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Eight men’s and women’s physiological knowledge actually cheated many people! It’s time to correct your ideas.

In life, we will come into contact with all kinds of knowledge from the internet, but many times we don’t know whether the articles we see are true or not. Especially about physiological knowledge, it is easy to be misled and has always produced some incorrect prejudices. Next, let’s talk to you about some common misunderstandings about men and women’s physiology.

(1) the more hair, the stronger the desire?

I believe many people have heard this sentence, so that they see some women with strong hair in their lives with different eyes. In fact, this statement is completely nonsense. Whether the hair is strong or not is related to two factors, namely hormone secretion in the body and genetic influence. There is no connection between the two and sexual desire!

(2) The color of private parts is dark, because it is frequent?

This is also a very common prejudice against women. Many people think that the dark color of women’s private parts is caused by sexual confusion. In fact, there is no connection between the two. The color depth of women’s local skin is determined according to the distribution of melanocytes in the body and is influenced by sex hormones. After puberty, the level of sex hormones will also rise and the color will become darker, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

(3) No sexual life, no gynecological diseases?

This statement is also wrong. Women’s private parts have a natural barrier to resist the invasion of external germs. Once this barrier is broken, it will cause germs to enter the body and cause gynecological diseases. When the body’s resistance drops, the hormone level is abnormal and the local hygiene is not paid attention to, it may lead to gynecological diseases.

(4) Is it healthier to wash below?

This is a well-known advertising slogan before. Many women will buy lotion to clean their private parts when they are healthy. In fact, in a healthy situation, there is absolutely no need to wash with lotion. Women’s vagina has its own flora balance. Cleaning with lotion will destroy the normal acid-base balance, but it will cause gynecological diseases. It only needs to be cleaned with water every day.

(1) Can food supplement be aphrodisiac?

Most of the so-called food supplements are based on shape, and the more common one is to eat kidney. Kidney is mainly composed of protein and fat, which is a food with high cholesterol. Eating too much will not only fail to make up the kidney, but also cause the burden on the kidney, leading to the deficiency of the kidney.

(2) The longer Ding Ding, the stronger his ability?

There is no correlation between the length of male "little brother" and sexual ability, which is a normal physiological phenomenon just like the height, height and thinness of our human body. As for the ability, it is entirely individual difference and cannot be judged by appearance.

(3) coitus interruptus can also use contraception?

It is very unreliable to say that coitus interruptus can use contraception, because sperm is not only excreted when men ejaculate. Sperm will be discharged in the process of life, and coitus interruptus is very likely to lead to unintended pregnancy. It is recommended to wear condoms for contraception!

(4) Will a man masturbate with impotence?

Men masturbate moderately in daily life, which will not only lead to "impotence", but also relieve psychological, physical, spiritual and other pressures. This is a normal physiological demand and does not need to give themselves too much psychological burden. But be careful not to overdo it!


Yao Jian ‘an. Too much body hair does not mean strong sexual desire [J]. Self-care, 2013 (4): 6-6.

Let nature take its course when dealing with masturbation among young people [J]. Health Must Read, 2007,163 (02): 58.

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Ten beautiful classical music, feel the charm of classical music.

Classical music is a window of time, through which we can travel through time and space and feel the masterpieces created by composers in different cultures and historical periods. The following are ten intoxicating classical music, let us swim in the beauty of the world with the rhythm of music.

1. dvorak’s Ninth Symphony Dvorak wrote this symphony in new york, USA. The beautiful melody in the second movement makes people feel the composer’s loneliness in a foreign country and his deep yearning for his hometown. The majestic beginning of the fourth movement seems to be an ode to the new era, reminiscent of the theme melody of Peking Man in new york.

2. Handel’s Water Music For the summer concert on the Thames, Handel composed a series of orchestral music, which is famous for its beautiful melodies. These tracks are played on the Thames cruise ship, hence the name "water music".

3. Chopin’s Nocturne in G Minor Chopin spent his short life in Paris, and his serenade made people feel the elegance and romance of Paris salons in the 19th century, as if they were walking among the falling buttonwood leaves on the banks of the Seine.

