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The influence of artificial intelligence on human beings

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic, and one of the main topics is that robots will replace human work. In fact, many people have lost their jobs because artificial intelligence has replaced their work tasks. Nevertheless, people still need to work for machines, especially those jobs that are considered low-skilled. In this paper, we will discuss the influence of work artificial intelligence on human beings and the significance of this phenomenon to our economy and society.

Work disappears because of artificial intelligence.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has made some jobs redundant, which may be some traditional industries such as logistics, factory manufacturing, customer service, etc. These jobs needed manual operation in the past. Nowadays, the application of artificial intelligence technology has made these tasks more efficient and reduced labor costs, so the demand for staff has also declined. The application of artificial intelligence technology can make the production efficiency higher and reduce the working time and cost. However, workers are also at risk of unemployment, because machines and artificial intelligence technology will replace manpower.

Wages are cut by artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology can also allow employers to reduce employees’ wages. If a company can replace labor with machines, then they can cut labor costs, which also makes staff face greater economic pressure. In addition, with the application of machines and artificial intelligence technology, the skill level required for many jobs will be reduced because many tasks will be completed automatically. This means that staff need to have more skills and knowledge to stay in this industry.

Ideology brought by artificial intelligence

The ideology behind artificial intelligence technology may make us recognize the value of machines more. The real meaning behind this ideology is that if we no longer need the help of artificial intelligence, then we have no value. Artificial intelligence technology makes us believe that only with the latest technology can we maintain market competitiveness. This idea makes people believe that they are out of date and need to be eliminated.

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Economy and Society

The development of artificial intelligence will have a far-reaching impact on economy and society. Artificial intelligence technology can make our economy more efficient, but artificial intelligence may also lead to some negative effects. On the one hand, the unemployment rate may increase, because artificial intelligence technology will replace many jobs. On the other hand, artificial intelligence may make our society more divided, because those without technology and knowledge may be eliminated. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may bring more social problems, such as more crimes and social insecurity. These problems will require us to find solutions.

The self-promotion of technological capitalism

The self-promotion of technological capitalism means that technological capitalism thinks that technology can solve all problems, thus making our economy stronger. Advocates of technological capitalism believe that technology can bring more productivity and efficiency, thus promoting economic growth and creating more wealth. In this view, technology is regarded as a magic solution, which can help us solve all problems.

However, this idea also brings some problems. First of all, advocates of technological capitalism often ignore the problems brought by technology itself, such as technological unemployment and technological dependence. Secondly, they often put economic benefits above human nature and social values, and even sacrificed these values to pursue economic benefits.

In the eyes of the admirers of technological capitalism, technology is a magical solution that can help us get rid of all problems. However, technology itself is not a magic solution, it will also bring some problems and challenges. For example, technical unemployment and technical dependence are challenges brought by technological development.

In addition, the self-promotion of technological capitalism will also bring some problems in values. In the eyes of the admirers of technological capitalism, economic benefits are supreme, and other values can be sacrificed to pursue economic benefits. This view often leads people to ignore other values, such as human nature and social responsibility. Therefore, the self-promotion of technological capitalism may lead us to lose some important values and sense of responsibility.

The relationship between artificial intelligence and capitalism

The relationship between artificial intelligence and capitalism is an important issue facing the development of social economy and science and technology. The core of capitalist economic system is to pursue profits, and the application of artificial intelligence technology can improve production efficiency and reduce staff, thus reducing labor costs and increasing the profits of enterprises. This makes the capitalist economic system more inclined to the application of artificial intelligence technology, but it also brings some social problems.

First of all, the application of artificial intelligence technology may lead to an increase in the unemployment rate. With the development of automation and machine learning technology, many jobs have been automated, including simple assembly line jobs and some service jobs. Some forecasts show that more jobs may be automated in the future, which will lead to a large number of workers losing their jobs. This is why some people worry that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, more people will be eliminated.

Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also lead to social inequality and division. The application of automation and machine learning technology requires a high degree of technology and professional knowledge, and those who do not have these skills and knowledge may be eliminated. This will lead to social division and aggravate the gap between the rich and the poor.

In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also bring some moral and ethical problems. For example, some people worry that automation technology may weaken workers’ rights and interests, and workers’ rights to survival and development may be infringed. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also lead to privacy and security problems, such as data privacy and information leakage.

However, the application of artificial intelligence technology also has many positive aspects. For example, it can help enterprises improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and at the same time improve the quality and reliability of products. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology can also promote economic development and innovation, and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Real artificial intelligence

The development of artificial intelligence has made great progress, and many industries have begun to apply artificial intelligence technology to improve production efficiency and reduce workload. However, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, people are beginning to worry about whether artificial intelligence technology will replace human work.

True artificial intelligence means that human beings no longer need to do reasonably paid work, which means that we no longer need absolute slaves. The development of real artificial intelligence technology should be used to reduce people’s workload, not to replace human work. Therefore, we should explore how to apply artificial intelligence technology to those boring, dangerous or high-pressure jobs to improve work efficiency and reduce the burden on staff.

In fact, the application of artificial intelligence technology can help us better manage and protect our resources, thus solving global problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution and food shortage. At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence technology can also help us to better manage the medical and health field, such as strengthening medical diagnosis, monitoring chronic diseases and predicting the condition by using artificial intelligence technology.

However, the application of artificial intelligence technology has also brought some problems. First of all, artificial intelligence technology may lead to more unemployment because it can replace many jobs. Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence technology may make our society more divided, because those without technology and knowledge may be eliminated. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may bring more social problems, such as more crimes and social insecurity.

Therefore, we should explore how to make rational use of artificial intelligence technology, so as to minimize its negative impact. We need to regard artificial intelligence technology as an auxiliary tool for human beings, rather than a tool to replace human work. We need to work together to solve the problems brought by artificial intelligence and apply artificial intelligence technology to those areas that can improve work efficiency. Only in this way can we realize the greatest potential of artificial intelligence technology and bring more benefits to our society and economy.

The development of artificial intelligence needs joint efforts.

All artificial intelligence technologies are developed on the basis of human society, so we also need to work together to solve the problems brought by artificial intelligence. The government can formulate more reasonable policies to help those who have lost their jobs regain employment opportunities, and at the same time, it can encourage enterprises to apply artificial intelligence technology to those areas that can improve work efficiency. Educational institutions can also provide help and support for those who need to re-learn skills and knowledge.

In addition, we should also think about how to use artificial intelligence technology to solve global problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution and food shortage. The application of artificial intelligence technology can help us manage and protect our resources better, thus promoting sustainable development.

What does offside mean in football match? Will your own team be offside in the half court?

Offside is a professional term in football match, which first appeared in the Rules of Football Match promulgated in 1874. It is defined as: when the ball is passed in front of the attack direction, when the football kicks out, if the teammate of the defensive half is closer to the goal than the penultimate defender of the other side, and wants to use this position to interfere with the game or gain benefits, the player will be sentenced to offside.

There are many technical terms in football matches, such as penalty kick, corner kick, sideline kick, offside, etc. Among them, offside is often heard by many people, but its basic meaning is still ambiguous, and sometimes it is impossible to make an accurate judgment under special circumstances. Let’s explain it in detail below.

When we watch a football match, we often see a sideline referee raise a flag just after a player scores the ball into the opponent’s goal. The player who scored the goal has to shake his head helplessly and throw himself back into the attack. Naturally, the goal just scored will not count. Why? Because he was offside, he was offside at the moment when his teammates passed the ball to him.

