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What is the solution to the abnormal sound of golf brakes?


Solution to abnormal sound of golf brake;

1. If it’s screaming, first check whether the brake pads are running out (the alarm disc sounds). If it’s a new disc, check whether there are any foreign objects caught between the brake disc and the disc.

2. If it is muffled, it is mostly a problem with the brake caliper, such as the wear of the movable pin and the falling off of the spring piece;

3, if it is filar silk called more problems, calipers, brake discs, brake pads may have problems. In case of abnormal brake sound, it is recommended to go to the repair shop for inspection and treatment in time for driving safety. Golf is a classic hatchback small family car launched by FAW-Volkswagen. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4199mm, 1786mm and 1479mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 2578 mm.

4. It is recommended to go to 4S for inspection and solve it for you free of charge. Possible situation and treatment: If it is screaming, the first thing to check is that the brake pads are almost used up (the alarm sounds). If it is new, check whether there is any foreign matter between the brake disc and the brake disc.

Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan

"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
(Going to the Grass Roots in the Spring Festival) The reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Nanchong, Zhongxin. com, January 28th Title: Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Author Yao Xinyu
"I’m going to have dinner right away. Today, the Happy Dining Hall in our village has a reunion dinner! Happy New Year to you, too! " At noon on the 28th, He Congfang, a villager from Tiancheng Village, Taiping Town, Xichong County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, walked slowly towards the "Happy Dining Hall" while talking on the phone with his family.
"Have a reunion dinner!" The "Happy Canteen" next to the village committee of Tiancheng Village is very lively. As the Spring Festival approaches, it is the day when everyone gets together for the New Year, and dozens of villagers come to dinner on time.
At the same time, the kitchen next to the "Happy Canteen" is in full swing. Braised tofu, cooked pork, eight balls, boiled pork, steamed crispy meat … steaming dishes are baked and served to the dinner table one after another. "This dish is delicious", "My mouth is watering" and "It’s delicious" … While chatting around the round table, the old people craned their necks to look forward to the next dish.
"Everyone has worked hard this year. Thank you for your usual support for the work of the two committees of the village. I wish you a happy New Year. Let’s eat!" After the dishes are served, Li Fuming, secretary of the village party branch, said. "Happy New Year!" "Good luck in the Year of the Tiger" … Old people exchanged auspicious words, moved chopsticks and feasted.
"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
"This tofu rake is harmonious and comfortable to eat." "You drink this soup in a bowl, and it is warm." … At the dinner table, the old people take care of each other and are happy. "You eat this!" "You can’t bite this!" "I can bite!" Aside, He Congfang also had a reunion dinner and talked with the old man beside him. The "Happy Canteen" is full of warm flavor of the year.
It is understood that the village’s "Happy Canteen" began to operate in September 2021. The canteen was originally built in the village to solve the problem of eating for the villagers working in the work-for-relief project. Because young people go out to work, there are many left-behind elderly people in the village. Later, this canteen was simply built into an elderly canteen, and the left-behind elderly and widowed elderly people in the village were invited to eat in the canteen. When eating in the canteen, lonely old people don’t have to pay food expenses, and the funds are solved by the village collective economic income.
"I have a cerebral infarction for more than 10 years, and my legs and feet are inconvenient. I used to cook some noodles at home." He Congfang is 73 years old. His children are working outside the home, and they are usually alone at home. "But since the’ Happy Dining Hall’, we have eaten well and played well here. Everyone talks and laughs every day, and we old people are very happy!" Now, she comes to the canteen at noon every day, not only to eat, but also to chat with other old people, so she is no longer lonely.
Old people have a reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall".
Li Shuchong, the former party branch secretary of the village, just retired last year, and now he has a new identity-the chef of the "Happy Canteen". The meals in the canteen at ordinary times and the dishes of the reunion dinner at the end of the year are all from his hands. "Usually, the canteen is usually two dishes and one soup, tofu, potatoes, cabbage and meat … Because most of the people who eat are old people, considering the bad teeth of the old people, we all make the taste of the dishes very soft, and everyone is very satisfied." Li Shuchong said with mirth.
At present, there are about 60 elderly people in the village dining in the "Happy Canteen". "Ordinary old people have a meal in 10 yuan, and lonely old people are free. Plus the chef’s salary and the cost of ingredients, it will cost more than 10,000 yuan a month, and the operating pressure of the canteen is quite high. Nevertheless, we will work together in Qi Xin to create a "happy harbor" for the old people in the village. In the next step, we will mobilize rural friends, volunteers and other forces to participate and continue to run the’ Happy Canteen’. " Li Fuming said. (End)

Today! Korean and Korean athletes began to ski together, and members of the Korean delegation were exposed.

