作者归档 admin

The original "Hua Qiangu" aesthetic collapse, Xiaogu Baizi’s painting face is yellow and thin, and when he sees the killing of Qianmo, his eyes are black

In 2015, "Hua Qiangu" opened the curtain of fairy tale drama. Received a very high audience rating and became the most indelible existence in the hearts of every TV drama enthusiast.

Since then, capitalists have filmed several fairy tales one after another, but most of them are imitations of others, and it is difficult for others to achieve the same effect.

Just a few years ago, the movie version of "Hua Qiangu" began filming, and the configuration of the protagonist was also released.

But with the exception of Chen Turin and Mao Zijun, who are famous, the rest of the actors are 18 star actors selected out of thin air.

On August 11, the movie version of "Hua Qiangu" released a new trailer to warm up for the film’s release.

But it was ridiculed by netizens as a cheap version of "Hua Qiangu".

In this movie, the actor who plays Master Leng is named Li Chengbin. Compared with Huo Jianhua at the time, he still has a certain age advantage.

Unexpectedly, his charm is not half that of Huo Jianhua in the movie.

His forehead was broad and his face was serious. He did not have the generosity of an immortal cultivator, nor the compassion and love for his disciple Hua Qiangu.

Although I told a lot of truth

But in front of the audience, it becomes a long string of messy things that go in one ear and out the other.

Compared with Huo Jianhua at that time,

Li Chengbin is only a million miles away.

Huo Jianhua has always been known as a handsome man in ancient costumes. In his early years, he reached out to grab branches in the snow, while Xu Changqing used his own body to fight monsters. They were all as beautiful as immortals.

Although he was not in good condition when filming "Hua Qiangu"

This makes Bai Zi Hua look a bit pudgy.

Fortunately, his acting skills were passable, and he could still see the immortal energy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have set off such a high ratings wave back then.

Li Chengbin is as thin as

A poor-looking refugee who can lift a hand.

I really can’t imagine how he can kill demons and how he can have a sadistic relationship with the blackened Hua Qiangu.

As for Ms. Chen, who plays the heroine, there is also a lack of vibe in this film. Her face is smaller and her body is slender, which makes her more suitable for roles like Tian Huan in "Ming of the Long Moon." She has a unique feeling of an earth fairy.

But just like poor little white flower Qiangu

A little strange

Hua Qiangu was a child of an ordinary family, pure and kind, a little eccentric, and single-minded towards his master. When he turned black, he was extremely evil

Chen Turin’s face was too noble, more suitable for a role like a talented fairy. He couldn’t imagine Hua Qiangu’s charming and innocent feeling.

In addition, the costumes in this film are very poor. The clothes wrapped around the body are like layers of white screens, without texture, which does not highlight the beauty of Chen Turin.

The actor who performed the most beautiful killing Qianmo was Mao Zijun. Several years after her debut, she was still lukewarm in the film and television industry. But at least with the blessing of her acting skills, many audiences were still eagerly awaiting him.

Until all the times when I saw Sha Qianmo in front of me wearing a shoddy wig,

Everyone realized that their expectations were too high. This type of Mao Zijun did not have the same top beauty between men and women.

Instead, he looked scruffy, with a green straw in his mouth. Would anyone really call her sister?

Although the film has not yet been released, it is clear from the trailer how chaotic it is.

The adorable sugar baby in the TV show has become a weird elf here.

I look very evil when I laugh.

The set has a strong plastic texture and looks like it was filmed in a poorly built film studio.

Would you choose to dedicate a movie ticket to such a movie?

Responsible editor:

The Ministry of Transport has consulted on online car-hailing: passengers should not be picked up at airports and railway stations

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "Exposure Draft". The exposure draft proposes that the facilities configuration and vehicle performance indicators in the online taxi-hailing car should be significantly higher than that of the local mainstream cruise taxi. Drivers should wait for orders at permitted parking places, and should not cruise around to pick up customers. They should not set up unified cruise car dispatching service stations or places that implement queuing. Riders or passengers can settle by cash or non-cash payment methods; after arriving at the destination, they will take the initiative to provide passengers with the corresponding local taxi invoice.

  The public comment period is one month and ends on August 31.

  The success rate of booking a car should reach more than 80%

  On July 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to officially release the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", announcing the legalization of online car-hailing and making it clear that the new regulations will be implemented on November 1.

  Yesterday, the website of the Ministry of Transport released the "exposure draft" (hereinafter referred to as the "exposure draft"), soliciting written comments from the public for a period of one month until August 31.

  It is understood that the preparation of the specification is led by the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, and the preparation team is composed of relevant experts and personnel from industry management departments, taxi operators, and platform enterprises.

  According to Cheng Guohua, an associate researcher at the Development Center of the Institute of Highway Sciences, this specification is a recommended industry standard accompanied by two documents.

  The so-called recommended standards, also known as non-mandatory standards or voluntary standards, are not mandatory.

  The exposure draft standardizes the terms and definitions related to the operation of online booking taxis, clarifies the basic requirements of online booking taxi operators, transportation vehicles, drivers, etc., defines the service processes of online booking taxi operators and drivers respectively, and regulates the handling of special circumstances, service evaluation and complaint handling.

  The exposure draft lists five 100% indicators for online car-hailing services, including reservation response rate, vehicle compliance rate, driver compliance rate, qualified rate of operating vehicle insurance purchase, and passenger complaint handling rate.

  In addition, the success rate of ride-hailing and the passenger satisfaction rate of third-party surveys are required to be greater than or equal to 80%. For the unsatisfactory rate of passenger service evaluation, it is required to be less than 20%. The effective complaint rate of passengers is less than 20 parts per million.

  Ride-hailing drivers should not parade to pick up customers

  The State Office’s "Guiding Opinions" make it clear that taxi services mainly include cruising and online booking. According to the definition of the "Interim Measures for Administration", online car-hailing provides "non-cruising booking taxi services". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarifies that online car-hailing "In the operation of services, drivers should not cruise around to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations and other places that implement queuing to pick up customers".

  What should the driver do if the passenger does not arrive at the boarding location as agreed?

  According to the draft, the driver should contact the passenger or operator to confirm that the waiting time can be agreed upon by both parties, generally not less than 10 minutes. If the passenger has not arrived beyond the agreed waiting time, he should contact the operator and leave after approval.

  For online taxi operators, the exposure draft makes it clear that they "shall bear the liability for advance compensation for safety liability accidents that occur during the service process, and shall not transfer the risk of transportation services to passengers and drivers in any form".

