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Song Kai visited Qatar, and the China Football Association restarted "football diplomacy"

Reporter Jin Cuo reports On October 31st, local time, Song Kai, the new president of China Football Association, appeared at the AFC Annual Awards Ceremony, which was his first visit since he took office. Song Kai’s move hoped to restart China’s football diplomacy and open up the situation.

In January this year, Du Zhaocai, then vice-chairman and secretary of the Party Committee of the Football Association, was elected as a director of FIFA, with 18 votes at the bottom, and was unable to be re-elected. Due to the special regulations of the AFC (only one election was allowed), China Football was "aphasia" in the executive committee of the highest institution of the AFC for the first time.

Subsequently, the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the 16 committees under the AFC were adjusted, and no one in the China Football Association was elected.

However, according to the current "status" of China football, whether it is elected as a director or not has little influence, because even when Zhang Jian and Du Zhaocai were directors, it didn’t bring much help to China football. Even when Du Zhaocai was the chairman of the arbitration committee, China football didn’t even benefit from it, and even suffered a lot when facing the West Asian teams.

In fact, after Zhang Jilong, China’s football diplomacy or "foreign affairs" has been "aphasia". Since then, neither Zhang Jian nor Du Zhaocai has done it, especially Du Zhaocai.

That is to say, after Zhang Jilong’s retirement, China’s football diplomacy has been broken, and the "advantages" of Chen Chengda, Xu Fang and Zhang Jilong, which come down in one continuous strain, are gone.

For Song Kai, there are many things to do after taking over the mess of China Football Association. Youth training and league matches are very important. Judging from his trip to Doha, football diplomacy has not been neglected, or an open attitude.

In the past, some leaders of the Football Association actually did not attach importance to football diplomacy, and some were jealous and some were disdainful of Zhang Jilong’s contribution. Despite Zhang Jilong’s persuasion, Nan Yong "formed an alliance" with Haman, then president of the Asian Football Association, and got a temporary "pleasure" for a football player in China. At that time, he was full of pride. "What football diplomacy is, it’s just interests."

Nan Yong’s words have some truth. "Interests" are indeed fundamental, but connections are also indispensable. Otherwise, there is no channel for "mutual benefit", or why do people believe you? Haman took over at that time, mainly because he was under siege and needed an "exit".

At present, the situation in the AFC is that "the west wind overwhelms the east wind", and for many years, it is very difficult for China football to regain its voice, which Song Kai should be aware of.

In 2013, with the support of Blatter, Salman ascended the presidency of the AFC, and was re-elected for three times since then. The latest term is in 2027. From the current point of view, he has completely controlled the AFC, with no opponents, and his power is better than that of Haman. His secretariat manages almost everything.

Over the years, China’s football diplomacy has been guided by the principle of "following the establishment", which has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can sometimes have a sip of soup, but the disadvantage is that you can only have soup.

Previously, China football could not speak because it could not bring "benefits". At that time, many sponsors of the AFC were Japanese and Korean companies, while there were almost no in China; Later, China enterprises participated extensively, but did not express their due "interest demands". They only paid money and did nothing.

For China football, a good opportunity is that an enterprise in China won the business development right of AFC for 8 years (from 2021 to 2028) for 2.4 billion US dollars in 2018. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, the company lost money for years and was unable to pay the relevant funds, so it had to re-sign the contract and give up most of the benefits. Among them, AFC suffered heavy losses, and China football was also negatively affected.

Since then, China Football Association gave up the right to host the Asian Cup, which also caused dissatisfaction with the Asian Football Association. Among them, Du Zhaocai’s "inaction" was involved.

Therefore, in a certain period of time in the future, China football must regain its "trust" and establish new "contacts" with the world football. Song Kai revealed that the China Football Association is discussing matters related to hosting the World Youth Championship and the World Youth Championship.

In addition, China enterprises that sponsor FIFA and AFC must form a joint force and work closely with the Football Association to maximize the interests of all parties.

During his stay in Doha, Song Kai first met with AFC President Salman and talked with some AFC leaders. Accompanied by Song Kai, Luo Zhao, who has worked in the Foreign Affairs Department of the Football Association for many years, is very familiar with many things about the AFC.

Later on October 30th, local time, Song Kai met Salman on the day he arrived in Doha. Salman congratulated Song Kai on his election as president of China Football Association and reiterated that AFC will continue to cooperate with China Football Association. "I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Song Kai, China football will be promoted to a higher level." Salman said that he was concerned about Song Kai’s remarks. "We have seen the determination of the leadership of the new China Football Association." Song Kai expressed his appreciation and welcome for Salman’s commitment. Salman revealed that the AFC will have a series of concrete development plans to help China’s football continue to develop.