4. Mendelssohn’s "Venice Boat Song" Selected from Mendelssohn’s 48 Songs Without Words, this song is as beautiful and lyrical as a song, showing Mendelssohn’s unique creative style.

5. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata "Moonlight Song" is famous for its melodious melody and deep emotion, and it is one of Beethoven’s most classic works. The first movement "Adagio" expresses tranquility and beauty, but also contains a trace of melancholy and meditation.

6. Smetana’s Voltava River From Smetana’s symphony suite "My Motherland", this piece of music depicts the state of a river through music, showing the soothing power.

7. Bizet’s "The Girl in Alai City" Originally Bicai’s opera, it was later adapted into a suite, the most famous of which is the minuet in the second suite, which has a strong Parisian flavor.

8. Grieg’s Song of Solvig Selected from Grieg’s "Pearl Gold" suite, this touching instrumental music is full of sadness and hope, vast and deep.

9. Shostakovich’s "The Second Waltz" Selected from Shostakovich’s "Second Jazz Suite", it is full of rich Russian amorous feelings and makes people feel the scene of the grand waltz ball.

10. johann strauss’s The Story of the Vienna Forest This waltz expresses Johann Strauss II’s pride and love for Vienna, and outlines the life atmosphere of Vienna more than 100 years ago.

These ten classical music works, like a door to different cultures and historical periods, allow us to cross between notes and feel the colorful music world. With the melody rippling, it seems to be able to travel through time and space, blend into that wonderful music picture, and enjoy swimming in the melody of the world.

From "Beauty" to "Fashion": The "Second Start" of China Beauty Town

The scene of the 4 th International Rose Culture Festival was taken by Zhou Sunyu

The scene of the 4 th International Rose Culture Festival was taken by Zhou Sunyu

Huzhou, April 27 (Reporter Shi Zinan) "Although the proportion of beauty cosmetics in New Zealand is small, it has great development potential. I hope that the beauty industry in New Zealand can further exchange and cooperate with China Beauty Town. " Xiang Youliang, Commercial Officer of the Commercial Office of the Consulate General of New Zealand in Shanghai, said this at the 4th International Rose Culture Festival, which opened on 27th.

Xiangyou Liangkou Beauty Town is located in Daixi Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. At present, a whole cosmetics industry chain has been formed here, which ranks among the three major cosmetics gathering areas in China and is listed as the only core carrying area of cosmetics industry in Zhejiang Province during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

Tourists punch in at Rose Manor. Photo by Zhou Sunyu

Every time he comes to the beauty town, Xiang Youliang has different feelings. The superior geographical location and perfect beauty industry chain all make him "moved". "With the opportunity of the International Rose Culture Festival, you can also learn about the specific situation of the beauty industry and explore another possibility of economic and trade cooperation between China and New Zealand."

Beauty can be said to be the "ancestral" label of Daixi. Thousands of years ago, Daixi area was the famous origin of begonia flowers in the south of the Yangtze River, and it was also the base for planting roses for local people in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Taking the International Rose Culture Festival as an opportunity, the town is committed to deeply cultivating the "beautiful" industry, and now it has become the highland of the beauty industry in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta.

After visiting Daixi personally, Feng Tao, a professor from Universities of Applied Sciences, got a deeper understanding of the industry and ecological environment of the beauty town. What he didn’t expect was that everything related to the production and sales of cosmetics, starting from the cultivation of raw materials, including research and development, production, packaging and sales, can be found in the beauty town.

"Different from the other two major cosmetics industry clusters, beauty towns have great cooperation space in division of labor and industrial chain extension." On the same day, eight projects, including nano-carrier research and development project, biological project and high-end beauty experience project, were officially signed with the beauty town, with a total investment of 650 million yuan.

Tourists are enjoying flowers. Photo by Zhou Sunyu

Nowadays, as one of Huzhou’s "Five Grains" plans, Daixi has also been entrusted with the important mission of industrial upgrading, constantly exploring beauty as the core, and implanting new formats such as eco-tourism, fashion marketing and functional support into the industrial chain to create a brand-new "fashion valley".

