月度归档 2023年12月14日

Exercise may accelerate your aging! I advise you to give up these five kinds of exercise.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. People who exercise regularly not only look well-proportioned, but also have relatively stronger immunity.

However, exercise can not only preserve one’s health, but also hurt one’s health. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be harmful to one’s health, but will be counterproductive.

Regular and proper exercise can improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance immunity and delay aging.

Although sports bring many benefits,But we must pay attention to the way and moderate amount, and it is more important to choose the sports that suit you according to your age and physical condition.

In addition, we should pay attention to gradual exercise, increase or decrease the amount of exercise in a planned way, and warm up well before each activity to give the body an adaptive process.

Because improper exercise may endanger health and accelerate aging. Excessive exercise may lead to physical fatigue, damaged immune system, poor blood circulation, etc., and may even induce neurosis, leading to the destruction of the body’s own harmony.

The correct and suitable exercise method may enhance immunity and have the effect of keeping in good health, but if the exercise method is wrong, it will not be good for the body.

Do morning exercises at dawn.

Many people will choose to do morning exercises at dawn, thinking that the air quality is good at this time, but in fact, not only the light is dark in the morning, but also the temperature is relatively low, so it is easy to trip, or have a cold, upset stomach, or even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to do morning exercises at dawn.

2. Exercise blindly on an empty stomach

It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach.Especially diabetics, heart patients, people with poor gastrointestinal function, the elderly and so on.It is not suitable for exercise on an empty stomach.

It is best to eat some digestible food properly before exercise to avoid fainting from hunger. Of course, it is not recommended to eat too much before morning exercise, as long as you feel no longer hungry after eating.

3. Start without warm-up.

No matter when you exercise, proper warm-up preparation is necessary. If you start to exercise without sufficient warm-up, it is likely to induce sports injuries and lead to excessive cardiopulmonary burden.

It is suggested that the speed of warm-up should be slow to fast, the strength should be gradually increased, sweating slightly, and there is a slight sense of shortness of breath. The time is about 15 minutes.

4. Running is omnipotent

Although running is a highly respected sport, it is not a panacea. It can’t replace other sports and can’t meet all the needs of exercise. It is best to cross-train with other sports.

5, sweating is effective

Exercise is about persistence, not intensity or speed. If you don’t consider your own situation, in order to exercise for exercise 2, when the intensity of exercise is too high, it may make people tired, have too fast heart rate and raise blood pressure, which will hurt the body.

Academician Wang Longde of China Academy of EngineeringIt is suggested that adults must pay attention to some matters when exercising, and it is recommended to keep the exercise frequency.More than three times a weekDon’t stay still and exercise too much at once.

Some people don’t exercise at ordinary times, but exercise for several hours at a time on weekends, which is not right. Good exercise should insist on regular exercise.

Suggestion on exercise timeExercise for about half an hour every day on average.. Exercise intensity as far as possible.Ensure that the heart rate can reach the value of 170- age..

Proper exercise can enhance immunity, delay aging, prevent diseases, etc., but you must pay attention to choosing the exercise mode that suits you. After all, the wrong exercise mode is not good. Adults had better exercise more than three times a week, and the average exercise time per day should be controlled at about half an hour.


[1] Exercise may hurt your health? ! I advise you to give up these eight ways. CCTV life circle.2022-05-10

[2] How should adults exercise? Academician Wang Longde gave the following three suggestions. Medical Microvision.2021-06-24.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

Ten beautiful classical music, feel the charm of classical music.

Classical music is a window of time, through which we can travel through time and space and feel the masterpieces created by composers in different cultures and historical periods. The following are ten intoxicating classical music, let us swim in the beauty of the world with the rhythm of music.

1. dvorak’s Ninth Symphony Dvorak wrote this symphony in new york, USA. The beautiful melody in the second movement makes people feel the composer’s loneliness in a foreign country and his deep yearning for his hometown. The majestic beginning of the fourth movement seems to be an ode to the new era, reminiscent of the theme melody of Peking Man in new york.

2. Handel’s Water Music For the summer concert on the Thames, Handel composed a series of orchestral music, which is famous for its beautiful melodies. These tracks are played on the Thames cruise ship, hence the name "water music".

3. Chopin’s Nocturne in G Minor Chopin spent his short life in Paris, and his serenade made people feel the elegance and romance of Paris salons in the 19th century, as if they were walking among the falling buttonwood leaves on the banks of the Seine.

4. Mendelssohn’s "Venice Boat Song" Selected from Mendelssohn’s 48 Songs Without Words, this song is as beautiful and lyrical as a song, showing Mendelssohn’s unique creative style.

5. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata "Moonlight Song" is famous for its melodious melody and deep emotion, and it is one of Beethoven’s most classic works. The first movement "Adagio" expresses tranquility and beauty, but also contains a trace of melancholy and meditation.

6. Smetana’s Voltava River From Smetana’s symphony suite "My Motherland", this piece of music depicts the state of a river through music, showing the soothing power.

