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Hot search on "children’s A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded …

  It’s winter.

  High incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in children

  At the end of this year and the beginning of this year

  Many children spend their time with a fever.

  The proportion of a stream has dropped.

  The number of patients with B-flow increased.

  Today, "children’s A stream just happened to recruit B stream"

  Boarded the first place in hot search

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  At Hangzhou Children’s Hospital

  The reporter learned that the temperature has warmed up during this time.

  The virus is active.

  Hospital fever clinic maintains high operation.

  The average daily consultation volume exceeds 1000.

  "Most of them are respiratory diseases,

  Mainly stream A or stream B,

  There are also a few adenoviruses,

  And respiratory syncytial virus.

  And mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. "

  Zhaowei, deputy director of the outpatient department of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, said

  The proportion of children recently diagnosed with swine flu

  From 30% to 20%

  However, B-stream has an obvious upward trend.

  From the original 2% to 15%

  "A lot of children have just the right front foot.

  The hind foot was infected with B-stream. "

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Source: Hangzhou Children’s Hospital

  According to CCTV news

  Recently, the reporter learned from Shanghai Children’s Hospital that

  The recent test results of outpatient and emergency patients in this hospital show that

  The total number of influenza patients has not changed much recently.

  But the number of patients with swine flu has decreased.

  B-stream patients are on the increase.

  According to Shanghai Children’s Hospital

  Recent test results of outpatients and emergency patients

  The flu in recent times

  There is no change in the total number of patients

  But in the proportion of influenza patients in outpatient and emergency departments,

  The proportion of B flow is less than 10% at the beginning of December.

  It has risen to more than 40% in recent days.

  There is little difference between stream A and stream B.

  The doctor advised not to test yourself at home.

  Zhaowei, deputy director of the outpatient department of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, said that influenza B is the influenza caused by influenza B virus. It is characterized by acute onset, rapid change, chills and fever, and the body temperature may rise rapidly within a few hours to 24 hours, reaching 39℃~40℃ or even higher. It is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, body aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. Respiratory symptoms are mild, but there will be symptoms, such as dry throat and sore throat, dry cough, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

  The sick children are mainly concentrated in the school-age stage, and most of them are clustered infections. The children in the younger age are mainly infected by other family members because of the limited activity places.

  "There is little difference between the symptoms of A stream and B stream, so it is difficult to distinguish them according to clinical manifestations, and it is still necessary to cooperate with tests to diagnose them. It’s convenient to buy flu detection reagents now. Some parents worry that the hospital will take a long time to test their children at home, but the process of sample collection of some parents is not standardized, and there may be a’ false negative’ situation, thus delaying treatment. "zhaowei said," A stream and B stream have corresponding antiviral drugs. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect. It is still recommended to bring the children to the hospital for examination and make a diagnosis combined with blood routine. "

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Many parents are worried.

  How long can children go back to school after their fever has gone down?

  "It is not recommended to let children take drugs to prevent when students around them are infected with the flu."
Zhaowei pointed out that it is impossible to prevent the school staff from gathering, so they can’t take medicine all the time. They should give priority to self-defense by physical means and wear masks in closed spaces. Schools should remind all classes to ventilate and do a good job of disinfection. If the child has no obvious flu symptoms after 48 hours of flu fever, and the cough is not severe, wearing a mask can go back to school.

  There are two children in the family. When one of them is infected with B-stream, a relatively fixed family member should take care of the child as much as possible and pay attention to personal protection. When in close contact with the patient, a mask should be worn. Other family members should try their best to reduce contact with children with B-stream, especially uninfected children, and try their best to reduce contact with children. After direct contact with children, or after handling articles used by children and touching respiratory secretions, you should use detergents or disinfectants to disinfect your hands. Room ventilation is also very important.

  In view of the prevalence of respiratory infectious diseases, zhaowei reminded that clothes should be changed in time according to the weather changes, and the diet should pay attention to balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, not to be too tired, and enhance their own resistance. "If you are sick, you should be treated as early as possible, and try to make early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment."

  This anti-flu medicine is on fire.

  Doctor’s urgent reminder

  As the flu season continues

  An anti-influenza drug called mabaloxavir.

  Appear frequently in the public eye

  Because it is convenient to take and takes effect quickly

  Become the first choice for many flu patients.

Hot search on "children's A stream just happens to be recruited by B stream"! The doctor urgently reminded ...

  Weng Weidong, chief physician, director of infectious diseases department of Zhejiang Tongde Hospital, introduced that mabaloxavir and oseltamivir are both drugs for treating influenza. Taking them within 48 hours after being infected with influenza virus can alleviate symptoms, shorten the course of disease and reduce the incidence of complications.

