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Nongfu Spring and the media’s "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Nongfu ****** quarreled with the ******* Times, ******* News and other media over the issue ** bottled water standards. Nongfu ****** has published full-page advertisements in major media since April, insisting that the water quality ** its products is fine. The media, on the other hand, took the water quality standard loophole ** Nongfu ****** as a breakthrough and continuously reported heavily.

Drinking water, tap water, natural spring water, mineral water… The two sides were at odds, but consumers were confused.

Nongfu Spring and the media currently disagree.

The media criticized the "water quality standards" – the internal production standards ** Nongfu ******, and the local drinking water standards in Zhejiang Province, where the company is located, which are lower than the national standards. On May 3, the ******* News published an article titled "How many secrets are there in bottled water that are not known to the public?". The article said that the local standards (landmarks) in Zhejiang Province that Nongfu ****** refers to are obviously inferior to the national standard for tap water, which has been criticized by public opinion. The article asked: "Zhejiang landmarks that should have been’abolished by themselves’ five years ago have been used by enterprises for many years. Have the relevant enterprises and departments committed negligence or even illegal acts?"

So far, a number ** provinces, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong and Hebei, have issued local standards for "mountain ****** water," some called "natural ****** water" and some called "natural mountain ****** water." In fact, the country has already formulated national standards for "natural mineral water," but localities have established "mountain ****** water" landmarks. Some mountain ****** water landmarks have looser requirements for mineral content, The ******* News said.

Nongfu Spring insists that the "actual water quality" of its products meets the standards. The company published a full-page statement in the Oriental Morning Post and Jiefang Daily on May 3 with the sad headline – "People are doing it, the sky is watching".

Nongfu Spring stressed in the statement that the quality of its products is not only better than GB5749 (National Drinking Water Standard), but also better than the US FDA Bottled Drinking Water Quality Standard.

The two sides seem to be "the donkey’s head is not right," and they are not talking about the same thing: one talks about low standards, and the other says that the actual production quality is no problem.

So far, there has been no test report on the actual water quality of Nongfu Spring. Things have become a bit absurd: if the water quality of Nongfu Spring is indeed better than the national standard and "landmark", why not directly modify the company’s production standards? But on the other hand, if the water of Nongfu Spring is indeed substandard, isn’t it the most direct response for the media to buy a bottle of water and send it to the testing agency to get a report?

This war of words has been quarreling for more than a month, but the two sides did not show a fatal "trump card", which really confused ordinary consumers.

The dispute over the "standard door" of Nongfu Spring originated from a press conference.

On April 9, China Resources Yibao Pure Water took the lead in launching the "China Bottled Water corporate social responsibility proposal" in the sunshine hall of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. At this meeting, Chen Yue, general manager of China Resources Yibao’s public relations department, read the "proposal" as a corporate representative, and called on industry colleagues to take the initiative to take responsibility for the environment, society and people’s drinking water safety.

The next day, an article in the ******* Times "Nongfu ****** is accused ** being inferior to tap water" pushed Nongfu ****** to the forefront ** public opinion. In response, Nongfu ****** issued a statement saying that the quality ** Nongfu ******’s drinking natural water products has always been higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country; Nongfu ****** has reason to believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is China Resources Yibao.

According to Nongfu Spring, as early as March 22, China Resources Yibao launched a text advertisement to chronicle all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The slogan pointed directly at Nongfu Spring.

"This is Nongfu Spring taking the right seat, and it has nothing to do with China Resources Yibao," Chen Yue said in an interview with China Times on April 16. "If you are right, you will not be afraid of others saying it. They always take the right seat, and there is nothing we can do." Chen Yue said that China Resources Yibao has officially sued Nongfu Spring in the Nanshan District Court of Shenzhen, and it only costs 1 yuan in terms of economic claims, mainly to restore reputation.

Nongfu Spring and the media's "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Market competition? Media marketing?

The New Financial Observer quoted data provided by China Investment Consulting on April 21, saying that the top three brands in the drinking water industry are Master Kong, Nongfu Spring, and Wahaha, with a market share of 23%, 22%, and 18%.

"In recent years, the domestic bottled water market has been relatively stable. Due to the strong grasp of channels by major companies and the lack of major moves in products, its market share has not changed significantly," Jian Aihua, a food industry researcher at CIC Consulting, told New Finance.

"Nongfu Spring has developed very rapidly in the past two years, and problems will only occur because of the rapid development." The above observers believe.

In the fiercely competitive bottled water market, Nongfu Spring has always been a master marketer. The slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet" is well known. Unfortunately, this advertising slogan, which has brought many benefits to Nongfu Spring, was also brought to court by a consumer in Yangzhou in 2002. According to media reports, the consumer believed that Nongfu Spring did not have the "sweet" taste as the advertising slogan said, so he demanded compensation of 1 yuan. The court held that Nongfu Spring Company did not give a clear answer to the "sweet" in the advertisement, so it should compensate the plaintiff for the loss of postage and transportation costs due to rights protection. Because of the loss of the lawsuit, Nongfu Spring had to give up the use of this advertising slogan.

Nongfu Spring has also benefited from the media marketing wars.

On April 24, 2000, Yangshengtang, the parent company of Nongfu Spring, announced that it had stopped producing purified water that year because "experiments have shown that purified water is not good for health". Nongfu Spring’s advertisement also demonstrated the comparison of purified water and natural water, and concluded that purified water is not good for health. The move caused a strong reaction in China’s drinking water industry and opened the war over the source (species) of packaged drinking water in China.

At that time, the Chinese bottled water market was still dominated by companies such as Wahaha and Robust.

On August 6, 2008, the "Daily Economic News" took the lead in publishing an unconfirmed online article reporting that "Master Kong’s mineral water source is actually tap water", revealing the whole incident.

The relevant person in charge of the public relations department of Master Kong said that the mineral water produced by Master Kong’s Hangzhou production base is indeed filtered by the urban tap water through the water filtration system. The Master Kong water source incident immediately attracted widespread attention from Beijing, Shanghai and other media, and the media report escalated.

On August 8, 2008, Master Kong Holdings Co., Ltd. published the "Instructions for Master Kong Drinking Mineral Water" for the first time on its official website: "The’drinking mineral water ‘produced by the company is based on pure water and adds mineral raw materials that meet the national standard of’food additives and nutritional additives’, which fully meets the definition of the category of’drinking mineral water ‘in the national standard GB10789 Beverage General Rules. At the same time, considering product safety and hygiene, the company uses water sources, whether using tap water, groundwater or other natural water, in line with the national standard GB5749’Drinking Water Hygiene Standard’."

On September 2, 2008, a month after the "Water Source" scandal lasted, the top executives of water industry giant Tingyi attended a press conference for the first time, and publicly apologized to the invited media in Beijing and Tianjin for the cognitive difference caused by the "selection of high-quality water" in the advertisement of mineral water products. But the Daily Economic News immediately commented on the incident with the theme of insincere apology.

The media has been at the forefront of food safety issues, providing supervision services for ordinary consumers and gaining newspapers a position beyond commercial interests.

However, on May 2, "******* Business Daily" inferred that Nongfu ****** was "a lot ** unsalable" based on the "9.9 yuan/box" exchange promotion information in the supermarket, and the product "few people care about it, and the goods are covered with a layer ** ash." It is a little doubtful that such an inference is too arbitrary.