7. Bizet’s "The Girl in Alai City" Originally Bicai’s opera, it was later adapted into a suite, the most famous of which is the minuet in the second suite, which has a strong Parisian flavor.

8. Grieg’s Song of Solvig Selected from Grieg’s "Pearl Gold" suite, this touching instrumental music is full of sadness and hope, vast and deep.

9. Shostakovich’s "The Second Waltz" Selected from Shostakovich’s "Second Jazz Suite", it is full of rich Russian amorous feelings and makes people feel the scene of the grand waltz ball.

10. johann strauss’s The Story of the Vienna Forest This waltz expresses Johann Strauss II’s pride and love for Vienna, and outlines the life atmosphere of Vienna more than 100 years ago.

These ten classical music works, like a door to different cultures and historical periods, allow us to cross between notes and feel the colorful music world. With the melody rippling, it seems to be able to travel through time and space, blend into that wonderful music picture, and enjoy swimming in the melody of the world.

There are 16 most beautiful and fashionable hairstyles, but the effect is different. I can’t help but want to have a try after reading them.

Hairstyles, as an important aid to improve the face value, have always been the favorite of many sisters who love beauty. Today, I have selected 16 most beautiful and fashionable hairstyles for everyone, and the effect is different. I can’t help but want to try them after reading them.

Half-covered short hair has always been loved by the majority of sisters, showing a rich level as a whole, which can well modify the head shape and face shape, simple, fashionable and generous, and it is difficult to think of beauty.

Usually, you can also pin the hair on the side to the back of your ear, which is also very neat, which can better highlight your beautiful side face. The high facial features make people feel very excited at first glance.

The hair on the top of the head can also be ironed, showing a fluffy sense of lines as a whole, but not too curly, relatively natural, beautiful and not old-fashioned.

Hairdressing can prevent the hair from sticking to the scalp, effectively increase the fluffy effect of the hair roots, and enhance the aesthetic feeling of the skull top.

Of course, most women in life still have long hair, which is easy to sweat. At this time, we might as well try to shovel the sideburns short, which will bring us a refreshing feeling immediately.

If you are bold enough, you can also shorten the whole periphery and make some carved patterns on it, which is not only refreshing, but also very artistic, especially if you tie up the long hair on it, you will turn your head high wherever you go.

Perm can be said that most women like it. It can create an effect that haircut can’t achieve, and make you more beautiful and fashionable. Especially this style is hot, and the whole curl is relatively soothing.

Hot modeling can not only show fluffy radian, but also show feminine softness. It can be said that most women are suitable for it, and it is not only fashionable but also old-fashioned after reading it.

Of course, if the hair is particularly soft and rare, it is more suitable for a small curly perm. A small curly perm not only shows a large amount of hair, but also is full of elasticity, which makes people look more overseas.

For example, this kind of full-head, small-curl perm, with a split style, can also well modify the head shape and face shape, make your hair more abundant and make your facial features more perfect.

Small curls and full-head perms are sometimes too explosive. At this time, we might as well tie the hair on the top of our head. This semi-tied hair style is particularly age-reducing, which makes the foreign fashion still small.

Speaking of perm, I have to mention long curly hair. Presumably, most sisters with long hair want to have a full perm, from the end of the hair to the root of the hair. The overall effect is very fluffy. At first glance, it is full of fashion.

As long as the hair is long, the hair on the top of the head is easy to stick to the scalp, whether it is soft or hard. At this time, choosing full-head perm can effectively increase the support of the hair roots on the top of the head and play a good role in the whole head shape.

In terms of curl, you can choose according to your own hair quality. The curl of fine and soft hair can be small in the middle, and the curl of coarse and hard hair can be large in the middle. Combining with your own hair quality, choosing the right curl will not only make you more fashionable, but also keep the curl for a longer time.

Why do so many women like long curly hair? Because in most of our cognition, the goddess should have such a hairstyle, which is elegant, fashionable and romantic.

Which of the 16 most beautiful and fashionable ladies’ hairstyles do you like best? Welcome to leave a message. If you want to see more fashionable hairstyles, don’t forget to follow me.

I need you to be my friend, because you know how to listen to me and pay attention to me, thank you, and I hope you and I will go together in the future hair style.

The latest research found that exercising at this time every day is more helpful to control sugar!

The latest research shows that sugar friends exercise in the afternoon to help control sugar!

A recent study shows that afternoon exercise is more helpful to improve the blood sugar level of overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes. ①

The researchers found that the blood sugar level of diabetic patients who took moderate to high-intensity exercise in the afternoon decreased the most, especially in the first year of intensive lifestyle intervention. In addition, some researchers have found that afternoon exercisers are also more likely to reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs.

Wu Na, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University, wrote in the Health Times in 2019 that diabetic patients are advised to choose sports that are beneficial to whole-body exercise, conform to their hobbies, have strong maneuverability and are easy to adhere to for a long time, such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, swimming, climbing stairs, dancing, playing ball, cycling and playing Tai Ji Chuan. ②

Health times chart

It is suggested that these groups of people exercise in the afternoon.

