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Psychology: 99% of emotional problems can be solved by "attitude"

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Some people say that most of the emotions you can’t maintain well will have root causes.

Regardless of the root cause of this answer, psychology lovers should first make it clear that emotion is subordinate to attitude. Attitude, on the other hand, is a relatively stable psychological tendency held by individuals towards specific objects (others, ideas, emotions or events, etc.). This psychological tendency often contains individual’s subjective evaluation and viewpoint, as well as the resulting behavioral tendency.

Now we know that emotion is a part of the whole attitude. It is in harmony with introverted feelings, intentions and habits in attitude.It is a psychological state of "attitude", which is a complex and stable physiological feedback and experience in physiology.

The "emotion" we are usually familiar with includes not only the sense of morality, but also the sense of value. It is embodied in human behavior, that is, love, happiness, hatred, disgust, beauty and other life feelings or basic attitudes.

Psychology lovers often have the thinking and habit of exploring and analyzing the essence of things, and they know that the attitude (emotional state) understood by ordinary people is not the same as the emotional attitude studied in psychology.

Ordinary people often attribute their attitude and emotion to individual personality, experience and immediate feedback, but completely ignore the root of "attitude". On the basis of this misjudgment, people often make wrong judgments or interpretations of other people’s emotional states.

Therefore, in order to clearly understand people’s emotions, it is necessary to clarify the "attitude" that can cover emotions and all kinds of psychological connections involved.

In the history of psychological development, the definition of "attitude" was first put forward by psychologists Spencer and Bein in 1862. They believe that, from the psychological level, people’s attitude is a kind of opinion that comes out first, and it is a "preconceived idea" and psychological tendency that leads individual judgment and thinking to a certain direction, that is, our daily psychological preparation.

On this basis, influenced by behaviorism in psychological research in 1930s, psychologist allport updated his predecessors’ analysis and judgment on attitude. He believes that people’s attitude is essentially a state of psychological and nervous preparation.

It is mainly organized through people’s life experience, and this "psychological and nervous preparation state" organized through experience affects the individual’s response to the situation. Obviously, allport’s definition emphasizes the role of individual experience in the formation of psychological attitude.

In 1948, psychologist Kreiger proposed that from the psychological point of view, it must be clear that attitude is actually the persistent organization of individuals’ motivation, emotion and perception of certain social phenomena in their daily lives. Like allport, Kreiger’s definition of attitude still emphasizes people’s subjective experience in the present.

However, more advanced than allport, Kreiger regards people as individuals who can think and actively construct things, rather than just passive life experiences.

In 1984, American psychologist Barker made a new conclusion about the concept and definition of "attitude".He believes that "attitude" is actually a psychological tendency of people to others, ideas or things. But he also stressed that people’s attitude is a subjective thing of ideas and opinions.

In modern times, psychologist Myers updated the definition of "attitude" again in 1993, and was recognized as a relatively perfect formulation of attitude so far. Myers believes that from the perspective of psychology, "attitude" is an "evaluative response" that people like or dislike something or someone, and this response is often manifested in people’s beliefs, emotions and tendencies.

Tracing back to the source, we clarify the connotation and extension of "attitude" and the development process of concept definition, mainly to explain the theme of "emotion" After all, emotion is contained in "attitude" and is a part of attitude. If you want to understand emotion and related problems, you should first understand the causes of emotion from the root.

If you look at the individual from the whole, you will obviously come to a biased conclusion; And only look at the overall (attitude) characteristics, but do not carefully analyze the individual (emotional) details, naturally can not see the whole picture of things.

Psychologist Myers believes that people’s attitude will inevitably involve three dimensions: emotion, behavioral intention and individual cognition. As mentioned above, the "emotion" that we usually think is the most familiar and understandable is a part of the whole self-attitude, which is in harmony with the introverted feelings and intentions in the attitude.In fact, individual emotion includes two aspects: moral sense and value sense, which are embodied in subjective feelings and experiences such as love, happiness, hatred, disgust and beauty in daily life.

From the perspective of value goal, people’s emotional expression can be divided into four categories: feelings for things, feelings for people, feelings for themselves and feelings for special things.

If we look at people’s emotions from a changing perspective, then people’s feelings about foreign things depend on the changes and tenses of their own values.According to the different ways and tenses of their own values, the ways people treat emotions can be divided into five specific forms:

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Pride

Reduced value-emotional attitude: shame

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Embarrassment

Future Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Self-confidence

Future Value Decrease-Emotional Attitude: Inferiority

Darwin, an evolutionist, believes that the state of human organism and the development of biological organism are both a process of continuous evolution. This evolution process is embodied as follows: the biological species are constantly differentiated and increased,The cell structure in organisms has become more and more complex but more orderly, and the organizational function of organisms has been deepened and strengthened.

Obviously, as a subjective emotion, the emotional development of human beings is also a process of continuous evolution. This evolution is embodied in:

The manifestations of human emotions are constantly differentiating and increasing.

The hierarchical structure of emotion is increasingly complex but more orderly.

The behavior-driven ability of emotion has been constantly evolving and strengthened.

From Darwin’s theory of evolution, we can find that in the process of analyzing human emotions, if we apply the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and biological evolution to the emotional field together, a more scientific concept and judgment method of emotional evolution will be formed.

In this sense, the establishment of a "scientific theory of emotional evolution" by individuals is not only helpful for exploring the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions and realizing "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", but also for the survival and quality of life of biological individuals.

In the long run, in today’s intelligent AI, scientific emotional concepts and judgment methods are also of great theoretical significance for scientists to develop emotional robots in the true sense.

We know that,Emotion is a subjective reflection of people’s value relationship. Therefore, the evolution and change of human emotion fundamentally originates from and depends on the evolution of value relationship in reality, that is, the evolution of human value relationship, which promotes the evolution of human emotion.

Objectively speaking, the development process of human value relationship is not only a slow quantitative change process, but also a changing process in which rapid qualitative change may occur. No matter from which aspect, it is a long, tortuous, natural, hierarchical and phased evolution process.

Therefore, if we look at the history of human emotion and its development from different dimensions, such as individual and society, individual and others, we will find that it is unscientific and idealistic to arbitrarily and unilaterally regard "emotion" as a unique thing of someone.

It is also mechanical and dogmatic to divide emotional simplicity into instinctive and dynamic categories. There is an inseparable relationship between emotion and social development, and between emotion and individual experience.

From reality, we can infer that the value relationship between people is in the process of continuous evolution.. Moreover, this evolutionary process can be divided into five basic stages:

Single factor value

Multi-factor value

Variable value
Diversity value

Multi-layer value

On the basis of this reality, there will be five stages of natural evolution of human emotions:

  • 1. Sexual emotion
  • 2. Rigid emotions
  • 3. Flexible emotions
  • 4. Intellectual emotion
  • 5. Rational emotion

Thus, emotion is a process of dynamic change and development, not a static process. In the development direction of emotional evolution, emotion is also manifested in the continuous differentiation and integration of emotion and individual cognition:

In the stage of sexual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion are completely confused and integrated;

In the rigid emotional stage, although people’s cognition and emotion are still in a state of confusion, they begin to show a trend of separation gradually;

In the stage of elastic emotion, people’s cognition and emotion will be further separated, and a new outline will gradually appear;

In the stage of intellectual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion begin to develop independently;

In the stage of rational emotion, people’s cognition and emotion can not only develop independently, but also integrate freely.

