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Xi’ an severely cracked down on illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers, and gave administrative detention to illegal personnel.

Near the Spring Festival, the phenomenon of illegal transportation, storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers has increased. On January 31, Xi ‘an Emergency Management Bureau reported the phased results of the special action to ban the sale and control of fireworks and firecrackers. Recently, emergency management departments and other departments seized more than 250 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers, and many people were administratively detained.

The pictures in this article are all WeChat WeChat official account pictures of Xi ‘an emergency management.

On January 19th, Lantian County Emergency Management Bureau, together with the county public security bureau, seized an illegal operation and storage of fireworks and firecrackers during the joint operation of "cracking down on illegal activities" against Tangyu Town. After on-site investigation and inspection, the illegal acts of the relevant responsible persons in operating without a license and illegally storing fireworks and firecrackers are true. Law enforcement officers and public security police sealed up and detained 186 pieces (boxes) of fireworks and firecrackers seized at the scene, controlled the illegal personnel, and handed them over to the public security department for public security detention for 10 days according to law.

From January 22nd to 27th, Lianhu District Safety Committee Office actively supervised and coordinated public security, emergency, market supervision, urban management bureau and other departments and sub-district offices, and comprehensively promoted the control of fireworks and firecrackers. This week, joint law enforcement was carried out three times in the whole region and twice in the streets. A total of 703 people were dispatched, 643 people were inspected, and 11 pieces of fireworks and firecrackers were seized. Administrative compulsory measures were taken against a mobile vendor who illegally sold fireworks and firecrackers.

On January 25th, Xixian New Area Fengxi New Town Safety Supervision Department, together with Diaotai Street Office and Tongwen Road Police Station, launched a joint inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in the jurisdiction. During the inspection, a mobile vendor illegally selling fireworks and firecrackers was found in the Diaotai section of Weihe River embankment, and more than 10 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were seized on the spot. The legal sale and storage were given administrative detention by the public security department for 5 days.

On the evening of January 26th, Baqiao District Emergency Management Bureau, together with the street office, public security, market supervision, pollution control and haze reduction and other departments, carried out the night inspection of fireworks and firecrackers on the streets of Textile City. In accordance with the general requirements of "full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement and practical results", the inspection team conducted night inspections on the illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers. At the scene, an illegal mobile sales stall of fireworks and firecrackers was seized, and more than 10 small fireworks were collected in a box.

On January 29th, weiyang district Emergency Management Bureau, together with Seoul Street Office and Seoul Police Station, carried out verification and inspection on the "illegal storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers in a residential building in Huixi Village" reported by the masses. After verification, the report was true, and more than 20 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were stored in a private house in the reported place. The police of Seoul police station collected the fireworks and firecrackers illegally stored at the scene and transported them to a safe area. Relevant illegal personnel have been handed over to the public security department and detained for 10 days according to law.

On January 29th, Chanba Ecological Zone Emergency Management Bureau launched a crackdown on illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers in key areas within its jurisdiction. The inspection team found an illegal sales stall while inspecting the park on the south side of Lake No.1, and law enforcement officers banned it according to law and temporarily detained 15 pieces (boxes) of fireworks.

Relevant laws and regulations:

On November 16, 2023, in order to further improve the ban on the sale and release of fireworks and firecrackers in Xi ‘an, continuously improve the ambient air quality, and ensure public safety and people’s personal and property safety, the General Office of Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on strengthening the ban on the sale and release of fireworks and firecrackers. The "Notice" clearly pointed out that the special actions of joint law enforcement should be carried out. The district and county governments, the Xixian New Area Administrative Committee and the development zone management committees should implement the main responsibility of the territory, adhere to the combination of strict law enforcement and civilized law enforcement, and organize emergency management, public security, transportation, ecological environment, market supervision, urban management and other departments to carry out joint law enforcement every major festival and important time node such as "New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Labor Day and National Day", and mobilize comprehensive management forces to give full play to the town.

"Fireworks safety management regulations" article thirty-sixth.

For those who produce and operate fireworks and firecrackers without permission, or sell black powder, pyrotechnics and fuse to units or individuals that have not obtained the safety production license of fireworks and firecrackers, the safety production supervision and management department shall order them to stop illegal production and business activities, impose a fine of more than 20,000 yuan and less than 100,000 yuan, and confiscate the illegally produced and operated items and illegal income. For those who transport fireworks and firecrackers by road without permission, the public security department shall order them to stop illegal transportation activities, impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan, and confiscate the illegally transported articles and illegal income. Illegal production, operation and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, which constitutes a violation of public security management, shall be given administrative penalties for public security according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

"People’s Republic of China (PRC) public security management punishment law" thirtieth.

Whoever, in violation of state regulations, manufactures, buys, sells, stores, transports, mails, carries, uses, provides or disposes of explosive, toxic, radioactive and corrosive substances or infectious disease pathogens shall be detained for more than 10 days and less than 15 days; If the circumstances are minor, they shall be detained for more than five days and less than ten days.

Article 125th of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Whoever illegally manufactures, buys, sells, transports, mails or stores guns, ammunition and explosives shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death. Whoever illegally manufactures, buys, sells, transports or stores toxic, radioactive, infectious disease pathogens and other substances and endangers public safety shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 136 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Those who violate the regulations on the management of explosive, flammable, radioactive, toxic and corrosive substances and have serious accidents in production, storage, transportation and use, resulting in serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; If the consequences are especially serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

In order to eliminate potential safety hazards and defend the blue sky, we appeal to the general public to refuse to illegally produce, sell and store fireworks and firecrackers, and not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, so as to greet the New Year in a safe and civilized way.

Hot hot! Hot weather "online" and South-North steaming "sauna"

  This week, the hot and muggy weather with the largest range, the strongest intensity and the longest duration this year was launched nationwide, and the south and the north "steamed saunas" together. Especially yesterday, the high temperature range was expanded to the widest, affecting about 800 million people, and the somatosensory temperature in some places even exceeded 55 C. However, in the future, there is no sign of "stopping" in high temperature weather, and the high temperature heat wave will continue to wreak havoc before the end of July.

  The temperature was slightly adjusted back in early August.

  In the past week, the heat is not enough to describe the summer scene in Shencheng. From time to time, the high temperature hits the 37℃ hot summer line, and thunderstorms report on time every day.

  Yesterday, Shanghai issued the first high-temperature orange warning signal this summer, and the city’s temperature exceeded 36℃, setting a new high-temperature record this summer. Four or five days from now, it is still difficult for the city to get rid of the sunny and hot summer, and the extreme maximum temperature will be around 37℃.