According to Cheng Jia, member of the Standing Committee of Xing Wu District Committee and secretary of the Party Committee of Daixi Town, "The theme of’ Fashion Valley’ is’ Fashion’, focusing on improving the fashion industry chain; The value concept is’ Lohas’, emphasizing a healthy, environmentally friendly, fashionable, organic and natural lifestyle. "

In recent years, Daixi has been upgraded from "beauty" to "fashion" and "beauty", realizing industrial enrichment and functional extension; From "small town" to "valley", the spatial characteristics have been upgraded, and the organic transformation from "green mountains and green hills" to "Jinshan Yinshan" has been realized.

On-site, the industrial tourism route of Beauty Town was released simultaneously. Focusing on the theme of beauty, it provided tourists with an all-round, multi-perspective, immersive and experiential tour route from four perspectives: welcoming customers, industrial gathering, beauty center and ecological beauty valley, and committed to enabling every visitor to redefine beauty.

According to Min Yun, deputy mayor of Huzhou Municipal People’s Government, the release of this industrial tourism route is an important practice to promote the integration and development of beauty industry and tourism industry.

"Industrial integration is an irreversible trend in the development of modern industries and a key step and an important starting point in the development of global tourism. Strengthening the integration of beauty industry with agriculture, tourism, culture, commerce and other industries is conducive to optimizing resource allocation and extending the whole industry chain. " Min Yun said.

What he said is true. At a time when industrial integration has become an inevitable trend of economic and social development, the innovative model of "industry+ecology+culture+tourism" has gradually transformed the industrial dividend of the beauty town into green kinetic energy for high-quality development, and will continue to release more "fashion" wonderful. (End)

Source: China News Network

People who swim for a long time will receive these four "surprises". Do you know which one?

The summer solstice has just passed, and many places are "surrounded" by high temperature. How to cool off the heat has become a topic that everyone talks about after dinner.

When it comes to cooling off summer heat, many people will choose swimming besides eating iced watermelons and ice cream and hiding in air-conditioned rooms.

Swimming is not only cool, but also helpful to health, but swimming incorrectly may also cause "trouble".

So, what benefits can swimming bring? What should I pay attention to when I swim?

1. Enhance cardiopulmonary function

The British "International Journal of Water Sports Research and Education" has clearly pointed out that swimming is rightEnhance human heart and lung functionIt has positive significance.

Because when swimming, the friction of water on the human body will strengthen the heart.Blood reflux velocityAt the same time, increase the heart and brainBlood transfusion volumeIt can prevent and even treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Step 2 lose weight and shape

When swimming, the resistance in water is in the air.12 timesIt takes great physical strength to overcome it.

In this process, the excess in the bodyFat and glycogenWill be consumed and eventually play a rolelose weightThe purpose.

At the same time, swimming asSystemic exerciseLong-term persistence can also achieve the effect of shaping.

Step 3 reduce asthma

Swimming is good for improving the nervous system.Thermoregulation functionEnhance the adaptability of the human body to cold and hot changes, especially children, after swimming often.Physical fitness and disease resistance of organismWill be improved and reduce the onset of asthma.

4. Joint protection and lumbar protection

The weight of people in water is only one-eighth of that on land, so there is basically no load on the joints when swimming, which also helpsEnhance bone mineral densitySo swimming can not only make the body fully active, but alsoWill not hurt the joints..

In addition, the buoyancy generated in the water makes the human spine horizontal, which canReduce the burden on the spine, reduce the pressure on the neck and lumbar spine, there areLumbar protectionThe role of.

Swimming has always been regarded as a sport suitable for all ages, but we should still pay attention to safety during swimming, especially to prevent these three diseases.

First, sudden deathThe swimming intensity is too high, which exceeds the heart load. At this time,Cardiac insufficiencySudden death may occur. The doctor suggested,Overtime, physical exhaustionPeople had better not go swimming.

In addition,Variation of water temperatureExtremely easy to causeSevere contraction of blood vesselsAnd increase the incidence of sudden death, so in addition to fully warming up before swimming, we should also pay attention.After getting used to the water temperature.Swimming again.

Second, vaginitisThe swimming pool is a public place. If women swim in an unclean swimming pool, they may get infected with bacteria.Reduce the mechanism of vaginal anti-bacteriaAnd cause vaginitis problems.