1. Patients with heart disease: It is advisable to exercise in the afternoon or evening.

Qian Yufeng, an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Hangzhou First People’s Hospital, Zhejiang Province, wrote in the Health Times in 2016 that 6-9 am is the "early peak" of heart attack every day, because the human body is relatively short of water in the morning, and the blood is thick and prone to thrombosis. At the same time, the blood pressure in the morning is the highest in a day, which is easy to cause the shedding or rupture of atherosclerotic plaques, leading to acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Therefore, it is best to avoid this peak period and arrange it in the afternoon or evening.

Exercise regularly, first of all, it is necessary to quantify, it is best to exercise for 3-5 days a week, and the heart rate should be controlled at no more than 100 times/minute after exercise, and it is appropriate to have no chest tightness and asthma. It is also necessary to make appropriate adjustments according to the patient’s age.

You can try the following three steps to exercise:

Prepare for 5-10 minutes first;

Then start normal exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., lasting 15-30 minutes, which can also be extended according to the heart rate;

Finally, relax for 10 minutes to let the heartbeat slowly return to normal. ③

Zhang Jian, chief physician of the Heart Center of Beijing Chest Hospital, wrote in the Health Times in 2018 that patients with coronary heart disease should slow down or stop their activities if the following four signals appear during exercise.

1. Chest pain or angina pectoris;

2. Asthma or dyspnea that does not match the amount of exercise;

3, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, pale face, cyanosis, cold hands and feet or wet cold;

4. Physical and mental fatigue or muscle soreness, inappropriate heartbeat or blood pressure reaction, such as the heartbeat has exceeded 100 beats/min at rest, the heartbeat or blood pressure changes more than 20 beats/min or 20 mm Hg during activities within 3 weeks after myocardial infarction, and the heartbeat or blood pressure changes more than 30 beats/min or 30 mm Hg during activities within 6 weeks after myocardial infarction. ④

Second, patients with hypertension: it is best to exercise at noon or afternoon.

Cheng Yi, deputy chief physician of Cardiovascular Department of the First People’s Hospital of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, wrote in 2022 that the best exercise time for patients with hypertension is generally at noon and afternoon every day, because the air in this period is relatively clean, and the air pollution is more serious in the morning and evening.

In addition, if you exercise too early in the morning, it is easy to increase your blood pressure. At the same time, you can eat something light before going out to exercise. ⑤

Third, patients with gout and high uric acid: it is best to exercise in the afternoon.

WeChat official account, from the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of the Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong Province, issued a document in 2018, saying that it is not suitable for exercise in the acute stage of gout. At this time, it is necessary to rest, minimize joint activities, and stay in bed. If joint symptoms are serious, the affected limb can be braked.

It is best for gout patients to exercise in the afternoon, that is, after lunch to dinner. Choose some simple and gentle sports, such as walking, Tai Ji Chuan, aerobics, cycling and swimming, especially walking, cycling and swimming. It can be supplemented by appropriate resistance exercises and joint flexibility exercises. Start with a small amount of exercise, step by step, prevent excessive exercise, and take micro-sweating as the degree. ⑥

This article is synthesized from:

①Qian J, Xiao Q, Walkup MP, et al. Association of Timing of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity With Changes in Glycemic Control Over 4 Years in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Fr om the Look AHEAD Trial. Diabetes Care. 2023 May 25:dc222413.

②2019-04-19 Health Times "Sugar Friends Exercise One Hour After Meal"

③2016-11-04 Health Times "Exercise for heart disease should be from bottom to top"

④2018-08-10 Health Times "Four Signals Prompt to Slow down Exercise"

⑤2022-02-18 Baidu Health "Cheng Yi" "What is the best exercise time for hypertensive patients? 》

6 2018-09-03 South China Gout Online "Disease Knowledge | Can you exercise after gout?" How to exercise? 》

Source: Health Times

What is culture? Culture can nourish heart and ambition.

Culture is not knowledge, culture is the pursuit of beauty! Expressed in more concise words, it can be abbreviated as: culture is the sum of language and words.

"Culture" can be expressed in four sentences:

1. Self-cultivation rooted in the heart:

Self-cultivation can be divided into two main contents. First, knowledge literacy is reflected in a person’s IQ; The second is humanistic accomplishment, which is reflected in a person’s emotional intelligence. Therefore, self-cultivation is improved through learning and cultivation the day after tomorrow, so as to achieve the realm of internalization in the heart, externalization in behavior, and integration of knowledge and practice.

2, don’t need to remind others consciously:

Self-awareness means that you know something and take the initiative to do it. The difference between humans and animals is that there are two lives: one is the life of the body; The second is the life of culture. Take away the "culture" tendon, people are just ordinary animals, and people are conscious.

3. Freedom on the premise of constraint:

Freedom is self-determined, without restrictions and constraints. The freedom advocated is a kind of freedom that is harmless to others in society, and it is based on goodness and justice. We should realize that freedom not only means the desire to be liberated from bondage, but also means the responsibility to respect the value of others’ existence. Only within reasonable limits and by using reasonable means can we achieve real freedom.