  When will this wave of high temperature "go to fire"? According to the latest forecast, the "barbecue" mode may only be eased in early August. At that time, the city will be at the southern edge of the subtropical high, controlled by the southeast wind, and the temperature will be adjusted back. However, the extreme maximum temperature is still 34℃~35℃.

  Typhoon "Lily" is hard to cool down.

  According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon No.6 this year, "Lily", was formed in the southeast sea of Japan yesterday morning. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, "Lily" has no direct relationship with China and has no influence on China’s sea area.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory reminded that there were fewer typhoons in July this year than in the same period of normal years. After entering August, typhoons will enter the "peak period" of the whole year, and the situation of preventing Taiwan cannot be ignored. At present, there is a tropical disturbance in the South China Sea, which tends to develop into a typhoon in the later stage, and will land on the coast of Hainan in China, bringing wind and rain effects to Hainan and other places. The landing time is about the end of July to the beginning of August.

  Air conditioning boot map release

  Before the end of July, the cooking mode will continue in many places in China, and the high temperature will spread to 16 provinces and cities across the country. China Weather Network, the official website of China Meteorological Bureau, has published "Early Warning Map of Air Conditioning Startup" and "Early Warning Map of National Hot Cry" for several days.

  According to meteorological data, from 1990 to 2018, the summer night temperatures in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou showed a rising trend. On the 28th, China’s high temperature range continued to expand, and the degree of heat increased. Therefore, the "air conditioning startup warning" suggests that the night temperature in 10 major cities such as Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Changsha and Guangzhou should remain above 28℃.

  (Reporter Ma Dan)  

The "Beijing Eight Articles" regulation plan is released, and the down payment ratio of the second suite is not less than 50%

  Yesterday, the city issued a notice on several measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the city’s real estate market, and put forward eight measures for real estate regulation. It is clearly pointed out that for households with one set of housing, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary self-occupied housing again in order to improve their living conditions, the down payment ratio will not be less than 50% regardless of the loan record; For those who purchase non-ordinary self-occupied houses, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 70%.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) Yesterday, the general office of the municipal government forwarded the notice of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Committee and other departments on "Several Measures for Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in this Municipality" and put forward eight measures for real estate regulation and control in this Municipality.

  First, we should increase the supply of residential land and rationally adjust the land supply structure. Increase the supply ratio of low-priced and medium-sized ordinary commercial housing, strictly implement the 90/70 policy, increase the just-needed supply, and take into account the improvement demand.

  Second, it is necessary to increase the supply of land for self-occupied commercial housing. Except Dongcheng, Xicheng and Shijingshan District, other districts should arrange a number of land for self-occupied commercial housing to enter the market as soon as possible during the year.

  Third, it is necessary to further improve the land transaction rules, strengthen the transaction mode of "controlling land price and limiting house price", limit the housing price in the supply link and incorporate it into the conditions of land auction and auction. Encourage real estate enterprises to own some houses as rental housing to meet the rental demand.

  The fourth is to implement differentiated housing credit policies. The down payment ratio for the first set of ordinary self-occupied housing is not less than 35%, and the down payment ratio for the first set of non-ordinary commercial housing is not less than 40%. However, except for self-occupied commercial housing, two-limit housing and other policy housing. For households with one set of housing, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary self-occupied housing again in order to improve their living conditions, the down payment ratio shall be no less than 50% regardless of the loan record; For those who purchase non-ordinary self-occupied houses, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 70%.

  Fifth, the relevant municipal departments should strengthen the management of commodity housing transactions and supervise real estate development enterprises and their sales behavior. For projects with obviously high quotations, the issuance of pre-sale permits will be stopped, and existing home sales will not be filed. For projects that have gone through the pre-sale or cash sale procedures, all the houses for sale shall be made public at one time within the specified time, and the regulations of clearly marked price and one room and one price shall be strictly enforced, and the actual sales price shall not be higher than the declared price. At the same time, the above information should be clearly marked in a prominent position in the trading place.

  Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen the management of real estate brokerage institutions and their brokerage activities, and fully implement the supervision of stock housing transaction funds. Real estate brokerage institutions and real estate brokers should be entrusted to release real housing and price information, and should not occupy housing information or drive up housing prices.

  Seventh, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and other relevant departments should carry out joint law enforcement inspections, focusing on investigating and dealing with property hoarding’s illegal acts such as hoarding houses, driving up house prices, publishing false houses and price information, and publicly exposing them, and relevant information should be included in enterprise credit files.

  Eighth, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a joint meeting system to strengthen the supervision of the real estate market in this Municipality, and be responsible for guiding, coordinating and promoting the supervision of the real estate market in this Municipality.


  The city deployed the real estate market inspection work during the National Day.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) Yesterday, the city held a briefing on the law enforcement inspection of the real estate market. The meeting informed the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission about the law enforcement inspection and the current real estate market situation, and asked real estate development enterprises and real estate brokerage institutions to standardize their operations according to law, strictly prohibit property hoarding and other illegal acts, and clarify the serious consequences that enterprises should bear in violation of regulations; At the same time, the multi-departmental joint law enforcement inspection work during the National Day was further deployed.

  The meeting pointed out that the management of real estate development enterprises and their sales behavior requires that real estate development projects that require pre-sale permission or record the sale of existing homes should disclose all the sales houses at one time within the specified time. Real estate development enterprises in the sale of commercial housing projects, we must strictly enforce the price tag, one room and one price, the actual sales price shall not be higher than the declared price; All saleable houses and their prices and other related information must be clearly marked in a prominent position in the trading place, and the clearly marked price should not be turned into "oral notification", and property hoarding should not be used to delay the opening time or control the houses, so as to deliberately create a tense atmosphere for the houses; It is not allowed to mark false information or use deceptive and vague language to mislead consumers and infringe on consumers’ right to know, choose and fair trade. Real estate brokerage institutions and personnel shall engage in real estate brokerage activities in accordance with the law, and be entrusted to release real housing and price information, and shall not occupy housing information or drive up housing prices; It is strictly forbidden to engage in off-site fund-raising financial services such as down payment, self-financing, self-guarantee and the establishment of a fund pool; Real estate brokerage services shall be clearly marked, and price fraud shall not be carried out by using false or misleading contents and methods of marking.

  The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Construction and Construction Committee said that the problems in the real estate market are not only economic issues and management issues, but also people’s livelihood issues and social issues. Some chaos in the real estate market will be dealt with strictly, severely and quickly. In the next step, the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will continue to strengthen law enforcement and investigation, strengthen joint supervision and comprehensive management with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Land Planning and other departments, and severely crack down on property hoarding, bid up housing prices, seize housing, publish false housing information and other illegal acts. Citizens can report violations of laws and regulations in the real estate market transaction process.