       CCTV News:A head of South Korea’s Unification Ministry said today (January 31st) that a 45-member South Korean ski delegation took a charter flight to the DPRK this morning to conduct a two-day joint training at the Ma Yuling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       The person in charge said that the Korean delegation flew from Xiangyang Airport in Gangwon Province to Gema Airport in Yuanshan City, North Korea by charter flight this morning. After the joint training on February 1st, the Korean delegation will return to Xiangyang Airport by charter flight. At that time, the DPRK delegation will take the opportunity to visit South Korea with the Korean delegation, including Korean alpine skiers, cross-country skiers and coaches.


Maxiling ski resort

       It is understood that more than 20 of the 45 South Korean delegations who went to North Korea to participate in joint training were athletes, and other personnel included auxiliary personnel and joint interview groups. According to the schedule, Korean and Korean athletes will have freestyle skiing training on the first day of training, and joint training and friendly matches will be held on the second day of training.

       Previously, the ROK has been pushing the delegation to take a charter flight to the DPRK to participate in joint training. However, according to the latest US sanctions against the DPRK, aircraft passing through the DPRK are prohibited from entering the United States within 180 days. Therefore, the ROK has been negotiating with the United States recently, hoping that the United States will exclude the aircraft it took during its visit to the DPRK from the sanctions. It was not until this morning (January 31) that the ROK and the US reached an agreement on this matter.

       In fact, this time, Korean athletes went to the DPRK for joint training, and it was only after many consultations between the ROK and the DPRK and field visits by the advance team that they finally made it.


       On January 17, representatives of the DPRK and the ROK reached an agreement on a number of issues concerning the DPRK’s delegation to participate in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, including the joint training of Korean and Korean skiers at the Mashiling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       On January 23, a 12-member Korean advance team entered North Korea by land via the North-South Exit-Entry Office, and started a three-day trampling for the Korean-Korean joint cultural activities and joint skiing training.

       On the 24th, the South Korean advance team focused on the Maxiling Ski Resort and Gema Airport. During the three-day visit to the DPRK, the advance team all stayed at the Maxiling Hotel to inspect the accommodation facilities for Korean athletes going to the DPRK for joint training.

       Maxiling Ski Resort, located in Xinfengli, Yuanshan District, gangwon, North Korea, is one of the key construction projects in North Korea. It is about two hours’ drive from the Korean-Korean military demarcation line and about 200 kilometers from Pyeongchang. The ski resort was built in 2013 according to the instructions of Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, and includes a number of ski trails, a hotel, a helipad and a ski lift.

       60% of Koreans are optimistic about North Korea’s participation

       According to a survey released by a polling agency in South Korea today, about 60% of Koreans have a positive attitude towards North Korea’s participation in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. 1,074 adults in South Korea accepted the survey, and the results showed that 61% of the respondents gave positive comments on the participation of North Korean athletes, and 58% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the joint cheerleading team between South Korea and North Korea.


       The PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be held from February 9 to 25. Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, expressed his intention to participate in the Winter Olympics for the first time in his New Year message on the 1st of this month, stressing the need to improve relations between the DPRK and the ROK in the new year, which received a positive response from the ROK.

