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Greater Paris intends to introduce Maguire for 50 million pounds; Reporter: Kane is the preferred candidate for Tenghage’s striker.


Sun: Greater Paris intends to introduce Maguire for 50 million pounds this summer, and the deal was put on the negotiating table in the winter window.


Samuel Luckhurst: Manchester United coach Tenhage’s striker priority this summer is Harry Kane, while Osman of Naples and Benfica striker Gonzalo Ramos are also Dutch signings. In addition, the Red Devils plan to cash out Marchal this summer.


Rachford was voted the best player in the Premier League and the best player in Manchester United in February. ?


Official: Tenhage was elected Premier League Coach of the Month in February.


Peristri: That’s what we do! ! Come on, Manchester United ??

According to the Daily Mirror, Manchester United coach Tenhage said after the team’s 4-1 victory over real betis: "We played a great game, both halves. We should have taken a 3-0 lead in the first half, but the result was 1-1. We were punished for a mistake, but we played very well in the second half. "

"When we replaced the last two substitutes, the team changed the score to 4-1, and Peristri did a great job."

You must watch this game tonight! Live broadcast on the big platform! The results of the first two games bode well for Guoqing.

At 18: 00 this evening, Beijing time, China U20 will compete with South Korean U20 for a semi-final spot in the U20 Asian Cup, which is actually a qualification for the World Youth Championship. You know, the last World Youth Championship that the National Youth Team participated in dates back to the 2005 World Youth Championship in the Netherlands, so the impact of the China team on the World Youth Championship tonight is particularly worthy of the attention of China fans. In other words, China fans must watch this game!

Tonight’s game, the time is also very suitable, fans can eat rice while watching the game. Aiqiyi, Migu, Know the Ball Emperor and other platforms all have live broadcast signals, which brings convenience for fans to watch the ball. Fans can watch the live broadcast on the computer or mobile phone screen (screen TV is also acceptable) and wave the flag and shout for the China teenager! CCTV didn’t broadcast the men’s U20 football match live, but broadcast the women’s U20 football match live, which from another angle can also stimulate China teenagers to fight hard tonight!

Unlike the World Cup, the World Youth Championship is not the top team in the world, but it is very strong. For example, Argentina won the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship last year, and its youth team (namely Argentina U20) was eliminated in the World Youth Championship in South America. Argentina is the second-ranked team in the world! By the same token, the strength of the Korean national team is obviously higher than that of the China national team, but the level of its U20 team may not be much higher than that of China. Therefore, the China boy must have confidence tonight.

It is particularly worth mentioning that in the two quarterfinals of the U20 Asian Cup last night, Iraq beat Iran 1-0 at the last moment of the game. Four hours later, Uzbekistan, the host country, also beat Australia in the penalty shootout and got the second ticket to the top four. You know, the Iranian and Australian national teams are frequent visitors to the World Cup, while the Iraqi national team is less powerful, and the Uzbek national team has never made it to the World Cup. Therefore, the results of the first two games are also an encouragement to China U20, which seems to indicate that China can also eliminate the South Korean team tonight.

Think about how China U20 beat Saudi Arabia 2-0 in the group stage, and the boys will know how to play tonight. The South Korean team has always despised the China team in football. If they still have this inertia tonight and make the mistake of underestimating the enemy, the chances of the China teenager will be even greater. Argentina underestimates its enemy and can lose to Saudi Arabia in the World Cup. If South Korea underestimates its enemy, it is of course reasonable to lose to China! Come on, Guoqing! Come on, China boys!

Epic CEO: Commercial AI should not use works for training without the author’s permission.

Epic Games is not only the game and technology, but also the parent company of ArtStation, a platform for hosting commercial artists’ works. In a recent interview, Tim sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, said that he hoped the company would strike a balance between the protection of works of art and the participation of creators in new technologies such as AI image generation.

A few months ago, ArtStation created a label called "noAI" because of the protests of many artists, and the tagged works will be banned from being used by the AI system on its platform.

Sweeney said: "We support many game developers. Some of them will use artificial intelligence, and some people will hate artificial intelligence. We hope to be a reliable neutral intermediary that does not hinder the development of the industry, but we will not deliberately collect data on everyone’s works. "

During the interview, he also explained that if it is for commercial use, the AI system should never use their works without the unification of artists.

He added: "They grab people’s works of art on the Internet and then use it without their explicit consent."

"A company should not do such a thing, right? Maybe it is within the scope of research and study (no problem), but when you sell it for making commercial works of art and commercial products, you should not do so. "

Where to study abroad? Stanford University has become the first choice for many China students for the following reasons.