How will this Nongfu ****** "standard door" end? If the ******* Times can’t catch the actual water quality problem ** Nongfu ******’s products, this battle over "standards" seems to have no direct relationship with ordinary consumers. The only certainty is that this "water battle" between Nongfu ****** and the media will continue tomorrow. If the victory ** the media can be exchanged for the victory ** the people’s interests, it will be the best ending.

Monopoly desktop starts from the input method Tencent QQ is about to join the competition

    This title may be more like a slogan, but it is the truth. After the turmoil of Google’s "Thesaurus Gate" at the beginning of the year, another new input method is about to be widely promoted among Internet users. Last week, Tencent confirmed that its "QQ input method" has entered the invitation beta stage (bete version). Although the function is slightly simple, don’t forget the huge number of users of QQ.

    From Wangma Wubi and Microsoft Pinyin, to the later flourishing Ziguang Pinyin and Pinyin Plus, to Sohu’s Sogou input method, Google’s Google input method, and now QQ and Baidu have to launch their own input methods. The reason why these IT industry bosses are eyeing this threshold level of input programs is that the purpose is very simple – to occupy the user’s desktop, and ultimately through the input method, which is a highly sticky product, to transfer users to other product lines of their own as much as possible.

    The Forgotten Ultimate Weapon

    Wang Yongmin, the inventor of the Wubi font, may have been the first to realize the value of the input method, but at the beginning, the charm or power of the input method was far from being accepted by the world.

    Even Wang Yongmin himself did not realize the terrible commercial value behind "share". After occupying more than 50% of the national market – even as high as 90% in southern cities where Mandarin pinyin is not yet standard and popular – Wang Yongmin poured all his energy into the improvement and development of the input method itself, but failed to achieve greater breakthroughs.

    In the beginning, Wubi Font hoped to make a small profit by charging licensing fees, but the hard-core target of Windows Chinese OEMs was smart ABC. In 1998, with the popularity of the Internet, input methods could be easily implanted in the operating system. In that "new economy" era, new input methods such as Pinyin Star, Universal Code and Smart Wubi appeared, but in the end, none of them achieved great success for similar reasons.

    In fact, when the Internet was just starting, there were five-stroke input method training in various computer introductory courses. So many people mistakenly think that five-stroke is the only input method for Chinese characters, and if you want to type with a computer, you must memorize the root. But today it is no longer a simple software product, but has become a multi-purpose Internet client side tool through close integration with internet companies.

    Wang Yongmin began to awaken on June 26, 2004, when he replaced the original complex root with 5 numbers from 1 to 5, and directly proposed the concept of "letting Chinese people’s mobile phones use Chinese people’s own input method". Only then is he believed to have realized the commercial value behind the input method for the first time.

    Input method becomes the "pioneer officer" of desktop competition

    The dispute between Sohu and Google over the input method also stems from the commercial value behind it. Because according to Sohu’s idea, the input results are integrated with the search engine, and the most popular words are dynamically transferred from the commonly used search thesaurus to improve the user experience. For example, by entering "laptop" and clicking "search", all pages about laptops will appear, which can increase page traffic on the one hand, and on the other hand is one of the origins of the media value in the eyes of advertisers.

    The internet has given input methods the opportunity to knock on users’ desktops, but the intervention of portals has instantly changed the rules of the game. In June 2006, Sohu launched the Sogou input method as a representative of Zhang Chaoyang’s "return to technology-driven" philosophy.

    But the question ****** the relationship between occupying the table and generating revenue really that simple?

    One of the most commonly used examples is that Microsoft has occupied more than 90% of the world’s computer monitor desktops, so Microsoft has become the world’s largest software company by market value; Tencent’s QQ has occupied more than 90% of the desktops of Internet users in China, so Tencent is one of the largest internet companies in China by market value. In this IT2.0 era, "desktop" has become the frontier battlefield of these IT giants, and the input law has assumed the role of "pioneer officer".

    In fact, in less than a year, the Sogou input method was rapidly popularized by the influence of the portal, and Sohu began to be handy in this field, and even began to develop input methods in different application environments. At this moment, the input method has been considered a new type of client side, used to stick users, and on this basis derived new value-added services.

    The competition moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

    According to the principle of traditional newspaper editing, the position in the upper left corner is the first to be noticed, so it is often referred to as the headline position.

    By the same token, icons on the desktop to the left of the display were originally the first choice for "occupying the desktop". Almost 99% of commercial software now prompts when installed that a software launch icon called a shortcut will be created on the desktop. Even when Kingsoft announced its entry into Japan last year, its CEO Lei Jun said with pride that Kingsoft’s software "provides three shortcuts on the Japanese version of the desktop, which is very important for the success of the entry into Japan".

    But it’s not easy to "occupy the left side" – ordinary users often don’t even know the random software that comes with it. If there is no real need, how many people will try to buy new software? If not for this reason, why should rogue software make themselves so difficult to delete?

    The intense competition in the upper left corner may reflect to some extent the preciousness of the location where the input method icon is located – in the "lower right corner", a field that is not obvious and can record user behavior at the same time, providing free input method downloads is undoubtedly the best way.

    Of course, the most important problem is that the input method itself is needed by the vast majority of users. After the function is perfected, it is one of the sufficient conditions to improve the user experience to continuously enhance the convenience and accuracy of user information interaction; while the value that the rogue software can provide to the user itself is almost zero, and it will also seriously cause users’ disgust and dissatisfaction. This is why the rogue software will have "everyone shouting" today, and even if the input method is designed to jump out of advertisements in the future, it may not be as annoying as the rogue software.

    Sohu CEO Zhang Chaoyang said that the key to the problem is that whether the input method is good or the client side, a certain product must be designed from the user’s needs first, rather than from the company’s needs.

    Of course, for Sohu, the Sogou Pinyin input method is an effective way to occupy the user’s desktop. But there is a premise that "provides value to users" rather than uninvited like rogue software. In addition, there is not only one way to occupy the user’s desktop, but how to provide users with more valuable services after occupying the desktop, and ultimately convert users into valuable users of the entire website, is the root of the problem. (Reporter, Peng Wu)

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Media reveals the environmental cost of takeaway: Plastic bags can cover West Lake in 15 days

  China News Service, Beijing, April 19 (reporter, Li Jinlei) Nowadays, the online takeaway market is becoming more and more popular. Behind the huge order volume, there are problems of waste of resources and environmental pollution that cannot be ignored. A reporter from China News Service found that the current takeaway waste is basically in a state of no one recycling.

  While enjoying the convenience of life brought by O2O industries such as online takeout, how much environmental cost people will pay, and how to achieve a win-win situation of convenience and pollution reduction, this urgently needs the attention and consideration of the society.

  Little attention has been paid to the problem of takeaway waste

  In recent years, online food ordering has gradually entered people’s lives, and more and more people have become accustomed to ordering takeout through mobile APP or phone to solve the problem of eating.

  The China News Service reporter found that the takeaway market is becoming increasingly popular, and a large amount of catering packaging waste is also generated. Plastic or foam lunch boxes, plastic bags, disposable chopsticks, etc., constitute the main part of takeaway waste.

  Wang Yan, a white-collar worker working in an Internet company in Beijing, told China News Service that the time cost of bringing meals is too high, office workers do not have so much energy to prepare, and it is too expensive to eat in restaurants outside. Now takeaway merchants have many discounts, which are generally cheaper than going to restaurants. Under such circumstances, even if you know that ordering takeout will cause some "white pollution", it is difficult to resist the temptation of cheap, convenient and fast takeout.

