月度归档 2024年9月9日

Jolin Tsai asked to publish the list of "pornographic photos" actresses, but was criticized for being selfish


  Taiwanese artist Jolin Tsai. Photo by Hong Shaokui, China News Agency

  Chen Edison’s pornographic photos have been turbulent for a long time, and the events are like TV dramas. There are new "plots" every day, and netizens are also happy to talk about them online.

  According to the Hong Kong Oriental Daily, yesterday (27th), some netizens discussed the topic of "Jolin Tsai (Jolin) Demands Publication of (Porn Photo) Actress List", which attracted a large number of netizens to express their opinions. Some netizens praised Jolin for doing the right thing and deserving of support. This move can prove that she has not taken indecent photos. After publishing the list, there is no need for everyone to speculate indiscriminately; but on the other hand, some netizens accused her of gloating and acting selfishly.

  Some netizens reposted a news that Zhong Xintong (Gillian) appeared in the world’s top ten media "New Zurich Daily", which affected the image of the Chinese people, but many netizens pointed out that she became famous overseas and had great opportunities to develop overseas.

  In addition, some netizens uploaded a clip of Nicholas Tse singing on stage at an awards ceremony. Wang Fei and Ting Feng were sitting next to Cecilia Cheung and Edison Chen. The three were still talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Editor in charge: Li Xian

iQIYI produces comedy movie "The Future is Massive" on May 16, cloud cinema alone

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is to convey more information and does not represent the views and positions of this website.

What would you do if you met a rival in a desperate situation and only had a truckload of beer to satisfy your hunger?

On May 16, produced by iQIYI, directed by Jiang Xiaotong, starring Bao Bell, starring Mingdao, Han Yunyun, and Bardo, Yin Ziwei’s disaster comedy movie "The Future of Massive" was officially broadcast in iQIYI Cloud Cinema. The film is priced at 18 yuan, and iQIYI VIP members can enjoy a half-price discount. The film is a key literary and artistic boutique project of "Beijing Audiovisual". The Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau has given follow-up guidance and support in project filing, film review, publicity and promotion, and promotion.

The protagonist of the film, Ma Shang (Bao Bell, played), is middle-aged, hit by divorce, burdened with heavy debts, and almost reached a desperate situation in life. The trick of fate is far from over. An unexpected tunnel collapse traps him with his ex-wife’s current excellent husband (Ming Dao, played), and the only food is a truckload of beer. In this crazy adventure, they join hands with Shirley (Han Yunyun, played) and Lao Wang (Bardo), who are in this difficult situation, to fight crocodiles, outsmart bandits, and survive.

Previously, as soon as the news of the "Future Massive" was released, it aroused the attention and discussion of the whole network. The related trailer quickly ranked 8th on the iQIYI in-app hot search list and 1st on the movie list. The related topic #Future Massive Mingdao is beyond blunt feeling #It has entered the top 16 of the Douyin hot list and the top 5 of the entertainment list. After going online, netizens left messages in the iQIYI in-app comment area saying: "The effect of tunnel collapse and crocodile war is so real" "I didn’t expect Ba Zongming to be so terrifying in his comedy, which amazed me" "It’s the first time I’ve seen a disaster escape movie so funny, the director is very creative" "Under the absurdity, I also got the persistence and relief of the character Bao Bell, and the ending is very touching".

Among them, the style collision of Bao Bell and Mingdao "one north and one south" added a lot of surprises to the film, and the audience was most enthusiastic about it. Talking about the mix and match considerations of the main creative team of the film, director Jiang Xiaotong shared at the premiere of the film: "Northeast humor style is direct and external, while desktop humor is more restrained. We believe that these two styles can collide with different sparks and bring the audience a richer comedy experience." The star Mingdao also admitted that he has been trying different scripts and themes, and this participation in this innovative comedy work with disaster elements is a new breakthrough and challenge.

The high-energy scenes are constantly reversed, and there are many wonderful and exciting jokes. "Future Massive" presents the audience with the most crazy tunnel survival in history, which not only makes people laugh, but also contains profound human nature discussion. Director Jiang Xiaotong also said: "Through the tunnel, we will all move towards the light and usher in a new stage of life. I hope everyone will not only feel very happy during the viewing, but also have the courage to face difficulties and not give up easily."