  Provident fund loans will cancel the guarantee service fee from now on.

  (Reporter Zhu Kaiyun) In the future, Beijing Provident Fund loans will no longer charge guarantee service fees; Buying a second-hand housing provident fund loan, in addition to no longer paying the guarantee service fee, the loan evaluation fee has also been greatly reduced. Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center released the policy of benefiting the people yesterday. From today, the depositor does not need to pay the guarantee service fee when applying for provident fund loans, and the maximum charge standard of second-hand housing evaluation fee has been lowered from 1,500 yuan/piece to 600 yuan/piece.

  The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center said that the launch of the New Deal in Beijing is to further benefit people’s livelihood and better serve housing provident fund depositors.

  Experts said that in the past, under normal circumstances, the common guarantee methods of provident fund loans were joint liability guarantee and mortgage guarantee of Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center. Among them, the guarantee of the guarantee center involves the guarantee service fee, and the charging standard is three thousandths of the loan amount, and the minimum charge is 300 yuan. The appraisal fee for second-hand houses is charged according to three thousandths of the appraisal value, with the lowest charge of 300 yuan and the highest charge of 1,500 yuan.

  The person in charge of the provident fund center said that according to the "Regulations on the Management of Housing Provident Fund": "Applicants who apply for housing provident fund loans shall provide guarantees." In the future, when a depositor applies for a personal loan of housing provident fund, the Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center can provide the depositor with a phased guarantee before the pre-mortgage registration (or mortgage registration) of the purchased house, and the depositor does not need to pay the guarantee service fee. This means that employees who apply for provident fund loans will be exempted from the guarantee service fee ranging from several hundred yuan to thousands of yuan.

  In addition, the Provident Fund Center also introduced an evaluation competition mechanism, and selected six first-class real estate appraisal agencies, including Beijing Guosheng Real Estate Appraisal Co., Ltd. and Beijing Huayuan Longtai Real Estate and Land Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd., to provide better, more convenient and efficient services for paid employees.

  The Provident Fund Center said that the adjustment of loan-related fees is based on the date of acceptance, that is to say, the depositor will no longer pay the guarantee service fee for the newly accepted loans from today, and the highest charging standard for the second-hand housing appraisal fee will be lowered to 600 yuan/piece.

I found it! 30 years ago, the proprietress of Four Seasons Beauty turned out to be her!

"These two stores can earn hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands a year."
Recently, an interview video 30 years ago became a hit.
Doing business in hangzhou sijiqing that year.
The face and words of the young proprietress,
Let netizens shout: shocked for a whole year!
Who is she?
After 30 years, what happened to her?
Network-wide attention
The beautiful proprietress 30 years ago, found it!
In this old image in 1993, a young girl opened a shop in the Sijiqing clothing market. When interviewed by reporters, she smiled and said:"These two stores have to earn hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands a year, which is no problem."
After the content was issued, it caused widespread concern.
Partial screenshot
At the same time, many netizens lamented in the comment area:"The temperament is too good" "It’s elegant to wear and talk" "It’s cool to wear a face value" …
Soon, many netizens reported that this is Zhuji, surnamed Lou.
I was only 20 years old when I was interviewed.
When I was young, I chose to go out and rush
Ms. Lou said that many friends told her about it yesterday, but she was not particularly surprised and surprised. She recalled that she was about 20 years old when she was interviewed.
Speaking of the business situation in that year, Ms. Lou said,At that time, materials were in short supply,In fact, this kind of market is thriving all over the country.
There are a group of frolicters in every era, and standing at this outlet may be the lucky ones.
"I felt that the market was relatively prosperous as a distribution center for commercial logistics at that time, so I wanted to join.At that time, going to Sijiqing was the forefront.. "Therefore, with the idea of being fearless of heaven and earth, Ms. Lou resolutely chose to go out and take a trip.
At the same time, she is also full of expectations for young people. "Every era belongs to young people. I hope that young people now have a little courage and go for it when they think of anything."
In the face of everyone’s concern,Ms. Lou feels honored and indifferent."Thank you very much for your interest in that era."
"People of our age will be nostalgic, and children may be interested in the previous era … There are many reasons for this video to be popular, and it may be calm in a few days." Ms. Lou said.
At present, Ms. Lou has retired.For her other recent situation, she admits that she doesn’t want to disclose too much.
Every era has a batch.
Young people full of vigor and vitality
I hope we will always be brave and free!
Embrace your best self!
Source: Zhuji Xishi Eye
Editor Zhong Wei Review Xie Jun Du Haifeng

Increment of inclusive finance’s service to rural revitalization and expansion

  Inclusive finance is an important force for rural revitalization. Since the beginning of this year, financial institutions have made active efforts in inclusive finance, drawing fresh water from finance to irrigate all kinds of agriculture-related entities, especially to solve the problem that financing is difficult and expensive for small and micro-agricultural entities. How to get through inclusive finance’s blocking points in agriculture-related fields? How to improve the service coverage of inclusive finance? Next, we need to continue to deepen the writing of inclusive finance.

  Building a Multi-service System

  Inclusive finance has made great progress since it was put forward. The inclusive finance concept has not only been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, but also established a multi-level supply and service system. From the perspective of agriculture-related financial services, various financial institutions actively promote rural revitalization, focus on the field of financial services, actively rationalize the mechanism, expand the scope and improve the quality, and accurately irrigate the living water of finance into the fields.

  Recently, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in inclusive finance", which pointed out the direction for the implementation of inclusive finance. The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to guide all types of banking institutions to adhere to positioning and healthy competition. Promote all kinds of banking institutions to establish and improve a long-term mechanism that dares to lend, is willing to lend, can lend and will lend. Experts said that banking institutions should not rush into the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Different banks should develop characteristic financial products based on the characteristics of their own customer groups and serve the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" step by step.

  From a macro point of view, financial institutions are accelerating the construction of inclusive finance, and the path and road map of inclusive finance’s service to agriculture, countryside and farmers have become clearer. For example, large and medium-sized banks set up inclusive finance business department to extend the service scope of inclusive finance by establishing franchise mechanisms such as separate credit plans; Local corporate banks combine their own positioning, strengthen inclusive finance’s strategic orientation, and use their popularity and geographical advantages to serve small and micro, "three rural" customers; Policy banks will cooperate in lending business in key areas in inclusive finance.

