月度归档 2024年2月1日

Do you want to catch the "last bus" of the countdown policy for the exit of new energy vehicles?

  Beijing, China, December 3 (Reporter Li Yang) According to the Notice on Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Finance and other four departments, the national subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated on December 31 this year, after which the licensed vehicles will no longer be subsidized.

  At the time when the subsidy is only one month away, various car companies are also trying to hit the peak of sales or orders. Judging from the sales of new energy vehicles in November, many car companies have achieved new heights. What impact will the exit of the new energy state compensation have on the market? Are consumers going to catch the last bus of this policy?

  Recently, the most talked about by new energy car companies is: "You can still enjoy state subsidies if you place an order now."

  Indeed, for consumers, buying new energy vehicles (including pure electric, plug-in hybrid and extended range) before December 31 can enjoy subsidies ranging from 4,800 yuan to 12,600 yuan for bicycles. However, the purchase of new energy vehicles in 2023 will no longer enjoy the "state subsidy". Therefore, the countdown to "national compensation" has also become the killer of new energy car companies to grab orders.

  Sales of a new energy vehicle: There is still one month to go, which should be good for our sales. It is the last bus for consumers to subsidize and support new energy in this country, which should be a great benefit. We just try our best to keep communication and exchange with customers, and then convey this favorable policy to customers and promote it again.

  In fact, since October, many new energy car companies have introduced a series of measures to encourage consumers to buy cars years ago, such as locking single subsidies, price increase reminders, and time-limited insured prices. It is basically a foregone conclusion that consumers will spend more on new energy vehicles after the subsidy is cancelled. Many consumers intend to buy a new energy vehicle before the subsidy policy ends.

  Consumer 1: I learned from the news that the purchase subsidy for new energy will end on December 31st this year. Considering that the current oil price is rising, the electricity consumption of new energy vehicles is cheap and environmentally friendly, I want to take the time to buy one at the 4S shop before the end of the policy welfare.

  Consumer 2: I originally thought that I would change it next year, but the sales in the past two days have always reminded me that the car repair is running out. I won’t hurry up and buy it this year. I don’t know what will happen next year. According to the current subsidy amount, I can save more than 10,000 yuan before the end of the year.

  At the end of November, BYD officially announced the price increase for the third time during the year. Recently, enterprises and brands including GAC Ai ‘an, Geely, Tucki, Wenjie and Euler have successively announced the price increase or introduced the policy of "time-limited price protection". After the withdrawal of the "state subsidy", will the price of new energy vehicles "rise" next year? This is a problem that many consumers are concerned about.

  According to Zhang Xiang, dean of the New Energy Automobile Technology Research Institute of Jiangxi New Energy Technology Vocational College, not all car companies will follow BYD to raise prices, and car companies will adjust prices according to the market supply and demand relationship of products.

  Zhang Xiang analyzed: "From the market performance, BYD cars are particularly popular in the market now. Many consumers are willing to pay a deposit for six months, but other brands are not necessarily like BYD. At present, we have observed that only a few top brands in the market adopt the strategy of following, and most car companies have not followed. The price is mainly adjusted by the relationship between supply and demand. Some niche brands and brands with poor sales can’t raise prices even if they lose money selling cars. As soon as the price increases, their market competitiveness will be reduced, and it will be more difficult to sell. Sales will decline. "

  Zhang Xiang said that the consumption habits of domestic consumers for new energy vehicles have been developed. After the "national subsidy" promoted for 13 years stops at the end of this year, new energy vehicle enterprises will enter the stage of survival of the fittest.

  "We have too many brands now, and it is difficult for enterprises to achieve economies of scale. For second-tier and third-tier brands, if its annual sales volume is less than 10,000 vehicles, the withdrawal of this subsidy will increase the operating costs of its enterprises, and the sales cost can be said to be worse. Especially for some brands at the end, after the subsidy retreats, big brands dare to raise prices and have the confidence to raise prices, but small brands dare not raise prices, which aggravates their losses and shortens the time node when these brands are called bankruptcy or withdrawal. " Zhang Xiang said.

  Regarding whether it is necessary for consumers to catch up with this wave of subsidy preferential policies, Zhang Xiang believes that there is a demand for cars in the short term. Now the replacement of new energy vehicles is very fast. If there is no car purchase plan within half a year, it can wait.