4. Kindness for others:

The first paragraph of the classic of Chinese studies "San Zi Jing" says: "beginning of life, human nature is good. Sex is similar and learning is far away. " This means that when people are born, their nature is good and their temperament is very similar. But with the different changes and influences of their living environment, everyone’s habits will be different.

If you treat others well, others will treat you well. If you are full of kindness, you can warm the people around you. In daily life and work, it is necessary to be helpful and kind to others, unite with leaders and colleagues, actively create a relaxed and pleasant working atmosphere, and construct harmonious interpersonal relationships.

According to the traditional concept of human beings, culture is a social phenomenon, which is the product of long-term human creation, but also a historical phenomenon and the accumulation of human society and history. To be exact, culture is the way of thinking, values, lifestyle, behavior norms, art and culture, science and technology of a country or a nation that can be passed down and spread. It is a universally recognized ideology that can be passed down for human communication and a sublimation of perceptual knowledge and experience of the objective world.

Culture is the total system of symbols (mainly words, supplemented by images) and sounds (mainly language, supplemented by phonology and notes) created and commonly recognized and used by people in the process of constantly knowing and transforming themselves and nature.

Culture, the afterlife of this life, is the behavior of some people to carry out their life beliefs. When the noblest place in a person’s temperament blooms in all aspects of life, when a person’s aesthetic taste is enough to give life a kind of elegance and flavor-that is culture.

Culture is the best nourishment.

Everything in the world is supported.

The grass and trees are in the wild, and the rain and dew are born to help; Body and mind are in the study, and kissing ink can nourish them.

If the study is a person’s spiritual sanctuary, then the long thing in the study is the pearl in this sanctuary.

Ancestors said: when writing, you can raise pens, when grinding, you can raise ink, when washing, you can raise paper.

When the library is in the library, the supplies of the study room can be spent over the years; If you are always close to things, your body and mind will be spiritually influenced.

Culture is the best nourishment.

The nourishment of life comes from the pursuit of life interest, but also from the immersion of long things.

In the rooms of ancient literati in China, there must be pens, ink, paper and inkstone for the case, and piano, chess, books and paintings for the lent. Besides, there are all kinds of elegant things.

Nowadays, when we see these old things in the study from a distance, we can hear the excited voices of the ancients and see their sincere faces as long as we understand them with our hearts.

They camped in the study, or played in Tibet, or lived in seclusion … and nourished by culture, which built a bright world for us.

Playing with Wen Zang can nourish the heart.

Culture is formed over time, and the way to hide and play can nourish the heart.

Elegance and vulgarity are often the first criterion in the way literati look at artifacts.

Whenever you see a thing, you should judge its advantages and disadvantages, define the realm of elegance with the mind of a gentleman, and create a true rhyme and taste that conforms to the literati’s aesthetics.

There are many beautiful things in the room, and the world is better than Taoyuan.

In the name of the post, the truth is orderly, and Mo Chi is fragrant; Appreciate the boxing stone, clear the supply, exquisite smoke and clouds, and the muscles and bones are towering;

Product green grass and bamboo, elegant room, case into a secluded field; Virtual Lu Qing Kuang, sitting in the dust to release concerns, elegant things Ming Zhen Yun;

Open-minded, all wonderful; Xuan Lang in Zhang’s room is natural and unrestrained.

By writing things in style, you can nourish your spirit.

Gewu, when there is an aesthetic seed, nourishes itself from the traditional scale.

Ancestors said: the piano is silent, the staff is light, the cup is elegant, the bamboo is cold, and the stone is impressive …

In addition to leisure and entertainment, there is a poetic charm in the study, which makes people physically and mentally idle.

If you do what you want from your heart, you will be a man, and you will not be detained, but you will not go beyond the rules.

It is the highest state to understand the nature within a certain statute, conform to the rules and set an example for future generations.

From things and devices, from devices and people, we can make our conscience in things and nourish our true qi in edification.

Living in seclusion with literature can raise your ambition.

China’s philosophy is a philosophy of leisure, and living in leisure can raise one’s ambition.

As the poet Ni Si said:

Reading books on righteousness and reasoning, learning the words of calligraphy and calligraphy, sitting quietly, talking with friends, drinking half drunk, watering flowers and planting bamboo, listening to the piano and playing with cranes, burning incense and frying tea, and going to the city to watch the mountains mean playing chess. Apart from the above, although I have other pleasures, it is not easy for me.

Life is leisure, and long things are companions. Whether reading, posting, burning incense, playing the piano, playing chess or drinking tea, long things in the study are the carriers.

Getting a period of leisure and happiness constitutes a brilliant aesthetic philosophy, which affects the world’s pursuit of leisure and elegance.

Today, we are far away from the luxury of spirit, and today’s dignitaries and rich people do not have such a life, because cultural life is not only material wealth, but also spiritual nobility, which is a real affair.

In this sense, the pursuit of beauty with culture is to immerse beauty in life.

If life is a flower, then culture is soil. May you and I live in peace in our daily life and drop the seeds of beauty and bloom the most wonderful flower.