  Ye Yindan, a researcher at China Bank Research Institute, said that it is of great significance to emphasize the construction of multi-level financial services when serving rural revitalization. Constructing multi-level financial services can meet the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and farmers in rural areas. Traditional financial institutions have high approval standards for loans to small and micro enterprises and farmers, and it is difficult to meet their financing needs. The construction of multi-level financial services can introduce more non-bank financial institutions and social capital to participate in rural financial services, provide more flexible and convenient loan channels, help small and micro enterprises and farmers solve capital problems and promote their development and growth.

  With the deepening of inclusive finance, the coverage of financial services has gradually expanded, especially the basic financial services in counties and rural areas have developed rapidly. At present, 97.9% of the country’s banking institutions cover villages and towns, basically realizing that villages and towns have institutions, every village has services and every family has an account. At the end of the third quarter of 2023, the balance of agricultural loans in local and foreign currencies was 55.8 trillion yuan, up 15.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. In the first three quarters, it increased by 6.63 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.17 trillion yuan.

  The continuous growth of agriculture-related loans is the concrete embodiment of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" of precision drip irrigation in inclusive finance. The relevant person in charge of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is an important task of building an agricultural power in the new era, and more financial resources should be allocated to the fields of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to better meet their diversified and multi-level financial needs.

  Guarantee investment in key areas

  Since the beginning of this year, banking institutions have focused on farmland construction, rural characteristic industries and other key areas, strengthened services in inclusive finance, increased sustained investment in agriculture, and achieved remarkable results in rural revitalization.

  Inclusive finance should strengthen the foundation of farmland construction for rural revitalization. This year, the Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Promoting Rural Revitalization in an All-round Way and Accelerating the Construction of an Agricultural Power issued by the People’s Bank of China and the State Financial Supervision Administration clearly stated that in accordance with the requirement of gradually building all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, we should focus on key areas such as soil improvement and farmland irrigation and drainage facilities, give differentiated policy inclinations in the subject of loans, repayment methods and loan term, and explore and promote comprehensive improvement in the whole region to help build, transform and upgrade high-standard farmland.

  "inclusive finance can play an important role in promoting the construction of high-standard farmland." Ye Yindan said that the construction of high-standard farmland needs a lot of capital investment, including investment in land consolidation, water conservancy facilities and agricultural machinery. However, due to the lack of funds for farmers and grass-roots village collectives, it is difficult to bear high investment costs. At this time, institutions in inclusive finance can provide financial support for its high-standard farmland construction by providing loans and credit guarantees, so as to alleviate the pressure of capital investment.

  In addition, it is also the focus of inclusive finance’s efforts to help rural characteristic industries with credit, and financial institutions should increase the financing of characteristic industries. "With this working capital, the Hakka smoked chicken factory in the village will be able to produce at full capacity." Li Zhenqiu, head of Tianbei Village Stock Economic Cooperative in Dajishan Town, quannan county City, Jiangxi Province, said that at the end of each year, the local Hakka smoked chicken sales increased substantially. In the past, due to the lack of working capital, the village collective cooperatives had problems such as falling behind in production capacity and losing customers. In order to broaden the financing channels of characteristic industries, quannan county United Rural Commercial Bank launched the appointment of "financial village officials" to inject financial living water into agriculture-related industries such as agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and large-scale farmers. From January to October this year, the "financial village official" model issued a total of 2.683 billion yuan of agricultural loans, benefiting 9664 farmers.

  "Characteristic industry is an important sector to realize rural revitalization, and it is the key to increase farmers’ income and stabilize agricultural development. There are weak links in its development that need effective support from inclusive finance services." Wu Dan, a researcher at China Banking Research Institute, said that the bank’s inclusive business should meet the needs of differentiated products and services in key rural areas and enhance the sense of financial acquisition of rural inclusive groups. Inclusive finance’s support for rural industries should be orderly and focused, and the characteristic industries in key rural areas should be accurately drip-irrigated, so as to solidly promote China’s rural revitalization and achieve comprehensive achievements.

  Inclusive finance enables the development of key rural areas, which can touch the capital demand of agricultural business entities with large quantity, wide range and small amount. Experts said that with the support of financial institutions’ inclusive business, the development of rural key areas can obtain periodic and regional resource scheduling, and the problem of information asymmetry of agricultural entities will be gradually solved, which will promote the more rational allocation of financial resources to the "three rural" areas and promote the sustainable development of rural small and micro-business entities.

  Innovating and optimizing financial products

  Innovating and optimizing financial products and reducing financing costs are the important goals of inclusive finance’s development. For a long time, whether it is individual farmers or village collective organizations, the high financing cost is a common problem, which restricts the development of rural industries. Judging from the current rural financial products at the grass-roots level, inclusive finance, an individual banking institution, has the characteristics of single loan product structure, high interest rate and slow lending, and the phenomenon of high customer access threshold and low loan availability is more common.

  For example, in order to reduce financial risks, many banking institutions generally have additional mortgage guarantee requirements for financial products. This form of mortgage guarantee has undoubtedly raised the threshold for capital access for the majority of small farmers with light assets. In addition, due to the current situation of cumbersome credit procedures and insufficient humanized services in grass-roots financial institutions, and the fact that grass-roots financial institutions will consider financial risk prevention, they often use restrictive means to curb the actual demand for agricultural credit.

  Experts said that financial institutions should enrich financial products and services that support the development of farmers and optimize credit loan services for farmers. Credit loans have high requirements for financial institutions’ financial technology level and asset strength. It is not only time-consuming and laborious to tailor credit files for users by traditional methods, but also requires huge financial support. In order to comprehensively promote the implementation of rural revitalization strategy and help the development of new rural collective economy, financial institutions need to constantly innovate credit loan products to meet the financial needs of agricultural customers.

  The credit business of rural collective economic organizations is an important part of inclusive finance and agriculture-related loans of China Construction Bank. "Collective Credit Loan" is a credit loan product developed by CCB for rural collective economic organizations. Recently, the first "collective credit loan" in China was successfully launched in Shaanxi Ankang Cailiang Community Economic Cooperative, with a credit amount of 5 million yuan. The head of the grass-roots government team of the institutional business department of CCB said that in order to help rural areas revitalize high-quality development, CCB has provided "accurate portraits" for more than 13,000 rural collective economic organizations across the country, provided credit evaluation for financing services, improved the convenience of financing for rural collective economic organizations, and solved the pain points of less products, expensive services and long process in the rural market.

  Reduce financing costs and strengthen the resilience of agriculture-related subjects. Experts said that for commercial banks, continuously innovating loan products and reducing financing costs are conducive to rapidly increasing the scale of inclusive loans and expanding new customer groups while consolidating existing customers. In the future, commercial banks need to innovate the digital business model to solve the problem of expensive financing, further strengthen the docking of scenes with agriculture-related subjects, so as to adapt to the needs of different industries and different customer groups, and then promote the expansion of financial services to rural areas.