  It is recommended to equip the online car with free WiFi.

  The exposure draft makes it clear that the in-car facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should be significantly higher than the local mainstream cruise taxis, and Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. should be provided for passengers to use. The "Reservation Taxi Transportation Certificate" and "Reservation Taxi Driver’s License" should be carried with the car.

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for Management" stipulate that online car-hailing should be developed in an orderly manner in accordance with the principles of high-quality service and differentiated operation. Compared with traditional cruise taxis, how to reflect "high-quality" and "differentiation"? Vehicle grade is an important aspect.

  The reporter learned that some special cars can currently meet the standards set by the regulations, but the price of express cars is significantly lower than that of cruise taxis, and cannot meet this standard. Some express drivers told reporters that charging can be provided with little effort, but providing mobile networks, bottled water, etc. will increase costs, making it difficult to provide income.

  Cheng Guohua admits that there is a clear difference between special cars and express cars at present. The "Interim Measures for Management" clearly state that online car-hailing should reflect "high quality", and the specific standards should be determined by the local area. As a whole, it should reflect the difference between new and old business formats and reflect different business ideas.

  The order should be consistent with the service vehicle personnel.

  In response to the different issues between vehicles and drivers, the exposure draft makes it clear that real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service processes should be carried out by installing on-board end points and other means to ensure that the service vehicles provided by the network service platform (also known as online) are consistent with the actual (also known as offline) service vehicles. During operation, personal biometric data such as driver portraits should be collected in real time and compared with the driver’s uploaded identity information to ensure that the online service drivers are consistent with the offline service drivers.

  Cheng Guohua introduced that online and offline inconsistencies are currently a more prominent problem in online car-hailing. For example, in May this year, a female teacher in Shenzhen was killed while riding an online car-hailing; a national electronic sports runner-up in Changsha was cut off. In reality, there are cases of defaulting vehicles receiving orders, and there are also cases where drivers take friends’ mobile phones to receive orders. The Interim Measures for Management make it clear that the platform must ensure online and offline consistency, and the registered drivers are consistent with the drivers who provide services. How to ensure this consistency? Through technological means. Cameras and other devices must be installed on the car, which are guaranteed through biometric technology.

  The reporter learned that there are some full-time online car-hailing drivers who rent cars in two shifts to engage in service. In this regard, Cheng Guohua said that the norms only stipulate the consistency between online and offline, and do not limit a car to only one platform, or only one driver per car.

  Instant ride-hailing shielding destination anti-pickup

  The exposure draft defines terms related to online ride-hailing. For example, an instant ride-hailing service is "a service with a time interval of not more than 30 minutes between the appointment time and the arrival of the vehicle at the agreed pick-up location".

  The exposure draft requires that online ride-hailing platforms "should not refuse the request of the driver to reserve a car within 3 days".

  In order to ensure the information security and personal safety of passengers, the exposure draft makes it clear that the client side application should have the following functions: personal phone encryption function, communication between passengers and drivers through technical means; "one-click call" function, when passengers are used in emergency situations, real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and driver information can be automatically sent to the network about the car operator; the evaluation results of passengers’ single service behavior should not be directly fed back to the driver.

  The reporter learned that Uber, Didi and other online car-hailing software have encrypted personal phone calls. According to Cheng Guohua, most mainstream online car-hailing software already has a "one-click call" function.

  Exposure draft proposed that for instant car service, platform push information should block the location of passengers getting off.

  Why block passengers’ destinations? Cheng Guohua explained that in traditional cruise cars, some passengers will encounter such a situation: that is, after telling the driver where to go, the driver says he can’t go, that is, the situation of refusing to pick up passengers and picking up passengers. In online ride-hailing services, if the platform lets the driver know the passenger’s destination, it provides conditions for him to pick up passengers and refuse to pick up passengers. Based on this, the platform is required to block passengers’ destinations.

  Passengers can choose to settle the fare in cash

  While almost all ride-hailing apps currently settle online, the exposure draft proposes that "upon arrival at the drop-off location, the platform should inform the ride-hailing service fee via mobile phone text message or client side app, and the ride-hailing person or passenger can settle by cash or non-cash payment."

  In this regard, Cheng Guohua explained that the regulation is made from the perspective of protecting the rights and interests of passengers. Although most online ride-hailing users accept online settlement, it is not ruled out that some passengers pay cash for the security of their bank accounts or because WeChat does not have enough money.

  Regarding invoicing, the exposure draft makes it clear that "after arriving at the destination, take the initiative to provide the corresponding local taxi invoice to the passenger, unless the group user issues it uniformly or the driver and passenger request otherwise".

  Cheng Guohua said that the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi-hailing" implement clear pricing, and provide passengers with corresponding taxi invoices ". In this regard, the exposure draft further clarified that the invoice should be a local taxi invoice. Generally speaking, taxis have to give invoices in person, that is," issue ", but there are some special circumstances in online taxi-hailing that cannot be issued on the spot, which requires" providing "invoices. These special circumstances include: for example, group users, who have charged a lot of money at one time, and the invoice has already been issued; for example, if the passenger has a request, take a taxi and save up for a period of time, and then send it at one time.

  > > Related News

  All localities should formulate detailed implementation rules for online car-hailing within 3 months

  Beijing Times News (Reporter Sha Xueliang) A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice on the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (referred to as the two documents), requiring local transportation authorities to complete the formulation of the implementation details within three months under the leadership of the city people’s government, based on the two documents and combined with local conditions.

  The notice pointed out that the two documents give the local full autonomy and policy space, local authorities to develop detailed implementation rules, not only to respond to the general concerns of the people’s personalized travel, but also to take into account the reasonable interests of taxi industry operators and employees, coordinate the demands of all parties, to ensure that the reform policy to achieve the greatest common denominator, feasible measures, strong operability. For major decisions such as the reform of the right to operate, the launch of the policy to standardize the management of online car-hailing and the transition plan, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessment, improve the emergency plan, and ensure the steady and smooth progress of various reforms.

  It is reported that the Ministry of Transport will soon convene the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), as well as the provincial capitals, cities with separate plans and some urban transportation departments with heavier reform tasks, to comprehensively interpret the two documents and supporting systems, and focus on explaining key issues. On this basis, the transportation departments of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) will conduct publicity and implementation training for the relevant comrades of the transportation departments of the cities (counties and districts) under their jurisdiction to ensure a comprehensive, accurate and in-depth understanding of the two documents.