From the above classification, although emotion is always the subjective reflection of the human brain on the value relationship, it will continue to evolve and develop under the influence of various changes in reality, and its development and evolution direction fundamentally depends on the development direction of the value relationship in reality.

To sum up, we have described the physiological principle and dynamic evolution characteristics of emotion, and clearly understand that human emotion is not emotion, but a kind of physiological feedback and experience that changes and develops with the value relationship in reality.

In real life, many people lament that they can’t maintain a relationship, and it is easy to attribute the reason to the evolution of the other party and their own persistence, or other external reasons. In fact, emotion is an evolutionary process that constantly changes with the external environment, and it will not always stick to a certain state.

If we can establish a "scientific theory of emotional evolution", clearly know and explore the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions, and realize "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", then we will avoid falling into daily physiological emotions and making misjudgments or misjudgments in emotions.It is no exaggeration to say that 99% of emotional problems can be solved in these ways.

– The End –

Author | Magic Little

Edit | A grain of rice

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Alfred Adler, translated by Zhou Lang. What does life mean to you [M]. International Culture Publishing Company, 2000.

Wechat WeChat official account: the first psychology

Illustration of baseball rules

There is a non-folding line on the left side of each base. If you run 5 meters after getting on the base, you can’t turn back to the original base unless someone is on the previous base bag.

If the strike is not more than 5 m in the court, it is also a foul ball. Count a good ball and strike again. If it is the third good ball, strike out.

The batter stepped on the orange bag when running the base, and stepped on the white bag after getting on the base. All the defenders stepped on the white bag.

When the fly ball is caught, only the batter is ruled out, and all other base runner will return to the original base bag and start over.

After the defender steps on the base bag after streetball, base runner is banned from the game. There is no need to touch and kill base runner, and the game continues.

Don’t slip off the base, leave the base or steal the base. All of them will be judged as out. base runner can only leave the base after the batter hits the ball.

The home plate of the batting seat in the official competition must be made of white rubber, and the red safety plate is extended backwards directly below.

Map of Lele Baseball Field (Elementary Edition)

Baseball competition rules

First, the provisions of the strike and run:

# When swinging, be sure to make sure the surrounding clearance before swinging.

1. When hitting, you can try but not exceed the ball. Otherwise, you will score a good ball.

2. When hitting, you can’t swing the stick after the run-up. Otherwise, you will get a good ball.

3. After the second strike, swing an empty bat or hit a foul ball, and still strike out.

4. The attacking team must step on the orange base plate when rushing to the base, and the defending team must step on the white base plate.

5, do not use sacrificial touch, offenders plan a good ball to continue to hit.

6. Don’t slide the base. Sliding the base will be ruled out regardless of the result.

7. Don’t leave the base or steal the base. base runner must step on the base plate after getting on the base and wait for the batter to hit the ball before leaving the base. Otherwise, he will be sentenced out.

8. If the batting approach is less than 5 meters, a foul ball will be awarded, and one ball will be counted.

9. The result of throwing the stick is not judged out, but it is necessary to warn you to throw the stick and force the substitution.

10, base runner ran to the next base more than 5 meters can’t turn back the line, you must continue to move forward, unless the plate has other base runner.

Second, the defense regulations:

Players should avoid colliding with each other, and the catcher should stand back three meters to defend.

1. The official game adopts the 9-player system. If the starter is replaced, he can play again. After the alternate player leaves the game, he is not allowed to play again.

2, the pitcher does not throw the ball and stands on the pitcher’s board to defend, but also has to hit the next game.

3. Before the batter swings, the defender can’t go ahead of the pitcher’s board to defend.

4. Don’t touch and kill. The defenders will all be banned by stepping on the base. If the ball touches base runner, it will not be ruled out, and the game will continue.

5. When infield players (including pitchers) stop catching base runner and return the ball to home plate or pitchers, base runner should not take the opportunity to start or provoke to leave the base, but should return to the occupied base plate and wait for the next bat to swing before moving forward.

Third, on base and out

Runners can step on the white base bag after getting on the base.

1, 3 strike out (including the third ball out of bounds) 3 strike out to change teams.

2. In addition to the fielder passing the ball, all base runner can walk a base.

3. After the fly ball is received, the batter is ruled out, and the game is stopped. It is not allowed to pass and kill base runner on other bases. All base runner must return to the original base (you can step on the white base) and wait for the next swing before moving forward.

Fourth, the outcome judgment:

1. The official game is limited to 6 minutes, and the team with more scores wins.

2. If the match is not finished within 50 minutes, the winner will be judged by the final score.

3. If the game is tied in six games, the seventh game can be extended when there is time left, and the deadlock breaking system is adopted. If not,

  The time is decided by the captains of both sides guessing fists or tossing coins.


Break through the deadlock system: the last three batters in the previous game occupy 1.2.3 bases respectively, and the game is played with two outs. After the outs, the offensive and defensive exchanges are made, and the one who scores more points wins.

Five, equipment regulations:

1. The bat is 70cm long, covered with PU foam, and has an anti-swing base at the bottom.

2, baseball is orange PU foam 70 grams weight 27 cm circumference.

3. The hitting base is a rubber white home plate with two retractable black pipes on it.

4. Each base is 38x38x0.7 cm square rubber double parallel base board.

5. Only use both hands to catch the ball when defending, and do not use gloves or hats to catch the ball.

Create culture and cultivate the future.

Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 2 nd: Building culture and cultivating the future

-thinking behind baseball’s "out of the circle"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Junkuan

At the end of 2020, a documentary film with baseball as the theme "Great! Teenager has made this slightly "niche" sport in China a success.

A juvenile baseball team composed of left-behind children has realized the change of life situation through sports. Their inspirational stories of swinging against the wind and challenging their fate not only won the film the Best Documentary Feature Film Award at the FIRST Youth Film Exhibition, but also made many people really know baseball for the first time through the big screen, and then became interested in it.

Behind this successful "out-of-the-loop" case is the accumulation of countless China baseball players who have devoted themselves to popularizing popular projects. The title of the film represents the "great" and "juvenile" of the project culture, and also outlines the key words for the future development of baseball in China.

You may not know the rules of the baseball game, but you have seen the scene of this sport in Japanese comics or film and television works. At worst, I have seen baseball caps and players struggling to swing their bats. Baseball caps and bats can be said to be the most basic cultural labels of this sport.

Culture comes first and popularization lags behind, which is the present situation of baseball in most parts of China. It may seem awkward to many people, but in the eyes of Qi Dong, managing director of Major League Baseball (MLB) in China, this "upside down" is just an opportunity for baseball development.

"It is true that baseball is not as popular as some other sports now, but I don’t think it is a minority project. Because many people know baseball, but the sport itself has not been popularized. What we have to do is to unite all the forces that can be United and constantly transmit the content and culture of baseball. " Qi Dong said in an interview recently.

