic about North Korea’s participation

       According to a survey released by a polling agency in South Korea today, about 60% of Koreans have a positive attitude towards North Korea’s participation in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. 1,074 adults in South Korea accepted the survey, and the results showed that 61% of the respondents gave positive comments on the participation of North Korean athletes, and 58% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the joint cheerleading team between South Korea and North Korea.


       The PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be held from February 9 to 25. Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, expressed his intention to participate in the Winter Olympics for the first time in his New Year message on the 1st of this month, stressing the need to improve relations between the DPRK and the ROK in the new year, which received a positive response from the ROK.

I found it! 30 years ago, the proprietress of Four Seasons Beauty turned out to be her!

"These two stores can earn hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands a year."
Recently, an interview video 30 years ago became a hit.
Doing business in hangzhou sijiqing that year.
The face and words of the young proprietress,
Let netizens shout: shocked for a whole year!
Who is she?
After 30 years, what happened to her?
Network-wide attention
The beautiful proprietress 30 years ago, found it!
In this old image in 1993, a young girl opened a shop in the Sijiqing clothing market. When interviewed by reporters, she smiled and said:"These two stores have to earn hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands a year, which is no problem."
After the content was issued, it caused widespread concern.
Partial screenshot
At the same time, many netizens lamented in the comment area:"The temperament is too good" "It’s elegant to wear and talk" "It’s cool to wear a face value" …
Soon, many netizens reported that this is Zhuji, surnamed Lou.
I was only 20 years old when I was interviewed.
When I was young, I chose to go out and rush
Ms. Lou said that many friends told her about it yesterday, but she was not particularly surprised and surprised. She recalled that she was about 20 years old when she was interviewed.
Speaking of the business situation in that year, Ms. Lou said,At that time, materials were in short supply,In fact, this kind of market is thriving all over the country.
There are a group of frolicters in every era, and standing at this outlet may be the lucky ones.
"I felt that the market was relatively prosperous as a distribution center for commercial logistics at that time, so I wanted to join.At that time, going to Sijiqing was the forefront.. "Therefore, with the idea of being fearless of heaven and earth, Ms. Lou resolutely chose to go out and take a trip.
At the same time, she is also full of expectations for young people. "Every era belongs to young people. I hope that young people now have a little courage and go for it when they think of anything."
In the face of everyone’s concern,Ms. Lou feels honored and indifferent."Thank you very much for your interest in that era."
"People of our age will be nostalgic, and children may be interested in the previous era … There are many reasons for this video to be popular, and it may be calm in a few days." Ms. Lou said.
At present, Ms. Lou has retired.For her other recent situation, she admits that she doesn’t want to disclose too much.
Every era has a batch.
Young people full of vigor and vitality
I hope we will always be brave and free!
Embrace your best self!
Source: Zhuji Xishi Eye
Editor Zhong Wei Review Xie Jun Du Haifeng

Seduction photos of online beauties-Red Seduction


    After the release of the single "Come Back and Love Me", the popularity of children in Yu Qing has been soaring. Started a new round of non-stop publicity. Yu Qing’s good friend Zhao Liang, a famous film actor, also gave his full support. In order to cooperate with the promotion of new songs, Yu Qing found Juanzi, the best fashion photographer in China, who has taken photos for vogue, ·ELLE, Elegance and other magazines for many times, and took a group of photos called "Red Temptation" for him. The figure of F cup, pure eyes, smiling face like a child and pure and flawless voice have brought us a brand-new shock. It is far away from the noise of the city, just like a stream flowing quietly in our hearts.

Editor: Li Xingchi

Increment of inclusive finance’s service to rural revitalization and expansion

  Inclusive finance is an important force for rural revitalization. Since the beginning of this year, financial institutions have made active efforts in inclusive finance, drawing fresh water from finance to irrigate all kinds of agriculture-related entities, especially to solve the problem that financing is difficult and expensive for small and micro-agricultural entities. How to get through inclusive finance’s blocking points in agriculture-related fields? How to improve the service coverage of inclusive finance? Next, we need to continue to deepen the writing of inclusive finance.