Stanford University is a world-famous private research university located in Stanford, California, USA. Founded in 1885, it is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is famous for cultivating some of the most talented and influential graduates. Its world-class research facilities and strong concern for innovation are only part of the reasons why students from all over the world flock to its hall every year.

1. Close to Silicon Valley

One of the most striking aspects of Stanford is its proximity to Silicon Valley, the center of the technology industry. This proximity means that students can take advantage of the huge network of technology companies and startups in the region, many of which are actively recruiting graduates from Stanford University. For example, many graduates continue to work for companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook, just to name a few. In addition, many students started their own technology companies while studying at Stanford University, and the university provided them with the support they needed to start their own businesses.

2. Interdisciplinary research

Another advantage of Stanford University is its emphasis on interdisciplinary research. The university is firmly committed to interdisciplinary cooperation and encourages students to pursue their interests in various fields. This enables students to get a comprehensive education and prepare them for a wide range of careers. In addition, the university’s partnership with local enterprises, governments and other organizations means that students can obtain a huge network of resources to help them further achieve their research goals.

3. At the forefront of cutting-edge research

Stanford University is also famous for its commitment to cutting-edge scientific research. The university has a rich history of innovation, and its faculty and students have made many pioneering contributions in the fields of science, engineering and medicine. For example, in the early days of the Internet, researchers at Stanford University played an important role in developing ARPANET, the predecessor of the modern Internet. Recently, researchers at Stanford University have been at the forefront of artificial intelligence, robotics and biotechnology.

4. Advantages of artificial intelligence

One of Stanford’s most striking scientific research achievements is its work in the field of artificial intelligence. In recent years, the university has been at the forefront of the progress of deep learning, which is a subset of artificial intelligence and has been proved to be very effective in solving complex problems. For example, researchers at Stanford University have developed a deep learning algorithm that can accurately diagnose diseases based on medical images and translate speech from one language to another with high precision. These advances have the potential to completely change many industries and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

5. Characteristics of robot field

In addition to its work in artificial intelligence, Stanford University is also famous for its cutting-edge research in the field of robotics. The university has a long history of innovation in this field, and its researchers are at the forefront of developing new and improved robots for wide applications. For example, researchers at Stanford University have developed robots that can perform complex tasks in dangerous environments, such as exploring deep-sea trenches or defusing bombs. These advances may greatly improve the safety and efficiency of many industries.

In a word, Stanford University is a world-renowned research institution, which is highly respected for its commitment to interdisciplinary research, attention to innovation and breakthrough scientific achievements. Its location in Silicon Valley provides students with unparalleled opportunities to enter the technology industry, and its partnership with local organizations means that students can obtain a huge network of resources. With great emphasis on scientific research and commitment to interdisciplinary cooperation, Stanford University is an ideal place for students interested in pursuing a career in science, engineering or medicine.

ChatGPT is hot out of the circle? Wait, the pig farm also has black technology.

Recently, ChatGPT has been popular. Before that, Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, released the AI ? ? hero list, announced that he would pay for himself, and set up Beijing Lightyear Technology Co., Ltd. to confirm his entry. Later, there was an extreme dialogue between programmers from big factories and ChatGPT. From emotional consultation, project management to novel creation, ChatGPT was almost omnipotent and omnipotent (PS, Xiaobian was trembling with fear).

Behind the explosion of ChatGPT is everyone’s embarrassment and concern for the field of artificial intelligence. So is there any application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of pig breeding? How do they combine?


The Origin and Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial intelligence technology is a branch of computer science. The original intention of its creation is that scientists hope that computers can imitate human intelligence, so that machines can handle complex things.

Artificial intelligence can be traced back to 1950, and Allen Matheson Turing put forward the famous "Turing Test" [which refers to asking questions to the testee through some devices (such as keyboards) when the testee is separated from the testee (a person and a machine). After many tests, if the machine makes the average participant make more than 30% misjudgment, then the machine has passed the test and is considered to have human intelligence.

In the same year, he published the paper "Computing Machine and Intelligence", and put forward and tried to answer the question "Can a machine think?". After the paper was published, it received extensive attention and discussion, and Turing was later called "the father of artificial intelligence".

In 1956, John McCarthy (computer scientist and cognitive scientist), an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Dartmouth College, located in the small town of Hannos in the eastern United States, invited a group of big coffee scholars including Marvin Minsky (winner of Turing Prize in 1969) and Claude Shannon (founder of information theory) to hold an academic conference. The conference mainly discussed topics such as machine imitating human intelligence, including: how to program computers, neural networks, calculation scale theory, mechanical theory (referring to self-learning), randomness and creativity.