According to Qi Dong, in recent years, one of MLB’s main tasks in China is to continuously build project culture and influence through "going out of the circle" and "breaking the wall". In addition to participating as a strategic partner in the movie "Great! In addition to Teenagers, MLB China also successfully tried to break the wall last year, and cooperated with the popular IP "Under One Man" to form a "alien baseball team" in the second yuan and released a publicity video. It is precisely because of these attempts that I have tasted the sweetness. MLB China’s copyright cooperation, which began in the 2021 season, moved from Tencent Sports to Tencent Video, and joined hands with Oriental Pearl New Media under Shanghai Wenguang, which took a fancy to the entertainment attributes of the two partners.

In 2020, MLB China launched the original studio, and the total broadcast volume of original content exceeded 100 million. More original content authors will be supported in 2021. Children like baseball short video player and Xu Jiacheng, who has nearly 50,000 fans, have been shortlisted for the Creative Talent Camp and will receive support from content materials and funds.

Attracting the attention of teenagers as much as possible is the meaning of this series of questions of "going out of the circle" and "breaking the wall"

Coincidentally, the Chinese Baseball Association also saw the importance of building a project culture. Last year, the China Baseball Association, as a guiding unit, joined hands with People’s Baseball to launch a large-scale documentary "Baseball in China-A Guide to Faith" to tell the baseball story of China people.

In addition, the China Baseball Association also held an online interactive activity of "Baseball Network Talent Show" during the epidemic period, which showed the technical charm and cultural connotation of baseball in the form of social media challenges that young people loved. Not long ago, the China Baseball Association set up a committee for elite athletes to give full play to the power of role models and attract more young people’s attention.

It has become the consensus of China baseball people from all walks of life to create a baseball culture and help popularize the project.

The development of sports cannot be separated from the support of the participants. Two years ago, MLB released the White Paper on Baseball Population in China in 2019, which showed that by 2019, the overall size of baseball population in China was about 41 million, with 21 million active people. Among the active people, people who participate in sports account for 40.0%.

Whether a sport can enter the campus and approach teenagers determines whether there will be more and more participants. After the project temporarily left the Olympic Games in 2008, the China Baseball Association began to devote more energy to popularization and promotion, focusing on strengthening youth training and promoting the project into the campus, and achieved remarkable results.

In recent years, youth baseball has developed rapidly. With the construction of U-series tournament system as a lever, the youth competitions of U10, U12, U15, U18 and other age groups have expanded from the national championship to the national championship and the national open, and the scale of participation has tripled, with nearly 700 teams participating each year.

According to the plan of China Baseball Association, the development of youth baseball in the next five years will build a multi-channel and multi-form baseball talent training mechanism based on campus, build more traditional schools and youth sports clubs, let more young students participate in baseball, and consolidate the talent base for baseball development. In the Medium-and Long-Term Development Plan of China Baseball Industry (Draft for Comment), a specific goal is set-to strive to reach 3,000 schools to carry out baseball by 2025.

In November, 2020, the China Baseball Association also reached a cooperation with MLB on the project of baseball public welfare class entering the campus. At present, the project has landed in primary and secondary schools in Wuxi, Shanghai, Beijing and other places. The two sides will work together to bring baseball public welfare classes to more parts of the country, jointly promote the popularization of baseball campuses, and organize a wealth of event exchange activities on this basis, so that children can enhance their fun through competitions and continue to grow and progress.

Qi Dong said that four to six cities have been arranged for baseball public welfare classes to enter the campus this year. "Our goal is to hope that more and more children will feel the fun and charm of baseball at the physical education class."

"The main purpose of this project is to let more children know at least what baseball is, how to run, jump and throw it, how to know that it is a team sport, how to use their brains, how to be resourceful and so on through physical education class. These all allow children to exercise, both physically and mentally. " Qi Dong said, "If all primary schools in the country have baseball in physical education class, then baseball will be really popular in China, and the development of baseball in the future will be very broad."

Game recommendation in August 2023: Mecha, magic, strategy, start the fantasy adventure in August.

In August, the game lineup was enriched again. In addition to masterpieces such as Armored Core 6 and Bode Gate 3, there are also many interesting indie games. A9VG continues to recommend new tours in August. What games do you want to play? Come and have a look with me.

Video version(release date/platform/language, etc.)

High definition video address

Text version of the work information:

Duguang Danqing Record (Preemptive Experience Edition)

Date: August 1st.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: clearance action, adventure, ink and wash style

Introduction: The 2D+Z-axis horizontal board action fighting game under the mythical background has the style judgment and mechanism of the fighting game, which needs rich elements such as action combo through reaction and operation, clean and refreshing action, multi-role and hidden mechanism, nonlinear main line play, chess cultivation mode and so on.

Thronefall (Preemptive Experience Edition)

Date: August 2nd.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: strategy, urban construction, tower defense

Introduction: In Thronefall, we try to strip away all unnecessary complexity in the classic strategy game and combine it with a proper amount of slashing. Build your base during the day and defend it at night until your last breath. Can you find the right balance between economy and defense? Do you need more archers, thicker walls or extra mills? Will you keep the enemy out with a longbow, or will you ride at them? Tonight will be a difficult night, but nothing is more gratifying than seeing the sun rising over your little kingdom and welcoming a new day.

Bode Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3

Date: August 3rd (September 6th, PS5 edition)

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: RPG

Introduction: Gather your team, return to the forgotten country, and start a legendary story that records friendship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the temptation of supreme power. Mysterious forces are waking up in your body, and all this comes from parasites planted in your brain by the mind-snatcher. Resist it. Fight the darkness with the power of darkness. You can also choose to accept this corruption and become the ultimate evil. The next-generation RPG created by the creative team of "Divine World: Original Sin 2" will be unfolded in the D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) world.

Roaming guide of Babel

A Guidebook of Babel

Date: August 3rd.

Platform: NS, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: puzzle solving, adventure, plot

Introduction: A story adventure game with butterfly effect as the core. You will board the fantastic ship named Babel and experience a bizarre reincarnation journey … Travelers’ wishes and regrets are intertwined here. Are you ready to pick up a pen and rewrite everything they have experienced?

Colorful wings: rain forest butterfly

Flutter Away

Date: August 3rd.

Platform: NS, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: exploration, collection, relaxation

Introduction: Enjoy the tranquility of Amazon rainforest in this comfortable short nature exploration game. As a butterfly researcher who participated in the five-day activity tour, players can explore nearby trails, take photos, make friends with animals and record the discoveries along the way!

White photo album: winter memories

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow

Date: August 4th.

Platform: PC(Steam)

Language: Traditional Chinese

Type: visual novel, love, plot

Introduction: The content of the game is based on the PC version of "White Album-Spelled Winter Memories-"released in 2012 (currently discontinued), and has been adjusted to support Windows 11. The main actors are Aya Hirano, Mizuki Nana, Masu Nozomi, Megumi Takamoto, Haruka Tomatsu, Romi Park and Satou Rina.

Several rice

かぞぇ rice

Date: August 4th.