  The large amount of takeaway garbage has caused the cleaners to complain. Yang Lan, a nearly 50-year-old cleaner, has a deep understanding of this. She told reporters that after lunch every day, the trash cans in the unit are almost full of takeaway garbage such as lunch boxes, plastic bags, and disposable chopsticks. Some lunch boxes still have leftover food and soup. It is really a headache to deal with this garbage.

  "Before, there was not so much takeaway waste, but now it has increased significantly." Yang Lan told reporters from China News Service that these takeaway waste are basically not recycled and can only be disposed of as domestic waste.

  "Nowadays, people’s life is very fast, and ordering takeout is for convenience, but few people may be aware of the problem of takeout waste." Mr. Shen, the deliveryman of Meituan takeaway, told China News Service that even if some customers can use chopsticks at home, they will complain because there are no chopsticks in the takeaway. "It may be that they are too lazy to wash, which also shows that people’s environmental awareness still needs to be improved."

  "White pollution" is inevitable

  While enjoying the convenience of ordering food online, people also have to pay for the environmental pollution problems that come with it. So, how serious is the environmental pollution caused by takeaway garbage?

  Boss Zhao, who runs a Liangpi restaurant in Tiantongyuan, told reporters that his store has just opened for less than two months, and takeaway is the main source of business income. At present, 20 or 30 takeaway orders can be received every day. The cost of packaging a takeaway (1 transparent lunch box + 1 pair of chopsticks + 1 plastic bag) is about 1 yuan.

  China News Service reporter noticed that the store of Boss Zhao is not large, with only four tables in the store, but the operating performance of Meituan takeaway has reached more than 500 orders per month.

  In fact, the order volume of various takeaway platforms is growing rapidly, which also means that takeaway waste is also increasing. For the amount of takeaway waste, although there is no authoritative statistics at present, it can be seen from the order volume of takeaway platforms.

  According to the data released by Meituan takeaway, Ele.me, Baidu takeaway, etc., the daily order volume of these three takeaway platforms is about 7 million orders, according to which a rough calculation can be made. According to the calculation of 1 plastic bag for each takeaway, each plastic bag is 0.06 square meters. The plastic bag used every day can cover 420,000 square meters, which is equivalent to about 59 football fields, and can cover a West Lake in about 15 days.

  China News Service reporter noticed that, based on factors such as reducing garbage and "white pollution" and ensuring campus safety, some colleges and universities in China have introduced bans to ban takeout from entering campuses.

  Data map. On April 6, 2015, in Chongqing, this is a cleaner transferring large bags of garbage to the sorting point at the stacking yard to facilitate unpacking. Jiangshang Gull, photo credit: Dongfang IC

  Takeaway waste is basically not recycled

  "Every time I order takeout recently, or pack it outside, I always feel guilty. It’s like creating white pollution." Ms. Jin, who works in Shenzhen, orders takeout once a week on average. She told reporters that the takeaway lunch boxes she calls are almost always packed in plastic boxes. With plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, where does all the takeaway garbage end up?

  China News Service reporter found that at present, takeaway waste is generally difficult to recycle. Disposable chopsticks, plastic bags, and foam lunch boxes are basically unrecycled. Although transparent plastic lunch boxes can be recycled, the amount of recycling is also very small.

  China News Service reporter consulted a number of personnel responsible for waste recycling. Master Li, who is engaged in waste recycling in Beijing Fangzhuang area, told reporters that transparent pure polypropylene (PP) plastic lunch boxes can be recycled, and the purchase price is 3 yuan/kg. Foam lunch boxes and other types of takeaway lunch boxes are basically not recycled because they are too cheap, difficult to clean and difficult to sell.

  Master Liu, who is engaged in second-hand recycling in Chaoyang, Beijing, told reporters that foam lunch boxes are generally not accepted. The recycling price of transparent PP plastic lunch boxes is 2 yuan/kg, and they must be clean, not unclean. "Transparent PP plastic lunch boxes are recycled and sold to plastic processing plants, which will crush them into particles and make other plastic products."

  "White foam lunch boxes are still very common in some construction sites." Zhai Qiuping, a plastics analyst at Zhuochuang Information, told China News Service that such foam lunch boxes are very cheap, a few cents each, and few people recycle them. Because cleaning is very troublesome, the recycling value is not large, and they are generally treated as landfills or incineration.

  Mr. Luo, a takeaway deliveryman who has worked in the Tiantongyuan area for more than two years, told reporters that most regular restaurants currently use transparent lunch boxes, and occasionally you can see rice in foam lunch boxes. Although I have heard that transparent lunch boxes can be recycled, I have never seen anyone recycle them. Usually, no one picks up waste.

  Reducing takeaway waste requires multiple efforts

  Under the background that takeaway has gradually become a living habit, how to reduce takeaway waste is an issue that needs to be paid attention to by the whole society. Takeaway platforms, merchants, consumers and even the whole society should pay attention and make efforts.

  "Many people around me now order takeout, and they never thought about pollution before, but now they do cause pollution." Wang Yan, a white-collar worker, suggested that efforts should be made to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection and reduce the use of disposable tableware, calling on everyone to bring their own tableware.

  Mr. Shen, the deliveryman, suggested that to reduce the use of disposable lunch boxes, we can vigorously promote the use of transparent and environmentally friendly lunch boxes that can be recycled.

  Some netizens have also suggested that takeaway platforms can provide some options, such as whether to bring your own chopsticks and whether bags can be recycled.

  "Nowadays, when people eat takeout, the lunch box is often thrown away directly, and few people keep it for cleaning and recycling." Zhai Qiuping said that to reduce takeout waste, on the one hand, we should encourage people to order less takeout and go out to eat more. On the other hand, we should also strengthen the establishment of garbage sorting and recycling systems to turn waste into treasure. There is still a lot of work to be done in China in terms of garbage sorting and recycling.

  The reporter from China News Service noticed that the outline of the "13th Five-Year Plan" announced this year has clearly stated that the use of disposable products should be restricted. Improve the recycling network of renewable resources, and strengthen the connection between the classification and recycling of domestic waste and the recycling of renewable resources.

Lift the table! Byd Han DM-i champion edition is less than 190 thousand! But I still chose the fuel car.

Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Edition were released, among which Han DM-i Champion Edition launched a total of six models, all of which can be used for green brand new energy, with the price range of 189,800-249,800 yuan; The price of Han DM-p Ares Edition is 289,800 yuan.

I have to say, it is very exciting to see the new Han DM-i champion edition!

If there is a mix within 200,000, you can get a green card, which is simply a death to your peers. How can this fuel car live? If it drops to 150,000 again, it will really leave no one alive!

Han DM-i champion version is very fragrant, but I still choose SUV after thinking about it!

The champion version of Han DM-i is very fragrant and good, but it is not to my taste after all. Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris is just to my taste, so I can only choose the right one, not the one that looks fragrant!

1. Living in the downtown area, I asked about the residential property and said that I would not install private charging piles! If you ask what the reason is, just say that it will not be installed and the approval will not pass. There is no private charging pile, but also a ball of new energy, no more playing! The nearest public charging pile is 3 kilometers away from home, and there are few charging piles. Unlike so many charging piles in first-tier cities, it is really difficult to charge a battery!