Which position on the court is offside? In fact, there is no specific position, depending on the position of the players. First of all, offside can only happen in the opponent’s half court. At the moment when our own players pass the ball, we should observe the positions of all the players. When the player who is ready to catch the ball is at the forefront of all the players (excluding the goalkeeper of the opponent), he is offside. This position is not the position of his feet, but the position of his body, and his shoulders and head are leading.

In the past, offside was judged by the sideline referee with the naked eye, which naturally could not be absolutely accurate. But now, with the introduction of high-tech VAR technology, many offsides between millimeters can’t escape from the "eyes". However, although VAR makes the game fairer, it also reduces the excitement of the game to a certain extent and makes many beautiful goals invalid.

There are some special situations about offside on the court. For example, although the attacking player who receives the ball is ahead of all the defensive players (except the goalkeeper), he is still in his own half, so he is not offside at this time.

If a player on the attacking side is offside at the moment when the player passes the ball, but he doesn’t catch the ball or participate in the next attack, then he is not offside.

The last situation: although a player on the attacking side is in an offside position, he just runs with him, participates in the stall, and creates shooting opportunities for his own players, but he never touches the ball from beginning to end. Is he offside? Real fans, please tell me in the comments section.

Refuse to make the same mistake as Ronaldo! Messi or "forced" to renew his contract with Paris: 3 reasons for rushing to the Champions League+America’s Cup

On March 11th, Beijing time, according to Ole newspaper, Messi has decided to renew his contract with Grand Paris and continue to play for the French giants next season. So, why is Mei Qiu Wang willing to stay?

Messi’s contract with Greater Paris expired this summer, and the two sides started contract renewal negotiations after the World Cup, but they were once deadlocked. However, according to the Argentine media, he has only negotiated with Grand Paris at present, and Dali is also the only club that offers Messi, so the two sides are expected to continue to work together.

"The only quotation" reminds people of Cristiano Ronaldo. Last summer, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United, and Mendes looked around for a big family, but he was repeatedly rejected. No Champions League team was willing to make an offer for him. Until the break with Manchester United last November, Cristiano Ronaldo’s situation was the same, and he could only leave Europe and go far to Saudi Arabia.

For Messi, it seems that no other team wants him. With his age and high salary, the Premier League may not be able to adapt. Serie A and Bundesliga can’t afford it. In La Liga, the only way is to return to Barcelona, but laporta is only speculating and has not made an offer.

However, unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has at least not fallen out with the club, so he can choose to stay in Paris and continue to play in the five major leagues in Europe. This is the first point.

Secondly, Messi still hopes to play in the Champions League and win the fifth Champions League title to tie the historical record maintained by Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid. The last time he won the championship, it was already in 2015. This is the biggest regret left by Mei Qiuwang’s career, and he will try his best to complete it before leaving Europe.

Although Greater Paris has stopped in the top 16 for two consecutive seasons, Qataris are reluctant to let Mbappé go, and Neymar, who has a longer contract, may stay. If we continue to introduce reinforcements and strengthen the lineup this summer, it will undoubtedly be an important stage for the Champions League, and at least the French champion will be guaranteed, won’t it?

Third, Messi also hopes to participate in the 2024 America’s Cup and strive to lead Argentina to successfully defend its title. Cristiano Ronaldo has become a substitute in the World Cup, and his position and importance in the Portuguese national team have declined. The Five Shield Corps has changed its coach, so he can go to Saudi Arabia to "self-destruct" after winning the 2016 European Cup.

Messi is different. He is still the number one core in Argentina. Without him, the strength of the Pampas Eagle will be greatly reduced, and Scalogni will be there. Therefore, in the last competition of the national team’s career, we must go all out, and only by staying in Europe and staying in the giants can we maintain our current excellent state.

Therefore, in the absence of other better options, Messi is likely to be "forced" to renew his contract with Greater Paris, play at the Prince Park Stadium for at least another year, and then follow Cristiano Ronaldo and go to the United States, Saudi Arabia or other places to support the elderly.