What is "Jiangnan"

Author: Hu Yifeng

At the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, the "osmanthus drum", qiantang bore, green water and green mountains, elegant national style, poetry and painting of Jiangnan and the humanistic Asian Games complement each other, which vividly shows the freshness, agility, massiness and elegance contained in the cultural image of "Jiangnan". Looking back at the literary and artistic works that have been popular in recent years, such as the dance drama "Never Gone Radio Wave" and "Only Green", and the Spring Festival Evening program "Memorizing Jiangnan" and "Jibu Bridge", many of them have their own "Jiangnan style". So, what is "Jiangnan"? How is the "Jiangnan Faner" tempered?

In the Song Dynasty, Liu Yong’s "Looking at the Tide of the Sea" begins with the saying that "the southeast is victorious, the three Wu cities are prosperous since ancient times", and the "three Wu" and "Qiantang" here are important geographical symbols and pronouns of Jiangnan. The description in the poem, "Sanqiu Guizi, Shili Lotus", "Qiang Guan Qing, Ling Ge Pan Night" has been passed down through the ages, which can be described as exquisite. But it is somewhat exaggerated to say that this place has been prosperous since ancient times. Even if we put aside the corner of Hangzhou, from the perspective of the broad "Jiangnan", this "land of beauty" repeatedly chanted by poets has gone through a long evolution process before it has completed its own cultural shaping.

Photo of Wu Guanzhong in Suzhou Water Street

"Jiangnan" literally means south of the Yangtze River, but its meaning has changed in different contexts. Jiangnan, which is commonly known today, is also known as Jiangdong or Jiangzuo in history. "Jiangdong", which is "thinking about Xiang Yu so far and refusing to cross Jiangdong", generally includes "Jiangnan" in people’s minds today. The TV series "nirvana in fire" is set in the Southern Liang Dynasty in the south of the Yangtze River, and Mei Changsu’s nickname is "Jiang Zuo Mei Lang". There was a "Jiangnan Road" in the Tang Dynasty, covering a vast area, including most areas south of the Yangtze River. Since then, "Jiangnan", as the concept of administrative division, has changed with the changes of dynasties, and gradually withdrew from the historical stage until the Qing Dynasty. As a geographical concept, "Jiangnan" is gradually fixed as Suzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou in Taihu Lake Basin. It is also in the historical evolution of cultural exchanges and accumulation that culture has outperformed the frequent changes of administrative divisions with its unique charm, and fixed the poetic Jiangnan in the history of Chinese civilization.

In fact, in the eyes of people in the Central Plains in the pre-Qin period, Jiangnan was a barbarian land with tattooed hair, and its man Shang Yong was aggressive, which was quite different from the "Jiangnan Fan" that people are familiar with today. From the Qin Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty, most areas in the south of the Yangtze River were still in the primitive agricultural era of "plowing with fire and water". Although "there are no people who are frozen and hungry, and there is no family with a daughter", and because "the south of the Yangtze River is wet and her husband dies young", the image of this land in people’s minds at that time is not lovely. When Jia Yi was demoted as a teacher of Changsha King in the Western Han Dynasty, he was worried about life in the south, fearing that he would not live long. However, it didn’t take long for the situation to change quietly. After the Han dynasty, the global temperature dropped, and the climate in the south of the Yangtze River became suitable for farming and living, which ushered in a godsend opportunity to change one’s life and rebuild oneself. If land reclamation and economic development have laid a material foundation for the prosperity of Jiangnan, then profound and extensive cultural exchanges have continuously injected vitality into the formation of "Jiangnan Faner".

Historically, during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Han Dynasty, and the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms, especially after the Yongjia Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, and the Jingkang Rebellion in the Northern Song Dynasty, the cultural spread and integration with the large-scale migration of population as the carrier conformed to the general trend of natural environment changes, refreshing the face of Jiangnan again and again, and prompting "Jiangnan" to enter its own cultural time.

Historian Qian Mu thinks: "When the Eastern Jin Dynasty crossed to the south, the Yangtze River basin formally represented the traditional China". After Yongjia, a large number of aristocratic families from the Central Plains took refuge in the south. Most of them had high cultural attainments. The elegant aristocratic culture injected poetic connotation into Jiangnan at that time, which effectively promoted the transformation from "wuyue Wind" to "Jiangnan Culture". "Sui Shu" wrote about the cultural situation in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, saying: "Clothes and objects, pictures and notes, and broadcasting and moving, all belong to Jiangzuo. On the occasion of the Jin and Song Dynasties, there were many studies, and between Qi and Liang, the history was rich. " During this period, many important cultural achievements came from northern immigrants or their descendants. Fan Zhen’s Theory of Deity Extinction, Zhong Rong’s Poems, Zhou Xingsi’s Thousand-Character Works and Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long are all examples. In the Tang Dynasty, the wealth and prosperity of Taihu Lake basin became more and more obvious. "It was endowed with the world and Jiangnan lived in the 19th … Zhejiang and Zhejiang lived in the 19th, while Susong Changjiahu was based on the 19th of Zhejiang." After the Anshi Rebellion, "most of the gentry crossed the river east with their families", in the words of the poet Li Bai, "all the well-dressed men in the world avoided Soochow, and Yongjia moved south, but they were not satisfied here". According to some scholars’ statistics, from the perspective of the number of poets in the whole Tang Dynasty, the north far surpassed the south, but after the Anshi Rebellion, the number of poets in the south increased substantially, which was comparable to that in the north.