  Building a Multi-service System

  Inclusive finance has made great progress since it was put forward. The inclusive finance concept has not only been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, but also established a multi-level supply and service system. From the perspective of agriculture-related financial services, various financial institutions actively promote rural revitalization, focus on the field of financial services, actively rationalize the mechanism, expand the scope and improve the quality, and accurately irrigate the living water of finance into the fields.

  Recently, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in inclusive finance", which pointed out the direction for the implementation of inclusive finance. The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to guide all types of banking institutions to adhere to positioning and healthy competition. Promote all kinds of banking institutions to establish and improve a long-term mechanism that dares to lend, is willing to lend, can lend and will lend. Experts said that banking institutions should not rush into the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Different banks should develop characteristic financial products based on the characteristics of their own customer groups and serve the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" step by step.

  From a macro point of view, financial institutions are accelerating the construction of inclusive finance, and the path and road map of inclusive finance’s service to agriculture, countryside and farmers have become clearer. For example, large and medium-sized banks set up inclusive finance business department to extend the service scope of inclusive finance by establishing franchise mechanisms such as separate credit plans; Local corporate banks combine their own positioning, strengthen inclusive finance’s strategic orientation, and use their popularity and geographical advantages to serve small and micro, "three rural" customers; Policy banks will cooperate in lending business in key areas in inclusive finance.

  Ye Yindan, a researcher at China Bank Research Institute, said that it is of great significance to emphasize the construction of multi-level financial services when serving rural revitalization. Constructing multi-level financial services can meet the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and farmers in rural areas. Traditional financial institutions have high approval standards for loans to small and micro enterprises and farmers, and it is difficult to meet their financing needs. The construction of multi-level financial services can introduce more non-bank financial institutions and social capital to participate in rural financial services, provide more flexible and convenient loan channels, help small and micro enterprises and farmers solve capital problems and promote their development and growth.

  With the deepening of inclusive finance, the coverage of financial services has gradually expanded, especially the basic financial services in counties and rural areas have developed rapidly. At present, 97.9% of the country’s banking institutions cover villages and towns, basically realizing that villages and towns have institutions, every village has services and every family has an account. At the end of the third quarter of 2023, the balance of agricultural loans in local and foreign currencies was 55.8 trillion yuan, up 15.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. In the first three quarters, it increased by 6.63 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.17 trillion yuan.

  The continuous growth of agriculture-related loans is the concrete embodiment of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" of precision drip irrigation in inclusive finance. The relevant person in charge of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is an important task of building an agricultural power in the new era, and more financial resources should be allocated to the fields of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to better meet their diversified and multi-level financial needs.

  Guarantee investment in key areas

  Since the beginning of this year, banking institutions have focused on farmland construction, rural characteristic industries and other key areas, strengthened services in inclusive finance, increased sustained investment in agriculture, and achieved remarkable results in rural revitalization.

  Inclusive finance should strengthen the foundation of farmland construction for rural revitalization. This year, the Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Promoting Rural Revitalization in an All-round Way and Accelerating the Construction of an Agricultural Power issued by the People’s Bank of China and the State Financial Supervision Administration clearly stated that in accordance with the requirement of gradually building all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, we should focus on key areas such as soil improvement and farmland irrigation and drainage facilities, give differentiated policy inclinations in the subject of loans, repayment methods and loan term, and explore and promote comprehensive improvement in the whole region to help build, transform and upgrade high-standard farmland.

  "inclusive finance can play an important role in promoting the construction of high-standard farmland." Ye Yindan said that the construction of high-standard farmland needs a lot of capital investment, including investment in land consolidation, water conservancy facilities and agricultural machinery. However, due to the lack of funds for farmers and grass-roots village collectives, it is difficult to bear high investment costs. At this time, institutions in inclusive finance can provide financial support for its high-standard farmland construction by providing loans and credit guarantees, so as to alleviate the pressure of capital investment.