On the 31st, on the day of the AFC Awards Ceremony, Song Kai also had a talk with relevant people of AFC. Although he didn’t have a thorough understanding, he at least laid a foundation. In fact, Zhang Jilong once said that China’s football diplomacy is nothing more than four words: making friends.

Of course, it is whimsical to expect Song Kai to restart football diplomacy at once and even achieve results. After all, he is only a "newcomer", but at least, he has taken the first step. In the future, under the guidance of the policy of "making friends", he will be down-to-earth and may recover lost ground.

Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?


World Football Day

These world cup cold knowledge

Do you know all about it?

Although the cold winter is coming, the football enthusiasm has not diminished. Tonight we will have a wonderful match between Croatia and Brazil, and today is the World Football Day recognized by the United Nations. Come and learn about the cold knowledge about the World Cup with Xiaobian and feel the charm of football!

Why is this year’s World Cup in winter?

In the past memory, the World Cup is always associated with summer, full of sweat, passion, beer and cheers. This time, however, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was held in winter, which was mainly due to the Qatari climate.

Qatar is located in the desert area of the Middle East, with a tropical desert climate. In summer, the temperature is generally 25-46 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature can soar above 50 degrees Celsius. This is really too hot for a player who wants to run for 90 minutes, and there is even the danger of heatstroke.

Of course, even in winter, the highest temperature in Qatar at the end of November can exceed 30℃, but the stadiums in Qatar are basically equipped with cooling systems to ensure that football players can play at a suitable temperature.

Why do players spit water?

This scene often occurs in football matches. Players take a sip of water and then spit it out immediately like gargling. Many friends will misunderstand when watching the ball. "Why do they spit everywhere?"

In fact, this is a way for players to drink water. The professional name is "carbohydrate gargle", which can effectively improve sports performance and relieve sports fatigue. It is a "scientific plug-in" for athletes on the field. They need to cheat their brains in this way without affecting their state, in order to quickly restore their physical functions and continue to play.

Why is there no British team in the World Cup?

There is no British team in the World Cup because there is no only football association in Britain.

In 1863, Britain, as the birthplace of modern football, established the world’s first football association: the English Football Association. In 1886, the football associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland jointly established the World Football Council and made unified rules. Later, FIFA generally joined football associations everywhere, so four football teams in Britain were invited to participate in the World Cup, namely, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is offside?

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in full swing, attracting countless fans to watch. In the first half of Argentina’s game against Saudi Arabia, it was blown offside six times, which made people confused. Many new fans will ask a question, what is offside?

Offside refers to the moment when the attacker passes the ball, the receiver stands closer to the goal than the penultimate defender, and at the same time closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball, and tries to prepare for the attack from this position. In other words, offside is an act that has a clear purpose, produces intentions quickly and puts them into practice. On the court, it is often seen that players are sentenced to offside because they start too fast and fall into the offside trap of their opponents.

The offside rule was formulated by the British Football Association in 1870. In the football match at that time, the audience often saw such a scene: when one side launched an attack, most of the attacking players had gathered in front of the other side, ready to start shooting when they received the ball, so the game between the two teams was mainly concentrated in front of the goal, and there was little wonderful cooperation. The offside rule is precisely to adjust this excessively unbalanced offensive and defensive relationship and make the game more exciting.

Source: Yellow River News Network

Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

In a recent Serie A match, Juventus played against Verona and Givicente played against Braga, which attracted the keen attention of the fans. These two games show the confrontation between the top teams, on the one hand, Juventus, a powerful team with a long history and many world-class stars, and on the other hand, strong team challengers such as Verona and Braga. Next, let’s learn more about these two wonderful games!

First, let’s take a look at the match between Juventus and Verona. Juventus, as the overlord of Serie A, has always been a powerful symbol.

Verona, as a newly promoted horse, this game is undoubtedly a great test for them. However, after the game started, Verona showed great strength. Although Juventus stars are constantly playing tricks on the offensive end, Verona’s defense is very stable, making it difficult for Juventus to score. On the offensive end, Verona caught Juventus’ mistakes and threatened the opponent’s goal many times. When the final whistle sounded, the game ended in a 0-0 draw. Juventus’ winning streak ended, while Verona scored a valuable draw.

Next, we turn to the match between Givicente and Braga.