  Beijing Times reporter Sha Xueliang

The famous singer’s concert broke out unexpectedly, and netizens angered

On the evening of April 22

Singer Joker Xue during the performance

Was shot in the face by an unknown person with a laser pointer

It caused a heated discussion among netizens for a while

Related topics are trending

On April 23, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security department was responsible for a third-party company. The police of Honggutan Public Security Bureau said that they are currently verifying and will deal with the matter as soon as possible.

The video shows a beam of green dots constantly swimming around Xue Zhiqian’s face during the concert. Xue Zhiqian covered his eyes with his hands on the stage and said: "See this green dot? He keeps shaking my eyes, ah, blind, blind, catch him, good or bad!"

In response, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security is the responsibility of a third-party company. The staff member said: "The security is not from our side, the security is a third-party company."

The police said: "We have relevant staff to understand this situation, it is under verification, and will deal with this matter. You can pay attention to the latest notice."

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the concert organizers will strengthen the inspection of the items carried by the audience to ensure that dangerous items such as laser pointers are not allowed to enter the venue. At the same time, they also call on the majority of fans to watch the performance in a civilized manner, respect the artists, and do not take actions that endanger others.

The netizens have commented one after another: disrupting order in public places and intentionally injuring, this kind of behavior is really hateful!

So, what kind of damage can a high-power laser pointer cause to the human body?

According to Yang Yong, a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the current GB7247 standard in our country divides the risk of laser to the human body into four levels, and the measurement standard is to observe the MPE of the laser on the eye in the beam of light (the maximum possible impact).

In the standard:

The output power of a first-class standard laser is less than 0.4 milliwatts, because this energy laser will not cause damage to the eyes and skin under any conditions, and will not cause harm to the human body even after focusing through the optical system. Therefore, such laser products are of a type that does not require special management.

The second-level standard laser has an output power between 0.4 milliwatts and 1 milliwatt. The reaction time for people to close their eyes is 0.25 seconds, and the exposure amount calculated during this time cannot exceed the MPE value. Usually, lasers below 1 milliwatt will cause people to experience dizziness, so such lasers cannot be used to directly irradiate the eyes, let alone observe this laser with far-sighting equipment.

Three standard laser, if the beam of light directly into the eye, will cause damage to the eye, its output power is between 1 and 500 milliwatts.

The four-stage standard laser is a high-output continuous laser with an output power greater than 500 milliwatts, which may pose a fire hazard.

Yin Yue, an attending ophthalmologist at China-Japan Friendship Hospital, told reporters that high-intensity laser light can cause some irreversible damage to the eyes. If it is irradiated on the surface of the eye, it may damage the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids and other soft tissues, causing corneal edema of the eyelid. If it is irradiated into the eye and then focused on the retina, it may damage the photoreceptor cells and pigment epithelium of the retina, causing cell death, which cannot be restored after cell death. If it is irradiated to the macula, which is very sensitive to light, it will cause permanent damage to the macula.

China Daily comprehensive news morning report, time video, netizens’ comments, etc

The 2023 Meizu Autumn Unbounded Ecological Conference was held in Wuhan

       Li Xiaohong, China Economic Times reporter

       On November 30, Xingji Meizu Group held the "2023 Meizu Autumn Boundless Ecology Conference" in Wuhan. At the meeting, Meizu 21 series flagship smartphones, MYVU smart AR glasses, Boundless ecosystem FlymeOS, the new "handcar integration" solution Flyme Link, PANDAER trend new products and many other blockbuster products were released.

Picture 1

       Shen Ziyu, chairperson and CEO of Xingji Meizu Group, said at the press conference that Xingji Meizu Group has established a business development curve of "mobile phone + XR + smart car" since its establishment. The launch of Meizu’s series of new products, the appearance of MYV brands and products, and the establishment of the FlymeOS software and hardware ecosystem interconnection system all mean that the company has entered the fast lane of development. In the future, Xingji Meizu Group will continue to promote the deep integration and super synergy of consumer electronics and automotive industries, and bring consumers technology products that integrate cutting-edge technology and extreme design to create a multi-end point, full-scene, and immersive integration experience.

Figure 22

Shen Ziyu, Chairperson and CEO of Xingji Meizu Group

       The release of Meizu 21Series of flagship smartphonesIn appearance, it has newly upgraded the Boundless Aesthetic Design 2.0, innovatively creating "Boundless Balance", creating a Meizu mobile phone with a very balanced beauty. At the same time, the 6.55-inch extremely narrow four-sided straight screen adopts the front extremely narrow border design, challenging the world’s narrowest physical four-sided Samsung flagship straight screen with 1.74mm. With the excellent feel brought by the 50:50 weight balance design and 198g/7.9mm light and thin body, it creates extraordinary beauty to the extreme and brings users an unprecedented visual and sensory new experience. In addition, Meizu 21 also has the only pure white panel design in the industry, creating "the most beautiful straight screen king of Meizu" with the unique Meizu aesthetic.

Figure 42

       In terms of interactive experience, Meizu 21 has innovatively upgraded the ring flash, fusing smart AI assistants with common scenes to create the Aicy Smart Ring. The Aicy Smart Ring has a multi-scene interactive ring light system, whether it is notification, incoming calls, charging, volume adjustment, games and other scenes, it can show the detailed care of the Aicy smart assistant to the user through colorful changes with temperature. At the same time, as a hardware extension of the Aicy smart assistant, the Aicy Smart Ring is not only a carrier of emotional value, but also an emotional link between the mobile phone and life.

Figure 132

       At the same time, in addition to the new flagship third-generation Snapdragon 8 computing power center, Meizu 21 also has an excellent 120Hz high-refresh rate Samsung flagship AMOLED screen and interactive experience Iron Triangle, which together create a comprehensive advantage experience of Meizu 21. In addition, the latest true 200 million instantaneous flagship imaging system equipped with Meizu 21, together with Samsung to jointly optimize the star flow imaging algorithm, support P3 full-link color, and use the new intelligent ISO Pro technology and multi-focal lossless zoom technology, so that the shooting experience has a qualitative leap.

1 Picture 2

       At the press conference, Xingji Meizu Group officially released the AR smart glasses brand MYVU, and launched two new all-weather fashionable AR smart glasses, MYVU Exploration Edition and MYVU. The Flyme system also ushered in a major update, officially upgraded to FlymeOS, Chinese name "Unbounded OS".