Su Hui: Promoting the spiritual harmony of compatriots in promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges

  A press conference for leaders of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce was held in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People at 3pm on March 6th. Wan Exiang, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, Chen Zhu, Wan Gang, Wu Weihua, Su Hui and Gao Yunlong, Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce were invited to answer questions.

  The following is a live record:

  Su Hui:

  Unswervingly inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of Taiwan Province compatriots’ patriotism and love for their hometown, and make unremitting efforts for the peaceful reunification of the motherland and the realization of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation. Every member of the Taiwan Alliance is full of homesickness in his heart, and every member of the Taiwan Alliance is also filled with feelings of home and country melted in his blood. This is the consistent initial intention and mission of the Taiwan Alliance since its establishment 71 years ago.

  Last December, the 10th National Congress of the Taiwan Democratic Self-government League elected me as the chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Alliance. I felt both glorious and honored, and I felt the great responsibility on my shoulders. I will take the baton of history, lead all the allies to actively participate in the great practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and jointly write a brilliant chapter in the cause of multi-party cooperation.

  Looking back at history, since its establishment in 1947, the Taiwan Alliance has always adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and firmly followed the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the publication of the Letter to Taiwan Province Compatriots in Hong Kong’s Huashang Daily in May 1948, publicly responding to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s "May 1 slogan", to actively participating in the preparation of the new CPPCC, participating in the formulation of the Common Program of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference, and then participating in the election of the Central People’s Government, we witnessed the birth of the new China. It can be said that Taiwan Province people’s long love for the country and their ambition to serve the country are engraved in the glorious history of new China with practical actions.

  Since the beginning of the new era, Taiwan Alliance has highlighted the characteristics of "Taiwan", earnestly performed the functions of participating parties, and made our due contribution to the construction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. In this new era, we should still firmly grasp the overall situation of national work and the development of cross-strait relations, select the topics of the times from a broad perspective, refine our insights in in-depth research, promote the spiritual harmony of compatriots in promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges, and make unremitting efforts to promote the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait and realize the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

  Thanks to the friends in the press for their concern for the Taiwan Alliance, and also thanks to the media friends from the island for their concern for the Taiwan Alliance. I hope that through you, I will extend my most sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to my hometown folks. Thank you.

In 2023, where do China people who can play most want to play? Here are their wish lists and travel plans.

After waiting for three years, China citizens finally ushered in the resumption of outbound travel. Where do you want to travel most in the new year? Some people say that no matter where you go, as long as you can go abroad for a walk; Some people say that I want to go to America, and I haven’t seen my daughter for three years. Some people say that they want to go to the French Disneyland and fulfill their desire to travel around the world …

After a two-month user survey, combined with the travel content and data of over 100 million users in the platform, Poor Travel Network released "China People Who Can Play: Great Insights into Chinese Travel in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") today. According to the report, after the announcement of the policy of orderly resuming China citizens’ outbound tourism, more than 90% of users plan to travel abroad within one year, and their willingness to travel within six months has increased by 25.9%. Once you travel, 62% of users will travel for more than 10 days.

In the past year, the length of a single domestic trip by poor tourists increased significantly, and the number of people who chose outdoor travel and parent-child travel doubled compared with 2021.

More than 90% of the respondents plan to travel abroad this year, and they are most concerned about the ticket price.

Poor tourists who are used to flying around the world have always been looking forward to outbound travel. In 2022, 75.4% of poor tourists will still pay attention to overseas travel related content when browsing travel raiders.

Since the release of the new policy, the search for related overseas destinations and overseas hotels in poor travel websites has increased by more than 400%, and the search for "visa" related content has increased by 280%. Before and after the policy, the time when travelers plan to travel has changed significantly. More than 90% of users plan to start outbound travel in 2023, and the number of users who choose to travel within half a year has increased by 13.9% to 38.5%. Followed by travelers who travel within 3 months, accounting for 23.1%; There are also 12% users who will use the Spring Festival holiday to restart their outbound travel in January.

In recent days, countries’ entry policies for China tourists have attracted much attention, which coincides with the results of this report. Travelers are not only concerned about the high air ticket cost, but also about the flight change and whether they are infected with COVID-19. The proportion of people who are worried about the segregation policy of entry destinations is 33.8%, ranking second.

More convenient outbound travel conditions directly affect the travel time of travelers. According to the report, the data of travel within 10 days has risen to 48%, and 52% of travelers will start long-term travel for 10 days or more as long as they go out. 6.3% of travelers plan to travel for one month or more.

The report shows that natural scenery, sacred land tour, exotic culture, food shopping and interest themes are the most anticipated outbound travel themes for poor tourists. Among them, the desire for characteristic culture and interest themes has increased obviously, and it has become more and more people’s choice to appreciate the customs of different countries or to go overseas to rock climbing, surfing and other holy places from their own interests. In 2023, Thailand, Japan, Spain, France, the United States, Italy, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia ranked in the top ten.

Domestic travel costs 5000-9000 yuan per person.

The past year has not been easy, but the traveler’s heart remains the same. 93.2% of the respondents believe that travel is a very important and indispensable part of their lives, and more than 60% of the respondents hope to release their inner feelings through travel and fulfill their long-cherished dream of traveling.

The report shows that 51.5% of travelers traveled twice or more in 2022, and the number of users who traveled more than four times still exceeded 20%. 67.2% of users will plan their travel itinerary half a month or more before departure. On the whole, the duration of users’ single trip increased significantly, mainly in 3-5 days, accounting for 59%, up 13.9% year-on-year. In addition, the proportion of single trips lasting 6-9 days and more than 10 days also increased, by 8.5% and 4.4% respectively.

In terms of travel expenses, 51.6% users keep the original budget unchanged, and 21.4% users are willing to increase their expenses to get a better travel experience. Among them, spending more money to eat and live well has become the first choice for over 70% of travelers. The average per capita spending of domestic travel is 5,000-9,999 yuan/person, accounting for 29.3%, and 12.6% of travelers spend 10,000 yuan or more per person. Accommodation, food and transportation are the main expenses of travel, accounting for 35%, 23% and 21% respectively.

Travelers prefer to explore treasure destinations.