If you are waiting to burn oil to charge, you might as well use the fuel car directly!

2. The usage scenario does not match! Although I like the champion version of Han DM-i very much, I think that I have to go to the construction site often, and I often have to take a bad road, so I don’t want a car! Choosing an SUV is suitable for work and life, and there is no extra money to buy another car. It is better to choose an ordinary one that is resistant to operation, and you don’t have to feel bad about scratching.

In fact, there are many advantages of new energy, and now the battery life is relatively high. If charging is convenient or there is a private charging pile, it is very easy to buy a tram.

But in my case, I still have to choose an oil truck to use.

By the way, the following people are more suitable for choosing oil trucks:

The first category: people who often need long-distance travel, especially those who run long-distance for business all the year round, have convenient oil cars and worry-free use.

The second category: those who care about the insurance rate and are ready to change cars in about 3 years, the insurance rate of oil cars is higher now, and now they want to change cars in the short term. Of course, oil cars are better, but it is hard to say after 5 years. After 5 years, the insurance rate of trams may be the same as that of oil cars.

The third category: people who can’t install private charging piles, it takes time to charge outside public charging piles. Sometimes there is not necessarily a place to go.

The fourth category: there is only one car at home and it is just needed. There are many car scenes covered by oil cars, which is more suitable as the only family car. However, if there is already a car at home and the conditions are right, it is a good choice to buy another tram.

If we don’t mix the factors of brand belief, but pay more attention to value experience, comfort and low failure rate, and it is inexpensive, Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris is the most suitable one at this price!

At the same time, I also had a test drive at the same price. Later, I took a test drive in Eta Ursae Majoris. The gap was too obvious. For cars within 200,000, Eta Ursae Majoris was indeed very cost-effective!

After BYD Han Champion Edition came out, I liked it very much. I was a little shaken and wanted to buy new energy, but considering the actual situation, I chose Eta Ursae Majoris.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a masterpiece of M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, positioned as a medium-sized SUV, with a price of 152,800-202,800. There are predecessor and four-wheel drive versions to choose from.

In terms of spatial dimensions, the length, width and height of Eta Ursae Majoris are 4781x1920x1671mm, and the wheelbase is 2815mm, so the interior space is large enough.

In terms of power, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with Kunpeng Power 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 192kW(261 HP) and 400N·m, which is very sufficient! Matching it is a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

As for the chassis, it’s a flying fish super-sensing chassis. The Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris adopts the common combination of front and rear multi-links. The high-equipped car also has suspension soft and hard adjustment and electromagnetic suspension system, which greatly enhances the comfort.

In terms of assisted driving and active and passive safety configuration, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, lane keeping in the center, active braking, road traffic sign recognition, 360-degree panoramic image and transparent chassis are all commonly used, and the overall driving experience is very good.

In terms of seat configuration, the main and co-pilot seats are electrically adjusted, and there are functions of seat ventilation and heating. Ventilation and heating are really easy to use, and they are all fragrant when used! Starting from the middle-equipped models, the second row of seats also has the functions of electric adjustment and seat heating.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has a 400,000-level appearance, a 400,000-level luxury cockpit and a 400,000-level scientific and technological intelligence, but the price is 152,800-202,800, which is really competitive among SUVs at the same price!

Nowadays, the quality of domestic cars is generally improved, the value is not bad, and the price is beautiful, which is worth considering!

Jackie Chan shed tears for the action man "Red Sea" won 3 awards at Film Week

1905 movie network news Helicopter airborne, flying car blasting, horse racing, real siege… Please note that this is not the shooting scene of a major action movie, but the stage of the closing ceremony of Jackie Chan Action Movie Week.


On July 22nd, the 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week ended in Datong. This event was specially selected to be held in Yongtai Gate Wengcheng, which is full of ancient capital characteristics. The stage built by the quaint city walls and city gates was magnificent, completely holding all the real-life action dramas and wonderful song and dance performances that night.


The star lineup attending the closing ceremony of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week was equally strong. In addition to the event promoter Jackie Chan and 7 members of the film week jury: Chairperson Wu Siyuan, judges Yang Ziqiong, Wen Jun, Lu Chuan, Huang Xiaoming, Bai Baihe, Qian Jiale, Hong Jinbao, Li Rengang, Tang Jili, Wang Jing, Wu Jing, Ma Chucheng, Han Yan, Duan Yihong, Wang Baoqiang, Shi Xiaolong, Jiang Luxia, Chen Shuangqi, Wu Yongwei, Lin Zhiying, Zhang Lanxin, starring Fatima Sana Shaka, Sanya Mahota, Chengjia Class and other filmmakers and athletes Li Ning, singers Zhang Liangying, Zhang Jie, Tan Weiwei, Chang Shilei and other guests also attended the event to play Call for action movies.


After 6 days of selection, the results of the 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week were also announced at the closing ceremony. Among them, winning three awards became the biggest winner. The honors of Best Action Actor and Actor were double yolked and awarded to Wu Jing, Duan Yihong, Jiang Luxia and Fatima Sanaa Shaka respectively. Wu Jing also won the award for Best Action Director.


The most touching scene of the night was presented by the action filmmakers on and off the stage. During the live performance of "I Am an Action Man", the members of the adult class recreated the daily fighting spirit and fearless dedication of the stunt performers. Seeing this tense and distressing performance, Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, Wu Jing and other action people couldn’t help but burst into tears. Such a real and genuine emotion moved everyone who saw it.


Jackie Chan was airborne by helicopter, and he was moved to tears when he saw the stunt performance of Chengjiaban


Those of us who are familiar with Jackie Chan’s action movies know that the big brother on the screen can be said to be "heaven and earth, omnipotent". Unexpectedly, at the closing ceremony of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week tonight, nearly 10,000 spectators can also watch his wonderful stunt performance on the spot – airborne from a hovering helicopter with the help of a rope! Before preparing to "land", Jackie Chan calmly gave a compliment gesture to the camera. Such a cool operation can be said to be quite action superstar style!


On the stage, Jackie Chan not only thanked Datong again for his support of this action movie week, but also announced that he was willing to endorse all local specialty products for public welfare and fulfill the previous "Starlight Action" poverty alleviation commitment. He also revealed that under his advocacy, more actors such as Huang Xiaoming and Bai Baihe also expressed their strong willingness to join the poverty reduction action. On behalf of the local fathers and villagers, Secretary Zhang Jifu of the Datong Municipal Party Committee 3 million the local elders and villagers, and especially presented Jackie Chan with a commemorative cup to express his gratitude.


Subsequently, the mayor of Datong City, Wu Hongwen, led 6 outstanding poverty alleviation cadres to present the simple and special bouquets made from agricultural and sideline products in poverty-stricken areas to the members of the Jackie Chan International Action Film Week jury, Wu Siyuan, Yang Miqiong, Wen Jun, Lu Chuan, Huang Xiaoming, Bai Baihe, and Qian Jiale, grateful for their hard work for the film week.