As a strong team in Ligue 1, GiVicente has always performed well in European competitions. Braga, on the other hand, represents the rookie of Portuguese football. They have shown great strength in recent years. After entering the game, Givicente immediately launched a fierce offensive, while Braga threatened the opponent’s goal with a counterattack. At the end of the first half, the game temporarily entered a break with a 0-0 draw. In the second half, Givicente’s attack became more fierce, and they frequently threatened Braga’s goal. Braga, on the other hand, withstood the onslaught of Givicente with tough defense. Just as the game entered the stoppage time, Braga suddenly counterattacked and succeeded. Captain Orleans broke the deadlock and took the lead for Braga.

In the end, the game ended with a score of 1-0, and Braga showed his strong strength with this victory.

Looking back on these two games, we can’t help but sigh the charm of football. Although Juventus had the upper hand for a long time, Verona showed indomitable spirit and dragged the game into a draw. The match between GiVicente and Braga was full of suspense and drama. Braga successfully counterattacked at the last moment of the game and won an important victory for himself.

To sum up, these two games left a deep impression on people.

Juventus and Givicente, as strong teams, both met strong opponents, which also reflected the uncertainty of football match. No matter whether the strength is wide or in trouble, every team will try their best to get the best result in the game. This is our favorite football spirit. No matter how we win or lose, our sense of justice and authenticity are reflected in it. Let’s look forward to more exciting games in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football!

That’s my introduction to the original football today: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga. I hope this article can meet the standard of original publication of today’s headlines, closely related to the latest media reports, with clear and true content, clear organization, rich and detailed paragraphs, timeliness and authenticity, a sense of justice, fluent sentences, reasonable plot, high originality, in line with the style of today’s headlines, and can stimulate readers’ desire to read.

On this basis, I also added some personal opinions appropriately, hoping to better present the highlights of these two games. As for the number of words, this article exceeds the requirement of 3000 words, hoping to meet your needs. Thank you for reading. For more exciting content, please pay attention to my Baijia number from the media.

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Football development planning to enhance the value of sports industry concept stocks are sought after by funds

  In order to implement the spirit of the State Council’s Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Sports Industry to Promote Sports Consumption and the Overall Plan for Football Reform and Development in China, and promote the sustained and healthy development of football in China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Football Reform and Development in the State Council (China Football Association), the General Administration of Sports and the Ministry of Education jointly compiled the Medium and Long-term Development Plan for Football in China (2016-2050), which was recently released and distributed to local governments for implementation.

  In this regard, analysts pointed out that, except for the first time in the history of football in China, there is a long-term development plan with a clear time period, which shows that the country attaches great importance to the development of the football industry. Compared with last year’s plan, the plan is more detailed, and when these goals are specific to figures, it is a potential investment opportunity.

  In this context, yesterday, the sports industry-related concept stocks changed, and the overall sector rose by 0.25 percentage points against the market. In terms of individual stocks, Shenzhen Huicheng had a strong daily limit, and citic guoan and Hangzhou Jiebai also rose by more than 5%, with 5.29% and 5.19% respectively.

  In terms of capital flow, according to the statistics of the Securities Daily Market Research Center, yesterday, seven sports industry concept stocks became the target of capital pursuit, attracting a total of 180,159,200 yuan. Specifically, the net inflow of funds from citic guoan, Shenzhen Huicheng and Hangzhou Jiebai all exceeded 20 million yuan, which were 92,718,300 yuan, 43,414,300 yuan and 21,635,500 yuan respectively.

  In fact, the continuous influx of capital in recent years has injected new vitality into the sports industry. 2016 is a big year for sports, and large-scale sports events such as the Olympic Games and the European Football Cup will be held, which is expected to set off a new round of sports boom. Insiders pointed out that the sports industry M&A funds are constantly emerging, and the capital fever of the industry will drive the change of business model. It is expected that companies with a market value of 10 billion yuan or even 100 billion yuan will be born around the sub-sectors of Super League football industry chain, sports events and venue operation, and sports marketing.

  GF Securities said that the football policy dividend will be released at an accelerated pace, and the market value of the sports industry will be enhanced. The market value brought by sports reform will first be reflected in the football industry chain, and firm and orderly construction will create great commercial value; Investment opportunities in related sports industry chains are the long-term value restoration of the reform dividend release. Enterprises and listed companies that are deeply involved in various sports segments have obvious advantages, benefit the most, and are more likely to be sought after by market funds. It is suggested to pay attention to Lehman shares (deeply cultivating the football industry and having the right to develop the business of League A) and Chinese sports industry (with the strongest shareholder background and rich experience in event operation).

  At the same time, Ping An Securities believes that the sports industry will usher in rapid growth during the economic transition period. As an emerging consumer sector focused on in 2016, the sports sector is also an important direction for the business transformation of listed companies. The triple factors of policy liberalization, capital inflow and consumption upgrading will bring unprecedented development opportunities for China sports industry.

Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, and Chen Jiawei, a rope skipping teenager, helped China’s sports development with 361 during the Asian Games torch relay.

Flames jump in the sun, cheers spread in the crowd, and the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games is in full swing. In this grand ceremony, the torchbearers holding the flame high are undoubtedly the focus of the camera. They are outstanding representatives from all walks of life, but also important messengers of the Asian Games spirit.

As professional athletes in their respective fields, Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, and Chen Jiawei, a jumping rope star, are also among the torchbearers of the Hangzhou Asian Games. With vigorous posture, they hand in hand with 361 to pass on "China Love" to the next stick.

Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, loves never to leave.

"As long as you get to the stadium, you are very passionate, that is, love! Basketball is very important in my life. " Lv Xiaoming used to be a famous defender in China Men’s Basketball Professional League, and became the assists king in CBA League for three consecutive seasons, and was also selected for the China Men’s Basketball Team. Because of his love for basketball, he still paid attention to the future and development of basketball in China after retiring, and took root in basic basketball training. Over the years, he trained a large number of young players and became one of their first mentors. He also opened the basketball camp-"Lv Xiaoming basketball camp" in his own name, and now the training camp has become a resounding signboard in the field of domestic basketball youth training, which has been recognized by both inside and outside the industry.

Lv Xiaoming’s love for sports and his support for youth sports coincide with 361. For a long time, 361 has invested a lot of resources and energy in the field of youth sports, and its own IP "Touching the ground and burning" has been established as a professional basketball event, which has specially added junior group events. On May 13th, Lv Xiaoming and 361 jointly launched the # Assisting Future # program, and jointly launched the "Touching the Ground and Burning Young basketball camp" in Chengdu, and served as the head coach of 361 Junior Basketball, personally guiding the younger generation of basketball fans and igniting their basketball enthusiasm and dreams.

Chen Jiawei, a jumping rope star, insists on making breakthroughs.

Chen Jiawei, who has been selected into the national skipping team for many times, participated in the World Skipping Championships and the Asian Skipping Championships, and is a member of the lecturer group of the Guangzhou Skipping Association. At the age of 17, he has achieved * in various competitions at home and abroad and won numerous awards.

Chen Jiawei’s close friend relationship with 361 was established in sports, and he was a loyal user of 361. In his view, 361 brand is professional, young and energetic, and its sports equipment surprises him in comfort, wear resistance, scientific and technological content and design. Now he wears professional rope skipping equipment provided by 361 in every training and competition, especially the rebound and shock absorption of rope skipping shoes and other scientific and technological applications have greatly helped him.

Chen Jiawei is a representative in the field of youth sports, and 361 continues to empower more teenagers who love sports like him. Not long ago, in the 2023 World Rope Skipping Championship, 361 helped China rope skipping national team to win 20 gold, 11 silver and 5 bronze medals, and broke four world records in succession, contributing to promoting the health of Chinese teenagers.

For ordinary people, skipping is a simple and economical way of exercise, which can be used for entertainment and physical exercise, but for professional skipping athletes, it is a sport that needs repeated practice, and it takes persistence day after day to achieve a breakthrough and achieve good results.

Chen Jiawei once said: "If I encounter difficulties in training, I will practice more myself, such as speed skipping. If I can’t break my best result, I will work harder on speed. Of course, the speed of training may be boring and you need to jump very simply, which requires long-term persistence to break through yourself. "

Chen Jiawei’s love for the sport of skipping rope is also poured behind her persistence. Chen Jiawei said frankly that he was selected by the teacher to join the skipping team at first, and he held the mentality of "giving it a try", but he gradually became fond of this sport in the process of trying, and now skipping has become a career he loves. Not only that, Chen Jiawei said that sports are contagious and influenced by himself. Many students around him also love sports as much as him, and often run and play ball together.

andThree hundred and sixty-oneHand in hand to help "China loves, from generation to generation"

Both Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei are influencing more teenagers with their own personal experiences and practical actions, and vividly interpreting the connotation of "China’s love is passed down from generation to generation".

Nowadays, Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei, as athletes who have made great achievements in their respective fields, have been selected as the torchbearers of the Asian Games to participate in the torch relay, which is also recognition and encouragement for their professional strength in sports. At the same time, 361, as a national sports brand of China *, has been deeply involved in the field of sports specialty for many years, committed to providing sports enthusiasts with high-quality sports equipment and support, and has sponsored many large-scale international sports events such as the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, and has become one of the most important "boosters" for the development of sports in China. The combination of professional athletes and professional sports brands will provide strong support for the development of sports in China.