People’s West Lake Feng Zikai information picture

With the change of Jingkang, the Song Dynasty moved southward, and Jiangnan made further efforts on the road of cultural development. As Jin Fu said in Qing Dynasty, Jiangnan was just a country before Han and Tang Dynasties. Since Qian Liu stole it, the Southern Song Dynasty was peaceful, and the people gathered together to make a land monarch, so it became a fortune. According to research, this great population migration began in 1126 (the first year of Jingkang) and lasted until 1279, with a total population of 5 million, which greatly exceeded the population in the south. Long-lasting immigrants spread throughout the Yangtze River basin and even today’s Hainan Island, and the largest distribution of immigrants is in Jiangnan, where the political center of the Southern Song Dynasty is located. On the one hand, "most of the scholars in the northwest are in Qiantang", where many scholars and great scholars gather, and scholars such as Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji stay, which greatly promotes the development of culture and scholarship; On the other hand, the gathering of a large number of professional artists has promoted the prosperity of citizens’ culture. According to The Old Story of Wulin, there were more than 20 places of entertainment "Wazi" inside and outside Hang Cheng in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the audience reached more than a thousand people for a long time. There are more than 50 cultural performances and more than 500 artists. They either tell historical stories and folk legends, or perform acrobatic circus or acrobatic shadow play.

When the stars move, the text will follow. When history marched into the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jiangnan culture was presented to the world in a mature and gorgeous manner. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, on average, more than one out of every seven scholars came from Jiangnan. A quarter of the top scholars in the Ming Dynasty came from Jiangnan. Jiangnan accounted for more than half of the top scholars in Qing Dynasty, so that Wang Wan, a scholar in Suzhou, called the top scholar a local "native product". The pride in the imperial examination field reflects the overall improvement of Jiangnan cultural strength. As the cultural symbols of this period, most of the famous works such as Dream of Red Mansions, Sanyan Erpai and Peony Pavilion are imprinted with Jiangnan, and it is these cultural classics that directly shape the image of Jiangnan that has been passed down to this day.

It can be seen that "Jiangnan Faner" is a product of history. As the saying goes, "the southeast is endowed with wealth, and the literati in the left of the river are lost". The description of the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River and the interpretation of the cultural spirit in the south of the Yangtze River are the key points to promote this historical process. As mentioned above, "Jiangnan" generally corresponds to Taihu Lake Basin geographically, and its most moving, popular and refined expression is "there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below". If you compare "Jiangnan Faner" to a gorgeous costume, Suzhou and Hangzhou are undoubtedly the most competent models. The fame of Suzhou and Hangzhou has spread hand in hand, and it is inseparable from the literati’s wonderful pen. According to Chai Degeng’s research, Suzhou and Hangzhou even started from Bai Juyi, and Suzhou and Hangzhou were mentioned five times in his poems, such as "Suzhou and Hangzhou were once famous counties", "Suzhou and Hangzhou are famous counties in the south of the Yangtze River" and "I am 57 years old, and I am honored" in Three Songs of My Year. Party A and Party B have three subjects, and Suzhou and Hangzhou are the owners. I am even more proud that I have worked in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Among Bai Juyi’s many poems about Jiangnan, Recalling Jiangnan is the most popular, which vividly expresses his attachment to Jiangnan. When we read this famous article, we will find that "water" is one of the most important contents in Jiangnan images. Geographically, "the terrain leans to the southeast, and Wu Zhi is in the lowest position in the southeast, so it is advisable to have more water". In this water town, Zeguo, the ancestors explored a complete water conservancy system, "to drain it in case of prostitution, and to irrigate it in dry years." From Xie Lingyun’s Poems on Mountain Living and Zhang Yuan’s Poems on Southern Expedition in the Southern Dynasties to Su Shi’s Poems and Songs on the South of the Yangtze River, to Zhu Ziqing’s Poems and Songs on Qinhuai River and Feng Zikai’s Poems and Songs on the South of the Yangtze River in modern times, the appearance rate of "water" is probably the highest.