  Compared with the treatment scheme that oseltamivir needs to be taken twice a day for 5 days, mabaloxavir can control the disease only once during the treatment because of its long half-life of metabolites. "Many patients who favor mabaloxavir are also interested in its convenience."

  However, not everyone is suitable for Mabalojave. "oseltamivir has been on the market for a long time in China, with a large number of evidence-based medicine, relatively cheap price and better accessibility. If the patient is a child under 5 years old or a pregnant woman, we generally choose oseltamivir. In addition, people with severe liver and kidney dysfunction should use mabaloxavir with caution. " In Weng Weidong’s view, not everyone must eat it after getting the flu. "Don’t deify them."

  In view of the fact that some citizens have reported that it is difficult to buy mabaloxavir in online pharmacies, the reporter learned from several provincial hospitals that there is no shortage of drugs at present, and citizens do not need to worry about not using drugs. However, both mabaloxavir and oseltamivir are prescription drugs and should be used under the guidance of doctors and pharmacists. Self-medication is not recommended.

  Synthesis: Zhejiang News, Tide News, CCTV News, People’s Daily, etc.

[Editor in charge:


Review of Super Mario Brothers Surprise

In 2020, 505 Games brought us a Cyberpunk-style fast-paced first-person action game, Ghost Walker, which attracted countless fans in an instant with the innovative design of "Cyberparkour" and "One Strike Will Kill". Now that the three-year period has come, the series sequel Ghost Walker 2, which has attracted much attention, is about to return. Can this new work bring more surprises?

Soak in the spring breeze under the sea of flowers and enjoy the spring breeze on foot —— A company of China Construction Eighth Bureau organized outdoor hiking activities.

In order to implement the requirements of the company’s "concentric circle" project, enrich the weekend life of employees and improve team cohesion, on March 16th, Yuexi Management Department of South China Company of China Construction Eighth Bureau organized an outdoor hiking activity with more than 50 participants.

This hiking activity is located in the beautiful Hengqin Huahai Corridor in Zhuhai, and you can stroll from the No.1 post station to the No.5 post station of Huahai Corridor to enjoy the romance of flowers and the sea. The whole walk is about 17 kilometers, and the time is about 4 hours.

There are game tasks such as balloon beds, creative photo punching, etc. during the hiking process, so that participants can enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the fun of teamwork during the walking process.

In addition, this activity specially responded to the call of "Lei Fengyue" and carried out the volunteer activities of "learning from Lei Feng, cultivating new styles and picking up garbage". During the hiking process, everyone picked up the garbage along the way, so that the slogan "garbage does not land, the earth is more beautiful" was put into action.

It is reported that the First Company of China Construction Eighth Bureau has always attached importance to employees’ cultural and sports activities, continued to promote the "concentric circle" project, and set up a series of interest activity groups such as basketball, football, badminton and hiking, giving full play to the positive role of trade unions in serving employees and cohesive efforts, and constantly improving the happiness index of employees.

[Editor: Cai Donghai]

A quick tutorial on football, which teaches you to become an elegant girl who knows the ball.

Recently, football fans have celebrated the Spring Festival again.

The Spanish national derby has begun again!

It is always difficult for girls to understand such things as football.

Why is it so attractive to boys!

So today, Brother Hunzi will tell you something about football (especially my sister paper who doesn’t know the ball).

# Football # # World Cup # # Football rules # # Football play # # Spanish national derby #

FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

The Spring Festival goes to the grassroots | Licun business district has a strong flavor, and the Spring Festival Lantern Festival is very lively

Zhang Wei, an all-media reporter on the Peninsula

  On February 12th, Licun business circle was full of flavor and excitement. In Licun Pedestrian Street, the reporter saw that dragon dance, lion dance, yangko dance, all kinds of delicious snacks, red sugar balls, rings, roller coasters, speed skating and other recreational activities and folk customs were splendid, which attracted many citizens.

  During the day, the pedestrian street is full of popularity. When the lights are on, the whole Licun business circle is full of annual flavor. All the lanterns on the pedestrian street will be lit, and the street trees on both sides of the road will be brightly lit. The night market in Licun Leke City is delicious and popular. The major commercial complexes in the business circle are very lively. Create a festive and peaceful Spring Festival atmosphere.


Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi to Yuanxiao.