Advise women toRegular swimming poolSwimming, and want toStaggered menstrual periodAt the same time, avoid direct contact with the ground.

Third, molluscum contagiosumThe water monkey is an infectious skin disease. Because of the large number of people in the swimming pool, if disinfection is not thorough, a large number of germs may breed and cross-infect.

Swimming is good, but some people try not to swim.

  • Patients with heart disease, including congenital heart disease, untreated coronary heart disease, viral myocarditis and so on. This kind of patient swims vigorously and may appear.Insufficient oxygen and blood supply to the heartProblem, very easy.arrhythmiaAnd even sudden death.
  • Patients with emphysema (chronic bronchitis). When swimming, the water pressure will increase the pressure on the chest and abdomen, leading to the appearance of patients.Dyspnea, hypoxiaIsopulmonary dysfunction.
  • Ear disease patient. When swimming, water will enter the human ear canal or bring in a lot of bacteria, which will aggravate ear diseases.
  • epileptic. In the process of swimming, it is very dangerous if epilepsy suddenly occurs.

  • Red eye patient. Pink eye disease is caused by bacterial infection and can spread quickly in water.
  • Dermatological patient. Including all kindsTinea, allergic dermatosisAnd so on, may aggravate their own condition at the same time, the disease will be transmitted to others.
  • Menstrual women. During menstruation, bacteria are more likely to enter women’s uterus and cause infection problems, which in turn leads to women.Irregular menstruation, vaginitis and other problems.

Before swimming, you should do it wellAdequate warm-up exercise, helpImprove the excitability of the nervous systemAnd let the organs enter a state of movement to prevent palpitation, dizziness, shortness of breath and other phenomena after entering the water, andIncrease the range of joint motionAvoid cramps or joint injuries during swimming.

Second, rememberDon’t swim on an empty stomach, there may be physical exhaustion, causing accidents.

In addition,Swim immediately after strenuous exercise.It is also taboo, because the swimming heart load will increase infinitely at this time, and the body temperature will plummet, which maycatch coldIn addition, it can also cause severe contraction of blood vessels, leading toSudden death.

It is also very important that we shouldChoose places with more people.Swimming, especiallyOld people, beginners and children., should put an end to swimming alone, it is best to swim together with family and friends.

Swimming can not only cool down and relieve summer heat, but also exercise, which has many benefits. However, before swimming, we must make adequate preparations and exercise, and at the same time pay attention to the swimming time should not be too long.


[1] You don’t know so many benefits of swimming? ".People’s Network-Popular Science China. 2016-10-10

[2] Prevention of Sudden Death in Swimming Season. Health Times.2016-05-05

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Psychology: 99% of emotional problems can be solved by "attitude"

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Some people say that most of the emotions you can’t maintain well will have root causes.

Regardless of the root cause of this answer, psychology lovers should first make it clear that emotion is subordinate to attitude. Attitude, on the other hand, is a relatively stable psychological tendency held by individuals towards specific objects (others, ideas, emotions or events, etc.). This psychological tendency often contains individual’s subjective evaluation and viewpoint, as well as the resulting behavioral tendency.

Now we know that emotion is a part of the whole attitude. It is in harmony with introverted feelings, intentions and habits in attitude.It is a psychological state of "attitude", which is a complex and stable physiological feedback and experience in physiology.

The "emotion" we are usually familiar with includes not only the sense of morality, but also the sense of value. It is embodied in human behavior, that is, love, happiness, hatred, disgust, beauty and other life feelings or basic attitudes.

Psychology lovers often have the thinking and habit of exploring and analyzing the essence of things, and they know that the attitude (emotional state) understood by ordinary people is not the same as the emotional attitude studied in psychology.

Ordinary people often attribute their attitude and emotion to individual personality, experience and immediate feedback, but completely ignore the root of "attitude". On the basis of this misjudgment, people often make wrong judgments or interpretations of other people’s emotional states.

Therefore, in order to clearly understand people’s emotions, it is necessary to clarify the "attitude" that can cover emotions and all kinds of psychological connections involved.