       In addition, after Xiaomi Auto, Meizu also announced its official entry into the automotive market and will "create an exclusive DreamCar for Meizu friends". Meizu announced that its first car is called "MEIZU DreamCar MX", based on the SEA architecture and Geely Industry 4.0 manufacturing capabilities, and will start the DreamCar co-creation plan in the first quarter of 2024.

       In the future, Xingji Meizu Group will continue to move forward based on the business development curve of "mobile phone + XR + smart car", Meizu will also create the ultimate technology products around FlymeOS under the concept of "love without boundaries", promote the deep integration and super synergy of consumer electronics and automotive industries, explore different directions for the development of the industry, and bring users a multi-end point, full-scene, and immersive integration experience.

Suddenly! Wang Jianlin, sold again

China Fund Journal, Taylor

Wang Jianlin is still selling.

Wang Jianlin continues to sell assets

Data show that Xiamen Dianqian Wanda Plaza Commercial Management Co., Ltd. changed its shareholding on January 16, and the company’s shareholders were changed from the joint stock company of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group to Xiamen Jinliyang Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the legal representative was changed from Gao Qian to Jinyi.

The acquisition of Xiamen Jinliyang Real Estate Co., Ltd. was established on April 13, 2011. The legal representative is Wu Chengkun. Its business scope includes commercial circulation facilities and commercial building operation and management, leasing, and property management.

Previously, there have been shareholder changes in several Wanda plazas across the country.

On January 8, Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza Business Management Co., Ltd. changed its shareholding. Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group’s joint stock company withdrew from the company’s shareholders, and Foshan Yueshang Maojing Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. held 100% of the shares. After equity penetration, Foshan Yueshang Maojing Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. was ultimately controlled by Meizhi Service Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Midea Real Estate.

Midea Real Estate responded that the assets of Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza have always been held by companies in the United States. Previously, Wanda Commercial Management was entrusted to conduct light asset management and use the Wanda brand. Wanda did not hold the assets of Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza. This transaction does not involve the transfer of assets of the square, but only the equity of the commercial management company of the square. The subsequent business operations of Foshan Shunde Wanda Plaza will be handled by Midea Real Estate.

On December 27, 2023, it was reported that the equity change had recently occurred in Shanghai Jinshan Wanda Investment Plaza. Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company withdrew from the list of shareholders of the company. The new shareholder was Suzhou Lianshang No. 2 Commercial Management Co., Ltd., and the legal representative of the company was changed from Gao Qian to Guan Zhaoyu.

On December 25 and 26, 2023, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management withdrew from the list of shareholders of Taicang Wanda Plaza Investment Co., Ltd. and Huzhou Wanda Investment Co., Ltd. The two companies added Suzhou Lianshang No. 3 Commercial Management Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Lianshang Wuhao Commercial Management Co., Ltd. as full shareholders respectively.

On December 29, 2023, the equity of Guangzhou Luogang Wanda Plaza Co., Ltd. changed, and the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group withdrew from the company’s shareholders, and Suzhou Lianshangsi Commercial Management Co., Ltd. held 100% of the shares.

According to statistics, since 2023, Wanda has gradually transferred 10 Wanda plazas. According to industry sources, according to Wang Jianlin’s previous plan, Wanda Group will sell some of its Wanda plazas nationwide in exchange for liquidity.

Wanda has sold its assets several times

In order to ease the liquidity crisis, assets such as Wanda Hotels and Wanda Film have also been sold recently.

On December 12, 2023, Wanda Film announced that the company indirectly controlled Wanda Culture Group and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Hengrun, the actual controller Wang Jianlin and Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd. signed the Equity Transfer Agreement, intending to transfer 51% of the company’s controlling shareholder Wanda Investment to Ruyi Investment, with a total transfer price of 2.155 billion yuan.

On December 22, the ownership of Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management, changed from Dalian Wanda Commercial Management to Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

On December 12, 2023, the Wanda gambling crisis was lifted. PAG and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group jointly announced the signing of a new investment agreement. PAG will work with other investors to reinvest in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management after its investment redemption period expires in 2021 and is redeemed by Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group. Existing investors invested about 38 billion RMB in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management in August 2021, of which PAG’s investment is about 2.80 billion US dollars (about 18 billion RMB). Existing investors enjoy redemption rights in the original investment arrangement.

According to the new agreement, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management holds 40% of the shares, making it the single largest shareholder. Several existing and new investors such as Pacific Alliance will participate in the investment, with a total stake of 60%. Wanda will work with Pacific Alliance and other important shareholders to further optimize the corporate governance of the company, maintain the stability of the management team, and jointly support the long-term development of the company.

The market believes that the signing of the new agreement may mean that Wanda’s huge share repurchase crisis has been temporarily lifted. However, comparing the equity data, it will be found that the shareholding ratio of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has dropped significantly, and it has "lost weight" a lot.

Step on thunder! 120 million yuan, only 4.37 million! Continue to slide to see the next one

Suddenly! Wang Jianlin, sold again, China Fund News, light touch to read the original text

China Fund Report Swipe up to see the next one

Original title: "Suddenly! Wang Jianlin, sold again"

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Sell 4 more Wanda plazas, Wang Jianlin’s asset-light strategy "ambition"

Recently, Shanghai Jinshan Wanda Plaza Investment Co., Ltd. has undergone a shareholding change. Its major shareholder has been changed from "Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group Joint Stock Company" to "Suzhou Lianshang No. 2 Commercial Management Co., Ltd." Coupled with several transactions in late 2023, Wanda has sold the assets of four Wanda Plaza and Shanghai Ruihua Hotel. By the end of 23, Wanda managed 498 large commercial centers in 227 prefecture-level and above cities across the country. It is a leader in commercial real estate. Its every move is often regarded as a bellwether by the market. After its continuous asset sales were amplified by the market, rumors spread everywhere.

According to sources close to the deal, "although the assets of Wanda Plaza were sold, the subsequent management and service of Wanda will still be carried out by Wanda, and the Wanda brand will be retained." This is the normal model of Wanda’s asset-light strategy in recent years, that is, the assets are held by the investors, and the operation and management are handled by Wanda Commercial.

Previously, it was reported that Wanda continued to sell Wanda Plaza assets, in fact, because the capital is still very tight. Considering that in mid-December, Wanda Group has reached an agreement with Pacific Alliance Investment, which not only lifted the 38 billion yuan debt problem that may be caused by the failure to list on time, but also brought in 30 billion yuan of incremental funds. It is expected that Wanda’s liquidity situation should be greatly eased. "Wanda’s recent asset transfer, in addition to the consideration of continuing to deleverage and increase asset security, should accelerate the implementation of the light asset strategy that Wanda has adhered to in recent years, should be the main reason," the above-mentioned source said.