The first month is the New Year. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the number of tourists received by various tourist attractions in Hangzhou has exceeded 1.5 million, and the line of boats by the West Lake is 200-300 meters! This Spring Festival, there are too many annual activities in Hangzhou. Let’s start the New Year with a sense of ceremony, such as Spring Festival Market, Lantern Festival and Dragon and Lion Dance.

Where did you play on New Year’s Day?

The parking lot in Lingyin Scenic Area was saturated early in the morning.

The roads in the scenic spot are blocked in crimson.

The scenic area is packed with people.

Photography/Jiang Zhiqing

Sailing around the West Lake by boat is also a big hit.

The team waiting for the boat also meandered for two or three hundred meters

The first day of the Spring Festival Golden Week

Hangzhou tourist attractions (spots) received a total of 1.502 million tourists.

The passenger flow in major scenic spots is generally stable and orderly.

The passenger flow in the West Lake Scenic Area is relatively large.

Photography/Qiu Xiaohua

in fact

There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor.

Various Chinese New Year activities have been launched in various places.

Can be high until the Lantern Festival.

Hurry up and market.

shangcheng district

Hefang street welcomes the new year’s custom of the god of wealth

A glimpse of past activities

Qinghefang Historical and Cultural District will hold a New Year’s custom activity to welcome the God of Wealth, continue the "New Year’s memory" of Hangzhou people, carry out block parades, send blessings in the New Year, welcome wealth and send treasures, etc., and cook a new year’s custom cultural feast for everyone.

Activity time: February 14th (the fifth day of the first month)

Venue: Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Block in Shangcheng District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in uptown, please click [here].

gongshu district

Theme new year activities in historical and cultural blocks

This Spring Festival, Dadou Road historical and cultural blocks, Xiaohe historical and cultural blocks and Qiaoxi historical and cultural blocks in Gongshu District are coming with a big wave of Spring Festival activities! There are not only the Spring Festival market, the Lantern Festival, but also the dragon dance performance … to accompany you to the Lantern Festival.

For example, the theme of the Spring Festival activities in Dadou Road Historical and Cultural District is to have a round trip, to welcome the Spring Festival market, to have a round trip, to have a Lantern Festival and other activities, and to reproduce the grand occasion of the traditional festivals in old Hangzhou.

For more details, please click [here].

Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat

This new year, there are 18 "Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat" unveiled at the Grand Canal.

These lucky boats are decorated with hand-made fishing lanterns, and the cabins are also combined with dragon elements, adding the atmosphere of the year with dragon window stickers, ornaments and other elements.

In the New Year, I picked up the dragon lantern and sailed on the Grand Canal by the Aoyu lantern boat, which started the year smoothly and made Long Xing Universiade.

Please click [here] for the timetable of the Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat.

Xihu district

Xixi New Year Plum Exploration Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival

The 2024 Xixi Spring Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival in Hangzhou revolved around the two themes of Spring Festival Lantern Festival and Qushui Xun Mei, combining the minimalist elegance of China traditional culture and Song Dynasty aesthetics with modern art.

More than 40 meters of "Baizhang Dragon Lantern"

The activity will arrange large-scale year of the loong-themed lanterns and lanterns with wetland characteristics in the North Gate Square of the Park, Jiangcun Market Slow Life Block, Hezhu Street, Wujiawan and other areas, and arrange interactive scenery of plum exploration and Spring Festival theme in Zhou Jiacun Square and Zhou Jiacun Wharf to create a festive atmosphere for the Spring Festival.

Aoshan lamp shed about 5m from Hezhu Street.

Plum blossom aerial photography/Qu Xinyu (in previous years)

During the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, the activities will also explore the traditional folk customs, and carry out various interactive activities such as dragon dancing, lantern parade, water town wedding, God of Wealth parade, lantern parade and NPC interaction, so that tourists can enjoy the charm of traditional folk customs while winding water in Xun Mei.

Activity time: February 10th-March 17th.

Venue: Zhou Jiacun entrance of Xixi Wetland, No.518 Tianmushan Road.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Binjiang District

"Xinxin Going to the Dragon for the Spring Festival" Spring Festival activities in Changhe Old Street

This Spring Festival, Changhe Old Street in Binjiang District will launch a series of activities of "Song Fu Hangzhou Year" with the theme of "Xinxin Going to the Spring Festival with Dragons".

With the pursuit of "the flavor of the year" as the main line, we will awaken people’s memories of the Chinese New Year and celebrate the festive season through year of the loong Grand Collection, non-legacy craftsmen, interactive performances, and New Year’s punch cards.