In the history of psychological development, the definition of "attitude" was first put forward by psychologists Spencer and Bein in 1862. They believe that, from the psychological level, people’s attitude is a kind of opinion that comes out first, and it is a "preconceived idea" and psychological tendency that leads individual judgment and thinking to a certain direction, that is, our daily psychological preparation.

On this basis, influenced by behaviorism in psychological research in 1930s, psychologist allport updated his predecessors’ analysis and judgment on attitude. He believes that people’s attitude is essentially a state of psychological and nervous preparation.

It is mainly organized through people’s life experience, and this "psychological and nervous preparation state" organized through experience affects the individual’s response to the situation. Obviously, allport’s definition emphasizes the role of individual experience in the formation of psychological attitude.

In 1948, psychologist Kreiger proposed that from the psychological point of view, it must be clear that attitude is actually the persistent organization of individuals’ motivation, emotion and perception of certain social phenomena in their daily lives. Like allport, Kreiger’s definition of attitude still emphasizes people’s subjective experience in the present.

However, more advanced than allport, Kreiger regards people as individuals who can think and actively construct things, rather than just passive life experiences.

In 1984, American psychologist Barker made a new conclusion about the concept and definition of "attitude".He believes that "attitude" is actually a psychological tendency of people to others, ideas or things. But he also stressed that people’s attitude is a subjective thing of ideas and opinions.

In modern times, psychologist Myers updated the definition of "attitude" again in 1993, and was recognized as a relatively perfect formulation of attitude so far. Myers believes that from the perspective of psychology, "attitude" is an "evaluative response" that people like or dislike something or someone, and this response is often manifested in people’s beliefs, emotions and tendencies.

Tracing back to the source, we clarify the connotation and extension of "attitude" and the development process of concept definition, mainly to explain the theme of "emotion" After all, emotion is contained in "attitude" and is a part of attitude. If you want to understand emotion and related problems, you should first understand the causes of emotion from the root.

If you look at the individual from the whole, you will obviously come to a biased conclusion; And only look at the overall (attitude) characteristics, but do not carefully analyze the individual (emotional) details, naturally can not see the whole picture of things.

Psychologist Myers believes that people’s attitude will inevitably involve three dimensions: emotion, behavioral intention and individual cognition. As mentioned above, the "emotion" that we usually think is the most familiar and understandable is a part of the whole self-attitude, which is in harmony with the introverted feelings and intentions in the attitude.In fact, individual emotion includes two aspects: moral sense and value sense, which are embodied in subjective feelings and experiences such as love, happiness, hatred, disgust and beauty in daily life.

From the perspective of value goal, people’s emotional expression can be divided into four categories: feelings for things, feelings for people, feelings for themselves and feelings for special things.

If we look at people’s emotions from a changing perspective, then people’s feelings about foreign things depend on the changes and tenses of their own values.According to the different ways and tenses of their own values, the ways people treat emotions can be divided into five specific forms:

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Pride

Reduced value-emotional attitude: shame

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Embarrassment

Future Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Self-confidence

Future Value Decrease-Emotional Attitude: Inferiority

Darwin, an evolutionist, believes that the state of human organism and the development of biological organism are both a process of continuous evolution. This evolution process is embodied as follows: the biological species are constantly differentiated and increased,The cell structure in organisms has become more and more complex but more orderly, and the organizational function of organisms has been deepened and strengthened.

Obviously, as a subjective emotion, the emotional development of human beings is also a process of continuous evolution. This evolution is embodied in:

The manifestations of human emotions are constantly differentiating and increasing.

The hierarchical structure of emotion is increasingly complex but more orderly.

The behavior-driven ability of emotion has been constantly evolving and strengthened.

From Darwin’s theory of evolution, we can find that in the process of analyzing human emotions, if we apply the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and biological evolution to the emotional field together, a more scientific concept and judgment method of emotional evolution will be formed.

In this sense, the establishment of a "scientific theory of emotional evolution" by individuals is not only helpful for exploring the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions and realizing "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", but also for the survival and quality of life of biological individuals.

In the long run, in today’s intelligent AI, scientific emotional concepts and judgment methods are also of great theoretical significance for scientists to develop emotional robots in the true sense.