The financial opening is fast and steady, and foreign capital is overweight and laid out in China market.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 23rd, china securities journal published an article on the 23rd, titled "Financial Opening, Steadily Stabilizing Foreign Capital Plus Layout in China Market". According to the article, Faba Agricultural Bank Wealth Management Co., Ltd. opened and became the fifth foreign-controlled joint venture wealth management company in China. One of Japan’s largest asset management institutions-Sumitomo Mitsui Private Equity Fund Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui, has completed the filing and can develop its business in China … With the steady progress of China’s financial opening up, foreign financial institutions have accelerated their efforts to "grab the beach" in China market in recent years. The insiders believe that it is necessary to further benchmark international best practices and rules, create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, and steadily and orderly promote the two-way opening of institutional financial industry.
Financial opening-up is deepening.
In recent years, the financial management department has actively and orderly promoted the opening of the financial industry, and achieved positive results, including the substantial relaxation of market access for financial services, the deepening of financial market opening, and the steady progress in RMB internationalization.
(Profile picture, issued by Xinhua News Agency)
Data show that by the end of 2022, foreign banks had established 41 foreign-funded corporate banks, 116 branches of foreign banks and 135 representative offices in China, with a total of 911 business institutions and total assets of foreign banks reaching 3.76 trillion yuan. Overseas insurance institutions have set up 68 foreign-funded insurance institutions and 79 representative offices in China, with total assets of foreign-funded insurance institutions reaching 2.26 trillion yuan.
"After more than 40 years of unremitting exploration, China’s financial industry has achieved’ four trends’ as a whole." Huo Xuewen, chairman of Bank of Beijing, said that, specifically, access management has moved from a positive list to a negative list, the opening mechanism has moved from one-way introduction to two-way opening, international cooperation has moved from active participation to active governance, and regional opening has moved from multi-point exploration to comprehensive breakthrough.
"For foreign investors, China financial assets represented by RMB assets have diversified investment value, actual capital allocation needs and fundamental support." Pang Yao, chief economist and research director of Jones Lang LaSalle Greater China, believes that foreign financial institutions can accelerate their entry into, participation in and deep cultivation of China’s financial market, and global investors can pay attention to, allocate and hold China’s financial assets and cast the best vote of confidence for China’s economic growth and social development with real money.
(subhead) Continuously optimize policy arrangements
Experts said that the recent actions of the regulatory authorities also showed that the support for financial openness continued to increase. A few days ago, the People’s Bank of China and the foreign exchange bureau held a forum for foreign-funded financial institutions and foreign-funded enterprises, which released a positive signal to further promote high-level opening up.
Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said that the next step will be to conscientiously implement the requirements of "the State Council’s Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing Attracting Foreign Investment", continuously optimize policy arrangements, create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services, and help to open to the outside world at a high level.
"Opening to the outside world is China’s basic national policy, and it is also the core requirement for deepening the structural reform of the financial supply side and promoting high-quality economic development." Shang Fulin, the former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, believes that it is necessary to further benchmark international best practices and rules, steadily and orderly promote the two-way opening of the institutional financial industry, better integrate with the international market, make better use of the international and domestic markets, give full play to the advantages of the two resources, improve the quality and efficiency of the international economic cycle, serve to build a new development pattern of double cycle, and provide a solid foundation and guarantee for coping with external financial shocks.
Experts said that in the future, financial opening needs to accelerate the establishment and improvement of unified market system rules, establish a fair, transparent and standardized market system, and create a first-class business environment with marketization, rule of law and internationalization; Constantly improve the financial infrastructure and deepen and expand the interconnection between domestic and foreign markets; Accelerate the establishment of a modern central bank system, promote financial institutions to speed up the improvement of internal governance, speed up the shortcomings of the regulatory system, and enhance the ability of risk early warning and prevention. (End)

Huichang, Jiangxi: Parent-child Garden Celebrates New Year’s Day

Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
On December 27th, No.10 Kindergarten in Huichang County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province launched a variety of parent-child garden activities. Performing programs, writing Spring Festival couplets, cutting window grilles, making rings, and tasting delicious food … Children are immersed in a pleasant atmosphere accompanied by their parents, feeling the warmth of the kindergarten family and welcoming the arrival of 2024 with joy.

Taking photos, punching cards and shopping, they are here to celebrate the New Year holiday.