The big brother completed a wonderful stunt performance, and his family class naturally had to respond positively. The three main scenes of the closing ceremony were all completed by these action people: Following the figure of Mulan on the warhorse in "Mulan Long Song", we once again felt the sword light and shadow of the war for the country and the heroism of swallowing mountains and rivers, which also echoed the dreams and feelings of the country that action movies have always passed down;


"I Am an Action Man" recreates the stunt performers’ hard work and daily routine with high-risk explosions, fights, and floating high scenes, which makes all audiences feel nervous and distressed. For the film, they are willing to create the wonders of every frame with their hard work and dedication behind the protagonists, just as they shouted in the performance: "Details determine success or failure, and strive to create dreams." Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, and many action people sitting in the audience saw this performance and remembered the hardships and difficulties of their own past as martial artists. They couldn’t help but burst into tears, making everyone present sympathize with them.


Needless to say, 30 years ago, Jackie Chan used this film to achieve an innovative fusion of difficult action and comedy elements, creating another classic. At the closing ceremony, Cheng Jiaban moved "Hong Kong Street" into "Datong Ancient City". The street fighting drama is full of gunpowder. In addition to the three themed live-action programs, the closing ceremony also set up a 160-meter-span Weiya, which was accompanied by a wonderful performance.


"Red Sea" became the biggest winner of the night, and the stuntman was honored thanks to Jackie Chan


A total of 12 Chinese and foreign films were shortlisted for the 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, namely "Operation Red Sea", "Wolf Warrior 2 》、、、、、、、《 Wrestling! Dad",, and. At the closing ceremony, eight honors including Best Action Film, Best Male and Female Action Actor, and Best Action Director were announced in sequence.


"Red Sea Action", which won the three honors of "Best Action Film, Best Action Actress and Best Stunt", is the big winner of this Jackie Chan International Film Week. In the Spring Festival of 2018, the film made a comeback with good reputation and finally ranked second in film history with more than 3.60 billion box office.


Among them, the honor of Best Action Actress went to Jiang Luxia, the first sister of "Jiaolong Squad", and Fatima Sana Shaka, the heroine of "Wrestling! Dad". Fatima hugged the trophy and bluntly said that she was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and Jiang Luxia expressed her gratitude for receiving such an important honor: "A girl who has been shooting action scenes for 11 years can be noticed by everyone because of" Operation Red Sea ", which makes my perseverance usher in the dawn. I admire Michelle Yeoh very much. She is my benchmark. It is even more difficult for girls to make action movies. She has injuries, but I keep telling myself to persevere."


The best action actor is also "Double Yolk" – an honor shared by the always tough guy Wu Jing and "literary film god" Duan Yihong. The latter couldn’t help but tease himself: "This honor is well deserved for Wu Jing, and it is well deserved for me." In Duan Yihong’s understanding, Jackie Chan Film Week’s recognition is an encouragement for all practitioners to continue to create higher-level works. He also hopes to use this as an opportunity to strive to match Wu Jing’s "Wolf Warrior 5".


Wu Jing first revealed that watching Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeoh’s performance of "I Am an Action Man" also made him cry. "Everyone must have had the experience of receiving calls from home on crutches. I once received a call from my mother on crutches. I said that I am now recognized for literary and opera, and I don’t need to play in the future. I believe that every martial arts brother has experienced it. Thank you for my martial arts guidance to save my life, thank you Jackie Chan, and let more people see these brothers and sisters behind the scenes." Wu Jing also snatched a fan from Yu Rongguang and found all the action people under the stage to sign autographs on the fan, just like a "little fan".


Once again, the best action rookie honours went to the cast of’Wrestle! Dad ‘, which was a box office hit in China that year, and Sonya, who was honored, was thrilled to receive the award because she has always been a big brother fan. "People say movies and music can break borders," she said of the film. "The performance of’Wrestle! Dad’ in China is the best proof!"


What sets Jackie Chan International Action Film Week apart from other film recognition events is the honor of the best action double for men and women, which belongs to the behind-the-scenes action person. Cui Longlong and Chen Jiaojiao served as stand-ins for Wang Baoqiang and Xin Zhilei in "Detective Chinatown 2" and "Embroidery Chun Knife II: Asura Battlefield" respectively. Today, all the audience will remember their names and appearance. The two young people also sincerely thank Jackie Chan for giving them this opportunity to come to the stage.


With "Detective Chinatown 2", Wu Gang won the title of best action director. He bluntly said that seeing that Brother Hung Jinbao was among the nominees, he did not dare to think that he would be the last to step on the stage. "Detective Chinatown 2" took more than 40 days to complete in the United States. Wu Gang said that the biggest significance is to let Americans see how professional Chinese people are in filmmaking these days. At the same time, he also thanked Jackie Chan: "Thank you for taking me into the industry for 21 years, and I will continue to work hard." In addition, the honor for best fight scene design was awarded to Wang Jing’s "Dragon Chasing".


Hong Jinbao won the honor of lifetime achievement, teasing Jackie Chan: It is not so easy to force me to retire


Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has been held for the fourth time, and finally the first "Lifetime Achievement Honor" has been awarded. And this person who has been honored, in Jackie Chan’s opinion, is absolutely worthy of the first name. He is Hong Jinbao. Hong Jinbao is a symbol of the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, pioneering two creative trends of kung fu comedy and fashion action. Members of the organizing committee praised him in the comments. He has held up half of the country’s action movies with 50 years of dreams and efforts, created many classics, and cultivated countless talents. He can be called a master and a model for the younger generation.


For Jackie Chan, Hong Jinbao was his brother, the only one he was convinced by. Sure enough, as soon as his brother appeared, he mercilessly teased him. Jackie Chan talked about the past when his brother asked him to do martial arts for the first time, but Hong Jinbao said: "At that time, many people told me that Jackie Chan was stupid. I didn’t expect that he was really stupid when he took that shot."


He was awarded the Jackie Chan Action Film Week Lifetime Achievement Honor, but Hong Jinbao believes that this is Jackie Chan’s "trap": "This award came too early, I am actually still young, I know he just wants to force me to retire, not so easy!" He then shouted Jackie Chan, before retirement, I want to find someone to replace him and surpass him. "But it is not easy to surpass him. I hope you can use him as a benchmark, not afraid of hard work, can Jackie Chan see your good fortune!"


Hong Jinbao received the gold cup symbolizing honor under the company of Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh and Wu Siyuan. After that, Jackie Chan intimately helped my brother off the stage together.


On that day, the live action people also remembered the actor Ji Chunhua who had just passed away unfortunately not long ago. The host Bai Yansong said with emotion: We must always think of him, remember him, and miss him. And the best memory is to inherit his action spirit.


Zhang Jie and the martial arts champion performed on the same stage, Zhang Liangying, Tan Weiwei and others offered their voices to help out


Jackie Chan International Action Film Week is no longer just a grand event for filmmakers and action people. On the stage of the closing ceremony, Zhang Liangying, Zhang Jie, Tan Weiwei, Chang Shilei, Wei Jia and other singers all took the stage to present wonderful performances. Their voices were skillfully integrated with movies and kung fu in different ways.


Wei Jia and Ding Ding, who were the opening guests, took a dynamic locomotive to sing the hot-blooded "Never Look Back" with the high-altitude helicopter team. Zhang Liangying sang two Chinese and English songs, "I" and "Fighting Shadows", which ignited the enthusiasm of the audience and fans. Among them, "Fighting Shadows" is the ending song of the previously released series of action movies. And "Take my Hand" sung by Tan Weiwei is also selected from the popular science fiction action movie around the world.