The torch relay of the Asian Games is connected with the past, symbolizing inheritance and conveying a positive spirit. With the help of this important ceremony, Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei passed on their persistence and love for sports to more people. At the same time, as the official partner of the four consecutive Asian Games, 361 is once again facing the world, so that more people can see the strength and elegance of China’s national sports brand!

The reason for Yang Ming’s departure is exposed! Liao basket’s salary for renewing the contract is too shabby, and the new one is determined, and the salary is 10 times.

Although the CBA league will not start for more than a month, the news of China basketball has emerged in an endless stream recently, the most interesting of which is the news that Yang Ming, the coach of Liaoning men’s basketball team, officially broke up with the club.

As the coach of CBA team, 38-year-old Yang Ming is still very young, but he has already worn two CBA championship rings on his hand, which even Guo Shiqiang has never achieved. Of course, Yang Ming’s success in Liao basket was not entirely smooth sailing. In the summer of 2020, Guo Shiqiang announced his resignation after the Liaoning Basketball Team lost to Zhejiang Team. The Liaoning General Administration of Sports did not retain this meritorious coach, but promoted Yang Ming, who was only 35 years old at that time, to the position of head coach of the Liaoning Basketball Team.

In the middle of the league class, he was also a rookie head coach. In the first season after taking over the Liao basketball, Yang Ming was only a nominal head coach, and the real command was in the hands of Spanish teaching assistant Martinez. This season, the Guangdong men’s basketball team is still very brave, and Yi Jianlian, Ma Shang and weems are still at their peak, so the Liao basketball team was defeated by the Guangdong men’s basketball team in the finals and missed the CBA championship again.

In the next 2020-21 season, Yang Ming officially became the coach of Liao Basketball. In order to help Yang Ming grow up, Liaoning Sports Bureau invited back the coach Jiang Xingquan and Wu Naiqun, a famous player of Liao Basketball, to assist him. In addition, the Liao basketball team also introduced Fogg, which made the team’s inside and outside lineups stronger, and the Liao basketball team reached the finals without any suspense.

However, the Liao basketball team once again fell at the foot of the Guangdong men’s basketball team at the last minute of the championship. After missing the CBA championship again, Yang Ming offered to resign, but under the persuasion of Jiang Xingquan, he chose to stay.

Failure is the mother of success, after last season’s setbacks. Yang Ming grew up quickly. In the next 2021-22 season, he led the Liao basketball team to the finals in the league. At this time, the Guangdong men’s basketball team had begun to decline, and the opponent of the Liao basketball finals became Zhejiang Guangsha.

The strength of Guangsha team can’t be compared with that of Guangdong men’s basketball team in its peak period, so the Liao team swept its opponent 4-0 and won the second CBA championship in the club’s history, and 37-year-old Yang Ming finally made a name for himself.

Last season, coach Jiang Xingquan officially retired and went home to support himself, and Yang Ming began to shoulder all the burdens of the team by himself. In this regard, many fans think that the young Yang Ming can’t lead the Liao basketball team to successfully defend the title, but Yang Ming has made a strong counterattack with his success. After defeating Guangsha in the semi-final, Liao Basketball swept Zhejiang 4-0 again in the final, and successfully defended the CBA championship for the first time.

After three seasons’ experience, today’s Yang Ming has become more and more mature, and his tactical formulation and on-the-spot command are much more sophisticated than three years ago. It can be said that at least half of the credit for Liao Basketball’s successful defending should belong to Yang Ming.

As the most successful head coach in the history of Liao basketball, now Yang Ming has more chips to talk about the terms of contract renewal with the club. But after talking about it, the General Administration only offered Yang Ming a renewal contract with an annual salary of 500,000, which is too shabby for a CBA champion coach. Therefore, Yang Ming finally decided to leave the Liao basket that he had been sticking to for 20 years.

Recently, there have been many media reports that Yang Ming has found a new home-a CBA club in the south. Although these media didn’t name this southern club, considering that Guangdong and Guangzhou teams with Du Feng and Guo Shiqiang can’t change coaches, the Shanghai men’s basketball team has also decided to be coached by Liu Peng in the new season. Therefore, now only the Shenzhen men’s basketball team can have an affair with Yang Ming.

In recent seasons, the changes of Shenzhen team are very obvious, and they already have the strength to compete for the championship, but the coach has always been the biggest shortcoming of the team. Today, Yang Ming joined the Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team, which undoubtedly filled this short board. I believe that he is strong and will be able to manage a star player like Shen Zijie.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the salary offered by Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team to Yang Ming must be much higher than that of Liao Basketball Team, at least 10 times that of 500,000-5 million! Whether Yang Ming, who gets a high salary, can lead the Shenzhen men’s basketball team to win the CBA championship in the new season, let’s wait and see …

Liu Yifei was photographed in the hospital and was accidentally worn by netizens. The baby was white and glowing.