Dartmouth Conference has been held for more than two months. Although the participants did not reach an agreement, they agreed on a word for the discussion: Artificial Intelligence (AI). At this point, the word artificial intelligence began to appear in people’s field of vision, and 1956 was also called the first year of artificial intelligence. After that, the theoretical research and practical application in the field of artificial intelligence continued to break through (see the development history of AI for details).

(Image from Demeo Consulting Wang Wei)

Before ChatGPT, the last time artificial intelligence was widely concerned was in May 2017, when Alphago defeated Li Shishi, the world Go champion, by a score of 4: 1, and will face Ke Jie, a player from China, at the world internet conference in Wuzhen. You know, after Li’s defeat in artificial intelligence, Ke Jie made a statement in the media: Even if Alpha Dog beats Li Shishi, it can’t beat me.

Before the start of the competition, Ke Jie had high hopes and was once regarded as "the last hope of mankind". However, the reality is cruel. Alphago(Master) beat Ke Jie, a talented teenager in China, with a score of 3: 0.

After the on-site interview, Ke Jie once choked:Playing chess with AlphaGo is too painful, AlphaGo is too calm, it is too perfect, and I can’t see any hope of victory.. So why is "artificial intelligence" technology so powerful?


Analysis of artificial intelligence technology

Artificial intelligence mainly includes five core technologies, namely computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics and biometrics.

Computer vision is a science that studies how to make machines "see", which means that cameras and computers are used to identify, track and measure targets instead of human eyes, and further graphic processing is carried out, so that computers can be processed into images that are more suitable for human eyes to observe or send to instruments for detection.

Machine learning is the core of artificial intelligence technology, which enables intelligent machines to simulate human behavior independently with the support of algorithm complexity theory, convex analysis, statistics and other disciplines. Machine learning refers to how to improve the performance of specific algorithms in empirical learning, that is to say, machine learning is based on massive data or past experience to optimize the performance standards of computer programs.

To put it simply, this process is similar to personal self-reflection, which is to review past experiences and then adjust the optimization behavior so as to do better next time. But different from personal reflection, personal reflection has limited sources of experience, while machine learning is based on a huge database given by developers, with wider sources of experience and data and more timely feedback based on goals.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a variety of theories and methods to study how to achieve effective communication between people and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a science integrating linguistics, computer science and mathematics, which can be mainly applied to machine translation, public opinion monitoring, automatic summarization, viewpoint extraction, text classification, question answering and so on.

Robot refers to performing tasks such as working or moving through programming and automatic control. Robots have the basic characteristics of perception, decision-making, execution, etc., which can assist or even replace human beings to complete dangerous, heavy and complicated work and improve work efficiency and quality. At present, sweeping robots have entered the daily life of the public.

Biometric technology is closely combined with high-tech means such as optics, acoustics, biosensors and biostatistics through computers, and uses the inherent physiological characteristics (such as fingerprints, faces, irises, etc.) and behavioral characteristics (such as handwriting, voice, gait, etc.) of human bodies/creatures to identify their identities, such as "face recognition" and "pig face recognition".

Therefore, artificial intelligence can be understood as imitating human information input (images, words, sounds, etc.), information processing (based on the correct thinking model in the past) and then action execution, and constantly strengthening various abilities in the process to achieve the set goals and continue to improve. The core of artificial intelligence lies in deep learning, that is, continuous feedback and continuous optimization based on strategy.

The mechanism of deep learning is similar to the deliberate practice learning method proposed by Florida psychologist Anders Millard J. Erickson. Anders pointed out that the key factor to distinguish a person’s mediocrity and Excellence in the professional field is the degree of deliberate practice. The longer the deliberate practice, the higher the professional level. Deliberate exercises mainly include four elements:Clear goals, staying away from the comfort zone, concentration and timely feedback.. Different from human deliberate practice, the deliberate practice process of the machine has no emotion, so it is more efficient to execute.

Just a few months after Alphago(Master) defeated Ke Jie, in October of 17, DeepMind team published a new paper in Nature magazine, and launched a new generation of product AlphaGo( Zero). The paper points out that Alphago(Zero) reached the level of Alphago(Master) in only 21 days, and when Alphago(Zero) played the 40th day, it had already defeated all previous programs and won the world Go championship.