Activity time: February 10 -25

Venue: Historical and Cultural Block of Changhe Old Street, Binjiang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Xiaoshan district

The 6th Annual Custom Cultural Activities in Louta Town

This new year, the sixth annual custom cultural activity in Louta Town, Xiaoshan District arrived as scheduled. There are six stations in the activity, namely, catching up with the market with the national tide, appealing to the ancient charm and elegance, experiencing the ingenuity, searching for impressions through the Millennium, exhibiting the beauty of literature and art and the resident photography exhibition in rural areas.

You can purchase mountain products specialties at the National Tide Annual Taste Market, cruise in Hanfu, immerse yourself in the elegance of ancient style, appreciate, experience and understand the intangible cultural heritage, and walk into the rural image museum (Meichuang Space) to feel the long years like water.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Louta Town, Xiaoshan District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Yuhang district

Pingyao Laojie Folk Lantern Festival

During the Spring Festival, the 2024 Pingyao Old Street Folk Lantern Festival was in full swing. The theme of this year’s Lantern Festival is "Bigger than year of the loong", and year of the loong-themed lanterns are on the scene. There are also various dragon-themed lanterns hanging in the old street, which completely fills the atmosphere of the New Year!

During the Spring Festival, there will be activities such as Youlong stepping on the street, Ishigaki lanterns, Liyuan opera, free movies and so on.

Activity time: February 11th-16th.

Venue: Pingyao Old Street, Pingyao Town, Yuhang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Linping district

Tangqi ancient town celebrates the New Year.

On the second day of the first month, Tangqi Ancient Town will prepare dragon lanterns, DIY lanterns made by year of the loong in the Spring Festival, and the opera performance of Dragon and Phoenix.

Open the hand-made lantern block in front of the ancient stage, and you can receive a limited number of lanterns in year of the loong; At Yubei Wharf, you can experience the activities of Longteng Cake Raising (playing New Year Cake) and New Year Pictures on wooden boards. There is also a shadow play experience activity in the Shadow Play Theatre, which includes three parts: shadow play, parent-child production and interactive display, so that friends of all ages can find the fun of the New Year in Tangqi ancient town.

Activity time: February 11th-15th.

Venue: Canal Tangqi Ancient Town Scenic Area

Super Mountain Plum Blossom Festival

At the beginning of the new year, the 16th Hangzhou Chaoshan Plum Blossom Festival was grandly opened. During the Plum Blossom Festival, Chaoshan Scenic Area will also launch three rich series of experience activities, namely, thinking of "plum blossoms", searching for "plum blossoms" and camping season in the countryside.

You can also go to Meili Chaoshan Hanfu Life Museum to buy clothes and punch out Meihua Road in Hanfu. In addition, in March, the first country holiday camping season in Linping will be held in Chaoshan Scenic Area, mainly including activities such as country holiday experience tour and camping experience exhibition.

Activity time: February 6-the end of March

Venue: Hangzhou Chaoshan Scenic Area

★ For more details of activities in Linping District, please click [here].

fuyang district

Sun Quan welcomes guests to Longmen Ancient Town for Spring Festival activities.

Year of the loong Qi Fu went to Longmen, and fortune prospered to Fuchun. This new year, let’s go to Longmen Ancient Town to start a year of Long Xing’s prosperity and future.

The dragon-shaped device in Longmen ancient town has been lit up, and the dragon-shaped device with its head held high and its tail wagged is entrenched in the sky. When night comes, it is colorful and beautiful.

In the arched square with blue bricks and black tiles, the "Dongwu Emperor" came to welcome guests from all over the world with soldiers and soldiers, and there were performances such as the parade of the Emperor and the immersive flash show, which made people feel as if they were in the "Three Kingdoms" period.

Activity time: February 11-16, Lunar New Year’s Day-Seventh Day (10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m.)

Venue: Longmen Ancient Town, Fuyang District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in Fuyang District, please click here.

Lin ‘an District

Celebrate the New Year in Lin ‘an Museum

Lin ‘an Museum will not close this Spring Festival! From New Year’s Eve to the eighth day of the first month, spend the New Year with everyone.

During the Spring Festival, Lin ‘an Museum planned a special exhibition of Tianmu Kiln cultural relics, a photo exhibition of "loong Cultural Hundred Museums Joint Exhibition" and other activities, such as Xinxin punching in the "Dragon" New Year atmosphere device and writing Spring Festival couplets to give a hundred blessings.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

jiande city

Yanzhou Ancient City year of the loong Lantern Festival

Yanzhou lights are as bright as day, and the dragon takes off to make the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, the ancient city of Yanzhou, jiande city invited you to an appointment to enjoy lanterns and receive blessings.