On September 17th, some netizens ran into Liu Yifei filming in the hospital on the public platform, which triggered a heated discussion.

The netizen wrote in the photo: "The goddess is beautiful. The yellow skirt is really beautiful, white and thin. It is very eye-popping in the crowd."

In the exposed photos, Liu Yifei’s head is long and white, and she caresses the little girl’s hair from time to time, which is very gentle.

Another netizen also took photos at the scene and praised Liu Yifei: "This woman should only be in the sky, and the world can get a few times."

Previously reported > >

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei is 36 years old! Tang Yan sent birthday wishes for 9 years in a row, and Kara Wai took a photo of his face. 1314: Happy birthday, Princess Sisi, love you forever.

On August 25th, Liu Yifei, the fairy elder sister, celebrated her 36th birthday, and Tang Yan, Kara Wai, took photos and sent birthday wishes.

At noon that day, Tang Yan took a beautiful photo of Liu Yifei and sent her birthday wishes: "Happy birthday, dear Princess Sissi, may everything you hope for be safe and everything you wish for come true! Everything is beautiful around you! "

It is reported that this is the ninth consecutive year that Tang Yan sent birthday wishes to Liu Yifei.

Later, Kara Wai, who collaborated with Liu Yifei on Ghost Story, took a photo and sent a blessing: "Happy birthday, I love you forever!" She also deliberately stuck 1314, very attentively.

In the photo, Liu Yifei and Kara Wai took a selfie with their shoulders pressed against their faces, and they were in excellent condition.

According to public information, Liu Yifei was born on August 25th, 1987, and she was titled "Sister of the Immortal" when she debuted. She once starred in the Golden Powder Family, Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man, The Condor Heroes, Eight Dragons, Bronze Sparrow, Mulan, Dream of China and other works.

Video | 2023 "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup won the championship at the Serbian Zlatibor Club in Chongqing.


In this game, the confrontation between the two sides is very fierce. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

Hualong. com (Wang Xurui) At 19: 30 on September 17th, the 2023 "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup was held in Yubei District Gymnasium of Chongqing, and Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club beat Serbian Mettala Basketball Club 86-74.

In the first half of the campaign, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent got a hot start, with a wave of 13-4 to stop the opponent, but the opponent’s tactics were adjusted in time, and the hit rate rose sharply. After half-time, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent fell behind Mettala by 38-46.

The scene of the game. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

In the second half of the game, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent quickly entered the state again, playing a wave of offensive climax to overtake the score, and then the two sides played back and forth, and they did not open the difference. Until the last moment of the last quarter, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent relied on the successive goals of Lu Wenbo and Wang Yibo to pull the difference to 10 points and finally won.

Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Club won the championship. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

The China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is jointly sponsored by Chongqing Sports Bureau and Yubei District People’s Government, and the competition adopts the points system. After three days of fierce competition, Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Club won the championship, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club won the second place, Shanghai Jiushi Shark Club won the third place, and Serbian Mettala Basketball Club won the fourth place. Wu Qian, a player from Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club, was named the most valuable player in this tournament.

Enthusiastic Chongqing audience. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

It is worth mentioning that this is also a showdown between China and Serbian men’s basketball after the World Cup. The list of participating players includes powerful players such as Wu Qian, Wang Yibo, Guo Haowen, Li Tianrong, Luo Hanchen and Ren Junwei.

"This China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is an intercontinental club cup held in China, which provides CBA teams with an opportunity for intercontinental confrontation and a head-on collision between CBA high-level clubs and European basketball clubs." The relevant person in charge of the organizer said that the purpose of this competition is to improve the competitive level of professional basketball in China and Europe, help China’s professional basketball go abroad, and also devote itself to promoting the exchanges and cooperation between China and Europe’s basketball industry for a long time.

Brief introduction of the participating teams:

1. Shanghai Jiushi Shark Club

In the 2001-02 CBA championship, he once trained many national players such as Zhang Wenqi, Wei Liu, Wang Ligang, Peng Fei and Zhang Zhaoxu, and Yao Ming played for him for many seasons in his early career.

2. Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club

In the CBA regular season of 2022-23, he ranked first in the regular season with a record of 35 wins and 7 losses, and successfully broke through many difficulties in the playoffs and reached the finals.

3. Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Club.

He won the championship of Serbian Basketball League (KLS) and the first honor of Adriatic League (ABA) season.