Platform: PC

Language: Japanese

Type: Zen, leisure, hardcore

Introduction: such as the name of the game, the gameplay counts how many grains of rice are in a bowl of rice. In normal mode, a bowl of 2000~4000 grains of rice will be randomly generated, with 500~1000 grains in simple mode and 4000~8000 grains in hard core mode.


Date: August 5th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: samurai, hand painting, 2D fighting.

Introduction: The story background of "Sclash" is set in Japan during the feudal period. This is a bushido world where swords are used to execute a one-shot killing. Players will play a samurai and train themselves to grasp the timing of the sword killing and make a correct total judgment to complete the challenge of one-shot killing. The game provides 5 operable characters, 16 battle stages and more than 50 skin appearances. Besides offline and online battle modes, there is also a story mode for players to experience.

Legendary wrestler


Date: August 8th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC, iOS, Android.

Language: Chinese

Type: role-playing, wrestling, adventure

Introduction: the fate collision of doubles wrestling! The passion adventure of the ultimate pixel wind, the romantic collision between professional wrestling and RPG. A large number of wrestling stars such as "Macho Man” Randy Savage will take you to the stage and win glory. This heroic journey is not just an epic mission, it is the mission of The Legendary Wrestler!

Chaoji party

Chickenoidz Super Party

Date: August 8th.

Platform: NS, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: multi-person, cooperation, leisure

Introduction: This is a multi-player action shooting game with a bird’s-eye view for up to 4 people. You can play games locally or online through Steam. Use a series of incredible weapons, special equipment, and even mutations to steal the limelight. Beat your opponent out of the water and tear everything around you to pieces. Raise the irritated feathers and become the ultimate winner of the chicken fight.

I am the future: a leisurely doomsday life

I am Future

Date: August 9th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Construction, Sandbox, Life Simulation

Introduction: "I am the future" is a leisure survival game, in which players will build a warm and comfortable roof camp in the flooded last city. Build farms, cook delicious food, disassemble tools to make resources, hire cute robots to automatically handle chores, and uncover the mystery behind the extinction disaster.

Hyperdimensional game Neptune GameMaker R:Evolution

Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution

Date: August 10th.

Platform: PS5/4, NS

Language: Japanese

Type: RPG, quadratic

Introduction: "Adult Neptinu", a girl who travels in many dimensional worlds, will be the president of the game company, and together with three new goddesses, set off a revolution of game manufacturers.

Lost gods: role-playing musicals

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Date: August 10th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: plot, adventure, single person

Introduction: gods, love, murder, and musicals? ! In this world, Greek gods hide the mortal world; And you will play Grace, bringing friends, rivals and lovers into your music world with touching music, thus changing your destiny and uncovering the mystery of the death of the "last muse".

Sanglingji decoction

Zombie Soup

Date: August 10th.

Platforms: NS, PC, PS4/5

Language: Chinese

Type: action shooting, overlooking angle, barrage.

Introduction: People in the town have become zombies! Ricky, a teenager on a graduation trip, was involved in this storm when he first arrived. In order to save the girl "Ashley" kidnapped by Dr. Evil, she resolutely took the mysterious talking skeleton "MC Cool Lou" to embark on the adventure of saving the United States by a hero.

Waiting for him will be hordes of zombies, well-designed challenges, and leaders with absurd and bizarre abilities.

Fanchang strategy


Date: August 10th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: strategy, turn-based and role-playing.

Introduction: Banchou Tactics is a turn-based strategy RPG featuring Japanese unhealthy youth. In a city in Japan, a bloody dispute between three universities began a few years ago. Rong University, Nakamura Industrial University, and Hong Kong University. Three high-efficiency into madness.

the millionaire of 3 kingdoms v

The Millionaire of 3 Kingdoms V

Date: August 10th.

Platform: PC(Steam)

Language: Chinese

Type: turn-based, strategy and card.

Introduction: The classic strategy game landed on Steam, [added 3vs3 battle system] [optional master upgraded to 21] [freely allocated pet upgrade and learning points] [collected resources to build historical buildings] [increased equipment to 5 parts] [launched a timely turnaround battle with over 100 kinds of clever cards] [one-machine four-person battle mode]

Dust-laden mainland

Atlas Fallen

Date: August 11th.

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Action, Role Playing, Exploration

Introduction: Rise in the dust and walk against the sand in this eternal land, which is full of ancient dangers, mysteries and fragments of the past. Use powerful sand power weapons and superpowers to fight spectacular superpowers and hunt legendary monsters.

Warring States Dynasty (Preemptive Experience Edition)

Sengoku Dynasty

Date: August 11th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: simulation, adventure, role-playing

Introduction: In an open world of feudal Japan, villages were built and managed. Survive, explore, meet unique characters and build your dynasty. Choose to fight alone or cooperate with others.

Space mechanic simulator

Space Mechanic Simulator

Date: August 11th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: simulation, space, leisure

Introduction: Become a space mechanic! Get your hands dirty, explore the depths of space, and repair broken machines. Use charts and tools to diagnose problems, carry out maintenance, manage your resources, and watch the simulated machine come to life. Or just stare at the beauty of the solar system.

Westward Journey-Liulizhan

Journey to the West Glass Cup

Date: August 14th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: 2D platform, plate cleaning action, roguelike

Introduction: This is a horizontal action adventure game, interspersed with rougelike and puzzle-solving elements, and with the three realms where monsters and ghosts coexist as the background, telling the story of Lao Sha and other westward journey characters before learning the scriptures, in which the player’s perspective will follow the bearded protagonist to collect glass fragments and cross this dangerous and enchanting world.

Moving around 2

Moving Out 2

Date: August 15th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: cooperation, leisure

Introduction: "Moving around" is back, and it is even weirder than before. Now there is an online play mode! Go back to Packmore and use your moving technology to shuttle between new dimensions and some old love. Help rebuild Smooth Moves and become a star employee of F.A.R.T (furniture planning and moving master)!

Pathfinder (Preemptive Experience Edition)


Date: August 16th.

Platform: PS5/4, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: role-playing, action, adventure

Introduction: Become a pathfinder, shine brilliantly on your own road and game style, and repel the hostile forces occupying your world at the same time. Control chaos, and shape and make endless adventures with friends by yourself, because pathfinders will be stronger if they unite.

Kasimov (Preemptive Experience Edition)


Date: August 17th

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: role-playing, tactics

Introduction: In this dark turn-based looting and evacuation RPG, play a mercenary of a well-fought private armed company. Challenge the cruel battle and manage your spaceship, pile up the way forward with the lives of countless clones, and finally unlock the dark secret that threatens the life of the whole universe.

Shadow deception: cursed pirates

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

Date: August 17th

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: strategy, tactics, role-playing Introduction: Welcome to the lost Caribbean! In this stealth strategy game, join a ghost ship with a fresh soul and gather a group of cursed pirate crew. Accept the supernatural forces gladly to fight against the fierce inquisition army, and then obtain the mysterious treasure of the legendary Captain Mordechai.