How to face challenges and hold fast to your beliefs in difficult situations? Is the seemingly inescapable "tunnel valley" the final light or the direction to lead the way? Come to iQIYI Cloud Cinema on May 16th, "The Future of Massive" invites you to embark on this desperate escape journey to restart your life!

Responsible editor:

Guo Fucheng’s new work was shortlisted for the Tokyo International Film Festival 10.29 world premiere

1905 movie network news byZheng BaoruiProducer,Huang QingxunDirector, Guo Fucheng andMiriam YeungTogether with a number of powerful actorsWan Ziliang,Bao Qijing,Zhang DamingAnd so on to perform social hot talk realistic moviesSince the filming, because the subject matter is true and touching, it has been attracting the attention of the industry. The film is inspired by the general tragic situation of the current society, depicting a group of little people at the bottom of society who meet in a 24-hour restaurant by chance.

Recently, "Mai Passerby" was invited to participate in the 32nd "Tokyo International Film Festival" (TIFF), shortlisted for the" Asia Future "section, which focuses on encouraging new Asian directors. This project focuses on innovative and diverse shooting themes, and features the" Best Asian Future Film Award ".

It is reported that "Mai Passerby" has received high praise in the film festival selection committee, because the shooting topic is highly exploratory, and all the actors have outstanding performances, especially the poor financial talent played by the male protagonist Guo Fucheng in the film, which is more "amazing" and "washed away the lead". Therefore, Guo Fucheng, together with the director and crew, will appear at the film festival, and "Mai Passerby" will be scheduled to have its world premiere on October 29 at the film festival.

"Being able to participate in the grand film festival before the film’s release and receiving encouragement from the industry is also a affirmation," said Mr. Kwok. "I’m looking forward to walking the red carpet with the film crew and sharing with you at the world premiere the little bits and pieces between each actor and character in this drama and the mental journey in front of the stage and behind the scenes."

When director Huang Qingxun learned that he was invited to attend the film festival and was shortlisted for the "Asian Future" section, he expressed his excitement and encouragement: "I am very honored to be able to participate in this prestigious film festival for the first time. In addition to thanking Zheng Baorui for the escort of the producers, I also want to thank the strong actors for supporting my new director, so that I have a very beautiful shooting journey."

The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) is one of the largest and highest-profile film festivals in the Japanese-speaking region and the only category A competition-type international film festival event in Japan recognized by the International Association of Film Producers (FIAPF). The 32nd edition of the "Tokyo International Film Festival" will be held in Roppongi, Tokyo from October 28 to November 5 this year.

Fan Bingbing turned into a cute "little loli" and thought it was too early to find a home at the age of 29

Sweet, funny, pouting… Fan Bingbing showed a variety of expressions at his wax figure measuring ceremony

She was given the title of "Fan Bingbing Girl", and Bingbing was overjoyed

Fan Bingbing made a 29th birthday wish

        Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Yaru, Wen/Xie Yawei) On September 15, Fan Bingbing appeared at his wax figure measuring ceremony, changing his previous sexy and beautiful image, incarnating a cute "little loli", and celebrating his 29th birthday a day earlier. When asked if he wanted to find a home in his birthday wish, Fan Bingbing said in surprise, "It’s too early, right?"

Fan Bingbing holds the wax eyeball

It’s too early to call yourself 29 and find a home

        Fan Bingbing, who appeared on the day, appeared in the shape of a "little loli", with bangs, short hair, and a light pink floral dress, looking pure and cute. Because the next day was Fan Bingbing’s birthday, the organizers specially celebrated her birthday in advance. After blowing out the candles, Fan Bingbing revealed that he was 29 years old this year, and hoped that he could do what he liked in the future. When someone asked if he should find a home for himself, Fan Bingbing said in surprise, "It’s too early, right?" She said that 29 is an age between a girl and a woman, and she will cherish this wonderful age with great significance.

Fan Bingbing jokingly called the torture tool in the statue of the measuring tool

A "dragon robe" version of the wax figure will be made.