In the ancient city of Yanzhou, there will be a Song Rhyme Lantern Festival in the Wengcheng of Longshan Academy, Fuyunmen City Wall and Yanzhou Ancient Street. At that time, lanterns will be all over the city, taking you back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In addition, everyone can change into Song costumes, stroll through the old city wall, visit Song Yun Wenchuang, taste national cuisine, taste creative drinks, and immerse themselves in the Song Yun National Wind Market to experience a different "tidal" life in Song Dynasty.

Activity time: from now until the end of February.

Venue: Yanzhou Ancient City, jiande city

Shou Chang Ancient Town "Looking for the Year of China"

During the Spring Festival, the ancient town of Shou Chang launched the Spring Festival market, dragon-seeking and blessing, majestic gongs and drums, dragon dance in Shou Chang, fireworks feast, dragon lantern festival and other special welcome activities, which continued the spirit of dragon culture in the Millennium ancient town.

Visitors can experience six groups of interactive punch-in points, namely, Universiade dzi, Najifu Molongxu, Happy New Year Pinlongtu, Career Xing yue longmen, Release Vitality Qilongwu, and Pray for Xinfu Dianlongdeng. They can also experience traditional folk-custom intangible items such as tanghua, non-legacy people and ancient-style sachets.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Ancient Town, Shou Chang, jiande city

★ For more details of jiande city activities, please click [here].

Hangzhou’s New Year activities don’t stop there.

Scan the QR code below

You can enter the "Song" Fu Hangzhou Annual Activity Page.

Opening the Lunar New Year with a full ceremony

Information/Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism, Shangcheng Publishing, Gongshu Publishing, Beautiful West Lake, Binjiang Publishing, Xiaoshan Publishing, Yuhang Publishing, Linping Publishing, Fuyang Publishing and Jiande Publishing.

Editor/Shen Ruyi

Layout/Shen Ruyi

Keep sliding to see the next one.

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi, go to Yuanxiao Hangzhou to post a touch to read the original text.

Hangzhou posted likes to share, reading and writing messages, sliding up to see the next one.

Original title: "Everyone! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor, hi to Yuanxiao.

The secretary of the county magistrate accompanied the workers to the construction site to celebrate the year.

Pay attention to

January 31st.

Lunar new year’s eve

Thousands of families welcome the new year, celebrate and reunite.

Li zegang, secretary of the county party Committee

Tang Zuhong, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate.

Run a line

Kindly visit and express condolences

The broad masses of workers who still stick to the front line of work during the Spring Festival

Thank them

In order to ensure the safety, happiness and peace of the people in the county.

And accelerate the construction of "people-rich county, strong city, beautiful new Changyang"

The selfless dedication made.

And through them to the workers on all fronts in the county

Extend New Year greetings and cordial greetings.

On New Year’s Eve, the construction site of Qingjiang Pumped Storage Project is still in full swing. The project builders actively obey the call of the state and the need of epidemic prevention and control, voluntarily give up the opportunity to return home to reunite with their families during the Spring Festival, stick to the front line of the project in obscurity, race against time to speed up the construction progress, and promote the early completion of the project and strengthen the county and benefit the people.

Accompanied by Wang Xiaojun, general manager of Hubei Qingjiang Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., Li Zegang and his party went deep into the adit, listened carefully to the introduction of the project leader on the progress of the project construction, and looked at the daily implementation of the safety production work on the site in detail.

Li Zegang affirmed the progress of the project construction, demanding that the concept of safe development should be firmly established, the bottom line thinking should be strengthened, and the awareness of safety precautions should be constantly raised. On the fundamental premise of ensuring construction safety and project quality, the project construction progress should be accelerated in a scientific and overall way, and the 20th Party Congress should be celebrated with first-class performance.

In front of the headquarters of Qingjiang Pumped Storage Project, Li Zegang and his party posted Spring Festival couplets and hung the word "Fu" with the builders, and took a group photo as a souvenir. In order to make the workers feel at ease and have a good Spring Festival, the project department prepared a rich reunion dinner for the workers, and everyone got together to send each other blessings and drink together.

On behalf of the county party committee and government, Li Zegang presented the workers with a "red envelope" for the Spring Festival. The scene was full of laughter, warm atmosphere and rich flavor of the year.

During the dinner, Li Zegang sent a happy New Year greeting to the family of Wu Jiao, the project leader, via video link. "Happy New Year to the old man, your son is still in Changyang first-line construction site and can’t come back to accompany you for the New Year. You must take good care of yourself. Please rest assured that he will come back to see you here just like at home." He wished send warm well, caring for the warm heart and pushing the atmosphere to a climax again.