  In addition, it is also the focus of inclusive finance’s efforts to help rural characteristic industries with credit, and financial institutions should increase the financing of characteristic industries. "With this working capital, the Hakka smoked chicken factory in the village will be able to produce at full capacity." Li Zhenqiu, head of Tianbei Village Stock Economic Cooperative in Dajishan Town, quannan county City, Jiangxi Province, said that at the end of each year, the local Hakka smoked chicken sales increased substantially. In the past, due to the lack of working capital, the village collective cooperatives had problems such as falling behind in production capacity and losing customers. In order to broaden the financing channels of characteristic industries, quannan county United Rural Commercial Bank launched the appointment of "financial village officials" to inject financial living water into agriculture-related industries such as agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and large-scale farmers. From January to October this year, the "financial village official" model issued a total of 2.683 billion yuan of agricultural loans, benefiting 9664 farmers.

  "Characteristic industry is an important sector to realize rural revitalization, and it is the key to increase farmers’ income and stabilize agricultural development. There are weak links in its development that need effective support from inclusive finance services." Wu Dan, a researcher at China Banking Research Institute, said that the bank’s inclusive business should meet the needs of differentiated products and services in key rural areas and enhance the sense of financial acquisition of rural inclusive groups. Inclusive finance’s support for rural industries should be orderly and focused, and the characteristic industries in key rural areas should be accurately drip-irrigated, so as to solidly promote China’s rural revitalization and achieve comprehensive achievements.

  Inclusive finance enables the development of key rural areas, which can touch the capital demand of agricultural business entities with large quantity, wide range and small amount. Experts said that with the support of financial institutions’ inclusive business, the development of rural key areas can obtain periodic and regional resource scheduling, and the problem of information asymmetry of agricultural entities will be gradually solved, which will promote the more rational allocation of financial resources to the "three rural" areas and promote the sustainable development of rural small and micro-business entities.

  Innovating and optimizing financial products

  Innovating and optimizing financial products and reducing financing costs are the important goals of inclusive finance’s development. For a long time, whether it is individual farmers or village collective organizations, the high financing cost is a common problem, which restricts the development of rural industries. Judging from the current rural financial products at the grass-roots level, inclusive finance, an individual banking institution, has the characteristics of single loan product structure, high interest rate and slow lending, and the phenomenon of high customer access threshold and low loan availability is more common.

  For example, in order to reduce financial risks, many banking institutions generally have additional mortgage guarantee requirements for financial products. This form of mortgage guarantee has undoubtedly raised the threshold for capital access for the majority of small farmers with light assets. In addition, due to the current situation of cumbersome credit procedures and insufficient humanized services in grass-roots financial institutions, and the fact that grass-roots financial institutions will consider financial risk prevention, they often use restrictive means to curb the actual demand for agricultural credit.

  Experts said that financial institutions should enrich financial products and services that support the development of farmers and optimize credit loan services for farmers. Credit loans have high requirements for financial institutions’ financial technology level and asset strength. It is not only time-consuming and laborious to tailor credit files for users by traditional methods, but also requires huge financial support. In order to comprehensively promote the implementation of rural revitalization strategy and help the development of new rural collective economy, financial institutions need to constantly innovate credit loan products to meet the financial needs of agricultural customers.

  The credit business of rural collective economic organizations is an important part of inclusive finance and agriculture-related loans of China Construction Bank. "Collective Credit Loan" is a credit loan product developed by CCB for rural collective economic organizations. Recently, the first "collective credit loan" in China was successfully launched in Shaanxi Ankang Cailiang Community Economic Cooperative, with a credit amount of 5 million yuan. The head of the grass-roots government team of the institutional business department of CCB said that in order to help rural areas revitalize high-quality development, CCB has provided "accurate portraits" for more than 13,000 rural collective economic organizations across the country, provided credit evaluation for financing services, improved the convenience of financing for rural collective economic organizations, and solved the pain points of less products, expensive services and long process in the rural market.

  Reduce financing costs and strengthen the resilience of agriculture-related subjects. Experts said that for commercial banks, continuously innovating loan products and reducing financing costs are conducive to rapidly increasing the scale of inclusive loans and expanding new customer groups while consolidating existing customers. In the future, commercial banks need to innovate the digital business model to solve the problem of expensive financing, further strengthen the docking of scenes with agriculture-related subjects, so as to adapt to the needs of different industries and different customer groups, and then promote the expansion of financial services to rural areas.