        On that day, the staff of Madame Tussauds’ wax figure production team from London measured Fan Bingbing’s body. From 9 am to 2:30 pm, Fan Bingbing was asked to stand motionless. "I just wore high heels and stood motionless like a puppet for several hours, and kept turning in circles to allow the photographer to take the best angle and expression. It was really tiring, but it was still interesting." Fan Bingbing finally decided to contribute the "dragon robe" worn on the red carpet of the opening of Cannes and made this look into a wax figure. "It was my first time on the red carpet of Cannes, so I want to keep this memorable moment forever." She said the make-up and hairstyle of the wax figures were exactly the same as when she was on the red carpet that day. It is reported that the production process of wax figures is cumbersome, lasting 8-12 weeks. Next year, Fan Bingbing will personally unveil his own wax figure at Madame Tussauds Shanghai.

Fan Bingbing laughed

The first long vacation for children in Tibet

        For more than a decade, Fan Bingbing has been working around the clock and is a complete "workaholic". He was even nicknamed "Iron Arm Astro Boy" by his friends in the circle. Some time ago, Fan Bingbing gave himself a holiday for the first time and went to Tibet to care for the children with congenital heart disease there. "For the first time in so many years, I gave myself a holiday, put aside my work for two or three months, and went to Tibet to see those children with heart disease. They endure the pain every day, and by the age of 40, they will lose their ability to work and gradually age. I want to help them and extend their lives." On the same day, Fan Bingbing’s first birthday wish was to hope that the surgery of the 10 children who came to Beijing for surgery on the 16th would go smoothly and return to their hometown safely.

Fan Bingbing exposed his bust size

Joining a Korean film is very difficult to communicate

        "The Day of D-Day," a seven-year-old war film about Koreans who fought in the Normandy invasion against the backdrop of the second world war, is about to begin filming. Fan Bingbing also joined the film, and has a lot of opposite scenes with Zhang Dongjian and Oda Chierang. "I have seen the two male stars, because of the language barrier, we are very difficult to communicate, and now we are all trying to learn each other’s language." Fan Bingbing revealed that the film involves five languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German and Russian, and will also be filmed in Japan, Germany and other countries.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Di Lizheba: Revealing the story behind the self-introduction of the freshmen in the play

[Time]: August 22, 2024 [Location]: Shanghai Academy of Drama [Character]: Di Lizheba [Event]: Di Lizheba’s early stage drama freshman self-introduction [Background]: Di Lizheba, a Chinese mainland film and television actress, is loved by audiences for her unique exotic style and excellent acting skills. This time, we will uncover the mystery of her early self-introduction as a freshman of Shanghai Academy of Drama.

[Purpose and Intention]: This article aims to review the starting point of Di Lizheba’s acting career, and to show the growth process of this popular actress by recreating the self-introduction of her freshmen at the Shanghai Theater Academy, providing readers with an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Di Lizheba and arousing public attention to art education.

[Key information]:

  1. Di Lizheba’s performance in the self-introduction of the freshmen in the play
  2. The environment, atmosphere and the reaction of classmates at that time
  3. Self-introduction content and reflected personal characteristics
  4. The impact on his subsequent acting career


Prologue: The First Starlight

Back in time, the campus of the Shanghai Theater Academy was filled with the breath of youth, and the freshmen with dreams stepped onto the stairs leading to the palace of art. Among them, a girl named Di Lizheba, with the unique exotic atmosphere of Xinjiang, stepped into this institution that gave birth to many performing arts talents. Her arrival was like a bright new star, quietly rising in the night sky of the theater.

Chapter 1: Self-declaration on stage

The first lesson for freshmen was that unique self-introduction. When Di Lizheba stepped onto the podium, she looked nervous and excited under the spotlight. Her eyes shone with determination, and the corners of her mouth outlined a confident smile. Facing hundreds of pairs of expectant eyes in the audience, she began a crucial self-explanation in her life.

"Hello everyone, I’m Dilizheba Dilimurati from Urumqi, Xinjiang."

The short but powerful opening remarks instantly attracted the attention of the audience. She recounted her growing experience, from the vastness of the grassland to the prosperity of the city, from the love of folk dance to the persistent pursuit of performing arts. Her words were full of love for life and longing for the future. That sincerity and enthusiasm blew through the hearts of everyone present like a breeze.