Date: August 18th

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Strategy, Colonization, Survival

Introduction: Gold is a single-player adventure strategy game. To survive in this dark fantasy world, you must build your own town, but if you want to win, you must conquer the darkness lurking outside the city gate.

Smurf go-karting

Smurfs Kart

Date: August 22nd

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: racing, cartoon, multiplayer

Introduction: Who is the fastest Smurfs in town? This will be the question you need to answer in this dynamic go-kart racing game in the Smurfs world! The whole family can choose a Smurf, its go-kart and special power, and then you can start wild racing! Start perfectly, find a shortcut, use the right props at the right time, and surpass your opponent! Whether you are a novice or an experienced driver, you can play alone or with friends and family … Try to win the first prize and show others who is the fastest Smurfs!

Legend of the immortal

Immortals of Aveum

Date: August 22nd

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: action, fantasy, first person

Introduction: The Legend of the Immortal is a first-person magic shooting game, and the game story revolves around the protagonist "Jacques"; Facing this precarious world, Jacques joined the elite battlemage order and undertook the mission of saving the nation.


Fort Solis

Date: August 23rd.

Platform: PS5, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: thriller, cinematic, adventure

Introduction: The framework of Solisburg is built on the ground and underground. The base includes various locations, and each location has its own surface and subsurface checkpoints. Players can explore the surface damaged by the storm and isolated from the world, without any light, creepy maintenance passages, or help many departments such as engineering, medical care and communication to ensure the daily operation of Solisburg. As the story unfolds, you can revisit these places at will to learn more about the story, or continue to serve as the background of Jack’s fate as time goes by.

Jisu Cycling 5


Date: August 25th.

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: motorcycle, sports, racing.

Introduction: In RIDE 5, get your engine running and get ready to rush to the track. This will be an adrenaline-filled game experience at any time, so real that it seems that it is really going beyond the limit. In this ultimate motorcycle game, you will find your favorite motorcycle and keep discovering new surprises! You can race on more than 35 tracks and collect as many as 200 motorcycles from world-renowned car factories. Each design element is designed to give you a real motorcycle driving experience.

Blasphemy of God II

Blasphemous II

Date: August 25th.

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, NS, PC(PS4 and XB1 versions will be launched later).

Language: Chinese

Type: Galaxy-like Demon City, Action, 2D

Introduction: "Penitent No.1" woke up in "Blasphemy of God 2" and once again fell into an endless journey against "miracle". Go deep into this dangerous new world, which is full of mysteries and secrets waiting for you to discover. Many terrible enemies will stop you from completing your goal. You must fight your way out and find a way to completely end this cycle.

Armored core 6: realm skyfire


Date: August 25th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Mecha, Combat, Action

Introduction: "Armored Core 6: Skyfire" is a brand-new action game born after Bandai Nanmenggong Entertainment and FromSoftware re-examined the concept of "Armored Core" series of games by using the accumulated knowledge and experience in the development of various action games. Players can play in various ways by assembling AC. According to the choice of parts, in addition to the attack mode, the action and combat mode will also bring changes. Players can plan different unique body strategies to challenge different tasks.

Bee island

Bee Island

Date: August 26th

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Strategy, Sandbox, Construction

Introduction: Control the hive and protect it from enemy attacks. Building factories, world miracles and national defense. Study technology and use nuclear weapons if necessary, but don’t let the enemy hurt the queen!

Goodbye, volcano high.

Goodbye Volcano High

Date: August 29th

Platform: PS5/4, PC

Language: English and Japanese

Type: Music, Plot, Hand-painted

Introduction: Goodbye volcano high is a film narrative adventure about love, change and the end of an era. After the last year of high school, they tried to get things done before graduation.

Under the blue waves

Under the Waves

Date: August 29th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: ocean, atmosphere, exploration

Introduction: "Under the Blue Waves" is a narrative-driven adventure game, which shows the swallowing power of sadness. The story takes place in the depths of the North Sea in the 1970s, a fantasy world of science and technology in the future. In the story, professional diver Stan will struggle to overcome a major change in his life and embrace a new future. The loneliness in the deep sea became the concentrated expression of his inner state, and when Stan was immersed in the loneliness imposed on himself, he began to experience one bizarre event after another under the blue waves. He will eventually have to make a hard choice …

Agatha christie-hercule poirot: The London Case

Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirot – The London Case

Date: August 29th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: adventure, action, visual novel.

Introduction: In this detective adventure game, you will become a famous detective hercule poirot and cooperate with Lloyd’s of London to ensure the transportation, protection and sales of precious paintings in Ramaglia. This painting will be the core exhibit in the new exhibition of the London Museum, in addition to other church art works borrowed from Brussels. For the first time, players will cooperate with Arthur Hastings, Poirot’s famous partner in the book, to solve new mysteries together. In the thrilling new chapter of hercule poirot’s youth, experience new places, adventures and partners.

Strategic thinking: the spirit of freedom

Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty

Date: August 29th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: turn-based tactics, military, World War II.

Introduction: This is a turn-based strategy game driven by the history of World War II. You will lead the Finnish army, which is short of manpower, to participate in the winter war, the continuation war and the Lapland war, so that your country will not be swallowed up by the red threat. Don’t Molotov!

Nightmare in the daytime: Sandcastle 1994

Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle

Date: August 30th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC(NS version will be launched later).

Language: Chinese

Type: horror, third-person shooting, survival

Introduction: This is a third-person story-driven survival horror game, and the last part, Nightmare 1998, has been well received by critics. Dalila Reyes (formerly a government spy), who became a secret agent, shouldered the mission of HADES (Six Nuclear Rescue and Search Department) and went into the most famous and mysterious place in the world.

Sea of stars

Sea of Stars

Date: August 30th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC (PS+ 2nd and 3rd gear and XGP are added for the first time).

Language: Chinese

Type: turn-based, role-playing, pixel

Introduction: This is a turn-based role-playing game that pays tribute to the classics. Players will play the role of two sons of the double solstice, gathering the power of the sun and the moon to cast the magic of star eclipse, so as to fight against the horrible creation under the evil flesh and blood warlock.

Happy samba rock and roll party

Samba de Amigo: Party Central

Date: August 30th.

Platform: NS

Language: Chinese

Type: rhythm, music, somatosensory.

Introduction: This work is a brand-new series of rhythmic action game Samba de Amigo, which has won high praise on arcade, DC, Wii and other platforms and can be easily played by anyone. Take Joy-Con of NS as a sand hammer, aim at the time when the "rhythm ball" flying with the music enters the effective area, and find the right angle to swing Joy-Con! Players can dance or pose according to the instructions on the screen and enjoy the fun of the game in the cheerful rhythm of popular music.

Trinity 5: clockwork conspiracy

Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy

Date: August 31st

Platforms: NS, PC, PS4/5, XSX|S, XB1.

Language: Chinese

Type: action adventure, platform, puzzle solving, cooperation.

Introduction: In the fifth series of games, three heroes with the same soul will fight against the most cruel and treacherous enemies and crush their ambition to control the kingdom. Time is pressing, come and save the world.

How 2 Escape

Date: August 31st

Platform: PC, NS, Xbox, PS

Language: English

Type: puzzle solving, cooperation, multi-player.