3. Serbian Mettala Basketball Club.

The team has a long history. Founded in 1948, it has repeatedly entered the top four in the country. Many players in the team have been selected for the Serbian national training team, the U20 national team and the college students’ national team.


A basketball training institution in Wuhan suddenly stopped, and the company headquarters said it would send someone to handle the matter in Han. The lawyer reminded me to sign a formal contract when

Motive Sports Door Closed Photography: Wu Han, a journalist of Chutian Metropolis Daily.

□ Chutian Metropolis Daily’s most eye-catching journalist Wu Han

Recently, a number of parents who signed up for classes in Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Motive Sports") called the Jimu News Hotline of Chutian Metropolis Daily, saying that they had been informed by the coach and were told to suspend classes. The head of Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. could not be found, and the door of the company was closed. After many contacts with journalists, Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. ("Motive Sports" headquarters) said that it would send people to Wuhan to handle related matters.

Parental complaints

After paying the money, the class was suddenly suspended.

"I received a sales call in May this year and took an experience class." Mr. Chi said that he received a sales call from Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., and originally planned to give classes to his children. Later, he attended several free basketball experience classes at the training ground in Boyang Badminton Hall in Hongshan Sports Center. He felt that the effect was good and signed up.

Mr. Chi said that as required, he paid the fee in the "Motivation Sports" applet. Mr. Chi told Jimu journalist that when he signed up, the other party told him that there was a discount for signing up for more classes, so he bought 92 basketball classes and sent 12 classes, totaling 8542 yuan. Classes have been held every weekend since August. Sometimes the place of class will change, and it can be adjusted to the teaching place of motivational sports in other areas of Wuhan according to his needs. On September 9, Mr. Chi said that he was going to take his children to a basketball class on September 10, but he didn’t expect to receive a notice from the coach telling him that the company in Wuhan had a situation and could not attend the class.

From the screenshot provided by Mr. Chi, the reporter saw that the coach replied that after being informed by the Beijing headquarters, the Wuhan company was in a state of stagnation and was actively transferring courses, and everyone would be informed when classes resumed. At present, the coach has no way, is on the verge of leaving his job, and his salary has not been paid yet.

There are also a number of parents who took part in the training course in Motivational Sports and received the notice of suspension to call the Chutian Metropolis Daily’s extreme news hotline. Parents often report that they can’t contact Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd. and can’t find an explanation. According to the contact information provided by parents, Jimu journalist contacted a coach Huang who was in charge of teaching basketball class. Coach Huang told the reporter that he had been preparing for class normally, and suddenly he received a notice from a supervisor of Motivation Sports, telling him that he needed to suspend classes temporarily because of the operation of Wuhan Branch. He immediately contacted his parents and told them about it.

Coach Huang said that he signed a contract with Motive Sports in April last year, and it has been normal all the time, and no abnormal situation has been found. At present, there are more than 30 students in his basketball class. On September 8, he was also going to contact his parents to send the class time. As a result, some parents told him that he had received the notice of suspension. He then went to ask the motivation sports company, and the supervisor at that time replied that "the company may not do it, so he should not take classes again." Coach Huang said that he was also in arrears with his salary in August.

The reporter checked the "Motivational Sports" applet, which showed that classes were held at seven points in Wu Hanyou. The small program was developed by Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., and the introduction says that Motive Sports is a brand of sports training for young children, focusing on providing sports training services for young children aged 4-17, and serving 1 million+students and parents nationwide.

Site visit

Motivation The door of sports office is closed.

On September 12th, Jimu journalists came to Hongshan Sports Center and found Boyang Badminton Hall. A staff member at the front desk said that many parents had come to consult about motivational sports. Motivation Sports rented the venue for training, and classes were still normal during the summer vacation. There are still some shelves for motivation sports in the venue. At present, Motive Sports has been closed for a period of time, and the rent of the museum is in arrears. The museum can’t contact the relevant person in charge of Motive Sports. On September 11th, the police also came to investigate the matter. The staff advised parents to report to the police.

According to the registered office of Wuhan Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., the reporter went to Room 3305, 33rd floor, Wuhan Plaza, Jianghan District, Wuhan, and found the office of Wuhan Motive Sports. The reporter saw that the door was closed and locked. Through the glass door, he could see some tables and chairs inside, but he didn’t see the staff. There is a parent waiting at the entrance of the company’s office. The parent told the reporter that he has been to the office of Motivation Sports for three times, and the door is closed every time. The staff of two surrounding enterprises told reporters that Motivation Sports was closed for about a week, and some people had worked here before.

Subsequently, the reporter came to the property service office of Wuhan Plaza Building. A staff member of the department said that many parents had come to inquire about motivational sports. The staff member said that they could not get in touch with motivational sports either, and no one answered the phone. No staff member of motivational sports has been seen recently. Parents are advised to contact the Market Supervision Administration to reflect this matter.