No Messi? Mbappé went too far, and the fans shouted: The pattern is too small, and Messi hurried away.

Paris Saint-Germain has just been out of the Champions League, missed the quarter-finals for two consecutive seasons, and immediately ushered in the 27th round of Ligue 1, and went to the away game against relegation team brest. In this game, Paris didn’t finish the winner until the 90th minute, and narrowly missed 3 points. However, Mbappé’s forced shooting made Messi very unhappy, and fans shouted that Messi should not renew his contract, so let’s go in the summer window.

There is a huge gap between the two teams’ paper strength, and Paris Saint-Germain mainly forms a siege. In the 37th minute, Mbappé’s powerful shot outside the restricted area was saved, and Sohler succeeded in making up the shot. However, before the end of the half-time, there was a serious loophole in the defense of Greater Paris, and Ramos watched Aunola equalize.

In the 62nd minute, there was a controversial scene. At that time, Fabian Ruiz made a direct pass to the restricted area, Messi took advantage of the situation to make the ball, and Mbappé rubbed his right foot and kicked the ball out of bounds. It is not difficult to see from the slow motion that Messi was speechless and bowed his head and left directly.

Why is Messi disappointed? The reason is very simple. We can easily see that Messi was in an unguarded state when Mbappé kicked off. If Mbappé chooses to cross, the high probability will turn into a goal.

Although a good striker is fed by bullets, it is understandable that Mbappé is unique as a striker. But Messi has no one to defend and doesn’t pass the ball. It’s really too much.

This season, Mbappé signed a super contract, and he also has the power to surpass the players. When a teammate doesn’t pass the ball to him, Mbappé will express his displeasure in public. However, when Mbappé has a chance to kick, his eyes are often only on the goal, and he will not pass the ball to Messi and Neymar most of the time.

In the 90th minute, in the backcourt of Paris, the ball was broken to fight back. Messi put his leg in place and sent a precise straight plug to assist Mbappé to score a goal, which was the 300th assist in Messi’s club career.

There is no harm without comparison, and many fans feel unworthy for Messi. A fan said: "Mbappé only has himself and data in his eyes. What is the difference with his idol Cristiano Ronaldo?" There are also fans who commented: "The pattern of Mbappé is too small, and I don’t know how to reciprocate at all. It will be difficult to achieve great things in the future."

As we all know, Messi has previously rejected the salary reduction and contract renewal in Paris, and he is likely to leave the team this summer. Therefore, some fans said that as long as Mbappé stays in the team, no matter how strong Messi is, he is just a tool for director Tim to brush data and compete for the Golden Globe Award. In this case, it is better to leave early, and there is no need to continue to suffer indignities!

Fifa World Cup 2022: Lionel Messi beats an egg to become most liked post on Instagram

Lionel Messi set yet another record after his Instagram post celebrating Argentina’s World Cup win became the most-liked on the platform, breaking a nearly four-year-old record held by a photo of an egg.

Having led Argentina to their first World Cup in 36 years with victory over France, Messi proceeded to make more history off the pitch with his photo gallery on Instagram, which racked up more than 65 million likes at the time of writing.

The previous record was famously held by a stock image of an egg on a white background with 55.7 million likes, posted by the account @world_record_egg in January 2019 in an intentional bid to become the most-liked Instagram post of all time.

Messi, 35, scored twice before converting in the penalty shoot-out in a pulsating final described as one of the greatest ever, with the team greeted by scenes of wild jubilation on their return home.

“Champions of the world! So many times I dreamed it, so much I wanted it that I still don’t fall, I can’t believe it,” Messi wrote alongside the post that included 10 photos of him hoisting the trophy aloft and celebrating with his teammates.

“Thank you so much to my family, to all who support me and also to all who believed in us. We prove once again that Argentinians when we fight together and united we are able to achieve what we aim.

“The merit is of this group, which is above individuals, is the strength of all fighting for the same dream that was also the one of all Argentinians … We did it!”