  "If you want to buy a car at the end of the year or before the Spring Festival, I suggest catching the last chance. Now the subsidy for the highest new energy vehicles is still relatively large. If the consumer is not in a hurry to use the car, he can wait and see. Although there will be no subsidy of more than 10,000 yuan next year, this car has more functions and more advanced technology. Now the new energy car is like a mobile phone. If you buy it half a year later, its technical level and platform will be a higher level. It is recommended that consumers make a plan from their own car purchase time. " Zhang Xiang said.

"The most fashionable corrupt official" was sentenced to 13 years in prison. All the clothes were international famous brands (photo)

Ding Meng, a former cadre of land acquisition office in Shapingba District, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for accepting bribes of 1.6 million yuan.

  background for news stories: corrupt officials took bribes of 1.6 million yuan to buy 200 pairs of shoes to give prosecutors a "fashion class"

  Yesterday morning, Ding Meng, a former cadre of land acquisition office in Shapingba District who prided himself on being fashionable and fond of buying luxury clothes and teapot tea sets, said loudly "I want to appeal" after learning the result of his 13-year imprisonment.

  City No.1 Intermediate People’s Court found that Ding Meng illegally accepted other people’s property totaling more than 1.6 million yuan during his tenure.

  Yesterday morning, in the 20th court of the First Intermediate People’s Court, Ding Meng was taken in. He wore a black casual cotton-padded jacket on his upper body, an orange coat from the detention center, casual pants and cloth shoes on his lower body. It didn’t look "fashionable", but his clothes were tasteful.

  It was found by the First Intermediate People’s Court that at the beginning of 2006, he was assigned to the "Xiyong Micro-Power Park Land Acquisition Office" by the Shapingba District Land Acquisition Office to be responsible for the land acquisition and demolition work in Xiyong Town. Ding Meng took advantage of his position in the demolition compensation work, and used the methods of modifying the original data afterwards to correct mistakes for others, falsely listing land compensation, falsely increasing the area, falsely reporting the compensation object, etc., to seek benefits for the demolition compensation of duck sheds, office areas and factories, as well as compensation for machinery and equipment, and accepted property from Cen and Hu. From January 2006 to September 2007, Ding Meng received bribes of 1,614,193 yuan.

  Ding Meng’s bribes were used to buy two mid-range cars, expensive teapot, brand-name clothes and other consumption. After the incident, Ding Meng himself or through relatives and friends withdrew the money of RMB750,000 and a car. After the trial, the No.1 Intermediate People’s Court held that Ding Meng, as a national staff member, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted other people’s property totaling more than RMB 1.6 million, which constituted the crime of accepting bribes. He was sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment, deprived of political rights for 3 years and confiscated property of RMB 80,000.

  The judge asked, "Ding Meng, do you appeal?" He said loudly that "he wants to appeal" and "the judge can answer questions after the judgment is unclear." Ding Meng said, "I haven’t thought clearly yet, I want to think about it."

  He took bribes. He was fashionable.

  -At the beginning of 2006, he was assigned to the "Xiyong Micro-Power Park Land Acquisition Office" by the Shapingba District Land Acquisition Office to be responsible for land acquisition and demolition in Xiyong Town.

  -From January 2006 to September 2007, he received bribes of 1,614,930 yuan from others.

  -He can’t even look at leather shoes below 1000 yuan. Prosecutors found more than 200 pairs of brand-name leather shoes from his home.

  -He won’t buy a suit under 10,000 yuan. There are more than 100 clothes in his family, almost all of which are top international brands.

  -He has more than 100 teapot tea sets at home. Among these tea sets, the most expensive is 10,000 yuan, with a total value of over 100,000 yuan.

  Greedy for money has enriched itself and damaged the country.

  The court found that Ding Mengyi received more than 2.6 million yuan in compensation for others, which caused heavy losses to the country.

  Collect money to handle affairs

  In January, 2006, Wang thought that the compensation for the duck shed demolition in Huawan Community, Xiyong Village, Xiyong Town, Shapingba District was too low, and Li asked Ding Meng to increase the compensation amount. Ding Meng changed the compensation standard of Wang’s duck shed from a simple shed to a brick asbestos tile structure by correcting mistakes, which made Wang get more than 140 thousand yuan in compensation. Wang Moumou gave Ding Meng RMB 80,000 through Li Moumou, and Ding Meng and Li Moumou shared the money equally.

  In June, 2006, He Moumou thought that the compensation for the duck shed demolition in Cenjiaba Community, Banana Garden Village, Xiyong Town, Shapingba District, which was operated by her husband in partnership with others, was too low, and asked Ding Meng to increase the compensation for her through Cen. Ding Meng changed the compensation standard of duck shed from simple shed to brick asbestos tile structure by correcting mistakes, so that He Moumou’s husband received compensation of more than 390 thousand yuan again. He Moumou gave Ding Meng RMB90,000 through Zou.