How can I travel? Poor tourists gave their own answers. In the past year, Zhou Bianyou, local food, culture and art, outdoor travel and parent-child travel have become the favorite theme games for travelers. It is worth noting that parent-child travel has entered TOP5 for the first time, becoming the choice of more families with children. Natural scenery tour, historical and cultural experience and theme park experience are the first choices for parent-child travel. In addition, outdoor travel has increased significantly, and hiking, camping and cycling are popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

At present, there are various life sharing platforms, but for travel, the travel strategy platform and traveler are still the most inspiring, accounting for 89.7% and 61.9% respectively. The factors that really stimulate travelers to travel are more from the unique beauty of the destination, followed by their own interests, and local customs and culture, special accommodation, film and television planting are ranked 3-5.

Among the top ten popular destinations in China, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Beijing rank among the top three, and some destinations have successfully caught the attention of travelers. Lijiang, which is known as the "Gusu on the Plateau", Suzhou, which monopolizes two "Four Gardens in China", Macau, the world food capital, and Dali, which is thought by countless people as "poetry and distance", are all on the list.

In addition to these well-known destinations, many domestic treasure destinations have been explored by travelers this year. Pu ‘er, which has no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer, is the fastest-rising destination in China, and Yanji, which has countless authentic Korean cuisines, is known by more people and ranks second. Chaozhou not only has delicious food and tea, but also attracts people with its profound history and culture. Qiandongnan, where 48 ethnic minorities live, provides travelers with unlimited cultural experience.

In terms of domestic annual hot spots, Erhai Lake has become a haunting place in the hearts of many people, ranking first. The Palace Museum, West Lake, Hongyadong and Daocheng Yading followed closely. The legendary Yulong Snow Mountain, the incarnation of the "Three Flowers" of the Naxi people, attracted more tourists to punch in, and the Duku Highway became a must-see for travelers in Xinjiang.

In 2022, many old scenic spots turned red. The Summer Palace, Dianchi Lake and hulun buir grassland occupy the top three scenic spots with the fastest rising heat. Blue Moon Valley, with the reputation of "Little Jiuzhaigou", soared to the fourth place, and Zhaoxing Dong Village, the first village in Dong Township, attracted people’s attention, while Jinchang "Mars 1 Base" increased its attention by providing travelers with the most authentic experience of "life on Mars".

The picture shows the flower sea landscape in Wenquan County, Xinjiang. Photo courtesy of the author.

Source: Author: Li Baohua

Why are you always out of fashion? Three truths you have to know about fashion!

You think fashion is only about others?

Do you think fashion is only about youth?

In fact, fashion is not a distant word!

Don’t be misunderstood by the definition of "unique, confident and out of fashion"

Fashion has a temperature

You have many fashion moments that you haven’t noticed yet ~

Fashion is in the details of your life.

Beautiful dress, perfect makeup

Strong muscles, delicate skin …

It’s all fashion

Appearance is an indispensable capital for women.

But thought determines the value of appearance.

Beauty without connotation is pale.

So if you want to be more beautiful, remember to practice both inside and outside.


Clothes can reflect a person’s heart.

Reveal her value preferences, lifestyle and personality cultivation. …

Clothes don’t necessarily see character.

But to some extent: clothing = emotional intelligence.

Therefore, correct dress is a compulsory course for everyone.

  • Refuse to blindly follow suit

Fashion should look for its own style, not blindly "follow the fashion"! Fashion, not piled up by money, focuses on grasping and inheriting the fashion concept. As long as a woman has a fashionable concept, she can dress herself elegantly without spending a lot of money. On the contrary, a woman has a lot of money, but she has no self-cultivation and fashion concept. At best, she is only the carrier of major brands. " Remember! Simplicity and exquisiteness are more important than fashion. If you are not good at wearing, are not sensitive to the coordination of colors, and don’t hold the trend elements properly, then don’t add too many things to yourself. Simple and natural, it can also be very beautiful!

  • Dare to break fashion rules

What is fashion? No one can define anything! Because it is variable, there is no fixed form. At least dare to innovate, break the rules, and add good taste to lead the trend, right?

Some people say: 40-year-old should not wear sneakers, it seems not stable enough; After 35, don’t wear pink, it’s too act young, you can’t wear suspenders, you can’t wear braided hair … But the real fashion is to find your personality, find your own things, and stick to it, not to follow suit, grandstanding, and wear clothes indiscriminately!

  • Investing in classic items

The so-called classic is not restricted by any conditions, not influenced by the trend, and can stand the test of time. No matter when and where you wear them, they are as fashionable and attractive.

That is to say, clothes are not much but fine. Buying more fashionable items that are not suitable for you is not as good as a fit and classic one. For example, white shirt, little black skirt, white T, windbreaker and jeans. …

Although these are basic models and versatile models in your wardrobe, investing in them once will really benefit you for a long time. No matter how many years have passed, it will make you chic and beautiful.

Of course, in addition to common clothes, shoe bag accessories are also essential, which helps to enhance the overall exquisiteness and taste.

The charm of classics lies not in luxury, but in the style, fabric and detail design, which becomes more and more brilliant with the passage of time.


  • Go shopping more, don’t always wait for others to dump links.

The most terrible thing about fashion course is not knowing nothing and having nothing, but waiting for others to tell her how to buy it.

You should know that good clothes are always hidden in unknown shops. You have never experienced the process of selecting and looking for beautiful clothes by yourself, and you will not feel the surprise and satisfaction of wearing that moment.

Although online shopping is becoming more and more common, physical stores are getting weaker and weaker, but we still encourage everyone to go shopping more, instead of waiting for others to dump links. Because only when you feel it yourself can you know the quality.

When buying clothes, don’t just look at the price and style, but also look at the fabric label and check the stitching on the side foot.

  • Know your body shape

If you want to dress well, you must first understand your body shape and learn to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Even if you don’t have a perfect figure, it doesn’t matter. At least you should have a heart for beauty.

If you are short, you should raise your waistline. If your legs are not good, you should learn to cover them. If you are black, don’t wear exaggerated bright colors. If you are fat, don’t wear them too short or too long. Clothes should not be too tight or too loose, and the fit will be just right.


Everyone is afraid of aging, especially women.

Skin condition is the most intuitive sign to reflect a person’s age.

But it should be understood that

Skin is one of the most important excretory organs in human body.

Instead of "absorbing organs"

  • Pay attention to makeup removal

The makeup remover is wrong, and the face value is scrapped! Some girls just study how to make makeup look good, so-so remove makeup every day, and some even wear makeup to sleep, which is really terrible! ! If you don’t remove makeup in time, or the makeup is not clean, it will lead to many skin problems: pigmentation, sunburn and freckles, skin aging, pore blockage, and more and more blackheads. …

Want to remove makeup and clean it without hurting the skin. Poke the picture below ~


  • Have a light diet and good work and rest habits.