Chapter 2: Unique Charm, Emerging

In the process of self-introduction, Di Lizheba showed a unique personal characteristic. She not only has a natural beauty, but also exudes a temperament from the inside out. Her voice is like a flowing stream, clear and beautiful; her demeanor is elegant and generous, as if she has a stage halo. When she talks about her understanding of the performing arts, the enthusiasm for deep digging of characters and the professional attitude of delicate interpretation of the script made the teachers and students present all admire.

"I want to be an actor who can move people’s hearts, tell stories with characters, and convey emotions with performances."

This is her vow in her self-introduction, and it is also a true portrayal of her acting career. At that moment, Di Lizheba was no longer the young freshman, but the shining star of tomorrow on the stage.

Chapter 3: Far-reaching Impact, Laying the Foundation

This self-introduction undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for Di Lizheba’s acting career. It not only showcased her talent and potential, but also won the recognition of her teachers and the admiration of her classmates. Since then, she has received more attention and support in her study and life in acting, as well as more opportunities for practical exercise.

Many years later, when we look back at Di Lizheba’s road to fame, it is not difficult to find that it was this freshman self-introduction that opened the door to her brilliant acting career. It was like a stepping stone, knocking on the door of the art hall, allowing her to step towards a bright star in the years to come.

Epilogue: Star-studded, the future is promising

Today’s Di Lizheba has long been a household name in film and television, but the moment she introduced herself as a freshman at the Shanghai Theater Academy is still as vivid as yesterday. It was the mark of her original intention, the place where her dream set sail, and the precious moment when we witnessed her go from ordinary to extraordinary.

Let’s look back at that history, walk into Di Lizheba’s inner world, feel the love and dedication to art, and appreciate the unique charm. Perhaps this is the secret of her being unique in the entertainment industry and loved by the majority of audiences.

[Conclusion]: Di Lizheba’s self-introduction is not only an important node in her personal acting career, but also an inspiration for all young people who have dreams and the courage to pursue them. It tells us that as long as there is a dream in our hearts and a path under our feet, everyone can shine on their own stage.

Responsible editor:

Come out? Peng Yuyan *** scared me to death!

  On the evening of October 15, some netizens broke the news that Peng Yuyan came out of the closet and was "slept" by the boss of the financial circle. It was reported that the boss was Zhang Lei, the boss of Hillhouse Capital. After this news came out, netizens instantly fried the pot.


  Then a few chat records were exposed on the Internet. Has our male god really bent? Really become gay? Nonono~ Want to spread rumors with just a few screenshots of chat records? No kidding!


  Many netizens debunked this rumor at a glance, and netizens said: "Peng Yuyan is not short of money, how can he sell his body for money? If you want to sleep, you can sleep with someone who is similar in appearance to yourself, right?"


  @Kiyu King:It’s all about one mouth, trash

  @AOMIKEYY:If you make it public with me earlier, you won’t make this happen.

  @Your dad:Peng Yuyan only realized that he had come out of the closet after reading this Weibo

  @National Service No. 1 Miss Yu Ji:I don’t believe it. Peng Yuyan is my husband. He came out and I dyed his green hair.

  On October 16, Peng Yuyan’s agent first refuted the rumor at Moments, and also said, "The cost of rumors is really low now. If there is nothing wrong, wash up and sleep!"


  The studio also immediately told the netizens, "This is purely a fabrication. The rumors stop with the wise, and it has been handed over to the lawyers." This farce needs such a perfect ending.


  Peng Yuyan was born in

  A single-parent family


  Peng Yuyan is in the third aunt and sixth grandmother

  Spend your childhood in alternate care


  He has listened to his mother since he was a child

  There is no rebellion period at all


  How can I make my mother angry? "

  This was Peng Yuyan’s idea at that time


  There are never any leftovers in the house.

  As soon as he sees the food, he will eat it


  Peng Yuyan was not only fat when he was a child

  And also has severe asthma


  Immigrate to Canada with your family

  At that time he weighed 70 kilograms


  He began to realize that he couldn’t

  Let yourself get fat again


  Start going to the gym

  Slowly lost weight


  Peng Yuyan returns to Taiwan for funeral

  Met director Yang Daqing


  Peng Yuyan, who was a sophomore at the time

  Choose to give up your studies and enter the entertainment industry


  All the friends around me are very popular

  But Peng Yuyan has been tepid


  "Why do others have so many performances?"