There are many boats when there is more water. Water and boats constitute the unique geographical environment and lifestyle of Jiangnan, and also shape the aesthetic background of Jiangnan style. The Night Sailing Boat by Zhang Dai in Ming Dynasty is a online celebrity book with a score of 9 on a reading website, and its creativity comes from the unique landscape of "Night Sailing Boat" prevailing in the south of the Yangtze River. In water towns, boats are used in all aspects of life. There are "book boats" for buying books, "account boats" for collecting rent, "doctor boats" for visiting doctors, "wedding boats" for marrying brides, and "incense boats" for serving pilgrims. Jiangnan people, "not only husbands can operate boats, but also women can." There are also groups who make a living on the boat, just as the fishing song in Yangcheng Lake sings, "A net boat is the world, and the reed is used as a tile cabin as a bed." The bow of the boat cooks food, and the clothes are hung in the boat. " The ship in the south of the Yangtze River has a meaning beyond daily necessities and directly involved in cultural production and consumption. Chongzhen’s "Songjiang Prefecture Records" records that "at the beginning, there were sailing boats, mountain boats, seat boats and long-distance boats, but now they are wave boats, floor boats, Zhu Lan, Cuimu, Jingru and Jinglu", which shows that the boats are diverse and rich. Li E, a Qing Dynasty writer, wrote the Book of Lake Boats specially for the cruise ships in Hangzhou West Lake, which recorded nearly 100 kinds of cruise ships. In the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou, Jinling and other places also provided catering services for cruise ships, which were called "traveling boats" and "fire eating boats". Ships are not only used to swim the lake, but also used as a "stage". In this regard, there is a vivid record in the notes of the Qing Dynasty, "Su Jun feasted on the gods of the New Year, and every time he played on the bow of the Huqiu Mountain Pond. There is a theater in the boat, and dishes are prepared at the stern. The audience also called Sha Fei, Niu Tongue and other ships to be alongside them. ""Every year, we race the city and drive the railing barge in partnership.Traveling between Shanbang and Yefangbang, hoping to sell their skills. Every time you arrive at a boat, you must put on your robe and hat, hand in your eyes, and bow in the front cabin. Moving out, the value of the cable ranges from one to two hundred. " Even Martino Martini, a missionary who came to Hangzhou in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, said, "It’s true that rowing on the lake is more comfortable and pleasant than anything else in the world.". In modern times, all kinds of ships active in water towns are still an indispensable part of Jiangnan style. In Lu Xun’s "Social Drama", he watched the play on the bow and cooked the arhat beans on the boat, which is the case. When Feng Zikai lived in Tongxiang’s hometown, he often put books, clothes and other things into the "painting boat". Wherever he shook it "by night", he went ashore to sketch and paint, and the interesting works such as "The Barber Shop in the Wild" and "Three Empresses" were born in this way.

Culture in the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque, full of melodies, intoxicating and profound, which is dizzying and unforgettable. For thousands of years, Jiangnan Faner, which has been refined in the frequent interaction between nature and humanity, history and humanity, fortune and human feelings, has been active in the literary world with its unique charm, condensed in local customs and folk customs, and engraved into people’s lives and memories.

Guangming Daily (16th edition, October 20th, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily

What is culture? Is there a culture in West Renye Fang?

What is culture? What does culture mean? This has to start with ancient Chinese. Wen is a generic word of Wen. As a noun explanation, text is texture, representation and trace. As a verb explanation, the text is interlaced, described and portrayed. Astronomy, for example, means that celestial bodies are scattered all over the night sky and staggered, naturally forming a big picture of stars.

Xinghan brilliant

Oracle Bone Inscriptions shows that on the left is a man facing west, and on the right is a man turning east, just like a man tossing and turning while sleeping. It means that things change, change and come into being. Including the transformation from one form to another, or even another thing. For example, actors make up, incarnate everything, and educate all the people.

the banlance of yin and yang

Based on the exquisite ancient prose above, we believe that the meaning of culture is like that of people who engrave chapters, which are staggered and turned into a fine chapter. The result of tattooing is culture, and the text is transformed. The purpose of tattoo is to change, and the text is to change it.

keep on chipping away/work with perseverance

The extended meaning of culture can mean using tools and wealth that change life, such as Neolithic culture, agricultural culture, rural culture, industrial culture and modern culture.

The extended meaning of culture can also indicate the information or customs of transforming ideas, such as Confucian culture, Taoist culture, Buddhist culture, Mozi culture and other Chinese excellent traditional cultures, as well as Japanese samurai culture, western jungle culture, merchant culture and other animal cultures.

Use culture to change people.

Is there a culture in West Renye Fang? The answer is clear to you.

Thank you for reading.

# Culture # # Oracle Bone Inscriptions # # Traditional culture #

The new history of the B club game "Starry Sky" Steam is low: 298 yuan →208.6 yuan.

On December 5th, IT House reported that the B-club game "Starry Sky" opened a discount on Steam, and after 30% discount, it reached a low price in the national history, with the original price of 298 yuan and the current price of 208.6 yuan.

IT House previously reported that since the release of Starry Sky on September 6th this year,The total number of players on PC and Xbox has exceeded 12 million.. According to Microsoft CEO Spencer, there will be a lot of support for Starry Sky, and about 250 people in the studio are still developing the game.

It is worth mentioning that "Starry Sky" has a total of 82,603 evaluations on Steam.Among them, 68% are favorable.The evaluation is "mixed".

Introduction to the game:

Starfield comes from the creation of Starfield, the first brand-new universe created by Bethesda Game Studios, who has won numerous praises and brought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 to everyone for more than 25 years. This new generation role-playing game sets the background in the vast universe. Here, you can create any characters, explore the world and experience unprecedented freedom. Embark on this epic journey and discover the ultimate mystery of human civilization.