Sale of multiple assets in a row

On December 25 and 26, 2023, Wanda Commercial managed Huzhou Wanda Plaza and Taicang Wanda Plaza, and added Suzhou Lianshang No. 3 Commercial Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Suzhou Lianshang No. 3) and Suzhou Lianshang Wuhao Commercial Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Suzhou Lianshang Wuhao) as the sole shareholders of the two companies;

On December 29, Wanda withdrew from Guangzhou Luogang Wanda Plaza Co., Ltd. and added a new shareholder, Suzhou Lianshang Commercial Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Suzhou Lianshang).

Recently, Shanghai Jinshan Wanda Plaza Investment Co., Ltd. has undergone a change in its shareholding. Its major shareholder has changed from "Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group Joint Stock Company" to "Suzhou Lianshang No. 2 Commercial Management Co., Ltd.", and the company’s legal representative has also changed from Zhang Jing to Mu Zhou.

On December 26, 2023, Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. was changed from 100% holding of Wanda Business Management to 100% holding of Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

"This is a business conduct in itself, the key is to look at the price, and sell it when the price is right," the above-mentioned source said, which is also the normal work progress of Wanda’s asset-light transformation.

Wanda continues to advance its asset-light strategy

A few years ago, Wang Jianlin had interpreted Wanda’s asset-light strategy, the core of which is to "invest in the construction of Wanda Plaza, and all the funds will be paid by others. Wanda is responsible for site selection, design, construction, investment promotion and management. The rental income generated by using the Wanda Plaza brand will be shared by Wanda and the investor in a certain proportion."

In order to achieve rapid development and focus on achieving rapid growth in business scale through brand resources and management capabilities, Wanda has adopted an asset-light model to expand its new Wanda Plaza since 2015. In recent years, it has increased the pace of asset-light development. The newly developed Wanda Plaza is basically an asset-light management model, with Wanda responsible for planning and design, construction investment, operation management, and other service output.

In 2023, Wanda will sell a number of projects such as Shanghai Songjiang Wanda Plaza, Xining Haihu Wanda Plaza, Jiangmen Taishan Wanda Plaza, and Shanghai Wanda Ruihua Hotel, and the follow-up operation rights will still be reserved by Wanda Commercial Management. "This is an important step in Wanda’s asset-light strategy, and it will also help Wanda focus more on improving its commercial asset-light operation and management capabilities," said a market analyst.

Wanda Commercial’s profitability is good

Previously, some media analyzed that Wanda sold commercial assets because the real business was greatly impacted by the network economy, and Wanda Plaza no longer made money from rental income. Therefore, Wanda had to "cut off its arm to survive" and "stop losses in time".

However, according to public data, since 2021, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management (the main body of Wanda Plaza operation) has exceeded the performance target for three consecutive years. The after-tax income in 2021 is 23.50 billion yuan, 27.10 billion yuan in 2022, and 29.30 billion yuan in 2023 (estimated). The average annual growth rate is about 12%. The after-tax profit in 2021 is 5.30 billion yuan, 7.50 billion yuan in 2022, and 9.50 billion yuan in 2023 (estimated). The annual growth rate is 34%. In the past three years, the company has paid a total of about 10 billion yuan in taxes, and the dividends to shareholders are 4.60 billion yuan in 2021, 6.70 billion yuan in 2022, and 8.50 billion yuan in 2023 (estimated).

"From the above data, it is clear that the operating efficiency of Wanda Plaza is still growing. On the one hand, this is due to the positive trend of China’s overall social and economic recovery, and on the other hand, it is also inseparable from the implementation of Wanda’s asset-light strategy." By uniting strong investors, Wanda can export its brand and operational capabilities, and achieve high-speed growth without investing a lot of money.

It is expected that with this round of readjustment of the layout, Wanda will place more emphasis on exporting brands and management. Asset transfer is in line with its active deleveraging, debt reduction, and asset-light development strategy, which will help to improve the return on assets. Wanda’s asset-light model is also being optimized.

(Note: This article belongs to the commercial information published on the Central Broadcasting Network. The content of the article does not represent the views of this website and is for reference only)

Release next week! Meizu 21 performance official announcement: the most Meizu-flavored third-generation Snapdragon 8


Star Meizu Group Chairperson and CEO Shen Ziyu announced today that the new mobile phone Meizu 21 will be equipped with the industry’s strongest third-generation Snapdragon 8 processor for the first time. The new machine launch will be held on November 30. It is worth mentioning that Meizu said that the third-generation Snapdragon 8 will be uniquely tuned to bring better battery life and equipped with OneMind 10.5 intelligent adjustment system. In terms of performance, the first…

Original Entertainment quarreled again, this time it was all due to Yang Mi?

#Entertainment Critics Award #

Hello, my name is Ma Xiangyu.

Recently, Yang Mi and Tang Yan’s fans quarreled.

The reason is that Yang Mi hinted at Tang Yan’s famous scenes in the variety show.

Then he went on a hot search, attracting melons from the whole network.

Many netizens have speculated whether the two former best friends are going to remarry?

As a result, before the protagonist could speak, the fans began to make a fuss.

The two fans shared their performances, their opponents’ dark pictures, dark histories, and various battles.

One party scolded the other twice and stabbed his girlfriend in the back.

The other party called him hypocritical, disgusting, and would only rub people’s eyes.

So many netizens ridiculed the two as being like plastic sisters.

At the same time, the topic of "Is there true friendship in the entertainment industry" has also aroused a lot of discussion among netizens.

So let’s talk about it today.

For inner entertainment, there are still many impressive feelings of girlfriendliness.

Taking Yang Mi as an example, in addition to Tang Yan in the early days, there is also Liu Shishi who is now remarried.

The two got to know Xianjian III because of their collaboration.

Because they were all Beijing girls with similar personalities, they gradually became good friends.

After the filming of the movie, the two went on a trip with the crew.

During this time, they were more like conjoined twins, glued to each other every day, leaving behind many photos.

And in various large-scale events, the two have no scruples and always show their friendship generously.

They always get together and laugh.

Or in front of the camera, they generously raise their hands and hold hands.

As a result, the two also had an early CP fan "Miss".

It was also recognized by Yang Mi himself, which made many fans crazy.

After the two remarried, they sprinkled sugar every day.