  "Why so many fans? Earn so much money?"


  A dispute arose over the contract

  So it was hidden in the snow for a year


  Fell into the lowest point of life

  The spirit took a great blow


  He did "Roll Over, Ashin."

  Gradually out of the spiritual shadow


  Let’s really get to know each other

  This man named Peng Yuyan


  It’s too much gymnastics.

  It’s not what ordinary people dare to take


  Because it is the only thing he has

  A chance to turn around


  He spent eight months training

  Get a standard athlete’s body


  Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.

  You know how hard he spells


  Peng Yuyan at the 48th Golden Horse Awards

  Successfully shortlisted for Best Actor nomination


  More movie invitations are coming

  "The Year in a Hurry", "Breaking Wind"…


  It’s every time you make a movie

  Just learn a skill


  Shoot "I’m in Kenting, the weather is fine"Peng Yuyan and professional surfing instructors learned from the basics and became good surfers.

  Shoot "Guild Wars"Peng Yuyan plays a migrant worker. For this he underwent three months of training, which allowed him to learn mixed martial arts (MMA), Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai and lock skills.

  Shoot "Huang Feihong’s Hero Has a Dream"Peng Yuyan learned from his teacher and practiced boxing for 10 hours a day. After half a year, he learned Tiger Crane Double Form Fist and I-character Fuhu Fist.

  Shoot "Breaking Wind"Peng Yuyan rode almost all the mountains in Hong Kong, riding an average of 120 kilometers a day, each training down is 5 to 6 hours, a total of more than 110,000 kilometers, but also obtained a racing driver’s license.

  Shooting "Operation Mekong"Peng Yuyan started firearms training again, learning the performance and shooting skills of each firearm, learning Thai and Burmese, and mastering self-defense techniques with the Thai royal security guards.


  Never blind, never lost, never forget the original intention

  This may be the real reason why we like him

Chen He Weibo responds to "divorce" rumors: life gathers less and leaves more

Screenshot of Chen He Weibo

  Responding to recent divorce rumors on Weibo, Chen He apologized that "I was wrong" and that "I didn’t maintain this family well."

  The original text of Weibo is as follows:

  I was wrong!

  Please spare us, three days of violent storms, madness and collapse that I have never experienced before.

  I’m sorry I hid my divorce from everyone.

  It has been almost half a year since Xu Jing and I signed the divorce agreement. We broke up peacefully, nothing else.

  14 years of relationship is not easy, really not easy. It’s beautiful, precious, and important. But really, nothing in this world can be so perfect. We all work hard to make this family better, but because our lives are getting farther and farther away, my work is getting more and more busy. Many things really make it impossible for you to maintain.

  I took at most ten days off for the whole year last year. A lot of work is undeniable, too much worldly sophistication. At most 3 scenes are stuck. Let alone going home, it’s hard for me to even take a look at her. It’s unfair to her. There is very little communication between us at the very least. These are all my fault.

  In fact, I shouldn’t say this. Every family has a difficult scripture to read. I believe that all those who have been in love will understand. Every relationship cannot be perfect. It must be the dedication and sacrifice of two people. But if you can’t persevere and get tired, if you persevere, it will become a kind of pain and suffering. Do you want to continue? Do you have to continue? Sometimes letting go is not necessarily the worst choice. This decision is very difficult, really difficult. It’s really, really painful. We have mustered up a lot of courage to continue our lives. We are really exhausted and really want to live like an ordinary person. I really hope so much!! Please don’t say any more! Please don’t disturb her and give her a personal space. She is not from this circle.

  We broke up not for any other reason, but because I didn’t maintain this family well! It’s my fault!

  Please! I don’t have any ambitions! I don’t want to threaten anyone either. One show and one movie pushed me to this point, which is what I never expected. I wanted to do a good comedy from the beginning of acting, bring happiness to everyone, and make everyone happy! Happy! Happy! I’m really just an ordinary person!!