Eating spicy, greasy and too sweet food often leads to exuberant oil secretion and aggravation of blackheads … People who eat greasy food are also prone to symptoms of blood heat, stomach heat accumulation and blood stasis, and these symptoms will further promote the growth of blackheads and closed mouths. Therefore, we must pay attention to diet and less oil! Less salt! Less sweet! Less spicy! To tell the truth, Xiaobian tried the best and best way to get rid of blackheads: exercise+diet+going to bed early. The skin condition is really good!

Good work and rest habits are the key to beauty! For girls, staying up late will lead to endocrine disorders, and our face is prone to imbalance of water and oil, too dry or too greasy. It is also common to explode acne and shut up. The most obvious point is that it is easy to have dark circles and bags under the eyes when staying up late … (You will only blame the eye cream for staying up late to cultivate immortality, which is really enough! )

When you want to know that you are plain, the dark circles and bags under your eyes are super obvious, which will make you look pale. Moreover, when making up, you should carefully conceal the concealer, even if it is well concealed. After concealing the concealer, the baby whose skills are not very good can be said to be terrible. The color is wrong, the makeup is not suitable, and it is mottled for one second … So, the babies try not to stay up late, don’t stay up late, don’t stay up late!


The beauty of a woman is not in her face.

It’s in posture.

Gestures are alive, faces are dead.

The so-called "state"

Refers to a woman’s temperament reflected in her bones.

Beauty or temperament, which is more important? In fact, this question is not difficult to answer! First of all, we should find out why people always emphasize "temperament". The primary reason should be that beauty cannot be preserved, and it will always be lost with age. It is also because with the growth of age, after the precipitation of a woman’s heart, the beauty of temperament will be more and more improved and more prominent, and temperament is more beautiful than beauty! No matter who you are, temperament is a very high compliment!

A woman with temperament, even if she is white-haired, is still as beautiful as a picture, and the years are never unbeaten! Temperament is the most advanced sexy of a woman!

A woman’s temperament is a kind of self-cultivation, which has nothing to do with age and has nothing to do with years.

Temperament is an inner involuntary exposure, not just superficial kung fu. Ta is not a high-grade lipstick, a gorgeous dress, and a pair of brand-name high heels can match it! If you don’t have some ink on your chest, you can use it in gorgeous clothes. This person has no temperament at all, but gives others a superficial feeling.

Therefore, if you want to improve your temperament and achieve outstanding temperament, in addition to dressing appropriately and speaking appropriately, you must constantly improve your knowledge, moral cultivation and enrich yourself! Only with distinctive speech and posture can people feel "powerful charm beyond appearance"

However, not many people are born with temperament! For most young girls, not being beautiful often means not having temperament. Temperament, most of them will not be ugly! Therefore, we must learn to be beautiful first. Let your surface be beautiful first, and at the same time slowly carve your inner self. What we want is not only beauty, or only temperament. We can have both!


A person’s posture has more influence on temperament than appearance! You can look around carefully, as long as a person holds his head high and shoulders high, he will exude noble temperament all over. Once you stoop, your appearance looks ten years older. Imagine that you have a pair of angel wings on your back. Feel these wings at any time, and the angel wings will make your posture beautiful!

A person’s temperament is internal self-cultivation, including external behavior, manners and attitudes towards others. Elegant, generous and natural temperament will give people a comfortable, kind and easy-going feeling.

Regardless of the sound quality and timbre, whispering is the first sign of temperament. However, if you are so quiet that you can’t even hear the other person talking, it means you lack confidence. People with temperament will speak in a voice that only the interviewee can clearly hear, and the choice of words is also one of the important standards to measure Ta temperament. In addition to basic polite expressions, the content of speech is also very important. It is a compulsory course for temperament beauty to stay away from rumors and not strongly advocate criticism. Remember, even if the conversation is not pleasant, don’t forget to express your gratitude!

The most effective way to show temperament is to move slowly and carefully. However, slowness does not mean that the slower the better, we should strive to do one thing accurately and accurately. In terms of agreement, temperament beauty should do what she says. If you can’t do it, you might as well take "don’t make an agreement with others casually" as a principle of temperament beauty.

Temperament is not learned, but cultivated! As a woman, you can’t say too much, but you should know everything. We can’t live every day with an empty head and nothing to do. But to have your own goals and focus on life and a hobby that suits you. Usually, you should learn more things and read more books (not reading 8 magazines). Learn to dance or exercise if you have nothing to do. Learn more about communication and listen to salon lectures that are helpful to you.

Slim down and talk about temperament! In fact, women with temperament know more about restraint and pay attention to eating habits, so as to maintain a beautiful posture and healthy and high-quality skin. On the contrary, women who are willful and indulgent, slim but often become a short-lived memory. Lack of self-management ability will make your body shape worse and worse. Therefore, by looking at a person’s figure, especially the way she decorates her figure, you can probably know her cultivation and temperament. If you have experienced the feeling of being fat, you can understand why you can enjoy a better life only if you lose weight. When you lose weight and become a more beautiful self, you can gradually feel the feeling full of possibilities.

Temperament is a state, a state of mind and an attitude towards life! To be a woman with temperament, she is beautiful and advanced!

Exercise may accelerate your aging! I advise you to give up these five kinds of exercise.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. People who exercise regularly not only look well-proportioned, but also have relatively stronger immunity.

However, exercise can not only preserve one’s health, but also hurt one’s health. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be harmful to one’s health, but will be counterproductive.

Regular and proper exercise can improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance immunity and delay aging.

Although sports bring many benefits,But we must pay attention to the way and moderate amount, and it is more important to choose the sports that suit you according to your age and physical condition.

In addition, we should pay attention to gradual exercise, increase or decrease the amount of exercise in a planned way, and warm up well before each activity to give the body an adaptive process.

Because improper exercise may endanger health and accelerate aging. Excessive exercise may lead to physical fatigue, damaged immune system, poor blood circulation, etc., and may even induce neurosis, leading to the destruction of the body’s own harmony.

The correct and suitable exercise method may enhance immunity and have the effect of keeping in good health, but if the exercise method is wrong, it will not be good for the body.

Do morning exercises at dawn.

Many people will choose to do morning exercises at dawn, thinking that the air quality is good at this time, but in fact, not only the light is dark in the morning, but also the temperature is relatively low, so it is easy to trip, or have a cold, upset stomach, or even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to do morning exercises at dawn.

2. Exercise blindly on an empty stomach

It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach.Especially diabetics, heart patients, people with poor gastrointestinal function, the elderly and so on.It is not suitable for exercise on an empty stomach.