We know that,Emotion is a subjective reflection of people’s value relationship. Therefore, the evolution and change of human emotion fundamentally originates from and depends on the evolution of value relationship in reality, that is, the evolution of human value relationship, which promotes the evolution of human emotion.

Objectively speaking, the development process of human value relationship is not only a slow quantitative change process, but also a changing process in which rapid qualitative change may occur. No matter from which aspect, it is a long, tortuous, natural, hierarchical and phased evolution process.

Therefore, if we look at the history of human emotion and its development from different dimensions, such as individual and society, individual and others, we will find that it is unscientific and idealistic to arbitrarily and unilaterally regard "emotion" as a unique thing of someone.

It is also mechanical and dogmatic to divide emotional simplicity into instinctive and dynamic categories. There is an inseparable relationship between emotion and social development, and between emotion and individual experience.

From reality, we can infer that the value relationship between people is in the process of continuous evolution.. Moreover, this evolutionary process can be divided into five basic stages:

Single factor value

Multi-factor value

Variable value
Diversity value

Multi-layer value

On the basis of this reality, there will be five stages of natural evolution of human emotions:

  • 1. Sexual emotion
  • 2. Rigid emotions
  • 3. Flexible emotions
  • 4. Intellectual emotion
  • 5. Rational emotion

Thus, emotion is a process of dynamic change and development, not a static process. In the development direction of emotional evolution, emotion is also manifested in the continuous differentiation and integration of emotion and individual cognition:

In the stage of sexual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion are completely confused and integrated;

In the rigid emotional stage, although people’s cognition and emotion are still in a state of confusion, they begin to show a trend of separation gradually;

In the stage of elastic emotion, people’s cognition and emotion will be further separated, and a new outline will gradually appear;

In the stage of intellectual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion begin to develop independently;

In the stage of rational emotion, people’s cognition and emotion can not only develop independently, but also integrate freely.

From the above classification, although emotion is always the subjective reflection of the human brain on the value relationship, it will continue to evolve and develop under the influence of various changes in reality, and its development and evolution direction fundamentally depends on the development direction of the value relationship in reality.

To sum up, we have described the physiological principle and dynamic evolution characteristics of emotion, and clearly understand that human emotion is not emotion, but a kind of physiological feedback and experience that changes and develops with the value relationship in reality.

In real life, many people lament that they can’t maintain a relationship, and it is easy to attribute the reason to the evolution of the other party and their own persistence, or other external reasons. In fact, emotion is an evolutionary process that constantly changes with the external environment, and it will not always stick to a certain state.

If we can establish a "scientific theory of emotional evolution", clearly know and explore the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions, and realize "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", then we will avoid falling into daily physiological emotions and making misjudgments or misjudgments in emotions.It is no exaggeration to say that 99% of emotional problems can be solved in these ways.

– The End –

Author | Magic Little

Edit | A grain of rice

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Alfred Adler, translated by Zhou Lang. What does life mean to you [M]. International Culture Publishing Company, 2000.

Wechat WeChat official account: the first psychology

The reason for Yang Ming’s departure is exposed! Liao basket’s salary for renewing the contract is too shabby, and the new one is determined, and the salary is 10 times.

Although the CBA league will not start for more than a month, the news of China basketball has emerged in an endless stream recently, the most interesting of which is the news that Yang Ming, the coach of Liaoning men’s basketball team, officially broke up with the club.

As the coach of CBA team, 38-year-old Yang Ming is still very young, but he has already worn two CBA championship rings on his hand, which even Guo Shiqiang has never achieved. Of course, Yang Ming’s success in Liao basket was not entirely smooth sailing. In the summer of 2020, Guo Shiqiang announced his resignation after the Liaoning Basketball Team lost to Zhejiang Team. The Liaoning General Administration of Sports did not retain this meritorious coach, but promoted Yang Ming, who was only 35 years old at that time, to the position of head coach of the Liaoning Basketball Team.

In the middle of the league class, he was also a rookie head coach. In the first season after taking over the Liao basketball, Yang Ming was only a nominal head coach, and the real command was in the hands of Spanish teaching assistant Martinez. This season, the Guangdong men’s basketball team is still very brave, and Yi Jianlian, Ma Shang and weems are still at their peak, so the Liao basketball team was defeated by the Guangdong men’s basketball team in the finals and missed the CBA championship again.