  I just got divorced and didn’t do anything to hurt the world. So many fake news are overwhelming, like a net pressing down on me like a mountain. These three days, I admit to being the darkest and most terrifying three days of my life. I really can’t take it anymore!! I’m sorry! Please give me a little space! A little privacy! I respect everyone, and please give me the last little bit of respect! My parents are also about to collapse, because the stress of these days is seriously debilitating, and I’m really about to collapse. If you can’t accept it, I can finish the job I’m taking now and stop acting. I’m really just an ordinary person who just wants a simple life. Please. Give me some privacy and space! My marriage is over, don’t ruin my parents… please stop talking about it. Please…

  Chen He’s profile

  Chen He is a Chinese mainland actor from Changle City, Fujian Province. He graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2008.

  In 2009, he starred in Zeng Xiaoxian, a "good man" in the urban romantic comedy "Love Apartment". In the same year, he played Cheng Xiaohe in the TV series "Days with Stewardesses".

  In 2010, he played Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment Gaiden" and "Love Apartment 2".

Angelababy is embarrassed to shoot intimate scenes, Zhao Youting avoids talking about his girlfriend Gao Yuanyuan

Group photo of the main creators

Zhao Youting, Yang Ying

Yang Ying’s pose is very funny

    Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Zhang Wei) The film "The First Time" will be released on June 8. Director Han Yan and starring Zhao Youting, Angelababy, Zhao Shuhai, Jiang Shan, Yuan Yonglin and others attended the launch of the film in Beijing on the 1st. The film is about a first love story. Baby said that she was embarrassed when she made out with Zhao Youting, but the other party was very experienced. "As soon as I turned on the TV, I saw him making out with someone else." The film is produced by Movie Channel, which owns the exclusive copyright of Movie Network, and was shortlisted for the China New Film Channel Media Award at the 15th Shanghai Film Festival.

Yuan Yonglin and Yang Ying are very "close"

Zhao Youting and Zhao Shuhai are very handsome poses

Zhao Youting was asked Gao Yuanyuan to sing and play Tai Chi, and the girl who cried in the filming

    Since his relationship was exposed, Zhao Youting has been asked about Gao Yuanyuan every time he makes a public appearance, and the same is true on that day. However, when Zhao Youting hears his girlfriend’s name, he immediately sings "I have a little donkey, and I never ride it" with Angelababy and Zhao Shuhai. When Angelababy is asked about her experience of being shown love in her life, everyone also sings this song, completely avoiding emotional issues.

    Zhao Youting and Baby have separate crying scenes in the play, but Zhao Youting said that he can cry more than girls this time. "I cried a total of 7 times, and I asked the director in the middle, if a boy cries too much, it will be annoying." Director Han Yan said that Zhao Youting cried every time because of emotion, which is very moving.

Next page: Angelababy was embarrassed to shoot intimate scenes, and Zhao Youting was laughed at for "having experience"

After 13 years, we will reunite! Mingdao sacrifices his image to co-star in a new work with Chen Qiaoen

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1905 movie network news Recently, TaiwanThe director Lian Yiqi ("Rolling Stone Love Story") has released the first batch of materials to officially announce the starring role of the new film "The Mayor’s Secret". In the poster, Chen Qiaoen is dressed in red and makes a "hush" gesture, echoing the word "secret" in the title.

It is reported that the film stars Chen Qiaoen and Ming Dao, who have reunited 13 years after the TV drama.

"The Prince Turns into a Frog" Poster

In the film, which opens in Taiwan on May 11, Ming Dao will play a gay character with a large-scale shot, while Chen Qiaoen will play the mayor’s wife, and Zhang Shaohuai, a former film star, will play a rather "magic" relationship expert.

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Left is Zhang Shaohuai, right is Mingdao

Tribute to the 60th anniversary of JAC Group, Jianghuai 1 Card Yu is "new"

In 2024, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Jiangqi Group. Over the past 60 years, from scratch, from small to large, from a single product to a business, from traveling all over China to becoming famous all over the world, Jiangqi Group has never stopped striving.
  60 years of hard work, and a son has been committed to it. Jianghuai 1 Card has always adhered to it, which not only witnessed the struggle of Jianghuai Group, but also served as a solid backing for Jianghuai Group to promote the high-quality development of China’s automobile industry.