Popular singer Zhang Jie’s performance is more closely integrated with the action man: with him on stage to perform "The Most Beautiful Sun" are five martial arts champions, each showing off their unique skills: knives, guns, swords, sticks and tai chi, each representing the essence of our country’s traditional kung fu. Later, Chang Shilei appeared, accompanied by a flaming tai chi dance, drum team performance and a dazzling and thrilling city wall Weiya song "Men should be self-improvement". Actor Yu Rongguang also sang "Hero Story" with the family, and Jackie Chan specially took the stage to introduce each member to everyone.

At the end of the event, Jackie Chan, like the opening, once again called on the audience to be "environmental defenders", not to waste unfinished water and take away the garbage around them. The reason why Jackie Chan became everyone’s "big brother" is precisely because he used such details to infect and motivate the people around him again and again, and conveyed full of positive energy.


Finally, Jackie Chan sang the new song "One World" with all the guests and cast and crew. In addition to thanking everyone for their support of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, Big Brother also repeatedly emphasized that this is a stage for all martial arts and action actors. It is also this stage that gathers hundreds of action filmmakers in front of and behind the scenes, allowing more people to see their efforts and sweat.

Insight is extraordinary, Huawei’s flagship P7 Foshan offers 1699 yuan

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Fashion small fresh series, Huawei P7 Huizhou priced at 1699 yuan

                             HUAWEI P7

    HuaweiP7ContinuedP6The design concept of Huawei P7 still mainly promotes the ultra-thin metal design and C-shaped appearance. The thickness of the whole machine is 6.5mm, which is known as the thinnest 4G mobile phone in the world. Huawei P7 uses a 5-inch 1080P pixel level ultra-narrow frame screen, and the display effect and positive visual impact are very good. In terms of hardware, Huawei P7 is equipped with a 1.8GHz processor, which has2GBMemory and 16GB storage capacity, support memory card expansion. In terms of software, Huawei P7 is equipped with Android 4.4.2 system and Emotion 2.3 interface, and draws a new desktop icon. In terms of photography, Huawei P7 uses 13 million pixelsIt uses a Sony Exmor RS sensor lens with a large aperture of F/2.0.

Huawei Ascend P7 (Mobile 4G)
Exposure date 2014
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Battery capacity 2500mAh
camera built-in
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Rear camera 13 million pixels
Front-facing camera 8 million pixels
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flash LED fill light
video shooting support
camera function Autofocus
Styling design straight board
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Phone weight 124G
operation type Virtual key
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USB cable x1
Brochure x1
Quick Guide x1
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Warranty Policy National Joint Insurance, enjoy the three-guarantee service
Quality assurance time 1 year
Quality assurance Remarks 1 year for the host, 6 months for the battery, and 1 year for the charger.
Customer service phone 400-830-8300; 400-690-2116; 800-830-8300
Phone remarks Monday to Sunday: 8:00-20:00
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    (Zhongguancun Online Foshan Quotes) Huawei Ascend P7 is a domestic smartphone with an ultra-thin body design. The black and atmospheric appearance is even more handsome and beautiful, and the simple design is more convenient to use. The phone comes standard with: single battery, single charge, earphones, data cable, etc. The excellent performance will definitely satisfy you. At present, the editor has learned that this simple and large…

Huawei P60 will be released in March, Huawei Mate50Pro accelerates clearance, and the price drops by 1258 yuan in response

During this time, friends in the digital technology industry have focused their attention on the 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC2023). Major mobile phone manufacturers also announced their new phones at MWC. As the pride of domestic brands, Huawei has announced many new products. Of course, the most anticipated thing for pollen is the mobile phone. At this MWC, Huawei’s end point BG and chief operating officer He Gang came to the scene and posted a photo sample of the new mobile phone at Moments. Although He Gang did not disclose the model of the new mobile phone, it is probably the Huawei P60 series.

According to the new mobile phone proofs released by He Gang, the dynamic range of the photos taken is very wide, the backlight photography is very good at suppressing the highlights, while accurately retaining the dark details, the sky color is very pure, and the zoom effect of the new machine is very exaggerated.

Regarding the Huawei P60 mobile phone, the industry has announced the render graph. Although it has not been officially confirmed, the authenticity is still quite high. It is not difficult to see through the render graph that in the Huawei P60 series, the Pro version will use a curved screen design. The front camera is dug in the center, and the rear uses three lenses. There is a main camera lens wrapped in a "ring" in the center. The sensor size is very large, and it is likely to be a 1-inch lens. Huawei P60Pro will be equipped with the Snapdragon 8Gen2 flagship chip, support 100W fast charging, and have a built-in 4800mAh battery. The specific release time is likely to be mid-to-late March.

As more and more news about the Huawei P60 series, as the old machine emperor, Huawei Mate50Pro has also dropped in price. Although major domestic mobile phone manufacturers have been launching Snapdragon 8Gen2 flagship phones in recent months, the popularity of Huawei Mate50Pro has not dropped, and its configuration is still awesome in March 2023! Especially in photography and communication.

Huawei Mate50Pro is equipped with the industry’s largest f/1.4 aperture lens, with 50 million pixels, using RYYB array, this lens can be switched between f/1.4-f/4.0, a total of ten gears, the industry currently only two support zoom mobile phone, Sony is the second, but not more powerful than Huawei Mate50Pro. The sub-camera is 13 million ultra-wide angle and 64 million periscope telephoto. Huawei Mate50Pro is equipped with XMAGE tone for the first time, bringing more shooting effects.

Huawei Mate50Pro uses a 6.74-inch OLED curved screen on the front. Compared with the previous model, the curvature of this screen is much smaller, and the experience will be better in daily use. The screen provides 120Hz high brush and supports 1440Hz high-frequency PWM dimming, which can effectively reduce stroboscopic and make viewing more comfortable. In addition, Huawei Mate50Pro adopts a notch screen design, which is not only equipped with a high-quality front lens, but also has a 3D facial recognition module. It is one of the few mobile phones that currently supports 3D facial recognition + screen fingerprint recognition.

Huawei Mate50Pro is equipped with a 4nm Snapdragon 8 + flagship chip. There is no need to say more about the performance. You won’t get stuck playing any games, and the Snapdragon 8 + has great power control compared to the Snapdragon 8, and there will be no hot frequency reduction. In terms of battery life and charging, the machine has a built-in 4700mAh battery, supports 66W wired + 50W wireless + reverse charging, and supports low-power emergency mode. In addition to the configuration introduced above, Huawei Mate50Pro also supports satellite communication, which can send information to the outside world through Changlian when the mobile phone has no signal at all.

As an emperor-level mobile phone, the Huawei Mate50Pro has dropped from 6,799 yuan to 5,541 yuan, a total of 1,258 yuan. The price reduction is still quite high. On the one hand, because rival Apple is also cutting prices, on the other hand, it may be that the Huawei P60 series is getting closer and closer to us. All in all, if you like Huawei mobile phones or want to try the Hongmeng OS operating system, then the Huawei Mate50Pro is currently a good value choice.

How to save the party? The creator reveals the searing secrets of "South Station"

Hu Ge, Diao Yinan and Gui Lunmei

1905 movie network feature "The Wild Goose Lake" has a field score of 2.7, ranking third among the ten films that have been scored in the main competition of this year’s Cannes."This is an intricate Chinese film noir," the review said. "The film is full of the minimalist and existential style of Jean-Pierre Melville, and it also confirms the endless vitality of film noir in China."