Changjiang Daily Great Wuhan Client December 31st (trainee reporter Li Yijun)On New Year’s Day holiday, there was a festive atmosphere on the streets of Wuhan. On the afternoon of December 31st, on the Happy platform of Jianghan Road, children played and interacted in front of cute cartoon devices. Young people bought their favorite drink packages together and took photos as a souvenir. The whole family either had dinner or shared the fun of the game.
The Happy platform of Jianghan Road welcomes tourists. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
The lovely installation at the entrance of the Happy platform on Jianghan Road is called Jijilong, which takes the traditional Chinese dragon as the basic shape and pink as the main tone, symbolizing good luck and adding color to the festive atmosphere.
Special interactive activities attract tourists to stop and watch. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
In addition, the Happy platform of Jianghan Road also brought a series of performances to the public: Wuhan Regan Noodles Band performed in full swing; Nowadays, popular Coser (role-playing character) interacts with tourists; Liu Xinxin, the well-known manager of Hanka, had a happy interaction with everyone on the spot. People waved their light sticks and experienced a hearty performance in an immersive way.
Tourists receive colored balloons and feel the festive atmosphere. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
The snack street, which has always been popular, once again welcomes the enthusiasm of the citizens in this New Year’s holiday, shopping and shopping, and never stops. Regan Noodles in Cai Linji, bean skin in Laotongcheng, dumplings in Tan Yanji … Tourists experience authentic snacks in Wuhan and local online celebrity snacks in Jianghan Road on the Happy platform, and feel the excitement and prosperity of the city.
[Editor: Ding Ke]
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Guests from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gather in Qingdao, Shandong Province to talk about economic and trade exchanges and industrial cooperation.

  Zhongxin. com Qingdao, November 25 (Hu Yaojie and Zhang Xiaopeng) The cross-strait (Qingdao) economic and trade exchange and cooperation conference was held in Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province on the 25th. The conference attracted more than 200 guests from the political and business circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to talk about cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and industrial cooperation.

  At the meeting, Zhou Ning, vice president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, said in his speech that Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises are supporters, participants and beneficiaries of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. He believes that with the all-round advancement of Chinese modernization, it will be more favorable for Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises to rely on the strong development support of the motherland and the development stage will be broader. The Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits will continue to improve policies and measures that benefit Taiwan compatriots and enterprises, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen and enterprises in accordance with the law, and help them integrate into the new development pattern and participate in high-quality development.

  Li Zhenghong, president of the All-China Association of Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprises, said that the steady and rapid growth of the mainland economy has injected a shot in the arm for Taiwan-funded enterprises to take root in the development of the mainland. Taking Qingdao, the venue of the conference, as an example, he said that accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development have provided new impetus for Qingdao’s development and expanded a broader space for Taiwanese businessmen to share new opportunities for Qingdao’s development. In the future, the National Friendship Association of Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprises will continue to play a bridge role, leading more Taiwanese businessmen to pay attention to, invest in and take root in Qingdao, and continue to write a new chapter for economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Qingdao and Taiwan.

  Zhang Liansan, director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shandong Province, said that Shandong and Taiwan Province have always had frequent exchanges, close cooperation and fruitful results. Taiwan-funded enterprises have made positive contributions to promoting high-quality economic and social development in Shandong. In the future, the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shandong Province will continue to promote cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation, deepen cross-strait integration and development in various fields, and improve the systems and policies for promoting the well-being of Taiwan Province compatriots.

  At the conference, a centralized signing ceremony was held, and a number of cooperations were carried out and theme exchanges were carried out. An exhibition on the achievements of economic and trade integration between Qingdao and Taiwan was held at the conference site, which showed the elegance and development achievements of some Taiwan-funded enterprises in Qingdao. It is reported that this conference, with the theme of "integrating development and creating a win-win situation", is jointly sponsored by Qingdao Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and Qingdao Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprise Association, aiming at promoting cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. (End)

On the first day of pre-sale, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars", which set a record for Chinese movies at the box office, was refunded by more than 1 million people or was caused by mistakes i

According to the data of the ticketing platform, as of December 16, the number of refunds for "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars" exceeded 1 million, and the average refund rate of the two platforms was 18.1%.

Usually, the film refund rate is generally 2% to 8%, and some netizens think that the pre-sale box office of the film is "filled with water". In this regard, some netizens in the official Douban group of "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars" analyzed that the extremely high refund rate was caused by the mistakes of the theater and the film.

Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars is a fantasy romantic film directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, written by Zhang Pan, Duan Yule, Wang Yichao and Chen Xiaoming, starring Qu Chuxiao and Karlina, and starring Jinna and Jiang Yunlin. The film was created by the original team of the same name online drama, and it was scheduled to be released in major theaters across the country on December 30, 2023. And open the pre-sale on December 5.

The online drama "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" was launched in iQiyi in January 2022. According to Yunhe data, the average effective broadcast of each episode during the hot broadcast period exceeded 19.95 million, making it the most popular drama in 2022.

The movie Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle On December 6th, the pre-sale box office of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" exceeded 100 million 23 days before its release. As of December 17th, the total pre-sale box office of Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars has exceeded 258 million yuan.