In April 1968, the first 2.5-ton truck was born, filling the gap in Anhui’s automobile industry.

Looking back on the active exploration of JAC Group over the past 60 years, especially the advancement of JAC 1 Card, it has not only left a strong impression on the commercial vehicle industry, but also tackled difficulties and controlled "new" in the new round of industrial revolution, and unswervingly promoted the revitalization of the national automobile industry, moving towards the goal of "China’s 1 Card, the world’s 1 Card".
  Adhering to the "chassis spirit" for 60 years
  Since the establishment of the factory in 1964, JAC Group has gone through a journey of hard work, which is also the growth path of Jianghuai 1Card. From the 1960s, when it built the first cargo light truck in Anhui Province, to the 1990s, when it independently innovated to create the trend of China’s light truck sedan, and then to build the world’s highest standard high-end and pure electric light truck production base during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Jianghuai 1Card has always adhered to the "chassis spirit" and continuously achieved breakthroughs in manufacturing strength and product quality.
  The achievements of Jianghuai 1 Card are obvious to all in the industry. As Xiang Xingchu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairperson and General Manager of Jianghuai Automobile Group Holding Company, said, the development of Jianghuai Automobile has always had a strong impact on the light vehicle industry.
  60 years of hard work, Jianghuai 1 card embarked on a new journey. On January 30 this year, in the brand-new world-class light truck factory of JAC Group, the high-end and pure electric light truck production base of Jianghuai 1 card, after more than 6 years, ushered in the 700,000 car officially rolled off the production line.
  This is the fruit of JAC Group not forgetting its original intention and promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. It is also the strength of Jianghuai 1Card to develop green intelligent manufacturing and continuously improve product quality. The 700,000 high-end pure electric light truck officially rolled off the production line, which is not only an important milestone for Jianghuai 1Card to move towards the era of new energy commercial vehicles, but also a landmark event for Jianghuai 1Card to attack the intelligent and new energy field of commercial vehicles.
  Faced with the profound changes in the current global automotive industry, the wave of new energy and intelligent transformation is rushing. Jianghuai 1Card insists on technological leadership and builds the "Star Chain No. 1" technology brand, aiming to empower high-end smart trucks with better chassis.
  It is reported that "Star Chain 1" is the first all-scenario high-tech brand in China’s commercial vehicle industry. It consists of four major technology platforms of "fuel, hybrid, pure electricity and hydrogen energy", and has four core technologies of "wisdom, efficiency, green and safety", aiming to meet the growing needs of the light logistics and transportation industry. The birth of the "Star Chain 1" technology brand not only marks the Jianghuai 1 card based on the "troika" strategy, promoting technological leap and product upgrading, empowering the green and low-carbon transformation and development of modern logistics, but also represents a major breakthrough in China’s light commercial vehicle industry, which will profoundly affect the future development direction and pattern of China’s commercial vehicles, and is expected to build a leading technological advantage for the global light commercial vehicle market.
  Mastering the key technologies of the chassis, Jianghuai 1Card has realized the iterative upgrade of the first-generation chassis from the 1960s to the fourth-generation chassis today, establishing a strong competitive advantage in the core technology field of commercial vehicle chassis. In the face of a new round of technological revolution and the acceleration of industrial transformation, Jianghuai 1Card actively embraces change, accurately grasps market trends, and independently develops a new generation of modular platforms, which can be compatible with different body types, and can also be adapted to various power systems such as pure electric, fuel and hybrid power. With the blessing of the fourth-generation chassis, Jianghuai 1Card’s various models are very popular in the market, bringing higher value experience to millions of users.