So far, Rotten Tomatoes is 89 percent fresh, with eight out of nine media outlets giving it positive reviews. The Hollywood Reporter described it as "a bleak, sharp film noir staged against a rough contemporary Chinese backdrop." Variety said: "Diao Yinan has completed a high-level Chinese film noir, with a distinct personal style that is fascinating."


For every creator of "The Wild Goose Lake," Cannes was another brief gathering on a long journey, and we also chatted with them behind the scenes and in between about the "burning" secrets behind "South Station".

Diao Yinan saw some true stories about criminal gangs in urban villages and swimming girls by the water. He suddenly realized that there seemed to be a hidden heterotopia within himself, projecting some mysterious and disturbing colors. He wrote these ideas into a story called "Wild Goose Lake".

In 2019, Wild Goose Lake was unveiled and renamed.The original title of the film has been preserved as the English title of the film. "In fact, our English name is’Wild Goose Pond ‘, not’Wild Goose Lake’, because foreigners don’t have the concept of a pond," said producer Shen Qian. In her mind, the pond is more wild, symbolizing the life of the wild, and the lake is too beautiful.

The water in this pond rippled in Diao Yinan’s heart for a long time. Before "Fireworks in the Day", he had a rudimentary story. Li Li, the boss of Heli Chenguang, who had known Diao Yinan for many years, was a friend of Diao Yinan and the chief producer of the film. He told Li Li about the news events he had seen. Li Li felt that Diao Yinan had found what he wanted to shoot, a film that combined typed films with author expressions.

"I think the most difficult thing is actually to surpass yourself. Diao Yinan surpassed himself in’Southern Station ‘, and even I think it was much more affectionate than his’Fireworks in the Day’," Li Li said, recalling his first reading of the script. "We have to think about what kind of audience, what kind of content can empathize with and make them like it more in three years, or even five years." Li Li felt that Diao Yinan’s script achieved his appeal.

Among those who went to the party were Diao Yinan’s old friends Liao Fan and Gui Lunmei. Hu Ge and Wan Qian were working with the director who won the Berlin Golden Bear Award for the first time. When Diao Yinan found Liao Fan again, Liao Fan said that he was thinking wildly, thinking that the police officer he played again was the story of his youth in Zhang Zili.

Fireworks by Day is directed by Diao Yinan and stars Gui Lunmei and Liao Fan

But it took a while to decide on Hu Ge. Producer Shen Qian recommended Hu Ge to director Diao Yinan. Because of the size of the film, it must have a market. Chief producer Li Li said he did not know if Hu Ge would like to play such a role. He remembered getting a set of photos of Hu Ge, including one that made him think he had found Zhou Zenong from "The Wild Goose Lake."


Diao Yinan was also hesitant. But he immediately went to watch "Langya Ranking" and quickly found Hu Ge’s temperament. Shen Yan said that in the present, Hu Ge is very similar to Abe Kuan; in the past, he is very similar to Nakadai Daya, an actor who has worked with Kurosawa and other masters.


So the producers arranged a meeting between Diao Yinan and Hu Ge. Li Li recalled that after Hu Ge met the director, "I didn’t expect that after the director talked to him, he liked this role very much. It can be said that it was a natural fit, so Hu Ge also joined in. I also think that the whole crew is very satisfied with his performance."

Hu Ge on the red carpet in Cannes

"The Wild Goose Lake" does take place in the south, unlike the biting northeast wind and the unmelted snow. When Diao wrote the story, he hoped it would take place in Guangdong, where there are large areas of water and villages in the city; but he was a little disappointed when he went to see the scenery. So he went to Yinchuan, which is colloquially called Jaishang Jiangnan. But he didn’t find the ideal location either.

The difficulty was not limited to the scouting. Producer Shen Qian also served as the executive producer of "The Last Night of the Earth." Her original plan for the two films was that "Earth" would be shut down in September 2016 and work on "South" would begin in October.


As a result, "The Wild Goose Lake" did not start production until 2017 due to the delay in filming "Earth". "South", which started construction almost a year later than originally planned, was slightly confused about finding a location.

After many disappointments, Wuhan finally appeared in the consideration of Diao Yinan and the crew. On October 7, 2017, Diao Yinan and the crew came to Wuhan and found a real world existence in the city of Hundred Lakes in this province of thousands of lakes.

The location decision is just the beginning of more problems. Diao Yinan, who decided to shoot in Wuhan after watching the scene for two days, found that when the extras were all speaking Wuhan dialect, he could only let this group of actors from all over the world who came to the south for dates also learn this dialect.


"The Wild Goose Lake" work photo

Mr. Liao, who has studied Shanxi dialect before, and Ms. Wan, both from Hunan, have a bit of a linguistic affinity for learning Wuhan. Ms. Gui’s accent is perhaps the most distinct on the set. When he arrived in Wuhan, Mr. Liao said, she had been there for two months.


During these two months, she lived in a hut in the village of the city for a week. She went to chat with the "Street Girl" every day. Unlike what she imagined, Gui Lunmei found that these girls were far more alive than she had imagined. She described the role as her own bet, not knowing if she had a chance of winning, but willing to bet because it might change her life.


Another lead actor, Wan Qian, also prepared for the role in advance. She went to learn carpentry, learning the whole process from sawing wood to painting and polishing. Her hands had blisters, and she had to endure the smell of sawdust and paint from sawing wood. For the character, she did a lot of design. There were scraping marks on her neck due to illness, acupuncture marks on her ears, and the shape became extra rough.


Her character, set as a sufferer, has an episode in which she suddenly falls ill, foaming at the mouth with toothpaste. Then an actor puts a bandage on her mouth. After the scene, she eats a lot of toothpaste and has blood bubbles on her mouth.


The actors all said that Director Diao Yinan would not make too many demands and clarify the scope of the performance, but each play was particularly meticulous and torturous.


Thinking back to the state at that time, Gui Lunmei said that her heart was full of uncertainty. This complex character of mood twists made her unsure of how to deal with it, so she was always uneasy and uncertain.


The same was true for the male lead actor Hu Ge. No matter what role he played before, his habit was to adjust to his best state before filming, and to be confident in the face of the camera when he was on the set. Having acted in a large number of national TV dramas, when he got his first male lead in a movie in his life, he suddenly found himself uneasy.


In fact, he had done a lot of preparation before filming. Director Diao Yinan had given Hu Ge many movie and book recommendations, such as the 1950s American film noir, the classic Japanese samurai film, Camus’s "The Outsider" and so on. But for Hu Ge, who had just entered the group and had completely different camera requirements from TV dramas, everything was new.


"I don’t know if the acting is good or not. I was panicked and worried at first." This was his mental state after joining the group. But one day, he suddenly figured it out.

Hu Ge found that this state is what the character Zhou Zenong needs, isn’t it? "Anxiety in life, not having enough confidence, insecurity and people create links. I carried this uneasy emotion to the end. At the end of all unrest, there must be a point of desperation. This character faces Liu Aiai, played by Gui Lunmei, and in the end will go all out on her and pin all his hopes on her. The point of my desperation is that I can fully commit and fully put myself in."

Hu Ge, who completely put himself in, made Diao Yinan feel Zhou Zenong’s existence. When choosing an actor, he also considered a lot. For such a bandit role, there should be some established candidates in the hearts of many people. But "I may not choose an actor from a realistic perspective. For example, Hu Ge must look like a bandit, or a bandit in a preconceived concept. I started from temperament and asked him to act, and he was a bandit. At the same time, he entered his existence."