  At the end of June, 2007, Cen, the legal representative of Anping Poultry Farm in Shapingba District, found Ding Meng, and asked him to take care of her during the compensation for demolition. Ding Meng inflated the duck shed and land area of the farm and raised the compensation standard, which made Cen get nearly 1 million yuan more compensation. Zou gave Ding Meng a bank card with RMB 500,000 and cash of RMB 50,000. Ding Meng bought a Camry car and other expenses.

  Cheat money to buy a car

  At the end of June 2007, Hu Moumou, the legal representative of Laijiaqiao Machinery Parts Factory in Shapingba District, asked Ding Meng to take care of the demolition compensation through Li Moumou. After Ding Meng received RMB 200,000 from Hu through Li Moumou, he accepted the non-original invoices of the machinery and equipment provided by the enterprise and increased the office area, so that he received an additional compensation of about RMB 500,000. On September 4, 2007, Ding Meng never received the remaining "benefit fee", fearing that the other party would not pay for it, so he first ordered a Reiz car, and then found Hu Moumou and asked him to write a cash check for 264,193 yuan.

  In June 2007, Lu Moumou, the person in charge of Yugui Weaving Factory in Shapingba District, found Ding Meng through Huang Moumou and asked him to take care of him during the demolition compensation. Ding Meng increased the workshop area, modified the workshop structure, and inflated the machinery and equipment, which enabled the enterprise to obtain more than 300,000 yuan in compensation. Lu Moumou successively gave Ding Meng RMB 130,000 through Huang Moumou.

  In September 2007, Hu Moumou, the legal representative of Chongqing Longlisheng Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., found Ding Meng through Hu Moumou and Li Moumou, and asked him to take care of him during the demolition compensation. Ding Meng made the company get more than 300,000 yuan in compensation by inflating the factory area, machinery and equipment. Hu Moumou gave Ding Meng RMB300,000 through Li Moumou. Our reporter Yang Ye.

  Love fashion, don’t buy a suit below 10 thousand yuan

  The prosecutor investigating the case said that Ding Meng had a strong interest in luxury goods such as top international brand shoes and clothes. He once admitted to the prosecutor that he basically wouldn’t look at leather shoes below 1000 yuan. The prosecutor found more than 200 pairs of brand-name leather shoes from his home. Ding Meng claimed that he was a very "demon" and was particularly fond of pointed leather shoes. He had a pair of Gucci leather shoes and bought them for more than 10,000 yuan.

  Besides leather shoes, collecting famous brand clothes is also his hobby. Almost all of the more than 100 clothes in his family are top international brands, such as Armani, Versace, Burberry, etc. A suit of Cavucci in his closet is worth nearly 40,000 yuan. As far as suits are concerned, he won’t buy it below 10,000 yuan. Just after the incident, when the prosecutor questioned him, he said that a Nike T-shirt he was wearing at that time belonged to his cheaper clothes and was worth about 800 yuan.

  But interestingly, because there are too many leather shoes and clothes, he doesn’t have such a big wardrobe and shoe cabinet at home, so he has to put these expensive brand-name leather shoes and clothes into two big woven pockets. What really can’t fit, all open at home. He told the prosecutor that these clothes were never bought in Chongqing. He once said that they were not available in shopping malls in Chongqing, and even if they were available, they were not authentic. Some of his clothes were bought from Hong Kong through friends, and some were bought by himself by flying to Hong Kong. The other part is to log on to the official website of these costumes, look at the styles and order them from the Internet.

  In addition to clothing, Ding Meng’s other hobby is drinking tea. Therefore, he is also very fond of teapot tea sets. He has more than 100 teapot tea sets at home.

  Among these tea sets, the most expensive is 10,000 yuan, with a total value of over 100,000 yuan. (Reporter Yang Ye)

Editor: Gao Song

Flying ducks rush forward: this winter’s "Mom YEATION" film.

Special feature of 1905 film network Operated by the team, the animated film released on December 8 tells the story of a flying duck family who never stepped out of the pond and decided to move to Jamaica, a dream island. After they set off in high spirits, they were in a lot of trouble during the migration.

The film focuses on the themes of "family" and "growth", with dense jokes and entertaining. What kind of "duck" guide can the audience get from flying ducks?

Keywords "Flying ducks rush forward" — — Fun! Inspirational! Warm!