Liu Shishi paid a low-key visit to Yang Mi, and the two walked side by side, chatting while walking.

Before leaving, Yang Mi had to personally send Liu Shishi to the car.

The two were still reluctant to part, chatting through the window.

Once they are free, they will go for walks, climb mountains, and take pictures of each other.

And at various large-scale events, they often hold hands and show extra intimacy.

As for birthdays every year, mutual blessings are indispensable.

Moreover, they would also affectionately call each other "Amo".

The same goes for Zhao Liying and Xie Na.

In the variety show "Idol is Coming" many years ago, the two "don’t know each other if they don’t fight."

But after a long time of contact, they found that they actually hit it off.

Those who have no background and have suffered can easily recruit black people.

Therefore, the two began to hug each other for warmth and cherish each other.

Because of Xie Na’s existence, Zhao Liying, who has always been a little cautious about the camera, can feel at ease. Let the naked eye see a lot of natural relaxation.

And Zhao Liying will deliberately reject all of Xie Na’s work.

First help Zhang Jie shooting new song MV, and then to Xie Na comeback debut call.

At that time, the relationship between the eldest brother and the second brother moved many netizens.

But at the same time, there are too many friendships that can be broken at a touch.

For example, Fan Weiqi and Zhang Shaohan many years ago.

At that time, one of the two people had already become famous, while the other was still unknown and unknown.

Therefore, Zhang Shaohan tried every means to use her fame to help Fan Weiqi.

Not only did he often participate in shows, but he was also invited to be his own concert guest.

Unexpectedly, all of this did not have a happy ending.

When Zhang Shaohan stopped working due to illness and went abroad for treatment, she was betrayed by everyone.

My mother spread rumors about her taking drugs, drinking, abandoning her parents…

As a result, his career was suspended and he hit rock bottom.

Fan Weiqi, a good sister, not only did not defend Zhang Shaohan, but instead followed the trend.

Remove his original endorsement, turn his face directly, and draw a clear line with him:

"Those who do not honor their parents are definitely not good people."

As a result, the good sisters who were originally envied by everyone became so distant.

Then there was Yang Mi and Tang Yan.

The two often post photos of each other online to express their love.

When Tang Yan was betrayed, Yang Mi would tear apart the person who betrayed his heart and support him in various ways.

Even at her own wedding, she only invited Tang Yan as her bridesmaid.

As a result, many call them "China’s best friends."

But no matter how good a friendship is, it will always become vulnerable in the face of interests.

First of all, the two played Zhao Mosheng simultaneously in "Why Sheng Xiao Mo".

A TV series version, a movie version.

It is inevitable that the two will always be picked for comparison.

Subsequently, Confucian artist Di Lizheba participated in "Carat Lovers".

It turned out that the other party was more eye-catching than the heroine Tang Yan, and all kinds of complaining made her at a loss.

Then, the relationship between Yang Mi and Tang Yan began to become subtle.

And when Yang Mi became popular because of "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom", Tang Yan Studio even praised a Weibo that complained that it was not as good as Tang Yan.

Yang Mi did not fall behind, and quickly praised Tang Yan on Weibo for buying a navy.

From then on, the friendship between the two was completely frozen.

Even when they met at an event, the two pretended to be unfamiliar.

So much so that the public has always believed that there is no true emotion in the entertainment industry.

Every time a celebrity shows girlfriendliness, they are always questioned and speculated.

I thought it was just a plastic friendship, all for hype marketing.

So is there really no true emotion in inner entertainment?

Not really. It’s just that for some celebrities, they are willing to spend time guarding this friendship, and they don’t want to be tainted with too much suspicion.

Therefore, they will not easily promote their friendship.

For example, Sun Lireiza.

They rarely interact in front of people and rarely mention each other.

In the eyes of many netizens, the two are just colleagues who used to work with "Empresses in the Palace".

When Reiza won the Feitian Award, we found that Sun Li was already in tears in the audience.

You know, both of them were nominated for Best Actress this time, so they should be competitors.

But after learning of her award, Sun Li did not feel jealous or dissatisfied, but shed tears of joy for her friend.

The two compete with each other and cherish each other.

Only then did I know that the two actually established a deep friendship from "Empresses in the palace".

Reiza’s condition was very poor. When she fell into a deep depression, Sun Li was by her side to encourage her.

Reiza caused too little milk during breastfeeding and filming.

Sun Li will arrange a lot of milking supplements for her soon and tell her to pay attention to her body.

Reiza also cherishes the friendship between the two very much.

As early as a few years ago, Sun Li was already a big flower who starred in many popular dramas, and her popularity among passers-by was also extremely good.

At that time, Reiza was still just a minor star in the third and fourth tiers, and was often hacked by the entire network.

Even so, Reiza is unwilling to use their friendship to hype his popularity.

On the contrary, he never mentioned the matter, unwilling to drag it into a dispute.

It was not until she won the title of Feitian Movie Queen that she was willing to express her gratitude to Sun Li in front of the camera.

And she did it because she wanted to protect that friendship.

I don’t want it to be tainted with fame and fortune.

Of course, we are not saying that only hidden friendships are genuine.

For example, the re-employment boy group, Zhang Xiaofei and Jia Ling…

They met in Weimo and worked together to support each other’s growth.

Therefore, they all witnessed and accompanied each other through their struggles.

Ultimately, they made each other and met at the peak.

Among them, the quality and authenticity of the relationship can be seen at a glance.

You see, inner entertainment is not without a sense of authenticity.

It’s just that some people choose to protect silently, while others choose to walk hand in hand.

As for those who use their girlfriends’ love to gain traffic and popularity, they can’t escape the eyes of the public.

Just like the current Fan Weiqi.

Whenever it is mentioned, it is always scolded as a white-eyed wolf and a backstab master.

As a result, his popularity and reputation completely collapsed.

Responsible editor:

Nongfu Spring and the media’s "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Nongfu ****** quarreled with the ******* Times, ******* News and other media over the issue ** bottled water standards. Nongfu ****** has published full-page advertisements in major media since April, insisting that the water quality ** its products is fine. The media, on the other hand, took the water quality standard loophole ** Nongfu ****** as a breakthrough and continuously reported heavily.

Drinking water, tap water, natural spring water, mineral water… The two sides were at odds, but consumers were confused.

Nongfu Spring and the media currently disagree.