Li Zegang and Tang Zuhong

Visited condolences successively.

Sanitation workers and relocated households

County epidemic prevention and control headquarters

Huaxin cement Changyang company

Huaxin (Changyang) New Building Materials Industrial Park Project Headquarters

State grid Changyang power supply company

Shenran natural gas company

They sent the cordial care and good wishes of the Party and the government to the broad masses of workers who stuck to their posts and insisted on production during the Spring Festival. At the same time, they asked everyone not only to have a good year, but also to live a safe, peaceful, civilized and clean Spring Festival.

Reporter Yan Junze

Editor Tian Jian Li Jingwen Wang Meng

Final appeal: Tian Niandong

Original title: "The secretary and the county magistrate accompany the laborers in the construction site to keep their tongues warm and their hearts sweet"

How to get to the property market in third-and fourth-tier cities?

  On April 16th, the Ministry of Finance issued the "Notice on Issuing the Special Fund Budget for Urban Affordable Housing Project of the Central Government in 2019", and the number of planned renovation sets of urban shanty towns in 2019 was also released.

  Compared with 2018, the number of shed renovation sets in 37 provinces and cities in 2019 totaled 2,852,900 sets, which was nearly 51% lower than the planned renovation set of 5.88 million sets in 2018.

  Before the Ministry of Finance announced the start-up of the shed reform plan in 2019 in April, in January 2019, local governments disclosed the relevant data of the shed reform plan in 2019 in their work reports, and the targets of nearly half of the cities were lower than those in early 2019.

  Analysts pointed out that the sharp reduction of the start-up target of shed reform in 2019 indicates that the proportion of commercial housing sales brought by shed reform in the total sales of commercial housing in the country will gradually decrease, and the direct impact is reflected in the benefits of shed reform in third-and fourth-tier cities and below. It will gradually weaken.

  According to the report of Kerui Real Estate Research Center, except for a few provinces such as Fujian, Tianjin, Guangxi, Guangdong and Tibet, the planned construction volume of the remaining 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities has declined to varying degrees compared with 2018, with a decline of more than 50% reaching 15.

  In terms of absolute value, the planned construction starts of Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in 2019 still exceeded 200,000 sets, ranking among the top three in many provinces and cities, while the construction starts of seven provinces and cities such as Ningbo, Ningxia and Hainan were all less than 10,000 sets due to the small scale of shed reform. Judging from the year-on-year changes, there are ups and downs among provinces and cities, and the overall situation is "falling more and rising less". Five provinces, including Fujian, Tianjin, Guangxi, Guangdong and Tibet, grew year-on-year, with Fujian’s increase being the most significant, reaching 117%. The planned starts of the remaining 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have declined to varying degrees compared with 2018, with 15 of them falling by more than 50%. It is noteworthy that Shandong, Henan, Guizhou, Hunan and other major shed-reformed provinces all experienced a year-on-year decline of over 70%. We believe that the staged callback in the provinces with a large amount of shed reform in the early stage conforms to objective laws and market expectations. For example, in Henan Province, the actual amount of shed reform in 2018 has reached 1.8 times that in 2016, and the planned target for 2019 is only 150,000 sets, down 77% year-on-year, with a significant decline, and the decline is also expected.

  In fact, before the Ministry of Finance announced the start-up amount of shed reform plans in 2019 in various provinces in April, in January 2019, local governments disclosed the relevant data of shed reform plans in 2019 in their work reports. Through the comparison of these two sets of data, we can also see the changes in the current market expectations for shed reform.

  Among the 19 provinces that can be counted, 7 provinces including Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Henan and Tibet have not changed much in 2019, and the increase or decrease is within 5%. Nearly half of the cities’ targets have fallen to different degrees compared with the beginning of 2019, and the declines in Liaoning, Jilin, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces have significantly exceeded 50%. On the one hand, the data disclosed by some provinces at the beginning of the year are more general, which is basically the target construction volume of two years; On the other hand, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces have basically overdrawn the future shed reform space due to the large amount of work started in the previous shed reform. It can be expected that the promotion of shed reform to local real estate sales is also weakening. In addition, the amount of construction started in a few provinces such as Fujian and Sichuan is higher than the data released at the beginning of the year, which is also in line with the regulation idea of "governing by the city", and the goal of shed reform also reflects the characteristics of looseness and tightness.