Introduction: an escape simulation game, two players need to cooperate in asymmetric game mode and equipment. The first player showed the role of being trapped on the train on the PC, exploring and playing with the environment. The second player will use the special free companion application to get all kinds of information, and try to understand how to help the first player and escape from this unfortunate trip. (Get the free How 2 Escape companion application on iOS and Android)

The computer must be installed with three masterpieces of Steam games, each of which is a boutique!

Today, I recommend three excellent game masterpieces on Steam.

The first paragraph: Fury 2. A masterpiece of shooting game, this game has a good picture, this game is for decompression, throw away all the accurate marksmanship and tactical play, and just do it directly. The gameplay is really refreshing and full of shooting sense. Don’t miss the end of shooting games. It’s super fun.

Paragraph 2: Resident Evil 3 remastered version. The quality of the game itself is good, except for the short process, there are basically no shortcomings. The game screen is very good, the rhythm is very fast, and the atmosphere is also very good. Players who like horror games should not miss it. It is super fun.

The third paragraph: The Legend of Ninja Dragon Sword. One of the most interesting act games on the computer, with good screen, smooth movement and strong sense of attack, is very challenging. Players who like hardcore games should not miss it.

Today is the whole content of this video. See you next time. Bye.

The national football team performed twice in 2 minutes: making a red card and shoveling a single knife! The commentary was amazed and the fans applauded.

At 2pm on 23rd, the China men’s soccer team visited Auckland to challenge New Zealand, which ranked 105th in the world. 0-0, the two teams drew a blank. The performance of the national football team is still qualified, with Lei Wu and Wei Shihao on the offensive end and Wei Zhen on the defensive end playing well. Especially in the 62 nd and 64 th minutes, two minutes of attack and defense won applause from the national football fans at the scene.

Two hours before the national football competition, the younger brother U24 lost the national football team 0-2 to New Zealand U22, but he couldn’t beat the other team. As a big brother, the national football team can’t afford to lose-if it loses, it will take four hours and two defeats, and the China men’s football team will even lose its head.

Lei Wu’s anti-aircraft guns.

Wei Shihao’s free kick is higher than that.

In the opening stage, the national football team is still the same, it is difficult to pass more than three feet in a row, and the scene is very passive. Except for Wei Shihao, the frontcourt attack lacks bright spots. After Yi Bian fought again, the national football team seized a mistake made by New Zealand and reversed the trend:

In the 63rd minute, New Zealand passed the ball and played with fire in the backcourt, and Lei Wu staged speed master to steal the ball before New Zealand captain Smith. Smith put Lei Wu down behind his back. Lei Wu, sitting on the ground, made a gesture of "penalty card", and the referee directly sent Smith off with a red card!

Lei Wu made Smith’s red card with his speed and agility, creating a situation of 11-10 for the national football team. China fans at the Intelligent Mountain Stadium burst into applause and cheers. Lei Wu’s performance was recognized by the fans.

Just 2 minutes later, New Zealand also made a quick counterattack and formed an excellent opportunity for 1V1! Fortunately, Wei Zhenguo, the national football defender, broke the shovel and made a wonderful steal from behind.

For Wei Zhen’s shovel, the New Zealand broadcaster commentator shouted: "wonderful, what a beautiful shovel break! What a tackle)!” Wei Zhen also high-fived his teammates to celebrate.

Wu Xi, captain of the national football team

For the national football team, this is a crucial defense: if Wei Zhen fouls, it is likely to be a red dot package, and the confidence and number advantage that the national football team has just established will be ruined in an instant. Fortunately, Wei Zhen’s tackle was clean and very uplifting!

Although China’s men’s soccer team is always criticized and ridiculed by fans, judging from these two minutes of attack and defense, the performance of the national football team is obviously better than that of New Zealand. Lei Wu swoops down and steals the ball from New Zealand captain Smith, who pulls down Lei Wu behind him and is sent off with a red card. In a blink of an eye, New Zealand’s fast break and Wei Zhen’s back tackle were textbook defense.

11 to 10 has become the key for the national football team to reverse the situation. Unfortunately, the fierce attack of the national football team failed to get a goal. China fans are not demanding, and 0-0 is acceptable. The national football fans at the scene also applauded the national football team …

Aofei Entertainment: The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year.

According to the news of Securities Star, Aofei Entertainment (002292) answered investors’ concerns on the investor relations platform on November 27th.

Investors:Why does your company continue to have no works launched?

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year. This year, many animated series have been broadcast, such as Super Flash 14, Super Flash Culture in China, Sheep Village Guardian 6: Braving Four Seasons City, Sheep Village Guardian 7: Wandering in the Mysterious Ocean, Hurricane spirit of war’s Sword Spinning Gyro 2, Dinosaur Guardian of Quantum Team, Balala’s Little Devil’s Star Edge Butterfly Qi, Meng Chicken Team 5, and Super Flash: Le Di Acceleration. I suggest you pay attention to official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account such as Aofei Entertainment, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, and Balala Little Magic Fairy to learn more about the latest information of the company’s animation content. thank you

Investors:As of November 20, 2023, how many shareholders are there in the company? Thank you!

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello, except for the semi-annual report, annual report and other regular reports or other important matters requiring the disclosure of the number of shareholders, the number of shareholders at other time points is not the legal disclosure information. In order to protect the interests of shareholders, it is inconvenient for the company to provide relevant information such as the register of shareholders and the number of shareholders without verifying the identity of shareholders. Therefore, according to the relevant information disclosure rules and internal requirements of the company, the company mainly discloses the relevant shareholders and the number of shareholders in regular reports or specific matters. If you want to know the number of shareholders at other time points, please bring your own shareholding certificate and valid identification to the company to handle the inquiry business. Thanks for understanding!

Investors:Hello, Secretary Dong! Now that Tik Tok is developing too fast, does the company attach importance to the cooperation with Tik Tok? Do other companies have any advantages compared with Tik Tok’s cooperation? It is hoped that the company and Tik Tok will further expand the cooperation space on the basis of stable cooperation. thank you

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Following the development trend of the new media industry, the company has expanded the communication reach mode and scope, and built different types of all-round new media content reach channels including network video platform, IPTV, OTT, audio platform and short video platform. At present, the company has opened several official IP accounts such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Armor Warrior and Super Flash on short video platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and then actively explores more possibilities in linkage promotion, derivative creation and brand announcement. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Does Shenzhen, where Aofei Entertainment has a 12% stake, see whether technology has space photography technology? Do you have VR photography technology? What it has been used for.

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Shenzhen has seen the development of technology with two-wheel drive of software and hardware, and it has strong competitiveness in the field of VR ultra-high definition video and intelligent video conferencing machine: in the field of VR panoramic ultra-high definition video, professional-grade panorama camera Obsidian series (12K, 8K), 5G+8K VR live broadcast system, consumer-grade panorama camera QooCam series and other products have been mass-produced; In the field of video conference, products such as Kandao Meeting, Kandao Meeting Pro and Kandao Meeting S have been launched. I suggest you go to see the official website of Science and Technology and WeChat WeChat official account for more information. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Big Wolf 9: When is it scheduled to be released? Probably winter vacation or summer vacation

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The project of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9" is progressing as scheduled, and it is planned to be officially released next year. At present, the specific schedule has not been determined. I suggest you pay attention to the relevant information pushed by "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf" or "Aofei Entertainment" official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account. Thank you for your attention!