This article comes from: Hot Express


Smooth sailing, China table tennis advances into "Grand Slam"

  Fukuhara Ai

    Men’s singles three tigers will advance to eight generals

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 21st, in the men’s singles table tennis competition of the Beijing Olympic Games, with the typical "China speed" and "three tigers in table tennis", they easily beat their opponents and advanced to the quarterfinals.

    Before the game, China’s main rivals, South Korean star Ryu Seung-min, German "golden boy" Bohr and Belarusian samsonov, were eliminated by other opponents, and they missed the opportunity to compete with China players.

    Wang Liqin, the former king, eliminated Shi Lage, a famous European player, 4-0. Earlier, Wang Hao eliminated Han Yang of Japanese team 4-1. Ma Lin, who started at the same time as Wang Liqin, also beat Greek glinka by the same score at another table.

    Three China players advanced to the quarter-finals, reflecting the amazing "China speed": Wang Hao took 29 minutes, Wang Liqin took 25 minutes and Ma Lin took 26 minutes.

    The first two rounds were bye-bye. As the seed player, the "Three Tigers of Guoping" didn’t show up until the third round. On the same day, she played two sets in a row, first reaching the top 16 at noon and then entering the top 8 at night.

    On the next match day, Wang Hao will meet Gao Lize, Wang Liqin will fight Tan Ruiwu and Ma Lin will fight Sang Eun Oh. Only two European players, Croatian primorac and Swedish persson, will also compete in the semi-finals. The prospect of China’s men’s singles gold medal is becoming clearer.

    Women’s singles three will break into the semi-finals

    China’s Zhang Yining, Guo Yue and Wang Nan all made it to the semi-finals of women’s table tennis singles at the Beijing Olympic Games on the evening of 21st.

    Last night, the women’s singles quarter-finals started. Zhang Yining first played against Feng Tianwei of the Singaporean team, fighting for four sets, and Zhang Yining beat her opponent 4-1.

    Wang Nan met Tieyana of Hongkong team in China in the quarter-finals. The two sides have played against each other many times in history and know each other well. However, Tieyana was in a very poor state yesterday. She lost the first two games with a disparity score of 5: 11 and 4: 11. Although she pulled back one game with 13: 11 in the third game, the fourth and fifth games reappeared in a depressed state, losing two games with 2: 11 and 4: 11. In this way, Wang Nan defeated his opponent by a total score of 4: 1 and entered the semi-finals.

    Young Guo Yue’s opponent in the quarterfinals is Wu Xue of Dominica. There was no suspense in the game, and Guo Yue easily won 4-0 in straight sets.

    In the other quarter-final, Li Jiawei of Singapore defeated Wang Chen of the United States, becoming the only non-China player in the women’s singles semi-finals.

    Shi Zhihao, head coach of China women’s table tennis team, believes that all three players of China team have played their normal level so far, and China team will continue to strive for winning the women’s singles gold medal tomorrow.

    The semifinals and finals of women’s table tennis singles will be held on the 22nd. The two semifinals will be played against Zhang Yining against Li Jiawei and Guo Yue against Wang Nan. (Meng Xin)

    Fukuhara Ai smiled and left.

    Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 21st-Japanese player Fukuhara Ai used to cry when she lost, but after losing to China’s Zhang Yining in the women’s singles eighth final of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 21st, Fukuhara Ai left the field with a smile.

    "I’m quite satisfied with my performance in this competition, and I’m also very satisfied with my performance in the whole Beijing Olympic Games. If I get out of 100 points, I can get 90 points," Fukuhara Ai said.

    After the match with Zhang Yining on the 21st, Fukuhara Ai’s journey to the Beijing Olympic Games stopped: "I am in a good state of mind, and it is an honor to play against a world champion like Zhang Yining at the Olympic Games." On the 20th, Fukuhara Ai also told reporters that Zhang Yining might not play well due to the pressure at home. On the 21st, Fukuhara Ai told reporters, "I miscalculated yesterday, and Zhang Yining was not nervous at all in today’s game, and played very well."

    However, Fukuhara Ai also has regrets in this Olympic Games, that is, she failed to win a medal. She said: "It is a pity that the Japanese team failed to win a medal in both the team and the singles, but we have brought everything we usually train into full play, and there is nothing to regret if we tried our best."