  Chen Sheng, executive director of China Real Estate Data Research Institute, said that according to the previously announced three-year plan, the proportion of shantytown renovation is gradually decreasing.

  According to the previously published three-year plan, another 15 million sets of shanty towns will be renovated in the three years from 2018 to 2020, which is the second three-year plan for shantytown renovation. Prior to this, in 2015, the State Council proposed to renovate 18 million housing units in shanty towns, including dangerous buildings and villages in cities, in 2015-2017.

  Kerui Real Estate Research Center pointed out that from 2015 to 2017, it basically maintained a year-on-year growth trend. In the past three years, the number of starts was above 6 million sets. Although the target for 2018 was slightly reduced to 5.8 million sets, from the actual completion situation, the number of new shanty towns was 6.27 million sets, and the target completion rate reached a new high of 107.4%.

  The overfulfilment in previous years also laid the groundwork for the subsequent shed reform and shrinkage.

  Last October, the executive meeting of the State Council clearly put forward that the scope and standards of shed reform should be strictly improved, and the monetary resettlement policy of shed reform should be adjusted and improved according to local conditions. Among them, it is clearly proposed to adjust and improve the monetary resettlement policy for shed reform, and cities and counties with insufficient commercial housing inventory and high pressure of rising house prices should cancel the preferential monetary resettlement policy as soon as possible.

  The report of Kerui Real Estate Research Center points out that the less shantytown renovation is, the more it conforms to the objective law, and it is impossible to change more and more. On the other hand, some negative effects of vigorously promoting the monetary resettlement of shed reform have already appeared, such as increasing the pressure of local financial liabilities and pushing up the housing prices in the third and fourth lines. The inventory problem based on the third and fourth lines has been initially solved, and it is also reasonable to lower the target of shed reform.

  The insiders believe that the main purpose of shed reform is to meet the housing needs of residents who just need it. With the reduction of the overall number of shanty towns and the end of the task of destocking in various places, some cities and counties with low inventory will gradually withdraw from the monetization of shed reform.

  Kerui Real Estate Research Center believes that the tightening of shed reform policy in 2019 is basically expected, especially in the context of relatively tight local finance, monetized resettlement and other methods will gradually withdraw, and the stimulating effect on real estate sales will also be weakened.

  In addition, the report pointed out that the current scale of shed reform is "halved", first of all, it is an impact on the market expectation level, and it is also releasing a signal that the phased destocking task has been completed, and the promotion of shed reform to real estate sales is disappearing. Previously, the shed reform once directly boosted the sales of about 20% of commercial housing, and this force will never return in 2019 and beyond.

  In addition, the monetization resettlement has also been continuously tightened. As early as October 2018, it was stated at the symposium of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that the monetization resettlement of shed reform in 2019 will be mainly based on special bonds, and the government’s purchase of shed reform service mode will be cancelled; At the same time, local governments have also proposed that the shed reform will focus on physical resettlement, and the proportion of monetized resettlement will also be reduced, which will have a more direct impact on the sales of commercial housing. Without the drive of funds, the purchasing power of residents will be greatly reduced.

  Zhang Bo, chief analyst of 58 Anjuke Real Estate Research Institute, pointed out that the sharp reduction of the starting target of shed reform in 2019 indicates that the proportion of commercial housing sales brought by shed reform in the total sales of commercial housing in the country will gradually decrease, and the direct impact is reflected in the shed reform in the third-and fourth-tier cities and below will also gradually weaken.

  In Zhang Bo’s view, the direct benefits of shed reform will be accelerated and weakened in the third-and fourth-tier cities in the future, and the third-and fourth-tier cities will usher in obvious differentiation. In the future, the cities in key urban agglomerations will have more population concentration, and the shrinking third-and fourth-tier cities will face further shrinkage of the commercial housing market.

Shanghai Housing Authority: It is strictly forbidden for real estate brokers to fabricate and spread information about price increases, and will intensify investigation and punishment.

  Housing rent is directly related to the living cost and living standard of the renters, and has always been concerned by the public.

  On April 21st, Wang Zhen, director of Shanghai Housing Management Bureau, said when he was a guest on "Interview with People’s Livelihood in 2023" that Shanghai would take measures such as playing the role of "stabilizer" for affordable rental housing, prohibiting intermediaries from driving up prices, and establishing price monitoring and early warning to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable.