The film "Flying Duck Rushing Forward" is actually a film for all-age audiences. It has both the image of parents and children at home and the image of the elderly at home. Among the characters of different ages, different audiences can find an emotional resonance in it.

More importantly, the emotional theme displayed in Flying Duck Rushing Forward is rich enough, and children may find it very interesting in this adventure, while adults may have more feelings when watching Flying Duck Rushing Forward. In fact, it shows not so much seeing the world and others as seeing themselves, and discovering their true selves and potential by knowing the world.

The first thing that broke the circle of this film was the short video of "Ducks Playing My Going Out". The Chinese funny version of dubbing received nearly 700,000 praises, and some viewers even thought that Chinese dubbing was the soul.

"Mom, find a service station here. I’ll go to the toilet."

"Pull directly."

"This is really lacking in quality."

"You are a bird. What qualities do you want?"

"But I can’t take off my underpants flying like this."

"Don’t make me slap you in the nearest place to heaven."

The content of "Flying Duck Rushing Forward" circled in the short video platform is very interesting, especially life-oriented, that is, the family is on their way, but the duck sister has to go to the toilet after customs clearance, and the mother duck in the film is performing the usual life state of mothers.

A Guide to Happy Recognition of Ducks

The family of four in "Flying Duck Rushing Forward" has their own different personalities. For example, our father duck is "beware of ducks", and his skill is to tell scary stories. Through scary stories, he wants his children to avoid danger, in fact, he wants to protect them.

The second is our mother. This mother duck is a "duck rushing forward". She is a very brave and intelligent mother. At many critical moments, she will use her wisdom to negotiate with others to strive for the greatest interests for herself and then protect her family.

The third is my brother Dada, who wants to grow up as a duck. In many cases, he is particularly curious and brave about many things, especially hoping to prove to others that "I" is a little man.

The last one is the duck sister Guan Guan, who is a lovely "duck to hug". She is a very gentle and lovely little girl, but her inner energy is actually very powerful. It will melt the hard ice in adults’ hearts with its cuteness and gentleness.

The audience will feel that such a little girl is really pity and love, and will feel that she actually admires it. Because sometimes, as an adult, when you want to convey your feelings to others, you may be embarrassed to say "Come on, let’s hug."

However, this duckling can use such a lovely and warm way to amplify his little energy, so that adults can also be full of forward energy and dare to express their feelings directly.

A guide to skillfully understanding "duck"

Although the protagonist of this film is a duck, it actually discusses very complicated human emotions and family relationships. I believe that each character can also resonate with the audience, so that everyone can release pressure in the movie.

From the perspective of mothers, the process of watching "Flying Duck Rushing Forward" is actually a process of unloading pressure. In fact, when parents accompany their children to grow up, it is a process of watching their children’s backs, watching them grow up, then gradually leaving themselves and showing themselves in the bigger world.

At the same time, it is also less anxious. Many parents will worry about "what should I do if my child grows up and seems to be far away from me" when their children grow up, but "Flying Ducks Rush Forward" tells parents that as a family, our hearts are always together, no matter how far away from each other physically, we love each other and give each other great strength, which is enough.

The whole film wisely arranges a different dilemma in life: in the beginning of the film, the audience may think that the heron is a terrible enemy, but when approaching it, they find that the heron has various personalities and may encounter a different heron. Don’t just listen to rumors, you should really believe what you see.

The second story is more realistic. When ducks enter the metropolis, they often encounter wrestling and competition. You and others are always competing for the same thing. What should you do at this time? Perhaps the most common choice is to fight bravely or give up and leave.

But this story gives a third answer. Mother Duck tells her children with the wisdom of sharing, and also tells the audience that there may be a fairer third choice in life besides competition and giving up, that is, learning to share.

In the third story, ducks meet bird friends during their journey — — Parrots need family members to unite to rescue them. It is during the rescue process that the audience can see how each family member exerts their unique abilities and realizes such a cohesive force as "one plus one is greater than two".

In every sense, "Flying Duck Rushing Forward" is very suitable as a "Mom YEATION" film in winter. Because it is not only suitable for mothers to take their children to see, but also suitable for mothers to take the whole family, old and young.

When the whole family walks into the cinema together, my mother will think, "I really held a very successful family activity." Because every family member can feel a harvest and a joy in the process of watching movies.

There is not only an adventure theme in this film, which makes us not afraid of difficulties; There is also the theme of family affection. Let’s return to the family and look for energy from our loved ones. Therefore, "Flying Duck Rushing Forward" is a film with both challenges and energy, so that families can share joy and burn warmth together in winter.