Hot-selling in 132 countries and regions around the world
  According to the latest sales data, in the first quarter of this year, the cumulative sales of light commercial vehicles in our country increased by 0.68% year-on-year. Jianghuai 1 Card sold 35,337 vehicles and increased by 20.3% year-on-year, far exceeding the industry average and leading the market.
  Light commercial vehicles, as the core business segment of JAC Group, have continued to iterate and upgrade with the strength of "mastering the key technologies of the chassis", and have become the leading brand in the mid- to high-end light truck market in our country. In overseas markets, JAC 1Card insists on deeply cultivating the global high-end market, and its products are sold well in 132 countries and regions around the world, becoming the leading brand of light truck exports in China.
  Taking Jianghuai 1 Card Shuai Ling as an example, thanks to the "five high-end benchmarks" empowered by high-end power, high-end intelligent manufacturing, high-end technology, high-end quality and high-end value, Jianghuai 1 Card Shuai Ling has outstanding market competitiveness and has won the trust and praise of global users. In addition, Jianghuai 1 Card Shuai Ling continues to promote technological innovation and product upgrades, launching models including Shuai Ling I, Shuai Ling II, Shuai Ling III, all-round trucks, Shuai Ling S series, etc., to meet the segmentation needs of urban logistics vehicles, and achieve a comprehensive improvement in product sales, market share, and user reputation in domestic and foreign markets.
  According to statistics, Jianghuai 1 card Shuailing, as a leader in the export of high-end light trucks, has more than 600,000 global high-end users, not only won the favor of many Fortune 500 companies, but also successfully completed the service guarantee task of many major activities, whether it is word-of-mouth or brand influence, have achieved leapfrog development.
  In order to better serve overseas users, Jianghuai Automobile has established overseas R & D centers in Japan and Italy, and has cooperated with many top strategic partners, including Italy’s Binfa, UK Lotus, Austria’s AVL, and Germany’s HOFER, to bring a more high-end and intelligent transportation experience to global users with a new platform modular design, five intelligent values, and ten leading technologies.
  In the future, Jianghuai 1 Card will continue to deepen its overseas market, accelerate its globalization, and launch safer, more environmentally friendly, more energy-efficient, and smarter new energy commercial vehicles around the world, making the development path wider and brighter, and becoming a world-renowned "China Truck, World Brand".

Harness the "new" and promote Chinese brands to the world
  In recent years, JAC 1 Card has continued to deeply integrate technological upgrades and product innovation, promoting the comprehensive advancement of commercial vehicles to new energy, intelligence, and networking, fully meeting the vehicle needs of different users, different markets, and different scenarios, and helping the highway logistics industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
  In terms of new energy, new energy commercial vehicles are an important engine for Jianghuai 1Card to cultivate new productivity. Jianghuai 1Card adheres to the long-term concept, anchors the "Troika" strategy, and builds a new productivity base with the "Star Chain No. 1" technology brand. Oil-mixed electric models are fully developed, becoming the "main force" for the development of new productivity in the commercial vehicle industry.
  In terms of intelligence, Jianghuai 1 Card is pioneering the development of intelligent driving technology, AMT, DHT, MMT and other transmissions to make driving more convenient; fusing functions such as adaptive cruise, lane keeping assistance, and automatic emergency braking, the industry has taken the lead in mass production of L2-level intelligent light trucks, and further created the world’s first L2 +-level intelligent light trucks; it has taken the lead in mass production of wire-controlled chassis core components such as wire-controlled braking, wire-controlled steering, automatic gear shifting, and electronic-controlled suspension, and L4-level unmanned trucks have begun demonstration operations; the latest intelligent technologies such as chassis anti-theft, lateral angle radar, remote vehicle control, and intelligent cockpit have been applied simultaneously, making driving more comfortable, convenient, and safe.
  In terms of networking, the Jianghuai 1 card is equipped with the Smart Bell vehicle to everything 3.0 system, which integrates intelligent driving, intelligent services, and intelligent fleets to open the era of intelligent new energy trucks; reconstruct the underlying logic with user thinking, and build the Jianghuai card friends digital ecological platform with the full value chain of "car selection, car purchase, car use, car management, car maintenance" and "business circle, life circle, and ecosystem" as the core. Build a new interconnected ecosystem of "people, vehicles, and freight yards".
  Technology is a paddle, products are a ship, and what drives it forward is the awe of the market and users that has been precipitated in the history of Jianghuai 1 Card’s car manufacturing. This awe is complementary to the "user thinking" that Jianghuai 1 Card has always adhered to. 60 years of driving "new", Jianghuai 1 Card has always adhered to technological innovation and product leadership, driven product innovation with technological upgrades, and unswervingly created high-end trucks with excellent chassis and leading intelligence, so as to revitalize the national automobile industry and promote Chinese automobile brands to the world.
  (This version of the picture is provided by the company)