  Three measures to keep the housing rent level stable

  "In recent years, the housing rental market in Shanghai has been generally stable." Wang Zhen said that in order to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable, under the overall framework of the Price Law and in combination with the implementation of the Shanghai Housing Leasing Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), Shanghai will take measures from three aspects:

  The first is to play the role of "stabilizer" of affordable rental housing.It is clear that the rent of affordable rental housing should be lower than the market-oriented rent level of the same quality in the same lot, the rent should be below 10% of the market-oriented rent, and the annual increase should not be higher than the market-oriented rent increase in the same period and not higher than 5%. At the same time, it will be publicized to the public to guide market-oriented lessors to set reasonable prices.

  Second, it is strictly forbidden for housing leasing enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies to fabricate and spread price increase information., drive up prices, and be restrained by increasing investigation and self-discipline in the industry.

  The third is to establish a housing rental price monitoring and early warning mechanism.It is clearly stipulated in the "Regulations" that the municipal government can take price intervention measures such as price increase declaration, rent restriction or rent increase in accordance with the law under certain circumstances that the housing rent has increased significantly or may increase significantly.

  Incorporate lease management into social governance system

  On February 1st, the "Regulations" were officially implemented. Wang Zhen introduced that this legislation adheres to the problem orientation, focuses on practical problems, highlights the people’s livelihood attributes of housing leasing, and builds a housing leasing system with diversified suppliers, standardized business services and stable leasing relationship to meet the multi-level housing needs of residents in megacities. In the process of legislation, there are three main considerations.

  The first is to standardize leasing behavior.For the form of housing lease in which residents trade hand in hand, we should guide the parties to self-regulate and self-discipline by clarifying the rental requirements and standards and balancing the rights and obligations of the parties to the lease. For the three forms of listing and renting through real estate brokerage agencies, housing leasing enterprises acting as agents and centralized rental housing, we emphasize standardized management, and establish a whole-process supervision system from subject filing, real-name employment, housing verification, registration and filing to fund supervision, as well as relevant prohibitive provisions, so as to further improve market rules.

  The second is the coordinated development of the market and security.Strengthen forward-looking systematic planning, while promoting the stable and healthy development of the housing rental market, focus on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing, determine the system positioning, formulate special plans, clarify the construction and management requirements, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of affordable rental housing in the entire housing rental system.

  The third is to bring lease management into the social governance system.While clarifying the responsibilities of the relevant departments of the city and district, aiming at the weak links and gaps existing in grassroots governance and the difficulties and problems encountered in the daily management of towns and villages, we will establish and improve the housing lease governance mechanism of urban planning, compartmentalization, responsibility of towns and villages, assistance from villages and industry self-discipline, strengthen the four-level linkage of cities, districts, towns and villages, and form a joint force with multiple governance to further enhance the effectiveness of grassroots governance.

  Write group rent into local legislation for the first time

  For the group rent behavior, the Regulations, on the basis of summing up the experience and practices of Shanghai’s group rent governance in recent years, first wrote the group rent into local legislation, taking a multi-pronged approach to further improve the efficiency of group rent governance.

  The first is to clarify the criteria for identifying group rents.The minimum rental unit, non-residential space that cannot be rented separately, the number of people living in each room and the per capita living area proposed by government regulations have been optimized and improved accordingly, and they have been raised to local legislation.

  The second is to optimize the law enforcement process of group rent.In view of the problems strongly reflected by the masses, once the group rent cases are discovered, they can be directly punished to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and increase the punishment, raising the fine from the original maximum of 100,000 yuan to the maximum of 200,000 yuan.

  The third is to highlight the key supervision of subletting.In view of the prominent problem of "second landlord" group rent in practice, it is clear that individuals who sublet houses for profit and engage in housing rental business activities should register as market participants according to law, and will be punished if they violate the regulations.

  The fourth is to implement the responsibility of territorial governance.Street offices and township people’s governments are required to regularly organize the investigation of hidden dangers of group rent. If illegal situations are found, they should urge rectification, start law enforcement procedures in a timely manner, and carry out rectification through joint law enforcement when necessary.

  Shanghai will rely on the refined urban management mechanism and work with relevant departments to study and formulate a plan to further improve the comprehensive management of group rents in Shanghai, issue documents to strengthen the management of individual housing subletting in Shanghai, and increase the guidance, supervision and support for the management of grassroots group rents.

  "The problem of group rent actually reflects that the supply structure of Shanghai housing rental market needs to be further improved. In the process of governance, we will adhere to the combination of unblocking and blocking." Wang Zhen said, on the one hand, vigorously promote the development of affordable rental housing; On the other hand, standardize the implementation of the "N+1" model of agency leasing, strictly supervise housing leasing enterprises to carry out agency leasing business, and promote the transformation from illegal group leasing to standardized sharing.