Guinness World Records shared a series of records broken by Messi after the final, noting that he had surpassed Germany’s Lothar Matthaus for the record of most World Cup matches played, with 26.

The World Cup trophy had been the one piece of silverware missing from Messi’s extraordinary career, during which he has been voted the world’s best player a record seven times and won the Copa America, 11 league titles and four Champions League titles among other major honours.

What does spa mean?

Spa refers to: water to achieve health, healthy water. SPA refers to the use of water resources combined with bathing, massage, smearing skin care products and aromatherapy to promote metabolism and satisfy human vision, taste, touch, smell and thinking to achieve a pleasant enjoyment of body and mind.

SPA is a soothing and stress-relieving method composed of professional beauty therapists, water, light, aromatic oils, music and other elements, which can help people achieve body, mind and spirit fitness effects. The discussion on the origin of the word SPA has a word that runs through it, that is, “hydrotherapy”, which reflects the important role of water in the field of healing in ancient times and in early European spa culture.
Types of spas:

There are many kinds of SPA, from ordinary bath massage, to aromatherapy massage using various mineral waters and aromatic oils, to the popular “parent fish” bath that gnaws dead skin flakes, as well as chocolate and coffee SPA. However, there are other more special spa treatments around the world, there are intoxicating beer spas, sensational snake spas, and even crude oil spas that use oil as bath water.

The precautions for taking a sauna include not being overworked

The precautions for taking a sauna include not being overworked, not hungry, paying attention to hydration, removing jewelry, and people who have a cold or are during menstruation should not take a sauna. Sauna, also known as Finnish bath, refers to the process of using steam to perform physical therapy on the human body in a closed room.

  1. It is not advisable to be overworked and hungry
    Under normal circumstances, it is not advisable to take a sauna when you are overworked or hungry, because the human body has poor muscle tone when you are tired or hungry, and has a reduced ability to tolerate cold and hot stimuli. Sauna at this time is likely to cause collapse. If you experience collapse during the sauna, you should immediately lie down and rest, give warm tea or sugar water to drink, and use your fingers to pinch and press acupoints such as Renzhong, Neiguan, and Hegu, or acupuncture at Hegu, Zusanli and other acupoints. Helps in first aid for collapsed patients.
  2. Pay attention to hydration
    You must pay attention to replenishing water during the sauna. It is best to drink two glasses of boiled water before the sauna. Don’t forget to replenish water during the sauna, because the human body will lose a lot of water due to sweating during the sauna. body fluids, which can lead to dehydration if left unhydrated. If dehydration occurs during the sauna session, the patient needs to be moved to a cool environment in time, given appropriate sugar and saline solution, and pay attention to rest.
  3. Remove the jewelry
    In addition, do not wear jewelry, such as jade pendants, necklaces, watches, etc., when you are in the sauna, because jewelry can easily absorb heat, and wearing them during the sauna may burn your skin or cause skin discomfort. If you experience collapse during the sauna, you should immediately lie down and rest, give warm tea or sugar water to drink, and use your fingers to pinch and press acupoints such as Renzhong, Neiguan, and Hegu, or acupuncture at Hegu, Zusanli and other acupoints. Helps in first aid for collapsed patients.
  4. People who have a cold or are in menstrual period should not take a sauna
    It should also be noted that not all people are suitable for sauna, and patients with a cold should not take a sauna, because the bacteria hidden in the sauna can enter the human body through the respiratory tract, which can easily aggravate the patient’s cold condition, and can cause pneumonia and other diseases in severe cases. In addition, it is not suitable for girls to take a sauna during their menstrual period, so as not to cause upward infection.
    Sauna is a special bathing method, which not only relieves fatigue, relieves pain, and relaxes joints. It is usually suitable for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It also has the effect of dilating skin blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, and helping the waste in the body. Excluded, can make the deep layer of the skin obtain more effective nutrients.