In the next 2020-21 season, Yang Ming officially became the coach of Liao Basketball. In order to help Yang Ming grow up, Liaoning Sports Bureau invited back the coach Jiang Xingquan and Wu Naiqun, a famous player of Liao Basketball, to assist him. In addition, the Liao basketball team also introduced Fogg, which made the team’s inside and outside lineups stronger, and the Liao basketball team reached the finals without any suspense.

However, the Liao basketball team once again fell at the foot of the Guangdong men’s basketball team at the last minute of the championship. After missing the CBA championship again, Yang Ming offered to resign, but under the persuasion of Jiang Xingquan, he chose to stay.

Failure is the mother of success, after last season’s setbacks. Yang Ming grew up quickly. In the next 2021-22 season, he led the Liao basketball team to the finals in the league. At this time, the Guangdong men’s basketball team had begun to decline, and the opponent of the Liao basketball finals became Zhejiang Guangsha.

The strength of Guangsha team can’t be compared with that of Guangdong men’s basketball team in its peak period, so the Liao team swept its opponent 4-0 and won the second CBA championship in the club’s history, and 37-year-old Yang Ming finally made a name for himself.

Last season, coach Jiang Xingquan officially retired and went home to support himself, and Yang Ming began to shoulder all the burdens of the team by himself. In this regard, many fans think that the young Yang Ming can’t lead the Liao basketball team to successfully defend the title, but Yang Ming has made a strong counterattack with his success. After defeating Guangsha in the semi-final, Liao Basketball swept Zhejiang 4-0 again in the final, and successfully defended the CBA championship for the first time.

After three seasons’ experience, today’s Yang Ming has become more and more mature, and his tactical formulation and on-the-spot command are much more sophisticated than three years ago. It can be said that at least half of the credit for Liao Basketball’s successful defending should belong to Yang Ming.

As the most successful head coach in the history of Liao basketball, now Yang Ming has more chips to talk about the terms of contract renewal with the club. But after talking about it, the General Administration only offered Yang Ming a renewal contract with an annual salary of 500,000, which is too shabby for a CBA champion coach. Therefore, Yang Ming finally decided to leave the Liao basket that he had been sticking to for 20 years.

Recently, there have been many media reports that Yang Ming has found a new home-a CBA club in the south. Although these media didn’t name this southern club, considering that Guangdong and Guangzhou teams with Du Feng and Guo Shiqiang can’t change coaches, the Shanghai men’s basketball team has also decided to be coached by Liu Peng in the new season. Therefore, now only the Shenzhen men’s basketball team can have an affair with Yang Ming.

In recent seasons, the changes of Shenzhen team are very obvious, and they already have the strength to compete for the championship, but the coach has always been the biggest shortcoming of the team. Today, Yang Ming joined the Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team, which undoubtedly filled this short board. I believe that he is strong and will be able to manage a star player like Shen Zijie.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the salary offered by Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team to Yang Ming must be much higher than that of Liao Basketball Team, at least 10 times that of 500,000-5 million! Whether Yang Ming, who gets a high salary, can lead the Shenzhen men’s basketball team to win the CBA championship in the new season, let’s wait and see …

NBA schedule

Note 1This schedule is Beijing time.
Note 2: CCTV-5 refers to the sports channel of CCTV, which is broadcast live every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday; Local stations include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Xinjiang, Hubei, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, etc. Among them, Heilongjiang broadcasts live every Monday, Thursday and Sunday, Guangxi broadcasts live every Sunday, and other local stations broadcast live every Thursday and Sunday.
Note 3: The live broadcasts of some local stations may be different from those of other local stations.
Note 4: The changes of live broadcast of local TV stations are subject to the TV station’s forecast.

How about the movie Thor 2: The Dark World?

Lead: In my opinion, Thor 2: The Dark World is a connecting work of Marvel Comics, which not only inherits the wonderful and thrilling of the previous work, but also brings a new climax in story, visual effect and character development.

In this film, Chris Hemsworth once again showed us the charm of Thor Sol, a brave and domineering god, which has always been our favorite.