    Put on a spare racket.

    Zhang Yining’s heart is half cold.

    "When the referee asked me to play with a spare racket, my heart went cold at once." Zhang Yining said after the game on the evening of 21st.

    According to Zhang Yining, when the match with Singaporean player Feng Tianwei was about to start, the referee suddenly informed her that her racket was unqualified and asked her to play with a spare racket. "I don’t know what’s wrong with my racket now, maybe it’s because the glue is too thick. The sponge on the spare racket is still three years ago, and the quality is much worse. I’m a little lacking in confidence before the game starts. "

    Before the game, Zhang Yining was generally thought to beat Feng Tianwei easily, but the game was full of tension. Zhang Yining struggled to win the first game with 13: 11, and lost the second game with 12: 14. Zhang Yining won the next three games, but the scores were very close, with 14: 12, 12: 10 and 13: 11 respectively.

    "After changing the spare racket, the temperature and radian of the power are somewhat different from those of the normal racket, and it is very awkward to fight. It’s not easy to beat your opponent. " Zhang Yining said.

    After the game, the referee took away Zhang Yining’s spare racket, and it is said that it will be tested again. Zhang Yining reluctantly told reporters that she had temporarily lost a racket. According to Xinhua News Agency

    Jiao Zhimin:

    National ball dominance does not depend on sea tactics.

    China table tennis team is getting closer and closer to achieving the goal of "Grand Slam" in this Olympic Games. Jiao Zhimin, a famous former China table tennis player and world champion, who now lives in South Korea, wrote an article revealing the secret.

    Jiao Zhimin revealed: "The founder of’ straight double-sided play’ is Liu Guoliang, the coach of China table tennis national team. He is a typical backhand player. Liu Guoliang realized that it was hard to hit the backhand straight, so he tried to stick rubber on the back of the racket to hit the ball. I didn’t expect this to become an opportunity for China table tennis to make a milestone development. Then Marin and Wang Hao became familiar with this style of play. Among them, Wang Hao can master the double-faced play more skillfully, making it reach the peak. "

    In the eyes of most people, China table tennis dominates the world, relying only on a huge basic training system and a steady stream of talents. However, as a world champion who used to be the standard-bearer of table tennis in China, Jiao Zhimin has a different view. "China table tennis coaches are always faced with the problem of how to dominate the world. They have been racking their brains to study new technologies. As a result, there are even players who play table tennis alternately with their left and right hands in China, who can hit the ball forehand in any direction, although this technology is not mature enough to appear on the international stage. "

    "Foreigners think that table tennis in China relies on the sea of people tactics because they don’t see the efforts made by coach China to develop new technologies." Jiao Zhimin said.

Editor: Shang Yanrong

Ignite the "fire" of winter tourism

Source: [Ningxia Daily]

This winter, Yinchuan focused on emerging consumption hotspots, new consumption formats and trendy consumption scenes, and created five characteristic themes, 66 winter tourism projects and 112 sub-activities according to local conditions, presenting new products, new formats, new scenes, new ways of playing and new concessions of Yinchuan’s winter cultural tourism in multiple dimensions, and giving full play to the promotion of winter tourism marketing to the cultural tourism market.

Offering tourists a "big meal" of cultural tourism with rich cultural flavor and many new ways to play, so that tourists can experience the different winter in magical Ningxia in one stop. It must be said that the relevant departments have really made great efforts in tourism promotion. When it comes to visiting Ningxia, most people think that the best time period is the warmer weather season, and winter is the off-season of tourism. In fact, tourism has no off-season market, only off-season ideas. Seasons have never been the key factor that restricts the development of tourism. The key is whether the seasons can make a different feeling. Even if winter is not the most beautiful season in the traditional sense of Ningxia, as long as it is done with characteristics, it can ignite the "fire" of off-season tourism and give tourists a different experience.

To "break the ice" in the off-season, thoughts must be "thawed" first. Pursuing the "difference" of winter tourism is rooted in the change of thinking mode and working mode. Continue to explore the characteristic culture, enrich the tourism format, gather the tourist popularity, improve the industrial chain, carefully study what are their own characteristics and advantages, and then, with the confidence of winning and effective measures, promote the winter tourism market to flourish, which will surely make more tourists feel the unique winter scenery, come to Ningxia and fall in love with Ningxia.

This article comes from Ningxia Daily and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.