It wasn’t until the film premiered in Cannes that Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei realized that they were in the same mood when they made the movie. And during the movie, the two of them have been in the sticky and cold rain in the south, with a little bit of love rippling on the wild goose pond.


The scene on the pond was a gentle and mysterious moment in the movie. But the shooting didn’t go so smoothly. There were too many waves on the water surface to shoot, and the water surface was too flat and needed artificial waves. Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei were lying on a wooden boat with sand at the bottom of the boat. Just when they got into a mood, the boat that made the waves was not well controlled, and a big wave hit their face.


Diao Yinan did not devise many lines for the two of them. He hoped that Zhou Zenong and Liu Aiai could have a delicate and complex relationship. He saw the two characters as lonely souls under great pressure. In this way, the meeting of souls requires only actions to express the feelings that exist within. "I think this smell is fascinating. I don’t want to use words to convey it, I don’t think it fits the situation." 

He organically listed the stories he saw, heard, and collected. Although the film has a strong story design, the final presentation is the state of several characters in such a southern city, like the American film noir in the 1950s. In this way, Diao Yinan felt that it was easy for film noir to produce good-looking and expressive works. The development of China has also provided a natural soil for creation.

Chief producer Li Li also remembered that for this story, Diao Yinan had written the script for three years. Shooting in Hubei, more than 80 locations, more than 80% of the night scenes. It happened to be the rainy season when shooting. For the movie, he let his completion guarantor directly enter and made all the plans.


Without a strong story, Diao sees "The Wild Goose Lake" as a movie about personal experience. "I think everyone has their own dilemma, and everyone in it has their own dilemma, but through risk, sacrifice, resistance, freedom is achieved. That’s what drives our lives."


From "Night Train" being shortlisted for a focus section of the Cannes Film Festival, to "Fireworks by Day" returning with fame, and then to this year’s "The Wild Goose Lake". Diao Yinan also completed his own adventure and resistance.

"The two of us often chat, and he also said that he thinks he is still telling a Chinese story after all, and he is more concerned about the kind of dialogue and communication with the Chinese audience. I think he and I have the same idea on this point. And he is also very simple, so he doesn’t think it is important for us to say that he has been shortlisted for Cannes, or won or not won." As a friend, Li Li commented on him.


Diao Yinan

Before the film premiered in the Lumière Hall of the Palace of Cinema in Cannes, Diao Yinan was still working overtime on the later stage of the film. The rough cut of the film was more than 130 minutes, and then it was changed to 123 minutes. Finally, for the sake of scheduling and marketing, the audience saw the 113-minute version.

Mr. Shen said that after "Fireworks in the Day", Diao Yinan also changed: "He found a way to find more audiences, not only to maintain his own expression, but also to find more audiences, and I think his attitude is very good, a very open attitude, he wants his film to be more attention and accepted, hoping to sow more seeds."

One of the seeds that Diao Yinan sowed was picked up by Hu Ge. "The true purity of art is especially pure, so it also makes me enjoy it. I am very moved. I used to think that the profession of actor has brought me a lot, but I always feel that there is something missing. This time I feel that the director has given it to me."


This "giving" probably also involves some kind of dilemma. Hu Ge followed Diao Yinan into this dilemma, and then found freedom again through risk and resistance. Therefore, when looking back at the entire shooting process, he felt: "The whole shooting process was a very precious experience. It also made me firmly determined that this road must be continued."

Hengda Motor suspends production of Hengchi 5 due to lack of funds.

Recently, Hengda announced that after 900 vehicles were delivered, the Tianjin factory of Hengda Motor suspended production of Hengchi 5 due to lack of funds. Previously, Hengda Motor suspended other factories and concentrated resources on production in the Tianjin factory. This time, the Tianjin factory suspended production, indicating that Hengchi announced a complete shutdown for a period of time. Hengda Motor plans to resume production in May 2023.

Previously, on March 23, Hengda Automobile announced that Hengchi 5 is in continuous mass production, and more than 900 Hengchi 5 have been delivered since sales. In order to concentrate financial resources to support the mass production of Hengchi 5, the company continues to promote cost-saving measures, including optimizing the staff structure. At the same time, Hengda Automobile admits that there is a risk of production suspension if it cannot obtain new liquidity. However, if the company can seek financing of more than RMB 29 billion in the future, plans to launch a number of flagship models, and hopes to achieve mass production, under such a plan, the cumulative unleveraged cash flow from 2023 to 2026 is expected to reach between RMB 7 billion and RMB 5 billion.

It is reported that in 2019, Hengda officially released the new energy vehicle brand Hengchi. It has said that it will take 3 to 5 years to build the world’s largest and most powerful new energy vehicle company, and reach the goal of producing and selling 5 million vehicles within 10 years. At first, Hengda Automobile completed the layout of the whole vehicle, motor, battery and other production sectors through a series of acquisitions. Two years before the official announcement of the car, Hengda Automobile invested about 47 billion yuan in the new energy business. After the mass production date of Hengchi’s new car was delayed several times, Hengchi 5 real car finally appeared in April 2022, and started delivery at the end of that year. The first 100 owners picked up the car. As of April this year, Hengchi 5 delivered more than 900 vehicles.

"China Quality News" [Information Channel]

Gegong Town, Dongzhi County: Deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism empowers rural revitalization

  In the past few days, Gegong Town has grabbed the spring light, actively carried out "Spring outing in Jianghuai, please come to Chizhou", promoted cultural tourism activities, and deeply integrated agricultural and cultural tourism to empower rural revitalization.

  The town carefully sorted out the characteristics of each village, and carefully planned to shoot promotional videos to promote it to the outside in the form of official accounts. Starting from the observation deck of Hongqiling, which has the highest altitude, to the long-standing geese falling slope, the pear cloud ridge with changing seasons, the picturesque Dacheng weir, the rolling tea gardens, and the characteristic industrial planting bases… so that more people can appreciate the natural scenery here. Not only that, the shooting line will go to the memorial hall of the 1931 Huizhou Working Committee of the Communist Party of China in the red education base to show the magnificent red story again.

  Walking on Ge Gong, the rolling mountains and the winding Yellow River, the natural scenery is primitive and beautiful, and the scattered tea gardens seem to be able to smell the fragrance outside the lens; on the clean and tidy country roads, the lush trees and clear water canals everywhere show the civilized rural style…

  In recent years, Gegong Town has taken the lead of high-quality party building, fully tapped the advantages of local rural resources, fully promoted the in-depth development of tea tourism integration, developed the health care economy according to local conditions, improved and strengthened the agricultural specialty industry, and deeply integrated the development of grass-roots party building, rural industry and cultural tourism, effectively and effectively promoted the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

  The town actively explores the "tea tourism integration" development model of "promoting travel with tea and bringing tea with travel", based on the concept that green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and accelerates the construction of the tea tourism integration tourism experience area. On the theory of "tea", efforts are made to create a boutique leisure tourism experience line that integrates tea viewing, tea picking, tea making, tea tasting and play, and leisure picking. The number of tourists is increasing year by year, allowing the majority of tourists to visit the beautiful scenery while also promoting the development of the tea industry, promoting the collective economic development of the village, so that the appearance of the village has been significantly improved, and the beauty of the "ecology" has also enriched the "pocket".