The media criticized the "water quality standards" – the internal production standards ** Nongfu ******, and the local drinking water standards in Zhejiang Province, where the company is located, which are lower than the national standards. On May 3, the ******* News published an article titled "How many secrets are there in bottled water that are not known to the public?". The article said that the local standards (landmarks) in Zhejiang Province that Nongfu ****** refers to are obviously inferior to the national standard for tap water, which has been criticized by public opinion. The article asked: "Zhejiang landmarks that should have been’abolished by themselves’ five years ago have been used by enterprises for many years. Have the relevant enterprises and departments committed negligence or even illegal acts?"

So far, a number ** provinces, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong and Hebei, have issued local standards for "mountain ****** water," some called "natural ****** water" and some called "natural mountain ****** water." In fact, the country has already formulated national standards for "natural mineral water," but localities have established "mountain ****** water" landmarks. Some mountain ****** water landmarks have looser requirements for mineral content, The ******* News said.

Nongfu Spring insists that the "actual water quality" of its products meets the standards. The company published a full-page statement in the Oriental Morning Post and Jiefang Daily on May 3 with the sad headline – "People are doing it, the sky is watching".

Nongfu Spring stressed in the statement that the quality of its products is not only better than GB5749 (National Drinking Water Standard), but also better than the US FDA Bottled Drinking Water Quality Standard.

The two sides seem to be "the donkey’s head is not right," and they are not talking about the same thing: one talks about low standards, and the other says that the actual production quality is no problem.

So far, there has been no test report on the actual water quality of Nongfu Spring. Things have become a bit absurd: if the water quality of Nongfu Spring is indeed better than the national standard and "landmark", why not directly modify the company’s production standards? But on the other hand, if the water of Nongfu Spring is indeed substandard, isn’t it the most direct response for the media to buy a bottle of water and send it to the testing agency to get a report?

This war of words has been quarreling for more than a month, but the two sides did not show a fatal "trump card", which really confused ordinary consumers.

The dispute over the "standard door" of Nongfu Spring originated from a press conference.

On April 9, China Resources Yibao Pure Water took the lead in launching the "China Bottled Water corporate social responsibility proposal" in the sunshine hall of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. At this meeting, Chen Yue, general manager of China Resources Yibao’s public relations department, read the "proposal" as a corporate representative, and called on industry colleagues to take the initiative to take responsibility for the environment, society and people’s drinking water safety.

The next day, an article in the ******* Times "Nongfu ****** is accused ** being inferior to tap water" pushed Nongfu ****** to the forefront ** public opinion. In response, Nongfu ****** issued a statement saying that the quality ** Nongfu ******’s drinking natural water products has always been higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country; Nongfu ****** has reason to believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is China Resources Yibao.

According to Nongfu Spring, as early as March 22, China Resources Yibao launched a text advertisement to chronicle all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The slogan pointed directly at Nongfu Spring.

"This is Nongfu Spring taking the right seat, and it has nothing to do with China Resources Yibao," Chen Yue said in an interview with China Times on April 16. "If you are right, you will not be afraid of others saying it. They always take the right seat, and there is nothing we can do." Chen Yue said that China Resources Yibao has officially sued Nongfu Spring in the Nanshan District Court of Shenzhen, and it only costs 1 yuan in terms of economic claims, mainly to restore reputation.

Nongfu Spring and the media's "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Market competition? Media marketing?

The New Financial Observer quoted data provided by China Investment Consulting on April 21, saying that the top three brands in the drinking water industry are Master Kong, Nongfu Spring, and Wahaha, with a market share of 23%, 22%, and 18%.

"In recent years, the domestic bottled water market has been relatively stable. Due to the strong grasp of channels by major companies and the lack of major moves in products, its market share has not changed significantly," Jian Aihua, a food industry researcher at CIC Consulting, told New Finance.

"Nongfu Spring has developed very rapidly in the past two years, and problems will only occur because of the rapid development." The above observers believe.

In the fiercely competitive bottled water market, Nongfu Spring has always been a master marketer. The slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet" is well known. Unfortunately, this advertising slogan, which has brought many benefits to Nongfu Spring, was also brought to court by a consumer in Yangzhou in 2002. According to media reports, the consumer believed that Nongfu Spring did not have the "sweet" taste as the advertising slogan said, so he demanded compensation of 1 yuan. The court held that Nongfu Spring Company did not give a clear answer to the "sweet" in the advertisement, so it should compensate the plaintiff for the loss of postage and transportation costs due to rights protection. Because of the loss of the lawsuit, Nongfu Spring had to give up the use of this advertising slogan.

Nongfu Spring has also benefited from the media marketing wars.

On April 24, 2000, Yangshengtang, the parent company of Nongfu Spring, announced that it had stopped producing purified water that year because "experiments have shown that purified water is not good for health". Nongfu Spring’s advertisement also demonstrated the comparison of purified water and natural water, and concluded that purified water is not good for health. The move caused a strong reaction in China’s drinking water industry and opened the war over the source (species) of packaged drinking water in China.

At that time, the Chinese bottled water market was still dominated by companies such as Wahaha and Robust.

On August 6, 2008, the "Daily Economic News" took the lead in publishing an unconfirmed online article reporting that "Master Kong’s mineral water source is actually tap water", revealing the whole incident.

The relevant person in charge of the public relations department of Master Kong said that the mineral water produced by Master Kong’s Hangzhou production base is indeed filtered by the urban tap water through the water filtration system. The Master Kong water source incident immediately attracted widespread attention from Beijing, Shanghai and other media, and the media report escalated.

On August 8, 2008, Master Kong Holdings Co., Ltd. published the "Instructions for Master Kong Drinking Mineral Water" for the first time on its official website: "The’drinking mineral water ‘produced by the company is based on pure water and adds mineral raw materials that meet the national standard of’food additives and nutritional additives’, which fully meets the definition of the category of’drinking mineral water ‘in the national standard GB10789 Beverage General Rules. At the same time, considering product safety and hygiene, the company uses water sources, whether using tap water, groundwater or other natural water, in line with the national standard GB5749’Drinking Water Hygiene Standard’."

On September 2, 2008, a month after the "Water Source" scandal lasted, the top executives of water industry giant Tingyi attended a press conference for the first time, and publicly apologized to the invited media in Beijing and Tianjin for the cognitive difference caused by the "selection of high-quality water" in the advertisement of mineral water products. But the Daily Economic News immediately commented on the incident with the theme of insincere apology.

The media has been at the forefront of food safety issues, providing supervision services for ordinary consumers and gaining newspapers a position beyond commercial interests.