Afterwards, the industry put forward three cores for Alphago to quickly reach the top level in the world: first, it adopted a learning algorithm combining machine learning and neuroscience; Second, in Google’s powerful cloud computing system, more than 30 million steps of professional chess player’s chess manual have been learned through a large amount of data analysis; Third, throughThe ever-increasing self-gameFind a better idea than the basic chess manual. Artificial intelligence technology is created by human beings, and the achievements in some aspects are far beyond human beings, which may also be worth thinking and learning.


Application of artificial intelligence technology in pig farm

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and agriculture can be traced back to March 2015. Li Keqiang, then Premier of the State Council, put forward the action plan of "internet plus" for the first time in his government work report; In July of the same year, the State Council issued the Action Plan on Actively Promoting the internet plus (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).

The Action Plan clearly puts forward to actively promote the modern agriculture in internet plus, and points out that it is necessary to establish standardized scale livestock and poultry breeding bases and aquatic healthy breeding demonstration bases,Promote the popularization and interconnection of intelligent devices such as accurate feed delivery, automatic disease diagnosis and automatic waste recycling.. The release of Action Plan opened the historical curtain of agriculture in internet plus.

After that, AI technology, like other emerging Internet technologies, was gradually applied to the practice of agricultural industry. On the one hand, new cutting-edge technology, on the other hand, traditional agriculture, how do they combine? What kind of sparks will break out?

Scenario 1: Pig farm monitoring and pig inventory

Since the outbreak of African swine fever in 2018, biosafety has been crucial for aquaculture enterprises. Under the traditional breeding mode, people and things inside and outside the pig farm are complicated, and materials, vehicles, birds and animals come in and out frequently. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to achieve effective supervision. For example, in the process of dissecting dead pigs, improper wearing of protective clothing by operators may cause the spread of diseases in pig farms. It is difficult to pass the manual on-site review, and it is impossible to supervise all the time. By using technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, employees’ misconduct can be identified and early warning signals can be conveyed to managers in time, which can effectively avoid the risk of disease spread.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be used to count and estimate the number of pigs. In the traditional breeding process, pig dealers need to go to the pigsty for on-site counting and weighing in the pig selling process. By using the camera above the pig farm combined with artificial intelligence technology, the pigs in the pen can be counted in real time, so as to achieve the effect of remote pig watching and real-time weight estimation.

The AI patrol and early warning interface of "Pig Xiao Zhi" of rural credit cooperatives.

Scheme of intelligent pig farm with integrated rural credit, mathematics and intelligence for message or private message consultation

Scene 2: Intelligent dung cleaning robot and inspection robot

Pig farm is a model of large-scale farming. Large-scale farming and high manure output are difficult problems that plague the operation of enterprises. In traditional farming mode, manual cleaning is usually needed, and the labor input cost is high in the process of manual cleaning. Some pig farms use water to clean manure, which consumes a lot of water, and at the same time, it is easy to cause high humidity in pig houses and cause health problems of pigs. By using artificial intelligence technology to develop a dung sweeping robot, it can effectively solve the problems of difficult cleaning, reducing water consumption and saving costs.

Similarly, robots developed by combining intelligent speech recognition and visual recognition technologies can cruise around the pigsty all day, find abnormal pigs (such as fever and shivering) in the pigsty in time, prevent and control diseases in advance, and effectively resolve the risk of disease infection.

Mu Yuan inspection robot

The above are only typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology in pig farms. With the expansion of business scale and the improvement of cost control and biosafety requirements of enterprises, the combination of artificial intelligence technology and pig breeding is becoming closer and closer.



At last year’s Deep Bay Meeting, in view of the application of intelligence in pig farms, Qin Yinglin, chairman of Mu Yuan Co., pointed out: "It takes three years for us to train an excellent employee, and many employees are unqualified for three years, which takes five or even ten years. But we want to make a machine in the assembly line, and gather all our wisdom of raising pigs. We are producing this very quickly now, and producing thousands of units a day is equivalent to producing the corresponding number of laborers. "

It can be seen that artificial intelligence technology has been applied on a large scale in the farms of some enterprises. With the continuous development and mature application of technology, it is certain that "unmanned pig farms" and "unmanned farms" will eventually come true.


Talking about the development of AI from ChatGPT, consulting with Deme.

Nature is heavy: human beings have misunderstood the dopamine mechanism in the brain! ? Top Edition AlphaGo Enlightens Brain Science, Quantum Bit

Qin Yinglin’s Sharing in Deep Bay Meeting, Wandou Agricultural Science.

Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting "internet plus" Action, the State Council

Football News: Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao and Li Yang are basically locked in the three towns.