In 2330, mankind has stepped out of our solar system and settled on a new planet, and space travel has become a daily life of mankind. In the biggest game of Bethesda Game Studios to date, you will join the Star Organization, a group of space explorers looking for rare artifacts in the galaxy, and start a journey to explore the vast universe.

From "Beauty" to "Fashion": The "Second Start" of China Beauty Town

The scene of the 4 th International Rose Culture Festival was taken by Zhou Sunyu

The scene of the 4 th International Rose Culture Festival was taken by Zhou Sunyu

Huzhou, April 27 (Reporter Shi Zinan) "Although the proportion of beauty cosmetics in New Zealand is small, it has great development potential. I hope that the beauty industry in New Zealand can further exchange and cooperate with China Beauty Town. " Xiang Youliang, Commercial Officer of the Commercial Office of the Consulate General of New Zealand in Shanghai, said this at the 4th International Rose Culture Festival, which opened on 27th.

Xiangyou Liangkou Beauty Town is located in Daixi Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. At present, a whole cosmetics industry chain has been formed here, which ranks among the three major cosmetics gathering areas in China and is listed as the only core carrying area of cosmetics industry in Zhejiang Province during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

Tourists punch in at Rose Manor. Photo by Zhou Sunyu

Every time he comes to the beauty town, Xiang Youliang has different feelings. The superior geographical location and perfect beauty industry chain all make him "moved". "With the opportunity of the International Rose Culture Festival, you can also learn about the specific situation of the beauty industry and explore another possibility of economic and trade cooperation between China and New Zealand."

Beauty can be said to be the "ancestral" label of Daixi. Thousands of years ago, Daixi area was the famous origin of begonia flowers in the south of the Yangtze River, and it was also the base for planting roses for local people in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Taking the International Rose Culture Festival as an opportunity, the town is committed to deeply cultivating the "beautiful" industry, and now it has become the highland of the beauty industry in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta.

After visiting Daixi personally, Feng Tao, a professor from Universities of Applied Sciences, got a deeper understanding of the industry and ecological environment of the beauty town. What he didn’t expect was that everything related to the production and sales of cosmetics, starting from the cultivation of raw materials, including research and development, production, packaging and sales, can be found in the beauty town.

"Different from the other two major cosmetics industry clusters, beauty towns have great cooperation space in division of labor and industrial chain extension." On the same day, eight projects, including nano-carrier research and development project, biological project and high-end beauty experience project, were officially signed with the beauty town, with a total investment of 650 million yuan.

Tourists are enjoying flowers. Photo by Zhou Sunyu

Nowadays, as one of Huzhou’s "Five Grains" plans, Daixi has also been entrusted with the important mission of industrial upgrading, constantly exploring beauty as the core, and implanting new formats such as eco-tourism, fashion marketing and functional support into the industrial chain to create a brand-new "fashion valley".

According to Cheng Jia, member of the Standing Committee of Xing Wu District Committee and secretary of the Party Committee of Daixi Town, "The theme of’ Fashion Valley’ is’ Fashion’, focusing on improving the fashion industry chain; The value concept is’ Lohas’, emphasizing a healthy, environmentally friendly, fashionable, organic and natural lifestyle. "

In recent years, Daixi has been upgraded from "beauty" to "fashion" and "beauty", realizing industrial enrichment and functional extension; From "small town" to "valley", the spatial characteristics have been upgraded, and the organic transformation from "green mountains and green hills" to "Jinshan Yinshan" has been realized.

On-site, the industrial tourism route of Beauty Town was released simultaneously. Focusing on the theme of beauty, it provided tourists with an all-round, multi-perspective, immersive and experiential tour route from four perspectives: welcoming customers, industrial gathering, beauty center and ecological beauty valley, and committed to enabling every visitor to redefine beauty.

According to Min Yun, deputy mayor of Huzhou Municipal People’s Government, the release of this industrial tourism route is an important practice to promote the integration and development of beauty industry and tourism industry.

"Industrial integration is an irreversible trend in the development of modern industries and a key step and an important starting point in the development of global tourism. Strengthening the integration of beauty industry with agriculture, tourism, culture, commerce and other industries is conducive to optimizing resource allocation and extending the whole industry chain. " Min Yun said.

What he said is true. At a time when industrial integration has become an inevitable trend of economic and social development, the innovative model of "industry+ecology+culture+tourism" has gradually transformed the industrial dividend of the beauty town into green kinetic energy for high-quality development, and will continue to release more "fashion" wonderful. (End)

Source: China News Network

Table tennis world cup: the list of the top eight in table tennis was announced, with 24 wins and 2 losses leading! Hard battle is coming.

Table tennis World Cup is a highly regarded event, and its China table tennis team performed well in the quarter-finals. They led with a record of 24 wins and 2 losses, showing great strength. However, in the next competition, they may face more difficult opponents and more fierce competition. We expect them to continue to play well and achieve excellent results.