Tom Hiddleston once again played the villain Loki with a sense of humor and charm, and his acting skills made the audience love and hate his role.

The tone of this film is even darker. It brings us a veritable "dark world" and gives the audience a deeper understanding of the chaotic forces in nine fields and the universe.

These elements make the whole film more tense and mysterious, which makes people wonder.

In this dark world, all kinds of mysterious dark forces wake up and throw the whole universe into chaos. Thor Sol and Loki, as representatives of justice and evil, launched a fierce battle.

In addition, the visual effect of the film is excellent, creating a fantastic and compelling world.

In particular, the depiction of Asgard makes the audience seem to be in a mysterious place in myths and legends.

At the same time, the film also added some amazing action scenes, and the design of stunts and fighting scenes were wonderful.

In addition to the visual spectacle, the film has also made a breakthrough in the role development and emotional level.

As the protagonist, Saul not only shows a more mature side in the face of new threats, but also experiences a subversive turn in his relationship with Jane.

Loki’s complexity as a villain is also more prominent, and his performance and psychological changes are impressive.

In addition, the film also brought some unexpected plots and reversals to the audience, keeping the audience nervous and excited. The development of the plot is compact and exciting, and at the same time, it is interspersed with some humorous elements, keeping the relaxed style of Marvel Comics films.

Although Thor 2: Dark World is not the most eye-catching film in Marvel Comics’s film series, it is still a fully entertaining and well-made film. It combines action, adventure, humor and emotion, and brings a visual and spiritual shock to the audience.

If you are a fan of Marvel Comics film series, or are interested in fantasy adventure movies, Thor 2: Dark World is definitely worth watching. Whether it is the stimulation of action scenes or the interaction between characters, it will bring you an unforgettable viewing experience.

Two FMVP can’t get into the hall of fame? Famous mouth: Leonard is brilliant, but it is difficult to rank him.

He has won the championship twice and successfully won two championship trophies. At the peak of his career, he was even regarded as the first striker in the league on a par with Jordan by fans. But just a few years later, some commentators are questioning that he may not even be qualified to enter the NBA Hall of Fame.

Recently, some commentators publicly stated in the podcast program that it is undeniable that Ke Huailunna is brilliant and skilled, but it is difficult for him to rank in NBA history, and even his qualification for entering the Hall of Fame is open to question. After all, a player who has only played 12 games in a season, why should he compare himself with those players who have stacked their careers with a lot of games?

Since joining the Clippers, there have been more and more doubts about Leonard, especially his erratic injuries and poor attendance. In the past two seasons, Leonard has played only a handful of games, especially in the playoffs. The gap between Leonard’s games and players such as James, Durant and Curry is really too big. Although he was really strong at his peak, as the commentator said, it was really difficult to give Leonard a clear historical position in his career.

However, according to the 75th anniversary celebration held by the league before, Leonard was on the list of 75 superstars in NBA history. Is a player who is qualified to be selected into the top 75 not even qualified to enter the Hall of Fame? This is a bit too exaggerated. You know, even McGrady and Yao Ming, who don’t deserve the championship and MVP, can be elected to the Hall of Fame, not to mention Leonard, who can lead the Raptors to win the first championship trophy in team history. What do you think of this?

Curry revealed the outlook for next season: Paul joined, and the lineup adjustment is highly anticipated.

Curry mentioned next season, and his outlook for the team is exciting!

1. Regarding the joining of Paul, this experienced point guard will bring more depth to the team and make the lineup more reasonable and balanced. Paul’s leadership and organizational skills will add a lot of color to the team.

2. The continuous adjustment of the lineup is normal, but every player is showing his important value. This attitude of teamwork and positive contribution of the players will undoubtedly bring hope to the future of the team.

Although the team as a whole is improving, the biggest problem of the current lineup is the lack of big players, which is a fatal problem. This will bring some challenges against teams with strong insiders such as Nuggets, Timberwolves, Lakers, Grizzlies, Celtics and Bucks. Facing these teams, their tactics and defensive strategies need to be adjusted accordingly, such as strengthening perimeter defense, finding rebounding advantages and improving fast break efficiency to make up for the shortage of inside lines.

# Record my 2023#