It is best to eat some digestible food properly before exercise to avoid fainting from hunger. Of course, it is not recommended to eat too much before morning exercise, as long as you feel no longer hungry after eating.

3. Start without warm-up.

No matter when you exercise, proper warm-up preparation is necessary. If you start to exercise without sufficient warm-up, it is likely to induce sports injuries and lead to excessive cardiopulmonary burden.

It is suggested that the speed of warm-up should be slow to fast, the strength should be gradually increased, sweating slightly, and there is a slight sense of shortness of breath. The time is about 15 minutes.

4. Running is omnipotent

Although running is a highly respected sport, it is not a panacea. It can’t replace other sports and can’t meet all the needs of exercise. It is best to cross-train with other sports.

5, sweating is effective

Exercise is about persistence, not intensity or speed. If you don’t consider your own situation, in order to exercise for exercise 2, when the intensity of exercise is too high, it may make people tired, have too fast heart rate and raise blood pressure, which will hurt the body.

Academician Wang Longde of China Academy of EngineeringIt is suggested that adults must pay attention to some matters when exercising, and it is recommended to keep the exercise frequency.More than three times a weekDon’t stay still and exercise too much at once.

Some people don’t exercise at ordinary times, but exercise for several hours at a time on weekends, which is not right. Good exercise should insist on regular exercise.

Suggestion on exercise timeExercise for about half an hour every day on average.. Exercise intensity as far as possible.Ensure that the heart rate can reach the value of 170- age..

Proper exercise can enhance immunity, delay aging, prevent diseases, etc., but you must pay attention to choosing the exercise mode that suits you. After all, the wrong exercise mode is not good. Adults had better exercise more than three times a week, and the average exercise time per day should be controlled at about half an hour.


[1] Exercise may hurt your health? ! I advise you to give up these eight ways. CCTV life circle.2022-05-10

[2] How should adults exercise? Academician Wang Longde gave the following three suggestions. Medical Microvision.2021-06-24.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

The latest research found that exercising at this time every day is more helpful to control sugar!

The latest research shows that sugar friends exercise in the afternoon to help control sugar!

A recent study shows that afternoon exercise is more helpful to improve the blood sugar level of overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes. ①

The researchers found that the blood sugar level of diabetic patients who took moderate to high-intensity exercise in the afternoon decreased the most, especially in the first year of intensive lifestyle intervention. In addition, some researchers have found that afternoon exercisers are also more likely to reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs.

Wu Na, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University, wrote in the Health Times in 2019 that diabetic patients are advised to choose sports that are beneficial to whole-body exercise, conform to their hobbies, have strong maneuverability and are easy to adhere to for a long time, such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, swimming, climbing stairs, dancing, playing ball, cycling and playing Tai Ji Chuan. ②

Health times chart

It is suggested that these groups of people exercise in the afternoon.

1. Patients with heart disease: It is advisable to exercise in the afternoon or evening.

Qian Yufeng, an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Hangzhou First People’s Hospital, Zhejiang Province, wrote in the Health Times in 2016 that 6-9 am is the "early peak" of heart attack every day, because the human body is relatively short of water in the morning, and the blood is thick and prone to thrombosis. At the same time, the blood pressure in the morning is the highest in a day, which is easy to cause the shedding or rupture of atherosclerotic plaques, leading to acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Therefore, it is best to avoid this peak period and arrange it in the afternoon or evening.

Exercise regularly, first of all, it is necessary to quantify, it is best to exercise for 3-5 days a week, and the heart rate should be controlled at no more than 100 times/minute after exercise, and it is appropriate to have no chest tightness and asthma. It is also necessary to make appropriate adjustments according to the patient’s age.

You can try the following three steps to exercise:

Prepare for 5-10 minutes first;

Then start normal exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., lasting 15-30 minutes, which can also be extended according to the heart rate;

Finally, relax for 10 minutes to let the heartbeat slowly return to normal. ③

Zhang Jian, chief physician of the Heart Center of Beijing Chest Hospital, wrote in the Health Times in 2018 that patients with coronary heart disease should slow down or stop their activities if the following four signals appear during exercise.

1. Chest pain or angina pectoris;

2. Asthma or dyspnea that does not match the amount of exercise;

3, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, pale face, cyanosis, cold hands and feet or wet cold;

4. Physical and mental fatigue or muscle soreness, inappropriate heartbeat or blood pressure reaction, such as the heartbeat has exceeded 100 beats/min at rest, the heartbeat or blood pressure changes more than 20 beats/min or 20 mm Hg during activities within 3 weeks after myocardial infarction, and the heartbeat or blood pressure changes more than 30 beats/min or 30 mm Hg during activities within 6 weeks after myocardial infarction. ④

Second, patients with hypertension: it is best to exercise at noon or afternoon.

Cheng Yi, deputy chief physician of Cardiovascular Department of the First People’s Hospital of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, wrote in 2022 that the best exercise time for patients with hypertension is generally at noon and afternoon every day, because the air in this period is relatively clean, and the air pollution is more serious in the morning and evening.

In addition, if you exercise too early in the morning, it is easy to increase your blood pressure. At the same time, you can eat something light before going out to exercise. ⑤

Third, patients with gout and high uric acid: it is best to exercise in the afternoon.

WeChat official account, from the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of the Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong Province, issued a document in 2018, saying that it is not suitable for exercise in the acute stage of gout. At this time, it is necessary to rest, minimize joint activities, and stay in bed. If joint symptoms are serious, the affected limb can be braked.

It is best for gout patients to exercise in the afternoon, that is, after lunch to dinner. Choose some simple and gentle sports, such as walking, Tai Ji Chuan, aerobics, cycling and swimming, especially walking, cycling and swimming. It can be supplemented by appropriate resistance exercises and joint flexibility exercises. Start with a small amount of exercise, step by step, prevent excessive exercise, and take micro-sweating as the degree. ⑥

This article is synthesized from:

①Qian J, Xiao Q, Walkup MP, et al. Association of Timing of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity With Changes in Glycemic Control Over 4 Years in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Fr om the Look AHEAD Trial. Diabetes Care. 2023 May 25:dc222413.

②2019-04-19 Health Times "Sugar Friends Exercise One Hour After Meal"

③2016-11-04 Health Times "Exercise for heart disease should be from bottom to top"

④2018-08-10 Health Times "Four Signals Prompt to Slow down Exercise"

⑤2022-02-18 Baidu Health "Cheng Yi" "What is the best exercise time for hypertensive patients? 》

6 2018-09-03 South China Gout Online "Disease Knowledge | Can you exercise after gout?" How to exercise? 》

Source: Health Times