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information and generated by algorithm, which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Securities Star strives for but does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, effectiveness and timeliness of all or part of this information (including but not limited to text, video, audio, data and charts). Please contact us if you have any questions. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

Football Association, the real reason for the continuous decline of football in China!

After taking office, the leaders of the new Football Association vowed the administrative program and development plan as before, among which the youth training work was placed in an extremely prominent position.

Looking back on the development history of modern football in China, the national team has lost ground from once to now. From the quasi-first-class in Asia at the beginning, it has fallen to the third-rate now. The real reason lies in the stubbornness of the football system and the exaggeration and failure to implement the youth training.

In 1985, Grandpa Deng proposed that "football should start with dolls". Thirty years later (February 2015), the First Secretary proposed that "we should develop and revitalize the football cause, pay attention to the mass base, consolidate the talent base, start with dolls, start with grassroots units, and start with mass participation".

Therefore, every president of the Football Association has vowed to talk about football from dolls and intensify efforts to do a good job in youth training.

But what about the actual situation?

At present, there are fewer and fewer excellent top players trained by youth training, but more and more players with mediocre skills. The results of the junior and national youth teams are getting worse and worse, and even qualifying for the group in Asia is a luxury.

But why should every leader of the Football Association take youth training as the focus?

Because youth training is a long-term systematic project, it is difficult to show real results and achievements in 3-5 years. The term of office of the president of the Football Association is generally four years. As long as you don’t make mistakes during this period, the youth training work can always be described and written. As for the national team’s performance is getting worse and worse, it can be completely pushed to the predecessor, who did not do a good job in youth training.

In my opinion, as a capable and responsible leader of the Football Association, we should concentrate on the development and implementation of youth training, rather than overemphasizing the illusory youth training (it’s like a family child who has not studied yet, and generally preaches that he should be trained as a schoolmaster in Tsinghua and Peking University). Even if you really want to focus on youth training, can the leaders of the Football Association make a written pledge to fulfill a military order, and what kind of achievements the junior high school and the national youth team will achieve during their term of office? If they fail to achieve their goals, they will resign.

In my opinion, youth training is important and needs constant efforts. However, it is urgent for the leaders of the Football Association to grasp how to change the unreasonable systems of China football and how to govern the current foul-mouthed competition. How to improve the professional ability of football referees; How to locate the real strength of the national team in Asia and work out the actual plan and the achievements and goals that should be achieved in the competition.

Only such a leader of the Football Association can be a good leader with responsibility, courage and sincere desire to promote China football.

Therefore, when the leaders of the Football Association took office, they vowed to do a good job in youth training, which is a real reason for the continuous decline of football in China!

The above analysis is purely personal. Welcome everyone to express their opinions and discuss and exchange for the rise of football in China!

FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University women’s football team beat paulista University in Brazil to win the championship.

On October 31st, Beijing time, the women’s football team of Beijing Normal University beat paulista University of Brazil to win the FIFA World Cup in Jinjiang.

In the just-concluded women’s team final of 2023 Jinjiang Universiade Football World Cup, China’s Beijing Normal University drew 2-2 with Brazil’s paulista University in 120 minutes, and won 5-4 on penalties to win the championship.

The FISU Football World Cup is a global college football event focused by FISU. In 2019, the event was held in Jinjiang, Fujian, and 24 teams from all over the world participated.

The 2nd FIFA World Cup will be held in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province in October 2023. In May 2024, the 2024 FIFA World Cup will be held in Dalian, Liaoning.

"Football Manager 2024" homeless evaluation 8.4 points this damn and wonderful football.

At one o’clock in the morning, I took my eyes off the screen at the end of the game.

The coke can creaked when I pinched it.

"Buy clique, eat kickbacks, no tactics, substitution suicide; One will be unable to exhaust the three armies, so please give me a class, Tenghage. "

I opened "Football Manager 2024", which is a completely different world line-Manchester United is no longer the fish-eating team that was slaughtered by others, but once again embarked on the journey of triple crown.

This time, the official will also use the "parallel world" model as a propaganda point, but in fact it is to start a season without initial transfer.

The reason why "Football Manager" can make players fondle it, not only because it brings a parallel football world, so that you can make up for those regrets in reality, but also because it can help you become the uncompromising supreme leader of the team and make the players who are already millionaires bow to you. And you are in charge of their life and death: criticism, fines, decentralization of the reserve team, immediate dismissal, as long as you see them unhappy, then the game can satisfy you.

Of course, Football Manager can do more than that. It can satisfy almost all your wishes for the football world. Its player database is accurate to amateur leagues that ordinary people can participate in. The complexity of tactics allows you to accurately reproduce the concept of real football masters, and the freedom of operation gives you the possibility of doing everything in detail, and also allows you to entrust AI with full responsibility.

It can be said that whether you are a fan or not, Football Manager will gradually make you feel the charm of the whole football world.

Damn football, football is wonderful.

Compared with the previous generation’s minor repairs, this "Football Manager 2024" has made many fruitful changes. After about 50 hours of exploration, I think the most important adjustment in this work is the upgrade of the positioning ball system.

In fact, no matter corner kicks, free kicks or foul balls, they only account for a small part in football matches. Many times, it is difficult for you to see the team score goals directly with them.

But that doesn’t mean the set-pieces aren’t important. It is a unique part of tactics, which can directly create opportunities beyond defense and is also a magic weapon to defeat the strong with the weak.

Whenever I talk about the famous corner kick, I always think of the Champions League final between Manchester United and Bayern Munich at Camp Nou in 1999.

Dozens of seconds ago, Manchester United just equalized the score with a close-range shot, and in the subsequent corner kick, Beckham scored a long pass with precise guidance, Sheringham headed the ferry in front, and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who was ambushed later, succeeded in overtaking at the last stoppage time.

At that time, Johansson, the president of the Football Association, was ready to present the Big Ear Cup to the Germans. However, when he walked out of the player’s aisle, he was shocked: "Why are the winning teams crying, while the losing team is dancing?"

It was this scene that Sir Alex Ferguson witnessed that led to the famous saying "Football, bloody hell".

This is the charm of the positioning ball, which has the power to create miracles in a moment. Now in Football Manager 2024, you finally have a chance to create a unique set of set-pieces tactics.

The game will provide complete guidance. You only need to answer a few questions briefly, and the coaching staff can help you tailor a set of appropriate corner kick tactics. After that, you can adjust each player’s position and responsibilities in detail.

You can let the air bully in the team attack the middle road, as long as you reach the ball, it will pose a fatal threat, but it will also be surrounded by heavy troops on the opposite side; If you send him to the near post or the far post, you can disperse the enemy’s defensive forces, but it will be easier for the goalkeeper to catch the ball or give the opposing players more reaction time.