Live broadcast on March 11th, according to Lu Mi, a reporter from Football News, three Guangzhou players, Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao and Li Yang, were basically confirmed in the three towns of Wuhan, which showed enough sincerity in the process. After a long negotiation and waiting, three players were finally confirmed to join the team, which made the team more competitive. Under the current downward football market, the stable investment of the three towns and the AFC Champions League still have certain appeal to the players.

"The level of men’s football in China has been declining all the way," said the director of the General Administration of Sports.

On the 12th, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial aisle". The first person to walk on the ministerial aisle was Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration.

Gao Zhidan said that for a long time, the development of China’s three major sports, especially men’s events, was not satisfactory, and the level of men’s football was declining all the way. There were even many chaos in the football industry, which was in sharp contrast with the requirements and expectations of the CPC Central Committee and the people of the whole country.

Gao Zhidan said,It is a sign of a sports power that the three major goals should be achieved, and it is also a short board that we must make up to speed up the construction of a sports power.

Gao Zhidan pointed out that recently, in view of the serious problems in the field of football, we have been deeply rethinking and studying solutions and ways, and we are prepared to systematically treat them from the aspects of ideological education, style construction, deepening reform and doing a good job in current work.

In the spirit of re-taking the Long March Road, we should do a good job in all the work of the three big balls, focus on the outstanding problems such as lack of spiritual integrity and not hard work style in the current work of the three big balls with the determination to eliminate the disease with strong drugs and punish the chaos with heavy punishment, and persevere in changing the work style, being strong in responsibility and grasping implementation.Resolutely crack down and severely punish corruption and "fake gambling" in football and other fields.Correct the wind and discipline, be strict in discipline, improve the system, strengthen the rules, and comprehensively repair and reconstruct the good ecology of the healthy and sustainable development of the three balls.

On March 12th, the first meeting of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial channel" interview. This is Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration, interviewed by the media. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang photo

When talking about how to revitalize football in China, Gao Zhidan said that the current reform of football and basketball has entered the deep water area, and the task of deepening the reform and achieving a breakthrough is arduous and arduous. We should unswervingly follow the road of reform, innovation and development, further emancipate our minds, be upright and innovative, and start with the construction of management system, talent system, training system, competition system and guarantee system, and constantly improve the "three big balls" development path with China characteristics. We should face up to the problems, strengthen our confidence, face up to difficulties, accurately understand and implement policies and measures such as the overall plan for football reform and development in China, promote the modernization of the "three-ball" governance system and governance capacity, promote the standardized development of the league’s governance system, be firm and orderly, consistently take the road of "three-ball" development and reform in China, revitalize the "three-ball" and play a good role in football turnaround. We must strengthen the foundation and plant a strong talent base.

We should settle down, start with dolls, give full play to the advantages of the national system, make good use of the vitality of the market mechanism, promote the healthy development of campus football, promote the large-scale growth of young football talents, and consolidate the reserve talent base. We should start from the grass roots, actively support the development of youth football clubs, give more support and guarantee to social football in terms of policies, funds and talents, and promote the benign interaction between social football and professional football.

We should start from the foundation, constantly improve the football competition system and professional league system, smooth the growth channel of outstanding young players from campus football, social football to professional football, and train more outstanding reserve young players and transport them up.In the process of doing a good job of reserve talents, we should resolutely abandon the mentality of quick success and instant benefit, and build a path and channel for the cultivation and growth of reserve talents step by step, so as to revitalize China football for a long time.

Disclaimer: This article was transferred from China News Network (ID: CNS 2012), Beijing Youth Daily, Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News. Thank you!

Masters: Invite sent to US golfer Scott Stallings’ namesake

US golfer Scott Stallings was handed a shock after discovering his Masters invitation had been sent to another person of the same name.

The 37-year-old tweeted he had been “checking the mailbox five times a day” for his invitation before receiving a direct message from another Scott Stallings.

The three-time PGA Tour winner posted the message from his namesake, which included: “I’m 100% sure this is NOT for me. I play but wow! Nowhere near your level.”

The message began: “Hi Scott. My name is Scott Stallings as well and I’m from GA (Georgia). My wife’s name is Jennifer too!!

“I received a FedEx today from the Masters inviting me to play in the Master’s Tournament April 6-9, 2023.

“It’s a very nice package complete with everything needed to attend. I think we have some confusion because of our names, our wife’s names and geographical location.”

He then attached a picture of the invitation adding: “I’m really not kidding I promise.”

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.