However, on May 2, "******* Business Daily" inferred that Nongfu ****** was "a lot ** unsalable" based on the "9.9 yuan/box" exchange promotion information in the supermarket, and the product "few people care about it, and the goods are covered with a layer ** ash." It is a little doubtful that such an inference is too arbitrary.

How will this Nongfu ****** "standard door" end? If the ******* Times can’t catch the actual water quality problem ** Nongfu ******’s products, this battle over "standards" seems to have no direct relationship with ordinary consumers. The only certainty is that this "water battle" between Nongfu ****** and the media will continue tomorrow. If the victory ** the media can be exchanged for the victory ** the people’s interests, it will be the best ending.

Monopoly desktop starts from the input method Tencent QQ is about to join the competition

    This title may be more like a slogan, but it is the truth. After the turmoil of Google’s "Thesaurus Gate" at the beginning of the year, another new input method is about to be widely promoted among Internet users. Last week, Tencent confirmed that its "QQ input method" has entered the invitation beta stage (bete version). Although the function is slightly simple, don’t forget the huge number of users of QQ.

    From Wangma Wubi and Microsoft Pinyin, to the later flourishing Ziguang Pinyin and Pinyin Plus, to Sohu’s Sogou input method, Google’s Google input method, and now QQ and Baidu have to launch their own input methods. The reason why these IT industry bosses are eyeing this threshold level of input programs is that the purpose is very simple – to occupy the user’s desktop, and ultimately through the input method, which is a highly sticky product, to transfer users to other product lines of their own as much as possible.

    The Forgotten Ultimate Weapon

    Wang Yongmin, the inventor of the Wubi font, may have been the first to realize the value of the input method, but at the beginning, the charm or power of the input method was far from being accepted by the world.

    Even Wang Yongmin himself did not realize the terrible commercial value behind "share". After occupying more than 50% of the national market – even as high as 90% in southern cities where Mandarin pinyin is not yet standard and popular – Wang Yongmin poured all his energy into the improvement and development of the input method itself, but failed to achieve greater breakthroughs.

    In the beginning, Wubi Font hoped to make a small profit by charging licensing fees, but the hard-core target of Windows Chinese OEMs was smart ABC. In 1998, with the popularity of the Internet, input methods could be easily implanted in the operating system. In that "new economy" era, new input methods such as Pinyin Star, Universal Code and Smart Wubi appeared, but in the end, none of them achieved great success for similar reasons.

    In fact, when the Internet was just starting, there were five-stroke input method training in various computer introductory courses. So many people mistakenly think that five-stroke is the only input method for Chinese characters, and if you want to type with a computer, you must memorize the root. But today it is no longer a simple software product, but has become a multi-purpose Internet client side tool through close integration with internet companies.

    Wang Yongmin began to awaken on June 26, 2004, when he replaced the original complex root with 5 numbers from 1 to 5, and directly proposed the concept of "letting Chinese people’s mobile phones use Chinese people’s own input method". Only then is he believed to have realized the commercial value behind the input method for the first time.

    Input method becomes the "pioneer officer" of desktop competition

    The dispute between Sohu and Google over the input method also stems from the commercial value behind it. Because according to Sohu’s idea, the input results are integrated with the search engine, and the most popular words are dynamically transferred from the commonly used search thesaurus to improve the user experience. For example, by entering "laptop" and clicking "search", all pages about laptops will appear, which can increase page traffic on the one hand, and on the other hand is one of the origins of the media value in the eyes of advertisers.

    The internet has given input methods the opportunity to knock on users’ desktops, but the intervention of portals has instantly changed the rules of the game. In June 2006, Sohu launched the Sogou input method as a representative of Zhang Chaoyang’s "return to technology-driven" philosophy.

    But the question ****** the relationship between occupying the table and generating revenue really that simple?

    One of the most commonly used examples is that Microsoft has occupied more than 90% of the world’s computer monitor desktops, so Microsoft has become the world’s largest software company by market value; Tencent’s QQ has occupied more than 90% of the desktops of Internet users in China, so Tencent is one of the largest internet companies in China by market value. In this IT2.0 era, "desktop" has become the frontier battlefield of these IT giants, and the input law has assumed the role of "pioneer officer".

    In fact, in less than a year, the Sogou input method was rapidly popularized by the influence of the portal, and Sohu began to be handy in this field, and even began to develop input methods in different application environments. At this moment, the input method has been considered a new type of client side, used to stick users, and on this basis derived new value-added services.

    The competition moves from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

    According to the principle of traditional newspaper editing, the position in the upper left corner is the first to be noticed, so it is often referred to as the headline position.

    By the same token, icons on the desktop to the left of the display were originally the first choice for "occupying the desktop". Almost 99% of commercial software now prompts when installed that a software launch icon called a shortcut will be created on the desktop. Even when Kingsoft announced its entry into Japan last year, its CEO Lei Jun said with pride that Kingsoft’s software "provides three shortcuts on the Japanese version of the desktop, which is very important for the success of the entry into Japan".

    But it’s not easy to "occupy the left side" – ordinary users often don’t even know the random software that comes with it. If there is no real need, how many people will try to buy new software? If not for this reason, why should rogue software make themselves so difficult to delete?

    The intense competition in the upper left corner may reflect to some extent the preciousness of the location where the input method icon is located – in the "lower right corner", a field that is not obvious and can record user behavior at the same time, providing free input method downloads is undoubtedly the best way.

    Of course, the most important problem is that the input method itself is needed by the vast majority of users. After the function is perfected, it is one of the sufficient conditions to improve the user experience to continuously enhance the convenience and accuracy of user information interaction; while the value that the rogue software can provide to the user itself is almost zero, and it will also seriously cause users’ disgust and dissatisfaction. This is why the rogue software will have "everyone shouting" today, and even if the input method is designed to jump out of advertisements in the future, it may not be as annoying as the rogue software.

    Sohu CEO Zhang Chaoyang said that the key to the problem is that whether the input method is good or the client side, a certain product must be designed from the user’s needs first, rather than from the company’s needs.

    Of course, for Sohu, the Sogou Pinyin input method is an effective way to occupy the user’s desktop. But there is a premise that "provides value to users" rather than uninvited like rogue software. In addition, there is not only one way to occupy the user’s desktop, but how to provide users with more valuable services after occupying the desktop, and ultimately convert users into valuable users of the entire website, is the root of the problem. (Reporter, Peng Wu)

Editor in charge: Li Erqing