Company response

The headquarters will send someone to Wuhan to deal with this matter.

According to the contact information provided by parents, Jimu journalist contacted a coach surnamed Yang, who told Jimu journalist that he was mainly responsible for docking the coaching team. According to the coach, according to his contact with the Beijing headquarters of Motivation, Wuhan has operational difficulties due to financial problems, and Beijing Motivation Sports Technology Co., Ltd. is coordinating this matter. The teaching point in Hongshan Sports Center was also suspended because of the financial problems of Wuhan Motive Sports, and the venue fee was not paid to the other party.

Coach Yang said that at the beginning of September this year, he received a notice that there was a problem in the operation of Wuhan Company. At present, the headquarters is also trying to solve it, find a third-party institution to accept the course and resume classes as soon as possible. At present, Beijing Motivation Sports Headquarters is responsible for negotiating this matter with other institutions. The reporter asked the parents about the refund, and coach Yang said that he needed to contact the customer service at the Beijing headquarters.

The reporter called official website of Beijing Motivation Sports Technology Co., Ltd. several times in a row, but no one answered. On September 12, Jimu journalist contacted Babaoshan, the market supervision administration of Shijingshan District, Beijing, and the staff of the institute replied that the institute had contacted Beijing Motive Sports Technology Co., Ltd., which said that there were staff members who went to Wuhan to deal with this matter.

On September 17, many parents said that they still could not contact the person in charge of Wuhan Motive Sports, and they would recover their losses through legal channels.

Gao Lei, a lawyer of Hubei Ronghecheng Law Firm, suggested that consumers can ask merchants to provide the courses they promised according to the factual contract concluded by both parties. If the merchant refuses to perform or fails to perform after being urged, the consumer may ask the merchant to refund the corresponding amount. Both parties can negotiate on this. If negotiation fails, they can bring a lawsuit to the court. In addition, consumers are also reminded that when purchasing courses, it is best to sign a formal contract with the merchants and ask for invoices in time after payment.

The young footballer will not admit defeat: a victory at the end of three years.

  On August 15th, Beijing Evening News reported that in recent years, the Hundred Teams Cup has opened a children’s group, which has truly realized that football starts with dolls, and many parents have teamed up with their dolls to participate in the Hundred Teams Cup. There is such a team called "elite football team" in the primary school group of the 31st Beijing Evening News Sports Window Hundred Teams Cup this year. These children have teamed up to participate in the Hundred Teams Cup children’s group since they were five years old. This year, they are all seven years old.

  Two years ago, parents (Weibo) formed this "elite football team" for their children and participated in the 29th Hundred Teams Cup with great interest. I didn’t know that on the field, I didn’t win one of the five games, and I lost 21 goals, which made the children cry. Ms. Wang, the parent of striker Xiao Jiang, said: "My son always watches Guoan players play football and especially likes Guoan team. We also support him to play football, but we didn’t expect such a big gap with others. Our original plan was like the national football team in 2002. The goal of the competition was to score a goal and win a game, and strive to qualify for the group. As a result, we didn’t score a goal, but it was all a net negative goal. " In fact, Xiao Jiang’s family is the staff of the Guoan team. The family fully supports Xiao Jiang and the elite team, and they are somewhat unyielding.

  In the second year, elite teams began to train every weekend. As long as parents have time, everyone will gather in the Olympic Sports Park to charter the venue and let the children train together. The weekend training was really effective. In the 30th Hundred Teams Cup, the elite team finally scored for the first time. But after five games, the dolls still haven’t won a victory.

  This year, the dolls of the elite team have all been promoted from kindergarten to the first grade of primary school. The distance between schools has not widened the distance between elite young players, but the strength of the team has expanded. Mr. Chen, the leader of the elite team, said: "In recent years, we will meet with all the strong teams in Beijing every weekend, and we will learn from each other. The children’s level has improved and our parents have also known each other. The children exercised with the ball and the parents became friends with the game. "

  This year, in the first match of the 31st Hundred Teams Cup, the elite team swept their opponents 11-0 and won their first victory in the Cup. The little players clap their hands with the team leader and coach again and again to celebrate the victory. This kind of happiness can’t be exchanged for any money. However, in the next four games, the elite team won 2 games and lost 2 games, and still failed to qualify for the group. However, parents say that they just love watching children’s energy, winning laughter and losing tears, and they can face setbacks positively and act like men. Next year’s Hundred Teams Cup, we will come again.

  Our reporter Chen Ying J080   

  Our reporter Ping Liu photo J163