Therefore, you need to let many attacking players take care of each other. Some people are responsible for pushing forward to distract the enemy, some people ambush in situ to try to head the ferry, some people meet at the top of the restricted area to fight for the second point, and some people secretly ambush a fatal blow. Only in this way can we find a chance in the well-defended attack zone 3.

Actual combat effect

Almost the same goal in the same game proves the power of a good corner kick tactic.

The tactical freedom of "Football Manager 2024" is not limited to this. You can refine the corner kick to play an inner arc ball or an outer arc ball, arrange players to open a tactical short corner kick near the corner flag area, or throw the football into the restricted area with a "Grenade tactic" when the foul ball is close to the restricted area. It can be said that in this generation, you can’t reproduce the volley world wave connected by two people, and no matter what set-pieces tactics you want to build, you have everything in the game.

It is worth mentioning that it may be because this generation has more options to "interfere with the opposing goalkeeper" when deploying players. In every season of "Football Manager 2024", the main goalkeeper will encounter much higher risk of injury than previous generations, and often will be absent for weeks or even more than a month because of cracked palms. Although this may weaken the team’s strength, it finally gives those substitute goalkeepers more opportunities to play.

Expert: This is the fracture price.

It’s hard to buy people, and it’s even harder to sell them.

Transfer transaction has always been the top priority in running the team, but this book has added two new mechanisms to the process of selling players.

Before selling the players, you can have a cup of tea with their agents and talk about whether any team wants to buy them.

They will tell the truth and take the initiative to help you contact the team to make an offer if there is an opportunity. And if even they don’t like the deal, you can almost give up.

Moreover, your conversation may only be regarded as a casual chat by the players, which is much milder than putting them on the transfer list or recommending them directly to other clubs, and will not make the players have any opinions on you.

If you are not satisfied with the quotation found by the broker, you can contact the middleman again and ask them to help you broker several deals, and you need to pay them an expensive intermediary fee. Fortunately, their feedback speed is usually fast enough to save you a lot of time.

These two new mechanisms seem to provide you with more means to sell players, but they don’t actually make the transfer transaction in Football Manager 2024 easier.

The reason is that this generation has the most outrageous rising speed of players’ worth, the most stingy team budget and the most savvy AI.

In the second summer transfer window of the game, Osman, who scored 16 league goals in a season, was worth 230 million euros, but even if I wanted to sell him, other teams had no money at all. Bayern and Manchester United, the only ones who have made an offer, are only willing to pay a mere 50 million.

However, the transfer budgets of the powerful teams in this play are surprisingly small. Even Newcastle, which is kept by Saudi local tyrants, has only 6 million euros left, while the middle and lower reaches, such as Bournemouth and Burnley, simply have no money left.

And according to the official, the AI ? ? coach in this game will also become more rational when buying people, not only paying attention to the player’s ability and potential (CA/PA), but also considering whether his key attributes meet the needs.

Therefore, even if Football Manager 2024 adds some auxiliary trading systems, it will only benefit marginal players who are not worth a few dollars. And if you want to sell the stars at a good price, it may be even more difficult than the previous ones.

What’s even more embarrassing is that even if your team has an oil dad in Football Manager 2024, you can’t wave money and hit people casually, because the fiscal fairness policy of this play is very strict.

Even if your transfer budget is as much as 300 million, but limited by financial fairness, you may only spend 60 million of it to buy people, and if you accidentally spend too much, you will have to sell players to even the bill or take the risk of suspension.

Of course, it does not rule out that it is caused by a BUG in the pre-experience version.

This is another problem for the coaches. At least, it is the first time for a player like me who has been playing the Football Manager series for seven years to run into a financial fairness policy in the game. Perhaps when you are thinking hard about how to balance the accounts, you can finally understand that it is not easy to manage the team’s finances in reality.

New league, new position

This generation of "Football Manager" also introduced Japan’s third-class J League for the first time.

The level of players in J1 League matches that of the British Championship, but limited by the prestige of the League, it may be difficult for you to dig up high-potential calves from Europe-even if the development of Japanese football is not what it used to be, they are not willing to bet their future on this far east island country. Moreover, the J League, which starts in spring and ends in autumn every year, is far from the European League, which usually starts in autumn. If you want to sign foreign aid, you may have to wait until the end of the whole season before they can join the team.

In addition, your experience in other leagues can basically be applied to J League. Compared with some low-level leagues, the budget of J League is quite sufficient. After all, the Kobe Victory Ship, which I expected to rank eighth when I started the file, also has a transfer budget of about 10 million euros available.

Let’s focus on the team itself again, and look at an optional position added by the full-backs in this game-Inverted Full-Backs (IFB).

This change is probably to better conform to the ever-changing football tactics. Although Barcelona had a similar tactical design in cruyff’s time, it was Guardiola who now coached Manchester City that really carried it forward.

The side and back waist will be retracted when controlling the ball, and will come to the back waist position to help the defenders create opportunities to pass the ball forward, while when there is no ball, they will return to the back line for traditional defense work. Representative players in this field are Cancelo in Manchester City, kyle walker today and Ram in Bayern.

Correspondingly, the central defender also increased the position of free agent. Similar to the flank and waist, he will insert forward to help the team pass the ball when holding the ball, and will retreat to the back line when defending. This new tactical requirement is different from the traditional "scavenger" and beckenbauer-style freemen, and it is also a play created by Guardiola for stones.

In order to cooperate with these two new positions, the players’ positions have become more intelligent now. For example, when the side and back waist push forward, you will see that the remaining three defenders also adjust their positions during the running, transforming the four-defender system into a defensive state more similar to that of the three-defender.

Of course, in fact, most players don’t really play tactics that carefully, but these brand-new designs can be regarded as providing a completely different system for those players who like to study tactics.

Other piecemeal changes

After upgrading the lighting and turf materials, the picture of "Football Manager 2024" has made gratifying progress. With the further adjustment of player animation and football trajectory in the previous work, it will also bring a lot of improvement to your watching experience.

The official comparison chart (the left is the previous work and the right is the present work)

In addition, when you created the coach, this book also added some optional accessories, including glasses, medals and face color. Of course, for me, I’m even more surprised to find that Football Manager doesn’t know when to pinch a female coach-although this is just an old function that has been around since last year.

What is limited to our play is still the pre-experience version of the game launched two weeks in advance, so there are still many outrageous bugs in it. For example, when adjusting the lineup in the game, you may find that after changing the positions of two players on the list, only an animated performance was played, but they still stayed in their original positions and did not move.

However, from last year’s experience, I believe that these bugs can basically be fixed after the game is officially released.

general comment

Perhaps Football Manager 2024 looks a little similar to the previous generation, but only when you actually experience it can you find that its changes in all aspects have changed the whole football world. It has made some outstanding upgrades to the set-piece system, added two brand-new tactical positions for the players, and also made some fine-tuning to the transfer trading system, plus some screen improvements, which is enough to make you feel that it is different from the previous experience.

Under the premise that "Football Manager 2025" has decided to switch to the Unity engine and there are many unknown factors, perhaps "Football Manager 2024" is the best simulation football game you can play under the traditional framework.